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[若無其事] ruòwúqíshì as if nothing had happened (idiom); calmly

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        ruò, to seem/like/as/if
        shòuchǒngruòjīng, [受寵若驚], overwhelmed by favor from superior (humble expr.)
        ruòwúqíshì, [若無其事], as if nothing had happened (idiom); calmly/nonchalantly
        xīnxǐruòkuáng, to be wild with joy (idiom)
        ruògān, a certain number or amount/how many?/how much?
        ruòfēi, were it not for/if not for
        tǎngruò, provided that/supposing that/if
        ruòshì, if
        Ōuruòlā, [歐若拉], Aurora, Roman goddess of dawn
        zhìruòwǎngwén, [置若罔聞], to turn a deaf ear to (idiom); to pretend not to hear
        gùruòjīntāng, [固若金湯], secure as a city protected by a wall of metal and a moat of boiling water (idiom...
        shìruòwúdǔ, [視若無睹], to turn a blind eye to
        wǎnruò, to be just like
        rúruò, if
        lěngruòbīngshuāng, as cold as ice and frost (idiom, usually of woman); icy manner/frigid
        tàiránzìruò, cool and collected (idiom); showing no sign of nerves/perfectly composed
        ruòyǐnruòxiàn, [若隱若現], faintly discernible (idiom)
        pànruòliǎngrén, [判若兩人], to be a different person/not to be one's usual self
        kǒuruòxuánhé, [口若懸河], mouth like a torrent (idiom)/eloquent/glib/voluble/have the gift of the gab
        pángruòwúrén, [旁若無人], to act as though there were nobody else present/unselfconscious/fig. without reg...
        jiǎruò, if/supposing/in case
        qūzhīruòwù, [趨之若鶩], to rush like ducks (idiom); the mob scrabbles madly for sth unobtainable/an unru...
        huǎngruò, as if/as though/rather like
        ruòyǒusuǒsī, looking pensive/thoughtfully
        ānzhīruòsù, bear hardship with equanimity/regard wrongdoing with equanimity
        zhāoránruòjiē, abundantly clear
        ruòjíruòlí, [若即若離], lit. seeming neither close nor distant (idiom)/fig. to keep one's distance/(of a...
        fèngruòshénmíng, to honor sb as a God (idiom); to revere/to worship/to deify/to make a holy cow o...
        méntíngruòshì, [門庭若市], front yard as busy as a marketplace (idiom)/a place with many visitors

        wúfǎ, [無法], unable/incapable
        wú, [無], not to have/no/none/not/to lack/un-/-less
        wúlùn, [無論], no matter what or how/regardless of whether...
        háowú, [毫無], not in the least/to completely lack
        wúliáo, [無聊], bored/boring/senseless
        wúguān, [無關], unrelated/having nothing to do (with sth else)
        wúgū, [無辜], innocent/innocence/not guilty (law)
        wúsuǒwèi, [無所謂], to be indifferent/not to matter/cannot be said to be
        wúlùnrúhé, [無論如何], whatever the case/in any event/no matter what/by all possible means
        háowúyíwèn, [毫無疑問], certainty/without a doubt
        biéwúxuǎnzé, [別無選擇], to have no other choice
        wúshù, [無數], countless/numberless/innumerable
        wúzuì, [無罪], innocent/guileless/not guilty (of crime)
        yīwúsuǒzhī, [一無所知], not knowing anything at all (idiom); completely ignorant/without an inkling
        wúyì, [無意], inadvertent/accidental/to have no intention of (doing sth)
        wúnéngwéilì, [無能為力], impotent (idiom)/powerless/helpless
线         wúxiàndiàn, [無線電], wireless
        wúbǐ, [無比], incomparable/matchless
        wúguānjǐnyào, [無關緊要], indifferent/insignificant
        wúxiào, [無效], not valid/ineffective/in vain
        yīwúsuǒyǒu, [一無所有], not having anything at all (idiom); utterly lacking/without two sticks to rub to...
        wúshì, [無視], to ignore/to disregard
        wújiākěguī, [無家可歸], homeless
        dúyīwúèr, [獨一無二], unique and unmatched (idiom); unrivalled/nothing compares with it
        wúzhī, [無知], ignorant/ignorance
        wúyí, [無疑], no doubt/undoubtedly
        wúqíng, [無情], pitiless/ruthless/merciless/heartless
        wúchǐ, [無恥], without any sense of shame/unembarrassed/shameless
        wúxiàn, [無限], unlimited/unbounded
        wúnéng, [無能], incompetence/inability/incapable/powerless
        wúlǐ, [無禮], rude/rudely
        wúdí, [無敵], unequalled/without rival/a paragon
        yīwúsuǒhuò, [一無所獲], to gain nothing/to end up empty-handed
        wúquán, [無權], to have no right/to have no authority
        wúlì, [無力], powerless/lacking strength
        wúzhù, [無助], helpless/helplessness/feeling useless/no help
线         wúxiàn, [無線], wireless
        wúlài, [無賴], hoodlum/rascal/rogue/rascally/scoundrelly
        yīwúshìchù, [一無是處], not one good point/everything about it is wrong
        wúchùbùzài, [無處不在], to be everywhere
        wúchù, [無處], nowhere
        wúyuánwúgù, [無緣無故], no cause, no reason (idiom); completely uncalled for
        wúsuǒshìshì, [無所事事], to have nothing to do/to idle one's time away (idiom)
        wúkěfènggào, [無可奉告], (idiom) "no comment"
        wújìn, [無盡], endless/inexhaustible
        wúhài, [無害], harmless
        wúyǔlúnbǐ, [無與倫比], incomparable
        wúsī, [無私], selfless/unselfish/disinterested/altruistic
        píngānwúshì, [平安無事], safe and sound (idiom)
        wúhuàkěshuō, [無話可說], to have nothing to say (idiom)
        wúsuǒbùnéng, [無所不能], omnipotent
        wúqióng, [無窮], endless/boundless/inexhaustible
        shēnwúfēnwén, [身無分文], penniless (idiom)
        wúshēng, [無聲], noiseless/noiselessly/silent
        wúshíwúkè, [無時無刻], all the time/incessantly
        wúmíng, [無名], nameless/obscure
        wánměiwúquē, [完美無缺], perfect and without blemish/flawless/to leave nothing to be desired
        ānránwúyàng, [安然無恙], safe and sound (idiom)/to come out unscathed (e.g. from an accident or illness)
        wúdòngyúzhōng, [無動於衷], aloof/indifferent/unconcerned
        wúlǐ, [無理], irrational/unreasonable
        wúkě, [無可], can't
        zǒutóuwúlù, [走投無路], to be at an impasse (idiom)/in a tight spot/at the end of one's rope/desperate
        wúyòng, [無用], useless/worthless
        wúmíngshì, [無名氏], anonymous (e.g. author, donor etc)
        wúcóng, [無從], not to have access/beyond one's authority or capability/sth one has no way of do...
        wúxū, [無需], needless
        yīshìwúchéng, [一事無成], to have achieved nothing/to be a total failure/to get nowhere
        wútiáojiàn, [無條件], unconditional
        xūwú, [虛無], nothingness
        wànwúyīshī, [萬無一失], surefire; absolutely safe (idiom)
        wújìyúshì, [無濟於事], to no avail/of no use
        shùshǒuwúcè, [束手無策], lit. to have one's hands bound and be unable to do anything about it (idiom); fi...
        wújīzhītán, [無稽之談], complete nonsense (idiom)
        wánhǎowúsǔn, [完好無損], in good condition/undamaged/intact
        wúmíngxiǎozú, [無名小卒], insignificant soldier (idiom)/a nobody/nonentity
        wúxiá, [無瑕], faultless/perfect
        tiānyīwúfèng, [天衣無縫], lit. seamless heavenly clothes (idiom)/fig. flawless
        wúxièkějī, [無懈可擊], invulnerable
        wúgù, [無故], without cause or reason
        wúxiá, [無暇], too busy/to have no time for/fully occupied
        wúzúqīngzhòng, [無足輕重], insignificant
        wúxīn, [無心], unintentionally/not in the mood to
        wúcháng, [無常], variable/changeable/fickle/impermanence (Sanskrit: anitya)/ghost taking away the...
        wúyǐngwúzōng, [無影無蹤], to disappear without trace (idiom)
        wúfáng, [無妨], no harm (in doing it)/One might as well./It won't hurt./no matter/it's no bother
        shǐwúqiánlì, [史無前例], unprecedented in history
        wúxíng, [無形], incorporeal/virtual/formless/invisible (assets)/intangible
        wúlǐqǔnào, [無理取鬧], to make trouble without reason (idiom); to be deliberately provocative
        shǒuwúcùntiě, [手無寸鐵], lit. not an inch of steel (idiom); unarmed and defenseless
        ruòwúqíshì, [若無其事], as if nothing had happened (idiom); calmly/nonchalantly
        yúshìwúbǔ, [於事無補], unhelpful/useless
        wúxū, [無須], need not/not obliged to/not necessarily
        wúwèi, [無謂], pointless/meaningless/unnecessarily
        rěnwúkěrěn, [忍無可忍], more than one can bear (idiom); at the end of one's patience/the last straw
        wújià, [無價], invaluable/priceless
        wúyōuwúlǜ, [無憂無慮], carefree and without worries (idiom)
        wúnài, [無奈], helpless/without choice/for lack of better option/grudgingly/willy-nilly/nolens ...
        wúwèi, [無味], tasteless/odorless
        wúshénlùn, [無神論], atheism
        wúfēi, [無非], only/nothing else
        wúduān, [無端], for no reason at all
        dāngzhīwúkuì, [當之無愧], fully deserving, without any reservations (idiom); entirely worthy (of a title, ...
        zhànwúbùshèng, [戰無不勝], to triumph in every battle (idiom); invincible/to succeed in every undertaking
        wúhuāguǒ, [無花果], fig (Ficus carica)
        zhìgāowúshàng, [至高無上], supreme/paramount/unsurpassed
        qiántúwúliàng, [前途無量], to have boundless prospects
        shǒuzúwúcuò, [手足無措], at a loss to know what to do (idiom); bewildered
        wújìkěshī, [無計可施], no strategy left to try (idiom); at one's wit's end/at the end of one's tether/p...
        kōngwúyīrén, [空無一人], not a soul in sight (idiom)
        qīnmìwújiān, [親密無間], close relation, no gap (idiom); intimate and nothing can come between
        wújiàzhībǎo, [無價之寶], priceless treasure
        wúyàng, [無恙], in good health
        wúyuán, [無緣], to have no opportunity/no way (of doing sth)/no chance/no connection/not placed ...
        wújīngdǎcǎi, [無精打采], dispirited and downcast (idiom); listless/in low spirits/washed out
        wúfǎwútiān, [無法無天], regardless of the law and of natural morality (idiom); maverick/undisciplined an...
        wúwù, [無誤], verified/unmistaken
        wúbiān, [無邊], without boundary/not bordered
线         wúxiàndiànhuà, [無線電話], radio telephony/wireless telephone
        mòmòwúwén, [默默無聞], obscure and unknown (idiom); an outsider without any reputation/a nobody/an unkn...
        wújūwúshù, [無拘無束], free and unconstrained (idiom); unfettered/unbuttoned/without care or worries
        gūlìwúyuán, [孤立無援], isolated and without help
        wúcháng, [無償], free/no charge/at no cost
        wúxiànqī, [無限期], unlimited (time) duration
        wúqītúxíng, [無期徒刑], life imprisonment
        wúwàng, [無望], without hope/hopeless/without prospects
        wúzhōngshēngyǒu, [無中生有], to create something from nothing (idiom)
        wúrén, [無人], unmanned/uninhabited
        wúdìzìróng, [無地自容], ashamed and unable to show one's face
        fǎnfùwúcháng, [反覆無常], unstable/erratic/changeable/fickle
        xiāngānwúshì, [相安無事], to live together in harmony
        wúyì, [無益], no good/not good for/not beneficial
        suǒshèngwújǐ, [所剩無幾], there is not much left
        wúyìshí, [無意識], unconscious/involuntary
        sìwújìdàn, [肆無忌憚], absolutely unrestrained/unbridled/without the slightest scruple
        juéwújǐnyǒu, [絕無僅有], one and only (idiom); rarely seen/unique of its kind
        wúxìng, [無性], sexless/asexual (reproduction)
        Jùwúbà/jùwúbà, [巨無霸], Big Mac (McDonald's hamburger), giant/leviathan
        wúsuǒbùzài, [無所不在], omnipresent
        tāndéwúyàn, [貪得無厭], avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied
        wúsuǒshìcóng, [無所適從], not knowing which course to follow (idiom); at a loss what to do
        wúyì, [無異], nothing other than/to differ in no way from/the same as/to amount to
        wúyìjiān, [無意間], inadvertently/unintentionally
        píngdànwúqí, [平淡無奇], ordinary and mediocre (idiom); nothing to write home about
        wúzhèngfǔzhǔyì, [無政府主義], anarchism
        wúyán, [無言], to remain silent/to have nothing to say
        gāozhěnwúyōu, [高枕無憂], to sleep peacefully (idiom)/(fig.) to rest easy/to be free of worries
        wúqióngwújìn, [無窮無盡], endless/boundless/infinite
        wúyīwúkào, [無依無靠], no one to rely on (idiom); on one's own/orphaned/left to one's own devices
        wúshēngwúxī, [無聲無息], wordless and uncommunicative (idiom); without speaking/taciturn/not providing an...
        wènxīnwúkuì, [問心無愧], lit. look into one's heart, no shame (idiom); with a clear conscience
        suǒxiàngwúdí, [所向無敵], to be invincible/unrivalled
        yǒngwúzhǐjìng, [永無止境], without end/never-ending
        qiǎowúshēngxī, [悄無聲息], quietly/noiselessly
        yìwúfǎngù, [義無反顧], honor does not allow one to glance back (idiom); duty-bound not to turn back/no ...
        wúdú, [無毒], harmless/innocuous/lit. not poisonous
        wúqī, [無期], unspecified period/in the indefinite future/no fixed time/indefinite sentence (i...
        dàwúwèi, [大無畏], utterly fearless
        wúshàng, [無上], supreme
        yǒubèiwúhuàn, [有備無患], Preparedness averts peril./to be prepared, just in case (idiom)
        wúsè, [無色], colorless
        wúguāntòngyǎng, [無關痛癢], not to affect sb/irrelevant/of no importance/insignificant
        mùzhōngwúrén, [目中無人], to consider everyone else beneath one (idiom); so arrogant that no-one else matt...
        wúkěhòufēi, [無可厚非], see 未可厚非[wèi kě hòu fēi]
        wúyè, [無業], unemployed/jobless/out of work
        wúyuànwúhuǐ, [無怨無悔], no complaints/to have no regrets
        kěyǒukěwú, [可有可無], not essential/dispensable
        huāngwúrényān, [荒無人煙], desolate and uninhabited (idiom)
        shúshìwúdǔ, [熟視無睹], to pay no attention to a familiar sight/to ignore
        tǐwúwánfū, [體無完膚], lit. cuts and bruises all over (idiom); fig. totally refuted
        wúkěnàihé, [無可奈何], have no way out/have no alternative/abbr. to 無奈|无奈[wú nài]
        cǎnwúréndào, [慘無人道], inhuman (idiom)/brutal and unfeeling
        dàngránwúcún, [蕩然無存], to obliterate completely/to vanish from the face of the earth
        wúmíngzhǐ, [無名指], ring finger
        wúsuǒzuòwéi, [無所作為], attempting nothing and accomplishing nothing (idiom); without any initiative or ...
        wúkěwǎnhuí, [無可挽回], irrevocable/the die is cast
        wúèbùzuò, [無惡不作], not to shrink from any crime (idiom); to commit any imaginable misdeed
线         wúxiàndiànbō, [無線電波], radio waves/wireless electric wave
        yīwàngwújì, [一望無際], as far as the eye can see (idiom)
        záluànwúzhāng, [雜亂無章], disordered and in a mess (idiom); all mixed up and chaotic
        wúrénwènjīn, [無人問津], to be of no interest to anyone (idiom)
        wúqíbùyǒu, [無奇不有], nothing is too bizarre/full of extraordinary things
        shìwújùxì, [事無巨細], lit. things are not separated according to their size (idiom)/fig. to deal with ...
        wúwēibùzhì, [無微不至], in every possible way (idiom); meticulous
        túláowúgōng, [徒勞無功], to work to no avail (idiom)
        yǒngwúníngrì, [永無寧日], (in such circumstances) there will be no peace/one can never breathe easy
        shìruòwúdǔ, [視若無睹], to turn a blind eye to
        yīwǎngwúqián, [一往無前], to advance courageously (idiom)/to press forward
        wúrénqū, [無人區], uninhabited region
        yīlǎnwúyú, [一覽無餘], to cover all at one glance (idiom)/a panoramic view
        wúyōng, [無庸], variant of 毋庸[wú yōng]
        wúxù, [無序], disorderly/irregular/lack of order
        wúdǐdòng, [無底洞], bottomless pit
        bàolùwúyí, [暴露無遺], to lay bare/to come to light
        wúbiānwújì, [無邊無際], boundless/limitless
        wúkuì, [無愧], to have a clear conscience/to feel no qualms
        yǒuqùwúhuí, [有去無回], gone forever (idiom)
        yǒuguòzhīérwúbùjí, [有過之而無不及], not to be inferior in any aspects (idiom)/to surpass/to outdo/(derog.) to be eve...
        wúdù, [無度], immoderate/excessive/not knowing one's limits
        wúài, [無礙], without inconvenience/unimpeded/unhindered/unobstructed/unfettered/unhampered
        jǔshìwúshuāng, [舉世無雙], unrivaled (idiom); world number one/unique/unequaled
        bùwú, [不無], not without
        wúcóngxiàshǒu, [無從下手], not know where to start
        fēngyǔwúzǔ, [風雨無阻], regardless of weather conditions/rain, hail or shine
        yúmèiwúzhī, [愚昧無知], stupid and ignorant (idiom)
        wújiānbùcuī, [無堅不摧], no stronghold one cannot overcome (idiom); to conquer every obstacle/nothing one...
        wúyín, [無垠], boundless/vast
        cánkùwúqíng, [殘酷無情], cruel and unfeeling (idiom)
        liǎowúshēngqù, [了無生趣], to lose all interest in life (idiom)
        yīlǎnwúyí, [一覽無遺], be plainly visible
        zuòwúxūxí, [座無虛席], lit. a banquet with no empty seats/full house/capacity crowd/standing room only
        bǎiwúliáolài, [百無聊賴], bored to death (idiom)/bored stiff/overcome with boredom
        liáoliáowújǐ, [寥寥無幾], just a very few (idiom); tiny number/not many at all/You count them on your fing...
        xūwúzhǔyì, [虛無主義], nihilism
        yǎowúyīnxìn, [杳無音信], to have no news whatever
        wújìmíng, [無記名], (of a document) not bearing a name/unregistered (financial securities etc)/beare...
        qílèwúqióng, [其樂無窮], boundless joy
        wúshìshēngfēi, [無事生非], to make trouble out of nothing
        wúrénjī, [無人機], drone/unmanned aerial vehicle
        wúyǐfùjiā, [無以復加], in the extreme (idiom)/incapable of further increase
        wúqíngwúyì, [無情無義], completely lacking any feeling or sense of justice (idiom); cold and ruthless
        wúfèng, [無縫], seamless
        wúsuǒbùwéi, [無所不為], not stopping at anything/all manner of evil
        wúyányǐduì, [無言以對], to be left speechless/unable to respond
        pángruòwúrén, [旁若無人], to act as though there were nobody else present/unselfconscious/fig. without reg...
        wúhuǐ, [無悔], to have no regrets
        yǔshìwúzhēng, [與世無爭], to stand aloof from worldly affairs
        huíwèiwúqióng, [回味無窮], leaving a rich aftertaste/(fig.) memorable/lingering in memory
        mànwúbiānjì, [漫無邊際], extremely vast/boundless/limitless/digressing/discursive/going off on tangents/s...
        zéwúpángdài, [責無旁貸], to be duty bound/to be one's unshirkable responsibility
        wúkězhìyí, [無可置疑], cannot be doubted (idiom)
        yǒumíngwúshí, [有名無實], lit. has a name but no reality (idiom); exists only in name/nominal
        jǔmùwúqīn, [舉目無親], to look up and see no-one familiar (idiom); not having anyone to rely on/without...
        qúnlóngwúshǒu, [群龍無首], lit. a thunder of dragons without a head/fig. a group lacking a leader
        yǒuqìwúlì, [有氣無力], weakly and without strength (idiom); dispirited
        yǒujīngwúxiǎn, [有驚無險], to be more scared than hurt (idiom)/to get through a daunting experience without...
        yǒuyìwúyì, [有意無意], intentionally or otherwise
        wúchǎnjiējí, [無產階級], proletariat
        wúbù, [無不], none lacking/none missing/everything is there/everyone without exception
        wújī, [無機], inorganic (chemistry)
        wúliàng, [無量], measureless/immeasurable
        wúkěfēiyì, [無可非議], irreproachable (idiom)/nothing blameworthy about it at all
        wúmíngyīngxióng, [無名英雄], unnamed hero
        yāquèwúshēng, [鴉雀無聲], lit. crow and peacock make no sound/absolute silence (idiom); not a single voice...
        yáoyáowúqī, [遙遙無期], far in the indefinite future (idiom); so far away it seems forever
        mùwúfǎjì, [目無法紀], with no regard for law or discipline (idiom); flouting the law and disregarding ...
        shàngwú, [尚無], not yet/not so far
        xuèběnwúguī, [血本無歸], to lose everything one invested (idiom)/to lose one's shirt
        wújīwù, [無機物], inorganic compound
        huítiānwúlì, [回天無力], unable to turn around a hopeless situation (idiom)/to fail to save the situation
        yīwàngwúyín, [一望無垠], to stretch as far as the eye can see (idiom)
        wúyānméi, [無煙煤], anthracite
        dàgōngwúsī, [大公無私], selfless/impartial
        yīngxióngwúyòngwǔzhīdì, [英雄無用武之地], a hero with no chance of using his might/to have no opportunity to display one's...
        kōngdòngwúwù, [空洞無物], empty cave, nothing there (idiom); devoid of substance/nothing new to show
        túláowúyì, [徒勞無益], futile endeavor (idiom)
        yǒuzēngwújiǎn, [有增無減], to increase without letup/to get worse and worse (idiom)
        tiěmiànwúsī, [鐵面無私], strictly impartial and incorruptible (idiom)
        wúyān, [無煙], nonsmoking (e.g. environment)
        wúlǐshù, [無理數], irrational number
        wúyóu, [無由], to be unable (to do sth)/no reason to .../without rhyme or reason
        wúchǎnzhě, [無產者], proletariat/non-propertied person
        láoérwúgōng, [勞而無功], to work hard while accomplishing little/to toil to no avail
        hùtōngyǒuwú, [互通有無], mutual exchange of assistance (idiom)/to benefit from each other's strengths and...
        yǒushǐwúzhōng, [有始無終], to start but not finish (idiom); to fail to carry things through/lack of stickin...
        bǎiwújìnjì, [百無禁忌], all taboos are off (idiom); anything goes/nothing is taboo
        yǒushìwúkǒng, [有恃無恐], secure in the knowledge that one has backing
        miǎowúrényān, [渺無人煙], remote and uninhabited (idiom); deserted/God-forsaken
        xiōngwúdàzhì, [胸無大志], to have no aspirations (idiom)/unambitious
        gōngdéwúliàng, [功德無量], no end of virtuous achievements (idiom); boundless beneficence
        xuéwúzhǐjìng, [學無止境], no end to learning (idiom); There's always something new to study./You live and ...
        yīwúsuǒcháng, [一無所長], not having any special skill/without any qualifications
        wúxíngzhōng, [無形中], imperceptibly/virtually
        wúsuǒbùbāo, [無所不包], not excluding anything/all-inclusive
        tóngyánwújì, [童言無忌], children's words carry no harm (idiom)
        wúdúyǒuǒu, [無獨有偶], not alone but in pairs (idiom, usually derog.); not a unique occurrence/it's not...
        wútí, [無題], untitled
        hòuhuànwúqióng, [後患無窮], it will cause no end of trouble (idiom)
        wúqióngxiǎo, [無窮小], infinitesimal (in calculus)/infinitely small
        shēnwúchángwù, [身無長物], to possess nothing except bare necessities/to live a poor or frugal life
        tóngsǒuwúqī, [童叟無欺], cheating neither old nor young (idiom); treating youngsters and old folk equally...
        qiūháowúfàn, [秋毫無犯], (idiom) (of soldiers) highly disciplined, not committing the slightest offence a...
        tānlánwúyàn, [貪婪無厭], avaricious and insatiable (idiom); greedy and never satisfied
        wúhòu, [無後], to lack male offspring
        xiōngwúchéngfǔ, [胸無城府], open and candid (idiom); not hiding anything/ingenuous
        qiǎoránwúshēng, [悄然無聲], absolutely quiet
        wújì, [無際], limitless/boundless
        wànbānwúnài, [萬般無奈], to have no way out/to have no alternative

        qítā, other/(sth or sb) else/the rest
        qíshí, [其實], actually/in fact/really
        qízhōng, among/in/included among these
        qí, his/her/its/their/that/such/it (refers to sth preceding it)
        qítā, other/the others/else/other than it/in addition to the thing mentioned above
        yóuqí, especially/particularly
        jíqí, [極其], extremely
        qíyú, [其餘], the rest/the others/remaining/remainder/apart from them
        qícì, next/secondly
        Tǔěrqí, Turkey
        mòmíngqímiào, (idiom) baffling/inexplicable
        jíqí, (conjunction linking two nouns) and its .../and their .../and his .../and her .....
        míngfùqíshí, [名副其實], not just in name only, but also in reality (idiom)
        ruòwúqíshì, [若無其事], as if nothing had happened (idiom); calmly/nonchalantly
        Mǎqídùn, [馬其頓], Macedonia
        chūqíbùyì, to do sth when least expected (idiom); to catch sb off guard
        tūrúqílái, [突如其來], to arise abruptly/to arrive suddenly/happening suddenly
        zìshíqíguǒ, to eat one's own fruit (idiom); fig. suffering the consequences of one's own act...
        qíyī, one of the given (options etc)/the first/firstly
        kuādàqící, [誇大其詞], to exaggerate
        bùjìqíshù, [不計其數], lit. their number cannot be counted (idiom); fig. countless/innumerable
        wēihūqíwēi, a tiny bit/very little/next to nothing (idiom)
        kuākuāqítán, [誇誇其談], to talk big/to sound off/bombastic/grandiloquent
        zìdéqílè, [自得其樂], to find amusement in one's own way/to enjoy oneself quietly
        qíjiān, [其間], in between/within that interval/in the meantime
        zìshíqílì, lit. to eat off one's own strength (idiom)/fig. to stand on one's own feet/to ea...
        qíhòu, [其後], next/later/after that
        kǎqí, khaki (loanword)
        Tǔěrqírén, a Turk/Turkish person
        shēnlínqíjìng, [身臨其境], (idiom) to experience it for oneself/to actually *be* there (as opposed to readi...
        yǔqí, [與其], rather than.../與其|与其[yǔ qí] A 不如[bù rú] B (rather than A, better to B)
        chōngqíliàng, at most/at best
        qiàrúqífèn, (idiom) appropriate/apt/just right
        shìdéqífǎn, [適得其反], to produce the opposite of the desired result
        zìyuánqíshuō, [自圓其說], to make a story or theory consistent/to give a plausible explanation/to plug the...
        kǎbùqínuò, [卡布其諾], cappuccino (loanword)
        liǎngquánqíměi, [兩全其美], to satisfy rival demands (idiom)/to get the best of both worlds/to have it both ...
        wùjìnqíyòng, [物盡其用], to use sth to the full/to make the best use of everything
        qíèr, secondly/the other (usu. of two)/the second
        zuòxiǎngqíchéng, to reap where one has not sown (idiom)
        bùyànqífán, [不厭其煩], not to mind taking all the trouble (idiom)/to take great pains/to be very patien...
        yánguòqíshí, [言過其實], to exaggerate/to overstate the facts
        shǒudāngqíchōng, [首當其衝], to bear the brunt
        gèdéqísuǒ, each in the correct place/each is provided for
        sānjiānqíkǒu, [三緘其口], (idiom) reluctant to speak about it/tight-lipped
        fǎnqídàoérxíngzhī, to do the very opposite/to act in a diametrically opposite way
        qílèwúqióng, [其樂無窮], boundless joy
        qílèróngróng, [其樂融融], (of relations) joyous and harmonious
        miǎnwéiqínán, [勉為其難], to tackle a difficult job (idiom)/to do sth reluctantly
        dàxíngqídào, rampant/very popular
        bǎisībùdéqíjiě, see 百思不解[bǎi sī bù jiě]
        Mǐqílín, Michelin (tire company)
        zìxíngqíshì, to act as one thinks fit/to have one's own way
        mòmíngqímiào, variant of 莫名其妙[mò míng qí miào]
        měiqímíngyuē, to call by the glorified name of (idiom)
        zhèngzhòngqíshì, [鄭重其事], serious about the matter
        hánhúqící, [含糊其詞], to equivocate/to talk evasively (idiom)
        qísān, thirdly/the third
        gèxíngqíshì, each one does what he thinks is right (idiom)/each goes his own way
        guǒbùqírán, just as expected/told you so
        qímàobùyáng, [其貌不揚], (idiom) nothing special to look at/unprepossessing
        qínèi, [其內], included/within that
        tóuqísuǒhào, to adapt to sb's taste/to fit sb's fancy
        wànbiànbùlíqízōng, [萬變不離其宗], many superficial changes but no departure from the original stand (idiom); plus ...
        rènqízìrán, to let things take their course (idiom)/to leave it to nature/laissez-faire
        sàqímǎ, [薩其馬], see 沙琪瑪|沙琪玛[shā qí mǎ]

        shì, matter/thing/item/work/affair/CL:件[jiàn],樁|桩[zhuāng],回[huí]
        shìqing, affair/matter/thing/business/CL:件[jiàn],樁|桩[zhuāng]
        gùshì/gùshi, old practice/CL:個|个[gè], narrative/story/tale
        shìshíshàng, [事實上], in fact/in reality/actually/as a matter of fact/de facto/ipso facto
        shìshí, [事實], fact/CL:個|个[gè]
        shìr, [事兒], one's employment/business/matter that needs to be settled/(northern dialect) (of...
        shìjiàn, event/happening/incident/CL:個|个[gè]
        hǎoshì/hàoshì, good action, deed, thing or work (also sarcastic, "a fine thing indeed")/charity...
        shìyè, [事業], undertaking/project/activity/(charitable, political or revolutionary) cause/publ...
        shìgù, accident/CL:樁|桩[zhuāng],起[qǐ],次[cì]
        tóngshì, colleague/co-worker/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
        méishìr, [沒事兒], to have spare time/free from work/it's not important/it's nothing/never mind
        méishì, [沒事], it's not important/it's nothing/never mind/to have nothing to do/to be free/to b...
        huàishì, [壞事], bad thing/misdeed/to ruin things
        dàshì, major event/major political event (war or change of regime)/major social event (...
        dāngshìrén, [當事人], persons involved or implicated/party (to an affair)
        shìwùsuǒ, [事務所], office/firm
        shìwù, thing/object/CL:個|个[gè]
        chūshì, to have an accident/to meet with a mishap
        xíngshì, to execute/to handle/behavior/action/conduct
        jūnshì, [軍事], military affairs/military matters/military
        shìxiān, in advance/before the event/beforehand/prior
        běnshì/běnshi, source material/original story, ability/skill
        xiǎoshì, trifle/trivial matter/CL:點|点[diǎn]
        dǒngshìhuì, [董事會], board of directors
        gòngshì, to work together
        zuòshì, to work/to handle matters/to have a job
        cóngshì, [從事], to go for/to engage in/to undertake/to deal with/to handle/to do
        shìwù, [事務], (political, economic etc) affairs/work/transaction (as in a computer database)
        bànshì, [辦事], to handle (affairs)/to work
        xíngshì, criminal/penal
        gōngshì, work-related matters/documents
        chǔnshì, folly
        zhèngshì, one's proper business
        sīshì, personal matters
        wǎngshì, past events/former happenings
        shìtài, [事態], situation/existing state of affairs
        guǎnxiánshì, [管閒事], to meddle/to be a "nosy Parker"/to be too inquisitive about other people's busin...
        guàishì, strange thing/curious occurrence
        wànshì, [萬事], all things
        yǒushì, to be occupied with sth/to have sth on one's mind/there is something the matter
        chàshì/chāishi, poor/not up to standard, errand/assignment/job/commission/CL:件[jiàn]/see also 差使...
        mínshì, civil case/agricultural affairs/civil
        wúsuǒshìshì, [無所事事], to have nothing to do/to idle one's time away (idiom)
        shìhòu, [事後], after the event/in hindsight/in retrospect
        duōguǎnxiánshì, [多管閒事], meddling in other people's business
        fánshì, everything
        xīnshì, a load on one's mind/worry/CL:宗[zōng],樁|桩[zhuāng]
        shànshì, good deeds
        shīshì, (of a plane, ship etc) to have an accident (plane crash, shipwreck, vehicle coll...
        píngānwúshì, [平安無事], safe and sound (idiom)
        shìshì, affairs of life/things of the world
        lǐngshìguǎn, [領事館], consulate
        zhàoshì, to cause an accident/to be responsible for an incident/to provoke a disturbance
        rénshì, personnel/human resources/human affairs/ways of the world/(euphemism) sexuality/...
        dǒngshì, sensible/thoughtful/intelligent
        shìjì, [事跡], deed/past achievement/important event of the past
        shìshì, everything
        gǎnqíngyòngshì, to act impetuously (idiom); on an impulse
        àishì, [礙事], (usu used in the negative) to be of importance or to matter/to be in the way/to ...
        bùxǐngrénshì, to lose consciousness/unconscious/in a coma
        suǒshì, [瑣事], trifle
        shìyí, matters/arrangements
        lìxínggōngshì, routine business/usual practice/mere formality
        rěshì, to cause trouble
        chǔshì, [處事], to handle affairs/to deal with
        yīshìwúchéng, [一事無成], to have achieved nothing/to be a total failure/to get nowhere
        liǎngmǎshì, [兩碼事], two quite different things/another kettle of fish
        wújìyúshì, [無濟於事], to no avail/of no use
        dǒngshì, board member
        nàoshì, [鬧事], to cause trouble/to create a disturbance
        jūnshìjīdì, [軍事基地], military base
        jiùshì, [舊事], old affair/former matter
        bànshìchù, [辦事處], office/agency
        jìshìběn, [記事本], notebook/paper notepad/laptop computer
        sàishì, [賽事], competition (e.g. sporting)
        lǐshìhuì, [理事會], council
        jìshì, [記事], to keep a record of events/record/to start to form memories (after one's infancy...
        shìqián, in advance/before the event
        ruòwúqíshì, [若無其事], as if nothing had happened (idiom); calmly/nonchalantly
        yúshìwúbǔ, [於事無補], unhelpful/useless
        zhìshēnshìwài, not to get involved/to stay out of it
        jūnshìfǎtíng, [軍事法庭], court-martial/military tribunal
        jiāshì, family matters/domestic affairs/housework
        yùnshì, [韻事], poetic occasion/elegant situation/in literature, the cue for a poem
        shìxiàng, [事項], matter/item
        qùshì, entertaining anecdote/interesting story or incident
        chǒushì, [醜事], scandal
        lǐngshì, [領事], consul
        qǐshì, [啟事], announcement (written, on billboard, letter, newspaper or website)/to post infor...
        shìguān, [事關], to concern/on (some topic)/about/concerning/to have importance for
        hūnshì, wedding/marriage/CL:門|门[mén],樁|桩[zhuāng]
        yàoshì, important matter
        xiánshì, [閑事], other people's business
        zhànshì, [戰事], war/hostilities/fighting
        dǒngshìzhǎng, [董事長], chairman of the board/chairman
        yìshì, [軼事], variant of 逸事[yì shì]
        shìduān, disturbance/incident
        gōngshìgōngbàn, [公事公辦], to do things in a strictly businesslike manner (idiom)
        shìyǔyuànwéi, [事與願違], things turn out contrary to the way one wishes (idiom)
        hòushì, [後事], future events/and what happened next... (in fiction)/funeral arrangements
        zhǎoshì, to look for employment/to pick a quarrel
        wànshìtōng, [萬事通], jack-of-all-trades/know-it-all
        xīnxiǎngshìchéng, to have one's wishes come true/wish you the best!
        shěngshì/xǐngshì, to simplify matters/to save trouble, to handle administrative work
        shíshì, [時事], current trends/the present situation/how things are going
        xiāngānwúshì, [相安無事], to live together in harmony
        liǎnghuíshì, [兩回事], two quite different things/two unrelated matters
        rénshìbù, personnel office/human resources (HR)
        gànshi, [幹事], administrator/executive secretary
        shìyèyǒuchéng, [事業有成], to be successful in business/professional success
        fèishì, [費事], troublesome/to take a lot of trouble to do sth
        yìshì, [議事], to discuss official business
        BǎishìKělè, [百事可樂], Pepsi
        shíshì, [實事], fact/actual thing/practical matter
        shèngshì, grand occasion
        wànshìdàjí, [萬事大吉], everything is fine (idiom); all is well with the world
        záshì, [雜事], miscellaneous tasks/various chores
        zhēnrénzhēnshì, genuine people and true events
        liǎoshì, to dispose of a matter/to be done with it
        jiùshìlùnshì, [就事論事], to discuss sth on its own merits/to judge the matter as it stands
        xǐshì, happy occasion/wedding
        shìlǐ, reason/logic
        lǐshì, member of council
        xìngshì, sth fortunate/a lucky chance
        fángshì, sexual intercourse/to make love
        duōshì, meddlesome/eventful
        xùshì, [敘事], narrative
        shìwújùxì, [事無巨細], lit. things are not separated according to their size (idiom)/fig. to deal with ...
        hǎishì, maritime affairs/accident at sea
        pàshì, timid/to be afraid of getting involved/to be afraid of getting into trouble
        zhūshì, [諸事], everything/every matter
        fǎshì, religious ceremony/ritual
        wànshìrúyì, [萬事如意], to have all one's wishes (idiom)/best wishes/all the best/may all your hopes be ...
        zhàoshìzhě, offender/culprit
        xíngshìfànzuì, criminal offense
        rěshìshēngfēi, variant of 惹是生非[rě shì shēng fēi]
        sāngshì, [喪事], funeral arrangements
        yìqìyòngshì, [意氣用事], to let emotions affect one's decisions
        shíshìqiúshì, [實事求是], to seek truth from facts (idiom)/to be practical and realistic
        shìlì, example/exemplar/typical case
        zīshì, to cause trouble/to provoke a dispute
        shìbùguānjǐ, [事不關己], a matter of no concern to oneself (idiom)
        yǒuzhìzhěshìjìngchéng, a really determined person will find a solution (idiom); where there's a will, t...
        fūyǎnliǎoshì, to skimp/to work half-heartedly/not to bother
        lǐshìzhǎng, [理事長], director general
        shìbàngōngbèi, half the work, twice the effect (idiom); the right approach saves effort and lea...
簿         jìshìbù, [記事簿], a memo book (recording events)
        qíngshì, circumstances/facts (of a case)/case/feelings/love affair
        yìshì, anecdote/lost or apocryphal story about famous person
        gōngshì, defensive structure/military fortifications/(Tw) construction works/civil engine...
        shìbùguòsān, [事不過三], a thing should not be attempted more than three times (idiom)/don't repeat the s...
        dāngshì/dàngshì, [當事], to be in charge/to be confronted (with a matter)/involved (in some matter), to c...
        chuīshì, cooking
        wúshìshēngfēi, [無事生非], to make trouble out of nothing
        fángyùgōngshì, [防禦工事], fortification/defensive structure
        xīshìníngrén, [息事寧人], to keep the peace; to patch up a quarrel (idiom)
        hǎoshìduōmó, the road to happiness is strewn with setbacks (idiom)
        shìbiàn, [事變], incident/unforeseen event/events (in general)
        guóshì, [國事], affairs of the nation/politics
        shìbùyíchí, [事不宜遲], the matter should not be delayed/there's no time to lose
        shìjià, leave of absence for a personal matter
        shìbìgōngqīn, [事必躬親], to attend to everything personally
        dōngchuāngshìfā, [東窗事發], (of a plot etc) to be exposed (idiom)/to come to light
        qíshì, marvel
        wàishì, foreign affairs
        jūnshìxué, [軍事學], military science
        zǒnglǐngshì, [總領事], consul general
        huòshì, [禍事], disaster/doom
        hǎorénhǎoshì, admirable people and exemplary deeds
        jūnshìhuà, [軍事化], militarization
        shìyóu, main content/matter/work/origin of an incident/cause/purpose/subject (of busines...
        měishì, a fine thing/a wonderful thing
        kuīxīnshì, [虧心事], shameful deed
        Lèshì/lèshì, [樂事], Lay's (brand), pleasure
        móushì, [謀事], to plan matters/to look for a job
        qīnshì, [親事], marriage/CL:門|门[mén]
        shìguòjìngqiān, [事過境遷], The issue is in the past, and the situation has changed (idiom)./It is water und...
        hànshì, a matter for regret/sth that is a (great) pity
        bǎishìtōng, knowledgeable person/know all
        zhèngshì, politics/government affairs
        zǒnglǐngshìguǎn, [總領事館], consulate general
        rénshìbùmén, [人事部門], personnel office
        hùnshì, to work half-heartedly/to get by in a job with the minimum effort
        wùshì, [誤事], to hold things up/to make a botch of things
        shìtǐ, [事體], things/affairs/decorum
        xùshìshī, [敘事詩], narrative poem
        zhèngzhòngqíshì, [鄭重其事], serious about the matter
        gùshipiàn, fictional film/feature film
        shìzàirénwéi, [事在人為], the matter depends on the individual (idiom); it is a matter for your own effort...
        nóngshì, [農事], farming task
        rénshìchù, [人事處], human resources department
        zhuānshì, [專事], specialized
        shìzhǔ, victim (of a criminal)/party involved (in a dispute etc)/main instigator
        niánshìyǐgāo, old in years
        duōshìzhīqiū, troubled times/eventful period
        dāngshìzhě, [當事者], the person involved/the people holding power
        quēdéshì, misdeed/immoral action/wicked deed/a deliberate wrongdoing
        shìyèxīn, [事業心], devotion to one's work/professional ambition
        zhōngshēndàshì, [終身大事], major turning point of lifelong import (esp. marriage)
        niánshì, years of age/age
        zhǐshì, ideogram (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters)/Chinese ch...
        jūnshìkēxué, [軍事科學], military science
        chuīshìyuán, [炊事員], cook/kitchen worker
访         guóshìfǎngwèn, [國事訪問], state visit
        néngshì, particular abilities/one's forte
        jūnshìjiā, [軍事家], military expert/general
        xíngshìfàn, a criminal
        shìquán, [事權], position/authority/responsibility
        dǐngshì, [頂事], useful/fitting
        duōyīshìbùrúshǎoyīshì, it is better to avoid unnecessary trouble (idiom)/the less complications the bet...
        zérènshìgù, [責任事故], accident occurring due to negligence

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