一 ⇒
一 yī, one/1/single/a (article)/as soon as/entire/whole/all/throughout/"one" radical in...
一个 一起 yīqǐ, in the same place/together/with/altogether (in total)
一样 yīyàng, [一樣], same/like/equal to/the same as/just like
一下 yīxià, (used after a verb) give it a go/to do (sth for a bit to give it a try)/one time...
一直 yīzhí, straight (in a straight line)/continuously/always/from the beginning of ... up t...
一切 yīqiè, everything/every/all
一点 yīdiǎn, [一點], a bit/a little/one dot/one point
一定 yīdìng, surely/certainly/necessarily/fixed/a certain (extent etc)/given/particular/must
第一 dìyī, first/number one/primary
一些 yīxiē, some/a few/a little/(following an adjective) slightly ...er
唯一 wéiyī, only/sole
一会儿 yīhuìr, [一會兒], a moment/a while/in a moment/now...now.../also pr. [yī huǐ r]
一旦 yīdàn, in case (sth happens)/if/once (sth happens, then...)/when/in a short time/in one...
之一 zhīyī, one of (sth)/one out of a multitude/one (third, quarter, percent etc)
一半 yībàn, half
一边 yībiān, [一邊], one side/either side/on the one hand/on the other hand/doing while
一般 yībān, same/ordinary/so-so/common/general/generally/in general
一生 yīshēng, all one's life/throughout one's life
一刻 一辈子 yībèizi, [一輩子], (for) a lifetime
一一 yīyī, one by one/one after another
一致 yīzhì, unanimous/identical (views or opinions)
一会 yīhuì, [一會], a moment/a while/in a moment/also pr. [yī huǐ]
一路 yīlù, the whole journey/all the way/going the same way/going in the same direction/of ...
万一 wànyī, [萬一], just in case/if by any chance/contingency
一分 一点儿 yīdiǎnr, [一點兒], erhua variant of 一點|一点[yī diǎn]
一团糟 yītuánzāo, [一團糟], chaos/bungle/complete mess/shambles
一整天 一面 yīmiàn, one side/one aspect/simultaneously... (and...)/one's whole face
一百 一无所知 yīwúsuǒzhī, [一無所知], not knowing anything at all (idiom); completely ignorant/without an inkling
一两 进一步 jìnyībù, [進一步], one step further/to move forward a step/further onwards
一家 yījiā, the whole family/the same family/the family ... (when preceded by a family name)...
一百万 一时 yīshí, [一時], a period of time/a while/for a short while/temporary/momentary/at the same time
一千 一模一样 yīmúyīyàng, [一模一樣], exactly the same (idiom)/carbon copy/also pr. [yī mó yī yàng]
一阵子 yīzhènzi, [一陣子], a while/a spell/a short time/a burst
一向 yīxiàng, always (previously)/a period of time in the recent past
一共 yīgòng, altogether
一阵 yīzhèn, [一陣], a burst/a fit/a peal/a spell (period of time)
同一个 一万 一番 以防万一 yǐfángwànyī, [以防萬一], to guard against the unexpected (idiom); just in case/prepared for any eventuali...
一下子 yīxiàzi, in a short while/all at once/all of a sudden
星期一 Xīngqīyī, Monday
一无所有 yīwúsuǒyǒu, [一無所有], not having anything at all (idiom); utterly lacking/without two sticks to rub to...
独一无二 dúyīwúèr, [獨一無二], unique and unmatched (idiom); unrivalled/nothing compares with it
一秒 一流 yīliú, top quality/front ranking
一早 yīzǎo, early in the morning/at dawn
一块儿 yīkuàir, [一塊兒], erhua variant of 一塊|一块[yī kuài]
统一 tǒngyī, [統一], to unify/to unite/to integrate
周一 Zhōuyī, [週一], Monday
同一 tóngyī, identical/the same
大吃一惊 dàchīyījīng, [大吃一驚], to have a surprise (idiom); shocked or startled/gobsmacked
一同 yītóng, along/together
一无所获 yīwúsuǒhuò, [一無所獲], to gain nothing/to end up empty-handed
一级 yījí, [一級], first class/category A
一部分 yībùfen, portion/part of/subset
一块 yīkuài, [一塊], one block/one piece/one (unit of money)/together/in the same place/in company
一塌糊涂 yītāhútu, [一塌糊塗], muddled and completely collapsing (idiom); in an awful condition/complete shambl...
一对 yīduì, [一對], couple/pair
另一方面 lìngyīfāngmiàn, on the other hand/another aspect
一无是处 yīwúshìchù, [一無是處], not one good point/everything about it is wrong
一瞬间 yīshùnjiān, [一瞬間], split second
一般来说 yībānláishuō, [一般來說], generally speaking
一带 yīdài, [一帶], region/district
一贯 yīguàn, [一貫], consistent/constant/from start to finish/all along/persistent
一来 yīlái, [一來], firstly, ...
四分之一 sìfēnzhīyī, one-quarter
一大早 yīdàzǎo, at dawn/at first light/first thing in the morning
一千万 一日 一次性 yīcìxìng, one-off (offer)/one-time/single-use/disposable (goods)
一代 yīdài, generation
一如既往 yīrújìwǎng, just as in the past (idiom); as before/continuing as always
一清二楚 yīqīngèrchǔ, to be very clear about sth (idiom)
孤身一人 拾一 一时间 yīshíjiān, [一時間], for a moment/momentarily
一心 yīxīn, wholeheartedly/heart and soul
一举一动 yījǔyīdòng, [一舉一動], every movement/each and every move
一路顺风 yīlùshùnfēng, [一路順風], to have a pleasant journey (idiom)
一旁 yīpáng, aside/to the side of
十一 shíyī, eleven/11
一见钟情 yījiànzhōngqíng, [一見鐘情], love at first sight (idiom)
一体 yītǐ, [一體], an integral whole/all concerned/everybody
不顾一切 bùgùyīqiè, [不顧一切], reckless/regardless of everything
一线 yīxiàn, [一線], front line
同一天 三分之一 sānfēnzhīyī, one third
一派 一天到晚 yītiāndàowǎn, all day long/the whole day
第一夫人 dìyīfūrén, First Lady (wife of US president)
一席之地 yīxízhīdì, (acknowledged) place/a role to play/niche
一连串 yīliánchuàn, [一連串], a succession of/a series of
一月 Yīyuè, January/first month (of the lunar year)
一手 yīshǒu, a skill/mastery of a trade/by oneself/without outside help
日复一日 rìfùyīrì, [日復一日], day after day
一事无成 yīshìwúchéng, [一事無成], to have achieved nothing/to be a total failure/to get nowhere
一亿 万无一失 wànwúyīshī, [萬無一失], surefire; absolutely safe (idiom)
焕然一新 huànrányīxīn, [煥然一新], to look completely new (idiom); brand new/changed beyond recognition
一对一 下一代 xiàyīdài, the next generation
一家子 yījiāzi, the whole family
一方面 yīfāngmiàn, on the one hand
一度 yīdù, for a time/at one time/one time/once
大干一场 一窍不通 yīqiàobùtōng, [一竅不通], lit. doesn't (even) enter a single aperture (of one's head)/I don't understand a...
死路一条 sǐlùyītiáo, [死路一條], (idiom) dead end/road to ruin
一角 一身 yīshēn, whole body/from head to toe/single person/a suit of clothes
不值一提 一头 yītóu, [一頭], one head/a head full of sth/one end (of a stick)/one side/headlong/directly/rapi...
一臂之力 一个个 yīgègè, [一個個], each and every one
一干二净 yīgānèrjìng, [一乾二淨], thoroughly (idiom)/completely/one and all/very clean
一溜烟 yīliùyān, [一溜煙], like a wisp of smoke/(to disappear etc) in an instant
一再 yīzài, repeatedly
一动不动 yīdòngbùdòng, [一動不動], motionless
一次次 乱成一团 luànchéngyītuán, [亂成一團], in a great mess/chaotic
一氧化碳 yīyǎnghuàtàn, carbon monoxide CO
奄奄一息 yǎnyǎnyīxī, dying/at one's last gasp
有朝一日 yǒuzhāoyīrì, one day/sometime in the future
一道 yīdào, together
十一月 Shíyīyuè, November/eleventh month (of the lunar year)
一帆风顺 yīfānfēngshùn, [一帆風順], propitious wind throughout the journey (idiom)/plain sailing/to go smoothly/have...
十一点 一个样 yīgeyàng, [一個樣], same as 一樣|一样[yī yàng]/the same
一成不变 yīchéngbùbiàn, [一成不變], nothing much changes (idiom); always the same/stuck in a rut
一发 一言不发 yīyánbùfā, [一言不發], to not say a word (idiom)
一触即发 yīchùjífā, [一觸即發], could happen at any moment/on the verge
一二 yīèr, one or two/a few
孤注一掷 gūzhùyīzhì, [孤注一擲], to stake all on one throw
一败涂地 yībàitúdì, [一敗塗地], failed and wiped over the floor (idiom); to fail utterly/a crushing defeat/beate...
下一场 单一 dānyī, [單一], single/only/sole
一劳永逸 yīláoyǒngyì, [一勞永逸], to get sth done once and for all
一天天 第十一 一网打尽 yīwǎngdǎjìn, [一網打盡], lit. to catch everything in the one net (idiom)/fig. to scoop up the whole lot/t...
一点一 一厢情愿 yīxiāngqíngyuàn, [一廂情願], one's own wishful thinking
一去不复返 yīqùbùfùfǎn, [一去不復返], gone forever
一不小心 融为一体 róngwéiyītǐ, [融為一體], to fuse together (idiom)/hypostatic union (religion)
一整套 空无一人 kōngwúyīrén, [空無一人], not a soul in sight (idiom)
告一段落 gàoyīduànluò, to come to the end of a phase (idiom)
年复一年 niánfùyīnián, [年復一年], over the years/year after year
混为一谈 hùnwéiyītán, [混為一談], to confuse one thing with another (idiom); to muddle
一等 yīděng, first class/grade A
一举 yījǔ, [一舉], a move/an action/in one move/at a stroke/in one go
一齐 yīqí, [一齊], at the same time/simultaneously
一笔勾销 yībǐgōuxiāo, [一筆勾銷], to write off at one stroke
其一 qíyī, one of the given (options etc)/the first/firstly
一声不吭 yīshēngbùkēng, [一聲不吭], to not say a word
一刹那 专一 zhuānyī, [專一], single-minded/concentrated
一瞬 yīshùn, one instant/very short time/the twinkle of an eye
一万五千 一丁点儿 打成一片 dǎchéngyīpiàn, to merge/to integrate/to become as one/to unify together
一刀两断 yīdāoliǎngduàn, [一刀兩斷], lit. two segments with a single cut (idiom)/fig. to make a clean break (idiom)
高人一等 gāorényīděng, a cut above others/superior
纯一 一二三 一蹶不振 yījuébùzhèn, one stumble, unable to rise (idiom); a setback leading to total collapse/ruined ...
惟一 wéiyī, only/sole/variant of 唯一[wéi yī]
一丝不苟 yīsībùgǒu, [一絲不苟], not one thread loose (idiom); strictly according to the rules/meticulous/not one...
露一手 lòuyīshǒu, to show off one's abilities/to exhibit one's skills
一年一度 毁于一旦 一意孤行 yīyìgūxíng, obstinately clinging to one's course (idiom)/willful/one's own way/dogmatic
更上一层楼 gèngshàngyīcénglóu, [更上一層樓], to take it up a notch/to bring it up a level
团结一心 一目了然 yīmùliǎorán, [一目瞭然], obvious at a glance (idiom), obvious at a glance (idiom)
更进一步 一言难尽 yīyánnánjìn, [一言難盡], hard to explain in a few words (idiom); complicated and not easy to express succ...
一世 yīshì, generation/period of 30 years/one's whole lifetime/lifelong/age/era/times/the wh...
第一手 dìyīshǒu, first-hand
老一套 lǎoyītào, the same old stuff
不一 bùyī, to vary/to differ
一点点 yīdiǎndiǎn, [一點點], a little bit
逐一 zhúyī, one by one
礼拜一 Lǐbàiyī, [禮拜一], Monday
一生一世 yīshēngyīshì, a whole lifetime (idiom); all my life
一口气 yīkǒuqì, [一口氣], one breath/in one breath/at a stretch
耳目一新 ěrmùyīxīn, a pleasant change/a breath of fresh air/refreshing
一视同仁 yīshìtóngrén, [一視同仁], to treat everyone equally favorably (idiom); not to discriminate between people
一本正经 yīběnzhèngjīng, [一本正經], in deadly earnest/deadpan
一心一意 yīxīnyīyì, concentrating one's thoughts and efforts/single-minded/bent on/intently
洗劫一空 xǐjiéyīkōng, to steal everything
一下下 十分之一 shífēnzhīyī, one tenth
合一 héyī, to unite
一律 yīlǜ, same/uniformly/all/without exception
一行 yīxíng, party/delegation
一万五 不屑一顾 bùxièyīgù, [不屑一顧], to disdain as beneath contempt (idiom)
一遍遍 多此一举 duōcǐyījǔ, [多此一舉], to do more than is required (idiom); superfluous/gilding the lily
如出一辙 rúchūyīzhé, [如出一轍], to be precisely the same/to be no different
不堪一击 bùkānyījī, [不堪一擊], to be unable to withstand a single blow/to collapse at the first blow
一了百了 yīliǎobǎiliǎo, once the main problem is solved, all troubles are solved/death ends all one's tr...
一月份 yīyuèfèn, January
值得一提 zhídeyītí, to be worth mentioning
五分之一 wǔfēnzhīyī, one fifth
第一流 dìyīliú, first-class
一而再 差一点儿 chàyīdiǎnr, [差一點兒], erhua variant of 差一點|差一点[chà yī diǎn]
一并 yībìng, [一並]/[一併], variant of 一併|一并, to lump together/to treat along with all the others, to lump t...
在此一举 一针见血 yīzhēnjiànxiě, [一針見血], lit. to draw blood on the first prick (idiom)/fig. to hit the nail on the head
一贫如洗 yīpínrúxǐ, [一貧如洗], penniless
一万二 二十一 一个劲 yīgèjìn, [一個勁], continuously/persistently/incessantly
一眼 yīyǎn, a glance/a quick look/a glimpse
更胜一筹 一去不返 一文不名 yīwénbùmíng, to be penniless
差一点 chàyīdiǎn, [差一點], see 差點|差点[chà diǎn]
长一智 一落千丈 yīluòqiānzhàng, lit. to drop a thousand zhang in one fall (idiom)/fig. (of business, popularity ...
千篇一律 qiānpiānyīlǜ, thousand articles, same rule (idiom); stereotyped and repetitive/once you've see...
一百五十万 吃一堑 一鸣惊人 yīmíngjīngrén, [一鳴驚人], to amaze the world with a single brilliant feat (idiom); an overnight celebrity
百万分之一 百分之一 非同一般 一侧 三一 一声令下 一钱不值 yīqiánbùzhí, [一錢不值], not worth a penny/utterly worthless
一连 yīlián, [一連], in a row/in succession/running
一举成名 一步步 不拘一格 bùjūyīgé, not stick to one pattern
欢聚一堂 huānjùyītáng, [歡聚一堂], to gather happily under one roof
网开一面 wǎngkāiyīmiàn, [網開一面], open the net on one side (idiom); let the caged bird fly/to give one's opponent ...
一尘不染 yīchénbùrǎn, [一塵不染], untainted by even a speck of dust (idiom); selfless and incorruptible/spotless
摇身一变 yáoshēnyībiàn, [搖身一變], to change shape in a single shake/fig. to take on a new lease of life
一家人 yījiārén, household/the whole family
数一数二 shǔyīshǔèr, [數一數二], reckoned to be first or second best (idiom)/one of the very best/to list one by ...
一转眼 yīzhuǎnyǎn, [一轉眼], in a wink
一场空 yīchángkōng, [一場空], all one's hopes and efforts come to nothing/futile
当头一棒 合而为一 héérwéiyī, [合而為一], to merge together (idiom); to unify disparate elements into one whole
一门心思 yīménxīnsi, [一門心思], to set one's heart on sth (idiom)
千钧一发 qiānjūnyīfà, [千鈞一髮], a thousand pounds hangs by a thread (idiom)/imminent peril/a matter of life or d...
一般说来 yībānshuōlái, [一般說來], generally speaking/in general
独树一帜 dúshùyīzhì, [獨樹一幟], lit. to fly one's banner on a solitary tree (idiom); fig. to act as a loner/to s...
一把手 yībǎshǒu, working hand/member of a work team/participant/(short form of 第一把手[dì yī bǎ shǒu...
功亏一篑 gōngkuīyīkuì, [功虧一簣], lit. to ruin the enterprise for the sake of one basketful/to fail through lack o...
一气呵成 yīqìhēchéng, [一氣呵成], to do something at one go/to flow smoothly
一二三四 一线生机 一千五百万 略知一二 lüèzhīyīèr, slight knowledge of sth/to know very little about a subject/a smattering
万众一心 wànzhòngyīxīn, [萬眾一心], millions of people all of one mind (idiom); the people united
一小撮 yīxiǎocuō, handful (of)
一号机 一望无际 yīwàngwújì, [一望無際], as far as the eye can see (idiom)
八分之一 bāfēnzhīyī, one eighth
一百五十 负一 一万亿 一五一十 yīwǔyīshí, lit. count by fives and tens (idiom); to narrate systematically and in full deta...
始终如一 shǐzhōngrúyī, [始終如一], unswerving from start to finish (idiom)
统一战线 tǒngyīzhànxiàn, [統一戰線], united front
如此一来 五一 wǔyī, 5-1 (May 1st)
付之一炬 fùzhīyījù, to put to the torch (idiom)/to commit to the flames/to burn sth down deliberatel...
一概 yīgài, all/without any exceptions/categorically
缓一缓 表里如一 biǎolǐrúyī, [表裡如一], external appearance and inner thoughts coincide (idiom); to say what one means/t...
一块块 一经 一往无前 yīwǎngwúqián, [一往無前], to advance courageously (idiom)/to press forward
这样一来 zhèyàngyīlái, [這樣一來], thus/if this happens then
零一 一等奖 yīděngjiǎng, [一等獎], first prize
一怒之下 杀一儆百 shāyījǐngbǎi, [殺一儆百], lit. kill one to warn a hundred (idiom); to punish an individual as an example t...
零零一 一点一滴 yīdiǎnyīdī, [一點一滴], bit by bit/every little bit
一览无余 yīlǎnwúyú, [一覽無餘], to cover all at one glance (idiom)/a panoramic view
三位一体 SānwèiYītǐ, [三位一體], Holy Trinity/trinity
千分之一 佑一 一锅粥 yīguōzhōu, [一鍋粥], (lit.) a pot of porridge/(fig.) a complete mess
一筹莫展 yīchóumòzhǎn, [一籌莫展], to be unable to find a solution/to be at wits' end
初一 chūyī, first day of lunar month/New Year's Day/first year in junior middle school
一扫而光 yīsǎoérguāng, [一掃而光], to clear off/to make a clean sweep of
灵机一动 língjīyīdòng, [靈機一動], a bright idea suddenly occurs (idiom); to hit upon an inspiration/to be struck b...
一夜间 万分之一 四一零 一条心 yītiáoxīn, [一條心], to be of one mind/to think or act alike
一举两得 yījǔliǎngdé, [一舉兩得], one move, two gains (idiom); two birds with one stone
一掷千金 yīzhìqiānjīn, [一擲千金], lit. stake a thousand pieces of gold on one throw (idiom); to throw away money r...
老一辈 lǎoyībèi, [老一輩], previous generation/older generation
一马当先 yīmǎdāngxiān, [一馬當先], to take the lead
一揽子 yīlǎnzi, [一攬子], all-inclusive/undiscriminating
一代人 一动 一二三四五 六分之一 liùfēnzhīyī, one sixth
二十一点 èrshíyīdiǎn, [二十一點], blackjack (card game)
昙花一现 tánhuāyīxiàn, [曇花一現], lit. the night-blooming cactus shows once/flash in the pan (idiom)/short-lived
轰动一时 hōngdòngyīshí, [轟動一時], to cause a sensation (idiom)
一千五 天下第一 tiānxiàdìyī, first under heaven/number one in the country
一周周 第一千 一板一眼 yībǎnyīyǎn, lit. one strong beat and one weak beats in a measure of music (two beats in the ...
一丝一毫 yīsīyīháo, [一絲一毫], one thread, one hair (idiom); a tiny bit/an iota
二一 一万两千 首屈一指 shǒuqūyīzhǐ, to count as number one (idiom); second to none/outstanding
一张张 一边倒 yībiāndǎo, [一邊倒], to have the advantage overwhelmingly on one side/to support unconditionally
一千五百 一条龙 yītiáolóng, [一條龍], lit. one dragon/integrated chain/coordinated process
一大 彼一时 此一时 背水一战 bèishuǐyīzhàn, [背水一戰], lit. fight with one's back to the river (idiom); fig. to fight to win or die
第一线 三七二十一 sānqīèrshíyī, three sevens are twenty-one (idiom)/the facts of the matter/the actual situation
一览无遗 yīlǎnwúyí, [一覽無遺], be plainly visible
两一 一知半解 yīzhībànjiě, lit. to know one and understand half (idiom); a smattering of knowledge/dilettan...
一件件 不一会儿 一年到头 yīniándàotóu, [一年到頭], all year round
伍一 一扫而空 yīsǎoérkōng, [一掃而空], to sweep clean/to clean out
一见如故 yījiànrúgù, [一見如故], familiarity at first sight
一晃 yīhuǎng, (of passing time) in an instant/(of a sight) in a flash
一鼓作气 yīgǔzuòqì, [一鼓作氣], in a spurt of energy
一味 yīwèi, blindly/invariably
一致性 yīzhìxìng, consistency
红极一时 hóngjíyīshí, [紅極一時], tremendously popular for a while
静一静 jìngyījìng, [靜一靜], to put sth to rest/calm down a bit!
低人一等 只身一人 一平君 一定量 第二十一 一万一千 一点零 目空一切 mùkōngyīqiè, the eye can see nothing worthwhile all around (idiom); arrogant/condescending/su...
别具一格 biéjùyīgé, [別具一格], having a unique or distinctive style
六一 一气 yīqì, [一氣], at one go/at a stretch/for a period of time/forming a gang
一盘散沙 yīpánsǎnshā, [一盤散沙], lit. like a sheet of loose sand/fig. unable to cooperate (idiom)
一万四千 一往情深 yīwǎngqíngshēn, deeply attached/devoted
一吐为快 yītǔwéikuài, [一吐為快], to get sth off one's chest
一幕幕 一丝丝 一堆堆 一般而言 yībānéryán, generally speaking
一窝蜂 yīwōfēng, [一窩蜂], like a swarm of bees/everyone swarms around pushing and shouting/a hornet's nest
一万三千 销售一空 一万八 风靡一时 fēngmǐyīshí, [風靡一時], fashionable for a while (idiom); all the rage
为之一振 一气之下 yīqìzhīxià, [一氣之下], in a fit of pique/in a fury
一口咬定 yīkǒuyǎodìng, to arbitrarily assert/to allege/to stick to one's statement/to cling to one's vi...
一席话 yīxíhuà, [一席話], the content of a conversation/words/remarks
一万六千 一见倾心 yījiànqīngxīn, [一見傾心], love at first sight
第一百 技高一筹 一拍即合 yīpāijíhé, lit. to be together from the first beat (idiom)/to hit it off/to click together/...
一二一 一筹 百分之一百 bǎifēnzhīyībǎi, one hundred percent/totally (effective)
一则 yīzé, [一則], on the one hand
沆瀣一气 hàngxièyīqì, [沆瀣一氣], to act in collusion (idiom); in cahoots with/villains will look after one anothe...
一年四季 yīniánsìjì, all year round
一言一行 yīyányīxíng, every word and action (idiom)
一步登天 yībùdēngtiān, reaching heaven in a single bound (idiom); (esp. with negative: don't expect) in...
一针 一显身手 一千二 五十一 一星半点 yīxīngbàndiǎn, [一星半點], just the tiniest bit/a hint of
济济一堂 jǐjǐyītáng, [濟濟一堂], to congregate in one hall (idiom); to gather under one roof
一技之长 yījìzhīcháng, [一技之長], proficiency in a particular field (idiom)/skill in a specialized area (idiom)
一诺千金 yīnuòqiānjīn, [一諾千金], a promise worth one thousand in gold (idiom); a promise that must be kept
一般性 yībānxìng, general/generality
整齐划一 zhěngqíhuàyī, [整齊劃一], to be adjusted to uniformity (usually of weights and measures) (idiom)
一霎那 两点一 一锤定音 yīchuídìngyīn, [一錘定音], lit. to fix the tone with a single hammer blow/fig. to make the final decision
闻一闻 不可一世 bùkěyīshì, to consider oneself unexcelled in the world/to be insufferably arrogant
一片片 一传 一天 一亿七千五百万 一笑置之 yīxiàozhìzhī, to dismiss with a laugh/to make light of
高一 独当一面 dúdāngyīmiàn, [獨當一面], to assume personal responsibility (idiom); to take charge of a section
褒贬不一 不一会 bùyīhuì, [不一會], soon
贤一 一应俱全 yīyīngjùquán, [一應俱全], with everything needed available
一饱眼福 yībǎoyǎnfú, [一飽眼福], to feast one's eyes on (idiom)
一反常态 yīfǎnchángtài, [一反常態], complete change from the normal state (idiom); quite uncharacteristic/entirely o...
一八六四年 九死一生 jiǔsǐyīshēng, nine deaths and still alive (idiom); a narrow escape/new lease of life
一把抓 yībǎzhuā, to attempt all tasks at once/to manage every detail regardless of its importance
一把把 三点一 一会会 一千九百万 胜人一筹 一颗颗 一万八千 一一点 十亿分之一 一代代 一千两百 一念之差 yīniànzhīchā, momentary slip/false step/ill-considered action
一元 yīyuán, single variable (math.)/univariate
四一 东西一 一穷二白 yīqióngèrbái, [一窮二白], impoverished/backward both economically and culturally
留一手 liúyīshǒu, to hold back a trick/not to divulge all one's trade secrets
六点一 一万一 一千亿 七点一 亲如一家 qīnrúyījiā, [親如一家], family-like close relationship (idiom)
划一 huàyī, [劃一], uniform/to standardize
一百六十万 一千二百万 独此一家 一页页 一千零一 说一不二 shuōyībùèr, [說一不二], to say one and mean just that (idiom); to keep one's word
清一色 qīngyīsè, monotone/only one ingredient/(mahjong) all in the same suit
百里挑一 bǎilǐtiāoyī, [百裡挑一], one in a hundred/cream of the crop
一排排 一呼百应 yīhūbǎiyìng, [一呼百應], a hundred answers to a single call (idiom)/to respond en masse
一段段 两亿一千两百万 三二一 一万三千五 陆一 一息尚存 一览表 风光一时 一拥而上 yīyōngérshàng, [一擁而上], to swarm around/flocking (to see)
一着不慎 一群 一对对 九点一 一审 yīshěn, [一審], first instance (law)
一阵风 缺一不可 quēyībùkě, not a single one is dispensable/can't do without either
一品 yīpǐn, superb/first-rate/(of officials in imperial times) the highest rank
一体化 yītǐhuà, [一體化], integration/incorporation/unification
聚集一堂 一隅 这一下 一千两 三十一 叁分之一 一扇扇 一间间 七分之一 qīfēnzhīyī, one seventh
朴一顺 一千四百万 串通一气 chuàntōngyīqì, [串通一氣], to act in collusion (idiom)
一叶障目 yīyèzhàngmù, [一葉障目], lit. eyes obscured by a single leaf (idiom)/fig. not seeing the wider picture/ca...
一系列 yīxìliè, a series of/a string of
一统天下 堪称一绝 一颦一笑 yīpínyīxiào, [一顰一笑], every frown and every smile
一唱一和 yīchàngyīhè, to echo one another (idiom)
一鼻子灰 一波三折 yībōsānzhé, calligraphic flourish with many twists/fig. many twists and turns
一跃而起 yīyuèérqǐ, [一躍而起], to jump up suddenly/to bound up/to rise up in one bound
十二点一 一九一二年 一清早 yīqīngzǎo, early in the morning
一百六十 一锅端 yīguōduān, [一鍋端], see 連鍋端|连锅端 [lián guō duān]
魔高一丈 一概而论 yīgàiérlùn, [一概而論], to lump different matters together (idiom)
捞一把 lāoyībǎ, [撈一把], to profiteer/to gain some underhand advantage
一往直前 yīwǎngzhíqián, see 一往無前|一往无前[yī wǎng wú qián]
一百亿 一言九鼎 yīyánjiǔdǐng, one word worth nine sacred tripods (idiom); words of enormous weight
一路货 一二年 百分之一千 一根根 名噪一时 míngzàoyīshí, [名噪一時], to achieve fame among one's contemporaries (idiom); temporary or local celebrity
一蹴而就 yīcùérjiù, to get there in one step (idiom); easily done/success at a stroke/to get results...
一墙之隔 一望无垠 yīwàngwúyín, [一望無垠], to stretch as far as the eye can see (idiom)
一飞冲天 一百四十万 十一分 一两千万 一年半载 yīniánbànzǎi, [一年半載], about a year
大一统 dàyītǒng, [大一統], unification (of the nation)/large scale unification
一失足成千古恨 yīshīzúchéngqiāngǔhèn, a single slip may cause everlasting sorrow (idiom)
百闻不如一见 bǎiwénbùrúyījiàn, [百聞不如一見], seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times (idiom); seeing for oneself i...
二十分之一 祝一天 一马平川 yīmǎpíngchuān, [一馬平川], flat land one could gallop straight across (idiom); wide expanse of flat country
第一百万 一年年 一串串 值得一提的是 一千七百万 一吻定 一试身手 一步到位 yībùdàowèi, to settle a matter in one go
一万七千 一万六 一柄剑 一万三 一千五百零七 六十一 唯一性 wéiyīxìng, uniqueness
一手包办 yīshǒubāobàn, [一手包辦], to take care of a matter all by oneself/to run the whole show
肆一 一品红 yīpǐnhóng, [一品紅], poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima)
二分之一 èrfēnzhīyī, one half
一股股 八又二分之一 一百一十万 一千二百 一千两百万 一百八 八点一 众口一词 zhòngkǒuyīcí, [眾口一詞], all of one voice/unanimous
一百五 道高一尺 黄粱一梦 huángliángyīmèng, [黃粱一夢], see 黃粱夢|黄粱梦[huáng liáng mèng]
一点三 一拖 一大群 一斑 yībān, lit. one spot (on the leopard)/fig. one small item in a big scheme
一方 yīfāng, a party (in a contract or legal case)/one side/area/region
一无 一端 一名超 一中 一千八百万 十点一 略胜一筹 lüèshèngyīchóu, [略勝一籌], slightly better/a cut above
亿万分之一 一百二十万 捏一把汗 niēyībǎhàn, to break out into a cold sweat (idiom)
第一千零一 统一体 tǒngyītǐ, [統一體], whole/single entity
非一日之寒 一桩桩 一千三 四十一 一百二十 金成一 天一 一点一百万 九一一 一病不起 yībìngbùqǐ, to fall gravely ill, never to recover (idiom)
一只只 三八一 一箱箱 一七点 莫衷一是 mòzhōngyīshì, unable to reach a decision (idiom); cannot agree on the right choice/no unanimou...
九分之一 jiǔfēnzhīyī, one ninth
一小小 一句句 一七四 第一万 一百八十万 三缺一 一元化 yīyuánhuà, integration/integrated/unified
一九八七年 一九九零年 各执一词 gèzhíyīcí, [各執一詞], each sticks to his own version (idiom); a dialogue of the deaf
一百四十 一九六九年 一目十行 yīmùshíháng, ten lines at a glance (idiom)/to read very rapidly
两千一百六十万 专一性 可见一斑 一千一百万 一千零五 一百零二 一泻千里 一亿零十万 宫川一夫 一定非 一多半 十一二 一般化 四一二三 亿分之一 四点一 一一列举 六又八分之一 一万四 一二三四五六七 一万七 五点零一 一般无二 面貌一新 七一 一袋袋 一碗碗 百分之一百一 十年磨一剑 一轮轮 连成一片 一万二千 大年初一 一口口 一百三十万 十万分之一 一看看 一百一十 七十一 一万亿分之一 庞贝一 一无所长 yīwúsuǒcháng, [一無所長], not having any special skill/without any qualifications
一包包 二百分之一 一亿三千七百万 一座座 一百一十七 三一七 汇聚一堂 盛极一时 shèngjíyīshí, [盛極一時], all the rage for a time/grand fashion for a limited time
五千万分之一 一脉相承 yīmàixiāngchéng, [一脈相承], traceable to the same stock (idiom); of a common origin (of trends, ideas etc)
一九六六年 一百万亿 一凯莉 一尺尺 一二百 一粒粒 一千七百六