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[不計其數] bùjìqíshù lit. their number cannot be counted (idiom); fig. countless

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Word Compounds

        bù, (negative prefix)/not/no
        bùguò, [不過], only/merely/no more than/but/however/anyway (to get back to a previous topic)/ca...
        bùyào, don't!/must not
        duìbuqǐ, [對不起], unworthy/to let down/I'm sorry/excuse me/pardon me/if you please/sorry? (please ...
        bùcuò, [不錯], correct/right/not bad/pretty good
        bùnéng, cannot/must not/should not
        bùguǎn, not to be concerned/regardless of/no matter
        bùxíng, won't do/be out of the question/be no good/not work/not be capable
        bùtóng, different/distinct/not the same/not alike
        bùhǎoyìsi, to feel embarrassed/to find it embarrassing/to be sorry (for inconveniencing sb)
        bùhǎo, no good
        bùzài, no more/no longer
        bùyòng, need not
        chàbuduō, almost/nearly/more or less/about the same/good enough/not bad
        bùdébù, have no choice or option but to/cannot but/have to/can't help it/can't avoid
        bùrán, not so/no/or else/otherwise/if not/How about ...?
        bùbì, need not/does not have to/not necessarily
        bùzàihu, not to care
        zhǐbuguò, [只不過], only/merely/nothing but/no more than/it's just that ...
        bùxìng, misfortune/adversity/unfortunate/sad/unfortunately/CL:個|个[gè]
        bùgòu, [不夠], not enough/insufficient/inadequate
        bùxǔ, [不許], not to allow/must not/can't
        bùshǎo, many/a lot/not few
        juébù, [絕不], in no way/not in the least/absolutely not
        bùzhī, not to know/unaware/unknowingly/fig. not to admit (defeat, hardships, tiredness ...
        bùkěsīyì, [不可思議], inconceivable (idiom); unimaginable/unfathomable
        bùduì, [不對], incorrect/wrong/amiss/abnormal/queer
        bùdào, not to arrive/not reaching/insufficient/less than
        bùjiàn, [不見], not to see/not to meet/to have disappeared/to be missing
        bùguǎnzěnyàng, [不管怎樣], in any case/no matter what
        bùduàn, [不斷], unceasing/uninterrupted/continuous/constant
        kěbu, see 可不是[kě bu shì]
        bùkě, cannot/should not/must not
        shòubùliǎo, unbearable/unable to endure/can't stand
        liǎobuqǐ, amazing/terrific/extraordinary
        bùjǐn, [不僅], not only (this one)/not just (...) but also
        shuōbudìng, [說不定], can't say for sure/maybe
        bùjiǔ, not long (after)/before too long/soon/soon after
        bùzhǐ, incessantly/without end/more than/not limited to
        bùān, unpeaceful/unstable/uneasy/disturbed/restless/worried
        bùlùn, [不論], whatever/no matter what (who, how etc)/regardless of/not to discuss
        dàbùliǎo, at worst/if worst comes to worst/serious/alarming
        juébù, [決不], not at all/simply (can) not
        yǔzhòngbùtóng, [與眾不同], to stand out from the masses (idiom)
        bùzhǔn, not to allow/to forbid/to prohibit
        bùhuì, [不會], improbable/unlikely/will not (act, happen etc)/not able/not having learned to do...
        bùmiào, (of a turn of events) not too encouraging/far from good/anything but reassuring
        bùrú, not equal to/not as good as/inferior to/it would be better to
        yòngbuzháo, [用不著], not need/have no use for
        bùlài, [不賴], (coll.) not bad/good/fine
        cóngbù, [從不], never
        bùlì, unfavorable/disadvantageous/harmful/detrimental
        yǒngbù, never/will never
        háobù, hardly/not in the least/not at all
        shìbùshì, is or isn't/yes or no/whether or not
        yàobùrán, otherwise/or else/or
        bùxī, not stint/not spare/not hesitate (to do sth)/not scruple (to do sth)
        rěnbuzhù, cannot help/unable to bear
        hébù, why not?/why not do (sth)?
        bùzú, insufficient/lacking/deficiency/not enough/inadequate/not worth/cannot/should no...
        láibují, [來不及], there's not enough time (to do sth)/it's too late (to do sth)
        bùmíng, not clear/unknown/to fail to understand
        búshi/bùshì, fault/blame, no/is not/not
        bùyàojǐn, [不要緊], unimportant/not serious/it doesn't matter/never mind/it looks all right, but
        pòbùjídài, impatient (idiom); in a hurry/itching to get on with it
        bùdé, must not/may not/not to be allowed/cannot
        xiǎngbudào, unexpected/hard to imagine/it had not occurred to me/who could have thought that
        yàobù, otherwise/or else/how about...?/either... (or...)
        bùguāng, not the only one/not only
        bùpà, fearless/not worried (by setbacks or difficulties)/even if/even though
        xíngbutōng, won't work/will get (you) nowhere
        guàibude, no wonder!/so that's why!
        bùliáng, bad/harmful/unhealthy
        bùdàn, not only (... but also...)
        shíbùshí, [時不時], from time to time
        bùmǎn, [不滿], resentful/discontented/dissatisfied
        bùzhìyú, [不至於], unlikely to go so far as to/not as bad as
        bùdéliǎo, desperately serious/disastrous/extremely/exceedingly
        bùyǐ, endlessly/incessantly
        guòbuqù, [過不去], to make life difficult for/to embarrass/unable to make it through
        bùdà, not very/not too/not often
        hǎobùróngyì, with great difficulty/very difficult
        bùzěnme, [不怎麼], not very/not particularly
        bùtōng, to be obstructed/to be blocked up/to be impassable/to make no sense/to be illogi...
        cóngláibù, [從來不], never
        bùtuǒ, not proper/inappropriate
        bùgù, [不顧], in spite of/regardless of
        wúchùbùzài, [無處不在], to be everywhere
        bùzhīsuǒcuò, not knowing what to do (idiom); at one's wits' end/embarrassed and at a complete...
        bùzéshǒuduàn, [不擇手段], by fair means or foul/by hook or by crook/unscrupulously
        bǐbùshàng, can't compare with
        yìxiǎngbùdào, unexpected/previously unimagined
        bùkěbìmiǎn, unavoidably
        gǎnjībùjìn, [感激不盡], can't thank sb enough (idiom)
        bùjiǔqián, not long ago
        diédiébùxiū, to chatter or jabber on and on
        qíngbùzìjīn, unable to restrain emotions/cannot help
        bùfáng, there is no harm in/might as well
        bùkělǐyù, to be impervious to reason (idiom)/unreasonable
        bùyòngshuō, [不用說], needless to say/it goes without saying
        bùkān, cannot bear/cannot stand/utterly/extremely
        bùcéng, hasn't yet/hasn't ever
便         bùbiàn, inconvenient/inappropriate/unsuitable/short of cash
        shìérbùjiàn, [視而不見], to turn a blind eye to/to ignore
        jiéránbùtóng, entirely different/different as black and white
        bùdéyǐ, to act against one's will/to have no alternative but to/to have to/to have no ch...
        bùshì, [不適], unwell/indisposed/out of sorts
        wúsuǒbùnéng, [無所不能], omnipotent
        xīnbùzàiyān, absent-minded/preoccupied/inattentive/with one's thoughts wandering
        wēibùzúdào, negligible/insignificant
        bùdàodé, immoral
        bùgùyīqiè, [不顧一切], reckless/regardless of everything
        hènbude, wishing one could do sth/to hate to be unable/itching to do sth
        líbukāi, [離不開], inseparable/inevitably linked to
        bùyàoliǎn, [不要臉], to have no sense of shame/shameless
        háobùyóuyù, [毫不猶豫], without the slightest hesitation
        bùfú, inconsistent/not in agreement with/not agree or tally with/not conform to
        bùdàng, [不當], unsuitable/improper/inappropriate
        bùcè, [不測], unexpected/measureless/unexpected circumstance/contingency/mishap
        débùdào, cannot get/cannot obtain
        bùxǐngrénshì, to lose consciousness/unconscious/in a coma
        bùwéirénzhī, [不為人知], not known to anyone/secret/unknown
        bùshí, [不時], from time to time/now and then/occasionally/frequently
        shěbude, [捨不得], to hate to do sth/to hate to part with/to begrudge
        bùróng, must not/cannot/to not allow/cannot tolerate
        bìngbù, [並不], not at all/emphatically not
        bùjīn, can't help (doing sth)/can't refrain from
        bùjǐnrúcǐ, [不僅如此], not only that, but ...
        bùkuì, to be worthy of/to deserve to be called/to prove oneself to be
        bùtíng, incessant
        yǒusuǒbùtóng, to differ to some extent (idiom)
        gēnbushàng, not able to keep up with
        bùzhǐ, not only/not merely
        bùzhībùjué, [不知不覺], unconsciously/unwittingly
        zhìzhībùlǐ, to pay no heed to (idiom)/to ignore/to brush aside
        mènmènbùlè, [悶悶不樂], depressed/sulky/moody/unhappy
        bùqǐyǎn, unremarkable/nothing out of the ordinary
        bùdān, [不單], not the only/not merely/not simply
        bùqū, unyielding/unbending
        qiáobùqǐ, to look down upon/to hold in contempt
        bùxiáng, ominous/inauspicious
        bùhé, to not conform to/to be unsuited to/to be out of keeping with/should not/ought o...
        bùnàifán, [不耐煩], impatience/impatient
        yīqiàobùtōng, [一竅不通], lit. doesn't (even) enter a single aperture (of one's head)/I don't understand a...
        bùkěshōushí, irremediable/unmanageable/out of hand/hopeless
        hǎobù, not at all .../how very ...
        bābude, (coll.) to be eager for/to long for/to look forward to
        bùxiǔ, immortal/immortality
        bùnéngbù, have to/cannot but
        jiànbudérén, [見不得人], shameful
        bùgōng, unjust/unfair
        bùqiǎo, too bad/unfortunately/as luck would have it
        yóuyùbùjué, [猶豫不決], hesitancy/indecision/to waver
        bùlǐ, to refuse to acknowledge/to pay no attention to/to take no notice of/to ignore
        bùjīngyì, [不經意], not paying attention/carelessly/by accident
        bùhéshíyí, [不合時宜], untimely/premature/inopportune/ill-timed/out of fashion/behind the times
        bùjǐngqì, [不景氣], slack/in a slump
        Bùlièdiān, [不列顛], Britain/British/Great Britain
        yīdòngbùdòng, [一動不動], motionless
        cuòshǒubùjí, no time to deal with it (idiom); caught unprepared
        shēnxìnbùyí, to believe firmly without any doubt (idiom)/absolute certainty about sth
        xíngyǐngbùlí, [形影不離], inseparable (as form and shadow)
        bùqièshíjì, [不切實際], unrealistic/impractical
        bùfěi, considerable (cost etc)/bountiful (crop etc)/high (social status etc)
        tòngbùyùshēng, to be so in pain as to not want to live/to be so grieved as to wish one were dea...
        bùkěkāijiāo, [不可開交], to be awfully (busy etc)
        mòbùguānxīn, [漠不關心], not the least bit concerned/completely indifferent
        qiúzhībùdé, lit. seek but fail to get (idiom); fig. exactly what one’s been looking for
        bùjué, [不覺], unconsciously
        chángshēngbùlǎo, [長生不老], immortality
        dòngbudòng, [動不動], (typically followed by 就[jiù]) apt to (lose one's temper, catch a cold etc)/at t...
        yīchéngbùbiàn, [一成不變], nothing much changes (idiom); always the same/stuck in a rut
        hébùlái, [合不來], unable to get along together/incompatible
        xiàluòbùmíng, unaccounted/unknown whereabouts
        xiàbùwéilì, [下不為例], not to be repeated/not to be taken as a precedent/just this once
        bùyóuzìzhǔ, can't help; involuntarily (idiom)
        bùkěgàorén, hidden/kept secret/not to be divulged
        hūnmíbùxǐng, to remain unconscious
        bùchéng, won't do/unable to/(at the end of a rhetorical question) can that be?
        bùzhébùkòu, a hundred percent/to the letter/out-and-out
        niànniànbùwàng, to keep in mind constantly (idiom)
        bùxiè, to disdain to do sth/to think sth not worth doing/to feel it beneath one's digni...
        bùdòngchǎn, [不動產], real estate/immovable property/immovables
        pòbùdéyǐ, to have no alternative (idiom); compelled by circumstances/forced into sth
        yīyánbùfā, [一言不發], to not say a word (idiom)
        bùsùzhīkè, uninvited or unexpected guest
        bùyí, not suitable/inadvisable/inappropriate
        tāotāobùjué, [滔滔不絕], unceasing torrent (idiom)/talking non-stop/gabbling forty to the dozen
        chūqíbùyì, to do sth when least expected (idiom); to catch sb off guard
        xìnbùguò, [信不過], to distrust/to be suspicious
        bùfù, [不復], no longer/no more
        cǎnbùrěndǔ, [慘不忍睹], spectacle too horrible to endure (idiom); tragic sight/appalling scenes of devas...
        qiánbùjiǔ, not long ago/not long before
        kàobuzhù, unreliable
        mǎibuqǐ, [買不起], cannot afford/can't afford buying
        bùbìyào, needless/unnecessary
        guòyìbùqù, [過意不去], to feel very apologetic
        jīnbuzhù, can't help it/can't bear it
        zàibù, if not, then/otherwise
        yáobǎibùdìng, [搖擺不定], indecisive/wavering
        bùxiáng, [不詳], not in detail/not quite clear
        bùyú, to withhold/to refuse
        zhànwúbùshèng, [戰無不勝], to triumph in every battle (idiom); invincible/to succeed in every undertaking
        yīqùbùfùfǎn, [一去不復返], gone forever
        gégébùrù, (idiom) inharmonious/incompatible
        kànbuguàn, [看不慣], cannot bear to see/to hate/to dislike/to disapprove
        huáérbùshí, [華而不實], flower but no fruit (idiom); handsome exterior but hollow inside/flashy
        zuòlìbùān, lit. agitated sitting or standing (idiom)/restless/fidgety
        háobùliúqíng, to show no quarter/ruthless/relentless
        miàobùkěyán, too wonderful for words
        bùguǐ, [不軌], errant
        DàBùlièdiān, [大不列顛], Great Britain
        wàngbùliǎo, cannot forget
        shēnbùyóujǐ, without the freedom to act independently (idiom); involuntary/not of one's own v...
        bùxiànghuà, [不像話], unreasonable/shocking/outrageous
        bùyì, not easy to do sth/difficult/unchanging
        jiānchíbùxiè, [堅持不懈], to persevere unremittingly (idiom); to keep going until the end
        zìmìngbùfán, to think too much of oneself/self-important/arrogant
        xīnshénbùníng, [心神不寧], to feel ill at ease
        kànbuqǐ, to look down upon/to despise
        dāoqiāngbùrù, [刀槍不入], lit. impervious to sword or spear (idiom)/fig. invulnerable/untouchable/thick-sk...
        yīshēngbùkēng, [一聲不吭], to not say a word
        bùfán, out of the ordinary/out of the common run
        bùjìqíshù, [不計其數], lit. their number cannot be counted (idiom); fig. countless/innumerable
        bùzhīsuǒyún, to not know what sb is driving at/to be unintelligible
        shǎobuliǎo, cannot do without/to be unavoidable/are bound to be many
        bùwénbùwèn, [不聞不問], not to hear, not to question (idiom)/to show no interest in sth/uncritical/not i...
        yījuébùzhèn, one stumble, unable to rise (idiom); a setback leading to total collapse/ruined ...
        bìbùkěshǎo, absolutely necessary/indispensable/essential
        jiānbùkěcuī, [堅不可摧], invulnerable, indestructible, impregnable
        bùjiànde, [不見得], not necessarily/not likely
        yīsībùgǒu, [一絲不苟], not one thread loose (idiom); strictly according to the rules/meticulous/not one...
        jībùkěshī, [機不可失], No time to lose! (idiom)
        Nàbùlèsī, Napoli, capital of Campania region of Italy/Naples
        sāshǒubùguǎn, to stand aside and do nothing (idiom)/to take no part in
        yǒutiáobùwěn, [有條不紊], regular and thorough (idiom); methodically arranged
        bùguīzé, [不規則], irregular
        bùkěhuòquē, necessary/must have
        bùxiū, endlessly/ceaselessly
        yàobushì, if it were not for/but for
        chībuxiāo, to be unable to tolerate or endure/to find sth difficult to manage
        jiāolǜbùān, [焦慮不安], worried too much
        bùhǎorě, not to be trifled with/not to be pushed around/stand no nonsense
        bùyíyúlì, [不遺餘力], to spare no pains or effort (idiom); to do one's utmost
        bùcíérbié, [不辭而別], to leave without saying good-bye
        bùyī, to vary/to differ
        bùzúwéiqí, [不足為奇], not at all surprising (idiom)
        jīngbuqǐ, [經不起], can't stand it/to be unable to bear/to be unable to resist
        bùyùn, infertility
        bùxiùgāng, [不銹鋼]/[不鏽鋼], stainless steel, stainless steel
        yuányuánbùduàn, [源源不斷], a steady flow (idiom); an unending stream
        háobùfèilì, [毫不費力], effortless/not expending the slightest effort
        wúsuǒbùzài, [無所不在], omnipresent
        guòmùbùwàng, [過目不忘], to have a highly retentive memory/to have sth imprinted in one's memory
        cùnbùbùlí, [寸步不離], to follow sb closely (idiom)/to keep close to
        bùjìn, [不盡], not completely/endlessly
        tíngzhìbùqián, [停滯不前], stuck and not moving forward (idiom); stagnant/in a rut/at a standstill
        bùdéérzhī, unknown/unable to find out
        bùxiāngshàngxià, equally matched/about the same
        bùyóu, can't help (doing sth)
        bùjí, to fall short of/not as good as/too late
        miǎnbùliǎo, unavoidable/can't be avoided
        bùshèng, [不勝], cannot bear or stand/be unequal to/very/extremely
        bùjì, [不濟], not good/of no use
        bùxièyīgù, [不屑一顧], to disdain as beneath contempt (idiom)
        bùkānyījī, [不堪一擊], to be unable to withstand a single blow/to collapse at the first blow
        mùbùzhuǎnjīng, [目不轉睛], unable to take one's eyes off (idiom); to gaze steadily/to stare
        wánshìbùgōng, to trifle without respect (idiom); to despise worldly conventions/frivolous
        bùyìérfēi, [不翼而飛], to disappear without trace/to vanish all of a sudden/to spread fast/to spread li...
        bùsú, impressive/out of the ordinary
        bùliǎoliǎozhī, to settle a matter by leaving it unsettled/to end up with nothing definite
        bùtóngfánxiǎng, [不同凡響], lit. not a common chord (idiom); outstanding/brilliant/out of the common run
        lìbùcóngxīn, [力不從心], less capable than desirable (idiom); not as strong as one would wish/the spirit ...
        qiěbùshuō, [且不說], not to mention/leaving aside
        jiāndìngbùyí, [堅定不移], unswerving/unflinching
        bùyánéryù, it goes without saying/it is self-evident
        bùhé, not to get along well/to be on bad terms/to be at odds/discord
        shìbùkědǎng, [勢不可擋], see 勢不可當|势不可当[shì bù kě dāng]
        bùshàn, bad/ill/not good at/not to be pooh-poohed/quite impressive
        zànbùjuékǒu, [讚不絕口]/[贊不絕口], to praise without cease (idiom); praise sb to high heaven, to praise without cea...
        bùzhù, repeatedly/continuously/constantly/unable to (resist, conceal etc)
        bùdìng, indefinite/indeterminate/(botany) adventitious
        yuánfēngbùdòng, [原封不動], sticking unmoving to the original (idiom); not an iota changed/untouched
        yīwénbùmíng, to be penniless
        bùréndào, inhuman
        zhīzìbùtí, [隻字不提], not to mention (idiom); to say not one word/fig. to omit mention (of a non-perso...
        ànbīngbùdòng, [按兵不動], to hold back one's troops without moving (idiom); to bide one's time
        bùkānshèxiǎng, [不堪設想], too horrible to contemplate/unthinkable/inconceivable
        bùzàihuàxià, [不在話下], to be nothing difficult/to be a cinch
        bùwèn, [不問], to pay no attention to/to disregard/to ignore/to let go unpunished/to let off
        mǎbùtíngtí, [馬不停蹄], unrelenting/without stopping to rest
        bùzhìzhīzhèng, incurable disease
        bùchūsuǒliào, as expected
        kànbùshùnyǎn, [看不順眼], unpleasant to the eye/objectionable
        yīqiánbùzhí, [一錢不值], not worth a penny/utterly worthless
        bùjūyīgé, not stick to one pattern
        yīchénbùrǎn, [一塵不染], untainted by even a speck of dust (idiom); selfless and incorruptible/spotless
        shuōbuguòqù, [說不過去], cannot be justified/inexcusable
        duìbuzhù, [對不住], to let sb down/to be unfair/I'm sorry/pardon me (formal)
        shǔbùshèngshǔ, [數不勝數], too many to count (idiom); innumerable
        nùbùkěè, unable to restrain one's anger (idiom); in a towering rage
        bùhuānérsàn, [不歡而散], to part on bad terms/(of a meeting etc) to break up in discord
        bùláoérhuò, [不勞而獲], to reap without sowing (idiom)
        gòngrènbùhuì, [供認不諱], to make a full confession/to plead guilty
        lǚshìbùshuǎng, [屢試不爽], well-tried/time-tested
        mǎnbùzàihu, [滿不在乎], not in the least concerned (idiom)/reckless/couldn't give a damn about it/unpert...
        shārénbùzhǎyǎn, [殺人不眨眼], to murder without blinking an eye (idiom)/ruthless/cold-blooded
齿         bùchǐ, [不齒], to despise/to hold in contempt
        bùjiě, to not understand/to be puzzled by/indissoluble
        gǎnbùjí, [趕不及], not enough time (to do sth)/too late (to do sth)
        bùxiè, untiring/unremitting/indefatigable
        bùxī, continually/without a break/ceaselessly
        láizhěbùjù, [來者不拒], to refuse nobody (idiom)/all comers welcome
        dànànbùsǐ, [大難不死], to just escape from calamity
        bùfǎ, lawless/illegal/unlawful
        jiànguàibùguài, [見怪不怪], to keep one's calm in the face of the unexpected/not to wonder at strange sights
        shēngshēngbùxī, to grow and multiply without end
        bùzhuóbiānjì, [不著邊際], not to the point/wide of the mark/neither here nor there/irrelevant
        bùqūbùnáo, [不屈不撓], unyielding/indomitable
        tǎntèbùān, restless/apprehensive
        zhíyánbùhuì, [直言不諱], to speak bluntly (idiom)/not to mince words
        chōngěrbùwén, [充耳不聞], to block one's ears and not listen (idiom); to turn a deaf ear
        jìwǎngbùjiù, to forget and not bear recriminations (idiom); to let bygones be bygones/There i...
        wúèbùzuò, [無惡不作], not to shrink from any crime (idiom); to commit any imaginable misdeed
        bùwèi, unafraid/to defy
        lècǐbùpí, [樂此不疲], to enjoy sth and never tire of it (idiom)
        wúqíbùyǒu, [無奇不有], nothing is too bizarre/full of extraordinary things
        zúbùchūhù, [足不出戶], lit. not putting a foot outside/to stay at home
        bùmáozhīdì, barren land/desert
        xīnzhàobùxuān, a tacit mutual understanding
        wúwēibùzhì, [無微不至], in every possible way (idiom); meticulous
        bùzhōu, not satisfactory/thoughtless/inconsiderate
        bùfá, there is no lack of
        àibùshìshǒu, [愛不釋手], to love sth too much to part with it (idiom); to fondle admiringly
        míngbùxūchuán, [名不虛傳], lit. name is not in vain (idiom); a fully justified reputation/enjoys a well-des...
        tánbushàng, [談不上], to be out of the question
        yìbùróngcí, [義不容辭], not to be shirked without dishonor (idiom)/incumbent/bounden (duty)
        chūyánbùxùn, [出言不遜], to speak rudely
        mámùbùrén, numbed/insensitive/apathetic/thick-skinned
        fànbuzháo, [犯不著], not worthwhile
        yánbùyóuzhōng, to say sth without meaning it (idiom); to speak tongue in cheek/saying one thing...
        bùděng, unequal/varied
        bùshèn, incautious/inattentive
        bùpíng, uneven/injustice/unfairness/wrong/grievance/indignant/dissatisfied
        mànbùjīngxīn, [漫不經心], careless/heedless/absent-minded/indifferent
        fàngdàngbùjī, [放蕩不羈], wanton and unrestrained (idiom); dissolute
        rùbùfūchū, income does not cover expenditure/unable to make ends meet
        bùzhīqùxiàng, whereabouts unknown/gone missing
        háobùchíyí, [毫不遲疑], without the slightest hesitation
        sùbùxiāngshí, [素不相識], to be total strangers (idiom)
        wénsībùdòng, [紋絲不動], to not move a single jot (idiom)
        yǒngchuíbùxiǔ, eternal glory/will never be forgotten
        móhubùqīng, indistinct/fuzzy/blurred with age
        jíbùkědài, impatient/eager to/anxious to
        bùyánzìmíng, self-evident; needing no explanation (idiom)
        bùyìlèhū, [不亦樂乎], lit. isn't that a joy? (quote from Confucius)/fig. (jocularly) extremely/awfully
        bùwéisuǒdòng, [不為所動], to remain unmoved
        bùjìnrénqíng, not amenable to reason/unreasonable
        bùdòngshēngsè, [不動聲色], not a word or movement (idiom); remaining calm and collected/not batting an eyel...
        bùyǐwéirán, [不以為然], not to accept as correct (idiom); to object/to disapprove/to take exception to
        bùyuè, [不悅], displeased/annoyed
        bùkuài, unhappy/in low spirits/(of a knife) not sharp
        gōngbùkěmò, [功不可沒], one's contributions cannot go unnoticed (idiom)
        bùyànqífán, [不厭其煩], not to mind taking all the trouble (idiom)/to take great pains/to be very patien...
        céngchūbùqióng, [層出不窮], more and more emerge/innumerable succession/breeding like flies (idiom)
        bùpiānbùyǐ, even-handed/impartial/unbiased/exact/just
        chóuméibùzhǎn, with a worried frown
        wànjiébùfù, [萬劫不復], consigned to eternal damnation/with no hope of reprieve
        bùróngzhìyí, unquestionable
        bùduān, improper/dishonorable
        shìbùguānjǐ, [事不關己], a matter of no concern to oneself (idiom)
        huòbùdānxíng, [禍不單行], misfortune does not come singly (idiom)/it never rains but it pours
        èrhuàbùshuō, [二話不說], not saying anything further (idiom); not raising any objection/without demur
        bùkěduōdé, hard to come by/rare
        yùbàbùnéng, [欲罷不能], want to stop but can't (idiom)/to be unable to stop oneself/to feel an urge to c...
        xiàbùlái, [下不來], awkward/embarrassed/cannot be accomplished
        bùzhì, not in such a way as to/not likely to
        bùlìn, not to stint/to be generous (with praise etc)/to be prepared to (pay a fee, give...
        bùxiào, unfilial
        bùlì, not to do one's best/not to exert oneself
        míngbùjiànjīngzhuàn, [名不見經傳], (lit.) name not encountered in the classics/unknown (person)/nobody
        bùyìzhīcái, [不義之財], ill-gotten wealth or gains
        yǒuguòzhīérwúbùjí, [有過之而無不及], not to be inferior in any aspects (idiom)/to surpass/to outdo/(derog.) to be eve...
        cǐlùbùtōng, this road is blocked/fig. This method does not work./Doing this is no good.
        zhímíbùwù, [執迷不悟], to obstinately persist in going about things the wrong way (idiom)
        měizhōngbùzú, everything is fine except for one small defect (idiom); the fly in the ointment
        fènbùgùshēn, [奮不顧身], to dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety (idiom); undaunted by dang...
        bùgǎndāng, [不敢當], lit. I dare not (accept the honor); fig. I don't deserve your praise/you flatter...
        bùkěnìzhuǎn, [不可逆轉], irreversible
        bùyóude, can't help/cannot but
        ruòbùjīnfēng, [弱不禁風], too weak to stand up to the wind (idiom); extremely delicate/fragile state of he...
        guǒzúbùqián, to stand still without advancing (idiom); to hesitate and hold back
        láilìbùmíng, [來歷不明], of unknown origin
        bùwú, [不無], not without
        hǎojǐngbùcháng, [好景不長], a good thing doesn't last forever (idiom)
        zīzībùjuàn, lit. diligent and never slacking (idiom); continuous concentrated effort/assiduo...
        jiǒngránbùtóng, widely different/utterly different
        wújiānbùcuī, [無堅不摧], no stronghold one cannot overcome (idiom); to conquer every obstacle/nothing one...
        bùwùzhèngyè, [不務正業], not to engage in honest work/to ignore one's proper occupation/not to attend to ...
        mìbùkěfēn, inextricably linked (idiom)/inseparable
        shìbùguòsān, [事不過三], a thing should not be attempted more than three times (idiom)/don't repeat the s...
        bùkěmómiè, [不可磨滅], indelible
        cóngróngbùpò, [從容不迫], calm/unruffled
        jīnbuqǐ, to be unable to stand
        dǎbàobùpíng, to come to the aid of sb suffering an injustice/to fight for justice/also writte...
        dàyánbùcán, [大言不慚], to boast shamelessly/to talk big
        bùjiǎsīsuǒ, to act without taking time to think (idiom); to react instantly/to fire from the...
        bùdéyǐérwéizhī, [不得已而為之], to have no other choice/to be the last resort
        bùbǐ, unlike
        bùxiūbiānfú, [不修邊幅], not care about one's appearance (idiom)/slovenly in dress and manner
        kèbùrónghuǎn, [刻不容緩], to brook no delay/to demand immediate action
        yōngjǐbùkān, [擁擠不堪], overcrowded/jam-packed
        bùshēngbùxiǎng, [不聲不響], wordless and silent (idiom); without speaking/taciturn
        débùchángshī, [得不償失], the gains do not make up for the losses (idiom)
        zhuìzhuìbùān, to be on tenterhooks (idiom)/to be anxious and frightened
        bùxūcǐxíng, [不虛此行], the trip has not been made in vain/the trip has been well worthwhile/it's been a...
        bājiǔbùlíshí, [八九不離十], pretty close/very near/about right
        bùlùshēngsè, [不露聲色], not show one's feeling or intentions
        gōngbùyìngqiú, [供不應求], supply does not meet demand
        zàisuǒbùcí, [在所不辭], not to refuse to (idiom)/not to hesitate to
        bùshīwéi, [不失為], can still be considered (to be...)/may after all be accepted as
        shēnbùkěcè, [深不可測], deep and unmeasurable (idiom); unfathomable depths/incomprehensible/enigmatic an...
        hélèérbùwéi, [何樂而不為], What can you have against it? (idiom)/We should do this./Go for it!
        jǔqíbùdìng, [舉棋不定], to hesitate over what move to make (idiom); to waver/to shilly-shally
        bùsānbùsì, dubious/shady/neither one thing nor the other/neither fish nor fowl/nondescript
        shuǐtǔbùfú, not acclimatized
        mánbùjiǎnglǐ, [蠻不講理], completely unreasonable
        fènfènbùpíng, [憤憤不平], to feel indignant/to feel aggrieved
        kǔbùkānyán, to suffer unspeakable misery/indescribably painful/hellish
        shíbùwǒdài, [時不我待], time and tide wait for no man (idiom)
        chàbùlí, [差不離], not much different/similar/ordinary/nearly
        bùgān, unreconciled to/not resigned to/unwilling
        bànshēnbùsuì, paralysis of one side of the body/hemiplegia
        cùncǎobùshēng, lit. not even a blade of grass grows (idiom)/fig. barren
        húnránbùzhī, [渾然不知], to be totally oblivious (to sth)/to have no idea about sth
        kūxiàobùdé, lit. not to know whether to laugh or cry (idiom)/both funny and extremely embarr...
        zhōngzhēnbùyú, [忠貞不渝], unswerving in one's loyalty (idiom); faithful and constant
        chèyèbùmián, [徹夜不眠], to be sleepless all night
        péibúshi, [賠不是], to apologize
        wúsuǒbùwéi, [無所不為], not stopping at anything/all manner of evil
        bùzìliàng, not take a proper measure of oneself/to overrate one's own abilities
        bùkětóngrìéryǔ, [不可同日而語], lit. mustn't speak of two things on the same day (idiom); not to be mentioned in...
        bùhánérlì, [不寒而慄], shiver all over though not cold/tremble with fear/shudder
        bùmíngbùbái, obscure/dubious/shady
        bùwàihū, nothing else but
        shíbùzàilái, [時不再來], Time that has passed will never come back. (idiom)
        jīngjiǔbùshuāi, [經久不衰], unfailing/never-ending
        wěimǐbùzhèn, dispirited and listless (idiom); downcast
        liùqīnbùrèn, [六親不認], not recognizing one's family (idiom); self-centered and not making any allowance...
        bùlíng, [不靈], not work/be ineffective
        bùmiǎn, inevitably
        bùdéyàolǐng, [不得要領], to fail to grasp the main points
        jūxīnbùliáng, to harbor evil intentions (idiom)
        gāobùkěpān, too high to reach (idiom); eminent and unapproachable
        Bùláiméi, [不來梅], Bremen (city)
        júcùbùān, ill at ease/uncomfortable
        huàbùtóujī, [話不投機], the conversation is disagreeable (idiom)
        bùmóuérhé, [不謀而合], to agree without prior consultation/to happen to hold the same view
        bùcíláokǔ, [不辭勞苦], to spare no effort
        mìérbùxuān, [祕而不宣], to withhold information/to keep sth secret
        shìbùyíchí, [事不宜遲], the matter should not be delayed/there's no time to lose
        yìngjiēbùxiá, [應接不暇], more than one can attend to (idiom)/deluged (with inquiries etc)/overwhelmed (by...
        jiānrènbùbá, [堅韌不拔], firm and indomitable (idiom); tenacious and unyielding
        jíbùkěnài, unable to wait
        shuǐxièbùtōng, [水洩不通], lit. not one drop can trickle through (idiom); fig. impenetrable (crowd, traffic...
        hàirénbùqiǎn, [害人不淺], to cause a lot of trouble/to inflict much suffering
        měibùshèngshōu, [美不勝收], nothing more beautiful can be imagined (idiom)
        jiēliánbùduàn, [接連不斷], in unbroken succession (idiom)
        bùhuāngbùmáng, calm and unhurried (idiom); composed/to take matters calmly
        bùqīéryù, meet by chance/have a chance encounter
        gùbude, [顧不得], unable to change sth/unable to deal with
        rěbuqǐ, can't afford to offend/dare not provoke/difficult to deal with/insufferable
        lǚjiànbùxiān, [屢見不鮮], a common occurrence (idiom)
        láilùbùmíng, [來路不明], unidentified origin/no-one knows where it comes from/of dubious background
        míhuòbùjiě, to feel puzzled
        bùfǎfènzǐ, lawbreakers/offenders
        qièérbùshě, [鍥而不捨], to chip away at a task and not abandon it (idiom); to chisel away at sth/to pers...
        bǎitīngbùyàn, [百聽不厭], worth hearing a hundred times
        lěngbudīng, suddenly/by surprise
        bùkěyúyuè, impassable/insurmountable/insuperable
        lèbùkězhī, [樂不可支], overjoyed (idiom); as pleased as punch
        bùkěyīshì, to consider oneself unexcelled in the world/to be insufferably arrogant
        bùdǒngzhuāngdǒng, [不懂裝懂], to pretend to understand when you don't
        wèisuōbùqián, [畏縮不前], to shrink back in fear (idiom); too cowardly to advance
        míngbùfùshí, [名不副實], the name does not reflect the reality (idiom); more in name than in fact/Reality...
        yīyībùshě, [依依不捨], reluctant to part (idiom); broken-hearted at having to leave
        Měisuǒbùdámǐyà, [美索不達米亞], Mesopotamia
        bǎisībùdéqíjiě, see 百思不解[bǎi sī bù jiě]
        bùyībùráo, [不依不饒], not to overlook, nor spare (idiom); unwilling to forgive/to treat severely witho...
        bànshēngbùshóu, underripe/half-cooked/(fig.) not mastered (of a technique)/clumsy/halting
        bùyīhuì, [不一會], soon
        jīngbuzhù, [經不住], to be unable to bear
        guòyóubùjí, [過猶不及], too far is as bad as not enough (idiom, from the Analects)
        kěwàngérbùkějí, in sight but unattainable (idiom)/inaccessible
        bùliào, unexpectedly/to one's surprise
        bùjū, not stick to/not confine oneself to/whatever
        bùxiāo, to not need/needless (to say)
        bùwài, not beyond the scope of/nothing more than
        bùbáizhīyuān, unrighted wrong/unredressed injustice
        zìkuìbùrú, ashamed of being inferior (idiom)/to feel inferior to others
        bùkěgūliàng, inestimable/incalculable/beyond measure
        bùhánhu, unambiguous/unequivocal/explicit/prudent/cautious/not negligent/unafraid/unhesit...
        bùzhìkěfǒu, decline to comment/not express an opinion/be noncommittal/hedge
        fángbùshèngfáng, [防不勝防], you can't guard against it (idiom)/impossible to defend effectively/not much one...
        bùgōngzìpò, (of a rumor etc) to collapse (in the light of facts etc)/to be discredited
        bùcíxīnkǔ, [不辭辛苦], to make nothing of hardships
        wúbù, [無不], none lacking/none missing/everything is there/everyone without exception
        bùjiǎndāngnián, [不減當年], (of one's skills, appearance etc) not to have deteriorated a bit/to be as (good,...
        mòbù, none doesn't/there is none who isn't/everyone
        nìngsǐbùqū, [寧死不屈], rather die than submit (idiom)
        shuōbushàng, [說不上], to be unable to say or tell/to not be worth mentioning
        huāngdànbùjīng, [荒誕不經], absurd/preposterous/ridiculous
        guǎbùdízhòng, [寡不敵眾], the few are no match for the many/heavily outnumbered/facing impossible odds (id...
        yùsùzébùdá, [欲速則不達], lit. to want sth in haste, but cannot get there (idiom, from Analects); more has...
        hébùlǒngzuǐ, [合不攏嘴], unable to conceal one's happiness, amazement, shock etc/grinning from ear to ear...
        bùtòngbùyǎng, [不痛不癢], lit. doesn't hurt, doesn't tickle (idiom); sth is wrong, but not quite sure what...
        mòbùzuòshēng, [默不作聲], to keep silent
        bùdǎowēng, roly-poly toy/tilting doll/tumbler
        bùshuāi, unfailing/never weakening/enduring/unstoppable
        chǔbiànbùjīng, [處變不驚], to remain calm in the face of events (idiom)
        bùjìngérzǒu, [不脛而走], to get round fast/to spread like wildfire
        bùchì, just as/no less than/like (sth momentous)/as good as/tantamount to
        Bùdān, Bhutan
        bùjūxiǎojié, [不拘小節], to not bother about trifles (idiom)
        shuōyībùèr, [說一不二], to say one and mean just that (idiom); to keep one's word
        chuānliúbùxī, the stream flows without stopping (idiom); unending flow
        bùjūn, uneven/distributed unevenly
        bǎizhànbùdài, [百戰不殆], to come unscathed through a hundred battles (idiom, from Sunzi's "The Art of War...
        bùkěkànglì, unpredictable eventuality/unpreventable/unavoidable/impossible to overcome/nothi...
        bǎizhébùnáo, [百折不撓], to keep on fighting in spite of all setbacks (idiom)/to be undaunted by repeated...
        huàntāngbùhuànyào, [換湯不換藥], different broth but the same old medicine (idiom); a change in name only/a chang...
        léidǎbùdòng, [雷打不動], not shaken by thunder (idiom); the arrangements are unalterable/to adhere rigidl...
        zìqiángbùxī, [自強不息], to strive unremittingly/self-improvement
        rěnjùnbùjīn, cannot help laughing/unable to restrain a smile
        xīnyǒuyúérlìbùzú, [心有餘而力不足], the will is there, but not the strength (idiom)/the spirit is willing but the fl...
        quēyībùkě, not a single one is dispensable/can't do without either
        bùkězhōngrì, [不可終日], to be unable to carry on even for a single day/to be in a desperate situation
        ànnàbuzhù, to be unable to hold back
忿忿         fènfènbùpíng, variant of 憤憤不平|愤愤不平[fèn fèn bù píng]
        bùxiào, (literary) unlike one's parents/degenerate/unworthy
        dànìbùdào, disgraceful (of behavior that is unfilial, rebellious or otherwise in grave brea...
        cēncībùqí, [參差不齊], (idiom) variable/uneven/irregular
        bùyuǎnqiānlǐ, [不遠千里], make light of traveling a thousand li/go to the trouble of traveling a long dist...
        bùyùzhèng, sterility/barrenness
        lěngbufáng, unexpectedly/suddenly/at unawares/off guard/against expectations
        bùfú, not to accept sth/to want to have sth overruled or changed/to refuse to obey or ...
        bùyùnzhèng, female infertility
        yàobude, intolerable/unacceptable
        bùzúwéiguài, [不足為怪], not at all surprising (idiom)
        shíbùguǒfù, lit. food not filling the stomach (idiom)/fig. poverty-stricken
        bùdérénxīn, not to enjoy popular support/to be unpopular
        gāngzhèngbùē, [剛正不阿], upright and plainspoken
        shàngliángbùzhèngxiàliángwāi, lit. If the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam will be crooked (idiom); ...
        lèbùsīShǔ, [樂不思蜀], indulge in pleasure and forget home and duty (idiom)
        zìbùliànglì, to overestimate one's capabilities (idiom)
        hùbùxiāngràng, [互不相讓], neither giving way to the other
        bǎodāobùlǎo, [寶刀不老], lit. a good sword always remains sharp (idiom)/fig. (of one's skills etc) to be ...
        suànbùdé, not count as
        shígǔbùhuà, to swallow ancient learning without digesting it (idiom)/to be pedantic without ...
        tīngérbùwén, [聽而不聞], to hear but not react (idiom); to turn a deaf ear/to ignore deliberately
        xiǎngbukāi, [想不開], cannot figure out/to be unable to take a lighter view/to take things too hard/to...
        luòyìbùjué, [絡繹不絕], continuously; in an endless stream (idiom)
        shūbùzhī, little imagined/scarcely realized
        chóuchúbùqián, [躊躇不前], to hesitate to move forward/to hesitate/to hold back
        liànliànbùshě, [戀戀不捨], reluctant to part
        mínbùliáoshēng, The people have no way to make a living (idiom, from Record of the Grand Histori...
        háobùkèqi, [毫不客氣], no trace of politeness/unrestrained (criticism)
        liánxùbùduàn, [連續不斷], continuous/unceasing
        bǎiwénbùrúyījiàn, [百聞不如一見], seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times (idiom); seeing for oneself i...
        mángbùdié, hurriedly/in haste
        bùyì, unexpectedly/unawareness/unpreparedness
        cùbùjífáng, to be caught off guard/without warning
        zhǐshuōbùzuò, [只說不做], to be all talk and no action
        bùshèngméijǔ, [不勝枚舉], too numerous to mention individually or one by one
        bùyuēértóng, [不約而同], to agree by chance (idiom); taking the same action without prior consultation
        bùjuéyúěr, [不絕於耳], (of sound) to never stop/to fall incessantly on the ear/to linger on
        zàntànbùyǐ, [贊嘆不已], to be full of praise (idiom)
        miánmiánbùjué, [綿綿不絕], continuous/endless
        bùrěn, cannot bear to/disturbed
        chībukāi, [吃不開], be unpopular/won't work
        yánbùjíyì, [言不及義], to talk nonsense (idiom)/frivolous talk
        huábulái, [划不來], not worth it
        shìbùliǎnglì, [勢不兩立], the two cannot exist together (idiom); irreconcilable differences/incompatible s...
        xiāntiānbùzú, congenital deficiency/inherent weakness
        bùzhēng, [不爭], widely known/incontestable/undeniable/to not strive for/to not contend for
        huǐbùdāngchū, [悔不當初], to regret one's past deeds (idiom)
        bàobùpíng, to be outraged by an injustice
        míngwánbùlíng, [冥頑不靈], stupid/stubborn/pigheaded
        jiéàobùxùn, [桀驁不馴], arrogant and obstinate (idiom)/unyielding
        bùxiángzhīzhào, bad omen
        yībìngbùqǐ, to fall gravely ill, never to recover (idiom)
        bùbēibùkàng, neither servile nor overbearing (idiom)/neither obsequious nor supercilious
        lǚjiàobùgǎi, [屢教不改], lit. not to change, despite repeated admonition/incorrigible/unrepentant
        zìbùbìshuō, [自不必說], to not need dwell on (idiom)
        bùyánbùyǔ, [不言不語], to not say a word (idiom)/to keep silent
        bùsuì, to fail/to fail to materialize/not to get one's way
        bùzhānguō, [不粘鍋], non-stick pan
        yèbùbìhù, [夜不閉戶], lit. doors not locked at night (idiom); fig. stable society
        míngbùfúshí, [名不符實], the name does not correspond to reality (idiom); it doesn't live up to its reput...
        guǒbùqírán, just as expected/told you so
        shǒubùshìjuàn, [手不釋卷], lit. always with a book in hand (idiom)/fig. (of a student or scholar) diligent ...
        bǎiniánbùyù, only met with once every hundred years (drought, flood etc)
        bùgānjìmò, unwilling to remain lonely or idle/unwilling to be left out
        bùkěfēngē, inalienable/unalienable/inseparable/indivisible
        āotūbùpíng, uneven (surface)/bumpy (road)
        bùdìngshì, infinitive (grammar)
        qímàobùyáng, [其貌不揚], (idiom) nothing special to look at/unprepossessing
        bùguòěrěr, [不過爾爾], not more than so-so (idiom); mediocre/nothing out of the ordinary
        bùshíshíwù, [不識時務], to show no understanding of the times (idiom); cannot adapt to current circumsta...
        rénxīnbùgǔ, the men of today are sadly degenerated (idiom)
        míngbùpíng, [鳴不平], to cry out against injustice/to protest unfairness
        jiānqiángbùqū, [堅強不屈], staunch and unyielding (idiom); steadfast
        hēibùliūqiū, dark and swarthy
        sānbùguǎn, of undetermined status/unregulated
        wúsuǒbùbāo, [無所不包], not excluding anything/all-inclusive
        bùyàyú, [不亞於], no less than/not inferior to
        ruìbùkědāng, [銳不可當], unstoppable/hard to hold back
        yánchéngbùdài, [嚴懲不貸], to punish severely (idiom)
        jiānrěnbùbá, [堅忍不拔], fortitude
        xiāngchíbùxià, at a stalemate/deadlocked/in unrelenting mutual opposition
        bùgānshìruò, not to be outdone
        shǐzhōngbùyú, [始終不渝], unswerving/unflinching
        yībùbìtǐ, [衣不蔽體], lit. clothes not covering the body (idiom)/fig. poverty-stricken
        bùmíngyù, [不名譽], disreputable/disgraceful
        yǔyānbùxiáng, [語焉不詳], to mention sth without elaborating (idiom); not giving details
        cùnbùbùràng, [寸步不讓], (idiom) not to yield an inch
        fēnwénbùqǔ, to give for free
        bùlúnbùlèi, [不倫不類], out of place/inappropriate/incongruous
        láibudé, [來不得], cannot allow (to be present)/cannot admit
        bùguǎnsānqīèrshíyī, regardless of the consequences/recklessly relying on a hopelessly optimistic for...
        bǎobuqí, [保不齊], more likely than not/quite possible/on the cards
        bùxiàyú, as many as/no less than/not inferior to/as good as/on a par with
        bùdìngguàncí, [不定冠詞], indefinite article (e.g. English a, an)
        lìsuǒbùjí, beyond one's power (to do sth)
        bìbùkěquē, see 必不可少[bì bù kě shǎo]
        niùbuguò, [拗不過], can't persuade/unable to make (sb) change their mind/unable to resist (sb)
        bùyī, not to comply/not to go along with/not to let off easily/not to let sb get away ...
        wéifùbùrén, [為富不仁], the benevolent man cannot be rich (idiom, from Mencius). It is easier for a came...
        fēngmǎniúbùxiāngjí, [風馬牛不相及], to be completely unrelated to one another (idiom)/irrelevant
        zhāobùbǎoxī, at dawn, not sure of lasting to evening (idiom); precarious state/imminent crisi...
        bùcái, untalented/I/me (humble)
        jǔbùshèngjǔ, [舉不勝舉], too numerous to list (idiom); innumerable
        yúxīnbùrěn, [於心不忍], can't bear to
        huībuliūqiū, see 灰不溜丟|灰不溜丢[huī bu liū diū]
        màotiānxiàzhīdàbùwěi, [冒天下之大不韙], see 冒大不韙|冒大不韪[mào dà bù wěi]
        mòbùshì, probably/perhaps/could it be that...?
        zhuóěrbùqún, [卓爾不群], standing above the common crowd (idiom); outstanding/excellent and unrivaled
        bùdéjìn, [不得勁], awkward/unhandy/be indisposed/not feel well
        xīnshénbùān, to feel ill at ease
        bùwèiqiángbào, [不畏強暴], not to submit to force (idiom); to defy threats and violence
        jiānzhēnbùyú, [堅貞不渝], unyielding integrity (idiom); unwavering
        bìngxíngbùbèi, [並行不悖], to run in parallel without hindrance/not mutually exclusive/two processes can be...
        diānpūbùpò, [顛撲不破], solid/irrefutable/incontrovertible/indisputable/unbreakable
        fànbushàng, see 犯不著|犯不着[fàn bu zháo]
        shìbùkědāng, [勢不可當], impossible to resist (idiom); an irresistible force
        shēngbùféngshí, [生不逢時], born at the wrong time (idiom); unlucky (esp. to complain about one's fate)/born...
        jiàokǔbudié, to complain without stopping (idiom); to bitch endlessly/incessant grievances
        dōngbùlā, Dombra or Tambura, Kazakh plucked lute
        duōyīshìbùrúshǎoyīshì, it is better to avoid unnecessary trouble (idiom)/the less complications the bet...
        wànbiànbùlíqízōng, [萬變不離其宗], many superficial changes but no departure from the original stand (idiom); plus ...
        bùkěmíngzhuàng, [不可名狀], indescribable/beyond description
        dāngrénbùràng, [當仁不讓], to be unwilling to pass on one's responsibilities to others
        bùguòyì, [不過意], to be sorry/to feel apologetic
        àilǐbùlǐ, [愛理不理], to look cold and indifferent/standoffish
        shíjīnbùmèi, to pick up money and not hide it (idiom); to return property to its owner
        jūgāobùxià, (of prices, rates etc) to remain high
        kǎnkěbùpíng, potholed and bumpy road (idiom); fig. full of disappointment and dashed hopes
        zhǐjiànshùmùbùjiànsēnlín, [只見樹木不見森林], unable to see the wood for the trees/fig. only able to see isolated details, and...

        huǒji, [伙計], partner/fellow/mate/waiter/servant/shop assistant
        jìhuà, [計劃], plan/project/program/to plan/to map out/CL:個|个[gè],項|项[xiàng]
        shèjì, [設計], plan/design/to design/to plan/CL:個|个[gè]
        gūjì, [估計], to estimate/to reckon/CL:個|个[gè]/(coll.) to suppose
        shèjìshī, [設計師], designer/architect
        Jì/jì, [計], surname Ji, to calculate/to compute/to count/to regard as important/to plan/ruse...
        jìsuàn, [計算], to count/to calculate/to compute/CL:個|个[gè]
        jìsuànjī, [計算機], computer/(Tw) calculator/CL:臺|台[tái]
        jìshí, [計時], to measure time/to time/to reckon by time
        kuàijì, [會計], accountant/accountancy/accounting
        tǒngjì, [統計], statistics/to count/to add up
        guǐjì, [詭計], trick/ruse/crafty scheme
        yùjì, [預計], to forecast/to predict/to estimate
        jìchéngchē, [計程車], (Tw) taxi/cab
        kuàijìshī, [會計師], accountant
        suànji, [算計], to reckon/to calculate/to plan/to expect/to scheme
        jìjiào, [計較], to bother about/to haggle/to bicker/to argue/plan/stratagem
        shēngjì, [生計], livelihood
        shùyǐqiānjì, [數以千計], thousands (of sth)
        jìshíqì, [計時器], timer/chronograph/timepiece/clock/timekeeping device (sundial, water clock)
        jìshù, [計數], to count/reckoning
        tǒngjìxué, [統計學], statistics
        wújìkěshī, [無計可施], no strategy left to try (idiom); at one's wit's end/at the end of one's tether/p...
        shěnjì, [審計], to audit/to examine finances
        jìmóu, [計謀], stratagem/scheme
        jìsuànqì, [計算器], calculator/calculating machine
        miàojì, [妙計], excellent plan/brilliant scheme
        bùjìqíshù, [不計其數], lit. their number cannot be counted (idiom); fig. countless/innumerable
        shùyǐbǎijì, [數以百計], hundreds of
        guǐjìduōduān, [詭計多端], deceitful in many ways (idiom); wily and mischievous/full of craft and cunning
        wēndùjì, [溫度計], thermometer/thermograph
        shèjìzhě, [設計者], designer/architect (of a project)
        qiānfāngbǎijì, [千方百計], lit. thousand ways, a hundred plans (idiom); by every possible means
        dàjì, [大計], large scale program of lasting importance/project of paramount importance/to thi...
        jìhuàshēngyù, [計劃生育], family planning
        jìpiào, [計票], count of votes
        jìcè, [計策], stratagem
        zhòngjì, [中計], to fall into a trap/taken in by a stratagem/cheated/ripped off
        jìshùqì, [計數器], counter/register
        jīnjīnjìjiào, [斤斤計較], to haggle over every ounce/(fig.) to fuss over minor matters/to split hairs
        xīnjì, [心計], scheming/shrewdness
        héjì, [合計], to add up the total/to figure what sth amounts to/to consider
        quányízhījì, [權宜之計], plan of convenience (idiom); stop-gap measure/makeshift stratagem/interim step
        huójì, [活計], handicraft/needlework/work
        jìliàng, [計量], measurement/to calculate
        jìfēn, [計分], to calculate the score
        shùyǐwànjì, [數以萬計], tens of thousands/numerous
        shěnjìyuán, [審計員], accountant/auditor
        zǒngjì, [總計], (grand) total
        lěijì, [累計], to accumulate/cumulative
        měirénjì, [美人計], honey trap/sexual entrapment/CL:條|条[tiáo]
        cóngchángjìyì, [從長計議], to take one's time making a decision (idiom)/to consider at length
        gòngjì, [共計], to sum up to/to total
        tǐwēnjì, [體溫計], clinical thermometer
        qìyājì, [氣壓計], barometer
        shěnjìzhǎng, [審計長], auditor
        kǔròujì, [苦肉計], the trick of injuring oneself to gain the enemy's confidence/CL:條|条[tiáo]
        wǔniánjìhuà, [五年計劃], Five-Year Plan
        kuàijìxué, [會計學], accounting/accountancy
        xuèyājì, [血壓計], blood pressure meter/sphygmomanometer
        yālìjì, [壓力計], pressure gauge/manometer/piezometer
        jiānjì, [奸計], evil plan/evil schemes
亿         shùyǐyìjì, [數以億計], countless/innumerable
        jìsuànchǐ, [計算尺], slide rule
        tǒngjìbiǎo, [統計表], statistical table/chart
        mùmǎjì, [木馬計], wooden horse stratagem (cf Trojan horse)
        qiǎojì, [巧計], maneuver/scheme
        jìjiàqì, [計價器], fare meter/taximeter
        jìjià, [計價], to valuate/valuation
        jìbùqì, [計步器], pedometer
        sùdùjì, [速度計], speedometer
        tǒngjìyuán, [統計員], statistician
        jiājì, [家計], family livelihood/a household's economic situation/family property
        kōngchéngjì, [空城計], the empty city stratagem (in which Zhuge Liang presents himself as unperturbed w...
        xiànjì, [獻計], to offer advice/to make a suggestion
        fúshèjì, [輻射計], radiometer
        jìyì, [計議], to deliberate/to talk over/to plan
        jìhuàjīngjì, [計劃經濟], planned economy
        fǎnjiànjì, [反間計], stratagem of sowing dissension/CL:條|条[tiáo]

        qítā, other/(sth or sb) else/the rest
        qíshí, [其實], actually/in fact/really
        qízhōng, among/in/included among these
        qí, his/her/its/their/that/such/it (refers to sth preceding it)
        qítā, other/the others/else/other than it/in addition to the thing mentioned above
        yóuqí, especially/particularly
        jíqí, [極其], extremely
        qíyú, [其餘], the rest/the others/remaining/remainder/apart from them
        qícì, next/secondly
        Tǔěrqí, Turkey
        mòmíngqímiào, (idiom) baffling/inexplicable
        jíqí, (conjunction linking two nouns) and its .../and their .../and his .../and her .....
        míngfùqíshí, [名副其實], not just in name only, but also in reality (idiom)
        ruòwúqíshì, [若無其事], as if nothing had happened (idiom); calmly/nonchalantly
        Mǎqídùn, [馬其頓], Macedonia
        chūqíbùyì, to do sth when least expected (idiom); to catch sb off guard
        tūrúqílái, [突如其來], to arise abruptly/to arrive suddenly/happening suddenly
        zìshíqíguǒ, to eat one's own fruit (idiom); fig. suffering the consequences of one's own act...
        qíyī, one of the given (options etc)/the first/firstly
        kuādàqící, [誇大其詞], to exaggerate
        bùjìqíshù, [不計其數], lit. their number cannot be counted (idiom); fig. countless/innumerable
        wēihūqíwēi, a tiny bit/very little/next to nothing (idiom)
        kuākuāqítán, [誇誇其談], to talk big/to sound off/bombastic/grandiloquent
        zìdéqílè, [自得其樂], to find amusement in one's own way/to enjoy oneself quietly
        qíjiān, [其間], in between/within that interval/in the meantime
        zìshíqílì, lit. to eat off one's own strength (idiom)/fig. to stand on one's own feet/to ea...
        qíhòu, [其後], next/later/after that
        kǎqí, khaki (loanword)
        Tǔěrqírén, a Turk/Turkish person
        shēnlínqíjìng, [身臨其境], (idiom) to experience it for oneself/to actually *be* there (as opposed to readi...
        yǔqí, [與其], rather than.../與其|与其[yǔ qí] A 不如[bù rú] B (rather than A, better to B)
        chōngqíliàng, at most/at best
        qiàrúqífèn, (idiom) appropriate/apt/just right
        shìdéqífǎn, [適得其反], to produce the opposite of the desired result
        zìyuánqíshuō, [自圓其說], to make a story or theory consistent/to give a plausible explanation/to plug the...
        kǎbùqínuò, [卡布其諾], cappuccino (loanword)
        liǎngquánqíměi, [兩全其美], to satisfy rival demands (idiom)/to get the best of both worlds/to have it both ...
        wùjìnqíyòng, [物盡其用], to use sth to the full/to make the best use of everything
        qíèr, secondly/the other (usu. of two)/the second
        zuòxiǎngqíchéng, to reap where one has not sown (idiom)
        bùyànqífán, [不厭其煩], not to mind taking all the trouble (idiom)/to take great pains/to be very patien...
        yánguòqíshí, [言過其實], to exaggerate/to overstate the facts
        shǒudāngqíchōng, [首當其衝], to bear the brunt
        gèdéqísuǒ, each in the correct place/each is provided for
        sānjiānqíkǒu, [三緘其口], (idiom) reluctant to speak about it/tight-lipped
        fǎnqídàoérxíngzhī, to do the very opposite/to act in a diametrically opposite way
        qílèwúqióng, [其樂無窮], boundless joy
        qílèróngróng, [其樂融融], (of relations) joyous and harmonious
        miǎnwéiqínán, [勉為其難], to tackle a difficult job (idiom)/to do sth reluctantly
        dàxíngqídào, rampant/very popular
        bǎisībùdéqíjiě, see 百思不解[bǎi sī bù jiě]
        Mǐqílín, Michelin (tire company)
        zìxíngqíshì, to act as one thinks fit/to have one's own way
        mòmíngqímiào, variant of 莫名其妙[mò míng qí miào]
        měiqímíngyuē, to call by the glorified name of (idiom)
        zhèngzhòngqíshì, [鄭重其事], serious about the matter
        hánhúqící, [含糊其詞], to equivocate/to talk evasively (idiom)
        qísān, thirdly/the third
        gèxíngqíshì, each one does what he thinks is right (idiom)/each goes his own way
        guǒbùqírán, just as expected/told you so
        qímàobùyáng, [其貌不揚], (idiom) nothing special to look at/unprepossessing
        qínèi, [其內], included/within that
        tóuqísuǒhào, to adapt to sb's taste/to fit sb's fancy
        wànbiànbùlíqízōng, [萬變不離其宗], many superficial changes but no departure from the original stand (idiom); plus ...
        rènqízìrán, to let things take their course (idiom)/to leave it to nature/laissez-faire
        sàqímǎ, [薩其馬], see 沙琪瑪|沙琪玛[shā qí mǎ]

        shǔ/shù/shuò, [數], to count/to count as/to regard as/to enumerate (sb's shortcomings), number/figur...
        dàduōshù, [大多數], (great) majority
        shùzì, [數字], numeral/digit/number/figure/amount/digital (electronics etc)/CL:個|个[gè]
        shùjù, [數據], data/numbers/digital
        shùxué, [數學], mathematics/mathematical
        wúshù, [無數], countless/numberless/innumerable
        shùjùkù, [數據庫], database
        dàoshǔ/dàoshù, [倒數], to count backwards (from 10 down to 0)/to count down/from the bottom (lines on a...
        rénshù, [人數], number of people
        shùliàng, [數量], amount/quantity/CL:個|个[gè]/quantitative
        shùmù, [數目], amount/number
        duōshù, [多數], majority/most
        fēnshù, [分數], (exam) grade/mark/score/fraction
        shǎoshù, [少數], small number/few/minority
        suànshù, [算數], to count numbers/to keep to one's word/to hold (i.e. to remain valid)/to count (...
        cìshù, [次數], number of times/frequency/order number (in a series)/power (math.)/degree of a p...
        shùbǎiwàn, [數百萬], several million
        shùmǎ, [數碼], number/numerals/figures/digital/amount/numerical code
        zhǐshù, [指數], (numerical, statistical) index/(math.) exponent/index/exponential (function, gro...
        suìshu, [歲數], age (number of years old)
        juédàduōshù, [絕大多數], absolute majority/overwhelming majority
        piàoshù, [票數], number of votes/poll count
        shùbǎi, [數百], several hundred
        dúshù, [讀數], reading/data from meter
        bànshù, [半數], half the number/half
        zhāoshù, [招數], move (in chess, on stage, in martial arts)/gambit/trick/scheme/movement/same as ...
        shùé, [數額], amount/sum of money/fixed number
        shùyǐqiānjì, [數以千計], thousands (of sth)
        shùxuéjiā, [數學家], mathematician
        xièshù, [解數], talent/ability/capability/martial arts technique/Taiwan pr. [jiě shù]
        jìshù, [計數], to count/reckoning
        zǒngshù, [總數], total/sum/aggregate
        cānshù, [參數], parameter
        dàishù, [代數], algebra
        biànshù, [變數], variable (math.)
亿         shùshíyì, [數十億], several billion
        bùjìqíshù, [不計其數], lit. their number cannot be counted (idiom); fig. countless/innumerable
        shǎoshùmínzú, [少數民族], national minority/ethnic group
        shùzhí, [數值], numerical value
        diǎnshù, [點數], to count and check/to tally/points (collected in some bonus scheme etc)
        shùyǐbǎijì, [數以百計], hundreds of
        xīnlǐyǒushù, [心裡有數], to know the score (idiom)/to be well aware of the situation
        xìshù, [係數], coefficient/factor/modulus/ratio
        shùliè, [數列], sequence of numbers/numerical series
        fùshù, [複數], plural/complex number (math.)
        shùzìhuà, [數字化], to digitalize/digital
        jìshùqì, [計數器], counter/register
        zhìshù, [質數], prime number
        bàoshù, [報數], number off! (command in military drill)/count off!
        shǔbùshèngshǔ, [數不勝數], too many to count (idiom); innumerable
        gèshù, [個數], number of items or individuals
        shùjùliú, [數據流], data stream/data flow
        shǔyīshǔèr, [數一數二], reckoned to be first or second best (idiom)/one of the very best/to list one by ...
        shǔluo, [數落], to enumerate sb's shortcomings/to criticize/to scold/to talk on and on
        jīshù, [奇數], odd number
        quánshù, [全數], the entire sum/the whole amount
        shùyǐwànjì, [數以萬計], tens of thousands/numerous
        ǒushù, [偶數], even number
        wèizhīshù, [未知數], unknown quantity
        hánshù, [函數], function (math.)
        zhěngshù, [整數], whole number/integer (math.)/round figure
        shùwàn, [數萬], several tens of thousands/many thousand
        lǐshù, [禮數], etiquette/(old) gradation of etiquette with social status
        shùwèi, [數位], digital
        sùshù, [素數], prime number
        qūzhǐkěshǔ, [屈指可數], can be counted on one's fingers (idiom)/very few
        dùshu, [度數], number of degrees/reading (on a meter)/strength (alcohol, lenses etc)
        dānshù, [單數], positive odd number (also written 奇數|奇数)/singular (grammar)
        duìshù, [對數], logarithm
        xīnzhōngyǒushù, [心中有數], to know what's going on
        shùzǔ, [數組], (computing) array
        xiǎoshùdiǎn, [小數點], decimal point
        chōngshù, [充數], to make up the number (i.e. to fill places up to a given number)/to serve as sto...
        jíshù, [級數], (math.) series
        zìshù, [字數], number of written characters/number of words/word count
        yuēshù, [約數], divisor (of a number)/approximate number
        jiéshù, [劫數], predestined fate (Buddhism)
        xūshù, [虛數], imaginary number
        chángshù, [常數], a constant (math.)
        rénkǒushù, [人口數], population
        lànyúchōngshù, [濫竽充數], lit. to play the yu 竽 mouth organ to make up numbers (idiom); fig. to make up th...
        shùlùn, [數論], number theory (math.)
        jīshù, [基數], cardinal number/(math.) radix/base
        jǐhéjíshù, [幾何級數], geometric series
        xiǎoshù, [小數], small figure/small amount/the part of a number to the right of the decimal point...
        píngjūnshù, [平均數], mean (statistics)
        zhèngshù, [正數], positive number
        yīnshù, [因數], factor (of an integer)/divisor
        xīshǔ/xīshù, [悉數], to enumerate in detail/to explain clearly, all/every single one/the entire sum
        còushù, [湊數], to serve as a stopgap/to make up a shortfall in the number of people
        bèishù, [倍數], multiple/multiplier/factor
        Dàshù/dàshù, [大數], Tarsus, Mediterranean city in Turkey, the birthplace of St Paul, a large number
亿         shùyǐyìjì, [數以億計], countless/innumerable
        zhāoshù, [著數], move (in chess, on stage, in martial arts)/gambit/trick/scheme/movement/same as ...
        wěishù, [尾數], remainder (after rounding a number)/decimal part (of number after the decimal po...
        dàishùxué, [代數學], algebra (as branch of math.)
        fùshù, [負數], negative number
        zìránshù, [自然數], natural number
        shǔdiǎn, [數點], to count/to itemize
        yǒulǐshù, [有理數], rational number (i.e. fraction of two integers, math.)
        shùliàngjí, [數量級], order of magnitude
        rúshǔjiāzhēn, [如數家珍], lit. as if enumerating one's family valuables (idiom)/fig. to be very familiar w...
        wúlǐshù, [無理數], irrational number
        dàishùhé, [代數和], algebraic sum
        yúshù, [餘數], remainder (in division)
        jìnshù, [盡數], everything
        xùshù, [序數], ordinal number
        dǐshù, [底數], radix/base (math.)
        chúshù, [除數], divisor (math.)
        shùkòng, [數控], numerical control (machining)
        shùlǐ, [數理], mathematical sciences
        héshù, [和數], sum (math.)
线         fēnshùxiàn, [分數線], horizontal line (in a fraction)/minimum passing score
        shuāngshù, [雙數], even number
        bèichúshù, [被除數], dividend
        chāshù, [差數], difference (the result of subtraction)
        diǎnjīshù, [點擊數], number of clicks/number of hits (on a website)
        sānjiǎohánshù, [三角函數], trigonometric function
        lùshù, [路數], social connections/stratagem/method/approach/movement (martial arts)/(sb's) back...
        shāngshù, [商數], quotient (math.)
        jiànshǔ, [件數], item count (of a consignment etc)
        shùcí, [數詞], numeral
        shǔdezháo, [數得著], to be considered as outstanding or special/to be reckoned with/notable
        shíshù, [實數], real number (math.)/actual value
        dǎoshù, [導數], derivative (math.)
        děngbǐjíshù, [等比級數], geometric series (such as 1+2+4+8+...)
        bǎifēnshù, [百分數], percentage
        chéngshù, [乘數], multiplier
        fǎdìngrénshù, [法定人數], quorum
        déshù, [得數], (math.) numerical answer/solution
        suíjīshù, [隨機數], random number

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