灾 ⇒
灾难 zāinàn, [災難], disaster/catastrophe
火灾 huǒzāi, [火災], fire (that burns buildings etc)
灾 zāi, [災]/[烖]/[菑], disaster/calamity, variant of 災|灾[zāi], old variant of 災|灾[zāi]
幸灾乐祸 xìngzāilèhuò, [幸災樂禍], lit. to take joy in calamity and delight in disaster (idiom); fig. to rejoice in...
自然灾害 zìránzāihài, [自然災害], natural disaster
灾害 zāihài, [災害], calamity/disaster/CL:個|个[gè]
灾祸 zāihuò, [災禍], disaster
灭顶之灾 灾区 zāiqū, [災區], disaster area/stricken region
水灾 shuǐzāi, [水災], flood/flood damage
受灾 shòuzāi, [受災], disaster-stricken/to be hit by a natural calamity
天灾 tiānzāi, [天災], natural disaster
灾星 zāixīng, [災星], comet or supernova viewed as evil portent
旱灾 hànzāi, [旱災], drought
救灾 jiùzāi, [救災], to relieve disaster/to help disaster victims
防灾 fángzāi, [防災], disaster prevention/to protect against natural disasters
虫灾 chóngzāi, [蟲災], insect damage/destruction of crops by pest insects
多灾多难 duōzāiduōnàn, [多災多難], to be plagued with misfortunes/precarious
成灾 chéngzāi, [成災], disastrous/to turn into a disaster
泛滥成灾 fànlànchéngzāi, [泛濫成災], lit. to flood (idiom)/fig. rampant/in plague proportions
灾民 zāimín, [災民], victim (of a disaster)
洪灾 hóngzāi, [洪災], flood
蝗灾 huángzāi, [蝗災], plague of locusts
遭灾 天灾人祸 tiānzāirénhuò, [天災人禍], natural calamities and man-made disasters (idiom)
灾年 灾患 抗震救灾 重灾区 zhòngzāiqū, [重災區], area particularly hard-hit by a disaster/disaster area
灾荒 zāihuāng, [災荒], natural disaster/famine
雹灾 báozāi, [雹災], disaster caused by hail
抗灾 kàngzāi, [抗災], defense against natural disasters
祸 ⇒
车祸 chēhuò, [車禍], traffic accident/car crash/CL:場|场[cháng]
祸 huò, [旤]/[禍], old variant of 禍|祸[huò], disaster/misfortune/calamity
幸灾乐祸 xìngzāilèhuò, [幸災樂禍], lit. to take joy in calamity and delight in disaster (idiom); fig. to rejoice in...
罪魁祸首 zuìkuíhuòshǒu, [罪魁禍首], criminal ringleader, main offender (idiom); main culprit/fig. main cause of a di...
祸害 huòhài, [禍害], disaster/harm/scourge/bad person/to damage/to harm/to wreck
大祸 dàhuò, [大禍], disaster/calamity
惹祸 rěhuò, [惹禍], to stir up trouble/to invite disaster
闯祸 chuǎnghuò, [闖禍], to cause an accident/to make trouble/to get into trouble
灾祸 zāihuò, [災禍], disaster
杀身之祸 祸水 huòshuǐ, [禍水], source of calamity (esp. of women)
祸根 huògēn, [禍根], root of the trouble/cause of the ruin
祸不单行 huòbùdānxíng, [禍不單行], misfortune does not come singly (idiom)/it never rains but it pours
祸事 huòshì, [禍事], disaster/doom
横祸 hènghuò, [橫禍], unexpected calamity
祸福 huòfú, [禍福], disaster and happiness
惨祸 cǎnhuò, [慘禍], terrible tragedy/grave mishap
战祸 zhànhuò, [戰禍], disaster of war
天灾人祸 tiānzāirénhuò, [天災人禍], natural calamities and man-made disasters (idiom)
嫁祸于人 jiàhuòyúrén, [嫁禍於人], to pass the misfortune on to sb else (idiom); to blame others/to pass the buck
祸端 祸及 祸首 huòshǒu, [禍首], chief offender/main culprit
祸起萧墙 祸患 huòhuàn, [禍患], disaster/calamity
祸殃 祸乱 huòluàn, [禍亂], calamity and chaos/devastating disorder/great turmoil
人祸 rénhuò, [人禍], human disaster