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Word: freq index 10019
páigǔ pork chop
pork cutlet
spare ribs
(coll.) skinny person

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Word Compounds

        ānpái, to arrange/to plan/to set up/arrangements/plans
        pái, a row/a line/to set in order/to arrange/to line up/to eliminate/to drain/to push...
        páiliàn, [排練], to rehearse/rehearsal
        páichú, to eliminate/to remove/to exclude/to rule out
        niúpái, steak
        páiduì, [排隊], to line up
        biānpái, [編排], to arrange/to lay out
        cǎipái, dress rehearsal
        páimíng, to rank (1st, 2nd etc)/ranking
        páichì, to reject/to exclude/to eliminate/to remove/to repel
        páigǔ, pork chop/pork cutlet/spare ribs/(coll.) skinny person
        páiliè, to arrange in order/(math.) permutation
        hòupái, [後排], the back row
        zhūpái, [豬排], pork ribs/pork chop
        páihángbǎng, the charts (of best-sellers)/table of ranking
        páijǐ, [排擠], to crowd out/to push aside/to supplant
        páiqì, [排氣], to ventilate
        páiyǎn, to rehearse (a performance)
        páixiāo, [排簫], see 簫|箫[xiāo]
        páixièwù, excrement/waste
        páishuǐ, to drain
        páiqiú, volleyball/CL:個|个[gè]
        páifàng, emission/discharge/exhaust (gas etc)
        páishuǐguǎn, drainpipe/waste pipe
        páixiè, to drain (factory waste etc)/to excrete (urine, sweat etc)
        páichá, to inspect/to run through a checklist/to take stock/to audit
        páixù, to sort/to arrange in order
        páishuǐgōu, [排水溝], gutter
        páiluǎn, to ovulate
        páiháng, to rank/ranking/seniority (among siblings)
        bìngpái, [並排], side by side/abreast
        páibǎn, typesetting
        páichang, [排場], ostentation/a show of extravagance/grand style/red tape
        niúpáiguǎn, [牛排館], steakhouse
        páijiě, to mediate/to reconcile/to make peace/to intervene
        páiwài, xenophobic/anti-foreigner
        páidǎng, [排擋], gear (of car etc)
        páiwū, to drain sewage
        páizhǎng, [排長], platoon leader/sergeant
        páiyōujiěnàn, [排憂解難], to resolve a difficult situation and leave worries behind (idiom)
        páiqiǎn, to divert oneself from (loneliness, grief etc)/to dispel (negative thoughts etc)
        páidìng, to schedule
        páiléi, mine clearance
        páiyìn, typesetting and printing
        nǚpái, women's volleyball/abbr. for 女子排球
        páishuǐliàng, displacement
        páicuò, [排錯], troubleshooting/debugging/to debug/erratum/to arrange in incorrect sequence
        páishāndǎohǎi, lit. to topple the mountains and overturn the seas (idiom); earth-shattering/fig...
        páipào, to fire a salvo/broadside/cannonade
        páitóubīng, [排頭兵], lit. frontline troops/leader/trailblazer/pacesetter
        páimíngbiǎo, league table/roll of honor
        páibǐ, parallelism (grammar)

        gǔtou, [骨頭], bone/CL:根[gēn],塊|块[kuài]/moral character/bitterness
        gǔ, bone
        gǔzhé, to suffer a fracture/(of a bone) to break/fracture
        tóugǔ, [頭骨], skull
        lèigǔ, rib
        gǔhuī, bone ash/ashes of the dead
        gǔsuǐ, bone marrow (medulla ossea)
        páigǔ, pork chop/pork cutlet/spare ribs/(coll.) skinny person
        gǔgé, bones/skeleton
        gǔjià, framework/skeleton
        shīgǔ, [屍骨], skeleton of the dead
        gǔzilǐ, [骨子裡], beneath the surface/fundamentally/at the deepest level
        xiōnggǔ, sternum/breastbone
        suǒgǔ, [鎖骨], collarbone/clavicle
        gǔqì, [骨氣], unyielding character/courageous spirit/integrity/moral backbone
        zhuīgǔ, vertebra
        gǔròu, blood relation/kin/one's flesh and blood
        tuōtāihuàngǔ, [脫胎換骨], to shed one's mortal body and exchange one's bones (idiom); born again Daoist/to...
        quángǔ, [顴骨], zygomatic bone (cheek bone)
        gǔpén, pelvis
        lúgǔ, [顱骨], skull (of a dead body)
        hènzhīrùgǔ, to hate sb to the bone (idiom)
        fěnshēnsuìgǔ, lit. torn body and crushed bones (idiom)/fig. to die horribly/to sacrifice one's...
        jiēguyǎn, [節骨眼], (dialect) critical juncture/crucial moment/Taiwan pr. [jié gu yǎn]
        xīgàigǔ, [膝蓋骨], kneecap
        ruǎngǔ, [軟骨], cartilage
        jìnggǔ, [脛骨], tibia
        háigǔ, skeleton/skeletal remains
        gǔshòurúchái, as thin as a match/emaciated (idiom)
        gǔpái, dominoes
        lùgǔ, blatant/unsubtle/frank/(of sex, violence etc) explicit
        cìgǔ, piercing/cutting/bone-chilling/penetrating (cold)
        tóugàigǔ, [頭蓋骨], skull/cranium
        jīngǔ, muscles and bones/physique/strength/courage
        gǔhuīhé, box for bone ashes/funerary casket
        gǔgǔ, femur
        jǐgǔ, backbone
        jiānjiǎgǔ, scapula/shoulder blade
        yígǔ, [遺骨], (dead) human remains
        kègǔmíngxīn, [刻骨銘心], lit. carved in bones and engraved in the heart (idiom)/fig. etched in one's memo...
        chǐgǔ, ulna (anatomy)/bone of the forearm
        jǐzhuīgǔ, vertebra
        féigǔ, fibula/calf bone
        zhǎnggǔ, metacarpal bone (long bones in the hand and feet)
        gǔgàn, [骨幹], diaphysis (long segment of a bone)/fig. backbone
        zhěngǔ, occipital bone (back of the skull)
        wěigǔ, coccyx/tailbone
        zuògǔshénjīng, [坐骨神經], sciatic nerve
        dǐnggǔ, [頂骨], parietal bone (top of the scull)
        zhǔxīngǔ, backbone/mainstay/pillar/definite view/one's own judgment
        ráogǔ, [橈骨], radius (anatomy)/bone of the forearm
        lǎngǔtou, [懶骨頭], lazybones/beanbag
        kuāngǔ, [髖骨], hip bone
        gǔmó, periosteum (membrane covering bone)
        shòugǔlínxún, skinny; emaciated (idiom)
        jǐlianggǔ, backbone
        gǔkē, orthopedics/orthopedic surgery
        wàigǔgé, exoskeleton (the carapace of insects, crabs etc)
        lónggǔ, [龍骨], keel/dragon bones (ancient bones used in TCM)
        qiàgǔ, ilium (the large flat bone of the pelvic girdle)
        gōnggǔ, humerus
        dǐgǔ, sacrum (anatomy)/bone forming the base of the spinal column
        gǔzhìshūsōngzhèng, [骨質疏鬆症], osteoporosis
        ruǎngǔbìng, [軟骨病], chondropathy (medicine)
        gǔfěn, bone meal
        jiàngǔtou, [賤骨頭], miserable wretch/contemptible individual
        huáigǔ, ankle bone/ankle
        báigǔ, bones of the dead
        gǔhuà, to ossify/ossification
        kuàgǔ, hip bone
        chǐgǔ, [恥骨], pubis/pubic bone
        jiǎgǔwén, oracle script/oracle bone inscriptions (an early form of Chinese script)
        zuògǔ, ischium
        diégǔ, sphenoid bone (front of the temple)
        bìngǔ, [髕骨], kneecap/patella
        zhēngǔ, incus or anvil bone of middle ear, passing sound vibration from malleus hammer b...
        gūlu, to roll rapidly/to spin/Taiwan pr. [gú lu]
        gǔbìng, osteopathy
        gǔliú, osteoma (benign tumor composed of bone-like material)
        gǔcì, spur/bony outgrowth
        gǔxuè, flesh and blood/one's offspring
        gǔzhēn, [骨針], spicule (in biology)/bone needle (in archaeology)
        Báigǔjīng, White Bone Spirit (in the novel Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记[Xī yóu Jì])/(fig.) s...
        shāigǔ, [篩骨], ethmoid bone (cheek)
        gǔzi, ribs/frame
        hǔgǔ, tiger bone (used in TCM)
        huāgǔduo, (coll.) flower bud
        fēnggǔ, [風骨], strength of character/vigorous style (of calligraphy)
        chuígǔ, [錘骨], malleus or hammer bone of middle ear
        gǔgéjī, striated muscle
        gǔròuxiānglián, [骨肉相連], lit. interrelated as bones and flesh (idiom); inseparably related/closely intert...
        gǔjié, [骨節], joint (of the skeleton)
        ruǎngǔyú, [軟骨魚], cartilaginous fish (such as sharks)
        míngxīnkègǔ, [銘心刻骨], engraved in one's heart and carved in one's bones (idiom); to remember a benefac...
        tīnggǔ, [聽骨], ossicles (in the middle ear)/also written 聽小骨|听小骨
        zhènggǔ, bonesetting/Chinese osteopathy
        gǔdǒng, variant of 古董[gǔ dǒng]

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