HSK东西 Scripts Advanced Search Radicals [collapse definitions]
kōngmíng vacuous reputation
name without substance
in name only

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        kōng/kòng, empty/air/sky/in vain, to empty/vacant/unoccupied/space/leisure/free time
        kōngjiān, [空間], space/room/(fig.) scope/leeway/(astronomy) outer space/(physics, math.) space
        kōngqì, [空氣], air/atmosphere
        tàikōng, outer space
        yǒukòng, to have time (to do sth)
        tiānkōng, sky
        kōngzhōng, in the sky/in the air
        hángkōng, aviation
        kōngjūn, [空軍], air force
        shíkōng, [時空], time and place/world of a particular locale and era/(physics) space-time
        kòngbái, blank space
        kōngshǒu, empty-handed/unarmed/(painting, embroidery etc) without following a model/(abbr....
        kōngtiáo, [空調], air conditioning/air conditioner (including units that have a heating mode)/CL:臺...
        kōngxū, [空虛], hollow/emptiness/meaningless
        tàikōngchuán, spaceship
        shàngkōng, overhead/in the sky
        kōngdì/kòngdì, air-to-surface (missile), vacant land/open space
        píngkōng, [憑空], baseless (lie)/without foundation
        kōngjiě, abbr. for 空中小姐/stewardess/air hostess/female flight attendant
        kòngquē, vacancy
        chōukòng, to find the time to do sth
        kòngxián, [空閒], idle/free time/leisure/unused (place)
        kōngxí, [空襲], air raid/attack from the air
        gāokōng, high altitude
        kōngdòng, cavity/empty/vacuous
        shēngkōng, [昇空], to rise to the sky/to lift off/to levitate/liftoff
        kōngwèi, empty place/room (for sb)
        kōngqián, unprecedented
        zhēnkōng, vacuum
        kōngjiānzhàn, [空間站], space station
        hángkōngjú, aviation agency
        kōngkuàng, [空曠], spacious and empty/void
        tàikōngrén, astronaut
        kōngyùn, [空運], air transport
        làokōng/luòkōng/luòkòng, to fail to achieve something/to be fruitless, to fail/to fall through/to come to...
        fángkōng, anti-aircraft defense
        fángkōngdòng, air-raid shelter
        bànkōng, midair
        xīngkōng, starry sky/the heavens
        kōngdàngdàng, [空蕩蕩], absolutely empty (space)/complete vacuum
        kōngkōng, empty/vacuous/nothing/vacant/in vain/all for nothing/air-to-air (missile)
        kōngwúyīrén, [空無一人], not a soul in sight (idiom)
        kōngxiǎng, daydream/fantasy/to fantasize
        lǐngkōng, [領空], territorial air space
        yèkōng, night sky
        tāokōng, to hollow out/to empty out/to use up/(finance) tunneling
        kòngxì, crack/gap between two objects/gap in time between two events
        liǎngshǒukōngkōng, [兩手空空], empty-handed (idiom); fig. not receiving anything
        kōngnàn, [空難], air crash/aviation accident or incident
        chìshǒukōngquán, empty hand, empty fist (idiom); having nothing to rely on/unarmed and defenseles...
        hòukōngfān, [後空翻], backward somersault/backflip
        téngkōng, [騰空], to soar/to rise high into the air
        xǐjiéyīkōng, to steal everything
        kōngxīn/kòngxīn, hollow/empty headed/mindless, on an empty stomach
        tàikōngcāng, [太空艙], space capsule/ejection capsule (cabin)
        kōngtán, [空談], prattle/idle chit-chat
        kōngtóu, air drop/to drop supplies by air
        kòngzi, gap/unoccupied space or time/fig. gap/loophole
        kōnghuà, [空話], empty talk/bunk/malicious gossip
        kòngyú, [空餘], free/vacant/unoccupied
        kōngkōngrúyě, as empty as anything (idiom); completely bereft/to have nothing/vacuous/hollow/e...
        kōngjiàng, to drop from the sky/(fig.) to appear out of nowhere/(attributive) airborne
        sīkōngjiànguàn, [司空見慣], a common occurrence (idiom)
        tàikōngzhàn, space station
        hángkōngmǔjiàn, [航空母艦], aircraft carrier/CL:艘[sōu]/(coll.) (fig.) sth huge/(like) a whale
        yīchángkōng, [一場空], all one's hopes and efforts come to nothing/futile
        kònggé, blank/blank space on a form/space/囗 (indicating missing or illegible character)
        kōngqiánjuéhòu, [空前絕後], unprecedented and never to be duplicated/the first and the last/unmatched/unique
        kōngzhì, to set sth aside/to let sth lie idle/idle/unused
        kōngxiǎngjiā, impractical dreamer
        kōngtóu, [空頭], phony/so-called/armchair (expert)/vain (promise)/(finance) short-seller/bear (ma...
        dīkōng, low altitude
        kōngzhōngxiǎojiě, stewardess/air hostess
        tiānmǎxíngkōng, [天馬行空], like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies (idiom)/(of writing, calligraphy...
        kōngdǎng, [空擋], neutral gear
        kòngdāng, [空當], gap/interval
        kōngkōngdàngdàng, [空空盪盪]/[空空蕩蕩], deserted, absolutely empty (space)/complete vacuum
        zhōngkōng, hollow/empty interior
        kōngfù, an empty stomach
        kuīkōng, [虧空], in debt/in the red/in deficit
        kòngr, [空兒], spare time/free time
        tàikōngfú, spacesuit
        kōngxuéláifēng, [空穴來風], lit. wind from an empty cave (idiom)/fig. unfounded (story)/baseless (claim)
        píngkōngniēzào, [憑空捏造], fabrication relying on nothing (idiom); frame-up
        zuānkòngzi, [鑽空子], lit. to drill a hole/to take advantage of a loophole/to exploit an advantage/to ...
        yīsǎoérkōng, [一掃而空], to sweep clean/to clean out
        língkōng, be high up in the sky
        mùkōngyīqiè, the eye can see nothing worthwhile all around (idiom); arrogant/condescending/su...
        kōngjiàngbīng, paratroopers
        hǎilùkòng, [海陸空], sea land air (transport, or military operations)
        fàngkōng, to relax completely/to empty one's mind/(finance) to sell short/(of a commercial...
        xuánkōng, [懸空], to hang in the air/suspended in midair/(fig.) uncertain
        xūkōng, [虛空], void/hollow/empty
        rénqùlóukōng, [人去樓空], the people are gone and the place is empty (idiom)/the sight of a deserted place...
        dékòng, to have leisure time
        wākōngxīnsi, to dig for thoughts (idiom); to search everything for an answer/to rack one's br...
        chángkōng, [長空], (literary) the vast sky/(finance) eventual downturn/poor prospects in the long t...
        qíngkōngwànlǐ, [晴空萬里], a clear and boundless sky
        kōngzhàn, [空戰], air war/air warfare
        kōngcháng, [空腸], jejunum (empty gut, middle segment of small intestine between duodenum 十二指腸|十二指肠...
        lòukōng, [鏤空], openwork/fretwork
        jiàkōng, to build (a hut etc) on stilts/to install (power lines etc) overhead/(fig.) unfo...
        shèngkuàngkōngqián, [盛況空前], a magnificent and unprecedented event (idiom)
        kōngfáng, air force/air defense
        kōngzhōnglóugé, [空中樓閣], pavilion in the air (idiom); unrealistic Utopian construction/castles in Spain/i...
        tiánkòng, to fill a job vacancy/to fill in a blank (e.g. on questionnaire or exam paper)
        wànrénkōngxiàng, [萬人空巷], the multitudes come out from everywhere, emptying every alleyway (to celebrate)/...
        zhēnkōngguǎn, vacuum tube
        kōnggǎng, airport (abbr. for 航空港[háng kōng gǎng])
        kōngfàn, vague and general/not specific/shallow/empty
        pūkōng, [撲空], lit. to rush at thin air/fig. to miss one's aim/to have nothing to show for one'...
        kōngdòngwúwù, [空洞無物], empty cave, nothing there (idiom); devoid of substance/nothing new to show
        kònggéjiàn, [空格鍵], space bar (keyboard)
        SūnWùkōng, [孫悟空], Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, character with supernatural powers in the novel Jou...
        tōukòng, to take some time out/to make use of a spare moment
        QuánRìkōng, All Nippon Airways (ANA)
        DōngfāngHángkōng, [東方航空], China Eastern Airlines
        kòngxiá, idle/free time/leisure
        Kōngkè, Airbus (abbr. for 空中客車|空中客车[Kōng zhōng Kè chē])
        fàngkōngpào, (lit.) to fire blank shots/(fig.) to be all talk and no action/to shoot one's mo...
        hángkōngzhàn, air terminal
        hángkōngxué, [航空學], aviation science
        kōngchéngjì, [空城計], the empty city stratagem (in which Zhuge Liang presents himself as unperturbed w...
        zhēnkōngbèng, vacuum pump
        kòngxué, electron hole (physics)
        kòngé, [空額], vacancy/unfilled work place
        bìkōng, the blue sky
        yīzhǐkōngwén, [一紙空文], a worthless piece of paper (idiom)
        hángkōngqì, aircraft
        hángkōngxìn, airmail letter
        zuòchīshānkōng, lit. just sitting and eating, one can deplete even a mountain of wealth (idiom)/...

        míngzi, name (of a person or thing)/CL:個|个[gè]
        míng, name/noun (part of speech)/place (e.g. among winners)/famous/classifier for peop...
        míngdān, [名單], list of names
        zhùmíng, famous/noted/well-known/celebrated
        qiānmíng, [簽名], to sign (one's name with a pen etc)/to autograph/signature
        míngrén, personage/celebrity
        míngjiào, called/named
        zuìmíng, criminal charge/accusation
        chūmíng, well-known for sth/to become well known/to make one's mark
        míngyì, [名義], name/titular/nominal/in name/ostensible purpose
        xìngmíng, surname and given name/full name
        míngshēng, [名聲], reputation
        míngpiàn, (business) card
        tímíng, to nominate
        yǒumíng, famous/well-known
        mìngmíng, to give a name to/to dub/to christen/to designate/named after/naming
        nìmíng, anonymous
        zhīmíng, well-known/famous
        míngyù, [名譽], fame/reputation/honor/honorary/emeritus (of retired professor)
        bàomíng, [報名], to sign up/to enter one's name/to apply/to register/to enroll/to enlist
        páimíng, to rank (1st, 2nd etc)/ranking
        mòmíngqímiào, (idiom) baffling/inexplicable
        míngxià, under sb's name
        chéngmíng, to make one's name/to become famous
        míngpái, famous brand/nameplate/name tag
        Dàmíng/dàmíng, Daming county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Hán dān], Hebei, famous name/your distinguished na...
        qǔmíng, to name/to be named/to christen/to seek fame
        wénmíng, [聞名], well-known/famous/renowned/eminent
        míngchēng, [名稱], name (of a thing)/name (of an organization)
        huàmíng, to use an alias/assumed name/pseudonym
        míngqì, [名氣], reputation/fame
        wúmíng, [無名], nameless/obscure
        tóngmíng, of the same name/homonymous/self-titled (album)
        chòumíngzhāozhù, notorious/infamous/egregious (bandits)
        míngtang, item (in a program of entertainments)/trick (act of mischief)/worthwhile result/...
        hēimíngdān, [黑名單], blacklist
        míngyán, saying/famous remark
        shūmíng, [書名], name of a book/reputation as calligrapher
        wúmíngshì, [無名氏], anonymous (e.g. author, donor etc)
        diǎnmíng, [點名], roll call/to mention sb by name/(to call or praise or criticize sb) by name
        míngcí, [名詞], noun
        míngé, [名額], quota/number of places/place (in an institution, a group etc)
        míngliú, gentry/celebrities
        wúmíngxiǎozú, [無名小卒], insignificant soldier (idiom)/a nobody/nonentity
        shǔmíng, to sign (a signature)
        míngmó, top model
        míngfùqíshí, [名副其實], not just in name only, but also in reality (idiom)
        shēngmíng, [聲名], reputation/declaration
        dìmíng, place name/toponym
        shēngmínglángjí, [聲名狼藉], to have a bad reputation
        gǎimíng, to change one's name
        jiǎmíng, false name/pseudonym/alias/pen name/the Japanese kana scripts/hiragana 平假名[píng ...
        zhīmíngdù, reputation/profile/familiarity in the public consciousness
        míngwàng, renown/prestige
        míngwéi, [名為], to be called/to be known as
        míngcè, [名冊], roll (of names)/register/CL:本[běn]
        qǐmíng, to name/to christen/to take a name
        mòmíng, indescribable/ineffable
        yǐnxìngmáimíng, [隱姓埋名], to conceal one's identity/living incognito
        chúmíng, to strike off (the rolls)/to remove from a list/to expunge/to expel
        dàmíngdǐngdǐng, grand reputation/renowned/famous
        yìmíng, [藝名], stage name (of an actor or actress)
        míngzhù, masterpiece
        èmíng, [惡名], bad name/evil reputation
        biémíng, [別名], alias/alternative name
        shèngmíng, famous reputation
        míngqǔ, famous song/well-known piece of music
        dàimíngcí, [代名詞], pronoun/synonym/byword
        míngliè, to rank (number 1, or third last etc)/to be among (those who are in a particular...
        Mínglìchǎng, [名利場], Vanity Fair (novel and magazine title)
        míngguì, [名貴], famous and valuable/rare/precious
        mínghuà, [名畫], famous painting
        bǐmíng, [筆名], pen name/pseudonym
        rénmíng, personal name
        míngcì, position in a ranking of names/place/rank
        mínglì, fame and profit
        míngmén, [名門], famous family/prestigious house
        shèhuìmíngliú, [社會名流], celebrity/public figure
        yīwénbùmíng, to be penniless
        shēnbàimíngliè, [身敗名裂], to lose one's standing/to have one's reputation swept away/a complete defeat and...
        gōngchéngmíngjiù, to win success and recognition (idiom)
        míngxiào, famous school
        màomíngdǐngtì, [冒名頂替], to assume sb's name and take his place (idiom); to impersonate/to pose under a f...
        mínghào, [名號], name/good reputation/title
        zhǐmíng, to mention by name/to designate/designated
        wúmíngzhǐ, [無名指], ring finger
        yángmíng, [揚名], to become famous/to become notorious
        míngbùxūchuán, [名不虛傳], lit. name is not in vain (idiom); a fully justified reputation/enjoys a well-des...
        yònghùmíng, [用戶名], username/user ID
        shízhìmíngguī, [實至名歸], fame follows merit (idiom)
        mínglièqiánmáo, to rank among the best
        qímíng, [齊名], equally famous
        Mínggǔwū, Nagoya, city in Japan
        wénmíngyúshì, [聞名於世], world-famous
        zhèngmíng, to replace the current name or title of sth with a new one that reflects its tru...
        xūmíng, [虛名], false reputation
        jǔshìwénmíng, [舉世聞名], world-famous (idiom)
        měimíng, good name or reputation
        míngzhèngyánshùn, [名正言順], in a way that justifies the use of the term/genuine/proper/in a way that conform...
        zhìlǐmíngyán, wise saying/words of wisdom
        liánmíng, [聯名], jointly (signed, declared, sponsored)
        míngchuíqīngshǐ, lit. reputation will go down in history (idiom); fig. achievements will earn ete...
        míngjiàng, [名將], famous general
        chòumíngyuǎnyáng, [臭名遠揚], stinking reputation/notorious far and wide
        míngyī, [名醫], famous doctor
        mínglìshuāngshōu, [名利雙收], both fame and fortune (idiom)/both virtue and reward
        yùmíng, domain name (computing)
        bàomíngbiǎo, [報名表], application form/registration form/CL:張|张[zhāng]
        míngshī, [名師], famous master/great teacher
        míngbùjiànjīngzhuàn, [名不見經傳], (lit.) name not encountered in the classics/unknown (person)/nobody
        yuánmíng, original name
        démíng, to get one's name/named (after sth)
        míngjié, [名節], reputation and integrity
        Míngjiā/míngjiā, School of Logicians of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC), also called the S...
        míngzuò, masterpiece/famous work
        mínglù, [名錄], directory
        jiǔwéndàmíng, [久聞大名], your name has been known to me for a long time (polite)
        wújìmíng, [無記名], (of a document) not bearing a name/unregistered (financial securities etc)/beare...
        míngshèng, [名勝], a place famous for its scenery or historical relics/scenic spot/CL:處|处[chù]
        jiǔfùshèngmíng, [久負盛名], seasoned/honed to perfection over centuries/special reserve
        xiǎomíng, pet name for a child/childhood name
        míngjù, famous saying/celebrated phrase
        túyǒuxūmíng, [徒有虛名], with an undeserved reputation (idiom); unwarranted fame/nowhere near as good as ...
        yīngmíng, illustrious name/legendary reputation
        wēimíng, fame for fighting prowess/military glory
        xuémíng, [學名], scientific name/Latin name (of plant or animal)/(according to an old system of n...
        míngjiǔ, a famous wine
        míngcài, famous dishes/specialty dishes
        wénmíngxiáěr, [聞名遐邇], to be famous far and wide (idiom)
        yǒumíngwúshí, [有名無實], lit. has a name but no reality (idiom); exists only in name/nominal
        míngbùfùshí, [名不副實], the name does not reflect the reality (idiom); more in name than in fact/Reality...
        zhīmíngrénshì, public figure/celebrity
        gēngmíng, to change name
        tímíng, [題名], autograph/to sign one's name
        wúmíngyīngxióng, [無名英雄], unnamed hero
        yìmíng, [譯名], translated names/transliteration
        chímíng, [馳名], famous
        Míngshān, famous mountain/Mingshan county in Ya'an 雅安[Yǎ ān], Sichuan
        màmíng, [罵名], infamy/blackened name
        měiqímíngyuē, to call by the glorified name of (idiom)
        mùmíngérlái, [慕名而來], to come to a place on account of its reputation (idiom); attracted to visit a fa...
        míngyuán, young lady of note/debutante
        gùmíngsīyì, [顧名思義], as the name implies
        gūmíngdiàoyù, [沽名釣譽], to angle for fame (idiom)/to fish for compliments
        míngzàoyīshí, [名噪一時], to achieve fame among one's contemporaries (idiom); temporary or local celebrity
        míngshènggǔjì, [名勝古跡], historical sites and scenic spots
        qīshìdàomíng, [欺世盜名], to fool the world and usurp a good name (idiom)
        zhēngmíngduólì, [爭名奪利], to fight for fame, grab profit (idiom); scrambling for fame and wealth/only inte...
        míngfèn, a person's status
        chéngmíngzuò, work that makes one's name
        màomíng, an impostor/to impersonate
        mùmíng, to admire sb's reputation/to seek out famous person or location
        jīnbǎngtímíng, [金榜題名], to win top marks in the imperial examinations
        míngbùfúshí, [名不符實], the name does not correspond to reality (idiom); it doesn't live up to its reput...
        míngcúnshíwáng, [名存實亡], the name remains, but the reality is gone (idiom)
        míngmù, name/designation/item/rubric/(formal usage) fame
        gōngmíng, scholarly honor (in imperial exams)/rank/achievement/fame/glory
        míngwèi, fame and position/official rank
        míngshì, famous scholar/worthy/celebrity, esp. distinguished literary person having no of...
        guómíng, [國名], name of country
        běnmíng, original name/real name/personal name
        bùmíngyù, [不名譽], disreputable/disgraceful
        jùmíng, to sign/to put one's name to
        diǎnmíngcè, [點名冊], register of names/attendance roll book
        míngmǎntiānxià, [名滿天下], world famous
        píngjiǎmíng, hiragana (Japanese script)
        míngchén, important official or statesman (in feudal China)
        míngluòSūnShān, [名落孫山], lit. to fall behind Sun Shan 孫山|孙山[Sūn Shān] (who came last in the imperial exam...
        míngchéng, famous city
        míngchǎn, [名產], staple/name-brand product
        míngjué, famous actor
        páimíngbiǎo, league table/roll of honor
        míngmùfánduō, names of many kinds (idiom); items of every description
        míngyángsìhǎi, [名揚四海], to become known far and wide (idiom)/famous
        rǔmíng, pet name for a child/infant name
        bùkěmíngzhuàng, [不可名狀], indescribable/beyond description
        yìmíng, anonymous (author)
        tóumíng, [頭名], first place/leader (of a race)
        wèimíng, unnamed/unidentified

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