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[堅持] jiānchí to persevere with
to persist in
to insist on

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Word Compounds

        jiānchí, [堅持], to persevere with/to persist in/to insist on
        jiānqiáng, [堅強], staunch/strong
        jiānxìn, [堅信], to believe firmly/without any doubt
        jiāndìng, [堅定], firm/steady/staunch/resolute
        jiānjué, [堅決], firm/resolute/determined
        jiānguǒ, [堅果], nut
        jiān, [堅], strong/solid/firm/unyielding/resolute
        jiānshǒu, [堅守], to hold fast to/to stick to
        jiāngù, [堅固], firm/firmly/hard/stable
        jiānyìng, [堅硬], hard/solid
        jiānshí, [堅實], firm and substantial/solid
        jiānchíbùxiè, [堅持不懈], to persevere unremittingly (idiom); to keep going until the end
        jiānrèn, [堅韌], tough and durable/tenacious
        jiānbùkěcuī, [堅不可摧], invulnerable, indestructible, impregnable
        jiāntǐng, [堅挺], firm and upright/strong (of currency)
        Měilìjiān, [美利堅], America
        jiāndìngbùyí, [堅定不移], unswerving/unflinching
        jiānchēng, [堅稱], to claim/to insist
        jiānyì, [堅毅], firm and persistent/unswerving determination
        zhōngjiān, [中堅], core/nucleus/backbone
        jiānrěn, [堅忍], persevering
        wújiānbùcuī, [無堅不摧], no stronghold one cannot overcome (idiom); to conquer every obstacle/nothing one...
        jiānrènbùbá, [堅韌不拔], firm and indomitable (idiom); tenacious and unyielding
        gōngjiān, [攻堅], to assault a fortified position/(fig.) to concentrate one's efforts on a particu...
        jiānbīng, [堅冰], ice/(fig.) frosty relationship
        jiānzhēn, [堅貞], firm/unswerving/loyal to the end
        jiānqiángbùqū, [堅強不屈], staunch and unyielding (idiom); steadfast
        jiānrěnbùbá, [堅忍不拔], fortitude
        jiāndìngxìng, [堅定性], firmness/steadfastness
        jiānzhèn, [堅振], confirmation (Christian ceremony)
        jiānzhēnbùyú, [堅貞不渝], unyielding integrity (idiom); unwavering

        bǎochí, to keep/to maintain/to hold/to preserve
        zhīchí, to be in favor of/to support/to back/support/backing/to stand by/CL:個|个[gè]
        jiānchí, [堅持], to persevere with/to persist in/to insist on
        chíxù, [持續], to continue/to persist/sustainable/preservation
        wéichí, [維持], to keep/to maintain/to preserve
        zhǔchí, to take charge of/to manage or direct/to preside over/to uphold/to stand for (ju...
        zhǔchírén, TV or radio presenter/host/anchor
        chí, to hold/to grasp/to support/to maintain/to persevere/to manage/to run (i.e. admi...
        chíyǒu, to hold (passport, views etc)
        jiéchí, to kidnap/to hijack/to abduct/to hold under duress
        zhīchízhě, supporter
        chíjiǔ, lasting/enduring/persistent/permanent/protracted/endurance/persistence/to last l...
        xiéchí, [挾持], to seize
        chíxiè, armed (robbery etc)
        fúchí, to help/to assist
        jiānchíbùxiè, [堅持不懈], to persevere unremittingly (idiom); to keep going until the end
        zhīchílǜ, support level/popularity rating
        jīnchí, reserved/aloof
        bǎchí, to control/to dominate/to monopolize
        xiéchí, [脅持], to hold under duress
        jiāngchí, to be deadlocked
        chíjiǔzhàn, [持久戰], prolonged war/war of attrition
        chípíng, to stay level (of exchange rate, market share etc)/fair/unbiased
        zhùchí, to administer a monastery Buddhist or Daoist/abbot/head monk
        cāochi, to manage/to handle
        chízhīyǐhéng, [持之以恆], to pursue unremittingly (idiom); to persevere
        gèchíjǐjiàn, [各持己見], each sticks to his own opinion (idiom); chacun son gout
        kuàngrìchíjiǔ, [曠日持久], protracted (idiom)/long and drawn-out
        chíjiā, to housekeep/housekeeping
        xiāngchíbùxià, at a stalemate/deadlocked/in unrelenting mutual opposition
        qínjiǎnchíjiā, [勤儉持家], hardworking and thrifty in running one's household
        zhēngchí, [爭持], to refuse to concede/not to give in
        chízhòng, prudent/cautious/to be in charge of ritual ceremonies/to hold an important offic...
        xiāngchí, locked in a stalemate/to confront one another

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