悬 ⇒
悬 xuán, [懸], to hang or suspend/to worry/public announcement/unresolved/baseless/without foun...
悬崖 xuányá, [懸崖], precipice/overhanging cliff
悬赏 xuánshǎng, [懸賞], to offer a reward/bounty
悬念 xuánniàn, [懸念], suspense in a movie, play etc/concern for sb's welfare
悬案 xuánàn, [懸案], unresolved question/unresolved case
悬挂 xuánguà, [懸掛], to suspend/to hang/(vehicle) suspension
悬浮 xuánfú, [懸浮], to float (in the air etc)/suspension
悬而未决 xuánérwèijué, [懸而未決], pending a decision/hanging in the balance
悬殊 xuánshū, [懸殊], widely different/large disparity
口若悬河 kǒuruòxuánhé, [口若懸河], mouth like a torrent (idiom)/eloquent/glib/voluble/have the gift of the gab
悬停 xuántíng, [懸停], to hover (helicopter, computer mouse etc)
悬空 xuánkōng, [懸空], to hang in the air/suspended in midair/(fig.) uncertain
悬崖勒马 xuányálèmǎ, [懸崖勒馬], lit. to rein in the horse at the edge of the precipice (idiom)/fig. to act in th...
悬崖峭壁 xuányáqiàobì, [懸崖峭壁], sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces (idiom)
悬雍垂 xuányōngchuí, [懸雍垂], uvula (biology)
磁悬浮 cíxuánfú, [磁懸浮], magnetic levitation (train)/maglev
悬臂 xuánbì, [懸臂], cantilever
贫富悬殊 悬梁 倒悬 dàoxuán, [倒懸], lit. to hang upside down/fig. in dire straits
悬梯 悬索
案 ⇒
案子 ànzi, long table/counter/case/law case/legal case/judicial case
案 àn, (legal) case/incident/record/file/table
答案 dáàn, answer/solution/CL:個|个[gè]
案件 ànjiàn, case/instance/CL:宗[zōng],樁|桩[zhuāng],起[qǐ]
档案 dàngàn, [檔案], file/record/archive
谋杀案 móushāàn, [謀殺案], murder case
方案 fāngàn, plan/program (for action etc)/proposal/proposed bill/CL:個|个[gè],套[tào]
作案 zuòàn, to commit a crime
结案 jiéàn, [結案], to conclude a case/to wind up
法案 fǎàn, bill/proposed law
破案 pòàn, to solve a case/shabby old table
凶杀案 xiōngshāàn, [兇殺案], murder case
本案 罪案 zuìàn, a criminal case
办案 bànàn, [辦案], to handle a case
图案 túàn, [圖案], design/pattern
案例 ànlì, case (law)/CL:個|个[gè]
提案 tíàn, proposal/draft resolution/motion (to be debated)/to propose a bill/to make a pro...
议案 yìàn, [議案], proposal/motion
此案 报案 bàoàn, [報案], to report a case to the authorities
修正案 xiūzhèngàn, amendment/revised draft
命案 mìngàn, homicide case/murder case
案情 ànqíng, details of a case/case
案发 ànfā, [案發], to investigate a crime on the spot/to occur (of a crime)/to be discovered (of a ...
在案 杀人案 shārénàn, [殺人案], murder case/homicide case
立案 lìàn, to register (to an official organism)/to file a case (for investigation)
查案 犯案 fànàn, to commit a crime or offence
悬案 xuánàn, [懸案], unresolved question/unresolved case
大案 归案 guīàn, [歸案], to bring to justice/to file away (a document)
惨案 cǎnàn, [慘案], massacre/tragedy/CL:起[qǐ]
备案 bèiàn, [備案], to put on record/to file
草案 cǎoàn, draft (legislation, proposal etc)
档案馆 dàngànguǎn, [檔案館], archive library
案犯 旧案 jiùàn, [舊案], old court case/long-standing legal dispute
文案 wénàn, (newspapers etc) copy/copywriter/(office etc) paperwork/(old) secretary/clerk
血案 xuèàn, murder case
涉案 shèàn, (of a perpetrator, victim, weapon, sum of money etc) to be involved in the case
个案 gèàn, [個案], a case/an individual case/case-by-case
案卷 ànjuàn, records/files/archives
预案 yùàn, [預案], contingency plan
窃案 冤案 yuānàn, miscarriage of justice
专案组 zhuānànzǔ, [專案組], special investigation team (legal or judicial)
翻案 fānàn, to reverse a verdict/to present different views on a historical person or verdic...
该案 投案 tóuàn, to surrender to the authorities/to turn oneself in (for a crime)
定案 dìngàn, to reach a verdict/to conclude a judgment
涉案人员 盗窃案 疑案 yíàn, a doubtful case/a controversy
捉拿归案 zhuōnáguīàn, [捉拿歸案], to bring to justice
并购案 档案柜 走私案 专案 zhuānàn, [專案], project
案板 ànbǎn, kneading or chopping board
发案 fāàn, [發案], occurrence (refers to time and place esp. of a criminal act)/to take place/to oc...
要案 教案 jiàoàn, lesson plan/teaching plan/a "missionary case" (a dispute over Christian missiona...
诽谤案 同案犯 tóngànfàn, accomplice
档案库 案头 àntóu, [案頭], on one's desk
预算案 无头案 选案 报案人 病案 bìngàn, medical record
错案 cuòàn, [錯案], a misjudged legal case/a miscarriage (of justice)
拍案叫绝 pāiànjiàojué, [拍案叫絕], lit. slap the table and shout with praise (idiom); fig. wonderful!/amazing!/grea...
决议案 juéyìàn, [決議案], resolution (of a meeting)
档案局 假案 jiǎàn, fabricated legal case/frame-up
讼案 sòngàn, [訟案], lawsuit
作案人 断案 duànàn, [斷案], to judge a case
案由 ànyóu, main points of a case/brief/summary
大案要案 结案率 判案 提案人 tíànrén, proposer
审案 拍案而起 pāiànérqǐ, lit. to slap the table and stand up (idiom); fig. at the end of one's tether/una...
陈案 原案 破产案 赔偿案 发案率