复 ⇒
恢复 huīfù, [恢復], to reinstate/to resume/to restore/to recover/to regain/to rehabilitate
复杂 fùzá, [複雜], complicated/complex
重复 chóngfù, [重複]/[重覆], to repeat/to duplicate/CL:個|个[gè], variant of 重複|重复[chóng fù]
报复 bàofù, [報復], to make reprisals/to retaliate/revenge/retaliation
复仇 fùchóu, [復仇], to avenge/vengeance
康复 kāngfù, [康復], to recuperate/to recover (health)/to convalesce
复制 fùzhì, [複製], to duplicate/to make a copy of/to copy/to reproduce/to clone
复活 fùhuó, [復活], to revive/(lit. and fig.) to come back to life/(religion) resurrection
回复 huífù, [回復], to reply/to recover/to return (to a previous condition)/Re: in reply to (email)
修复 xiūfù, [修復], to restore/to renovate/restoration/(computing) to fix (a bug)
答复 dáfù, [答復]/[答覆], variant of 答覆|答复[dá fù], to answer/to reply/Reply to: (in email header)
反复 fǎnfù, [反復]/[反覆], variant of 反覆|反复[fǎn fù], repeatedly/over and over/to upend/unstable/to come and...
复 fù, [復]/[複]/[覆], to go and return/to return/to resume/to return to a normal or original state/to ...
复原 fùyuán, [復原], to restore (sth) to (its) former condition/to recover from illness/recovery
复活节 Fùhuójié, [復活節], Easter
复合 fùhé, [復合]/[複合], (of people who were estranged) to be reconciled/(of a couple) to get back togeth...
复苏 fùsū, [復甦]/[復蘇], to recover (health, economic)/to resuscitate/anabiosis, variant of 復甦|复苏[fù sū]/...
复习 fùxí, [復習]/[複習], to review/revision/CL:次[cì], variant of 復習|复习[fù xí]
复印 fùyìn, [複印], to photocopy/to duplicate a document
日复一日 rìfùyīrì, [日復一日], day after day
复职 fùzhí, [復職], to resume a post
复印件 fùyìnjiàn, [複印件], photocopy/duplicate
复生 fùshēng, [復生], to be reborn/to recover/to come back to life/to regenerate
复发 fùfā, [復發], to recur (of a disease)/to reappear/to relapse (into a former bad state)
复制品 fùzhìpǐn, [複製品], replica/reproduction
复印机 fùyìnjī, [複印機], photocopier
复古 fùgǔ, [復古], to return to old ways (a Confucian aspiration)/to turn back the clock/neoclassic...
复出 fùchū, [復出], to come back out of retirement/to get involved again after having withdrawn
不复存在 文艺复兴 Wényìfùxīng, [文藝復興], the Renaissance
复兴 Fùxīng/fùxīng, [復興], Fuxing district of Handan city 邯鄲市|邯郸市[Hán dān shì], Hebei/Fuxing or Fuhsing tow...
来复枪 láifùqiāng, [來復槍], rifle (loanword)/also written 來福槍|来福枪
复查 fùchá, [復查], rechecking/re-inspection/reexamination
不复 bùfù, [不復], no longer/no more
一去不复返 yīqùbùfùfǎn, [一去不復返], gone forever
年复一年 niánfùyīnián, [年復一年], over the years/year after year
反复无常 fǎnfùwúcháng, [反覆無常], unstable/erratic/changeable/fickle
复赛 fùsài, [複賽], (sports) semifinal or quarterfinal/to compete in a semifinal (or a quarterfinal)
复述 fùshù, [複述]/[覆述], to repeat (one's own words or sb else's)/(in the classroom) to paraphrase what o...
反反复复 fǎnfǎnfùfù, [反反復復], repeatedly/time and time again
平复 píngfù, [平復], to pacify/to calm down/to be cured/to be healed
复数 fùshù, [複數], plural/complex number (math.)
复本 fùběn, [複本], copy
错综复杂 cuòzōngfùzá, [錯綜複雜], tangled and complicated (idiom)
复健 fùjiàn, [復健], rehabilitation/recuperate
复位 fùwèi, [復位], to restore sb or sth to its original position/to regain the throne/to reset (a d...
复诊 fùzhěn, [復診], another visit to doctor/further diagnosis
复员 fùyuán, [復員], to demobilize/demobilization
复杂化 fùzáhuà, [複雜化], to complicate/to become complicated
复杂性 fùzáxìng, [複雜性], complexity
恢复期 huīfùqī, [恢復期], convalescence
万劫不复 wànjiébùfù, [萬劫不復], consigned to eternal damnation/with no hope of reprieve
复婚 fùhūn, [復婚], to remarry (the same person)
失而复得 shīérfùdé, [失而復得], to lose sth and then regain it (idiom)
复审 fùshěn, [復審], to review a judicial case/to reexamine
繁复 fánfù, [繁複], complicated
复印纸 fùyìnzhǐ, [複印紙], photocopier paper
重复性 chóngfùxìng, [重覆性], repetitive
周而复始 zhōuérfùshǐ, [週而復始], lit. the cycle comes back to the start (idiom); to move in circles/the wheel com...
复核 fùhé, [復核], to reconsider/to reexamine/to review (e.g. a report prior to accepting it)
复明 周复 无以复加 wúyǐfùjiā, [無以復加], in the extreme (idiom)/incapable of further increase
死灰复燃 sǐhuīfùrán, [死灰復燃], lit. ashes burn once more (idiom); fig. sb lost returns to have influence/sth ma...
收复 shōufù, [收復], to recover (lost territory etc)/to recapture
往复 wǎngfù, [往復], to go and come back/to make a return trip/backwards and forwards (e.g. of piston...
复读 fùdú, [復讀]/[複讀], to return to the same school and repeat a course from which one has already grad...
复兴党 Fùxīngdǎng, [復興黨], Baath Party
复合物 夫复 光复 Guāngfù/guāngfù, [光復], Guangfu or Kuangfu township in Hualien County 花蓮縣|花莲县[Huā lián Xiàn], east Taiwa...
复式 fùshì, [複式], double/multiple/compound/combined/double-entry (accounting)
复活节岛 FùhuójiéDǎo, [復活節島], Easter Island
复合型 复方 fùfāng, [複方], compound prescription (involving several medicines)
复学 fùxué, [復學], to return to school (after an interruption)/to resume one's studies
故态复萌 gùtàifùméng, [故態復萌], to revert to old ways
恢复性 复试 fùshì, [複試], to sit for the second round of a two-stage exam
郁乐复 复会 fùhuì, [復會], to resume a meeting
来复线 láifùxiàn, [來復線], rifling (spiral lines on inside of gun barrel imparting spin to the bullet)
复写纸 fùxiězhǐ, [複寫紙], carbon paper
罗复活 复工 fùgōng, [復工], to return to work (after stoppage)
复归 fùguī, [復歸], to return/to come back
复利 fùlì, [複利], compound interest
循环往复 后复生 批复 pīfù, [批復], to reply officially to a subordinate
里复生 左洛复 复建 复命 fùmìng, [復命], to report on completion of a mission/debriefing
复写 fùxiě, [複寫], to duplicate/to carbon copy
复姓 fùxìng, [複姓], two-character surname such as 司馬|司马 or 諸葛|诸葛
路复活 复员证 复制件 周复一 子复活 复合材料 fùhécáiliào, [複合材料], composite material
复用 复庭 复宁 复信 fùxìn, [復信], to reply to a letter
复音 周复健
杂 ⇒
杂志 zázhì, [雜誌], magazine/CL:本[běn],份[fèn],期[qī]
复杂 fùzá, [複雜], complicated/complex
杂种 zázhǒng, [雜種], hybrid/mixed breed/bastard/son of a bitch
杂 zá, [襍]/[雜], variant of 雜|杂[zá], mixed/miscellaneous/various/to mix
杂货店 záhuòdiàn, [雜貨店], grocery store/emporium
杂耍 záshuǎ, [雜耍], a sideshow/vaudeville/juggling
杂碎 zásuì, [雜碎], offal/mixed entrails/trivial matters
杂志社 zázhìshè, [雜誌社], magazine publisher
杂技 zájì, [雜技], acrobatics/CL:場|场[chǎng]
杂物 záwù, [雜物], junk/items of no value/various bits and bobs
杂念 zániàn, [雜念], distracting thoughts
嘈杂 cáozá, [嘈雜], noisy/clamorous
杂草 zácǎo, [雜草], weeds
杂乱 záluàn, [雜亂], in a mess/in a jumble/chaotic
打杂 dǎzá, [打雜], to do odd jobs/to do unskilled work
杂交 zájiāo, [雜交], to hybridize/to crossbreed/promiscuity
杂货 záhuò, [雜貨], groceries/miscellaneous goods
大杂烩 dàzáhuì, [大雜燴], mix-up/mish-mash/potpourri
杂音 záyīn, [雜音], noise
混杂 hùnzá, [混雜], to mix/to mingle
杂烩 záhuì, [雜燴], a stew/fig. a disparate collection
掺杂 勤杂工 杂事 záshì, [雜事], miscellaneous tasks/various chores
夹杂 jiāzá, [夾雜], to mix together (disparate substances)/to mingle/a mix/to be tangled up with
错综复杂 cuòzōngfùzá, [錯綜複雜], tangled and complicated (idiom)
杂乱无章 záluànwúzhāng, [雜亂無章], disordered and in a mess (idiom); all mixed up and chaotic
复杂化 fùzáhuà, [複雜化], to complicate/to become complicated
复杂性 fùzáxìng, [複雜性], complexity
杂质 zázhì, [雜質], impurity
闲杂 xiánzá, [閑雜], (employee) having no fixed duties
杂货铺 杂七杂八 záqīzábā, [雜七雜八], an assortment/a bit of everything/lots of different (skills)
杂活 záhuó, [雜活], odd jobs
繁杂 fánzá, [繁雜], many/diverse
杂技团 杂役 záyì, [雜役], odd jobs/part-time worker
大杂院 dàzáyuàn, [大雜院], compound with many families living together
杂务 záwù, [雜務], various jobs/low-grade work
食杂店 鱼龙混杂 yúlónghùnzá, [魚龍混雜], lit. fish and dragons mixed in together (idiom); fig. crooks mixed in with the h...
杂草丛生 搀杂 chānzá, [攙雜], to mix/to blend/to dilute
庞杂 pángzá, [龐雜], enormously complex/a vast jumble
杂色 zásè, [雜色], varicolored/motley
杂费 záfèi, [雜費], incidental costs/sundries/extras
杂牌 zápái, [雜牌], inferior brand/not the genuine article
杂粮 záliáng, [雜糧], grain crops other than rice and wheat
苛捐杂税 kējuānzáshuì, [苛捐雜稅], exorbitant taxation (idiom)
杂食 záshí, [雜食], omnivorous (zoolog.)/snacks/a varied diet
杂用 拉杂 lāzá, [拉雜], disorganized/rambling/incoherent
杂牌军 报章杂志 杂牌货 鸡杂 拉拉杂杂 杂项 záxiàng, [雜項], miscellaneous
杂居 zájū, [雜居], cohabitation (of different populations or races)/to coexist
性 ⇒
性 xìng, nature/character/property/quality/attribute/sexuality/sex/gender/suffix forming ...
同性恋 tóngxìngliàn, [同性戀], homosexuality/gay person/gay love
性感 xìnggǎn, sex appeal/eroticism/sexuality/sexy
女性 nǚxìng, woman/the female sex
个性 gèxìng, [個性], individuality/personality
男性 nánxìng, the male sex/a male
可能性 kěnéngxìng, possibility/probability
性爱 xìngài, [性愛], sex/lovemaking
性格 xìnggé, nature/disposition/temperament/character/CL:個|个[gè]
性命 xìngmìng, life
人性 rénxìng, human nature/humanity/human/the totality of human attributes
异性 yìxìng, [異性], the opposite sex/of the opposite sex/heterosexual/different in nature
性骚扰 xìngsāorǎo, [性騷擾], sexual harassment
本性 běnxìng, natural instincts/nature/inherent quality
性生活 xìngshēnghuó, sex life
性关系 xìngguānxi, [性關係], sexual relations/sexual contact/intercourse
性交 xìngjiāo, sexual intercourse
性行为 xìngxíngwéi, [性行為], sexual behavior
性别 xìngbié, [性別], gender/sex
理性 lǐxìng, reason/rationality/rational
阳性 yángxìng, [陽性], positive/masculine
性欲 xìngyù, [性慾], sexual desire/lust
天性 tiānxìng, nature/innate tendency
戏剧性 xìjùxìng, [戲劇性], dramatic
毒性 dúxìng, toxicity
阴性 yīnxìng, [陰性], negative/feminine
变性 biànxìng, [變性], to denature/denaturation/to have a sex change/transsexual
重要性 zhòngyàoxìng, importance
一次性 yīcìxìng, one-off (offer)/one-time/single-use/disposable (goods)
性质 xìngzhì, [性質], nature/characteristic/CL:個|个[gè]
感性 gǎnxìng, perception/perceptual/sensibility/sensitive/emotional/sentimental
同性 tóngxìng, same nature/homosexual
放射性 fàngshèxìng, radioactive
攻击性 创造性 chuàngzàoxìng, [創造性], creativeness/creativity
挑战性 性病 xìngbìng, sexually transmitted disease/venereal disease
记性 jìxing, [記性], memory (ability to retain information)
永久性 yǒngjiǔxìng, permanent
弹性 tánxìng, [彈性], flexibility/elasticity
野性 yěxìng, wild nature/unruliness
任性 rènxìng, willful/headstrong/unruly
历史性 lìshǐxìng, [歷史性], historic
急性 jíxìng, acute
标志性 biāozhìxìng, [標誌性], iconic
决定性 juédìngxìng, [決定性], decisive/conclusive
暂时性 特性 tèxìng, property/characteristic
危险性 慢性 mànxìng, slow and patient/chronic (disease)/slow to take effect (e.g. a slow poison)
雄性 xióngxìng, male
杀伤性 建设性 jiànshèxìng, [建設性], constructive/constructiveness
毁灭性 huǐmièxìng, [毀滅性], destructive/devastating
恶性 èxìng, [惡性], malignant/wicked/vicious (circle)/producing evil/rapid (decline)/runaway (inflat...
性能 xìngnéng, function/performance
娱乐性 真实性 zhēnshíxìng, [真實性], authenticity/truthfulness/veracity/reality/validity
严重性 yánzhòngxìng, [嚴重性], seriousness
性情 xìngqíng, nature/temperament
全国性 quánguóxìng, [全國性], national
耐性 nàixìng, patience/endurance
爆炸性 bàozhàxìng, explosive/fig. shocking
雌性 cíxìng, female
磁性 cíxìng, magnetic/magnetism
真性 zhēnxìng, real/the nature of sth
活性 huóxìng, (chemistry) activity/active/activated
保护性 bǎohùxìng, [保護性], protective
象征性 xiàngzhēngxìng, [象徵性], symbolic/emblem/token
实验性 母性 性子 xìngzi, temper
破坏性 pòhuàixìng, [破壞性], destructive
传染性 chuánrǎnxìng, [傳染性], infectious/epidemic
灵性 língxìng, [靈性], spiritual nature/spirituality/intelligence (esp. in animals)
兽性 shòuxìng, [獸性], brutal
血性 xuèxìng, brave/staunch/unyielding
先天性 xiāntiānxìng, congenital/intrinsic/innateness
神经性 shénjīngxìng, [神經性], neural/mental/neurological
全球性 quánqiúxìng, global/worldwide
性高潮 xìnggāocháo, orgasm/climax
无性 wúxìng, [無性], sexless/asexual (reproduction)
强制性 多样性 duōyàngxìng, [多樣性], variegation/diversity
女性化 nǚxìnghuà, to feminize/feminization
选择性 xuǎnzéxìng, [選擇性], selective/selectiveness/selectivity
安全性 ānquánxìng, security/safety
革命性 gémìngxìng, revolutionary
实质性 shízhìxìng, [實質性], substantive/substantial/material/considerable
可行性 kěxíngxìng, feasibility
两性 liǎngxìng, [兩性], male and female/both types (acid and alkaline, positive and negative etc)/(chemi...
良性 liángxìng, positive (in its effect)/leading to good consequences/virtuous/(medicine) benign...
惯性 guànxìng, [慣性], (physics) inertia/(fig.) force of habit/tendency to do things in the accustomed ...
生性 shēngxìng, natural disposition
完整性 wánzhěngxìng, integrity/completeness
艺术性 确定性 quèdìngxìng, [確定性], determinacy
烈性 lièxìng, strong/intense/spirited/virulent
急性子 jíxìngzi, impetuous person/excitable person
索性 suǒxìng, you might as well (do it)/simply/just
过敏性 guòmǐnxìng, [過敏性], hypersensitive/allergic reaction/anaphylaxis
习惯性 xíguànxìng, [習慣性], customary
争议性 zhēngyìxìng, [爭議性], controversial
水性 shuǐxìng, swimming ability/characteristics of a body of water (depth, currents etc)/aqueou...
男性化 nánxìnghuà, to masculinize/masculinization
煽动性 shāndòngxìng, [煽動性], provocative
定性 dìngxìng, to determine the nature (usually of error or crime)/to determine chemical compos...
代表性 dàibiǎoxìng, representativeness/representative/typical
悲剧性 bēijùxìng, [悲劇性], tragic
柔韧性 合理性 hélǐxìng, reason/rationality/rationale/reasonableness
启发性 隐性 yǐnxìng, [隱性], hidden/crypto-/recessive (gene)
人性化 中性 zhōngxìng, neutral
稳定性 wěndìngxìng, [穩定性], stability
观赏性 习性 xíxìng, [習性], character acquired through long habit/habits and properties
药性 国际性 guójìxìng, [國際性], international/internationalism
线性 xiànxìng, [線性], linear/linearity
酸性 suānxìng, acidity
合法性 héfǎxìng, legitimacy
连续性 liánxùxìng, [連續性], continuity
性器官 xìngqìguān, sexual organ
季节性 jìjiéxìng, [季節性], seasonal
灵活性 línghuóxìng, [靈活性], flexibility
惩罚性 chéngfáxìng, [懲罰性], punitive
功能性 gōngnéngxìng, functionality
性急 xìngjí, impatient
属性 shǔxìng, [屬性], attribute/property
复杂性 fùzáxìng, [複雜性], complexity
恶性肿瘤 èxìngzhǒngliú, [惡性腫瘤], malignant tumor
突破性 自发性 技术性 jìshùxìng, [技術性], technical/technological
组织性 准确性 zhǔnquèxìng, [準確性], accuracy
恶性循环 èxìngxúnhuán, [惡性循環], vicious circle
开放性 kāifàngxìng, [開放性], openness
可塑性 kěsùxìng, plasticity
共性 gòngxìng, overall character
传奇性 性激素 xìngjīsù, sex hormone
专业性 zhuānyèxìng, [專業性], professionalism/expertise
腐蚀性 fǔshíxìng, [腐蝕性], (lit. and fig.) corrosive/corrosiveness
遗传性 yíchuánxìng, [遺傳性], hereditary/inherited/genetic
关键性 品性 pǐnxìng, nature/characteristic/moral character
系统性 xìtǒngxìng, [系統性], systematic
独创性 dúchuàngxìng, [獨創性], innovative/ingenious/originality/ingenuity
适应性 shìyìngxìng, [適應性], adaptability/flexibility
非线性 fēixiànxìng, [非線性], nonlinear (math.)
流行性 liúxíngxìng, (of a disease) epidemic/qualities that make sth popular or fashionable
周期性 zhōuqīxìng, [週期性], periodic/periodicity (math)/cyclicity
两面性 针对性 zhēnduìxìng, [針對性], focus/direction/purpose/relevance
享受性 粘性 礼节性 主动性 战略性 zhànlüèxìng, [戰略性], strategic
可靠性 kěkàoxìng, reliability
韧性 rènxìng, [韌性], toughness
积极性 jījíxìng, [積極性], zeal/initiative/enthusiasm/activity
可信性 经常性 保密性 bǎomìxìng, secrecy
必要性 bìyàoxìng, necessity
战斗性 好性 免疫性 活性炭 huóxìngtàn, activated carbon
可比性 客观性 kèguānxìng, [客觀性], objectivity
预见性 重复性 chóngfùxìng, [重覆性], repetitive
个性化 gèxìnghuà, [個性化], to personalize/to customize/customization
世界性 政治性 zhèngzhìxìng, political
警惕性 jǐngtìxìng, vigilance/alertness
限制性 挥发性 huīfāxìng, [揮發性], volatility
依赖性 逻辑性 一致性 yīzhìxìng, consistency
极性 jíxìng, [極性], chemical polarity
正确性 食性 烈性酒 对抗性 duìkàngxìng, [對抗性], antagonistic
油性 竞争性 jìngzhēngxìng, [競爭性], competitive
前瞻性 qiánzhānxìng, farsightedness/perspicacity/prescience/forward-looking
危害性 wēihàixìng, harmfulness
临时性 两性人 秉性 bǐngxìng, innate character/natural disposition/attitude
刺激性 cìjīxìng, thrilling/exciting/stimulating/irritating/provocative/pungent/spicy
相关性 xiāngguānxìng, [相關性], correlation
学术性 有效性 yǒuxiàoxìng, validity
局限性 júxiànxìng, limitations/(medicine) localized
试探性 非理性 慢性病 mànxìngbìng, chronic disease
职业性 流动性 liúdòngxìng, [流動性], flowing/shifting/fluidity/mobility/liquidity (of funds)
单性 连贯性 突发性 性器 xìngqì, sex organ
高性能 gāoxìngnéng, high performance
持续性 综合性 zōnghéxìng, [綜合性], synthesis
诱导性 公正性 导电性 dǎodiànxìng, [導電性], conductivity (elec.)
惰性 duòxìng, inert (chemistry)/apathy/inertia/laziness
一般性 yībānxìng, general/generality
全身性 热塑性 精确性 碱性 jiǎnxìng, [鹼性], alkaline
服务性 对称性 duìchènxìng, [對稱性], symmetry
相似性 xiāngsìxìng, resemblance/similarity
侮辱性 压缩性 随机性 suíjīxìng, [隨機性], randomness/stochasticity
方向性 fāngxiàngxìng, directionality (molecular biology)
机动性 jīdòngxìng, [機動性], flexibility
性腺 xìngxiàn, gonad/sex gland
精神性 jīngshénxìng, spirituality/mental/nervous/psychogenic
可持续性 科学性 使性子 地区性 dìqūxìng, [地區性], regional/local
物性 特殊性 权威性 quánwēixìng, [權威性], authoritative/(having) authority
活动性 抗药性 kàngyàoxìng, [抗藥性], drug resistance (medicine)
偶然性 ǒuránxìng, chance/fortuity/serendipity
警觉性 性福 素性 趣味性 结构性 jiégòuxìng, [結構性], structural/structured
心性 xīnxìng, one's nature/temperament
装饰性 必然性 硬性 yìngxìng, rigid/inflexible/hard (drug)
柔性 róuxìng, flexibility
商业性 阶段性 jiēduànxìng, [階段性], specific to a particular stage (of a project etc)/interim (policy etc)/occurring...
塑性 sùxìng, plasticity
优越性 词性 cíxìng, [詞性], part of speech (noun, verb, adjective etc)/lexical category
直性子 原则性 yuánzéxìng, [原則性], principled
根本性 时效性 倾向性 qīngxiàngxìng, [傾向性], tendency/inclination/orientation
开创性 kāichuàngxìng, [開創性], innovative
忘性 wàngxìng, forgetfulness
自主性 挑逗性 tiǎodòuxìng, provocative/tantalizing/titillating
窦性 可溶性 kěróngxìng, solubility
排他性 普遍性 pǔbiànxìng, ubiquity/universality
经济性 批判性 集体性 区域性 qūyùxìng, [區域性], regional
显性 xiǎnxìng, [顯性], visible/conspicuous/phanero-/dominant (gene)
修身养性 变异性 可燃性 kěránxìng, flammable/flammability
恢复性 广泛性 灭绝人性 mièjuérénxìng, [滅絕人性], to be devoid of all humanity/inhuman/bestial
边缘性 假性 jiǎxìng, pseudo-
长期性 chángqīxìng, [長期性], long-term
独立性 性气 奴性 通性 老年性 描述性 探索性 tànsuǒxìng, exploratory
性奋 前沿性 唯一性 wéiyīxìng, uniqueness
典型性 风险性 冒险性 获得性 huòdéxìng, [獲得性], acquired (i.e. not inborn)
悟性 wùxìng, perception/wits/power of understanding/comprehension
公共性 延展性 yánzhǎnxìng, ductability
禀性 bǐngxìng, [稟性], natural disposition
掠夺性 歧视性 挑衅性 间断性 技巧性 专一性 刚性 gāngxìng, [剛性], rigidity
顽固性 劣根性 良性肿瘤 liángxìngzhǒngliú, [良性腫瘤], benign tumor
投机性 规律性 guīlǜxìng, [規律性], regular
反抗性 自觉性 脾性 黏性 niánxìng, stickiness/gluing strength/viscosity
非营利性 指导性 语言性 赢利性 文学性 体性 tǐxìng, [體性], disposition
计划性 三性 史诗性 shǐshīxìng, [史詩性], epic
统一性 tǒngyīxìng, [統一性], unity
二重性 èrchóngxìng, dualism/two sided/double nature
能动性 néngdòngxìng, [能動性], initiative/active role
反光性 欺诈性 隐蔽性 严肃性 性来 条理性 性状 xìngzhuàng, [性狀], nature (i.e. properties of sth)/character
爆裂性 吸水性 开拓性 kāituòxìng, [開拓性], pioneering/groundbreaking
性岩 社会性 shèhuìxìng, [社會性], social
情节性 可用性 性行 xìngxíng, sexual activity
可读性 参考性 珍贵性 可操作性 坚定性 jiāndìngxìng, [堅定性], firmness/steadfastness
夸张性 封闭性 fēngbìxìng, [封閉性], encapsulation
偶发性 气性 紧迫性 精密性 阶级性 迁移性 和性 随意性 表现性 鼓励性 良性瘤 功利性 德性真 现实性 操作性 公开性 窦性心 慢性子 mànxìngzi, slow-tempered/phlegmatic/a slowcoach
程序性 chéngxùxìng, program
主体性 片面性 太性 表演性 水溶性 shuǐróngxìng, soluble (in water)/solubility
实效性 或然性 延续性 完全性 威慑性 潜伏性 鼓动性 耐药性 nàiyàoxìng, [耐藥性], drug resistance/drug tolerance (medicine)
通俗性 展性 狗性来 民族性 知识性 评论性