犯 ⇒
犯 fàn, to violate/to offend/to assault/criminal/crime/to make a mistake/recurrence (of ...
犯罪 fànzuì, to commit a crime/crime/offense
罪犯 zuìfàn, criminal
犯人 fànrén, convict/prisoner/criminal
嫌犯 xiánfàn, criminal suspect
冒犯 màofàn, to offend
嫌疑犯 xiányífàn, a suspect
杀人犯 shārénfàn, [殺人犯], murderer/homicide
疑犯 yífàn, a suspect
囚犯 qiúfàn, prisoner/convict
侵犯 qīnfàn, to infringe on/to encroach on/to violate/to assault
犯规 fànguī, [犯規], to break the rules/an illegality/a foul
犯法 fànfǎ, to break the law
逃犯 táofàn, escaped criminal/fugitive from the law (criminal suspect on the run)
强奸犯 qiángjiānfàn, [強姦犯], rapist
触犯 chùfàn, [觸犯], to violate/to offend
纵火犯 zònghuǒfàn, [縱火犯], arsonist
犯案 fànàn, to commit a crime or offence
通缉犯 tōngjīfàn, [通緝犯], wanted criminal/fugitive (from the law)
从犯 cóngfàn, [從犯], accessory to a crime/accomplice
抢劫犯 共犯 gòngfàn, accomplice
犯下 要犯 yàofàn, major criminal
走私犯 犯罪率 战犯 zhànfàn, [戰犯], war criminal
惯犯 guànfàn, [慣犯], recidivist/habitual criminal
政治犯 zhèngzhìfàn, political prisoner
死刑犯 犯罪分子 案犯 少年犯 shàoniánfàn, young criminal/juvenile delinquent
犯罪学 fànzuìxué, [犯罪學], criminology
初犯 chūfàn, first offender/first offense
犯病 fànbìng, to fall ill
人犯 rénfàn, criminal/culprit/suspect (old)
不犯 主犯 zhǔfàn, culprit
劫机犯 犯不着 fànbuzháo, [犯不著], not worthwhile
假释犯 凶犯 xiōngfàn, [兇犯], murderer
刑事犯罪 xíngshìfànzuì, criminal offense
女犯 nǚfàn, female offender in imperial China (old)
诈骗犯 犯难 fànnán, [犯難], to feel embarrassed/to feel akward
重犯 zhòngfàn, serious criminal/felon
犯上 fànshàng, to offend one's superiors
越狱犯 yuèyùfàn, [越獄犯], escaped prisoner
违犯 wéifàn, [違犯], to violate/to infringe
盗窃犯 犯愁 fànchóu, to worry/to be anxious
在逃犯 劳改犯 明知故犯 míngzhīgùfàn, deliberate violation (idiom); intentional crime
现行犯 xiànxíngfàn, [現行犯], criminal caught red-handed
知法犯法 zhīfǎfànfǎ, to know the law and break it (idiom); consciously going against the rules
同案犯 tóngànfàn, accomplice
同谋犯 进犯 jìnfàn, [進犯], to invade
教唆犯 犯得着 fàndezháo, [犯得著], worthwhile (often in rhetorical questions, implying not worthwhile)/also written...
贪污犯 作奸犯科 zuòjiānfànkē, [作姦犯科], to flout the law
在押犯 犯戒 fànjiè, to go against the rules (of a religious order)/to break a ban (e.g. medical)
劫持犯 来犯 láifàn, [來犯], to invade one's territory
监犯 首犯 犯嘀咕 fàndígu, to hesitate/to have second thoughts/to be concerned/to brood (over sth)/to compl...
秋毫无犯 qiūháowúfàn, [秋毫無犯], (idiom) (of soldiers) highly disciplined, not committing the slightest offence a...
犯罪感 刑事犯 xíngshìfàn, a criminal
犯不上 fànbushàng, see 犯不著|犯不着[fàn bu zháo]
戒 ⇒
戒指 jièzhi, (finger) ring
戒 jiè, to guard against/to exhort/to admonish or warn/to give up or stop doing sth/Budd...
警戒 jǐngjiè, to warn/to alert/to be on the alert/to stand guard/sentinel
戒毒 jièdú, to kick a drug habit/to abstain from drugs
戒酒 jièjiǔ, to give up drinking/to abstain from drinking
戒备 jièbèi, [戒備], to take precautions/to guard against (emergency)
戒烟 jièyān, [戒煙], to give up smoking
戒毒所 jièdúsuǒ, drug rehabilitation center
警戒线 jǐngjièxiàn, [警戒線], police cordon/alert level
戒律 jièlǜ, monastic discipline/commandment
钻戒 zuànjiè, [鑽戒], diamond ring/CL:隻|只[zhī]
戒严 jièyán, [戒嚴], to impose martial law/to impose emergency measures
戒心 jièxīn, vigilance/wariness
惩戒 chéngjiè, [懲戒], to discipline/reprimand
戒除 jièchú, to quit/to give up (a bad habit)
斋戒 zhāijiè, [齋戒], to fast
戒严令 jièyánlìng, [戒嚴令], martial law
破戒 pòjiè, to violate a religious precept/to smoke or drink after giving up
戒赌 引以为戒 告戒 gàojiè, variant of 告誡|告诫[gào jiè]
戒条 jiètiáo, [戒條], commandment/precept
清规戒律 戒严法 犯戒 fànjiè, to go against the rules (of a religious order)/to break a ban (e.g. medical)
戒尺 受戒 shòujiè, to take oaths as a monk (Buddhism)/to take orders
斋戒日 戒急用忍 以此为戒