手 ⇒
手 shǒu, hand/(formal) to hold/person engaged in certain types of work/person skilled in ...
凶手 xiōngshǒu, [兇手], murderer/assassin
选手 xuǎnshǒu, [選手], athlete/contestant
手术 shǒushù, [手術], (surgical) operation/surgery/CL:個|个[gè]
手机 shǒujī, [手機], cell phone/mobile phone/CL:部[bù],支[zhī]
杀手 shāshǒu, [殺手], killer/murderer/hit man/(sports) formidable player
分手 fēnshǒu, to part company/to split up/to break up
住手 zhùshǒu, to desist/to stop/to stay one's hand
手上 手里 shǒulǐ, [手裡], in hand/(a situation is) in sb's hands
歌手 gēshǒu, singer
对手 duìshǒu, [對手], opponent/rival/competitor/(well-matched) adversary/match
动手 dòngshǒu, [動手], to set about (a task)/to hit/to punch/to touch
放手 fàngshǒu, to let go one's hold/to give up/to have a free hand
助手 zhùshǒu, assistant/helper
手指 shǒuzhǐ, finger/CL:個|个[gè],隻|只[zhī]
手段 shǒuduàn, method/means (of doing sth)/strategy/trick/CL:個|个[gè]
洗手间 xǐshǒujiān, [洗手間], toilet/lavatory/washroom
手臂 shǒubì, arm/helper
手中 手下 shǒuxià, under one's control or administration/subordinates/(money etc) on hand/sb's fina...
下手 xiàshǒu, to start/to put one's hand to/to set about/the seat to the right of the main gue...
手套 shǒutào, glove/mitten/CL:雙|双[shuāng],隻|只[zhī]
手枪 shǒuqiāng, [手槍], pistol/CL:把[bǎ]
接手 jiēshǒu, to take over (duties etc)/catcher (baseball etc)
手表 shǒubiǎo, [手錶], wrist watch/CL:塊|块[kuài],隻|只[zhī],個|个[gè]
双手 shuāngshǒu, [雙手], both hands
插手 chāshǒu, to get involved in/to meddle/interference
亲手 qīnshǒu, [親手], personally/with one's own hands
手铐 shǒukào, [手銬], manacles/handcuffs
高手 gāoshǒu, expert/past master/dab hand
手法 shǒufǎ, technique/trick/skill
右手 yòushǒu, right hand/right-hand side
手头 shǒutóu, [手頭], on hand/at hand/one's financial situation
手腕 shǒuwàn, wrist/trickery/finesse/ability/skill
帮手 bāngshǒu, [幫手], helper/assistant
左手 zuǒshǒu, left hand/left-hand side
握手 wòshǒu, to shake hands
手术室 狙击手 jūjīshǒu, [狙擊手], sniper/marksman
停手 棘手 jíshǒu, thorny (problem)/intractable
手脚 shǒujiǎo, [手腳], hand and foot/movement of limbs/action/trick/step in a procedure (CL: 道[dào])
手册 shǒucè, [手冊], manual/handbook
枪手 qiāngshǒu, [槍手], gunman/sharpshooter/sb who takes an exam for sb else/sb who produces a piece of ...
水手 shuǐshǒu, mariner/sailor/seaman
着手 zhuóshǒu, [著手], to put one's hand to it/to start out on a task/to set out
举手 jǔshǒu, [舉手], to raise a hand/to put up one's hand (as signal)
洗手 xǐshǒu, to wash one's hands/to go to the toilet
空手 kōngshǒu, empty-handed/unarmed/(painting, embroidery etc) without following a model/(abbr....
出手 chūshǒu, to dispose of/to spend (money)/to undertake a task
拿手 náshǒu, expert in/good at
手工 shǒugōng, handwork/manual
袖手旁观 xiùshǒupángguān, [袖手旁觀], to watch with folded arms (idiom); to look on without lifting a finger
手势 shǒushì, [手勢], gesture/sign/signal
投手 tóushǒu, thrower/pitcher/bowler
手续 shǒuxù, [手續], procedure/CL:道[dào],個|个[gè]/formalities
手镯 shǒuzhuó, [手鐲], bracelet
手淫 shǒuyín, to masturbate/masturbation
黑手党 hēishǒudǎng, [黑手黨], mafia
动手术 松手 sōngshǒu, [鬆手], to relinquish one's grip/to let go
手榴弹 shǒuliúdàn, [手榴彈], hand grenade
身手 shēnshǒu, skill/talent/agility
人手 rénshǒu, manpower/staff/human hand
拳击手 quánjīshǒu, [拳擊手], boxer
不择手段 bùzéshǒuduàn, [不擇手段], by fair means or foul/by hook or by crook/unscrupulously
拳手 quánshǒu, boxer
伸手 shēnshǒu, to reach out with one's hand/to hold out a hand/(fig.) to beg/to get involved/to...
手稿 shǒugǎo, manuscript/script
挥手 huīshǒu, [揮手], to wave (one's hand)
把手 bǎshǒu/bǎshou, to shake hands, handle/grip/knob
手提箱 shǒutíxiāng, suitcase
失手 shīshǒu, a slip/miscalculation/unwise move/accidentally/by mistake/to lose control/to be ...
手指头 shǒuzhǐtou, [手指頭], fingertip/finger
猎手 lièshǒu, [獵手], hunter
手动 shǒudòng, [手動], manual/manually operated/manual gear-change
手艺 shǒuyì, [手藝], craftmanship/workmanship/handicraft/trade
新手 xīnshǒu, new hand/novice/raw recruit
手掌 shǒuzhǎng, palm
指手画脚 zhǐshǒuhuàjiǎo, [指手畫腳], to gesticulate while talking (idiom)/to explain by waving one's hands/to critici...
打手 dǎshou, hired thug
手术刀 黑手 hēishǒu, malign agent who manipulates from behind the scenes/hidden hand/(Tw) mechanic/bl...
副手 fùshǒu, assistant
鼓手 gǔshǒu, drummer
手电筒 shǒudiàntǒng, [手電筒], flashlight/electric hand torch
手帕 shǒupà, handkerchief/CL:方[fāng]
联手 liánshǒu, [聯手], lit. to join hands/to act together
一手 yīshǒu, a skill/mastery of a trade/by oneself/without outside help
入手 rùshǒu, to begin/to set one's hand to
手推车 shǒutuīchē, [手推車], trolley/cart/barrow/handcart/wheelbarrow/baby buggy
车手 游手好闲 yóushǒuhàoxián, [遊手好閑], to idle about
携手 xiéshǒu, [攜手], hand in hand/to join hands/to collaborate
好手 hǎoshǒu, expert/professional
罢手 bàshǒu, [罷手], to give up
二手 èrshǒu, indirectly acquired/second-hand (information, equipment etc)/assistant
手提包 shǒutíbāo, (hand)bag/hold-all
束手无策 shùshǒuwúcè, [束手無策], lit. to have one's hands bound and be unable to do anything about it (idiom); fi...
平手 píngshǒu, (sports) draw/tie
手杖 shǒuzhàng, cane/CL:把[bǎ]
到手 dàoshǒu, to take possession of/to get hold of
手雷 shǒuléi, grenade
刽子手 guìzishǒu, [劊子手], executioner/headsman/slaughterer/fig. indiscriminate murderer
骑手 qíshǒu, [騎手], horse rider/equestrian/jockey/bike rider
球手 招手 zhāoshǒu, to wave/to beckon
手术台 shǒushùtái, [手術檯], operating table
触手 chùshǒu, [觸手], tentacle
左轮手枪 zuǒlúnshǒuqiāng, [左輪手槍], revolver
扳手 bānshǒu, spanner/wrench/lever (on a machine)
手软 shǒuruǎn, [手軟], to be lenient/to relent/to be reluctant to make a hard decision/to think twice
手无寸铁 shǒuwúcùntiě, [手無寸鐵], lit. not an inch of steel (idiom); unarmed and defenseless
老手 lǎoshǒu, experienced person/an old hand at sth
手肘 shǒuzhǒu, elbow
神枪手 顺手 shùnshǒu, [順手], easily/without trouble/while one is at it/in passing/handy
措手不及 cuòshǒubùjí, no time to deal with it (idiom); caught unprepared
手气 shǒuqì, [手氣], luck (in gambling)
拍手 pāishǒu, to clap one's hands
手电 shǒudiàn, [手電], flashlight/torch
手印 手边 shǒubiān, [手邊], on hand/at hand
经手 jīngshǒu, [經手], to pass through one's hands/to handle/to deal with
乐手 yuèshǒu, [樂手], instrumental performer
射手 shèshǒu, archer/shooter/marksman/(football etc) striker
扶手 fúshǒu, handrail/armrest
还手 huánshǒu, [還手], to hit back/to retaliate
上手 shàngshǒu, to obtain/to master/overhand (serve etc)/seat of honor
转手 zhuǎnshǒu, [轉手], to pass on/to resell/to change hands
随手 suíshǒu, [隨手], conveniently/without extra trouble/while doing it/in passing
交手 jiāoshǒu, to fight hand to hand
杀手锏 shāshǒujiǎn, [殺手鐧], (fig.) trump card
手语 shǒuyǔ, [手語], sign language
手袋 抢手 qiǎngshǒu, [搶手], (of goods) popular/in great demand
动手动脚 dòngshǒudòngjiǎo, [動手動腳], to come to blows/to paw/to grope/to get fresh
扒手 páshǒu, pickpocket
手提 shǒutí, portable
手足无措 shǒuzúwúcuò, [手足無措], at a loss to know what to do (idiom); bewildered
白手起家 báishǒuqǐjiā, to build up from nothing/to start from scratch
手柄 shǒubǐng, handle/video game controller
徒手 túshǒu, with bare hands/unarmed/fighting hand-to-hand/freehand (drawing)
大打出手 得手 déshǒu, to go smoothly/to come off/to succeed
拱手 gǒngshǒu, to cup one's hands in obeisance or greeting/(fig.) submissive
脱手 tuōshǒu, [脫手], (not of regular commerce) to sell or dispose of (goods etc)/to get rid of/to unl...
手心 shǒuxīn, palm (of one's hand)/control (extended meaning from having something in the palm...
毒手 dúshǒu, deadly blow/vicious attack/treacherous assault
左右手 zuǒyòushǒu, left and right hands/(fig.) capable assistant/right-hand man
手纸 shǒuzhǐ, [手紙], toilet paper
二手货 èrshǒuhuò, [二手貨], second-hand goods/used goods
两手空空 liǎngshǒukōngkōng, [兩手空空], empty-handed (idiom); fig. not receiving anything
露一手 lòuyīshǒu, to show off one's abilities/to exhibit one's skills
撒手不管 sāshǒubùguǎn, to stand aside and do nothing (idiom)/to take no part in
拿手好戏 过手 手巾 shǒujīn, hand towel/handkerchief
炙手可热 zhìshǒukěrè, [炙手可熱], lit. burn your hand, feel the heat (idiom)/fig. arrogance of the powerful/a migh...
手背 shǒubèi, back of the hand
赤手空拳 chìshǒukōngquán, empty hand, empty fist (idiom); having nothing to rely on/unarmed and defenseles...
第一手 dìyīshǒu, first-hand
先下手为强 xiānxiàshǒuwéiqiáng, [先下手為強], strike first and gain the upper hand (idiom, martial arts term); Making the firs...
手忙脚乱 shǒumángjiǎoluàn, [手忙腳亂], to act with confusion/to be in a flurry/to be flustered
顺手牵羊 shùnshǒuqiānyáng, [順手牽羊], lit. to lead away a goat in passing (idiom); to steal sth under cover of an emer...
手感 shǒugǎn, the feel (of sth touched with the hand)/(textiles) handle
撒手 sāshǒu, to let go of sth/to give up
做手脚 zuòshǒujiǎo, [做手腳], to defraud/to rig up (a scam)
手足 shǒuzú, hands and feet/(fig.) brothers/retinue, henchmen, accomplices
炮手 pàoshǒu, [砲手], gunner/artillery crew
甩手 shuǎishǒu, to swing one's arms/to wash one's hands of sth
二手车 èrshǒuchē, [二手車], second-hand car
手舞足蹈 shǒuwǔzúdǎo, hands dance and feet trip (idiom); dancing and gesticulating for joy
手风琴 shǒufēngqín, [手風琴], accordion
手绢 shǒujuàn, [手絹], handkerchief/CL:張|张[zhāng],塊|块[kuài]
心狠手辣 xīnhěnshǒulà, vicious and merciless (idiom)
手指甲 得心应手 déxīnyìngshǒu, [得心應手], lit. what the heart wishes, the hand accomplishes (idiom) skilled at the job/ent...
束手就擒 shùshǒujiùqín, hands tied and waiting to be captured
二把手 èrbǎshǒu, deputy leader/the second-in-command
小提琴手 xiǎotíqínshǒu, violinist/fiddler
手掌心 shǒuzhǎngxīn, see 手心[shǒu xīn]
下毒手 xiàdúshǒu, to attack murderously/to strike treacherously
能手 néngshǒu, expert
心慈手软 打下手 dǎxiàshǒu, to act in a supporting role/fig. to play second fiddle
大手笔 大显身手 dàxiǎnshēnshǒu, [大顯身手], (idiom) fully displaying one's capabilities
强手 手拉手 shǒulāshǒu, to join hands/hand in hand
一把手 yībǎshǒu, working hand/member of a work team/participant/(short form of 第一把手[dì yī bǎ shǒu...
敌手 díshǒu, [敵手], opponent/substantial adversary/worthy match/antagonist/in the enemy's hands
手笔 shǒubǐ, [手筆], sth written or painted in one's own hand/(of a writer, calligrapher or painter) ...
妙手 miàoshǒu, miraculous hands of a healer/highly skilled person/brilliant move in chess or we...
情同手足 qíngtóngshǒuzú, as close as one's hands and feet (idiom); loving one another as brothers/deep fr...
脚手架 jiǎoshǒujià, [腳手架], scaffolding
爱不释手 àibùshìshǒu, [愛不釋手], to love sth too much to part with it (idiom); to fondle admiringly
手工艺品 手底下 手提袋 手持 毛手毛脚 máoshǒumáojiǎo, [毛手毛腳], carelessly and haphazardly/to paw/to grope/to get fresh
反手 fǎnshǒu, to turn a hand over/to put one's hand behind one's back/fig. easily done
生手 shēngshǒu, novice/new hand/sb new to a job
手把手 手续费 shǒuxùfèi, [手續費], service charge/processing fee/commission
号手 hàoshǒu, [號手], trumpeter/military bugler
手足之情 shǒuzúzhīqíng, brotherly affection
手鼓 得分手 握手言和 手头紧 shǒutóujǐn, [手頭緊], short of money/hard up
打手势 手指画 舵手 duòshǒu, helmsman
手下人 二传手 无从下手 wúcóngxiàshǒu, [無從下手], not know where to start
手球 shǒuqiú, team handball
蹑手蹑脚 nièshǒunièjiǎo, [躡手躡腳], to walk quietly on tiptoe (idiom)
手劲 手摇 shǒuyáo, [手搖], hand-cranked
手快 手工艺 shǒugōngyì, [手工藝], handicraft/arts and crafts
假手 jiǎshǒu, to use sb for one's own ends
缩手缩脚 suōshǒusuōjiǎo, [縮手縮腳], bound hand and foot (idiom); constrained
手相 shǒuxiàng, palmistry/features of a palm (in palmistry)
多面手 duōmiànshǒu, multi-talented person/versatile person/all-rounder
大手大脚 dàshǒudàjiǎo, [大手大腳], extravagant (idiom); to throw away money by the handful/wasteful
种子选手 zhǒngzixuǎnshǒu, [種子選手], seeded player
举手投足 jǔshǒutóuzú, [舉手投足], one's every movement (idiom)/comportment/gestures
后手 妙手回春 miàoshǒuhuíchūn, magical hands bring the dying back to life (idiom); miracle cure/brilliant docto...
魔手 圣手 shèngshǒu, [聖手], divine physician/sage doctor/highly skilled practitioner
轻手轻脚 qīngshǒuqīngjiǎo, [輕手輕腳], (to move or do sth) softly and quietly (idiom)
手钻 shǒuzuàn, [手鑽], gimlet/hand drill
手提式 快手 Kuàishǒu, Kuaishou, Chinese social video sharing app
解手 jiěshǒu, to relieve oneself (i.e. use the toilet)/to solve
巧手 qiǎoshǒu, skillful hands/dexterous/a dab hand
信手拈来 神投手 一显身手 手痒 shǒuyǎng, [手癢], (fig.) to itch (to do sth)
辣手 棋手 qíshǒu, chess player
手眼 拉手 lāshǒu/lāshou, to hold hands/to shake hands, a handle/to pull on a handle
留一手 liúyīshǒu, to hold back a trick/not to divulge all one's trade secrets
丢手 diūshǒu, [丟手], to wash one's hands of sth/to have nothing further to do with sth
手艺人 高抬贵手 gāotáiguìshǒu, [高抬貴手], to be generous (idiom)/to be magnanimous/Give me a break!
两手 鹿死谁手 lùsǐshéishǒu, [鹿死誰手], to whom the deer falls (idiom); the one to emerge victor (i.e. to seize the empi...
跟手 gēnshǒu, (coll.) pronto/immediately
手迹 shǒujì, [手跡], sb's original handwriting or painting
心灵手巧 xīnlíngshǒuqiǎo, [心靈手巧], capable/clever/dexterous
骗子手 靠手 抓手 zhuāshǒu, starting point/mechanical hand/gripper
倒手 dǎoshǒu, to shift from one hand to the other/to change hands (of merchandise)
旗手 qíshǒu, a flag carrier (army)/ensign
拿手戏 经手人 jīngshǒurén, [經手人], the person in charge/agent/broker
歇手 xiēshǒu, to rest/to take a break
摆手 bǎishǒu, [擺手], to wave one's hand/to gesture with one's hand (beckoning, waving good-bye etc)/t...
手模 手巧 shǒuqiǎo, to be skillful with one's hands/to be manually adroit
抢手货 qiǎngshǒuhuò, [搶手貨], a best-seller/a hot property
翼手龙 yìshǒulóng, [翼手龍], pterodactyl
手术钳 摇手 yáoshǒu, [搖手], to wave the hand (to say goodbye, or in a negative gesture)/crank handle
行家里手 hángjiālǐshǒu, [行家裡手], connoisseur/expert
手抄本 shǒuchāoběn, manuscript copy of a book (before the printing press)
里手 lǐshǒu, [裡手], expert/left-hand side (of a machine)/left-hand side (driver's side) of a vehicle
一试身手 机械手 手戳 手纹 拍手叫好 手记 手锯 爆破手 bàopòshǒu, blaster/soldier or workman who sets off explosive charges/petardier
一手包办 yīshǒubāobàn, [一手包辦], to take care of a matter all by oneself/to run the whole show
拍手称快 熟手 shúshǒu, skilled person/an experienced hand
眼高手低 yǎngāoshǒudī, to have high standards but little ability/to be fastidious but incompetent (idio...
扎手 就手 主攻手 手书 shǒushū, [手書], to write personally/personal letter
扶手椅 fúshǒuyǐ, armchair
手持式 回手 手旗 手不释卷 shǒubùshìjuàn, [手不釋卷], lit. always with a book in hand (idiom)/fig. (of a student or scholar) diligent ...
手板 手车 手面 手腕子 shǒuwànzi, wrist
携起手来 携手并肩 xiéshǒubìngjiān, [攜手並肩], hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder
手写体 shǒuxiětǐ, [手寫體], handwritten form/cursive
推手 tuīshǒu, promoter/advocate/driving force/pushing hands (two-person training routine esp. ...
先手 佛手 使手机 突击手 手到病除 驭手 yùshǒu, [馭手], person in charge of pack animals/chariot driver
缩手 手活 shǒuhuó, manipulation (e.g. ball handling in sport)/hand job
手紧 shǒujǐn, [手緊], tightfisted/stingy/short of money/hard up
手势语 身手不凡 手谕 手枪套 手工业 shǒugōngyè, [手工業], handicraft
信手 xìnshǒu, casually/in passing
手球场 刀斧手 dāofǔshǒu, lictor
手工费 线手套 无声手枪 费手脚 两手抓 眼疾手快 出手不凡 嘉手纳
风 ⇒
风 fēng, [風], wind/news/style/custom/manner/CL:陣|阵[zhèn],絲|丝[sī]
风格 fēnggé, [風格], style
风险 fēngxiǎn, [風險], risk/hazard
风暴 fēngbào, [風暴], storm/violent commotion/fig. crisis (e.g. revolution, uprising, financial crisis...
风景 fēngjǐng, [風景], scenery/landscape/CL:個|个[gè]
风趣 fēngqù, [風趣], charm/humor/wit/humorous/witty
麦克风 màikèfēng, [麥克風], microphone (loanword)
飓风 jùfēng, [颶風], hurricane
作风 zuòfēng, [作風], style/style of work/way
龙卷风 lóngjuǎnfēng, [龍捲風], tornado/hurricane/twister/cyclone
中风 zhòngfēng, [中風], to suffer a paralyzing stroke
暴风雨 bàofēngyǔ, [暴風雨], rainstorm/storm/tempest
兜风 dōufēng, [兜風], to catch the wind/to go for a spin in the fresh air
风声 fēngshēng, [風聲], sound of the wind/rumor/talk/news/reputation
风尚 fēngshàng, [風尚], current custom/current way of doing things
风流 fēngliú, [風流], distinguished and accomplished/outstanding/talented in letters and unconventiona...
风头 fēngtóu, [風頭], wind direction/the way the wind blows/fig. trend/direction of events/how things ...
风度 fēngdù, [風度], elegance (for men)/elegant demeanor/grace/poise
风光 fēngguāng, [風光], scene/view/sight/landscape/to be well-regarded/to be well-off/grand (dialect)/im...
通风 tōngfēng, [通風], airy/ventilation/to ventilate/to disclose information
一路顺风 yīlùshùnfēng, [一路順風], to have a pleasant journey (idiom)
风云 fēngyún, [風雲], weather/unstable situation
暴风雪 bàofēngxuě, [暴風雪], snowstorm/blizzard/CL:場|场[cháng]
暴风 bàofēng, [暴風], storm wind/storm (force 11 wind)
风情 fēngqíng, [風情], mien/bearing/grace/amorous feelings/flirtatious expressions/local conditions and...
风筝 fēngzhēng, [風箏], kite
顺风 shùnfēng, [順風], lit. tail wind/Bon voyage!
风味 fēngwèi, [風味], distinctive flavor/distinctive style
台风 táifēng, [臺風]/[颱風], stage presence, poise, hurricane/typhoon
通风口 tōngfēngkǒu, [通風口], air vent/opening for ventilation
微风 wēifēng, [微風], breeze/light wind
挡风 风车 fēngchē, [風車], pinwheel/windmill
旋风 xuànfēng, [旋風], whirlwind/tornado
披风 pīfēng, [披風], cloak/cape
风扇 fēngshàn, [風扇], electric fan
风骚 fēngsāo, [風騷], literary excellence/flirtatious behavior
风采 fēngcǎi, [風采], svelte/elegant manner/graceful bearing
风向 fēngxiàng, [風向], wind direction/the way the wind is blowing/fig. trends (esp. unpredictable ones)...
一帆风顺 yīfānfēngshùn, [一帆風順], propitious wind throughout the journey (idiom)/plain sailing/to go smoothly/have...
上风 shàngfēng, [上風], on the up/currently winning/rising (in popularity etc)
风范 fēngfàn, [風範], air/manner/model/paragon/demeanor
出风头 chūfēngtou, [出風頭], to push oneself forward/to seek fame/to be in the limelight/same as 出鋒頭|出锋头[chū ...
雄风 xióngfēng, [雄風], lit. powerful wind/awe-inspiring
大风 dàfēng, [大風], gale/CL:場|场[cháng]
放风 fàngfēng, [放風], to allow in fresh air/to allow a prisoner out for exercise/to give out informati...
风速 fēngsù, [風速], wind speed
风俗 fēngsú, [風俗], social custom/CL:個|个[gè]
风雨 fēngyǔ, [風雨], wind and rain/the elements/trials and hardships
吹风机 chuīfēngjī, [吹風機], hair dryer
风水 fēngshuǐ, [風水], feng shui/geomancy
威风 wēifēng, [威風], might/awe-inspiring authority/impressive
风波 fēngbō, [風波], disturbance/crisis/disputes/restlessness/CL:場|场[cháng]
通风报信 破伤风 pòshāngfēng, [破傷風], tetanus (lockjaw)
清风 qīngfēng, [清風], cool breeze/fig. pure and honest
通风管 tōngfēngguǎn, [通風管], ventilation duct
风力 fēnglì, [風力], wind force/wind power
风琴 fēngqín, [風琴], pipe organ (musical instrument)
风浪 fēnglàng, [風浪], wind and waves/stormy sea
麻风病 máfēngbìng, [麻風病], leprosy/Hansen's disease
避风 bìfēng, [避風], to take shelter from the wind/to lie low/to stay out of trouble
狂风 kuángfēng, [狂風], gale/squall/whole gale (meteorology)
占上风 zhànshàngfēng, [佔上風], to take the lead/to gain the upper hand
风笛 fēngdí, [風笛], bagpipes
口风 kǒufēng, [口風], meaning behind the words/what sb really means to say/one's intentions as reveale...
望风 wàngfēng, [望風], to be on the lookout/to keep watch
风潮 fēngcháo, [風潮], tempest/wave (of popular sentiment etc)/craze or fad
手风琴 shǒufēngqín, [手風琴], accordion
避风港 bìfēnggǎng, [避風港], haven/refuge/harbor/CL:座[zuò],個|个[gè]
下风 xiàfēng, [下風], leeward/downwind/disadvantageous position/to concede or give way in an argument
冷风 风平浪静 fēngpínglàngjìng, [風平浪靜], lit. breeze is still, waves are quiet (idiom); tranquil environment/all is quiet...
风雪 海风 hǎifēng, [海風], sea breeze/sea wind (i.e. from the sea)
吹风 耳边风 ěrbiānfēng, [耳邊風], lit. wind past your ear/fig. sth you don't pay much attention to/in one ear and ...
风吹草动 寒风 管风琴 guǎnfēngqín, [管風琴], organ/pipe organ
季风 jìfēng, [季風], monsoon
风度翩翩 风风雨雨 风铃 煞风景 shāfēngjǐng, [煞風景], to be an eyesore/(fig.) to spoil the fun/to be a wet blanket
呼风唤雨 hūfēnghuànyǔ, [呼風喚雨], to call the wind and summon the rain (idiom); to exercise magical powers/fig. to...
阵风 zhènfēng, [陣風], gust
痛风 tòngfēng, [痛風], gout
透风 tòufēng, [透風], to let air pass through/to ventilate
大出风头 风靡 fēngmǐ, [風靡], fashionable/popular
风衣 fēngyī, [風衣], windbreaker/wind cheater/wind jacket/CL:件[jiàn]
和风 Héfēng/héfēng, [和風], (Tw) Japanese-style (cooking etc), breeze
风化 fēnghuà, [風化], decency/public morals/to weather (rocks)/wind erosion
捕风捉影 bǔfēngzhuōyǐng, [捕風捉影], lit. chasing the wind and clutching at shadows (idiom); fig. groundless accusati...
满城风雨 mǎnchéngfēngyǔ, [滿城風雨], lit. wind and rain through the town (idiom); fig. a big scandal/an uproar/the ta...
风气 fēngqì, [風氣], general mood/atmosphere/common practice
强风 qiángfēng, [強風], strong breeze (meteorology)
风信子 fēngxìnzǐ, [風信子], hyacinth (flower)
风帆 fēngfān, [風帆], sail/sailing boat
风言风语 风云人物 fēngyúnrénwù, [風雲人物], the man (or woman) of the moment (idiom)/influential figure
耳旁风 ěrpángfēng, [耳旁風], lit. wind past your ear/fig. sth you don't pay much attention to/in one ear and ...
春风 兴风作浪 xīngfēngzuòlàng, [興風作浪], to incite trouble/to stir up havoc
东风 意气风发 yìqìfēngfā, [意氣風發], high-spirited/full of mettle
伤风 shāngfēng, [傷風], to catch cold
风干 fēnggān, [風乾], to air-dry/to season (timber etc)/air-dried/air-drying
风月 fēngyuè, [風月], romance/beautiful scenery/small or petty (of talk etc)
风景画 西风 屏风 píngfēng, [屏風], screen
狂风暴雨 kuángfēngbàoyǔ, [狂風暴雨], howling wind and torrential rain (idiom)/(fig.) difficult, dangerous situation
春风得意 chūnfēngdéyì, [春風得意], flushed with success/proud of one's success (in exams, promotion etc)/as pleased...
抽风 chōufēng, [抽風], to ventilate/to induce a draft/spasm/convulsion
迎风 yíngfēng, [迎風], in the wind/facing the wind/downwind
风韵 fēngyùn, [風韻], charm/grace/elegant bearing (usually feminine)
风湿 fēngshī, [風濕], rheumatism
风凉话 fēngliánghuà, [風涼話], sneering/sarcasm/cynical remarks
招风 zhāofēng, [招風], lit. to invite the wind/fig. conspicuous and inviting criticism
防风 fángfēng, [防風], to protect from wind/fangfeng (Saposhnikovia divaricata), its root used in TCM
刮风 guāfēng, [颳風], to be windy
鼓风机 gǔfēngjī, [鼓風機], bellows/ventilator/air blower
弱不禁风 ruòbùjīnfēng, [弱不禁風], too weak to stand up to the wind (idiom); extremely delicate/fragile state of he...
画风 huàfēng, [畫風], painting style
风雨无阻 fēngyǔwúzǔ, [風雨無阻], regardless of weather conditions/rain, hail or shine
有伤风化 逆风 nìfēng, [逆風], to go against the wind/contrary wind/a headwind
电风扇 diànfēngshàn, [電風扇], electric fan/CL:架[jià],臺|台[tái]
闻风丧胆 wénfēngsàngdǎn, [聞風喪膽], hear the wind and lose gall (idiom); terror-stricken at the news
空穴来风 kōngxuéláifēng, [空穴來風], lit. wind from an empty cave (idiom)/fig. unfounded (story)/baseless (claim)
热风 麻风 máfēng, [麻風], leprosy/Hansen's disease
血雨腥风 风镜 fēngjìng, [風鏡], goggles (esp. against wind and sandstorms)
风雅 fēngyǎ, [風雅], cultured/sophisticated
风貌 fēngmào, [風貌], style/manner/ethos
漏风 冰风暴 bīngfēngbào, [冰風暴], icy storm/hailstorm
谈笑风生 tánxiàofēngshēng, [談笑風生], to talk cheerfully and wittily/to joke together
喝西北风 hēxīběifēng, [喝西北風], lit. drink the northwest wind (idiom); cold and hungry
轻风 qīngfēng, [輕風], breeze/light wind
电吹风 diànchuīfēng, [電吹風], hair dryer
风行 fēngxíng, [風行], to become fashionable/to catch on/to be popular
通风井 北风 风和日丽 fēnghérìlì, [風和日麗], moderate wind, beautiful sun (idiom); fine sunny weather, esp. in springtime
风景如画 风风火火 fēngfēnghuǒhuǒ, [風風火火], bustling/energetic
风靡一时 fēngmǐyīshí, [風靡一時], fashionable for a while (idiom); all the rage
乘风破浪 chéngfēngpòlàng, [乘風破浪], to brave the wind and the billows (idiom); to have high ambitions
世风日下 shìfēngrìxià, [世風日下], public morals are degenerating with each passing day (idiom)
疾风 jífēng, [疾風], storm/gale/strong wind/flurry/blast
顺风耳 shùnfēngěr, [順風耳], sb with preternaturally good hearing (in fiction)/fig. a well-informed person
风口 fēngkǒu, [風口], air vent/drafty place/wind gap (geology)/tuyere (furnace air nozzle)
天有不测风云 风驰电掣 fēngchídiànchè, [風馳電掣], fast as lightning
风湿病 东北风 风尘 fēngchén, [風塵], windblown dust/hardships of travel/vicissitudes of life/prostitution
风儿 风华正茂 fēnghuázhèngmào, [風華正茂], in one's prime
大风大浪 风餐露宿 风景线 风口浪尖 fēngkǒulàngjiān, [風口浪尖], where the wind and the waves are the fiercest/at the heart of the struggle
风机 fēngjī, [風機], fan/ventilator
风情万种 满面春风 mǎnmiànchūnfēng, [滿面春風], beaming/radiant with happiness
风帽 暴风骤雨 bàofēngzhòuyǔ, [暴風驟雨], violent wind and rainstorm/hurricane/tempest
风土人情 fēngtǔrénqíng, [風土人情], local conditions and customs (idiom)
凉风 接风 jiēfēng, [接風], to hold a welcoming dinner or reception
风势 风闻 fēngwén, [風聞], to learn sth through hearsay/to get wind of sth
信风 xìnfēng, [信風], trade wind
风霜 fēngshuāng, [風霜], wind and frost/fig. hardships
风姿 fēngzī, [風姿], good looks/good figure/graceful bearing/charm
风湿热 fēngshīrè, [風濕熱], rheumatic fever
风传 fēngchuán, [風傳], it is rumored that
风光一时 曲风 西南风 一阵风 大煞风景 dàshāfēngjǐng, [大煞風景], see 大殺風景|大杀风景[dà shā fēng jǐng]
吹风会 风雨同舟 fēngyǔtóngzhōu, [風雨同舟], lit. in the same boat under wind and rain (idiom); fig. to stick together in har...
伤风败俗 shāngfēngbàisú, [傷風敗俗], offending public morals (idiom)
遮风挡雨 风能 fēngnéng, [風能], wind power
歌德风 风华 fēnghuá, [風華], magnificent
西北风 风沙 fēngshā, [風沙], sand blown by wind/sandstorm
风洞 fēngdòng, [風洞], wind tunnel
排风扇 风向标 fēngxiàngbiāo, [風向標], vane/propellor blade/weather vane/windsock
风景区 球风 穿堂风 chuāntángfēng, [穿堂風], draft
风尘仆仆 fēngchénpúpú, [風塵僕僕], lit. covered in dust (idiom)/fig. travel-worn
着风 鼓风 gǔfēng, [鼓風], a forced draft (of wind, for smelting metal)/blast (in blast furnace)/bellows/to...
风火轮 fēnghuǒlún, [風火輪], (martial arts) wind-and-fire wheel, weapon used in hand-to-hand fighting/(Daoism...
晚风 校风 xiàofēng, [校風], the tone of a school/campus atmosphere
风吹雨打 fēngchuīyǔdǎ, [風吹雨打], lit. windswept and battered by rain/to undergo hardship (idiom)
风雨飘摇 fēngyǔpiāoyáo, [風雨飄搖], tossed about by the wind and rain (idiom)/(of a situation) unstable
闻风而动 wénfēngérdòng, [聞風而動], to respond instantly/to act at once on hearing the news
风韵犹存 fēngyùnyóucún, [風韻猶存], (of an aging woman) still attractive
顶风 dǐngfēng, [頂風], to face into the wind/against the wind/fig. against the law
雷厉风行 léilìfēngxíng, [雷厲風行], pass like thunder and move like the wind (idiom); swift and decisive reaction
风烛残年 fēngzhúcánnián, [風燭殘年], one's late days/to have one foot in the grave
两袖清风 liǎngxiùqīngfēng, [兩袖清風], lit. both sleeves flowing in the breeze (idiom); having clean hands/uncorrupted/...
风云变幻 fēngyúnbiànhuàn, [風雲變幻], changeable situation (idiom)
类风湿 风水宝地 阴风 yīnfēng, [陰風], chill wind/(fig.) evil wind
风纪 fēngjì, [風紀], standard of behavior/moral standards/discipline
别有风味 风疹 fēngzhěn, [風疹], rubella/urticaria
风格各异 风险性 挡风遮雨 民风 mínfēng, [民風], popular customs/folkways
风湿痛 秋风 威风凛凛 wēifēnglǐnlǐn, [威風凜凜], majestic/awe-inspiring presence/impressive power
暖风 nuǎnfēng, [暖風], warm breeze
家风 风钧 金风 焚风 fénfēng, [焚風], foehn wind (loanword)
遗风 yífēng, [遺風], tradition or style from the past/old ways/surviving tradition/relic
春风吹又生 月黑风高 风带 接风洗尘 高风亮节 gāofēngliàngjié, [高風亮節], of noble character and unquestionable integrity (idiom)
饱经风霜 bǎojīngfēngshuāng, [飽經風霜], weather-beaten/having experienced the hardships of life
风挡 fēngdǎng, [風擋], windshield
风箱 fēngxiāng, [風箱], bellows
文风 wénfēng, [文風], writing style
世风 shìfēng, [世風], public morals
打秋风 风云录 东南风 成风 鼓风炉 gǔfēnglú, [鼓風爐], a blast furnace (in modern times)/a draft assisted furnace for smelting metals
独领风骚 dúlǐngfēngsāo, [獨領風騷], most outstanding/par excellence
风声鹤唳 fēngshēnghèlì, [風聲鶴唳], lit. wind sighing and crane calling (idiom)/fig. to panic at the slightest move/...
土风舞 山风 风调雨顺 fēngtiáoyǔshùn, [風調雨順], favorable weather (idiom); good weather for crops
枕边风 zhěnbiānfēng, [枕邊風], pillow talk
风中之烛 fēngzhōngzhīzhú, [風中之燭], lit. candle in the wind (idiom)/fig. (of sb's life) feeble/hanging on a thread
云淡风 羊痫风 yángxiánfēng, [羊癇風], epilepsy
疾风暴雨 通风机 腥风血雨 xīngfēngxuèyǔ, [腥風血雨], lit. foul wind and bloody rain (idiom)/fig. reign of terror/carnage
风光片 见风转舵 jiànfēngzhuǎnduò, [見風轉舵], lit. see the wind and set the helm (idiom); fig. to act pragmatically/to be flex...
陈其风 白风 风马牛不相及 fēngmǎniúbùxiāngjí, [風馬牛不相及], to be completely unrelated to one another (idiom)/irrelevant
会风 风骨 fēnggǔ, [風骨], strength of character/vigorous style (of calligraphy)
风雷 晨风 东连风 风寒 fēnghán, [風寒], wind chill/cold weather/common cold (medicine)
风山 风偏 随风倒 suífēngdǎo, [隨風倒], to bend with the wind
风神 妖风 yāofēng, [妖風], evil wind
随风 suífēng, [隨風], wind-borne/care-free
暖风机 季风雨 风泵 南风 一路风尘 yīlùfēngchén, [一路風塵], to live an exhausting journey
哈麦丹风 叱咤风云 chìzhàfēngyún, [叱咤風雲], lit. to rebuke Heaven and Earth (idiom); fig. shaking the whole world/all-powerf...
采风 cǎifēng, [採風], to collect local cultural material (recording folk songs, taking photos etc)
仙风 风雪交加 风平 背风 抽风机 chōufēngjī, [抽風機], exhaust fan
歪风 wāifēng, [歪風], unhealthy trend/noxious influence
风量 风华绝代 fēnghuájuédài, [風華絕代], magnificent style unmatched in his generation (idiom); peerless talent
整风 zhěngfēng, [整風], Rectification or Rectifying incorrect work styles, Maoist slogan/cf Rectificatio...
风起云涌 fēngqǐyúnyǒng, [風起雲湧], to surge like a gathering storm (idiom)/to grow by leaps and bounds
琴 ⇒
钢琴 gāngqín, [鋼琴], piano/CL:架[jià],臺|台[tái]
琴 qín, [琹], guqin 古琴[gǔ qín] (a type of zither)/musical instrument in general, variant of 琴[...
小提琴 xiǎotíqín, fiddle/violin
弹琴 tánqín, [彈琴], to play or strum a lute or other stringed instrument
大提琴 dàtíqín, cello/violoncello/CL:把[bǎ]
钢琴家 gāngqínjiā, [鋼琴家], pianist
竖琴 shùqín, [豎琴], harp
口琴 kǒuqín, harmonica
风琴 fēngqín, [風琴], pipe organ (musical instrument)
中提琴 zhōngtíqín, viola
钢琴师 gāngqínshī, [鋼琴師], pianist
手风琴 shǒufēngqín, [手風琴], accordion
小提琴手 xiǎotíqínshǒu, violinist/fiddler
管风琴 guǎnfēngqín, [管風琴], organ/pipe organ
提琴 tíqín, instrument of the violin family (violin, viola, cello or double bass)/CL:把[bǎ]
琴弦 qínxián, string (of a stringed instrument)
琴声 木琴 mùqín, xylophone
琴键 qínjiàn, [琴鍵], a piano key
班卓琴 bānzhuóqín, banjo (loanword)
卓琴 格雷琴·维纳斯 钢琴曲 钟琴 四弦琴 克里斯琴 苏琴 林琴人 葛瑞琴 琴弓 五弦琴 欧琴 洋琴 yángqín, variant of 揚琴|扬琴[yáng qín]
电子琴 diànzǐqín, [電子琴], electronic keyboard (music)
乱弹琴 luàntánqín, [亂彈琴], to talk nonsense/to behave like a fool
伦琴 Lúnqín, [倫琴], Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen (1845-1923), German mechanical engineer
夏淑琴 格雷琴·康斯特鲁比亚斯 爱琴海 ÀiqínHǎi, [愛琴海], Aegean Sea
罗林琴 基里琴科 琴师 qínshī, [琴師], player of a stringed instrument
琴音 玄琴 琴葛雷 格雷琴来 爱伊琴 乌德琴 林琴 格雷琴·莫雷 拉琴 琴姐 珍琴斯 佛琴娜 琴谱 史拉琴 七弦琴 qīxiánqín, guqin or seven-stringed zither
和克里斯琴 扬琴 yángqín, [揚琴], yangqin/dulcimer (hammered string musical instrument)
过琴 格雷琴·博伊德 洛琴