全 ⇒
完全 wánquán, complete/whole/totally/entirely
安全 ānquán, safe/secure/safety/security
全 Quán/quán, surname Quan, all/whole/entire/every/complete
全部 quánbù, whole/entire/complete
全都 quándōu, all/without exception
全国 quánguó, [全國], whole nation/nationwide/countrywide/national
全世界 quánshìjiè, worldwide/entire world
全力 quánlì, with all one's strength/full strength/all-out (effort)/fully (support)
全新 quánxīn, all new/completely new
全球 quánqiú, entire/total/global/the (whole) world/worldwide
全身 quánshēn, whole body/em (typography)
全体 quántǐ, [全體], all/entire
全家 quánjiā, whole family
安全带 ānquándài, [安全帶], seat belt/safety belt
全面 quánmiàn, all-around/comprehensive/total/overall
全美超 安全感 ānquángǎn, sense of security
全力以赴 quánlìyǐfù, to do at all costs/to make an all-out effort
竭尽全力 jiéjìnquánlì, [竭盡全力], to spare no effort (idiom); to do one's utmost
全场 quánchǎng, [全場], everyone present/the whole audience/across-the-board/unanimously/whole duration ...
安全部 全身心 quánshēnxīn, wholeheartedly/(to devote oneself) heart and soul
安全局 ānquánjú, security bureau
全美 quánMěi, throughout the United States/the whole of America
全能 quánnéng, omnipotent/all-round/strong in every area
全速 quánsù, top speed/at full speed
全副 quánfù, completely
全程 quánchéng, the whole distance/from beginning to end
全心全意 quánxīnquányì, heart and soul/wholeheartedly
保全 bǎoquán, to save from damage/to preserve/to maintain/to keep in good repair/(Tw) security...
全然 quánrán, completely
健全 jiànquán, robust/sound
全盘 quánpán, [全盤], overall/comprehensive
全权 quánquán, [全權], full powers/total authority/plenipotentiary powers
全局 quánjú, overall situation
全天候 quántiānhòu, all-weather
齐全 qíquán, [齊全], complete/comprehensive
全镇 全市 quánshì, whole city
全家人 全神贯注 quánshénguànzhù, [全神貫注], to concentrate one's attention completely (idiom)/with rapt attention
全校 全班 quánbān, the whole class
全民 quánmín, entire population (of a country)
全队 全国性 quánguóxìng, [全國性], national
全息 quánxī, holographic
周全 zhōuquán, thorough/to bring one's help/to assist
全方位 quánfāngwèi, all around/omnidirectional/complete/holistic/comprehensive
全境 安全区 全家福 quánjiāfú, photograph of the entire family/hodgepodge (cookery)
成全 chéngquán, to help sb accomplish his aim/to help sb succeed/to complete/to make whole/to ro...
全名 百科全书 bǎikēquánshū, [百科全書], encyclopedia/CL:本[běn],集[jí]
面目全非 miànmùquánfēi, nothing remains the same (idiom); change beyond recognition
全人类 全套 quántào, an entire set/full complement
十全十美 shíquánshíměi, complete and beautiful/to be perfect (idiom)
全球性 quánqiúxìng, global/worldwide
全额 安全性 ānquánxìng, security/safety
全员 quányuán, [全員], complete personnel/fully manned
全球化 quánqiúhuà, globalization
全票 quánpiào, full-priced ticket/by unanimous vote
全自动 安全帽 ānquánmào, safety helmet/CL:隻|只[zhī],頂|顶[dǐng]
全天 quántiān, whole day
大全 dàquán, all-inclusive/complete/comprehensive collection
全城 quánchéng, whole city
全年 quánnián, the whole year/all year long
全军覆没 quánjūnfùmò, [全軍覆沒], total defeat of an army (idiom); fig. a complete wipeout
全景 quánjǐng, panoramic view
两全其美 liǎngquánqíměi, [兩全其美], to satisfy rival demands (idiom)/to get the best of both worlds/to have it both ...
全州 Quánzhōu, Quanzhou county in Guilin 桂林[Guì lín], Guangxi
全军 quánjūn, [全軍], all-army/all-military
全数 quánshù, [全數], the entire sum/the whole amount
全日制 quánrìzhì, full-time (schooling, work etc)
俱全 jùquán, every kind/every variety under the sun/a complete gamut
委曲求全 wěiqūqiúquán, to accept a compromise
全村 全盛 quánshèng, flourishing/at the peak/in full bloom
全才 quáncái, all-rounder/versatile
国家安全部 Guójiāānquánbù, [國家安全部], PRC Ministry of State Security
安全网 ānquánwǎng, [安全網], safety net
全书 quánshū, [全書], entire book/unabridged book/entire multi-volume work/comprehensive volume
全会 quánhuì, [全會], plenary session (at a conference)/CL:屆|届[jiè]
全集 quánjí, omnibus/complete works (of a writer or artist)
全优 quányōu, [全優], overall excellence
全长 quáncháng, [全長], overall length/span
安全门 全县 全线 quánxiàn, [全線], the whole front (in a war)/the whole length (of a road or railway line)
全身性 全称 quánchēng, [全稱], full name
全文 quánwén, entire text/full text
全貌 quánmào, complete picture/full view
一应俱全 yīyīngjùquán, [一應俱全], with everything needed available
残缺不全 安全线 顾全大局 gùquándàjú, [顧全大局], to take the big picture into consideration (idiom)/to work for the benefits of a...
全国委员会 全日 安全岛 以偏概全 yǐpiāngàiquán, (lit.) to take a part for the whole/to generalize
安全壳 ānquánké, [安全殼], containment vessel
全区 全省 quánshěng, the whole province
全篇 万全之策 全歼 quánjiān, [全殲], to annihilate/to wipe out completely/to exterminate
安全阀 ānquánfá, [安全閥], safety valve
求全 智勇双全 全淑贤 全勤 quánqín, full-time attendance at work
全德桓 安全员 全南 Quánnán, Quannan county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi
全权代表 quánquándàibiǎo, [全權代表], a plenipotentiary (representative)
全团 全片 全科 全日空 QuánRìkōng, All Nippon Airways (ANA)
安全系数 安全玻璃 全后庭 全斗焕 QuánDòuhuàn, [全斗煥], Chun Doo Hwan (1931-), South Korean politician, president 1980-1988
全能型 全仁权 全传 全铉 全胜 quánshèng, [全勝], total victory/to excel by far/name of a tank/slam
日全食 rìquánshí, total eclipse of the sun
顾全 gùquán, [顧全], to give careful consideration to/to display thoughtfulness towards
李全 根全 全球通 quánqiútōng, Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) (telecommunications)
商法全 全过程 全宇进 敬全美 全美航 全罗南道 Quánluónándào, [全羅南道], South Jeolla Province, in southwest South Korea, capital Gwangju 光州[Guāng zhōu]
两全 liǎngquán, [兩全], to satisfy both sides/to accommodate both (demands)
别全来 统揽全局 全金发 博尚全 月全食 yuèquánshí, total lunar eclipse
安全期 ānquánqī, safe period/safe days of a woman's menstrual cycle (low risk of conception)
安全柜 誉满全球 钱全花 全厂 全党 全心 quánxīn, with heart and soul
全福 全潜 全洁 全院 全秃 全英 全谷 阴毛全 张全帆 韩国全 安全观 全村人 全洛城 完全性 满汉全 苟全 大百科全书 魏士全 全智贤
无 ⇒
无法 wúfǎ, [無法], unable/incapable
无 wú, [無], not to have/no/none/not/to lack/un-/-less
无论 wúlùn, [無論], no matter what or how/regardless of whether...
毫无 háowú, [毫無], not in the least/to completely lack
无聊 wúliáo, [無聊], bored/boring/senseless
无关 wúguān, [無關], unrelated/having nothing to do (with sth else)
无辜 wúgū, [無辜], innocent/innocence/not guilty (law)
无所谓 wúsuǒwèi, [無所謂], to be indifferent/not to matter/cannot be said to be
无论如何 wúlùnrúhé, [無論如何], whatever the case/in any event/no matter what/by all possible means
毫无疑问 háowúyíwèn, [毫無疑問], certainty/without a doubt
别无选择 biéwúxuǎnzé, [別無選擇], to have no other choice
无数 wúshù, [無數], countless/numberless/innumerable
无罪 wúzuì, [無罪], innocent/guileless/not guilty (of crime)
一无所知 yīwúsuǒzhī, [一無所知], not knowing anything at all (idiom); completely ignorant/without an inkling
无意 wúyì, [無意], inadvertent/accidental/to have no intention of (doing sth)
无能为力 wúnéngwéilì, [無能為力], impotent (idiom)/powerless/helpless
无线电 wúxiàndiàn, [無線電], wireless
无比 wúbǐ, [無比], incomparable/matchless
无关紧要 wúguānjǐnyào, [無關緊要], indifferent/insignificant
无效 wúxiào, [無效], not valid/ineffective/in vain
一无所有 yīwúsuǒyǒu, [一無所有], not having anything at all (idiom); utterly lacking/without two sticks to rub to...
无视 wúshì, [無視], to ignore/to disregard
无论是 无家可归 wújiākěguī, [無家可歸], homeless
独一无二 dúyīwúèr, [獨一無二], unique and unmatched (idiom); unrivalled/nothing compares with it
无知 wúzhī, [無知], ignorant/ignorance
无疑 wúyí, [無疑], no doubt/undoubtedly
无情 wúqíng, [無情], pitiless/ruthless/merciless/heartless
无耻 wúchǐ, [無恥], without any sense of shame/unembarrassed/shameless
无限 wúxiàn, [無限], unlimited/unbounded
无能 wúnéng, [無能], incompetence/inability/incapable/powerless
无礼 wúlǐ, [無禮], rude/rudely
无敌 wúdí, [無敵], unequalled/without rival/a paragon
一无所获 yīwúsuǒhuò, [一無所獲], to gain nothing/to end up empty-handed
无权 wúquán, [無權], to have no right/to have no authority
无力 wúlì, [無力], powerless/lacking strength
无助 wúzhù, [無助], helpless/helplessness/feeling useless/no help
无线 wúxiàn, [無線], wireless
无赖 wúlài, [無賴], hoodlum/rascal/rogue/rascally/scoundrelly
一无是处 yīwúshìchù, [一無是處], not one good point/everything about it is wrong
无处不在 wúchùbùzài, [無處不在], to be everywhere
无处 wúchù, [無處], nowhere
无缘无故 wúyuánwúgù, [無緣無故], no cause, no reason (idiom); completely uncalled for
无所事事 wúsuǒshìshì, [無所事事], to have nothing to do/to idle one's time away (idiom)
无可奉告 wúkěfènggào, [無可奉告], (idiom) "no comment"
无尽 wújìn, [無盡], endless/inexhaustible
无害 wúhài, [無害], harmless
无与伦比 wúyǔlúnbǐ, [無與倫比], incomparable
无私 wúsī, [無私], selfless/unselfish/disinterested/altruistic
平安无事 píngānwúshì, [平安無事], safe and sound (idiom)
无话可说 wúhuàkěshuō, [無話可說], to have nothing to say (idiom)
无畏 无所不能 wúsuǒbùnéng, [無所不能], omnipotent
无穷 wúqióng, [無窮], endless/boundless/inexhaustible
身无分文 shēnwúfēnwén, [身無分文], penniless (idiom)
无声 wúshēng, [無聲], noiseless/noiselessly/silent
无时无刻 wúshíwúkè, [無時無刻], all the time/incessantly
无名 wúmíng, [無名], nameless/obscure
完美无缺 wánměiwúquē, [完美無缺], perfect and without blemish/flawless/to leave nothing to be desired
安然无恙 ānránwúyàng, [安然無恙], safe and sound (idiom)/to come out unscathed (e.g. from an accident or illness)
无动于衷 wúdòngyúzhōng, [無動於衷], aloof/indifferent/unconcerned
无理 wúlǐ, [無理], irrational/unreasonable
无可 wúkě, [無可], can't
走投无路 zǒutóuwúlù, [走投無路], to be at an impasse (idiom)/in a tight spot/at the end of one's rope/desperate
无用 wúyòng, [無用], useless/worthless
无名氏 wúmíngshì, [無名氏], anonymous (e.g. author, donor etc)
无从 wúcóng, [無從], not to have access/beyond one's authority or capability/sth one has no way of do...
无需 wúxū, [無需], needless
毫无用处 一事无成 yīshìwúchéng, [一事無成], to have achieved nothing/to be a total failure/to get nowhere
无条件 wútiáojiàn, [無條件], unconditional
虚无 xūwú, [虛無], nothingness
无所畏惧 万无一失 wànwúyīshī, [萬無一失], surefire; absolutely safe (idiom)
无济于事 wújìyúshì, [無濟於事], to no avail/of no use
束手无策 shùshǒuwúcè, [束手無策], lit. to have one's hands bound and be unable to do anything about it (idiom); fi...
无稽之谈 wújīzhītán, [無稽之談], complete nonsense (idiom)
完好无损 wánhǎowúsǔn, [完好無損], in good condition/undamaged/intact
无名小卒 wúmíngxiǎozú, [無名小卒], insignificant soldier (idiom)/a nobody/nonentity
无瑕 wúxiá, [無瑕], faultless/perfect
天衣无缝 tiānyīwúfèng, [天衣無縫], lit. seamless heavenly clothes (idiom)/fig. flawless
无懈可击 wúxièkějī, [無懈可擊], invulnerable
无故 wúgù, [無故], without cause or reason
无暇 wúxiá, [無暇], too busy/to have no time for/fully occupied
无足轻重 wúzúqīngzhòng, [無足輕重], insignificant
无心 wúxīn, [無心], unintentionally/not in the mood to
无常 wúcháng, [無常], variable/changeable/fickle/impermanence (Sanskrit: anitya)/ghost taking away the...
无影无踪 wúyǐngwúzōng, [無影無蹤], to disappear without trace (idiom)
无妨 wúfáng, [無妨], no harm (in doing it)/One might as well./It won't hurt./no matter/it's no bother
史无前例 shǐwúqiánlì, [史無前例], unprecedented in history
无形 wúxíng, [無形], incorporeal/virtual/formless/invisible (assets)/intangible
无理取闹 wúlǐqǔnào, [無理取鬧], to make trouble without reason (idiom); to be deliberately provocative
手无寸铁 shǒuwúcùntiě, [手無寸鐵], lit. not an inch of steel (idiom); unarmed and defenseless
若无其事 ruòwúqíshì, [若無其事], as if nothing had happened (idiom); calmly/nonchalantly
于事无补 yúshìwúbǔ, [於事無補], unhelpful/useless
无须 wúxū, [無須], need not/not obliged to/not necessarily
无谓 wúwèi, [無謂], pointless/meaningless/unnecessarily
忍无可忍 rěnwúkěrěn, [忍無可忍], more than one can bear (idiom); at the end of one's patience/the last straw
无价 wújià, [無價], invaluable/priceless
无忧无虑 wúyōuwúlǜ, [無憂無慮], carefree and without worries (idiom)
无奈 wúnài, [無奈], helpless/without choice/for lack of better option/grudgingly/willy-nilly/nolens ...
无味 wúwèi, [無味], tasteless/odorless
无神论 wúshénlùn, [無神論], atheism
无非 wúfēi, [無非], only/nothing else
无端 wúduān, [無端], for no reason at all
无损 当之无愧 dāngzhīwúkuì, [當之無愧], fully deserving, without any reservations (idiom); entirely worthy (of a title, ...
战无不胜 zhànwúbùshèng, [戰無不勝], to triumph in every battle (idiom); invincible/to succeed in every undertaking
无花果 wúhuāguǒ, [無花果], fig (Ficus carica)
至高无上 zhìgāowúshàng, [至高無上], supreme/paramount/unsurpassed
前途无量 qiántúwúliàng, [前途無量], to have boundless prospects
手足无措 shǒuzúwúcuò, [手足無措], at a loss to know what to do (idiom); bewildered
无计可施 wújìkěshī, [無計可施], no strategy left to try (idiom); at one's wit's end/at the end of one's tether/p...
空无一人 kōngwúyīrén, [空無一人], not a soul in sight (idiom)
亲密无间 qīnmìwújiān, [親密無間], close relation, no gap (idiom); intimate and nothing can come between
无价之宝 wújiàzhībǎo, [無價之寶], priceless treasure
无恙 wúyàng, [無恙], in good health
无缘 wúyuán, [無緣], to have no opportunity/no way (of doing sth)/no chance/no connection/not placed ...
无精打采 wújīngdǎcǎi, [無精打采], dispirited and downcast (idiom); listless/in low spirits/washed out
无法无天 wúfǎwútiān, [無法無天], regardless of the law and of natural morality (idiom); maverick/undisciplined an...
无误 wúwù, [無誤], verified/unmistaken
无边 wúbiān, [無邊], without boundary/not bordered
无线电话 wúxiàndiànhuà, [無線電話], radio telephony/wireless telephone
默默无闻 mòmòwúwén, [默默無聞], obscure and unknown (idiom); an outsider without any reputation/a nobody/an unkn...
无以 无拘无束 wújūwúshù, [無拘無束], free and unconstrained (idiom); unfettered/unbuttoned/without care or worries
孤立无援 gūlìwúyuán, [孤立無援], isolated and without help
无偿 wúcháng, [無償], free/no charge/at no cost
无限期 wúxiànqī, [無限期], unlimited (time) duration
无期徒刑 wúqītúxíng, [無期徒刑], life imprisonment
无望 wúwàng, [無望], without hope/hopeless/without prospects
毫无道理 无中生有 wúzhōngshēngyǒu, [無中生有], to create something from nothing (idiom)
无人 wúrén, [無人], unmanned/uninhabited
无地自容 wúdìzìróng, [無地自容], ashamed and unable to show one's face
反复无常 fǎnfùwúcháng, [反覆無常], unstable/erratic/changeable/fickle
相安无事 xiāngānwúshì, [相安無事], to live together in harmony
无益 wúyì, [無益], no good/not good for/not beneficial
所剩无几 suǒshèngwújǐ, [所剩無幾], there is not much left
无意识 wúyìshí, [無意識], unconscious/involuntary
肆无忌惮 sìwújìdàn, [肆無忌憚], absolutely unrestrained/unbridled/without the slightest scruple
天真无邪 绝无仅有 juéwújǐnyǒu, [絕無僅有], one and only (idiom); rarely seen/unique of its kind
无性 wúxìng, [無性], sexless/asexual (reproduction)
无家可归者 巨无霸 Jùwúbà/jùwúbà, [巨無霸], Big Mac (McDonald's hamburger), giant/leviathan
无所不在 wúsuǒbùzài, [無所不在], omnipresent
无用功 贪得无厌 tāndéwúyàn, [貪得無厭], avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied
无所适从 wúsuǒshìcóng, [無所適從], not knowing which course to follow (idiom); at a loss what to do
无异 wúyì, [無異], nothing other than/to differ in no way from/the same as/to amount to
无意间 wúyìjiān, [無意間], inadvertently/unintentionally
平淡无奇 píngdànwúqí, [平淡無奇], ordinary and mediocre (idiom); nothing to write home about
无政府主义 wúzhèngfǔzhǔyì, [無政府主義], anarchism
无言 wúyán, [無言], to remain silent/to have nothing to say
高枕无忧 gāozhěnwúyōu, [高枕無憂], to sleep peacefully (idiom)/(fig.) to rest easy/to be free of worries
毫无办法 无穷无尽 wúqióngwújìn, [無窮無盡], endless/boundless/infinite
无依无靠 wúyīwúkào, [無依無靠], no one to rely on (idiom); on one's own/orphaned/left to one's own devices
无声无息 wúshēngwúxī, [無聲無息], wordless and uncommunicative (idiom); without speaking/taciturn/not providing an...
问心无愧 wènxīnwúkuì, [問心無愧], lit. look into one's heart, no shame (idiom); with a clear conscience
所向无敌 suǒxiàngwúdí, [所向無敵], to be invincible/unrivalled
永无止境 yǒngwúzhǐjìng, [永無止境], without end/never-ending
悄无声息 qiǎowúshēngxī, [悄無聲息], quietly/noiselessly
畅通无阻 义无反顾 yìwúfǎngù, [義無反顧], honor does not allow one to glance back (idiom); duty-bound not to turn back/no ...
无毒 wúdú, [無毒], harmless/innocuous/lit. not poisonous
无期 wúqī, [無期], unspecified period/in the indefinite future/no fixed time/indefinite sentence (i...
大无畏 dàwúwèi, [大無畏], utterly fearless
无上 wúshàng, [無上], supreme
有备无患 yǒubèiwúhuàn, [有備無患], Preparedness averts peril./to be prepared, just in case (idiom)
无色 wúsè, [無色], colorless
无关痛痒 wúguāntòngyǎng, [無關痛癢], not to affect sb/irrelevant/of no importance/insignificant
目中无人 mùzhōngwúrén, [目中無人], to consider everyone else beneath one (idiom); so arrogant that no-one else matt...
无可厚非 wúkěhòufēi, [無可厚非], see 未可厚非[wèi kě hòu fēi]
无业 wúyè, [無業], unemployed/jobless/out of work
无怨无悔 wúyuànwúhuǐ, [無怨無悔], no complaints/to have no regrets
无私奉献 可有可无 kěyǒukěwú, [可有可無], not essential/dispensable
荒无人烟 huāngwúrényān, [荒無人煙], desolate and uninhabited (idiom)
熟视无睹 shúshìwúdǔ, [熟視無睹], to pay no attention to a familiar sight/to ignore
体无完肤 tǐwúwánfū, [體無完膚], lit. cuts and bruises all over (idiom); fig. totally refuted
无可奈何 wúkěnàihé, [無可奈何], have no way out/have no alternative/abbr. to 無奈|无奈[wú nài]
惨无人道 cǎnwúréndào, [慘無人道], inhuman (idiom)/brutal and unfeeling
荡然无存 dàngránwúcún, [蕩然無存], to obliterate completely/to vanish from the face of the earth
前无古人 无名指 wúmíngzhǐ, [無名指], ring finger
无所作为 wúsuǒzuòwéi, [無所作為], attempting nothing and accomplishing nothing (idiom); without any initiative or ...
无可挽回 wúkěwǎnhuí, [無可挽回], irrevocable/the die is cast
无恶不作 wúèbùzuò, [無惡不作], not to shrink from any crime (idiom); to commit any imaginable misdeed
无线电波 wúxiàndiànbō, [無線電波], radio waves/wireless electric wave
一望无际 yīwàngwújì, [一望無際], as far as the eye can see (idiom)
杂乱无章 záluànwúzhāng, [雜亂無章], disordered and in a mess (idiom); all mixed up and chaotic
无人问津 wúrénwènjīn, [無人問津], to be of no interest to anyone (idiom)
无奇不有 wúqíbùyǒu, [無奇不有], nothing is too bizarre/full of extraordinary things
事无巨细 shìwújùxì, [事無巨細], lit. things are not separated according to their size (idiom)/fig. to deal with ...
无微不至 wúwēibùzhì, [無微不至], in every possible way (idiom); meticulous
徒劳无功 túláowúgōng, [徒勞無功], to work to no avail (idiom)
永无宁日 yǒngwúníngrì, [永無寧日], (in such circumstances) there will be no peace/one can never breathe easy
无所顾忌 视若无睹 shìruòwúdǔ, [視若無睹], to turn a blind eye to
一往无前 yīwǎngwúqián, [一往無前], to advance courageously (idiom)/to press forward
无耻之徒 无人区 wúrénqū, [無人區], uninhabited region
浩瀚无垠 一览无余 yīlǎnwúyú, [一覽無餘], to cover all at one glance (idiom)/a panoramic view
无力回天 无异于 无庸 wúyōng, [無庸], variant of 毋庸[wú yōng]
无序 wúxù, [無序], disorderly/irregular/lack of order
无底洞 wúdǐdòng, [無底洞], bottomless pit
暴露无遗 bàolùwúyí, [暴露無遺], to lay bare/to come to light
碌碌无为 无边无际 wúbiānwújì, [無邊無際], boundless/limitless
无愧 wúkuì, [無愧], to have a clear conscience/to feel no qualms
有去无回 yǒuqùwúhuí, [有去無回], gone forever (idiom)
有过之而无不及 yǒuguòzhīérwúbùjí, [有過之而無不及], not to be inferior in any aspects (idiom)/to surpass/to outdo/(derog.) to be eve...
软弱无力 无度 wúdù, [無度], immoderate/excessive/not knowing one's limits
无碍 wúài, [無礙], without inconvenience/unimpeded/unhindered/unobstructed/unfettered/unhampered
举世无双 jǔshìwúshuāng, [舉世無雙], unrivaled (idiom); world number one/unique/unequaled
准确无误 无穷大 不无 bùwú, [不無], not without
无从下手 wúcóngxiàshǒu, [無從下手], not know where to start
风雨无阻 fēngyǔwúzǔ, [風雨無阻], regardless of weather conditions/rain, hail or shine
愚昧无知 yúmèiwúzhī, [愚昧無知], stupid and ignorant (idiom)
无坚不摧 wújiānbùcuī, [無堅不摧], no stronghold one cannot overcome (idiom); to conquer every obstacle/nothing one...
无孔不入 无垠 wúyín, [無垠], boundless/vast
残酷无情 cánkùwúqíng, [殘酷無情], cruel and unfeeling (idiom)
毫无疑义 了无生趣 liǎowúshēngqù, [了無生趣], to lose all interest in life (idiom)
一览无遗 yīlǎnwúyí, [一覽無遺], be plainly visible
座无虚席 zuòwúxūxí, [座無虛席], lit. a banquet with no empty seats/full house/capacity crowd/standing room only
百无聊赖 bǎiwúliáolài, [百無聊賴], bored to death (idiom)/bored stiff/overcome with boredom
硕大无比 寥寥无几 liáoliáowújǐ, [寥寥無幾], just a very few (idiom); tiny number/not many at all/You count them on your fing...
无愧于 杳无音讯 虚无主义 xūwúzhǔyì, [虛無主義], nihilism
杳无音信 yǎowúyīnxìn, [杳無音信], to have no news whatever
变化无常 无记名 wújìmíng, [無記名], (of a document) not bearing a name/unregistered (financial securities etc)/beare...
无利可图 其乐无穷 qílèwúqióng, [其樂無窮], boundless joy
无事生非 wúshìshēngfēi, [無事生非], to make trouble out of nothing
无人机 wúrénjī, [無人機], drone/unmanned aerial vehicle
无以复加 wúyǐfùjiā, [無以復加], in the extreme (idiom)/incapable of further increase
无情无义 wúqíngwúyì, [無情無義], completely lacking any feeling or sense of justice (idiom); cold and ruthless
万里无云 无缝 wúfèng, [無縫], seamless
无绳 无所不为 wúsuǒbùwéi, [無所不為], not stopping at anything/all manner of evil
无言以对 wúyányǐduì, [無言以對], to be left speechless/unable to respond
旁若无人 pángruòwúrén, [旁若無人], to act as though there were nobody else present/unselfconscious/fig. without reg...
无名之辈 知无不言 无悔 wúhuǐ, [無悔], to have no regrets
无可比拟 无可争议 无可争辩 与世无争 yǔshìwúzhēng, [與世無爭], to stand aloof from worldly affairs
回味无穷 huíwèiwúqióng, [回味無窮], leaving a rich aftertaste/(fig.) memorable/lingering in memory
漫无边际 mànwúbiānjì, [漫無邊際], extremely vast/boundless/limitless/digressing/discursive/going off on tangents/s...
责无旁贷 zéwúpángdài, [責無旁貸], to be duty bound/to be one's unshirkable responsibility
无可置疑 wúkězhìyí, [無可置疑], cannot be doubted (idiom)
无所不有 有名无实 yǒumíngwúshí, [有名無實], lit. has a name but no reality (idiom); exists only in name/nominal
无往不胜 举目无亲 jǔmùwúqīn, [舉目無親], to look up and see no-one familiar (idiom); not having anyone to rely on/without...
无线电报 虚无飘渺 群龙无首 qúnlóngwúshǒu, [群龍無首], lit. a thunder of dragons without a head/fig. a group lacking a leader
有气无力 yǒuqìwúlì, [有氣無力], weakly and without strength (idiom); dispirited
有惊无险 yǒujīngwúxiǎn, [有驚無險], to be more scared than hurt (idiom)/to get through a daunting experience without...
有意无意 yǒuyìwúyì, [有意無意], intentionally or otherwise
无产阶级 wúchǎnjiējí, [無產階級], proletariat
弹无虚发 无不 wúbù, [無不], none lacking/none missing/everything is there/everyone without exception
无机 wújī, [無機], inorganic (chemistry)
无量 wúliàng, [無量], measureless/immeasurable
空口无凭 无可非议 wúkěfēiyì, [無可非議], irreproachable (idiom)/nothing blameworthy about it at all
脸上无光 无烟火药 无名英雄 wúmíngyīngxióng, [無名英雄], unnamed hero
鸦雀无声 yāquèwúshēng, [鴉雀無聲], lit. crow and peacock make no sound/absolute silence (idiom); not a single voice...
无用武之地 相差无几 遥遥无期 yáoyáowúqī, [遙遙無期], far in the indefinite future (idiom); so far away it seems forever
目无法纪 mùwúfǎjì, [目無法紀], with no regard for law or discipline (idiom); flouting the law and disregarding ...
无限大 尚无 shàngwú, [尚無], not yet/not so far
血本无归 xuèběnwúguī, [血本無歸], to lose everything one invested (idiom)/to lose one's shirt
无机物 wújīwù, [無機物], inorganic compound
毫无例外 回天无力 huítiānwúlì, [回天無力], unable to turn around a hopeless situation (idiom)/to fail to save the situation
从无到有 无上光荣 无头案 无计划 无日 无助于 一望无垠 yīwàngwúyín, [一望無垠], to stretch as far as the eye can see (idiom)
无烟煤 wúyānméi, [無煙煤], anthracite
大公无私 dàgōngwúsī, [大公無私], selfless/impartial
无米之炊 欲哭无泪 英雄无用武之地 yīngxióngwúyòngwǔzhīdì, [英雄無用武之地], a hero with no chance of using his might/to have no opportunity to display one's...
空洞无物 kōngdòngwúwù, [空洞無物], empty cave, nothing there (idiom); devoid of substance/nothing new to show
无价宝 徒劳无益 túláowúyì, [徒勞無益], futile endeavor (idiom)
横行无忌 有增无减 yǒuzēngwújiǎn, [有增無減], to increase without letup/to get worse and worse (idiom)
无党派人士 畅行无阻 别无二致 无名火 铁面无私 tiěmiànwúsī, [鐵面無私], strictly impartial and incorruptible (idiom)
无烟 wúyān, [無煙], nonsmoking (e.g. environment)
一无 无理数 wúlǐshù, [無理數], irrational number
无由 wúyóu, [無由], to be unable (to do sth)/no reason to .../without rhyme or reason
无方 无产者 wúchǎnzhě, [無產者], proletariat/non-propertied person
无线电台 无为而治 劳而无功 láoérwúgōng, [勞而無功], to work hard while accomplishing little/to toil to no avail
互通有无 hùtōngyǒuwú, [互通有無], mutual exchange of assistance (idiom)/to benefit from each other's strengths and...
有始无终 yǒushǐwúzhōng, [有始無終], to start but not finish (idiom); to fail to carry things through/lack of stickin...
百无禁忌 bǎiwújìnjì, [百無禁忌], all taboos are off (idiom); anything goes/nothing is taboo
无规律 默默无言 有恃无恐 yǒushìwúkǒng, [有恃無恐], secure in the knowledge that one has backing
渺无人烟 miǎowúrényān, [渺無人煙], remote and uninhabited (idiom); deserted/God-forsaken
一般无二 无可指责 胸无大志 xiōngwúdàzhì, [胸無大志], to have no aspirations (idiom)/unambitious
功德无量 gōngdéwúliàng, [功德無量], no end of virtuous achievements (idiom); boundless beneficence
学无止境 xuéwúzhǐjìng, [學無止境], no end to learning (idiom); There's always something new to study./You live and ...
无毒品 无心插柳柳成荫 攻无不克 一无所长 yīwúsuǒcháng, [一無所長], not having any special skill/without any qualifications
无形中 wúxíngzhōng, [無形中], imperceptibly/virtually
无污染 公正无私 无所不包 wúsuǒbùbāo, [無所不包], not excluding anything/all-inclusive
童言无忌 tóngyánwújì, [童言無忌], children's words carry no harm (idiom)
无独有偶 wúdúyǒuǒu, [無獨有偶], not alone but in pairs (idiom, usually derog.); not a unique occurrence/it's not...
无题 wútí, [無題], untitled
有过之无不及 无以为继 后患无穷 hòuhuànwúqióng, [後患無窮], it will cause no end of trouble (idiom)
朴实无华 无人过问 无息贷款 无本万利 无穷小 wúqióngxiǎo, [無窮小], infinitesimal (in calculus)/infinitely small
义无返顾 劳而无获 身无长物 shēnwúchángwù, [身無長物], to possess nothing except bare necessities/to live a poor or frugal life
言者无罪 无关宏旨 无籽西瓜 童叟无欺 tóngsǒuwúqī, [童叟無欺], cheating neither old nor young (idiom); treating youngsters and old folk equally...
别无出路 广阔无垠 茫然无措 面无血色 榜上无名 无以言状 言无不尽 无私无畏 钟无艳 无土栽培 秋毫无犯 qiūháowúfàn, [秋毫無犯], (idiom) (of soldiers) highly disciplined, not committing the slightest offence a...
贪婪无厌 tānlánwúyàn, [貪婪無厭], avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied
别无礼 无声手枪 无后 wúhòu, [無後], to lack male offspring
无云 无羁无束 胸无城府 xiōngwúchéngfǔ, [胸無城府], open and candid (idiom); not hiding anything/ingenuous
悄然无声 qiǎoránwúshēng, [悄然無聲], absolutely quiet
无公害 真无礼 无际 wújì, [無際], limitless/boundless
金无克 三无 万般无奈 wànbānwúnài, [萬般無奈], to have no way out/to have no alternative