哀 ⇒
悲哀 bēiāi, grieved/sorrowful
哀悼 āidào, to grieve over sb's death/to lament sb's death/mourning
节哀 哀伤 āishāng, [哀傷], grief/distress/bereavement/grieved/heartbroken/dejected
哀 Āi/āi, Ai (c. 2000 BC), sixth of legendary Flame Emperors 炎帝[Yán dì] descended from She...
哀求 āiqiú, to entreat/to implore/to plead
默哀 mòāi, to observe a moment of silence in tribute
致哀 zhìāi, to express grief/to mourn
哀号 āiháo, [哀號], to cry piteously/anguished wailing/same as 哀嚎
喜怒哀乐 xǐnùāilè, [喜怒哀樂], four types of human emotions, namely: happiness 歡喜|欢喜[huān xǐ], anger 憤怒|愤怒[fèn ...
哀嚎 āiháo, to howl in grief/anguished wailing/same as 哀号
哀思 āisī, grief-stricken thoughts/mourning
哀怨 āiyuàn, grief/resentment/aggrieved/plaintive
哀叹 āitàn, [哀嘆], to sigh/to lament/to bewail
哀愁 āichóu, sorrow/sadness/distressed/sorrowful
哀痛 āitòng, to grieve/to mourn/deep sorrow/grief
哀叫 哀诉 哀鸣 āimíng, [哀鳴], (of animals, the wind etc) to make a mournful sound/whine/moan/wail
莫里哀 Mòlǐāi, Molière (1622-1673), French playwright and actor, master of comedy
哀泣 āiqì, to wail
哀怜 āilián, [哀憐], to feel compassion for/to pity on/to feel sorry for
哀乐 āiyuè, [哀樂], funeral music/plaint/dirge
哀婉 āiwǎn, melancholy/sad and moving
哀歌 āigē, mournful song/dirge/elegy
穆哀 米奴哀
歌 ⇒
歌 gē, [謌], song/CL:支[zhī],首[shǒu]/to sing, variant of 歌[gē]
唱歌 chànggē, to sing a song
歌曲 gēqǔ, song
歌手 gēshǒu, singer
歌词 gēcí, [歌詞], song lyric/lyrics
歌唱 gēchàng, to sing
歌声 gēshēng, [歌聲], singing voice/fig. original voice of a poet
歌剧 gējù, [歌劇], Western opera/CL:場|场[chǎng],齣|出[chū]
歌迷 gēmí, fan of a singer
诗歌 shīgē, [詩歌], poem/CL:本[běn],首[shǒu],段[duàn]
歌星 gēxīng, singing star/famous singer
歌舞 gēwǔ, singing and dancing
情歌 qínggē, love song
国歌 guógē, [國歌], national anthem
歌剧院 gējùyuàn, [歌劇院], opera house
颂歌 sònggē, [頌歌], carol
歌迪 歌喉 歌颂 gēsòng, [歌頌], to sing the praises of/to extol/to eulogize
凯歌 kǎigē, [凱歌], triumphal hymn/victory song/paean
儿歌 érgē, [兒歌], nursery rhyme
民歌 míngē, folk song/CL:支[zhī],首[shǒu]
歌利亚 Gēlìyà, [歌利亞], Goliath
流行歌曲 对歌 duìgē, [對歌], answering phrase of duet/to sing antiphonal answer
歌唱家 gēchàngjiā, singer
赞歌 歌谣 gēyáo, [歌謠], folksong/ballad/nursery rhyme
歌舞剧 歌舞伎 gēwǔjì, kabuki
载歌载舞 zàigēzàiwǔ, [載歌載舞], singing and dancing (idiom); festive celebrations
主题歌 歌舞片 歌特 歌坛 gētán, [歌壇], singing stage/music business (esp. pop music)
圣歌 shènggē, [聖歌], hymn
歌王 谷歌 Gǔgē, [穀歌], variant of 谷歌[Gǔ gē], Google, Internet company and search engine
高歌 gāogē, to sing loudly/to lift one's voice in song
点歌 歌后 歌德 Gēdé/gēdé, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), German poet and dramatist, to sing the p...
歌女 gēnǚ, female singer (archaic)
歌功颂德 gēgōngsòngdé, [歌功頌德], to sing sb's praises (mostly derogatory)
歌厅 gētīng, [歌廳], karaoke hall/singing hall (venue for concerts of popular songs)
能歌善舞 nénggēshànwǔ, can sing and dance (idiom); fig. a person of many talents
歌单 乐歌 尔歌 歌舞升平 gēwǔshēngpíng, lit. to celebrate peace with songs and dance (idiom)/fig. to make a show of happ...
战歌 可歌可泣 kěgēkěqì, lit. you can sing or you can cry (idiom); fig. deeply moving/happy and sad/inspi...
歌会 歌德斯坦 玛歌 歌舞团 gēwǔtuán, [歌舞團], song and dance troupe
歌德风 四面楚歌 sìmiànChǔgē, lit. on all sides, the songs of Chu (idiom)/fig. surrounded by enemies, isolated...
歌本 讴歌 Ōugē/ōugē, [謳歌], Acura (Honda car model), (literary) to celebrate in song/to eulogize
艾罗迪·歌 歌里 本杰明·歌 歌·科尔 欢歌 歌莉亚 挽歌 wǎngē, a dirge/an elegy
亚伯尼歌 歌艺 引吭高歌 yǐnhánggāogē, to sing at the top of one's voice (idiom)
歌友会 船歌 牧歌 mùgē, shepherd's song/pastoral
歌斐木 恋歌 liàngē, [戀歌], love song
安歌 山歌 shāngē, folk song/mountain song
赞美歌 悲歌 bēigē, sad melody/stirring strains/elegy/dirge/threnody/sing with solemn fervor
阿歌 高歌猛进 gāogēměngjìn, [高歌猛進], to advance singing loudly (idiom); triumphant progress
楚歌 歌咏 gēyǒng, [歌詠], singing
军歌 歌儿 gēr, [歌兒], song
歌伎 歌蒂 国际歌 Guójìgē, [國際歌], The Internationale
歌舞厅 轻歌曼舞 波尔歌 周选歌 歌利亚的大卫 约翰·沃尔夫冈·冯·歌 祝酒歌 歌德·艾伯特 长歌当哭 歌克斯 哀歌 āigē, mournful song/dirge/elegy
鲍歌 珍妮的歌 校歌 xiàogē, school song
歌拉迪 歌玛 歌戈 歌庄 歌特·里夫斯 歌子 gēzi, song
歌丽 歌录 歌路 宝斯歌 歌罗西 Gēluóxī, [歌羅西], Colossia
欢歌笑语 歌剧团 选歌 莺歌燕舞 yīnggēyànwǔ, [鶯歌燕舞], the warbler sings and the swallow dances/prosperity abounds (idiom)
歌珊地 歌林多 歌伦德 歌特让