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[端午節] Duānwǔjié Dragon Boat Festival (5th day of the 5th lunar month)

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        duān, [耑], end/extremity/item/port/to hold sth level with both hands/to carry/regular, old ...
        jíduān, [極端], extreme
        kāiduān, [開端], start/beginning
        dǐngduān, [頂端], summit/peak
        zhēngduān, [爭端], dispute/controversy/conflict
        zhōngduān, [終端], end/terminal
        mòduān, tip/extremity
        jiānduān, sharp pointed end/the tip/the cusp/tip-top/most advanced and sophisticated/highe...
        wúduān, [無端], for no reason at all
        duānzhuāng, [端莊], dignified/composed
        yìduān, [異端], heresy
        shìduān, disturbance/incident
        duānzhèng, upright/regular/proper/correct
        duānní, boundary/clue/indication/to obtain clues/to infer
        guǐjìduōduān, [詭計多端], deceitful in many ways (idiom); wily and mischievous/full of craft and cunning
        liǎngduān, [兩端], both ends (of a stick etc)/two extremes
        qiánduān, front/front end/forward part of sth
        duānkǒu, interface/port
        duāndiǎn, [端點], starting point or ending point (in stories etc)/end point (math)
        yúnduān, [雲端], fig. high in the clouds/(in the) cloud (computing)
        nánduān, southern end or extremity
        hǎoduānduān, perfectly all right/without rhyme or reason
        bìduān, malpractice/abuse/corrupt practice
        duānzuò, to sit upright
        bùduān, improper/dishonorable
        duānxiáng/duānxiang, [端詳], full details/full particulars, to look over carefully/to scrutinize
        biànhuàduōduān, [變化多端], changeable/changing/varied/full of changes
        yīguōduān, [一鍋端], see 連鍋端|连锅端 [lián guō duān]
        yàoduān, the main points
        liánguōduān, [連鍋端], to take even the cooking pots (idiom)/to clean out/to wipe out
        bàoduān, [報端], in the newspaper(s)
        Duānwǔjié, [端午節], Dragon Boat Festival (5th day of the 5th lunar month)
        fāduān, [發端], beginning/origin/to originate/to initiate
        duānzi, terminal (electronics)
        gāoduān, high-end
西         xīduān, western extremity

        xiàwǔ, afternoon/CL:個|个[gè]/p.m.
        wǔcān, lunch/luncheon/CL:份[fèn],頓|顿[dùn],次[cì]
        wǔfàn, [午飯], lunch/CL:份[fèn],頓|顿[dùn],次[cì],餐[cān]
        wǔyè, midnight
        zhōngwǔ, noon/midday/CL:個|个[gè]
        shàngwǔ, morning/CL:個|个[gè]
        wǔ, 7th earthly branch: 11 a.m.-1 p.m., noon, 5th solar month (6th June-6th July), y...
        wǔhòu, [午後], afternoon
        wǔxiū, noon break/lunch break/lunchtime nap
        zhèngwǔ, midday/noon/noonday
        wǔcānhuì, [午餐會], luncheon
        wǔyàn, lunch banquet
        wǔjiào, [午覺], siesta/afternoon nap
        wǔshuì, to take a nap/siesta
线         zǐwǔxiàn, [子午線], meridian
        shǎngwǔ, noon
        wǔshí, [午時], 11 am-1 pm (in the system of two-hour subdivisions used in former times)
        wǔqián, morning/a.m.
        Duānwǔjié, [端午節], Dragon Boat Festival (5th day of the 5th lunar month)

        jiémù, [節目], program/item (on a program)/CL:臺|台[tái],個|个[gè],套[tào]
        jiē/jié, [節], see 節骨眼|节骨眼[jiē gu yǎn], festival/holiday/node/joint/section/segment/part/to eco...
        Shèngdànjié, [聖誕節], Christmas time/Christmas season/Christmas
        xìjié, [細節], details/particulars
        jiérì, [節日], holiday/festival/CL:個|个[gè]
        Gǎnēnjié, [感恩節], Thanksgiving Day
        huánjié, [環節], (zoology) segment (of the body of a worm, centipede etc)/(fig.) a part of an int...
        jiézòu, [節奏], rhythm/tempo/musical pulse/cadence/beat
        qíngjié, [情節], plot/circumstances
        Qíngrénjié, [情人節], Valentine's Day
        jìjié, [季節], time/season/period/CL:個|个[gè]
        Fùhuójié, [復活節], Easter
        guānjié, [關節], joint (physiology)/key point/critical phase
        jiéshěng, [節省], saving/to save/to use sparingly/to cut down on
        guòjié, [過節], to celebrate a festival/after the celebrations (i.e. once the festival is over)
        tiáojié, [調節], to adjust/to regulate/to harmonize/to reconcile (accountancy etc)
        jiéshí, [節食], to save food/to go on a diet
        lǐjié, [禮節], etiquette
        jiéyuē, [節約], to economize/to conserve (resources)/economy/frugal
        guānjiéyán, [關節炎], arthritis
        jiépāi, [節拍], beat (music)/meter
        kuánghuānjié, [狂歡節], carnival
        diànyǐngjié, [電影節], film festival/CL:屆|届[jiè]
        Mǔqīnjié, [母親節], Mother's Day
        jiézhì, [節制], to control/to restrict/to moderate/to temper/moderation/sobriety/to administer
        yīnjié, [音節], syllable
        yīnyuèjié, [音樂節], music festival
        zhāngjié, [章節], chapter/section
        shíjié, [時節], season/time
        xiǎojié, [小節], a minor matter/trivia/bar (music)
        Láodòngjié, [勞動節], International Labor Day (May Day)
        jiēguyǎn, [節骨眼], (dialect) critical juncture/crucial moment/Taiwan pr. [jié gu yǎn]
        jiédiǎn, [節點], node
        Guóqìngjié, [國慶節], PRC National Day (October 1st)
        Yúrénjié, [愚人節], April Fools' Day
        tuōjié, [脫節], to come apart
        píjiǔjié, [啤酒節], Beer Festival
        fánwénrùjié, [繁文縟節], convoluted and overelaborate (document)/unnecessarily elaborate writing/mumbo-ju...
        biànjié, [變節], betrayal/defection/turncoat/to change sides politically
        tiáojiéqì, [調節器], regulator
        jiéjiàrì, [節假日], public holiday
        jiénéng, [節能], to save energy/energy-saving
        jìjiéxìng, [季節性], seasonal
        jiéjiǎn, [節儉], frugal/economical
使         shǐjié, [使節], (diplomatic) envoy
        sōngjiéyóu, [松節油], turpentine
        zhēnjié, [貞節], chastity/virginity (of women)/moral integrity (of men)/loyalty/constancy
        jiéyù, [節育], to practice birth control
        jiéjié, [結節], nodule/tubercle
        kuānguānjié, [髖關節], pelvis/hip joint
        míngjié, [名節], reputation and integrity
        yìshùjié, [藝術節], arts festival
        jiājié, [佳節], festive day/holiday
        jiéqìng, [節慶], festival
        xìzhīmòjié, [細枝末節], minor details/trifles
        jiécāo, [節操], integrity/moral principle
        shānjié, [刪節], to abridge/to cut a text down to size for publication
        zhījié, [枝節], branches and knots/fig. side issue/minor peripheral problem
        Chūnjié, [春節], Spring Festival (Chinese New Year)
        jiélǜ, [節律], rhythm/pace
        jiéxuǎn, [節選], excerpt/selection (from a book)/to select/to choose an extract
        Jiàoshījié, [教師節], Teachers' Day (September 10th in PRC and Confucius's birthday, September 28th in...
        dàjié, [大節], major festival/important matter/major principle/high moral character
        jiéwàishēngzhī, [節外生枝], a new branch grows out of a knot (idiom); fig. side issues keep arising
        bùjūxiǎojié, [不拘小節], to not bother about trifles (idiom)
        zìjié, [字節], byte
        FùhuójiéDǎo, [復活節島], Easter Island
        jiépāiqì, [節拍器], metronome
        jiénéngdēng, [節能燈], compact fluorescent lamp (CFL)
        jiéyú, [節餘], to save/savings
        jiēzi, [節子], gnarl/knot
        mòjié, [末節], inessentials/minor detail
        dēngjié, [燈節], the Lantern Festival (15th of first month of lunar calendar)
        jiéliúfá, [節流閥], a throttle
        qìjié, [氣節], moral integrity/unflinching righteousness
        gāofēngliàngjié, [高風亮節], of noble character and unquestionable integrity (idiom)
        Wǔyuèjié, [五月節], Dragon Boat Festival (the 5th day of the 5th lunar month)
        jiéyīsuōshí, [節衣縮食], to save on food and clothing (idiom); to live frugally
        qínjiǎnjiéyuē, [勤儉節約], diligent and thrifty (idiom)
        Pōshuǐjié, [潑水節], Songkran (Thai New Year)
        jiéyóu, [節油], to economize on gasoline/fuel-efficient
        Duānwǔjié, [端午節], Dragon Boat Festival (5th day of the 5th lunar month)
        Gǔěrbāngjié, [古爾邦節], Eid al-Adha or Festival of the Sacrifice (Qurban), celebrated on the 10th day of...
        jiézhīdòngwù, [節肢動物], arthropod
        jiéshuǐ, [節水], to save water
        jiéqi, [節氣], solar term
        Chóngyángjié, [重陽節], Double Ninth or Yang Festival/9th day of 9th lunar month
        gǔjié, [骨節], joint (of the skeleton)
        Zhōngqiūjié, [中秋節], the Mid-Autumn Festival on 15th of 8th lunar month
        jiéliú, [節流], to control flow/to choke/weir valve/a throttle/a choke

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