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Word: freq index 34659
[空穴來風] kōngxuéláifēng lit. wind from an empty cave (idiom)
fig. unfounded (story)
baseless (claim)

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        kōng/kòng, empty/air/sky/in vain, to empty/vacant/unoccupied/space/leisure/free time
        kōngjiān, [空間], space/room/(fig.) scope/leeway/(astronomy) outer space/(physics, math.) space
        kōngqì, [空氣], air/atmosphere
        tàikōng, outer space
        yǒukòng, to have time (to do sth)
        tiānkōng, sky
        kōngzhōng, in the sky/in the air
        hángkōng, aviation
        kōngjūn, [空軍], air force
        shíkōng, [時空], time and place/world of a particular locale and era/(physics) space-time
        kòngbái, blank space
        kōngshǒu, empty-handed/unarmed/(painting, embroidery etc) without following a model/(abbr....
        kōngtiáo, [空調], air conditioning/air conditioner (including units that have a heating mode)/CL:臺...
        kōngxū, [空虛], hollow/emptiness/meaningless
        tàikōngchuán, spaceship
        shàngkōng, overhead/in the sky
        kōngdì/kòngdì, air-to-surface (missile), vacant land/open space
        píngkōng, [憑空], baseless (lie)/without foundation
        kōngjiě, abbr. for 空中小姐/stewardess/air hostess/female flight attendant
        kòngquē, vacancy
        chōukòng, to find the time to do sth
        kòngxián, [空閒], idle/free time/leisure/unused (place)
        kōngxí, [空襲], air raid/attack from the air
        gāokōng, high altitude
        kōngdòng, cavity/empty/vacuous
        shēngkōng, [昇空], to rise to the sky/to lift off/to levitate/liftoff
        kōngwèi, empty place/room (for sb)
        kōngqián, unprecedented
        zhēnkōng, vacuum
        kōngjiānzhàn, [空間站], space station
        hángkōngjú, aviation agency
        kōngkuàng, [空曠], spacious and empty/void
        tàikōngrén, astronaut
        kōngyùn, [空運], air transport
        làokōng/luòkōng/luòkòng, to fail to achieve something/to be fruitless, to fail/to fall through/to come to...
        fángkōng, anti-aircraft defense
        fángkōngdòng, air-raid shelter
        bànkōng, midair
        xīngkōng, starry sky/the heavens
        kōngdàngdàng, [空蕩蕩], absolutely empty (space)/complete vacuum
        kōngkōng, empty/vacuous/nothing/vacant/in vain/all for nothing/air-to-air (missile)
        kōngwúyīrén, [空無一人], not a soul in sight (idiom)
        kōngxiǎng, daydream/fantasy/to fantasize
        lǐngkōng, [領空], territorial air space
        yèkōng, night sky
        tāokōng, to hollow out/to empty out/to use up/(finance) tunneling
        kòngxì, crack/gap between two objects/gap in time between two events
        liǎngshǒukōngkōng, [兩手空空], empty-handed (idiom); fig. not receiving anything
        kōngnàn, [空難], air crash/aviation accident or incident
        chìshǒukōngquán, empty hand, empty fist (idiom); having nothing to rely on/unarmed and defenseles...
        hòukōngfān, [後空翻], backward somersault/backflip
        téngkōng, [騰空], to soar/to rise high into the air
        xǐjiéyīkōng, to steal everything
        kōngxīn/kòngxīn, hollow/empty headed/mindless, on an empty stomach
        tàikōngcāng, [太空艙], space capsule/ejection capsule (cabin)
        kōngtán, [空談], prattle/idle chit-chat
        kōngtóu, air drop/to drop supplies by air
        kòngzi, gap/unoccupied space or time/fig. gap/loophole
        kōnghuà, [空話], empty talk/bunk/malicious gossip
        kòngyú, [空餘], free/vacant/unoccupied
        kōngkōngrúyě, as empty as anything (idiom); completely bereft/to have nothing/vacuous/hollow/e...
        kōngjiàng, to drop from the sky/(fig.) to appear out of nowhere/(attributive) airborne
        sīkōngjiànguàn, [司空見慣], a common occurrence (idiom)
        tàikōngzhàn, space station
        hángkōngmǔjiàn, [航空母艦], aircraft carrier/CL:艘[sōu]/(coll.) (fig.) sth huge/(like) a whale
        yīchángkōng, [一場空], all one's hopes and efforts come to nothing/futile
        kònggé, blank/blank space on a form/space/囗 (indicating missing or illegible character)
        kōngqiánjuéhòu, [空前絕後], unprecedented and never to be duplicated/the first and the last/unmatched/unique
        kōngzhì, to set sth aside/to let sth lie idle/idle/unused
        kōngxiǎngjiā, impractical dreamer
        kōngtóu, [空頭], phony/so-called/armchair (expert)/vain (promise)/(finance) short-seller/bear (ma...
        dīkōng, low altitude
        kōngzhōngxiǎojiě, stewardess/air hostess
        tiānmǎxíngkōng, [天馬行空], like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies (idiom)/(of writing, calligraphy...
        kōngdǎng, [空擋], neutral gear
        kòngdāng, [空當], gap/interval
        kōngkōngdàngdàng, [空空盪盪]/[空空蕩蕩], deserted, absolutely empty (space)/complete vacuum
        zhōngkōng, hollow/empty interior
        kōngfù, an empty stomach
        kuīkōng, [虧空], in debt/in the red/in deficit
        kòngr, [空兒], spare time/free time
        tàikōngfú, spacesuit
        kōngxuéláifēng, [空穴來風], lit. wind from an empty cave (idiom)/fig. unfounded (story)/baseless (claim)
        píngkōngniēzào, [憑空捏造], fabrication relying on nothing (idiom); frame-up
        zuānkòngzi, [鑽空子], lit. to drill a hole/to take advantage of a loophole/to exploit an advantage/to ...
        yīsǎoérkōng, [一掃而空], to sweep clean/to clean out
        língkōng, be high up in the sky
        mùkōngyīqiè, the eye can see nothing worthwhile all around (idiom); arrogant/condescending/su...
        kōngjiàngbīng, paratroopers
        hǎilùkòng, [海陸空], sea land air (transport, or military operations)
        fàngkōng, to relax completely/to empty one's mind/(finance) to sell short/(of a commercial...
        xuánkōng, [懸空], to hang in the air/suspended in midair/(fig.) uncertain
        xūkōng, [虛空], void/hollow/empty
        rénqùlóukōng, [人去樓空], the people are gone and the place is empty (idiom)/the sight of a deserted place...
        dékòng, to have leisure time
        wākōngxīnsi, to dig for thoughts (idiom); to search everything for an answer/to rack one's br...
        chángkōng, [長空], (literary) the vast sky/(finance) eventual downturn/poor prospects in the long t...
        qíngkōngwànlǐ, [晴空萬里], a clear and boundless sky
        kōngzhàn, [空戰], air war/air warfare
        kōngcháng, [空腸], jejunum (empty gut, middle segment of small intestine between duodenum 十二指腸|十二指肠...
        lòukōng, [鏤空], openwork/fretwork
        jiàkōng, to build (a hut etc) on stilts/to install (power lines etc) overhead/(fig.) unfo...
        shèngkuàngkōngqián, [盛況空前], a magnificent and unprecedented event (idiom)
        kōngfáng, air force/air defense
        kōngzhōnglóugé, [空中樓閣], pavilion in the air (idiom); unrealistic Utopian construction/castles in Spain/i...
        tiánkòng, to fill a job vacancy/to fill in a blank (e.g. on questionnaire or exam paper)
        wànrénkōngxiàng, [萬人空巷], the multitudes come out from everywhere, emptying every alleyway (to celebrate)/...
        zhēnkōngguǎn, vacuum tube
        kōnggǎng, airport (abbr. for 航空港[háng kōng gǎng])
        kōngfàn, vague and general/not specific/shallow/empty
        pūkōng, [撲空], lit. to rush at thin air/fig. to miss one's aim/to have nothing to show for one'...
        kōngdòngwúwù, [空洞無物], empty cave, nothing there (idiom); devoid of substance/nothing new to show
        kònggéjiàn, [空格鍵], space bar (keyboard)
        SūnWùkōng, [孫悟空], Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, character with supernatural powers in the novel Jou...
        tōukòng, to take some time out/to make use of a spare moment
        QuánRìkōng, All Nippon Airways (ANA)
        DōngfāngHángkōng, [東方航空], China Eastern Airlines
        kòngxiá, idle/free time/leisure
        Kōngkè, Airbus (abbr. for 空中客車|空中客车[Kōng zhōng Kè chē])
        fàngkōngpào, (lit.) to fire blank shots/(fig.) to be all talk and no action/to shoot one's mo...
        hángkōngzhàn, air terminal
        hángkōngxué, [航空學], aviation science
        kōngchéngjì, [空城計], the empty city stratagem (in which Zhuge Liang presents himself as unperturbed w...
        zhēnkōngbèng, vacuum pump
        kòngxué, electron hole (physics)
        kòngé, [空額], vacancy/unfilled work place
        bìkōng, the blue sky
        yīzhǐkōngwén, [一紙空文], a worthless piece of paper (idiom)
        hángkōngqì, aircraft
        hángkōngxìn, airmail letter
        zuòchīshānkōng, lit. just sitting and eating, one can deplete even a mountain of wealth (idiom)/...

        dòngxué, cave/cavern
        xué, cave/cavity/hole/acupuncture point/Taiwan pr. [xuè]
        xuéjū, to live in a cave/(of animals) to be of burrowing habit
        cháoxué, lair/nest/den/hideout
        mùxué, tomb/grave
        tàiyángxué, [太陽穴], temple (on the sides of human head)
        xuéwèi, acupuncture point
        kōngxuéláifēng, [空穴來風], lit. wind from an empty cave (idiom)/fig. unfounded (story)/baseless (claim)
        xuédào, acupuncture point/acupoint
        zǒuxué, (of itinerant entertainers) to tour, playing in many venues
        kòngxué, electron hole (physics)
        diǎnxué, [點穴], to hit a pressure point (martial arts)/dim mak/see also 點脈|点脉[diǎn mài]

        lái, [來], to come/to arrive/to come round/ever since/next
        qǐlai/qilai, [起來], to stand up/to get up/also pr. [qǐ lái], (after a verb) indicating the beginning...
        huílai, [回來], to return/to come back
        chūlái/chulai, [出來], to come out/to appear/to arise, (after a verb, indicates coming out, completion ...
        guòlái/guòlai, [過來], to come over/to manage/to handle/to be able to take care of, see 過來|过来[guò lái]
        xiàlai, [下來], to come down/(completed action marker)/(after verb of motion, indicates motion d...
        cónglái, [從來], always/at all times/never (if used in negative sentence)
        kànlai, [看來], apparently/it seems that
        jìnlái, [進來], to come in
        dàilái, [帶來], to bring/to bring about/to produce
        láizì, [來自], to come from (a place)/From: (in email header)
        běnlái, [本來], original/originally/at first/it goes without saying/of course
        wèilái, [未來], future/tomorrow/CL:個|个[gè]/approaching/coming/pending
        láidào, [來到], to come/to arrive
        yuánlái, [原來], original/former/originally/formerly/at first/so, actually, as it turns out
        hòulái, [後來], afterwards/later
        yuèláiyuè, [越來越], more and more
        yǐlái, [以來], since (a previous event)
        xǐnglái, [醒來], to waken
        jiēxiàlái, [接下來], to accept/to take/next/following
        dàolái, [到來], to arrive/arrival/advent
        jiānglái, [將來], in the future/future/the future/CL:個|个[gè]
        kànqǐlai, [看起來], seemingly/apparently/looks as if/appear to be/gives the impression that/seems on...
        mànmànlái, [慢慢來], take your time/take it easy
        láiyuán, [來源], source (of information etc)/origin
        láizhe, [來著], auxiliary showing sth happened in the past
        yònglái, [用來], to be used for
        shànglái, [上來], to come up/to approach/(verb complement indicating success)
        gǎnlái, [趕來], to rush over
        láilín, [來臨], to approach/to come closer
        yǒushǐyǐlái, [有史以來], since the beginning of history
        láidiàn, [來電], incoming telegram or telephone call/your telegram, telephone call, or message/to...
        láibují, [來不及], there's not enough time (to do sth)/it's too late (to do sth)
        láidejí, [來得及], there's still time/able to do sth in time
        láixìn, [來信], incoming letter/send a letter here
        láijiǎng, [來講], as to/considering/for
        shuōláihuàcháng, [說來話長], start explaining and it's a long story (idiom); complicated and not easy to expr...
        qiánlái, [前來], to come (formal)/before/previously
        shēnglái, [生來], from birth/by one's nature
        chuánlái, [傳來], (of a sound) to come through/to be heard/(of news) to arrive
        jìnlái, [近來], recently/lately
        láihuí, [來回], to make a round trip/return journey/back and forth/to and fro/repeatedly
        láiwǎng, [來往], to come and go/to have dealings with/to be in relation with
        láikàn, [來看], to come and see/to see a topic from a certain point of view
        láide, [來得], to emerge (from a comparison)/to come out as/to be competent or equal to
访         láifǎng, [來訪], to pay a visit
        cóngláibù, [從來不], never
        yībānláishuō, [一般來說], generally speaking
        luànlái, [亂來], to act recklessly/to mess around
        Láibīn/láibīn, [來賓], Laibin prefecture-level city in Guangxi, guest/visitor
        yīlái, [一來], firstly, ...
        wàilái, [外來], external/foreign/outside
        dàotóulái, [到頭來], in the end/finally/as a result
        zǒngdeláishuō, [總的來說], generally speaking/to sum up/in summary/in short
        wǎnglái, [往來], dealings/contacts/to go back and forth
        Xībólái, [希伯來], Hebrew
        fǎnguolái, [反過來], conversely/in reverse order/in an opposite direction
        láiyuányú, [來源於], to originate in
        xiǎnglái, [想來], it may be assumed that
        hédelái, [合得來], to get along well/compatible/also written 和得來|和得来[hé de lái]
        húlái, [胡來], to act arbitrarily regardless of the rules/to mess with sth/to make a hash of th...
        láilì, [來歷], history/antecedents/origin
        zìláishuǐ, [自來水], running water/tap water
        yǒushēngyǐlái, [有生以來], since birth/for one's whole life
        láitóu, [來頭], cause/reason/interest/influence
        xiànglái, [向來], always (previously)
        hébùlái, [合不來], unable to get along together/incompatible
        láilóngqùmài, [來龍去脈], the rise and fall of the terrain (idiom)/(fig.) the whole sequence of events/cau...
        juǎntǔchónglái, [卷土重來], lit. to return in a swirl of dust (idiom)/fig. to regroup and come back even str...
        láifùqiāng, [來復槍], rifle (loanword)/also written 來福槍|来福枪
        dúláidúwǎng, [獨來獨往], coming and going alone (idiom); a lone operator/keeping to oneself/unsociable/ma...
西         Mǎláixīyà, [馬來西亞], Malaysia
        tūrúqílái, [突如其來], to arise abruptly/to arrive suddenly/happening suddenly
        láijìn, [來勁], (dialect) to be full of zeal/high-spirited/exhilarating/to stir sb up
        yùláiyù, [愈來愈], more and more
        zhuànláizhuànqù, [轉來轉去], to rove around/to run around in circles/to walk back and forth
访         láifǎngzhě, [來訪者], visitor/(psychological counseling) client
        zhāolái, [招來], to attract/to incur
        fānláifùqù, [翻來覆去], to toss and turn (sleeplessly)/again and again
        sǐqùhuólái, [死去活來], to hover between life and death (idiom)/to suffer terribly/within an inch of one...
        běnláimiànmù, [本來面目], true colors/true features
        Mǎlái, [馬來], Malaya/Malaysia
        yóulái, [由來], origin
        wàiláiyǔ, [外來語], loanword
        shíláiyùnzhuǎn, [時來運轉], the time comes, fortune turns (idiom); to have a lucky break/things change for t...
        guòláirén, [過來人], an experienced person/sb who has "been around (the block)"/sb who has personally...
        xīnxuèláicháo, [心血來潮], to be prompted by a sudden impulse/carried away by a whim/to have a brainstorm
        BěiKǎluóláinà, [北卡羅來納], North Carolina, US state
        lìlái, [歷來], always/throughout (a period of time)/(of) all-time
        BěiKǎluóláinàzhōu, [北卡羅來納州], North Carolina, US state
        láiyì, [來意], one's purpose in coming
        láikè, [來客], guest
        jiēzhǒngérlái, [接踵而來], to come one after the other
        láishēng, [來生], next life
        yībānshuōlái, [一般說來], generally speaking/in general
        fǎnguòláishuō, [反過來說], on the other hand
        láizhěbùjù, [來者不拒], to refuse nobody (idiom)/all comers welcome
        nìláishùnshòu, [逆來順受], to resign oneself to adversity (idiom); to grin and bear it/to submit meekly to ...
        NánKǎluóláinà, [南卡羅來納], South Carolina, US state
        láinián, [來年], next year/the coming year
        chángqīyǐlái, [長期以來], ever since a long time ago
        jǔlìláishuō, [舉例來說], for example
        zhèyàngyīlái, [這樣一來], thus/if this happens then
        jìnniánlái, [近年來], for the past few years
        láiyóu, [來由], reason/cause
        wàiláirén, [外來人], foreigner
        xiàbùlái, [下不來], awkward/embarrassed/cannot be accomplished
        rúlái, [如來], tathagata (Buddha's name for himself, having many layers of meaning - Sanskrit: ...
        láilìbùmíng, [來歷不明], of unknown origin
        hòuláijūshàng, [後來居上], lit. late-comer lives above (idiom); the up-and-coming youngster outstrips the o...
        kōngxuéláifēng, [空穴來風], lit. wind from an empty cave (idiom)/fig. unfounded (story)/baseless (claim)
        chūláizhàdào, [初來乍到], to be a newcomer/just off the boat
        fēnzhìtàlái, [紛至沓來], to come thick and fast (idiom)
        sùlái, [素來], consistently/always (in the past and now)
        zìgǔyǐlái, [自古以來], since ancient times
        shíbùzàilái, [時不再來], Time that has passed will never come back. (idiom)
        gǔwǎngjīnlái, [古往今來], since ancient times/since times immemorial
        Bùláiméi, [不來梅], Bremen (city)
        láilù, [來路], incoming road/origin/past history
        láilùbùmíng, [來路不明], unidentified origin/no-one knows where it comes from/of dubious background
        zhíláizhíqù, [直來直去], going directly (without detour)/(fig.) direct/straightforward (in one's manner o...
        shānshānláichí, [姍姍來遲], to be late/to arrive slowly/to be slow in the coming
        lǐshàngwǎnglái, [禮尚往來], lit. proper behavior is based on reciprocity (idiom)/fig. to return politeness f...
        yíngmiànérlái, [迎面而來], directly/head-on (collision)/in one's face (of wind)
        kǔjìngānlái, [苦盡甘來], bitterness finishes, sweetness begins (idiom); the hard times are over, the good...
        mùmíngérlái, [慕名而來], to come to a place on account of its reputation (idiom); attracted to visit a fa...
        pūmiànérlái, [撲面而來], lit. sth hits one in the face/directly in one's face/sth assaults the senses/bla...
        láiHuá, [來華], to come to China
        Bǎolìlái, [寶麗來], Polaroid
        láishì, [來勢], momentum of sth approaching
线         láifùxiàn, [來復線], rifling (spiral lines on inside of gun barrel imparting spin to the bullet)
        huábulái, [划不來], not worth it
        huádelái, [划得來], worth it/it pays to
        wàiláicí, [外來詞], loanword
        èrlái, [二來], secondly, ...
        Wèiláipài, [未來派], Futurism (artistic and social movement of the 20th century)
        jìwǎngkāilái, [繼往開來], to follow the past and herald the future (idiom); part of a historical transitio...
        shǎolái, [少來], refrain (from doing sth)/(coll.) Come on!/Give me a break!/Save it!
        diānláidǎoqù, [顛來倒去], to harp on/over and over/merely ring changes on a few terms
        bóláipǐn, [舶來品], (old) imported goods/foreign goods
        láibudé, [來不得], cannot allow (to be present)/cannot admit
        yèláixiāng, [夜來香], tuberose/Cestrum nocturnum, see also 夜香木
        láifàn, [來犯], to invade one's territory
        láiwén, [來文], received document/sent document
        chónglái, [重來], to start over/to do sth all over again
        Láiān, [來安], Lai'an county in Chuzhou 滁州[Chú zhōu], Anhui
        Mǎláirén, [馬來人], Malay person or people
        Huìlái, [惠來], Huilai county in Jieyang 揭陽|揭阳, Guangdong
        yīláièrqù, [一來二去], gradually/little by little/in the course of time
        Mǎláiyà, [馬來亞], Malaya
        Láifèng, [來鳳], Laifeng county in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 恩施土家族苗族自治州[Ēn shī T...

        fēng, [風], wind/news/style/custom/manner/CL:陣|阵[zhèn],絲|丝[sī]
        fēnggé, [風格], style
        fēngxiǎn, [風險], risk/hazard
        fēngbào, [風暴], storm/violent commotion/fig. crisis (e.g. revolution, uprising, financial crisis...
        fēngjǐng, [風景], scenery/landscape/CL:個|个[gè]
        fēngqù, [風趣], charm/humor/wit/humorous/witty
        màikèfēng, [麥克風], microphone (loanword)
        jùfēng, [颶風], hurricane
        zuòfēng, [作風], style/style of work/way
        lóngjuǎnfēng, [龍捲風], tornado/hurricane/twister/cyclone
        zhòngfēng, [中風], to suffer a paralyzing stroke
        bàofēngyǔ, [暴風雨], rainstorm/storm/tempest
        dōufēng, [兜風], to catch the wind/to go for a spin in the fresh air
        fēngshēng, [風聲], sound of the wind/rumor/talk/news/reputation
        fēngshàng, [風尚], current custom/current way of doing things
        fēngliú, [風流], distinguished and accomplished/outstanding/talented in letters and unconventiona...
        fēngtóu, [風頭], wind direction/the way the wind blows/fig. trend/direction of events/how things ...
        fēngdù, [風度], elegance (for men)/elegant demeanor/grace/poise
        fēngguāng, [風光], scene/view/sight/landscape/to be well-regarded/to be well-off/grand (dialect)/im...
        tōngfēng, [通風], airy/ventilation/to ventilate/to disclose information
        yīlùshùnfēng, [一路順風], to have a pleasant journey (idiom)
        fēngyún, [風雲], weather/unstable situation
        bàofēngxuě, [暴風雪], snowstorm/blizzard/CL:場|场[cháng]
        bàofēng, [暴風], storm wind/storm (force 11 wind)
        fēngqíng, [風情], mien/bearing/grace/amorous feelings/flirtatious expressions/local conditions and...
        fēngzhēng, [風箏], kite
        shùnfēng, [順風], lit. tail wind/Bon voyage!
        fēngwèi, [風味], distinctive flavor/distinctive style
        táifēng, [臺風]/[颱風], stage presence, poise, hurricane/typhoon
        tōngfēngkǒu, [通風口], air vent/opening for ventilation
        wēifēng, [微風], breeze/light wind
        fēngchē, [風車], pinwheel/windmill
        xuànfēng, [旋風], whirlwind/tornado
        pīfēng, [披風], cloak/cape
        fēngshàn, [風扇], electric fan
        fēngsāo, [風騷], literary excellence/flirtatious behavior
        fēngcǎi, [風采], svelte/elegant manner/graceful bearing
        fēngxiàng, [風向], wind direction/the way the wind is blowing/fig. trends (esp. unpredictable ones)...
        yīfānfēngshùn, [一帆風順], propitious wind throughout the journey (idiom)/plain sailing/to go smoothly/have...
        shàngfēng, [上風], on the up/currently winning/rising (in popularity etc)
        fēngfàn, [風範], air/manner/model/paragon/demeanor
        chūfēngtou, [出風頭], to push oneself forward/to seek fame/to be in the limelight/same as 出鋒頭|出锋头[chū ...
        xióngfēng, [雄風], lit. powerful wind/awe-inspiring
        dàfēng, [大風], gale/CL:場|场[cháng]
        fàngfēng, [放風], to allow in fresh air/to allow a prisoner out for exercise/to give out informati...
        fēngsù, [風速], wind speed
        fēngsú, [風俗], social custom/CL:個|个[gè]
        fēngyǔ, [風雨], wind and rain/the elements/trials and hardships
        chuīfēngjī, [吹風機], hair dryer
        fēngshuǐ, [風水], feng shui/geomancy
        wēifēng, [威風], might/awe-inspiring authority/impressive
        fēngbō, [風波], disturbance/crisis/disputes/restlessness/CL:場|场[cháng]
        pòshāngfēng, [破傷風], tetanus (lockjaw)
        qīngfēng, [清風], cool breeze/fig. pure and honest
        tōngfēngguǎn, [通風管], ventilation duct
        fēnglì, [風力], wind force/wind power
        fēngqín, [風琴], pipe organ (musical instrument)
        fēnglàng, [風浪], wind and waves/stormy sea
        máfēngbìng, [麻風病], leprosy/Hansen's disease
        bìfēng, [避風], to take shelter from the wind/to lie low/to stay out of trouble
        kuángfēng, [狂風], gale/squall/whole gale (meteorology)
        zhànshàngfēng, [佔上風], to take the lead/to gain the upper hand
        fēngdí, [風笛], bagpipes
        kǒufēng, [口風], meaning behind the words/what sb really means to say/one's intentions as reveale...
        wàngfēng, [望風], to be on the lookout/to keep watch
        fēngcháo, [風潮], tempest/wave (of popular sentiment etc)/craze or fad
        shǒufēngqín, [手風琴], accordion
        bìfēnggǎng, [避風港], haven/refuge/harbor/CL:座[zuò],個|个[gè]
        xiàfēng, [下風], leeward/downwind/disadvantageous position/to concede or give way in an argument
        fēngpínglàngjìng, [風平浪靜], lit. breeze is still, waves are quiet (idiom); tranquil environment/all is quiet...
        hǎifēng, [海風], sea breeze/sea wind (i.e. from the sea)
        ěrbiānfēng, [耳邊風], lit. wind past your ear/fig. sth you don't pay much attention to/in one ear and ...
        guǎnfēngqín, [管風琴], organ/pipe organ
        jìfēng, [季風], monsoon
        shāfēngjǐng, [煞風景], to be an eyesore/(fig.) to spoil the fun/to be a wet blanket
        hūfēnghuànyǔ, [呼風喚雨], to call the wind and summon the rain (idiom); to exercise magical powers/fig. to...
        zhènfēng, [陣風], gust
        tòngfēng, [痛風], gout
        tòufēng, [透風], to let air pass through/to ventilate
        fēngmǐ, [風靡], fashionable/popular
        fēngyī, [風衣], windbreaker/wind cheater/wind jacket/CL:件[jiàn]
        Héfēng/héfēng, [和風], (Tw) Japanese-style (cooking etc), breeze
        fēnghuà, [風化], decency/public morals/to weather (rocks)/wind erosion
        bǔfēngzhuōyǐng, [捕風捉影], lit. chasing the wind and clutching at shadows (idiom); fig. groundless accusati...
        mǎnchéngfēngyǔ, [滿城風雨], lit. wind and rain through the town (idiom); fig. a big scandal/an uproar/the ta...
        fēngqì, [風氣], general mood/atmosphere/common practice
        qiángfēng, [強風], strong breeze (meteorology)
        fēngxìnzǐ, [風信子], hyacinth (flower)
        fēngfān, [風帆], sail/sailing boat
        fēngyúnrénwù, [風雲人物], the man (or woman) of the moment (idiom)/influential figure
        ěrpángfēng, [耳旁風], lit. wind past your ear/fig. sth you don't pay much attention to/in one ear and ...
        xīngfēngzuòlàng, [興風作浪], to incite trouble/to stir up havoc
        yìqìfēngfā, [意氣風發], high-spirited/full of mettle
        shāngfēng, [傷風], to catch cold
        fēnggān, [風乾], to air-dry/to season (timber etc)/air-dried/air-drying
        fēngyuè, [風月], romance/beautiful scenery/small or petty (of talk etc)
        píngfēng, [屏風], screen
        kuángfēngbàoyǔ, [狂風暴雨], howling wind and torrential rain (idiom)/(fig.) difficult, dangerous situation
        chūnfēngdéyì, [春風得意], flushed with success/proud of one's success (in exams, promotion etc)/as pleased...
        chōufēng, [抽風], to ventilate/to induce a draft/spasm/convulsion
        yíngfēng, [迎風], in the wind/facing the wind/downwind
        fēngyùn, [風韻], charm/grace/elegant bearing (usually feminine)
湿         fēngshī, [風濕], rheumatism
        fēngliánghuà, [風涼話], sneering/sarcasm/cynical remarks
        zhāofēng, [招風], lit. to invite the wind/fig. conspicuous and inviting criticism
        fángfēng, [防風], to protect from wind/fangfeng (Saposhnikovia divaricata), its root used in TCM
        guāfēng, [颳風], to be windy
        gǔfēngjī, [鼓風機], bellows/ventilator/air blower
        ruòbùjīnfēng, [弱不禁風], too weak to stand up to the wind (idiom); extremely delicate/fragile state of he...
        huàfēng, [畫風], painting style
        fēngyǔwúzǔ, [風雨無阻], regardless of weather conditions/rain, hail or shine
        nìfēng, [逆風], to go against the wind/contrary wind/a headwind
        diànfēngshàn, [電風扇], electric fan/CL:架[jià],臺|台[tái]
        wénfēngsàngdǎn, [聞風喪膽], hear the wind and lose gall (idiom); terror-stricken at the news
        kōngxuéláifēng, [空穴來風], lit. wind from an empty cave (idiom)/fig. unfounded (story)/baseless (claim)
        máfēng, [麻風], leprosy/Hansen's disease
        fēngjìng, [風鏡], goggles (esp. against wind and sandstorms)
        fēngyǎ, [風雅], cultured/sophisticated
        fēngmào, [風貌], style/manner/ethos
        bīngfēngbào, [冰風暴], icy storm/hailstorm
        tánxiàofēngshēng, [談笑風生], to talk cheerfully and wittily/to joke together
西         hēxīběifēng, [喝西北風], lit. drink the northwest wind (idiom); cold and hungry
        qīngfēng, [輕風], breeze/light wind
        diànchuīfēng, [電吹風], hair dryer
        fēngxíng, [風行], to become fashionable/to catch on/to be popular
        fēnghérìlì, [風和日麗], moderate wind, beautiful sun (idiom); fine sunny weather, esp. in springtime
        fēngfēnghuǒhuǒ, [風風火火], bustling/energetic
        fēngmǐyīshí, [風靡一時], fashionable for a while (idiom); all the rage
        chéngfēngpòlàng, [乘風破浪], to brave the wind and the billows (idiom); to have high ambitions
        shìfēngrìxià, [世風日下], public morals are degenerating with each passing day (idiom)
        jífēng, [疾風], storm/gale/strong wind/flurry/blast
        shùnfēngěr, [順風耳], sb with preternaturally good hearing (in fiction)/fig. a well-informed person
        fēngkǒu, [風口], air vent/drafty place/wind gap (geology)/tuyere (furnace air nozzle)
        fēngchídiànchè, [風馳電掣], fast as lightning
        fēngchén, [風塵], windblown dust/hardships of travel/vicissitudes of life/prostitution
        fēnghuázhèngmào, [風華正茂], in one's prime
        fēngkǒulàngjiān, [風口浪尖], where the wind and the waves are the fiercest/at the heart of the struggle
        fēngjī, [風機], fan/ventilator
        mǎnmiànchūnfēng, [滿面春風], beaming/radiant with happiness
        bàofēngzhòuyǔ, [暴風驟雨], violent wind and rainstorm/hurricane/tempest
        fēngtǔrénqíng, [風土人情], local conditions and customs (idiom)
        jiēfēng, [接風], to hold a welcoming dinner or reception
        fēngwén, [風聞], to learn sth through hearsay/to get wind of sth
        xìnfēng, [信風], trade wind
        fēngshuāng, [風霜], wind and frost/fig. hardships
姿         fēngzī, [風姿], good looks/good figure/graceful bearing/charm
湿         fēngshīrè, [風濕熱], rheumatic fever
        fēngchuán, [風傳], it is rumored that
        dàshāfēngjǐng, [大煞風景], see 大殺風景|大杀风景[dà shā fēng jǐng]
        fēngyǔtóngzhōu, [風雨同舟], lit. in the same boat under wind and rain (idiom); fig. to stick together in har...
        shāngfēngbàisú, [傷風敗俗], offending public morals (idiom)
        fēngnéng, [風能], wind power
        fēnghuá, [風華], magnificent
        fēngshā, [風沙], sand blown by wind/sandstorm
        fēngdòng, [風洞], wind tunnel
        fēngxiàngbiāo, [風向標], vane/propellor blade/weather vane/windsock
穿         chuāntángfēng, [穿堂風], draft
        fēngchénpúpú, [風塵僕僕], lit. covered in dust (idiom)/fig. travel-worn
        gǔfēng, [鼓風], a forced draft (of wind, for smelting metal)/blast (in blast furnace)/bellows/to...
        fēnghuǒlún, [風火輪], (martial arts) wind-and-fire wheel, weapon used in hand-to-hand fighting/(Daoism...
        xiàofēng, [校風], the tone of a school/campus atmosphere
        fēngchuīyǔdǎ, [風吹雨打], lit. windswept and battered by rain/to undergo hardship (idiom)
        fēngyǔpiāoyáo, [風雨飄搖], tossed about by the wind and rain (idiom)/(of a situation) unstable
        wénfēngérdòng, [聞風而動], to respond instantly/to act at once on hearing the news
        fēngyùnyóucún, [風韻猶存], (of an aging woman) still attractive
        dǐngfēng, [頂風], to face into the wind/against the wind/fig. against the law
        léilìfēngxíng, [雷厲風行], pass like thunder and move like the wind (idiom); swift and decisive reaction
        fēngzhúcánnián, [風燭殘年], one's late days/to have one foot in the grave
        liǎngxiùqīngfēng, [兩袖清風], lit. both sleeves flowing in the breeze (idiom); having clean hands/uncorrupted/...
        fēngyúnbiànhuàn, [風雲變幻], changeable situation (idiom)
        yīnfēng, [陰風], chill wind/(fig.) evil wind
        fēngjì, [風紀], standard of behavior/moral standards/discipline
        fēngzhěn, [風疹], rubella/urticaria
        mínfēng, [民風], popular customs/folkways
        wēifēnglǐnlǐn, [威風凜凜], majestic/awe-inspiring presence/impressive power
        nuǎnfēng, [暖風], warm breeze
        fénfēng, [焚風], foehn wind (loanword)
        yífēng, [遺風], tradition or style from the past/old ways/surviving tradition/relic
        gāofēngliàngjié, [高風亮節], of noble character and unquestionable integrity (idiom)
        bǎojīngfēngshuāng, [飽經風霜], weather-beaten/having experienced the hardships of life
        fēngdǎng, [風擋], windshield
        fēngxiāng, [風箱], bellows
        wénfēng, [文風], writing style
        shìfēng, [世風], public morals
        gǔfēnglú, [鼓風爐], a blast furnace (in modern times)/a draft assisted furnace for smelting metals
        dúlǐngfēngsāo, [獨領風騷], most outstanding/par excellence
        fēngshēnghèlì, [風聲鶴唳], lit. wind sighing and crane calling (idiom)/fig. to panic at the slightest move/...
        fēngtiáoyǔshùn, [風調雨順], favorable weather (idiom); good weather for crops
        zhěnbiānfēng, [枕邊風], pillow talk
        fēngzhōngzhīzhú, [風中之燭], lit. candle in the wind (idiom)/fig. (of sb's life) feeble/hanging on a thread
        yángxiánfēng, [羊癇風], epilepsy
        xīngfēngxuèyǔ, [腥風血雨], lit. foul wind and bloody rain (idiom)/fig. reign of terror/carnage
        jiànfēngzhuǎnduò, [見風轉舵], lit. see the wind and set the helm (idiom); fig. to act pragmatically/to be flex...
        fēngmǎniúbùxiāngjí, [風馬牛不相及], to be completely unrelated to one another (idiom)/irrelevant
        fēnggǔ, [風骨], strength of character/vigorous style (of calligraphy)
        fēnghán, [風寒], wind chill/cold weather/common cold (medicine)
        suífēngdǎo, [隨風倒], to bend with the wind
        yāofēng, [妖風], evil wind
        suífēng, [隨風], wind-borne/care-free
        yīlùfēngchén, [一路風塵], to live an exhausting journey
        chìzhàfēngyún, [叱咤風雲], lit. to rebuke Heaven and Earth (idiom); fig. shaking the whole world/all-powerf...
        cǎifēng, [採風], to collect local cultural material (recording folk songs, taking photos etc)
        chōufēngjī, [抽風機], exhaust fan
        wāifēng, [歪風], unhealthy trend/noxious influence
        fēnghuájuédài, [風華絕代], magnificent style unmatched in his generation (idiom); peerless talent
        zhěngfēng, [整風], Rectification or Rectifying incorrect work styles, Maoist slogan/cf Rectificatio...
        fēngqǐyúnyǒng, [風起雲湧], to surge like a gathering storm (idiom)/to grow by leaps and bounds

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