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Word: freq index 20547
shíquánshíměi complete and beautiful
to be perfect (idiom)

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        shí, ten/10
        shífēn, very/completely/utterly/extremely/absolutely/hundred percent/to divide into ten ...
        èrshí, twenty/20
        shíèr, twelve/12
        sānshí, thirty/30
        shízú, ample/complete/hundred percent/a pure shade (of some color)
        shízìjià, cross/crucifix/yoke one has to endure
        wǔshí, fifty
        shíwǔ, fifteen/15
        shíwàn, [十萬], hundred thousand
        sìshí, forty/40
        shíjǐ, [十幾], more than ten/a dozen or more
        shízì, cross road/cross-shaped/crucifix/the character ten
        shíbā, eighteen/18
        shíliù, sixteen/16
        shísì, fourteen/14
        shíyī, eleven/11
        liùshí, sixty/60
        shíqī, seventeen/17
        shísān, thirteen/13
        Shíyuè, October/tenth month (of the lunar year)
        shízìlùkǒu, crossroads/intersection
亿         shíyì, [十億], one billion/giga-
        bāshí, eighty/80
        Shíyīyuè, November/eleventh month (of the lunar year)
        qīshí, seventy/70
        shízìjūn, [十字軍], crusaders/army of crusaders/the Crusades
        shíjiǔ, nineteen/19
        Shíèryuè, December/twelfth month (of the lunar year)
亿         shùshíyì, [數十億], several billion
        jiǔshí, ninety
        shíquánshíměi, complete and beautiful/to be perfect (idiom)
        shífēnzhīyī, one tenth
        shíwànhuǒjí, [十萬火急], most urgent/posthaste/express
        héshí, to put one's palms together (in prayer or greeting)
        shíyǒubājiǔ, most likely/mostly (in 8 or 9 cases out of 10)/vast majority
        shísìhángshī, [十四行詩], sonnet
        Hóngshízì, [紅十字], Red Cross
        yīwǔyīshí, lit. count by fives and tens (idiom); to narrate systematically and in full deta...
        shíèrfēn, exceedingly/hundred percent/everything and more
        shízhībājiǔ, most likely/mostly (in 8 or 9 cases out of 10)/vast majority
        shínájiǔwěn, [十拿九穩], to be a cinch/in the bag/(of a person) confident of success
        èrshíyīdiǎn, [二十一點], blackjack (card game)
        shíyuèfèn, October
        sānqīèrshíyī, three sevens are twenty-one (idiom)/the facts of the matter/the actual situation
        bājiǔbùlíshí, [八九不離十], pretty close/very near/about right
        shíèrzhǐcháng, [十二指腸], duodenum
        shíjìnzhì, [十進制], decimal
        shísānrì, thirteenth day of a month
        qīlǎobāshí, in one's seventies (age)/very old (of people)
        shíèryuèfèn, December
        wǔguāngshísè, bright and multicolored/of rich variety/(fig.) dazzling/glitzy
        yīmùshíháng, ten lines at a glance (idiom)/to read very rapidly
        bǎishí, a hundred or so
        bùguǎnsānqīèrshíyī, regardless of the consequences/recklessly relying on a hopelessly optimistic for...
        dìsānshí, thirtieth
        shíliùjìnzhì, [十六進制], hexadecimal
        shísāndiǎn, [十三點], half-witted/nitwit
        shíyīyuèfèn, November

        wánquán, complete/whole/totally/entirely
        ānquán, safe/secure/safety/security
        Quán/quán, surname Quan, all/whole/entire/every/complete
        quánbù, whole/entire/complete
        quándōu, all/without exception
        quánguó, [全國], whole nation/nationwide/countrywide/national
        quánshìjiè, worldwide/entire world
        quánlì, with all one's strength/full strength/all-out (effort)/fully (support)
        quánxīn, all new/completely new
        quánqiú, entire/total/global/the (whole) world/worldwide
        quánshēn, whole body/em (typography)
        quántǐ, [全體], all/entire
        quánjiā, whole family
        ānquándài, [安全帶], seat belt/safety belt
        quánmiàn, all-around/comprehensive/total/overall
        ānquángǎn, sense of security
        quánlìyǐfù, to do at all costs/to make an all-out effort
        jiéjìnquánlì, [竭盡全力], to spare no effort (idiom); to do one's utmost
        quánchǎng, [全場], everyone present/the whole audience/across-the-board/unanimously/whole duration ...
        quánshēnxīn, wholeheartedly/(to devote oneself) heart and soul
        ānquánjú, security bureau
        quánMěi, throughout the United States/the whole of America
        quánnéng, omnipotent/all-round/strong in every area
        quánsù, top speed/at full speed
        quánfù, completely
        quánchéng, the whole distance/from beginning to end
        quánxīnquányì, heart and soul/wholeheartedly
        bǎoquán, to save from damage/to preserve/to maintain/to keep in good repair/(Tw) security...
        quánrán, completely
        jiànquán, robust/sound
        quánpán, [全盤], overall/comprehensive
        quánquán, [全權], full powers/total authority/plenipotentiary powers
        quánjú, overall situation
        quántiānhòu, all-weather
        qíquán, [齊全], complete/comprehensive
        quánshì, whole city
        quánshénguànzhù, [全神貫注], to concentrate one's attention completely (idiom)/with rapt attention
        quánbān, the whole class
        quánmín, entire population (of a country)
        quánguóxìng, [全國性], national
        quánxī, holographic
        zhōuquán, thorough/to bring one's help/to assist
        quánfāngwèi, all around/omnidirectional/complete/holistic/comprehensive
        quánjiāfú, photograph of the entire family/hodgepodge (cookery)
        chéngquán, to help sb accomplish his aim/to help sb succeed/to complete/to make whole/to ro...
        bǎikēquánshū, [百科全書], encyclopedia/CL:本[běn],集[jí]
        miànmùquánfēi, nothing remains the same (idiom); change beyond recognition
        quántào, an entire set/full complement
        shíquánshíměi, complete and beautiful/to be perfect (idiom)
        quánqiúxìng, global/worldwide
        ānquánxìng, security/safety
        quányuán, [全員], complete personnel/fully manned
        quánqiúhuà, globalization
        quánpiào, full-priced ticket/by unanimous vote
        ānquánmào, safety helmet/CL:隻|只[zhī],頂|顶[dǐng]
        quántiān, whole day
        dàquán, all-inclusive/complete/comprehensive collection
        quánchéng, whole city
        quánnián, the whole year/all year long
        quánjūnfùmò, [全軍覆沒], total defeat of an army (idiom); fig. a complete wipeout
        quánjǐng, panoramic view
        liǎngquánqíměi, [兩全其美], to satisfy rival demands (idiom)/to get the best of both worlds/to have it both ...
        Quánzhōu, Quanzhou county in Guilin 桂林[Guì lín], Guangxi
        quánjūn, [全軍], all-army/all-military
        quánshù, [全數], the entire sum/the whole amount
        quánrìzhì, full-time (schooling, work etc)
        jùquán, every kind/every variety under the sun/a complete gamut
        wěiqūqiúquán, to accept a compromise
        quánshèng, flourishing/at the peak/in full bloom
        quáncái, all-rounder/versatile
        Guójiāānquánbù, [國家安全部], PRC Ministry of State Security
        ānquánwǎng, [安全網], safety net
        quánshū, [全書], entire book/unabridged book/entire multi-volume work/comprehensive volume
        quánhuì, [全會], plenary session (at a conference)/CL:屆|届[jiè]
        quánjí, omnibus/complete works (of a writer or artist)
        quányōu, [全優], overall excellence
        quáncháng, [全長], overall length/span
线         quánxiàn, [全線], the whole front (in a war)/the whole length (of a road or railway line)
        quánchēng, [全稱], full name
        quánwén, entire text/full text
        quánmào, complete picture/full view
        yīyīngjùquán, [一應俱全], with everything needed available
        gùquándàjú, [顧全大局], to take the big picture into consideration (idiom)/to work for the benefits of a...
        yǐpiāngàiquán, (lit.) to take a part for the whole/to generalize
        ānquánké, [安全殼], containment vessel
        quánshěng, the whole province
        quánjiān, [全殲], to annihilate/to wipe out completely/to exterminate
        ānquánfá, [安全閥], safety valve
        quánqín, full-time attendance at work
        Quánnán, Quannan county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi
        quánquándàibiǎo, [全權代表], a plenipotentiary (representative)
        QuánRìkōng, All Nippon Airways (ANA)
        QuánDòuhuàn, [全斗煥], Chun Doo Hwan (1931-), South Korean politician, president 1980-1988
        quánshèng, [全勝], total victory/to excel by far/name of a tank/slam
        rìquánshí, total eclipse of the sun
        gùquán, [顧全], to give careful consideration to/to display thoughtfulness towards
        quánqiútōng, Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) (telecommunications)
        Quánluónándào, [全羅南道], South Jeolla Province, in southwest South Korea, capital Gwangju 光州[Guāng zhōu]
        liǎngquán, [兩全], to satisfy both sides/to accommodate both (demands)
        yuèquánshí, total lunar eclipse
        ānquánqī, safe period/safe days of a woman's menstrual cycle (low risk of conception)
        quánxīn, with heart and soul

        Měiguó, [美國], United States/USA/US
        Měi/měi, the Americas/abbr. for 美洲[Měi zhōu]/USA/abbr. for 美國|美国[Měi guó], beautiful/very...
        Měiyuán, American dollar/US dollar
        wánměi, perfect/perfection/perfectly
        měilì, [美麗], beautiful
        měihǎo, beautiful/fine
        měinǚ, beautiful woman
        Měijīn, US dollar/USD
        měimiào, beautiful/wonderful/splendid
        měiwèi, delicious/delicious food/delicacy
        zànměi, [讚美], to admire/to praise/to eulogize
        tiánměi, sweet/pleasant/happy
        Měifēn, one cent (United States coin)
        Měijūn, [美軍], US army/US armed forces
        měimào, good looks/beauty/good-looking
        měishí, culinary delicacy/fine food/gourmet food
        xuǎnměi, [選美], beauty contest
        yōuměi, [優美], graceful/fine/elegant
        Měizhōu, America (including North, Central and South America)/the Americas/abbr. for 亞美利加...
        měiróng, to improve one's appearance (using cosmetics or cosmetic surgery)/to make onesel...
        měirén, beauty/belle
        měirényú, [美人魚], mermaid
        quánMěi, throughout the United States/the whole of America
        Běiměi, North America
        NánMěi, South America
        měimǎn, [美滿], happy/blissful
        wánměiwúquē, [完美無缺], perfect and without blemish/flawless/to leave nothing to be desired
        měishù, [美術], art/fine arts/painting/CL:種|种[zhǒng]
        jīngměi, delicate/fine/refinement
        měijiǔ, good wine/fine liquor
        měijǐng, beautiful scenery
        MěiDé/měidé, USA and Germany, virtue
        Měiguórén, [美國人], American/American person/American people/CL:個|个[gè]
        LādīngMěizhōu, Latin America
        měifà, [美髮], hairdressing/beautiful hair
        LāMěi, Latin America/abbr. for 拉丁美洲
        Yàměiníyà, [亞美尼亞], Armenia, capital Yerevan 埃里溫|埃里温[Āi lǐ wēn]
        Měizhōushī, [美洲獅], cougar/mountain lion/puma
        Shuìměirén, Sleeping Beauty
        Nánměizhōu, South America
        měihuà, to make more beautiful/to decorate/embellishment
        měiróngyuàn, beauty salon/lady's hair parlor
        měiyàn, [美艷], beautiful and alluring/glamorous/gorgeous
        jiànměi, healthy and beautiful/to do fitness exercises/abbr. for 健美運動|健美运动[jiàn měi yùn d...
        pìměi, to match/is comparable with
        měishùguǎn, [美術館], art gallery
        měizhōubào, panther
        Měidí, Midea (brand)
        Měizhōuhǔ, jaguar
        shíquánshíměi, complete and beautiful/to be perfect (idiom)
        Měijí, American (i.e. of US nationality)
        Měilìjiān, [美利堅], America
        róuměi, gentle and beautiful
        Héměi/héměi, Homei town in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhāng huà xiàn], Taiwan, harmonious/in per...
        jìnshànjìnměi, [盡善盡美], perfect (idiom); perfection/the best of all possible worlds/as good as it gets
        měigǎn, sense of beauty/aesthetic perception
        měiróngshī, [美容師], hairdresser/beautician (male)
        Fànměi, Pan American
        ZhōngMěizhōu, Central America
        xiānměi, [鮮美], delicious/tasty
        měilúnměihuàn, [美輪美奐], (of houses, scenery etc) magnificent (idiom)
        Běiměizhōu, North America
        liǎngquánqíměi, [兩全其美], to satisfy rival demands (idiom)/to get the best of both worlds/to have it both ...
        huáměi, [華美], magnificent/gorgeous/ornate
        MěiYīng, US and UK/Anglo-American
        měishíjiā, gourmet
        měixué, [美學], aesthetics
        měiguān, [美觀], pleasing to the eye/beautiful/artistic
        Měichāo, [美鈔], US dollar bill/greenback
        měimíng, good name or reputation
        měirénjì, [美人計], honey trap/sexual entrapment/CL:條|条[tiáo]
        yìměizhīcí, [溢美之詞], flattering words/inflated praise
        Měiliánchǔ, [美聯儲], US Federal Reserve (Fed), the US central bank
        shěnměi, [審美], esthetics/appreciating the arts/taste
        wùměijiàlián, [物美價廉], good quality and cheap/a bargain
        Měilíng, Meiling (female name)/Zhou Meiling 周美玲[Zhōu Měi líng] (1969-), Taiwanese gay fil...
        měizhōngbùzú, everything is fine except for one small defect (idiom); the fly in the ointment
        jùnměi, pretty/handsome
        měichāi, cushy job/pleasant task
        měigōng, art design/art designer
        jiànměicāo, aerobics/aerobic dance (school P.E. activity)
        MěiLiánshè, [美聯社], Associated Press (AP)/abbr. for 美國聯合通訊社|美国联合通讯社[Měi guó Lián hé Tōng xùn shè]
        xiùměi, elegant/graceful
        shěnměiguān, [審美觀], esthetic conception/esthetic point of view/standard
        měibùshèngshōu, [美不勝收], nothing more beautiful can be imagined (idiom)
        měiyù, [美譽], fame/good reputation/famous for sth
        měishùpǐn, [美術品], an art object
        Měilán, [美蘭], Meilan district of Haikou city 海口市[Hǎi kǒu shì], Hainan
        Měidùshā, Medusa (monster of Greek mythology)
        jiàliánwùměi, [價廉物美], inexpensive and of good quality (idiom)
        Měisuǒbùdámǐyà, [美索不達米亞], Mesopotamia
        àiměi, [愛美], love of beauty/wishing to appear beautiful/to set store by one's appearance
        Kǎměilā, Gamera (Japanese ガメラ Gamera), Japanese movie monster
        měishì, a fine thing/a wonderful thing
        féiměi, fertile/luxuriant/plump/rounded
        liángchénměijǐng, fine time, beautiful scenery (idiom); everything lovely
        Měilè, [美樂], Merlot (grape type)
        měiqímíngyuē, to call by the glorified name of (idiom)
        měiwèikěkǒu, delicious/tasty
        měibiān, [美編], (publishing) (abbr. for 美術編輯|美术编辑[měi shù biān jí]) layout and graphics/graphic ...
        měishàn, beautiful and good
        qīměi, [淒美], poignant/sad and beautiful
        Sūměiěr, [蘇美爾], Sumer (Šumer), one of the early civilizations of the Ancient Near East
        zhuàngměi, [壯美], magnificent
        Āměiníyà, [阿美尼亞], variant of 亞美尼亞|亚美尼亚[Yà měi ní yà], Armenia
        měijiǎ, manicure and-or pedicure
        měizīzī, very happy/elated
        fēngměi, [豐美], abundant and prosperous
        měichēng, [美稱], to dub with a nice-sounding appellation/fanciful moniker
        měishēng, [美聲], bel canto
        Bōměilāníyà, [波美拉尼亞], Pomerania, a historical region on the south shore of the Baltic Sea
        zhēnshànměi, truth, goodness and beauty
        Kǎměiluò, Camelot, seat of legendary King Arthur
        ŌuMěi, [歐美], Europe and America/the West
        MěiguóZhīYīn, [美國之音], Voice of America (VOA)
        gōngyìměishù, [工藝美術], applied art
        měirénjiāo, canna or Indian shot (genus Canna)
        měiyù, fine jade
        Měizhìzǐ, Michiko, Japanese female given name/Empress Michiko of Japan (1934-)
        měinǎizī, mayonnaise (loanword) (Tw)
        Yàměilìjiā, [亞美利加], America
        jiāoměi, [嬌美], dainty
        měiméi, (coll.) pretty girl
        měitán, [美談], anecdote passed on with approbation

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