命 ⇒
生命 shēngmìng, life (as the characteristic of living beings)/living being/creature/CL:個|个[gè],條...
命 mìng, life/fate/order or command/to assign a name, title etc
命令 mìnglìng, order/command/CL:道[dào],個|个[gè]
救命 jiùmìng, to save sb's life/(interj.) Help!/Save me!
命运 mìngyùn, [命運], fate/destiny/CL:個|个[gè]
致命 zhìmìng, fatal/mortal/deadly/to sacrifice one's life
性命 xìngmìng, life
使命 shǐmìng, mission/long-term task to which one devotes oneself/a calling
待命 dàimìng, to be on call/to be on standby
拼命 pīnmìng, to do one's utmost/with all one's might/at all costs/(to work or fight) as if on...
遵命 zūnmìng, to follow your orders/to do as you bid
命名 mìngmíng, to give a name to/to dub/to christen/to designate/named after/naming
革命 gémìng, revolution/revolutionary (politics)/CL:次[cì]
命中 mìngzhòng, to hit (a target)
要命 yàomìng, to cause sb's death/very/extremely/frightening/annoying
丧命 sàngmìng, [喪命], to lose one's life
任命 rènmìng, to appoint/(job) appointment/CL:紙|纸[zhǐ]
送命 sòngmìng, to lose one's life/to get killed
活命 huómìng, life/to survive/to save a life/to scrape a living
人命 rénmìng, human life/CL:條|条[tiáo]
没命 méimìng, [沒命], to lose one's life/to die/recklessly/desperately
逃命 táomìng, to escape/to flee/to run for one's life
命案 mìngàn, homicide case/murder case
卖命 màimìng, [賣命], to throw one's life in for/to haplessly give one's life for/to sacrifice oneself...
听命 tīngmìng, [聽命], to obey an order/to take orders/to accept a state of affairs
奉命 fèngmìng, to receive orders/to follow orders/to act under orders
算命 suànmìng, fortune-telling/to tell fortune
生命体 维他命 wéitāmìng, [維他命], vitamin (loanword)
寿命 shòumìng, [壽命], life span/life expectancy/lifetime (of a machine)
生命力 shēngmìnglì, vitality
受命 shòumìng, ordained or appointed to a post/to benefit from counsel
毙命 bìmìng, [斃命], to meet violent death/to get killed
自命不凡 zìmìngbùfán, to think too much of oneself/self-important/arrogant
致命伤 zhìmìngshāng, [致命傷], mortal wound/(fig.) fatal weakness/Achilles' heel
听天由命 tīngtiānyóumìng, [聽天由命], to submit to the will of heaven/to resign oneself to fate/to trust to luck
认命 rènmìng, [認命], to accept misfortunes as decreed by fate/to be resigned to sth
玩命 天命 Tiānmìng, Mandate of Heaven/destiny/fate/one's life span
亡命 wángmìng, to flee/to go into exile (from prison)
死于非命 sǐyúfēimìng, [死於非命], violent death (idiom); to die in a disaster/an unnatural death
相依为命 xiāngyīwéimìng, [相依為命], mutually dependent for life (idiom); to rely upon one another for survival/inter...
出人命 chūrénmìng, fatal/resulting in sb's death
革命性 gémìngxìng, revolutionary
革命者 命根子 mìnggēnzi, see 命根[mìng gēn]
长命百岁 偿命 chángmìng, [償命], to pay with one's life
死命 sǐmìng, doom/death/desperately
短命 duǎnmìng, to die young/short-lived
亡命之徒 wángmìngzhītú, runaway (idiom); desperate criminal/fugitive
命题 mìngtí, [命題], proposition (logic, math.)/to assign an essay topic
效命 人命关天 rénmìngguāntiān, [人命關天], human life is beyond value (idiom)
舍命 shěmìng, [捨命], to risk one's life
自命 zìmìng, to consider oneself to be (sth positive)
饶命 ráomìng, [饒命], to spare sb's life
抗命 kàngmìng, against orders/to disobey/to refuse to accept orders
亡命徒 命中率 mìngzhònglǜ, hit rate/scoring rate
生命线 shēngmìngxiàn, [生命線], lifeline
命脉 mìngmài, [命脈], lifeline
命根 mìnggēn, lifeblood/the thing that one cherishes most in life/(coll.) family jewels (male ...
疲于奔命 píyúbēnmìng, [疲於奔命], (idiom) terribly busy/up to one's ears in work
苦命 kǔmìng, hard lot/bitter fate/unfortunate
革命军 拚命 pànmìng, see 拼命[pīn mìng]
大革命 命苦 mìngkǔ, to be born under an ill star
救命之恩 狠命 hěnmìng, exerting all one's strength
殒命 yǔnmìng, [殞命], to die/to perish
草菅人命 cǎojiānrénmìng, to have disregard for human life (idiom)
使命感 催命 cuīmìng, to press sb to death/fig. to pressurize sb continually
授命 shòumìng, to give orders
革命家 gémìngjiā, a revolutionary
请命 闹革命 革命党 命相 mìngxiàng, horoscope
谋财害命 móucáihàimìng, [謀財害命], to plot and kill sb for his property (idiom); to murder for money
玩儿命 wánrmìng, [玩兒命], to gamble with life/to take reckless risks
安身立命 ānshēnlìmìng, settle down and get on with one's pursuit
奔命 bēnmìng, to rush about on errands/to be kept on the run
文化大革命 WénhuàDàgémìng, Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)
绝命书 juémìngshū, [絕命書], suicide note
宿命论 sùmìnglùn, [宿命論], fatalism/fatalistic
不辱使命 同呼吸共命运 抵命 同命相连 收回成命 复命 fùmìng, [復命], to report on completion of a mission/debriefing
命令状 反革命 fǎngémìng, counterrevolutionary
命官 耳提面命 ěrtímiànmìng, to give sincere advice (idiom)/to exhort earnestly
薄命 bómìng, to be born under an unlucky star (usu. of women)/to be born unlucky
革命派 特命 民主革命 mínzhǔgémìng, democratic revolution/bourgeois revolution (in Marx-Leninist theory, a prelude t...
苦 ⇒
痛苦 tòngkǔ, pain/suffering/painful/CL:個|个[gè]
辛苦 xīnkǔ, exhausting/hard/tough/arduous/to work hard/to go to a lot of trouble/hardship(s)
苦 kǔ, bitter/hardship/pain/to suffer/to bring suffering to/painstakingly
艰苦 jiānkǔ, [艱苦], difficult/hard/arduous
受苦 shòukǔ, to suffer hardship
苦难 kǔnàn, [苦難], suffering
苦恼 kǔnǎo, [苦惱], vexed/distressed
苦苦 kǔkǔ, strenuously/persistently/hard/painful
挖苦 wākǔ, to speak sarcastically/to make cutting remarks
苦头 kǔtou, [苦頭], sufferings
刻苦 kèkǔ, hardworking/assiduous
苦衷 kǔzhōng, secret trouble/sorrow/difficulties
苦力 kǔlì, bitter work/hard toil/(loanword) coolie, unskilled Chinese laborer in colonial t...
辛辛苦苦 xīnxīnkǔkǔ, painstakingly/with great trouble
苦痛 kǔtòng, pain/suffering
苦涩 kǔsè, [苦澀], bitter and astringent/pained/agonized
困苦 kùnkǔ, deprivation/distressed/miserable
苦果 kǔguǒ, lit. bitter fruit/fig. painful consequence
自讨苦吃 zìtǎokǔchī, [自討苦吃], to ask for trouble (idiom)/to make a rod for one's own back
穷苦 qióngkǔ, [窮苦], impoverished/destitute
苦闷 kǔmèn, [苦悶], depressed/dejected/feeling low
苦工 kǔgōng, hard labor (in penal code)/coolie
苦海 kǔhǎi, lit. sea of bitterness/abyss of worldly suffering (Buddhist term)/depths of mise...
诉苦 sùkǔ, [訴苦], to grumble/to complain/grievance
苦差 kǔchāi, hard task/difficult mission/arduous and unrewarding undertaking/drudgery/grind/c...
千辛万苦 qiānxīnwànkǔ, [千辛萬苦], to suffer untold hardships (idiom); trials and tribulations/with difficulty/afte...
苦练 kǔliàn, [苦練], to train hard/to practice diligently/hard work/blood, sweat, and tears
苦楚 kǔchǔ, suffering/misery/pain (esp. psychological)
何苦 hékǔ, why bother?/is it worth the trouble?
苦瓜 kǔguā, bitter melon (bitter gourd, balsam pear, balsam apple, leprosy gourd, bitter cuc...
埋头苦干 máitóukǔgàn, [埋頭苦幹], to bury oneself in work (idiom); to be engrossed in work/to make an all-out effo...
同甘共苦 tónggāngòngkǔ, shared delights and common hardships (idiom); to share life's joys and sorrows/f...
苦战 kǔzhàn, [苦戰], bitter struggle/hard battle/arduous effort
吃苦 chīkǔ, to bear hardships
吃苦头 chīkǔtou, [吃苦頭], to suffer/to suffer for one's actions/to pay dearly/to burn one's fingers
贫苦 pínkǔ, [貧苦], poverty-stricken/poor
含辛茹苦 hánxīnrúkǔ, to suffer every possible torment (idiom); bitter hardship/to bear one's cross
苦水 kǔshuǐ, bitter water (e.g. mineral water containing sulfates)/suffering/digestive fluids...
苦心经营 kǔxīnjīngyíng, [苦心經營], to build up an enterprise through painstaking efforts
苦心 kǔxīn, painstaking effort/to take a lot of trouble/laborious at pains
煞费苦心 shàfèikǔxīn, [煞費苦心], to take a lot of trouble (idiom); painstaking/at the cost of a lot of effort
孤苦 苦命 kǔmìng, hard lot/bitter fate/unfortunate
疾苦 jíkǔ, pain and difficulties/suffering (of the people)
孤苦伶仃 gūkǔlíngdīng, solitary and impoverished (idiom)
劳苦 láokǔ, [勞苦], to toil/hard work
命苦 mìngkǔ, to be born under an ill star
苦不堪言 kǔbùkānyán, to suffer unspeakable misery/indescribably painful/hellish
苦干 kǔgàn, [苦幹], to work hard
苦肉计 kǔròujì, [苦肉計], the trick of injuring oneself to gain the enemy's confidence/CL:條|条[tiáo]
酸甜苦辣 suāntiánkǔlà, sour, sweet, bitter and spicy hot/fig. the joys and sorrows of life
不辞劳苦 bùcíláokǔ, [不辭勞苦], to spare no effort
苦于 苦笑 kǔxiào, to force a smile/a bitter laugh
苦行僧 不辞辛苦 bùcíxīnkǔ, [不辭辛苦], to make nothing of hardships
苦尽甘来 kǔjìngānlái, [苦盡甘來], bitterness finishes, sweetness begins (idiom); the hard times are over, the good...
艰苦卓绝 苦役 kǔyì, forced labor/corvée/penal servitude
艰苦奋斗 jiānkǔfèndòu, [艱苦奮鬥], to struggle arduously
苦功 kǔgōng, hard work/laborious effort/painstaking work
苦活 kǔhuó, bitter work/sweated labor
苦行 kǔxíng, ascetic practice
吃苦耐劳 chīkǔnàiláo, [吃苦耐勞], hardworking and enduring hardships (idiom)
苦口婆心 kǔkǒupóxīn, earnest and well-meaning advice (idiom); to persuade patiently
甘苦 gānkǔ, good times and hardships/joys and tribulations/for better or for worse
叫苦 jiàokǔ, to whine about hardships/to complain of one's bitter lot/to complain/to grumble
苦思 kǔsī, to think hard/bitter thoughts/to pour out one's sufferings
苦酒 苦思冥想 kǔsīmíngxiǎng, to consider from all angles (idiom); to think hard/to rack one's brains
坚苦 甘苦与共 苦大仇深 kǔdàchóushēn, great bitterness, deep hatred (idiom); deeply ingrained long-standing resentment
良苦用心 liángkǔyòngxīn, to ponder earnestly/to give a lot of thought to sth
下苦功 苦刑 kǔxíng, torture/corporal punishment (traditionally involving mutilation or amputation)
苦味 kǔwèi, bitter taste/bitterness
愁苦 chóukǔ, anxiety/distress
救苦救难 凄苦 qīkǔ, [悽苦], bleak/miserable
勤学苦练 qínxuékǔliàn, [勤學苦練], to study diligently/to train assiduously
悲苦 bēikǔ, forlorn/miserable
苦境 kǔjìng, grievance/dire straits
忆苦思甜 yìkǔsītián, [憶苦思甜], to view one's past as miserable and one's present as happy (idiom)
苦斗 挖苦话 苦劳 kǔláo, [苦勞], toil/hard work
良药苦口利于病 苦寒 kǔhán, bitter cold
苦参 kǔshēn, [苦參], liquorice (Sophora flavescens), with roots used in TCM
苦口良药 苦主 kǔzhǔ, victim's family (esp. in murder case)
苦心孤诣 kǔxīngūyì, [苦心孤詣], to make painstaking efforts (idiom); after much trouble/to work hard at sth
清苦 qīngkǔ, destitute but honest/poor and simple/spartan/austere
辛苦费 叫苦不迭 jiàokǔbudié, to complain without stopping (idiom); to bitch endlessly/incessant grievances