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Word: freq index 37634
lěngcángxiāng cooler
ice chest
reefer container

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Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        lěngjìng, [冷靜], calm/cool-headed
        Lěng/lěng, surname Leng, cold
        lěngkù, grim/unfeeling/callous
        lěngdòng, [冷凍], to freeze/to deep-freeze
        bīnglěng, ice-cold
        hánlěng, cold (climate)/frigid/very cold
        lěngmò, cold and detached towards sb/lack of regard/indifference/neglect
        Yēlùsālěng, Jerusalem
        lěngquè, [冷卻], to cool off/cooling
        Lěngzhàn/lěngzhàn/lěngzhan, [冷戰], (US-Soviet) Cold War, cold war/(fig.) strained relationship/to be barely on spea...
        lěngdàn, cold/indifferent
        lěngshuǐ, cold water/unboiled water/fig. not yet ready (of plans)
        lěngcáng, refrigeration/cold storage/to keep (food, medicine) in cold environment
        lěngxiào, to sneer/to laugh grimly/grin of dissatisfaction (bitterness, helplessness, indi...
        lěngcháorèfěng, [冷嘲熱諷], frigid irony and scorching satire (idiom); to mock and ridicule
        lěngluò, desolate/unfrequented/to treat sb coldly/to snub/to cold shoulder
        lěngqīng, cold and cheerless/fig. lonely/unfrequented
        lěngyǐn, [冷飲], cold drink
        zuòlěngbǎndèng, to hold an inconsequential job/to receive a cold reception/to be kept waiting fo...
        lěnghàn, cold sweat
        lěngqì, [冷氣], air conditioning (Tw)
        lěngcángchē, [冷藏車], refrigerated truck or wagon
        lěngmén, [冷門], a neglected branch (of arts, science, sports etc)/fig. a complete unknown who wi...
        lěngmiàn, [冷麵], grim/stern/harsh, naengmyeon (Korean dish based on cold noodles in soup)
        pōlěngshuǐ, [潑冷水], lit. to pour cold water on/fig. to dampen one's enthusiasm
        yīnlěng, [陰冷], gloomy and cold
        fālěng, [發冷], to feel a chill (as an emotional response)/to feel cold (as a clinical symptom)
        zhìlěng, refrigeration
        lěngxuèdòngwù, [冷血動物], cold-blooded animal/fig. cold-hearted person
        lěngyǎnpángguān, [冷眼旁觀], the cool eye of a bystander/a detached point of view
        xīnhuīyìlěng, discouraged/downhearted
        dùlěngdīng, (medicine) dolantin (loanword)/pethidine
        lěngpán, [冷盤], cold plate/cold meats
        lěngchǎng, [冷場], stage wait/(fig.) awkward silence
        lěngruòbīngshuāng, as cold as ice and frost (idiom, usually of woman); icy manner/frigid
        lěngquèjì, [冷卻劑], coolant
        lěngdòngkù, [冷凍庫], freezer compartment
        lěngtiān, cold weather/cold season
        lěngcángxiāng, cooler/ice chest/reefer container
        lěngqiāng, [冷槍], sniper's shot
        lěngbudīng, suddenly/by surprise
        dǎrùlěnggōng, [打入冷宮], to snub/to consign to the trash heap of history
        lěngcān, cold meal/cold food
        lěngsōusōu, [冷颼颼], chilled to the bone/(of the wind) chilly
        lěngyǎn, cool eye/fig. detached/(treating) with indifference
        lěngjùn, grave and stern
        lěngquètǎ, [冷卻塔], cooling tower
        lěngfū, to apply a cold compress
        lěngbufáng, unexpectedly/suddenly/at unawares/off guard/against expectations
        lěngcài, cold dish/cold food
        lěngyàn, [冷艷], (of a woman) beautiful but aloof
        lěngfēng, [冷鋒], cold front (meteorology)
        lěngyánlěngyǔ, [冷言冷語], sarcastic comments (idiom)/to make sarcastic comments
        lěngnuǎn, lit. daily changes of temperature/fig. well-being/sb's comfort, health, prosperi...
        chǎolěngfàn, [炒冷飯], to stir-fry leftover rice/fig. to rehash the same story/to serve up the same old...
        bàolěng, an upset (esp. in sports)/unexpected turn of events/to pull off a coup/a breakth...
        lěngyù, a cold reception/to cold-shoulder sb
        lěnglěngqīngqīng, deserted/desolate/unfrequented/cold and cheerless/lonely/in quiet isolation
        bàolěngmén, [爆冷門], an upset (esp. in sports)/unexpected turn of events/to pull off a coup/a breakth...
        lěngào, icily arrogant
        lěngjì, cold and desolate/lonely
        lěnggōng, [冷宮], (in literature and opera) a place to which a monarch banishes a wife or concubin...
        lěngyǔ, [冷語], sarcasm/sneering talk

        Zàng/cáng/zàng, Tibet/Xizang 西藏, to conceal/to hide away/to harbor/to store/to collect, storehou...
        yǐncáng, [隱藏], to hide/to conceal/to mask/to shelter/to harbor (i.e. keep sth hidden)/to hide o...
        shōucáng, to hoard/to collect/collection/to bookmark (Internet)
        bǎozàng, [寶藏], precious mineral deposits/hidden treasure/(fig.) treasure/(Buddhism) the treasur...
        cángshēn, to hide/to go into hiding/to take refuge
        chǔcángshì, [儲藏室], storeroom/CL:間|间[jiān]
        duǒcáng, to conceal oneself/to go into hiding/to take cover
        cángnì, to cover up/to conceal/to go into hiding
        máicáng, to bury/to hide by burying/hidden
        shōucángjiā, a collector (e.g. of artworks)
        chǔcáng, [儲藏], to store/deposit/(oil, mineral etc) deposits
        cángpǐn, museum piece/collector's item/precious object
        sīcáng, secret store/a stash (of contraband)
        lěngcáng, refrigeration/cold storage/to keep (food, medicine) in cold environment
        zhēncáng, collection/to collect (valuables)
西         Xīzàng, Tibet/Xizang or Tibetan autonomous region 西藏自治區|西藏自治区
        yǎncáng, hidden/covered/concealed
        wōcáng, [窩藏], to harbor/to shelter
        àncáng, to hide/to conceal
        lěngcángchē, [冷藏車], refrigerated truck or wagon
        yùncáng, [蘊藏], to hold in store/to contain (untapped reserves etc)
        cángshū, [藏書], to collect books/library collection
        zhùcáng, [貯藏], to store up/to hoard/deposits
        zànghónghuā, [藏紅花], saffron (Crocus sativus)
        qiáncáng, [潛藏], hidden beneath the surface/buried and concealed
        bǎocáng, keep in store/preserve
        kuàngcáng, [礦藏], mineral resources
        lěngcángxiāng, cooler/ice chest/reefer container
        xiàolǐcángdāo, [笑裡藏刀], lit. a dagger hidden in smiles (idiom); friendly manners belying hypocritical in...
        bāocáng, to contain/to harbor/to conceal
        guǎncáng, [館藏], to collect in a museum or library/museum collection/library holdings
        cángwūnàgòu, [藏污納垢], to hide dirt, to conceal corruption (idiom); to shelter evil people and accept w...
        kùcáng, [庫藏], to store/to have sth in storage
        Zàngzú, Tibetan ethnic group
        Zàngyǔ, [藏語], Tibetan language
        zàngqīng, see 藏青色[zàng qīng sè]
        miánlǐcángzhēn, [綿裡藏針], lit. a needle concealed in silk floss (idiom)/fig. ruthless character behind a g...
        yùncángliàng, [蘊藏量], reserves/amount still in store
        Sānzàng, Tripitaka (602-664) Tang dynasty Buddhist monk and translator, who traveled to I...

        xiāngzi, suitcase/chest/box/case/trunk/CL:隻|只[zhī],個|个[gè]
        xiāng, box/trunk/chest
        bīngxiāng, icebox/freezer cabinet/refrigerator/CL:臺|台[tái],個|个[gè]
        bǎoxiǎnxiāng, [保險箱], safe deposit box/a safe
        xìnxiāng, mailbox/post office box
        yóuxiāng, [郵箱], mailbox/post office box/email/email inbox
        kǎoxiāng, oven
        lājīxiāng, rubbish can/garbage can/trash can
        shǒutíxiāng, suitcase
        jízhuāngxiāng, [集裝箱], container (for shipping)
        xínglixiāng, suitcase/baggage compartment/overhead bin/(car) trunk/boot
        gōngjùxiāng, toolbox
        yóuxiāng, oil tank
        shuǐxiāng, water tank/radiator (automobile)/cistern/lavabo
        píxiāng, leather suitcase
        jíjiùxiāng, first-aid kit
        chēxiāng, [車箱], variant of 車廂|车厢[chē xiāng]
        yīnxiāng, loudspeaker box/speaker (audio equipment)/resonating chamber of a musical instru...
        diànbīngxiāng, [電冰箱], refrigerator/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhǐxiāng, [紙箱], carton/cardboard box
        fānxiāngdǎoguì, [翻箱倒櫃], to overturn trunks and boxes/to make a thorough search (idiom)
        tíxiāng, a suitcase/a traveling-bag
        lěngcángxiāng, cooler/ice chest/reefer container
        fēngxiāng, beehive
        shuǐzúxiāng, aquarium/fish tank
        Xiānggēn, Hakone, city on the east coast of Japan southwest of Tokyo
        bǎibǎoxiāng, [百寶箱], treasure chest
        kāixiāng, [開箱], unboxing/to unbox
        tóupiàoxiāng, ballot box
        ànxiāng, camera bellows/camera obscura
        biànsùxiāng, [變速箱], gearbox/transmission
        piàoxiāng, ballot box
        fēngxiāng, [風箱], bellows
        yìjiànxiāng, [意見箱], suggestion box

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