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[萬國碼] wànguómǎ Unicode
also written 統一碼

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Word Compounds

        Mò/Wàn/wàn, [萬], see 万俟[Mò qí], surname Wan, ten thousand/a great number
        qiānwàn, [千萬], ten million/countless/many/one must by all means
        wànyī, [萬一], just in case/if by any chance/contingency
        bǎiwàn, [百萬], million/millions
        wànsuì, [萬歲], Long live (the king, the revolution etc)!/Your Majesty/His Majesty
        yǐfángwànyī, [以防萬一], to guard against the unexpected (idiom); just in case/prepared for any eventuali...
        chéngqiānshàngwàn, [成千上萬], lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom); untold numbers/innumerable/...
        shíwàn, [十萬], hundred thousand
        wànnéng, [萬能], omnipotent/all-purpose/universal
        wànfēn, [萬分], very much/extremely/one ten thousandth part
亿         yìwàn, [億萬], millions and millions
        wànwù, [萬物], all living things
        wànshì, [萬事], all things
        shùbǎiwàn, [數百萬], several million
        qiānzhēnwànquè, [千真萬確], absolutely true (idiom)/manifold/true from many points of view
        bǎiwànfùwēng, [百萬富翁], millionaire
        wànwúyīshī, [萬無一失], surefire; absolutely safe (idiom)
        shàngwàn, [上萬], over ten thousand/fig. untold numbers/innumerable/thousands upon thousands
        wànshìtōng, [萬事通], jack-of-all-trades/know-it-all
        wànè, [萬惡], everything that is evil
        shíwànhuǒjí, [十萬火急], most urgent/posthaste/express
        wànshìdàjí, [萬事大吉], everything is fine (idiom); all is well with the world
        wànwàn, [萬萬], absolutely/wholly
        qiānxīnwànkǔ, [千辛萬苦], to suffer untold hardships (idiom); trials and tribulations/with difficulty/afte...
        qiānyánwànyǔ, [千言萬語], thousands of words (idiom); having a lot of things to say/talking nonstop
        qiānqiānwànwàn, [千千萬萬], lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom); untold numbers/innumerable/...
        wànqiān, [萬千], myriad/multitudinous/multifarious
        wànzhòngyīxīn, [萬眾一心], millions of people all of one mind (idiom); the people united
        shùnxīwànbiàn, [瞬息萬變], in an instant a myriad changes (idiom); rapid substantial change
        Wànbǎolù, [萬寶路], Marlboro (cigarette)
        shùyǐwànjì, [數以萬計], tens of thousands/numerous
        wànshìrúyì, [萬事如意], to have all one's wishes (idiom)/best wishes/all the best/may all your hopes be ...
        wànniánqīng, [萬年青], Nippon lily (Rohdea japonica)
        wànjiébùfù, [萬劫不復], consigned to eternal damnation/with no hope of reprieve
        yāochánwànguàn, [腰纏萬貫], lit. ten thousand strings of cash in money belt (idiom); carrying lots of money/...
        shùwàn, [數萬], several tens of thousands/many thousand
        yíchòuwànnián, [遺臭萬年], to have one's name go down in history as a byword for infamy (idiom)
        wànhuātǒng, [萬花筒], kaleidoscope
        qiānsīwànlǚ, [千絲萬縷], linked in countless ways
        Wànnián, [萬年], Wannian county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi
        wànjīnyóu, [萬金油], Tiger Balm (medicine)/jack of all trades (and master of none)(slang)
        wànlàijùjì, [萬籟俱寂], not a sound to be heard (idiom)
        bāoluówànxiàng, [包羅萬象], all-embracing/all-inclusive
        wànbān, [萬般], every kind/manifold/extremely
        WànlǐChángchéng, [萬里長城], the Great Wall
        wànguàn, [萬貫], ten thousand strings of cash/very wealthy/millionaire
        wànmín, [萬民], all the people
        qiānbiànwànhuà, [千變萬化], countless changes/constant permutation
        qiāntóuwànxù, [千頭萬緒], plethora of things to tackle/multitude of loose ends/very complicated/chaotic
        qiāndāowànguǎ, [千刀萬剮], to make mincemeat of sb/to hack sb to pieces (used while cursing)
        wànniànjùhuī, [萬念俱灰], every hope turns to dust (idiom); completely disheartened
        qíngkōngwànlǐ, [晴空萬里], a clear and boundless sky
        wànyǒuyǐnlì, [萬有引力], gravity
        qiānjiāwànhù, [千家萬戶], every family (idiom)
        wànnán, [萬難], countless difficulties/extremely difficult/against all odds
        Wànxiàng/wànxiàng, [萬象], Vientiane, capital of Laos, every manifestation of nature
        wànrénkōngxiàng, [萬人空巷], the multitudes come out from everywhere, emptying every alleyway (to celebrate)/...
        wànjiādēnghuǒ, [萬家燈火], (of a city etc) ablaze with lights
        wànshuǐqiānshān, [萬水千山], ten thousand crags and torrents (idiom); the trials and tribulations of a long j...
        jīngkǒngwànzhuàng, [驚恐萬狀], convulsed with fear (idiom)
        qiānjūnwànmǎ, [千軍萬馬], magnificent army with thousands of men and horses (idiom); impressive display of...
        wànguó, [萬國], all nations
        Wànxiàn, [萬縣], Wanxian port city on the Changjiang or Yangtze river in Sichuan, renamed Wanzhou...
        wànzǐqiānhóng, [萬紫千紅], thousands of purples and reds (idiom); a blaze of color/fig. a profusion of flou...
        qiānchāwànbié, [千差萬別], manifold diversity
        wànguànjiācái, [萬貫家財], vast wealth
        Yēlièwàn, [耶烈萬], Yerevan, capital of Armenia/also written 埃里溫|埃里温[Āi lǐ wēn]
        Sāiwàntísī, [塞萬提斯], Cervantes/abbr. for 米格爾·德·塞萬提斯·薩維德拉|米格尔·德·塞万提斯·萨维德拉[Mǐ gé ěr · dé · Sāi wàn tí s...
        chéngqiānchéngwàn, [成千成萬], lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom); untold numbers/innumerable/...
        wànlíngdān, [萬靈丹], panacea/cure-all
        wànmǎqíyīn, [萬馬齊喑], thousands of horses, all mute (idiom); no-one dares to speak out/an atmosphere o...
        Wànlóng, [萬隆], Bandung (city in Indonesia)
        Wànháo, [萬豪], Marriott International (hotel chain)
        wànshì, [萬世], all ages
        Wàndài, [萬代], Bandai toy company
        wànbiànbùlíqízōng, [萬變不離其宗], many superficial changes but no departure from the original stand (idiom); plus ...
        wànbānwúnài, [萬般無奈], to have no way out/to have no alternative

        Měiguó, [美國], United States/USA/US
        guójiā, [國家], country/nation/state/CL:個|个[gè]
        Yīngguó, [英國], United Kingdom 聯合王國|联合王国[Lián hé wáng guó]/United Kingdom of Great Britain and N...
        Fǎguó, [法國], France/French
        Zhōngguó, [中國], China
        guówáng, [國王], king/CL:個|个[gè]
        Déguó, [德國], Germany/German
        quánguó, [全國], whole nation/nationwide/countrywide/national
        guójì, [國際], international
        Guó/guó, [國], surname Guo, country/nation/state/national/CL:個|个[gè]
        Éguó, [俄國], Russia
        Hánguó, [韓國], South Korea (Republic of Korea)/Han, one of the Seven Hero States of the Warring...
        dìguó, [帝國], empire/imperial
        Guóhuì, [國會], Parliament (UK)/Congress (US)/Diet (Japan)/Legislative Yuan (Taiwan)
        guótǔ, [國土], country's territory/national land
        wángguó, [王國], kingdom/realm
        wàiguó, [外國], foreign (country)/CL:個|个[gè]
        guónèi, [國內], domestic/internal (to a country)/civil
        Liánhéguó, [聯合國], United Nations
        zǔguó, [祖國], motherland
        guówài, [國外], abroad/external (affairs)/overseas/foreign
        Guófángbù, [國防部], Defense Department/Ministry of National Defense
        Tàiguó, [泰國], Thailand/Thai
        guómín, [國民], nationals/citizens/people of a nation
        gònghéguó, [共和國], republic
        guódù, [國度], country/nation
        chūguó, [出國], to go abroad/to leave the country/emigration
        wǒguó, [我國], our country/China
        wàiguórén, [外國人], foreigner
        pànguó, [叛國], treason
        àiguó, [愛國], to love one's country/patriotic
        guóqí, [國旗], flag (of a country)/CL:面[miàn]
        Àiguózhě/àiguózhě, [愛國者], MIM-104 Patriot surface-to-air missile, patriot
        guófáng, [國防], national defense
        hézhòngguó, [合眾國], federated nation/the United States
        Guówùyuàn, [國務院], State Council (PRC)/State Department (USA)
        tiānguó, [天國], Kingdom of Heaven
        pànguózuì, [叛國罪], the crime of treason
        huíguó, [回國], to return to one's home country
        Měiguórén, [美國人], American/American person/American people/CL:個|个[gè]
        guóbiāowǔ, [國標舞], international standard ballroom dancing
        guówùqīng, [國務卿], Secretary of State
        guógē, [國歌], national anthem
        guófángbùzhǎng, [國防部長], Defense secretary/Defense Minister
        gèguó, [各國], each country/every country/various countries
        yìguó, [異國], exotic/foreign
        běnguó, [本國], one's own country
        quánguóxìng, [全國性], national
        guójiè, [國界], national boundary/border between countries
        guójí, [國籍], nationality
        guólì, [國立], national/state-run/public
        Guóqìng, [國慶], National Day
        guójìxiàngqí, [國際象棋], chess/CL:副[fù]
        guìguó, [貴國], your distinguished country
        guóxǐ, [國璽], seal of state
        LuómǎDìguó, [羅馬帝國], Roman Empire (27 BC-476 AD)
        Guóqìngjié, [國慶節], PRC National Day (October 1st)
        dìguózhǔyì, [帝國主義], imperialism
        kuàguó, [跨國], transnational/multinational
        guókù, [國庫], public purse/state treasury/national exchequer
        guójìng, [國境], national border/frontier
        Mínguó, [民國], Republic of China (1912-1949)/used in Taiwan as the name of the calendar era (e....
        àiguózhǔyì, [愛國主義], patriotism
        méngguó, [盟國], allies/united countries
        guóbǎo, [國寶], national treasure
        kuàguógōngsī, [跨國公司], transnational corporation/multinational corporation
        Yīngguórén, [英國人], British person/British people
        guójìxìng, [國際性], international/internationalism
        guójiājí, [國家級], (administrative) national-level
        guórén, [國人], compatriots (literary)/fellow countrymen
        jiànguó, [建國], to found a country/nation-building/the foundation of PRC by Mao Zedong in 1949
        guóyǒu, [國有], nationalized/public/government owned/state-owned
        díguó, [敵國], enemy country
        fāzhǎnzhōngguójiā, [發展中國家], developing country
        dàguó, [大國], a power (i.e. a dominant country)
        dǎoguó, [島國], island nation (sometimes refers specifically to Japan)
        guóbiāo, [國標], Guo Biao or GB, the standard PRC encoding, abbr. for 國家標準碼|国家标准码
        màiguózéi, [賣國賊], traitor
        guójiāduì, [國家隊], the national team
        Qiángguó/qiángguó, [強國], (ironically) mainland China (Taiwan & Hong Kong usage), powerful country/great p...
        kāiguó, [開國], to found a state/to open a closed country
        guótàimínān, [國泰民安], the country prospers, the people at peace (idiom); peace and prosperity
        guóbīn, [國賓], state visitor/visiting head of state
        guófù, [國父], father or founder of a nation/Father of the Republic (Sun Yat-sen)
        chāojídàguó, [超級大國], superpower
        Guójiāānquánbù, [國家安全部], PRC Ministry of State Security
        DuōmǐníjiāGònghéguó, [多米尼加共和國], Dominican Republic
        línguó, [鄰國], bordering country/neighbor country/neighboring countries/surrounding countries
        guóchǎn, [國產], domestically produced
        guójìfǎ, [國際法], international law
        guójìhuà, [國際化], to internationalize/internationalization
        tóngméngguó, [同盟國], allied nation/ally/confederation
        guódào, [國道], national highway
        tāguó, [他國], another country
        Fēiguódà, [非國大], African National Congress, ANC/abbr. for 非洲人國民大會|非洲人国民大会[Fēi zhōu rén guó mín dà...
        yìguótāxiāng, [異國他鄉], foreign lands and places (idiom); living as expatriate
        guīguó, [歸國], to go home (to one's native country)/to return from abroad
        lìguó, [立國], to found a country
        fādáguójiā, [發達國家], developed nation
        Déguórén, [德國人], German person or people
        jǔguóshàngxià, [舉國上下], the entire nation/the whole country, from the leadership to the rank and file
        Fǎguórén, [法國人], Frenchman/French person
        guóshì, [國事], affairs of the nation/politics
        guójūn, [國君], monarch
        guóyàn, [國宴], state banquet
        Zhànguó, [戰國], the Warring States period (475-221 BC)
        màiguó, [賣國], to betray one's country
        guóqíng, [國情], the characteristics and circumstances particular to a country/current state of a...
        guójiào, [國教], state religion
        Lǐxiǎngguó/lǐxiǎngguó, [理想國], Plato's "The Republic" (c. 380 BC), ideal state/utopia
        guónèiwài, [國內外], domestic and international/at home and abroad
        Wūsūnguó, [烏孫國], Wusun kingdom of central Asia (c. 300 BC-300 AD)
        zhìguó, [治國], to rule a country
        Zhōngguóshì, [中國式], Chinese style/à la chinoise
        guówù, [國務], affairs of state
        guójìjí, [國際級], (at an) international level
        gōngguó, [公國], duchy/dukedom/principality
        bǎojiāwèiguó, [保家衛國], guard home, defend the country (idiom); national defense
        lièguó, [列國], various countries
        JiékèGònghéguó, [捷克共和國], Czech Republic
        ÀiěrlánGònghéguó, [愛爾蘭共和國], Republic of Ireland
        ZhōnghuáRénmínGònghéguó, [中華人民共和國], People's Republic of China
        chéngyuánguó, [成員國], member country
        guólì, [國力], a nation's power
        guófǎ, [國法], national law
        Zhóuxīnguó, [軸心國], Axis powers (World War II)
        Mèngjiālāguó, [孟加拉國], Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan)
        GuójìHuòbìJījīnZǔzhī, [國際貨幣基金組織], International Monetary Fund (IMF)
        gùguó, [故國], country with an ancient history
        Liánhéwángguó, [聯合王國], United Kingdom
        Zhōngguóhuà, [中國話], (spoken) Chinese language
        bàoguó, [報國], to dedicate oneself to the service of one's country
        Guóyǔ, [國語], Chinese language (Mandarin), emphasizing its national nature/Chinese as a primar...
        guózéi, [國賊], traitor to the nation
        běiguó, [北國], the northern part of the country/the North
        Guómíndǎng, [國民黨], Guomindang or Kuomintang (KMT)/Nationalist Party
        Guótài, [國泰], Cathay Pacific (Hong Kong airline)
        wángguó, [亡國], (of a nation) to be destroyed/subjugation/vanquished nation
        qióngguó, [窮國], poor country
        guóshì, [國勢], national strength/situation in a state
        GuóLián, [國聯], abbr. for 國際聯盟|国际联盟[Guó jì Lián méng], League of Nations (1920-1946), based in G...
        guóyùn, [國運], fate of the nation
        zìyóuwángguó, [自由王國], realm of freedom (philosophy)
        zhōnglìguó, [中立國], neutral country
        guóshū, [國書], credentials (of a diplomat)/documents exchanged between nations/national or dyna...
        guózhài, [國債], national debt/government debt
        huìyuánguó, [會員國], member nation
        Hánguórén, [韓國人], Korean (person)
        shǔguó, [屬國], vassal state
        huángqīnguóqī, [皇親國戚], the emperor relatives (idiom); person with powerful connections
        jūnguózhǔyì, [軍國主義], militarism
        Zhōngguórén, [中國人], Chinese person
        guóyíng, [國營], state-run (company etc)/nationalized
        guózàng, [國葬], state funeral
        wànguó, [萬國], all nations
        Guójìgē, [國際歌], The Internationale
        guóqǐ, [國企], state enterprise/(Tw) abbr. for 國際企業管理|国际企业管理, international business management...
        guómíng, [國名], name of country
        GuóDà, [國大], abbr. for 國民大會|国民大会, National Assembly of the Republic of China (extant during v...
        Sānguó, [三國], Three Kingdoms period (220-280) in Chinese history/several Three Kingdoms period...
        bǎohùguó, [保護國], protectorate
        wàiguóyǔ, [外國語], foreign language
        yīguóliǎngzhì, [一國兩制], one country, two systems (PRC proposal regarding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan)
        BāguóLiánjūn, [八國聯軍], Eight-Nation Alliance, involved in a military intervention in northern China in ...
        ZhōnghuáMínguó, [中華民國], Republic of China
        ZhōngguóRénmínJiěfàngjūn, [中國人民解放軍], Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)
        sàngquánrǔguó, [喪權辱國], to forfeit sovereignty and humiliate the country (idiom)/to surrender territory ...
        Ānguó, [安國], Anguo county level city in Baoding 保定[Bǎo dìng], Hebei
        fānguó, [藩國], feudatory/vassal state
        xiéyuēguó, [協約國], Allies/entente (i.e. Western powers allied to China in WW)
        guóbīnguǎn, [國賓館], state guesthouse
        guóyǒuhuà, [國有化], nationalization
        guójìzhǔyì, [國際主義], internationalism
        Mǎnzhōuguó, [滿洲國], Manchukuo
        fǎnguó, [返國], to return to one's country
        MěiguóZhīYīn, [美國之音], Voice of America (VOA)
访         guóshìfǎngwèn, [國事訪問], state visit
        SānguóYǎnyì, [三國演義], Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong 羅貫中|罗贯中[Luó Guàn zhōng], one of t...
        guócè, [國策], a national policy
        guóhuò, [國貨], domestically produced goods
        guósètiānxiāng, [國色天香], national grace, divine fragrance (idiom); an outstanding beauty
        ÀosīmànDìguó, [奧斯曼帝國], the Ottoman Empire
        bìguānsuǒguó, [閉關鎖國], to close the passes and seal off the country/to close a country to exclude forei...
        GāngguǒMínzhǔGònghéguó, [剛果民主共和國], Democratic Republic of Congo
        guóhào, [國號], official name of a nation (includes dynastic names of China: 漢|汉[Hàn], 唐[Táng] e...
        guóxué, [國學], Chinese national culture/studies of ancient Chinese civilization/the Imperial Co...
        guóshù, [國術], martial arts
        guócuì, [國粹], national essence/quintessence of national culture
        guómínjīngjì, [國民經濟], national economy
        fùguó, [富國], rich country/make the country wealthy (political slogan)
线         guójièxiàn, [國界線], border between countries/line forming the border
        xùnguó, [殉國], to die for one's country
        guókùquàn, [國庫券], treasury bond

        hàomǎ, [號碼], number/CL:堆[duī],個|个[gè]
        mìmǎ, [密碼], secret code/ciphertext/password/PIN
        mǎ, [碼], weight/number/code/to pile/to stack/classifier for length or distance (yard), ha...
        qǐmǎ, [起碼], at the minimum/at the very least
        mǎtóu, [碼頭], dock/pier/wharf/CL:個|个[gè]
        dàimǎ, [代碼], code
        chóumǎ, [籌碼], bargaining chip/gaming chip/casino token
        shùmǎ, [數碼], number/numerals/figures/digital/amount/numerical code
        biānmǎ, [編碼], to code/to encode/code
        chǐmǎ, [尺碼], size/fitting (of apparel)
        liǎngmǎshì, [兩碼事], two quite different things/another kettle of fish
        jiàmǎ, [價碼], price tag
        jiěmǎ, [解碼], to decode/to decipher
        jiěmǎqì, [解碼器], decoder
        xìmǎ, [戲碼], item (on a program)
        mǎzi, [碼子], number (e.g. page or house number)/numeral (e.g. Arabic or Chinese numeral)/code...
        tiáoxíngmǎ, [條形碼], barcode
        shíbiémǎ, [識別碼], identifier
        fǎmǎ, [砝碼], standard weight (used on a balance scale)
        yèmǎ, [頁碼], page number
        biānmǎqì, [編碼器], encoder
        yóuzhèngbiānmǎ, [郵政編碼], postal code/zip code
        yuándàimǎ, [源代碼], source code (computing)
        míngmǎ, [明碼], non-secret code (such as Morse code, Chinese telegraph code, ASCII etc)/plaintex...
        jiāmǎ, [加碼], to ratchet up/to raise (expectations etc)/to increase (a quota, a position in th...
        tiáomǎ, [條碼], barcode
        yìmǎqì, [譯碼器], decoder

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