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Word: freq index 28007
miàoshǒu miraculous hands of a healer
highly skilled person
brilliant move in chess or weiqi (go) 圍棋

Character Composition

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Word Compounds

        měimiào, beautiful/wonderful/splendid
        miào, [玅], clever/wonderful, variant of 妙[miào]
        bùmiào, (of a turn of events) not too encouraging/far from good/anything but reassuring
        qímiào, fantastic/wonderful
        juémiào, [絕妙], exquisite
        mòmíngqímiào, (idiom) baffling/inexplicable
        wēimiào, subtle
        qiǎomiào, ingenious/clever/ingenuity/artifice
        miàobùkěyán, too wonderful for words
        miàojì, [妙計], excellent plan/brilliant scheme
        jīngmiào, exquisite/fine and delicate (usu. of works of art)
        àomiào, [奧妙], marvelous/mysterious/profound/marvel/wonder
        miàoshǒu, miraculous hands of a healer/highly skilled person/brilliant move in chess or we...
        miàochù, [妙處], ideal place/suitable location/merit/advantage
        miàolíng, [妙齡], (of a girl) in the prime of youth
        xuánmiào, mysterious/profound/abstruse
        miàoyǔ, [妙語], witticism
        língdānmiàoyào, [靈丹妙藥], effective cure, miracle medicine (idiom); fig. wonder-cure for all problems/pana...
        miàoshǒuhuíchūn, magical hands bring the dying back to life (idiom); miracle cure/brilliant docto...
        wéimiàowéixiào, to imitate to perfection/to be remarkably true to life
        miàoyǔliánzhū, [妙語連珠], sparkling with wit (idiom)
        miàoqùhéngshēng, [妙趣橫生], endlessly interesting (idiom)/very witty
        mòmíngqímiào, variant of 莫名其妙[mò míng qí miào]
        shénmiào, marvelous/wondrous
        miàoqù, witty/clever/amusing
        wéimiàowéixiào, [維妙維肖], to imitate to perfection/to be remarkably true to life

        shǒu, hand/(formal) to hold/person engaged in certain types of work/person skilled in ...
        xiōngshǒu, [兇手], murderer/assassin
        xuǎnshǒu, [選手], athlete/contestant
        shǒushù, [手術], (surgical) operation/surgery/CL:個|个[gè]
        shǒujī, [手機], cell phone/mobile phone/CL:部[bù],支[zhī]
        shāshǒu, [殺手], killer/murderer/hit man/(sports) formidable player
        fēnshǒu, to part company/to split up/to break up
        zhùshǒu, to desist/to stop/to stay one's hand
        shǒulǐ, [手裡], in hand/(a situation is) in sb's hands
        gēshǒu, singer
        duìshǒu, [對手], opponent/rival/competitor/(well-matched) adversary/match
        dòngshǒu, [動手], to set about (a task)/to hit/to punch/to touch
        fàngshǒu, to let go one's hold/to give up/to have a free hand
        zhùshǒu, assistant/helper
        shǒuzhǐ, finger/CL:個|个[gè],隻|只[zhī]
        shǒuduàn, method/means (of doing sth)/strategy/trick/CL:個|个[gè]
        xǐshǒujiān, [洗手間], toilet/lavatory/washroom
        shǒubì, arm/helper
        shǒuxià, under one's control or administration/subordinates/(money etc) on hand/sb's fina...
        xiàshǒu, to start/to put one's hand to/to set about/the seat to the right of the main gue...
        shǒutào, glove/mitten/CL:雙|双[shuāng],隻|只[zhī]
        shǒuqiāng, [手槍], pistol/CL:把[bǎ]
        jiēshǒu, to take over (duties etc)/catcher (baseball etc)
        shǒubiǎo, [手錶], wrist watch/CL:塊|块[kuài],隻|只[zhī],個|个[gè]
        shuāngshǒu, [雙手], both hands
        chāshǒu, to get involved in/to meddle/interference
        qīnshǒu, [親手], personally/with one's own hands
        shǒukào, [手銬], manacles/handcuffs
        gāoshǒu, expert/past master/dab hand
        shǒufǎ, technique/trick/skill
        yòushǒu, right hand/right-hand side
        shǒutóu, [手頭], on hand/at hand/one's financial situation
        shǒuwàn, wrist/trickery/finesse/ability/skill
        bāngshǒu, [幫手], helper/assistant
        zuǒshǒu, left hand/left-hand side
        wòshǒu, to shake hands
        jūjīshǒu, [狙擊手], sniper/marksman
        jíshǒu, thorny (problem)/intractable
        shǒujiǎo, [手腳], hand and foot/movement of limbs/action/trick/step in a procedure (CL: 道[dào])
        shǒucè, [手冊], manual/handbook
        qiāngshǒu, [槍手], gunman/sharpshooter/sb who takes an exam for sb else/sb who produces a piece of ...
        shuǐshǒu, mariner/sailor/seaman
        zhuóshǒu, [著手], to put one's hand to it/to start out on a task/to set out
        jǔshǒu, [舉手], to raise a hand/to put up one's hand (as signal)
        xǐshǒu, to wash one's hands/to go to the toilet
        kōngshǒu, empty-handed/unarmed/(painting, embroidery etc) without following a model/(abbr....
        chūshǒu, to dispose of/to spend (money)/to undertake a task
        náshǒu, expert in/good at
        shǒugōng, handwork/manual
        xiùshǒupángguān, [袖手旁觀], to watch with folded arms (idiom); to look on without lifting a finger
        shǒushì, [手勢], gesture/sign/signal
        tóushǒu, thrower/pitcher/bowler
        shǒuxù, [手續], procedure/CL:道[dào],個|个[gè]/formalities
        shǒuzhuó, [手鐲], bracelet
        shǒuyín, to masturbate/masturbation
        hēishǒudǎng, [黑手黨], mafia
        sōngshǒu, [鬆手], to relinquish one's grip/to let go
        shǒuliúdàn, [手榴彈], hand grenade
        shēnshǒu, skill/talent/agility
        rénshǒu, manpower/staff/human hand
        quánjīshǒu, [拳擊手], boxer
        bùzéshǒuduàn, [不擇手段], by fair means or foul/by hook or by crook/unscrupulously
        quánshǒu, boxer
        shēnshǒu, to reach out with one's hand/to hold out a hand/(fig.) to beg/to get involved/to...
稿         shǒugǎo, manuscript/script
        huīshǒu, [揮手], to wave (one's hand)
        bǎshǒu/bǎshou, to shake hands, handle/grip/knob
        shǒutíxiāng, suitcase
        shīshǒu, a slip/miscalculation/unwise move/accidentally/by mistake/to lose control/to be ...
        shǒuzhǐtou, [手指頭], fingertip/finger
        lièshǒu, [獵手], hunter
        shǒudòng, [手動], manual/manually operated/manual gear-change
        shǒuyì, [手藝], craftmanship/workmanship/handicraft/trade
        xīnshǒu, new hand/novice/raw recruit
        shǒuzhǎng, palm
        zhǐshǒuhuàjiǎo, [指手畫腳], to gesticulate while talking (idiom)/to explain by waving one's hands/to critici...
        dǎshou, hired thug
        hēishǒu, malign agent who manipulates from behind the scenes/hidden hand/(Tw) mechanic/bl...
        fùshǒu, assistant
        gǔshǒu, drummer
        shǒudiàntǒng, [手電筒], flashlight/electric hand torch
        shǒupà, handkerchief/CL:方[fāng]
        liánshǒu, [聯手], lit. to join hands/to act together
        yīshǒu, a skill/mastery of a trade/by oneself/without outside help
        rùshǒu, to begin/to set one's hand to
        shǒutuīchē, [手推車], trolley/cart/barrow/handcart/wheelbarrow/baby buggy
        yóushǒuhàoxián, [遊手好閑], to idle about
        xiéshǒu, [攜手], hand in hand/to join hands/to collaborate
        hǎoshǒu, expert/professional
        bàshǒu, [罷手], to give up
        èrshǒu, indirectly acquired/second-hand (information, equipment etc)/assistant
        shǒutíbāo, (hand)bag/hold-all
        shùshǒuwúcè, [束手無策], lit. to have one's hands bound and be unable to do anything about it (idiom); fi...
        píngshǒu, (sports) draw/tie
        shǒuzhàng, cane/CL:把[bǎ]
        dàoshǒu, to take possession of/to get hold of
        shǒuléi, grenade
        guìzishǒu, [劊子手], executioner/headsman/slaughterer/fig. indiscriminate murderer
        qíshǒu, [騎手], horse rider/equestrian/jockey/bike rider
        zhāoshǒu, to wave/to beckon
        shǒushùtái, [手術檯], operating table
        chùshǒu, [觸手], tentacle
        zuǒlúnshǒuqiāng, [左輪手槍], revolver
        bānshǒu, spanner/wrench/lever (on a machine)
        shǒuruǎn, [手軟], to be lenient/to relent/to be reluctant to make a hard decision/to think twice
        shǒuwúcùntiě, [手無寸鐵], lit. not an inch of steel (idiom); unarmed and defenseless
        lǎoshǒu, experienced person/an old hand at sth
        shǒuzhǒu, elbow
        shùnshǒu, [順手], easily/without trouble/while one is at it/in passing/handy
        cuòshǒubùjí, no time to deal with it (idiom); caught unprepared
        shǒuqì, [手氣], luck (in gambling)
        pāishǒu, to clap one's hands
        shǒudiàn, [手電], flashlight/torch
        shǒubiān, [手邊], on hand/at hand
        jīngshǒu, [經手], to pass through one's hands/to handle/to deal with
        yuèshǒu, [樂手], instrumental performer
        shèshǒu, archer/shooter/marksman/(football etc) striker
        fúshǒu, handrail/armrest
        huánshǒu, [還手], to hit back/to retaliate
        shàngshǒu, to obtain/to master/overhand (serve etc)/seat of honor
        zhuǎnshǒu, [轉手], to pass on/to resell/to change hands
        suíshǒu, [隨手], conveniently/without extra trouble/while doing it/in passing
        jiāoshǒu, to fight hand to hand
        shāshǒujiǎn, [殺手鐧], (fig.) trump card
        shǒuyǔ, [手語], sign language
        qiǎngshǒu, [搶手], (of goods) popular/in great demand
        dòngshǒudòngjiǎo, [動手動腳], to come to blows/to paw/to grope/to get fresh
        páshǒu, pickpocket
        shǒutí, portable
        shǒuzúwúcuò, [手足無措], at a loss to know what to do (idiom); bewildered
        báishǒuqǐjiā, to build up from nothing/to start from scratch
        shǒubǐng, handle/video game controller
        túshǒu, with bare hands/unarmed/fighting hand-to-hand/freehand (drawing)
        déshǒu, to go smoothly/to come off/to succeed
        gǒngshǒu, to cup one's hands in obeisance or greeting/(fig.) submissive
        tuōshǒu, [脫手], (not of regular commerce) to sell or dispose of (goods etc)/to get rid of/to unl...
        shǒuxīn, palm (of one's hand)/control (extended meaning from having something in the palm...
        dúshǒu, deadly blow/vicious attack/treacherous assault
        zuǒyòushǒu, left and right hands/(fig.) capable assistant/right-hand man
        shǒuzhǐ, [手紙], toilet paper
        èrshǒuhuò, [二手貨], second-hand goods/used goods
        liǎngshǒukōngkōng, [兩手空空], empty-handed (idiom); fig. not receiving anything
        lòuyīshǒu, to show off one's abilities/to exhibit one's skills
        sāshǒubùguǎn, to stand aside and do nothing (idiom)/to take no part in
        shǒujīn, hand towel/handkerchief
        zhìshǒukěrè, [炙手可熱], lit. burn your hand, feel the heat (idiom)/fig. arrogance of the powerful/a migh...
        shǒubèi, back of the hand
        chìshǒukōngquán, empty hand, empty fist (idiom); having nothing to rely on/unarmed and defenseles...
        dìyīshǒu, first-hand
        xiānxiàshǒuwéiqiáng, [先下手為強], strike first and gain the upper hand (idiom, martial arts term); Making the firs...
        shǒumángjiǎoluàn, [手忙腳亂], to act with confusion/to be in a flurry/to be flustered
        shùnshǒuqiānyáng, [順手牽羊], lit. to lead away a goat in passing (idiom); to steal sth under cover of an emer...
        shǒugǎn, the feel (of sth touched with the hand)/(textiles) handle
        sāshǒu, to let go of sth/to give up
        zuòshǒujiǎo, [做手腳], to defraud/to rig up (a scam)
        shǒuzú, hands and feet/(fig.) brothers/retinue, henchmen, accomplices
        pàoshǒu, [砲手], gunner/artillery crew
        shuǎishǒu, to swing one's arms/to wash one's hands of sth
        èrshǒuchē, [二手車], second-hand car
        shǒuwǔzúdǎo, hands dance and feet trip (idiom); dancing and gesticulating for joy
        shǒufēngqín, [手風琴], accordion
        shǒujuàn, [手絹], handkerchief/CL:張|张[zhāng],塊|块[kuài]
        xīnhěnshǒulà, vicious and merciless (idiom)
        déxīnyìngshǒu, [得心應手], lit. what the heart wishes, the hand accomplishes (idiom) skilled at the job/ent...
        shùshǒujiùqín, hands tied and waiting to be captured
        èrbǎshǒu, deputy leader/the second-in-command
        xiǎotíqínshǒu, violinist/fiddler
        shǒuzhǎngxīn, see 手心[shǒu xīn]
        xiàdúshǒu, to attack murderously/to strike treacherously
        néngshǒu, expert
        dǎxiàshǒu, to act in a supporting role/fig. to play second fiddle
        dàxiǎnshēnshǒu, [大顯身手], (idiom) fully displaying one's capabilities
        shǒulāshǒu, to join hands/hand in hand
        yībǎshǒu, working hand/member of a work team/participant/(short form of 第一把手[dì yī bǎ shǒu...
        díshǒu, [敵手], opponent/substantial adversary/worthy match/antagonist/in the enemy's hands
        shǒubǐ, [手筆], sth written or painted in one's own hand/(of a writer, calligrapher or painter) ...
        miàoshǒu, miraculous hands of a healer/highly skilled person/brilliant move in chess or we...
        qíngtóngshǒuzú, as close as one's hands and feet (idiom); loving one another as brothers/deep fr...
        jiǎoshǒujià, [腳手架], scaffolding
        àibùshìshǒu, [愛不釋手], to love sth too much to part with it (idiom); to fondle admiringly
        máoshǒumáojiǎo, [毛手毛腳], carelessly and haphazardly/to paw/to grope/to get fresh
        fǎnshǒu, to turn a hand over/to put one's hand behind one's back/fig. easily done
        shēngshǒu, novice/new hand/sb new to a job
        shǒuxùfèi, [手續費], service charge/processing fee/commission
        hàoshǒu, [號手], trumpeter/military bugler
        shǒuzúzhīqíng, brotherly affection
        shǒutóujǐn, [手頭緊], short of money/hard up
        duòshǒu, helmsman
        wúcóngxiàshǒu, [無從下手], not know where to start
        shǒuqiú, team handball
        nièshǒunièjiǎo, [躡手躡腳], to walk quietly on tiptoe (idiom)
        shǒuyáo, [手搖], hand-cranked
        shǒugōngyì, [手工藝], handicraft/arts and crafts
        jiǎshǒu, to use sb for one's own ends
        suōshǒusuōjiǎo, [縮手縮腳], bound hand and foot (idiom); constrained
        shǒuxiàng, palmistry/features of a palm (in palmistry)
        duōmiànshǒu, multi-talented person/versatile person/all-rounder
        dàshǒudàjiǎo, [大手大腳], extravagant (idiom); to throw away money by the handful/wasteful
        zhǒngzixuǎnshǒu, [種子選手], seeded player
        jǔshǒutóuzú, [舉手投足], one's every movement (idiom)/comportment/gestures
        miàoshǒuhuíchūn, magical hands bring the dying back to life (idiom); miracle cure/brilliant docto...
        shèngshǒu, [聖手], divine physician/sage doctor/highly skilled practitioner
        qīngshǒuqīngjiǎo, [輕手輕腳], (to move or do sth) softly and quietly (idiom)
        shǒuzuàn, [手鑽], gimlet/hand drill
        Kuàishǒu, Kuaishou, Chinese social video sharing app
        jiěshǒu, to relieve oneself (i.e. use the toilet)/to solve
        qiǎoshǒu, skillful hands/dexterous/a dab hand
        shǒuyǎng, [手癢], (fig.) to itch (to do sth)
        qíshǒu, chess player
        lāshǒu/lāshou, to hold hands/to shake hands, a handle/to pull on a handle
        liúyīshǒu, to hold back a trick/not to divulge all one's trade secrets
        diūshǒu, [丟手], to wash one's hands of sth/to have nothing further to do with sth
        gāotáiguìshǒu, [高抬貴手], to be generous (idiom)/to be magnanimous/Give me a break!
鹿         lùsǐshéishǒu, [鹿死誰手], to whom the deer falls (idiom); the one to emerge victor (i.e. to seize the empi...
        gēnshǒu, (coll.) pronto/immediately
        shǒujì, [手跡], sb's original handwriting or painting
        xīnlíngshǒuqiǎo, [心靈手巧], capable/clever/dexterous
        zhuāshǒu, starting point/mechanical hand/gripper
        dǎoshǒu, to shift from one hand to the other/to change hands (of merchandise)
        qíshǒu, a flag carrier (army)/ensign
        jīngshǒurén, [經手人], the person in charge/agent/broker
        xiēshǒu, to rest/to take a break
        bǎishǒu, [擺手], to wave one's hand/to gesture with one's hand (beckoning, waving good-bye etc)/t...
        shǒuqiǎo, to be skillful with one's hands/to be manually adroit
        qiǎngshǒuhuò, [搶手貨], a best-seller/a hot property
        yìshǒulóng, [翼手龍], pterodactyl
        yáoshǒu, [搖手], to wave the hand (to say goodbye, or in a negative gesture)/crank handle
        hángjiālǐshǒu, [行家裡手], connoisseur/expert
        shǒuchāoběn, manuscript copy of a book (before the printing press)
        lǐshǒu, [裡手], expert/left-hand side (of a machine)/left-hand side (driver's side) of a vehicle
        bàopòshǒu, blaster/soldier or workman who sets off explosive charges/petardier
        yīshǒubāobàn, [一手包辦], to take care of a matter all by oneself/to run the whole show
        shúshǒu, skilled person/an experienced hand
        yǎngāoshǒudī, to have high standards but little ability/to be fastidious but incompetent (idio...
        shǒushū, [手書], to write personally/personal letter
        fúshǒuyǐ, armchair
        shǒubùshìjuàn, [手不釋卷], lit. always with a book in hand (idiom)/fig. (of a student or scholar) diligent ...
        shǒuwànzi, wrist
        xiéshǒubìngjiān, [攜手並肩], hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder
        shǒuxiětǐ, [手寫體], handwritten form/cursive
        tuīshǒu, promoter/advocate/driving force/pushing hands (two-person training routine esp. ...
        yùshǒu, [馭手], person in charge of pack animals/chariot driver
        shǒuhuó, manipulation (e.g. ball handling in sport)/hand job
        shǒujǐn, [手緊], tightfisted/stingy/short of money/hard up
        shǒugōngyè, [手工業], handicraft
        xìnshǒu, casually/in passing
        dāofǔshǒu, lictor

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