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jiādào family financial circumstances

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Word Compounds

        jiā, [傢], see 傢伙|家伙[jiā huo], home/family/(polite) my (sister, uncle etc)/classifier for f...
        dàjiā, everyone/influential family/great expert
        jiāhuo, [傢伙], variant of 家伙[jiā huo], household dish, implement or furniture/domestic animal/(...
        huíjiā, to return home
        guójiā, [國家], country/nation/state/CL:個|个[gè]
        jiātíng, family/household/CL:戶|户[hù],個|个[gè]
        jiālǐ, [家裡], home
        jiārén, household/(one's) family
        jiāzú, family/clan
        zhuānjiā, [專家], expert/specialist/CL:個|个[gè]
        rénjiā/rénjia, household/dwelling/family/sb else's house/household business/house of woman's hu...
        zuòjiā, author/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
        yìshùjiā, [藝術家], artist/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng]
        kēxuéjiā, [科學家], scientist/CL:個|个[gè]
        jiāzhǎng, [家長], head of a household/family head/patriarch/parent or guardian of a child
        yījiā, the whole family/the same family/the family ... (when preceded by a family name)...
        bānjiā, to move house/removal
        jiāxiāng, [家鄉], hometown/native place/CL:個|个[gè]
        quánjiā, whole family
        jiājù, furniture/CL:件[jiàn],套[tào]
        lǎojiāhuo, [老傢伙], variant of 老家伙[lǎo jiā huo], (coll.) old fellow/old codger
        huángjiā, royal/imperial household
        wújiākěguī, [無家可歸], homeless
        sījiā, private/privately owned or managed
        mǎijiā, [買家], buyer/client
        jiāyuán, [家園], home/homeland
        guǎnjiā, housekeeper/butler/manage one's household
        huàjiā, [畫家], painter/CL:個|个[gè]
        lǎojiā, native place/place of origin/home state or region
        jiāshǔ, [家屬], family member/(family) dependent
        jiāmén, [家門], house door/family clan
        dújiā, [獨家], exclusive
        yīnyuèjiā, [音樂家], musician
        hǎojiāhuo, my God!/oh boy!/man!
        jiāwù, [家務], household duties/housework
        zhèngzhìjiā, statesman/politician/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng]
        lǎorénjiā, polite term for old woman or man
        zìjiā, oneself/one's own family
        jiājiào, family education/upbringing/to bring sb up/private tutor
        hángjiā, connoisseur/expert/veteran
        wùlǐxuéjiā, [物理學家], physicist
        yǎngjiā, [養家], to support a family/to raise a family
        yínhángjiā, [銀行家], banker
        zuòqǔjiā, composer/songwriter
        shōucángjiā, a collector (e.g. of artworks)
        Xiǎoshuōjiā/xiǎoshuōjiā, [小說家], School of Minor-talks, one of the Hundred Schools of Thought 諸子百家|诸子百家[zhū zǐ bǎ...
        zhéxuéjiā, [哲學家], philosopher
        yījiāzi, the whole family
        pínglùnjiā, [評論家], critic/reviewer
        císhànjiā, philanthropist/humanitarian/charity donor
        shùxuéjiā, [數學家], mathematician
        fāmíngjiā, [發明家], inventor
        jùzuòjiā, [劇作家], playwright
        kǎogǔxuéjiā, [考古學家], archaeologist
        zhuāngjiā, [莊家], farmhouse/banker (gambling)
        yùyánjiā, [預言家], prophet
        jiāzhǎnghuì, [家長會], parent-teacher conference/parents' association
        jiāzhèng, housekeeping
        línjiā, [鄰家], next-door neighbor/neighboring household/adjacent country (short for 鄰接的國家|邻接的国家...
        dàojiā, perfect/excellent/brought to the utmost degree
        chéngjiā, to settle down and get married (of a man)/to become a recognized expert
        jiāshì, family matters/domestic affairs/housework
        màijiā, [賣家], seller
        jiādàng, [家當], familial property/belongings
        wǔdǎojiā, dancer
        jiāyòng, home-use/domestic/family expenses/housekeeping money
        niángjia, married woman's parents' home
便         jiāchángbiànfàn, [家常便飯], simple home-style meal/common occurrence/nothing out of the ordinary
        jiājū, home/residence/to stay at home (unemployed)
        pīpíngjiā, [批評家], critic
        guòjiājiā, [過家家], to play house
        qǐyèjiā, [企業家], entrepreneur
        báishǒuqǐjiā, to build up from nothing/to start from scratch
        chóujiā, enemy/foe
        shìjiā, family influential for generations/aristocratic family
        tànxiǎnjiā, [探險家], explorer
        shēngwùxuéjiā, [生物學家], biologist
        gāngqínjiā, [鋼琴家], pianist
        mànhuàjiā, [漫畫家], cartoon writer (from Japanese mangaka)
        quánjiāfú, photograph of the entire family/hodgepodge (cookery)
        āijiāāihù, [挨家挨戶], to go from house to house
        huàxuéjiā, [化學家], chemist
        màoxiǎnjiā, [冒險家], adventurer
        yuānjia, enemy/foe/(in opera) sweetheart or destined love
        qīngjiādàngchǎn, [傾家蕩產], to lose a family fortune (idiom)
        jūjiā, to live at home/to stay at home/home (schooling etc)/in-home (care etc)/househol...
        ānjiā, to settle down/to set up a home
        yīnmóujiā, [陰謀家], schemer/conspirator
        jiāchǎn, [家產], family property
        jiāqín, poultry/domestic fowl
        tiānwénxuéjiā, [天文學家], astronomer
        zīběnjiā, [資本家], capitalist
        jiāfù, (polite) my father
        jiāyùhùxiǎo, [家喻戶曉], understood by everyone (idiom); well known/a household name
        lìshǐxuéjiā, [歷史學家], historian
        chuánjiābǎo, [傳家寶], family heirloom
        dìzhìxuéjiā, [地質學家], geologist
        jiāshì, wife/family/(literary) residence
        qǐjiā, to start out by/to grow an enterprise beginning with/to begin one's career by
        chǎngjiā, [廠家], factory/factory owners
        jiāchù, domestic animal/livestock/cattle
        dāngjiā, [當家], to manage the household/to be the one in charge of the family/to call the shots/...
        sīxiǎngjiā, thinker
        fēnxījiā, (political) analyst
        jiācháng, the daily life of a family
        kānjiā, to look after the house/(of skill, ability) special/outstanding
        fājiā, [發家], to lay down a family fortune/to get rich/to become prosperous
        gēchàngjiā, singer
        yījiārén, household/the whole family
        qìngjia, [親家], parents of one's daughter-in-law or son-in-law/relatives by marriage
        dōngjiā, [東家], master (i.e. employer)/landlord/boss
        jiāchángcài, home cooking
        huílǎojiā, to go back to one's roots/to return to one's native place/by ext. to join one's ...
        guójiājí, [國家級], (administrative) national-level
        zhùjiā, residence/household/to reside
        Nóngjiā/nóngjiā, [農家], School of Agriculture, school of thought of the Warring States Period (475-221 B...
        jiāpǔ, [家譜], genealogy/family tree
        fēnjiā, to separate and live apart/division of a large family into smaller groups
        jiāyè, [家業], family property
        kōngxiǎngjiā, impractical dreamer
        měishíjiā, gourmet
        fāzhǎnzhōngguójiā, [發展中國家], developing country
        jiājìng, family financial situation/family circumstances
        zhǐhuījiā, [指揮家], conductor (music)
        shāngjiā, merchant/business/enterprise
        jiādiàn, [家電], household electric appliance/abbr. for 家用電器|家用电器
        guānchájiā, [觀察家], observer/The Observer (UK newspaper)
        guójiāduì, [國家隊], the national team
        diāokèjiā, sculptor
        Guójiāānquánbù, [國家安全部], PRC Ministry of State Security
        shèyǐngjiā, [攝影家], photographer
        lǐlùnjiā, [理論家], theorist/theoretician
        jīngjìxuéjiā, [經濟學家], economist
        gōngjiā, the public/the state/society/the public purse
        Míngjiā/míngjiā, School of Logicians of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC), also called the S...
        jiāchǒu, [家醜], family scandal/skeleton in the closet
        pójia, husband's family
        wénxuéjiā, [文學家], writer/man of letters/CL:個|个[gè]
        shǐxuéjiā, [史學家], historian
        shíyèjiā, [實業家], industrialist
        gǔshēngwùxuéjiā, [古生物學家], palaeontologist/paleobiologist
        jīnróngjiā, financier/banker
        huódòngjiā, [活動家], activist
        jiāpòrénwáng, family bankrupt and the people dead (idiom); ruined and orphaned/destitute and h...
        shígànjiā, [實幹家], sb who gets things done/doer
        bàijiāzǐ, [敗家子], spendthrift/wastrel/prodigal
        jiāmǔ, (polite) my mother
        fādáguójiā, [發達國家], developed nation
        jǔjiā, [舉家], the whole family
        wàijiāojiā, diplomat
        zhànlüèjiā, [戰略家], a strategist
        nǚrénjia, women (in general)
        chūjiā, to leave home (to become a Buddhist monk or nun)
        fǎnjiā, to return home
        héjiā, whole family/entire household
        běnjiā, a member of the same clan/a distant relative with the same family name
        chéngjiālìyè, [成家立業], to get married and start a career (idiom)/to settle down/to establish oneself
        jiàoyùjiā, educationalist
        yuānjiāduìtóu, [冤家對頭], enemy (idiom); opponent/arch-enemy
        diànjiā, proprietor of a shop or restaurant/landlord/shop
        jiāchén, counselor of king or feudal warlord/henchman
        shàngjiā, preceding player (in a game)
        jiànshǎngjiā, [鑒賞家], connoisseur/appreciative person/fan
        guǎnjiāpó, housewife (jocularly)/female housekeeper of a higher rank (old)/busybody
        Dàojiā, Daoist School of the Warring States Period (475-221 BC), based on the teachings ...
        sàngjiāzhīquǎn, [喪家之犬], stray dog (idiom)
        xiǎojiāziqì, [小家子氣], petty/small-minded
        jiǔjiā, restaurant/bartender/(old) wineshop/tavern
        jiāxìn, letter (to or from) home
        jiāshi, utensils/furniture
        bǎojiāwèiguó, [保家衛國], guard home, defend the country (idiom); national defense
        liànjiā, [戀家], home-loving/to feel a strong attachment to home life/to begrudge being away from...
        jiājiāhùhù, [家家戶戶], each and every family (idiom)/every household
        jiāyòngdiànqì, [家用電器], domestic electric appliance
        tóuzījiā, [投資家], investor
        qīnrúyījiā, [親如一家], family-like close relationship (idiom)
        jiājuàn, one's wife and children
        qiānjiāwànhù, [千家萬戶], every family (idiom)
        jiādào, family financial circumstances
        jiādǐ, family property/patrimony
        gémìngjiā, a revolutionary
        xiàjiā, player whose turn comes next (in a game)/next one/my humble home
        dāngjiāzuòzhǔ, [當家作主], to be in charge in one's own house (idiom)/to be the master of one's own affairs
        héjiāhuān, [合家歡], group photo of whole family
        jiāsī, family property/family wealth
        jiāshì, family background
        hángjiālǐshǒu, [行家裡手], connoisseur/expert
        jiātúsìbì, lit. with only four bare walls for a home (idiom)/fig. very poor/wretched
        jiāfǎ, the rules and discipline that apply within a family/stick used for punishing chi...
        ānjiāluòhù, [安家落戶], to make one's home in a place/to settle
        hánghǎijiā, mariner/seafarer
        rúshǔjiāzhēn, [如數家珍], lit. as if enumerating one's family valuables (idiom)/fig. to be very familiar w...
        bànlùchūjiā, switch to a job one was not trained for
        shénxuéjiā, [神學家], theologian
        jiāzhèngxué, [家政學], family and consumer science
        wànjiādēnghuǒ, [萬家燈火], (of a city etc) ablaze with lights
        fǎxuéjiā, [法學家], jurist/member of the pre-Han legalist school
        jiāzhái, home/residence/house
        jiāxiōng, (polite) my elder brother
        jiājì, [家計], family livelihood/a household's economic situation/family property
        Bīngjiā/bīngjiā, the School of the Military, one of the Hundred Schools of Thought 諸子百家|诸子百家[zhū ...
        lājiācháng, to talk or chat about ordinary daily life
        chíjiā, to housekeep/housekeeping
        shūfǎjiā, [書法家], calligrapher
        wànguànjiācái, [萬貫家財], vast wealth
        chāojiā, to search a house and confiscate possessions
        shēngtàixuéjiā, [生態學家], ecologist
        Fójiā, Buddhism/Buddhist
        gǎigéjiā, reformer
        Jíyějiā, Yoshinoya (Japanese fast food chain)
        jiālǎo, (old) a senior in one's household
        jiāyíng, [家蠅], house fly
        jiāzhǎngzhì, [家長制], patriarchal system
        shǒujiā, first (hotel of its type, store of its type etc)
        Bǎijiāxìng, The Book of Family Names, anonymous Song dynasty reading primer listing 438 surn...
        jiānú, domestic slave/slave servant
        Jiālèfú, [家樂福], Carrefour, French supermarket chain
        Miáojiā, see 苗族[Miáo zú]
        jūnshìjiā, [軍事家], military expert/general
        qínjiǎnchíjiā, [勤儉持家], hardworking and thrifty in running one's household
        nǚjiā, bride's family (in marriage)
        tànjiā, to make a trip home
        liángjiā, good family/innocent people
        xìjùjiā, [戲劇家], dramatist/playwright
        jiādīng, (old) servant hired to keep guard, run errands etc
        biānjíjiā, [編輯家], editor/compiler

        zhīdào, to know/to become aware of/also pr. [zhī dao]
        nándào, [難道], don't tell me .../could it be that...?
        dào, road/path/CL:條|条[tiáo],股[gǔ]/principle/truth/morality/reason/skill/method/Dao (o...
        dàoqiàn, to apologize
        wèidao, flavor/smell/hint of
        bàodào, [報道], to report (news)/report/CL:篇[piān],份[fèn]
        dàoli, reason/argument/sense/principle/basis/justification/CL:個|个[gè]
        píndào, [頻道], frequency/(television) channel
        dàodé, virtue/morality/ethics/CL:種|种[zhǒng]
        dàdào, main street/avenue
        dàolù, road/path/way/CL:條|条[tiáo]
        Tōngdào/tōngdào, Tongdao Dong autonomous county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huái huà], Hunan, (communication...
        húshuōbādào, [胡說八道], to talk rubbish
        suìdào, tunnel
        jiēdào, street/CL:條|条[tiáo]/subdistrict/residential district
        dǎjiāodào, to come into contact with/to have dealings
        guǐdào, [軌道], orbit/railway or tram line/fig. conventional way of thinking
        guǎndào, tubing/pipeline/(fig.) channel/means
        dàobié, [道別], leave-taking/to say goodbye
        yīndào, [陰道], vagina
        dàojù, prop (theater)/paraphernalia/(gaming) item/artifact
        xiàshuǐdào, sewer
        dìdào/dìdao, tunnel/causeway, authentic/genuine/proper
        Dàoqí, Dodge, US automobile brand, division of Chrysler LLC
        chēdào, [車道], traffic lane/driveway
        xiūdàoyuàn, monastery/convent
        gōngdào/gōngdao, justice/fairness/public highway, fair/equitable
        dàndào, [彈道], trajectory (of a projectile)/ballistic curve
        pǎodào, athletic track/track/runway (i.e. airstrip)
        ràodào, [繞道], to go by a roundabout route/to take a detour/(medicine or civil engineering) byp...
        rénxíngdào, sidewalk
        qúdào, irrigation ditch/(fig.) channel/means
        bùdào, [佈道], sermon/to sermonize/to preach/to evangelize, to preach (the Christian gospel)
        hēidào, dark road/criminal ways/the underworld/see also 白道[bái dào]
        wēibùzúdào, negligible/insignificant
        bùdàodé, immoral
        táiquándào, taekwondo (Korean martial art)
        shùndào, [順道], on the way
        shuōdào/shuōdao, [說道], to state/to say (the quoted words), to discuss/reason (behind sth)
        róudào, judo
        guòdào, [過道], passageway/corridor/aisle
        réndào, human sympathy/humanitarianism/humane/the "human way", one of the stages in the ...
        hángdào, waterway/ship channel
        sàidào, [賽道], race course
        réndàozhǔyì, [人道主義], humanism/humanitarian (aid)
        hòudao, kind and honest/generous/sincere
        shìdào, the ways of the world/the morals of the time
        Dàogélāsī, Douglas (name)
        zǒudào, pavement/sidewalk/path/walk/footpath/aisle
        xiǎodào, bypath/trail/bribery as a means of achieving a goal/minor arts (Confucian refere...
        fēndàoyángbiāo, [分道揚鑣], lit. to take different roads and urge the horses on (idiom)/fig. to part ways
        yīdào, together
        shuōsāndàosì, [說三道四], to make thoughtless remarks (idiom)/to criticize/gossip
        xiǎodàoxiāoxi, hearsay/gossip
        dàoshì, Daoist priest
        dàoxiè, [道謝], to express thanks
        dàoyì, [道義], morality/righteousness and justice
        chángdào, [腸道], intestines/gut
        zhèngdào, the correct path/the right way (Buddhism)
        chuándào, [傳道], to lecture on doctrine/to expound the wisdom of ancient sages/to preach/a sermon
        dàotīngtúshuō, [道聽途說], gossip/hearsay/rumor
        bèidàoérchí, [背道而馳], to run in the opposite direction (idiom); to run counter to
        bàdào, the Way of the Hegemon/abbr. for 霸王之道/despotic rule/rule by might/evil as oppose...
        shídào, esophagus/the proper way to eat/food transportation route
        dàdàoli, major principle/general truth/sermon (reproof)/bombastic talk
        wāndào, [彎道], winding road/road curve
        tiědào, [鐵道], railway line/rail track
        Dàoguāng, reign name of Qing emperor (1821-1850)
        qīngdàofū, street cleaner/garbage collector/(soccer) sweeper
        Jiāngyuándào, Gangwon Province of Korea during Joseon Dynasty/Kangwon province of North Korea/...
        zhìtóngdàohé, like-minded (idiom)/fellow enthusiast/kindred spirit
        hūxīdào, respiratory tract
        chìdào, equator (of the earth or astronomical body)
        wèndào, [問道], to ask the way/to ask
        chūdào, to make one's first public performance (of an entertainer etc)/to start one's ca...
        dānxíngdào, [單行道], one-way street
        bùréndào, inhuman
        kuàichēdào, [快車道], fast lane
        xiūdào, to practice Daoism
        Běihǎidào, Hokkaidō, Japan
        wǔshìdào, bushidō or way of the warrior, samurai code of chivalry
        gǎidào, to change route/to divert (a road or a watercourse)
        chēngdào, [稱道], to commend/to praise
        cǎnwúréndào, [慘無人道], inhuman (idiom)/brutal and unfeeling
        wángdào, the Way of the King/statecraft/benevolent rule/virtuous as opposed to the Way of...
        néngshuōhuìdào, [能說會道], can talk really well (idiom); the gift of the gab
        qiúdào, fairway (golf)/lane (ten-pin bowling)
        líjīngpàndào, [離經叛道], to rebel against orthodoxy/to depart from established practices
尿         niàodào, urethra/urinary tract
        shuǐdào, aqueduct/sewer
        lóudào, [樓道], corridor/passageway (in storied building)
        Dàoěrdùn, [道爾頓], Dalton (name)/John Dalton (1766-1844), British scientist who contributed to atom...
        xìndào, signal path
        jīnjīnlèdào, [津津樂道], to discuss sth enthusiastically
        dàochū, to speak/to tell/to voice
        chàdào, side road/byway
        dàndàodǎodàn, [彈道導彈], ballistic missile
        dàoxué, [道學], Confucian study of ethics/study of Daoism/school for Daoism in Tang and Song tim...
        xiāohuàdào, digestive tract
        hédào, river course/river channel
        dàohè, [道賀], to congratulate
        huángdào, [黃道], the ecliptic (the plane of the solar system)
        línyìndào, [林蔭道], boulevard/avenue/mall
便         biàndào, pavement/sidewalk/shortcut/makeshift road
        tóngdào, same principle
        YángguānDào, [陽關道], same as 陽關大道|阳关大道[Yáng guān Dà dào]
        rénxínghéngdào, [人行橫道], pedestrian crossing
        jìndào, shortcut/a quicker method
        pōdào, road on a slope/inclined path/ramp
        guódào, [國道], national highway
        qīngdào, to clean the street/to clear the road (i.e. get rid of people for passage of roy...
        kēngdào, mine shaft/gallery/tunnel
        shēngdào, [聲道], sound track/audio channel
        méndào/méndao, [門道], doorway/gateway, the way to do sth/knack
        dìdìdàodào, thoroughgoing/authentic/100%/to the core
        fǎnqídàoérxíngzhī, to do the very opposite/to act in a diametrically opposite way
        qǔdào, via/by way of/en route to
        kāidào, [開道], to clear the way
        dāngdào, [當道], in the middle of the road/to be in the way/to hold power/(fig.) to predominate/t...
        tóutóushìdào, [頭頭是道], clear and logical
        yàodào, major road/thoroughfare/main road
        xuédào, acupuncture point/acupoint
        chǎndào, [產道], birth canal (in obstetrics)
        dàxíngqídào, rampant/very popular
        Màidào, [麥道], McDonnell Douglas (plane company)
        Dàojiā, Daoist School of the Warring States Period (475-221 BC), based on the teachings ...
        dàobái, spoken lines in opera
        Dàojiào, Taoism/Daoism (Chinese system of beliefs)
        yǒngdào, walled-in path/paved pathway/canopied passageway/corridor/tunnel
        yuànshēngzàidào, [怨聲載道], lit. cries of complaint fill the roads (idiom); complaints rise all around/disco...
        jiàndào, [劍道], kendō (sports)
        dàoxǐ, to congratulate
        dàochǎng, [道場], Taoist or Buddhist rite/abbr. for 菩提道場|菩提道场[Pú tí dào chǎng]
        dàopò, to expose/to reveal
        rènzhòngdàoyuǎn, [任重道遠], a heavy load and a long road/fig. to bear heavy responsibilities through a long ...
        gǔdào, ancient road/precepts of the antiquity
        jiādào, family financial circumstances
        Shéndào, Shinto (Japanese religion)
        dàodì, authentic/original
        gàndào, [幹道], arterial road/main road/main watercourse
        wèidàoshì, [衛道士], traditionalist/moralist/champion (of a cause)
        dànìbùdào, disgraceful (of behavior that is unfilial, rebellious or otherwise in grave brea...
        xiédào, depraved life/evil ways/fornication
        kāngzhuāngdàdào, [康莊大道], broad and open road (idiom); fig. brilliant future prospects
        zhàndào, [棧道], plank walkway constructed on the face of a cliff/(archaic) elevated passageway c...
        hèdào, (of yamen bailiffs etc) to walk ahead of an official, shouting at pedestrians to...
        héngxíngbàdào, [橫行霸道], to oppress/to rule as a despot/to tyrannize
        tiāndào, natural law/heavenly law/weather (dialect)
        yǎngshēngzhīdào, [養生之道], the way of maintaining good health
        zhuǎndào, [轉道], to make a detour/to go by way of
        Dàowài, Daowai district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Hā ěr bīn] in Heilongjiang
        dàogū, Daoist nun
        chádào, Japanese tea ceremony/sado
        wāiménxiédào, [歪門邪道], dishonest practices
        yángchángxiǎodào, [羊腸小道], road as twisty as sheep's intestine (idiom); narrow and winding road/fig. compli...
        dàopáo, Taoist robe/traditional men's gown
        lìdào, strength/power/efficacy
        huáxíngdào, taxiway (at airport)
        Yīdào/yīdào, [醫道], Hur Jun (TV series), art of healing/medical skill
        pángménzuǒdào, [旁門左道], dissenting religious sect (idiom); heretical school of opinion/dissident group
        suǒdào, ropeway
        xiàodao, filial piety (Confucian virtue)/to be a good son or daughter
        dàorén, Taoist devotee (honorific)
        jiādàohuānyíng, [夾道歡迎], to line the streets in welcome
        dōngdàozhǔ, [東道主], host/official host (e.g. venue for games or a conference)
        tiāndàochóuqín, Heaven rewards the diligent. (idiom)
        shuōchángdàoduǎn, [說長道短], lit. to discuss sb's merits and demerits (idiom); to gossip
        dàochà, railroad switch
        yīyǔdàopò, [一語道破], one word says it all (idiom)/to hit the nail on the head/to be pithy and correct
        gǒngdào, archway
        dàoyuàn, Daoyuan (Sanctuary of the Dao)
        wàiěrdào, external auditory meatus/auditory canal, between the outer ear 外耳 and tympanum 鼓...
        báidào, lunar orbit/legitimate/righteous/see also 黑道[hēi dào]
        yǒudàoshì, as they say, .../as the saying goes, ...
        Quánluónándào, [全羅南道], South Jeolla Province, in southwest South Korea, capital Gwangju 光州[Guāng zhōu]
        ChìdàoJīnèiyà, [赤道幾內亞], Equatorial Guinea
        wèidào, [衛道], to defend traditional values
        jiādào, [夾道], a narrow street (lined with walls)/to line the street
·         Kēnán·Dàoěr, [柯南·道爾], Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), author of the Sherlock Holmes stories 歇洛克·福爾...
        Dàojiàotú, a Daoist/a follower of Daoism
        dōngdào, [東道], host
        mùdào, path leading to a grave/tomb passage/aisle leading to the coffin chamber of an a...
        zhǔhángdào, main channel
        Qìngshàngdào, [慶尚道], Gyeongsang Province of Joseon Korea, now divided into North Gyeongsang Province ...
        Dàolǐ, Daoli district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Hā ěr bīn] in Heilongjiang

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