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Word: freq index 15917
páixièwù excrement

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        ānpái, to arrange/to plan/to set up/arrangements/plans
        pái, a row/a line/to set in order/to arrange/to line up/to eliminate/to drain/to push...
        páiliàn, [排練], to rehearse/rehearsal
        páichú, to eliminate/to remove/to exclude/to rule out
        niúpái, steak
        páiduì, [排隊], to line up
        biānpái, [編排], to arrange/to lay out
        cǎipái, dress rehearsal
        páimíng, to rank (1st, 2nd etc)/ranking
        páichì, to reject/to exclude/to eliminate/to remove/to repel
        páigǔ, pork chop/pork cutlet/spare ribs/(coll.) skinny person
        páiliè, to arrange in order/(math.) permutation
        hòupái, [後排], the back row
        zhūpái, [豬排], pork ribs/pork chop
        páihángbǎng, the charts (of best-sellers)/table of ranking
        páijǐ, [排擠], to crowd out/to push aside/to supplant
        páiqì, [排氣], to ventilate
        páiyǎn, to rehearse (a performance)
        páixiāo, [排簫], see 簫|箫[xiāo]
        páixièwù, excrement/waste
        páishuǐ, to drain
        páiqiú, volleyball/CL:個|个[gè]
        páifàng, emission/discharge/exhaust (gas etc)
        páishuǐguǎn, drainpipe/waste pipe
        páixiè, to drain (factory waste etc)/to excrete (urine, sweat etc)
        páichá, to inspect/to run through a checklist/to take stock/to audit
        páixù, to sort/to arrange in order
        páishuǐgōu, [排水溝], gutter
        páiluǎn, to ovulate
        páiháng, to rank/ranking/seniority (among siblings)
        bìngpái, [並排], side by side/abreast
        páibǎn, typesetting
        páichang, [排場], ostentation/a show of extravagance/grand style/red tape
        niúpáiguǎn, [牛排館], steakhouse
        páijiě, to mediate/to reconcile/to make peace/to intervene
        páiwài, xenophobic/anti-foreigner
        páidǎng, [排擋], gear (of car etc)
        páiwū, to drain sewage
        páizhǎng, [排長], platoon leader/sergeant
        páiyōujiěnàn, [排憂解難], to resolve a difficult situation and leave worries behind (idiom)
        páiqiǎn, to divert oneself from (loneliness, grief etc)/to dispel (negative thoughts etc)
        páidìng, to schedule
        páiléi, mine clearance
        páiyìn, typesetting and printing
        nǚpái, women's volleyball/abbr. for 女子排球
        páishuǐliàng, displacement
        páicuò, [排錯], troubleshooting/debugging/to debug/erratum/to arrange in incorrect sequence
        páishāndǎohǎi, lit. to topple the mountains and overturn the seas (idiom); earth-shattering/fig...
        páipào, to fire a salvo/broadside/cannonade
        páitóubīng, [排頭兵], lit. frontline troops/leader/trailblazer/pacesetter
        páimíngbiǎo, league table/roll of honor
        páibǐ, parallelism (grammar)

        xièlù, to leak (information)/to divulge/also pr. [xiè lòu]
        fāxiè, [發洩], to give vent to (one's feelings)
        xièlòu, (of a liquid or gas) to leak/to divulge (a secret)/to leak
        xièmì, [洩密], to leak secrets
        xièqì, [洩氣], to leak (gas)/to be discouraged/to despair/(disparaging) pathetic/to vent one's ...
        xuānxiè, [宣洩], to drain (by leading off water)/to unburden oneself/to divulge/to leak a secret
        xiè, [洩], to leak (of water or gas)/to drip/to drain/to discharge/to leak out/to divulge (...
        páixièwù, excrement/waste
        páixiè, to drain (factory waste etc)/to excrete (urine, sweat etc)
        wàixiè, to leak (usually secret information)
        xièfèn, [洩憤], to give vent to anger
        zǎoxiè, [早洩], premature ejaculation
        shuǐxièbùtōng, [水洩不通], lit. not one drop can trickle through (idiom); fig. impenetrable (crowd, traffic...
        xièhèn, [洩恨], to give vent to anger
        xièdǐ, [洩底], to divulge the inside story
        xièhóng, [洩洪], to release flood water/flood discharge
        xièsīfèn, [洩私憤], to vent personal spite/to act out of malice (esp. of crime)

        lǐwù, [禮物], gift/present/CL:件[jiàn],個|个[gè],份[fèn]
        dòngwù, [動物], animal/CL:隻|只[zhī],群[qún],個|个[gè]
        shíwù, food/CL:種|种[zhǒng]
        rénwù, person/character (in a play, novel etc)/protagonist/CL:個|个[gè]
        wù, thing/object/matter/abbr. for physics 物理
        guàiwu, monster/freak/eccentric person
        shēngwù, organism/living creature/life form/biological/CL:個|个[gè]
        yàowù, [藥物], medicaments/pharmaceuticals/medication/medicine/drug
        wùpǐn, articles/goods/materials
        gòuwù, [購物], shopping
        wùzhì, [物質], matter/substance/material/materialistic/CL:個|个[gè]
        shìwù, thing/object/CL:個|个[gè]
        bówùguǎn, [博物館], museum
        fèiwù, [廢物], rubbish/waste material/useless person
        chǒngwù, [寵物], house pet
        zhíwù, plant/vegetation/CL:種|种[zhǒng]
        wùlǐ, physics/physical
        zhèngwù, [證物], exhibit (law)
        dòngwùyuán, [動物園], zoo/CL:個|个[gè]
        wùtǐ, [物體], object/body/substance
        lièwù, [獵物], prey
        huòwù, [貨物], goods/commodity/merchandise/CL:宗[zōng]
        wùzhèng, [物證], material evidence
        wànwù, [萬物], all living things
        jiànzhùwù, [建築物], building/structure/edifice
        wùzhǒng, [物種], species
        yóuwù, rarity/rare object/rare person/extraordinarily beautiful woman
        huàhéwù, chemical compound
        dúwù, poisonous substance/poison/toxin/venom
        yīwù, clothing/clothing and other personal items
        jíxiángwù, mascot
        wùlǐxuéjiā, [物理學家], physicist
        yíwù, [遺物], remnant
        wénwù, cultural relic/historical relic/CL:件[jiàn],個|个[gè]
        chǎnwù, [產物], product/result (of)
        xiǎorénwù, nonentity/a nobody
        cánliúwù, [殘留物], remnant/residue/material left over
        gǔwù, [穀物], cereal/grain
        zhíwùrén, person in a vegetative state/human vegetable
        bàozhàwù, explosive (material)
        zhàngàiwù, [障礙物], obstacle/hindrance
        wùzī, [物資], goods/supplies
        cáiwù, [財物], property/belongings
        shíwùzhòngdú, food poisoning
        wùlǐxué, [物理學], physics
        shēngwùxué, [生物學], biology
        bǎowù, [寶物], treasure/CL:件[jiàn]
        wùjiàn, object
        zāngwù, [贓物], booty/stolen property
        záwù, [雜物], junk/items of no value/various bits and bobs
        dúwù, [讀物], reading material
        hùnhéwù, mixture/composite
        páixièwù, excrement/waste
        Lìwùpǔ, Liverpool (England)
        Zàowùzhǔ, the Creator (in religion or mythology)/God
        wùsè, to look for/to seek/to choose/color of object/color of fleece (of domestic anima...
        shēngwùxuéjiā, [生物學家], biologist
        bǔrǔdòngwù, [哺乳動物], mammal
        shíwùliàn, [食物鏈], food chain
        wēishēngwù, microorganism
        kuàngwù, [礦物], mineral
        nóngzuòwù, [農作物], (farm) crops
        gǔwù, antique
        shìwù, [飾物], decorations/jewelry
        zhīwù, [織物], cloth/woven material/textiles
        wùyè, [物業], property/real estate/abbr. for 物業管理|物业管理[wù yè guǎn lǐ], property management
        shēngwùwǔqì, biological weapon
        kuàngwùzhì, [礦物質], mineral, esp. dietary mineral
        zhòngwù, heavy object
        wūrǎnwù, pollutant
        shíwù, [實物], material object/concrete object/original object/in kind/object for practical use...
        shēngwùtǐ, [生物體], organism
        zhíwùyuán, [植物園], botanical garden/arboretum
        wùguīyuánzhǔ, [物歸原主], to return something to its rightful owner
        kānwù, publication
        gōngwù, public property
        huówù, living animals
        wùlì, physical resources (as opposed to labor resources)
        pángrándàwù, [龐然大物], huge monster/colossus
        xìnwù, keepsake/token
        zuòwù, crop
        yìwù, [異物], rarity/rare delicacy/foreign matter/alien body/the dead/ghost/monstrosity/alien ...
        zhíwùyóu, vegetable oil
        yǒujīwù, [有機物], organic substance/organic matter
        chūbǎnwù, publications
        páxíngdòngwù, [爬行動物], reptile
        wùjìnqíyòng, [物盡其用], to use sth to the full/to make the best use of everything
        zhíwùxué, [植物學], botany
        fúyóushēngwù, plankton
        lěngxuèdòngwù, [冷血動物], cold-blooded animal/fig. cold-hearted person
        wùjià, [物價], (commodity) prices/CL:個|个[gè]
        fēngyúnrénwù, [風雲人物], the man (or woman) of the moment (idiom)/influential figure
        jùhéwù, polymer
        fēnmìwù, secretion
        jiùwù, [舊物], old property (esp. inherited from former generation)/former territory
        wùměijiàlián, [物美價廉], good quality and cheap/a bargain
        dòngwùxué, [動物學], zoological/zoology
        lǜhuàwù, chloride
        wùshìrénfēi, things have remained the same, but people have changed
        wùliú, distribution (business)/logistics
线         pāowùxiàn, [拋物線], parabola
        shícǎodòngwù, [食草動物], herbivore
        chénjīwù, [沉積物], sediment
        shēngwùjiǎn, [生物鹼], alkaloid
        gǔshēngwùxuéjiā, [古生物學家], palaeontologist/paleobiologist
        qìwù, implement/utensil/article/object
        dòngzhíwù, [動植物], plants and animals/flora and fauna
        liǎngqīdòngwù, [兩棲動物], amphibian/amphibious animals
        wùhuà, to objectify/(literary) to die
        dòngwùjiè, [動物界], animal kingdom
        wánwùsàngzhì, [玩物喪志], lit. trifling destroys the will (idiom); infatuation with fine details prevents ...
        yìránwù, flammable substance
        yíchuánwùzhì, [遺傳物質], genetic material
        shēngwùzhōng, [生物鐘], biological clock
        jǐzhuīdòngwù, [脊椎動物], vertebrate
        fùshǔwù, [附屬物], attachment/appendage
        héwùlǐ, nuclear physics
        dàirénjiēwù, the way one treats people
        wùjìngtiānzé, [物競天擇], natural selection
        jiàliánwùměi, [價廉物美], inexpensive and of good quality (idiom)
        shēngwùjiè, biosphere/natural world
        shēngwùquān, biosphere/ecosphere
        wùzhǔ, owner
        zhìáiwù, carcinogen
        jìshēngwù, parasite
        tànnángqǔwù, to feel in one's pocket and take sth (idiom); as easy as pie/in the bag
        yàowùxué, [藥物學], pharmacology
        fēnzǐshēngwùxué, [分子生物學], molecular biology
        bówù, natural science
        wùchǎn, [物產], products/produce/natural resources
        chéndiànwù, [沉澱物], precipitate/solid sediment
        qiánwù, [錢物], money and things of value
        wújīwù, [無機物], inorganic compound
        shēngwùzhàn, [生物戰], germ warfare/biological warfare
        bàotiǎntiānwù, to waste natural resources recklessly/not to know how to use things sparingly
        yǎnshēngwù, a derivative (complex product derived from simpler source material)
        yǎnghuàwù, oxide
        wēishēngwùxué, [微生物學], microbiology
        wùyù, material desire/craving for material things
        wùjíbìfǎn, [物極必反], when things reach an extreme, they can only move in the opposite direction (idio...
        ruǎntǐdòngwù, [軟體動物], mollusk/mollusks
        gǔshēngwù, paleo-organism
        dòngwùyóu, [動物油], animal fat
        kōngdòngwúwù, [空洞無物], empty cave, nothing there (idiom); devoid of substance/nothing new to show
        fùzhuówù, [附著物], fixture (law)/attachment
        dǐyāwù, collateral (finance)
        yìránwùpǐn, flammable articles
        cǎoběnzhíwù, herbaceous plant
        shēnwàizhīwù, mere worldly possessions
        gǔshēngwùxué, [古生物學], palaeontology
        bówùyuàn, museum
        jǐngwù, scenery
        wéiwùzhǔyì, [唯物主義], materialism, philosophical doctrine that physical matter is the whole of reality
        pāowùmiàn, [拋物面], paraboloid (geometry)
        jīngjìzuòwù, [經濟作物], cash crop (economics)
        wùlǐliáofǎ, [物理療法], physiotherapy/physical therapy
        yángwù, [陽物], penis
        gāojùwù, polymer
        gòuwùquàn, [購物券], coupon
        guòyǎnghuàwù, [過氧化物], peroxide
        tànhuàwù, carbide
        chángwù, [長物], (literary) things other than the bare necessities of life/item of some value/Tai...
        tóumiànrénwù, [頭面人物], leading figure/bigwig
        yánzhīyǒuwù, (of one's words) to have substance
        fǎnmiànrénwù, negative character/bad guy (in a story)
        jiézhīdòngwù, [節肢動物], arthropod
        shēnwúchángwù, [身無長物], to possess nothing except bare necessities/to live a poor or frugal life
        qīngyǎnghuàwù, [氫氧化物], hydroxide
        shēngwùzhìpǐn, [生物製品], biological product
        fǎnchúdòngwù, [反芻動物], ruminant
        tiānjiāwù, additive
        jǐsuǒdòngwù, [脊索動物], chordata
        wùliào, material
        wùlǐhuàxué, [物理化學], physical chemistry
        dànyǎnghuàwù, nitrogen oxide
        chǔwù, [儲物], to hoard
        bèizǐzhíwù, angiosperm (flowering plants with seed contained in a fruit)
        lǔhuàwù, [鹵化物], halide (i.e. fluoride, chloride, bromide etc)

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