迎 ⇒
欢迎 huānyíng, [歡迎], to welcome/welcome
迎接 yíngjiē, to meet/to welcome/to greet
迎来 迎 yíng, to welcome/to meet/to face/to forge ahead (esp. in the face of difficulties)
迎合 yínghé, to cater to/to pander to
迎战 yíngzhàn, [迎戰], to meet the enemy head-on
迎刃而解 yíngrènérjiě, lit. (bamboo) splits when it meets the knife's edge (idiom)/fig. easily solved
迎面 yíngmiàn, directly/head-on (collision)/in one's face (of wind)
迎宾 yíngbīn, [迎賓], to welcome a guest/to entertain a customer (of prostitute)
迎娶 yíngqǔ, (of a groom) to escort the bride to the wedding ceremony/fig. to take as one's w...
迎头赶上 yíngtóugǎnshàng, [迎頭趕上], to try hard to catch up
迎风 yíngfēng, [迎風], in the wind/facing the wind/downwind
迎头 yíngtóu, [迎頭], to meet head-on/face-to-face/directly
欢迎会 迎难而上 迎击 yíngjī, [迎擊], to face an attack/to repulse the enemy
迎面而来 yíngmiànérlái, [迎面而來], directly/head-on (collision)/in one's face (of wind)
迎新会 迎春 迎头痛击 yíngtóutòngjī, [迎頭痛擊], to deliver a frontal assault/to meet head-on (idiom)
逢迎 féngyíng, to fawn on/to ingratiate oneself/(literary) to meet face to face
笑脸相迎 xiàoliǎnxiāngyíng, [笑臉相迎], to welcome sb with a smiling face (idiom)
迎春花 yíngchūnhuā, winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum)
出迎 chūyíng, to greet/to go out to meet
夹道欢迎 jiādàohuānyíng, [夾道歡迎], to line the streets in welcome
欢迎辞 恭迎 迎候 迎新 yíngxīn, to see in the New Year/to welcome new guests/by extension, to receive new studen...
迎清子 迎贵 辞旧迎新
接 ⇒
接 jiē, to receive/to answer (the phone)/to meet or welcome sb/to connect/to catch/to jo...
接受 jiēshòu, to accept/to receive
直接 zhíjiē, direct (opposite: indirect 間接|间接[jiàn jiē])/immediate/straightforward
接着 jiēzhe, [接著], to catch and hold on/to continue/to go on to do sth/to follow/to carry on/then/a...
接近 jiējìn, to approach/to get close to
接到 jiēdào, to receive (letter etc)
接触 jiēchù, [接觸], to touch/to contact/access/in touch with
接下来 jiēxiàlái, [接下來], to accept/to take/next/following
接吻 jiēwěn, to kiss
连接 liánjiē, [連接], to link/to join/to attach/connection/a link (on web page)
接手 jiēshǒu, to take over (duties etc)/catcher (baseball etc)
接通 jiētōng, to connect/to put through
迎接 yíngjiē, to meet/to welcome/to greet
接管 jiēguǎn, to take over/to assume control
接收 jiēshōu, reception (of transmitted signal)/to receive/to accept/to admit/to take over (e....
接待 jiēdài, to receive (a visitor)/to admit (allow sb to enter)
接替 jiētì, to replace/to take over (a position or post)
接球 jiēqiú, to receive a served ball (volleyball, tennis etc)/to catch a ball thrown by sb
接头 jiētóu, [接頭], to join/to connect/connection/junction/fitting (plumbing)/connector/terminal (el...
接纳 jiēnà, [接納], to admit (to membership)
间接 jiànjiē, [間接], indirect
接待员 jiēdàiyuán, [接待員], receptionist
接生 jiēshēng, to deliver (a newborn child)
接线员 jiēxiànyuán, [接線員], switchboard operator
接入 jiērù, to access (a network)/to insert (a plug) into (a socket)
转接 zhuǎnjiē, [轉接], switch/connection/to put through (to telephone extension)
接见 jiējiàn, [接見], to receive sb/to grant an interview
接收器 jiēshōuqì, receiver
紧接着 接口 jiēkǒu, interface/port/connector
接种 jiēzhòng, [接種], to vaccinate/to inoculate
接线 jiēxiàn, [接線], wiring/to connect a wire
交接 jiāojiē, (of two things) to come into contact/to meet/to hand over to/to take over from/t...
接应 jiēyìng, [接應], to provide support/to come to the rescue
焊接 hànjiē, to weld/welding
接班人 jiēbānrén, successor
接连 jiēlián, [接連], on end/in a row/in succession
接送 jiēsòng, picking up and dropping off/greeting and sending off/shuttle (transport service)
接力 jiēlì, relay
接过 jiēguò, [接過], to take (sth proffered)
剪接 jiǎnjiē, film-editing/montage/to cut or edit film
接任 jiērèn, to take over (as minister, manager etc)
接待处 接合 jiēhé, to connect/to join/to assemble
接踵而至 接二连三 jiēèrliánsān, [接二連三], one after another (idiom)/in quick succession
联接 liánjiē, [聯接], variant of 連接|连接[lián jiē]
接踵而来 jiēzhǒngérlái, [接踵而來], to come one after the other
接班 jiēbān, to take over (from those working the previous shift)/to take over (in a leadersh...
接力赛 jiēlìsài, [接力賽], relay race/CL:場|场[chǎng]
再接再厉 zàijiēzàilì, [再接再厲], to continue the struggle (idiom); to persist/unremitting efforts
衔接 xiánjiē, [銜接], to join together/to combine
对接 duìjiē, [對接], to join up/to dock/a joint (between components)
接收者 嫁接 jiàjiē, to graft (a branch to a rootstock)
传宗接代 chuánzōngjiēdài, [傳宗接代], to carry on one's ancestral line
拼接 pīnjiē, to put together/to join
交头接耳 jiāotóujiēěr, [交頭接耳], to whisper to one another's ear
接待室 jiēdàishì, reception room
接壤 jiērǎng, to border on
连接器 liánjiēqì, [連接器], connector
接洽 jiēqià, to discuss a matter with sb/to get in touch with/to arrange
接地 jiēdì, earth (electric connection)/to earth
应接不暇 yìngjiēbùxiá, [應接不暇], more than one can attend to (idiom)/deluged (with inquiries etc)/overwhelmed (by...
接连不断 jiēliánbùduàn, [接連不斷], in unbroken succession (idiom)
短兵相接 duǎnbīngxiāngjiē, lit. short-weaponed soldiery fight one another (idiom); fierce hand-to-hand infa...
待人接物 dàirénjiēwù, the way one treats people
接货 接续 jiēxù, [接續], to follow/to continue
相接 xiāngjiē, to merge with/interlinking/to join with/to interlock
接风 jiēfēng, [接風], to hold a welcoming dinner or reception
接力棒 jiēlìbàng, relay baton/(fig.) responsibilities (passed over to one's successor)
承接 chéngjiē, to receive/to accept/to carry on
接诊 接济 jiējì, [接濟], to give material assistance to
紧接 jǐnjiē, [緊接], immediately adjacent/immediately following/to follow closely on
接轨 jiēguǐ, [接軌], railtrack connection/to integrate into sth/to dock/to connect/to be in step with...
接警 接骨 接点 jiēdiǎn, [接點], (electrical) contact
接收站 连接符 交接班 jiāojiēbān, to change shift
连接线 接风洗尘 接地线 接收机 jiēshōujī, [接收機], receiver/TV or radio receiver
摩肩接踵 mójiānjiēzhǒng, lit. rubbing shoulders and following in each other's footsteps/a thronging crowd
接茬 接线箱 接办 移花接木 yíhuājiēmù, lit. to graft flowers onto a tree/to surreptitiously substitute one thing for an...
接生员 接运 接踵 jiēzhǒng, to follow on sb's heels
接气 接待站 接火