家 ⇒
家 jiā, [傢], see 傢伙|家伙[jiā huo], home/family/(polite) my (sister, uncle etc)/classifier for f...
大家 dàjiā, everyone/influential family/great expert
家伙 jiāhuo, [傢伙], variant of 家伙[jiā huo], household dish, implement or furniture/domestic animal/(...
回家 huíjiā, to return home
国家 guójiā, [國家], country/nation/state/CL:個|个[gè]
家庭 jiātíng, family/household/CL:戶|户[hù],個|个[gè]
家里 jiālǐ, [家裡], home
家人 jiārén, household/(one's) family
家族 jiāzú, family/clan
专家 zhuānjiā, [專家], expert/specialist/CL:個|个[gè]
小家伙 人家 rénjiā/rénjia, household/dwelling/family/sb else's house/household business/house of woman's hu...
作家 zuòjiā, author/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
在家 你家 艺术家 yìshùjiā, [藝術家], artist/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng]
科学家 kēxuéjiā, [科學家], scientist/CL:個|个[gè]
我家 家长 jiāzhǎng, [家長], head of a household/family head/patriarch/parent or guardian of a child
一家 yījiā, the whole family/the same family/the family ... (when preceded by a family name)...
这家 搬家 bānjiā, to move house/removal
家乡 jiāxiāng, [家鄉], hometown/native place/CL:個|个[gè]
全家 quánjiā, whole family
家具 jiājù, furniture/CL:件[jiàn],套[tào]
老家伙 lǎojiāhuo, [老傢伙], variant of 老家伙[lǎo jiā huo], (coll.) old fellow/old codger
皇家 huángjiā, royal/imperial household
离家 无家可归 wújiākěguī, [無家可歸], homeless
私家 sījiā, private/privately owned or managed
买家 mǎijiā, [買家], buyer/client
家园 jiāyuán, [家園], home/homeland
管家 guǎnjiā, housekeeper/butler/manage one's household
画家 huàjiā, [畫家], painter/CL:個|个[gè]
他家 老家 lǎojiā, native place/place of origin/home state or region
家中 家属 jiāshǔ, [家屬], family member/(family) dependent
家门 jiāmén, [家門], house door/family clan
独家 dújiā, [獨家], exclusive
音乐家 yīnyuèjiā, [音樂家], musician
家里人 好家伙 hǎojiāhuo, my God!/oh boy!/man!
大家庭 家务 jiāwù, [家務], household duties/housework
家门口 政治家 zhèngzhìjiā, statesman/politician/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng]
她家 老人家 lǎorénjiā, polite term for old woman or man
自家 zìjiā, oneself/one's own family
家教 jiājiào, family education/upbringing/to bring sb up/private tutor
行家 hángjiā, connoisseur/expert/veteran
富家 物理学家 wùlǐxuéjiā, [物理學家], physicist
养家 yǎngjiā, [養家], to support a family/to raise a family
银行家 yínhángjiā, [銀行家], banker
作曲家 zuòqǔjiā, composer/songwriter
收藏家 shōucángjiā, a collector (e.g. of artworks)
小说家 Xiǎoshuōjiā/xiǎoshuōjiā, [小說家], School of Minor-talks, one of the Hundred Schools of Thought 諸子百家|诸子百家[zhū zǐ bǎ...
输家 哲学家 zhéxuéjiā, [哲學家], philosopher
一家子 yījiāzi, the whole family
评论家 pínglùnjiā, [評論家], critic/reviewer
慈善家 císhànjiā, philanthropist/humanitarian/charity donor
数学家 shùxuéjiā, [數學家], mathematician
全家人 发明家 fāmíngjiā, [發明家], inventor
剧作家 jùzuòjiā, [劇作家], playwright
考古学家 kǎogǔxuéjiā, [考古學家], archaeologist
庄家 zhuāngjiā, [莊家], farmhouse/banker (gambling)
预言家 yùyánjiā, [預言家], prophet
家长会 jiāzhǎnghuì, [家長會], parent-teacher conference/parents' association
家政 jiāzhèng, housekeeping
邻家 línjiā, [鄰家], next-door neighbor/neighboring household/adjacent country (short for 鄰接的國家|邻接的国家...
到家 dàojiā, perfect/excellent/brought to the utmost degree
成家 chéngjiā, to settle down and get married (of a man)/to become a recognized expert
家事 jiāshì, family matters/domestic affairs/housework
卖家 màijiā, [賣家], seller
家当 jiādàng, [家當], familial property/belongings
舞蹈家 wǔdǎojiā, dancer
家用 jiāyòng, home-use/domestic/family expenses/housekeeping money
身家 娘家 niángjia, married woman's parents' home
家常便饭 jiāchángbiànfàn, [家常便飯], simple home-style meal/common occurrence/nothing out of the ordinary
家居 jiājū, home/residence/to stay at home (unemployed)
批评家 pīpíngjiā, [批評家], critic
过家家 guòjiājiā, [過家家], to play house
企业家 qǐyèjiā, [企業家], entrepreneur
白手起家 báishǒuqǐjiā, to build up from nothing/to start from scratch
仇家 chóujiā, enemy/foe
世家 shìjiā, family influential for generations/aristocratic family
探险家 tànxiǎnjiā, [探險家], explorer
生物学家 shēngwùxuéjiā, [生物學家], biologist
钢琴家 gāngqínjiā, [鋼琴家], pianist
哪家 漫画家 mànhuàjiā, [漫畫家], cartoon writer (from Japanese mangaka)
全家福 quánjiāfú, photograph of the entire family/hodgepodge (cookery)
挨家挨户 āijiāāihù, [挨家挨戶], to go from house to house
化学家 huàxuéjiā, [化學家], chemist
冒险家 màoxiǎnjiā, [冒險家], adventurer
家务事 冤家 yuānjia, enemy/foe/(in opera) sweetheart or destined love
倾家荡产 qīngjiādàngchǎn, [傾家蕩產], to lose a family fortune (idiom)
居家 jūjiā, to live at home/to stay at home/home (schooling etc)/in-home (care etc)/househol...
家家 安家 ānjiā, to settle down/to set up a home
阴谋家 yīnmóujiā, [陰謀家], schemer/conspirator
家产 jiāchǎn, [家產], family property
家禽 jiāqín, poultry/domestic fowl
天文学家 tiānwénxuéjiā, [天文學家], astronomer
资本家 zīběnjiā, [資本家], capitalist
家父 jiāfù, (polite) my father
家喻户晓 jiāyùhùxiǎo, [家喻戶曉], understood by everyone (idiom); well known/a household name
历史学家 lìshǐxuéjiā, [歷史學家], historian
传家宝 chuánjiābǎo, [傳家寶], family heirloom
地质学家 dìzhìxuéjiā, [地質學家], geologist
家室 jiāshì, wife/family/(literary) residence
无家可归者 每家 谁家 演奏家 起家 qǐjiā, to start out by/to grow an enterprise beginning with/to begin one's career by
厂家 chǎngjiā, [廠家], factory/factory owners
家畜 jiāchù, domestic animal/livestock/cattle
当家 dāngjiā, [當家], to manage the household/to be the one in charge of the family/to call the shots/...
思想家 sīxiǎngjiā, thinker
分析家 fēnxījiā, (political) analyst
家常 jiācháng, the daily life of a family
看家 kānjiā, to look after the house/(of skill, ability) special/outstanding
家务活 家庭式 发家 fājiā, [發家], to lay down a family fortune/to get rich/to become prosperous
歌唱家 gēchàngjiā, singer
一家人 yījiārén, household/the whole family
亲家 qìngjia, [親家], parents of one's daughter-in-law or son-in-law/relatives by marriage
东家 dōngjiā, [東家], master (i.e. employer)/landlord/boss
家常菜 jiāchángcài, home cooking
回老家 huílǎojiā, to go back to one's roots/to return to one's native place/by ext. to join one's ...
国家级 guójiājí, [國家級], (administrative) national-level
大家族 住家 zhùjiā, residence/household/to reside
农家 Nóngjiā/nóngjiā, [農家], School of Agriculture, school of thought of the Warring States Period (475-221 B...
家谱 jiāpǔ, [家譜], genealogy/family tree
分家 fēnjiā, to separate and live apart/division of a large family into smaller groups
家业 jiāyè, [家業], family property
空想家 kōngxiǎngjiā, impractical dreamer
敬家人 美食家 měishíjiā, gourmet
专家组 家宴 小家庭 女作家 大家伙儿 发展中国家 fāzhǎnzhōngguójiā, [發展中國家], developing country
大作家 家境 jiājìng, family financial situation/family circumstances
指挥家 zhǐhuījiā, [指揮家], conductor (music)
表演家 商家 shāngjiā, merchant/business/enterprise
雕塑家 家电 jiādiàn, [家電], household electric appliance/abbr. for 家用電器|家用电器
观察家 guānchájiā, [觀察家], observer/The Observer (UK newspaper)
国家队 guójiāduì, [國家隊], the national team
旅行家 雕刻家 diāokèjiā, sculptor
国家安全部 Guójiāānquánbù, [國家安全部], PRC Ministry of State Security
摄影家 shèyǐngjiā, [攝影家], photographer
理论家 lǐlùnjiā, [理論家], theorist/theoretician
经济学家 jīngjìxuéjiā, [經濟學家], economist
家访 家财 公家 gōngjiā, the public/the state/society/the public purse
家规 名家 Míngjiā/míngjiā, School of Logicians of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC), also called the S...
家犬 家丑 jiāchǒu, [家醜], family scandal/skeleton in the closet
专家级 婆家 pójia, husband's family
文学家 wénxuéjiā, [文學家], writer/man of letters/CL:個|个[gè]
史学家 shǐxuéjiā, [史學家], historian
家住 实业家 shíyèjiā, [實業家], industrialist
古生物学家 gǔshēngwùxuéjiā, [古生物學家], palaeontologist/paleobiologist
金融家 jīnróngjiā, financier/banker
传家之宝 家小 活动家 huódòngjiā, [活動家], activist
家破人亡 jiāpòrénwáng, family bankrupt and the people dead (idiom); ruined and orphaned/destitute and h...
实干家 shígànjiā, [實幹家], sb who gets things done/doer
败家子 bàijiāzǐ, [敗家子], spendthrift/wastrel/prodigal
笨家伙 家母 jiāmǔ, (polite) my mother
发达国家 fādáguójiā, [發達國家], developed nation
举家 jǔjiā, [舉家], the whole family
外交家 wàijiāojiā, diplomat
战略家 zhànlüèjiā, [戰略家], a strategist
家庭妇女 女人家 nǚrénjia, women (in general)
出家 chūjiā, to leave home (to become a Buddhist monk or nun)
返家 fǎnjiā, to return home
话家常 家康 家元 合家 héjiā, whole family/entire household
本家 běnjiā, a member of the same clan/a distant relative with the same family name
成家立业 chéngjiālìyè, [成家立業], to get married and start a career (idiom)/to settle down/to establish oneself
教育家 jiàoyùjiā, educationalist
冤家对头 yuānjiāduìtóu, [冤家對頭], enemy (idiom); opponent/arch-enemy
店家 diànjiā, proprietor of a shop or restaurant/landlord/shop
国家机器 家臣 jiāchén, counselor of king or feudal warlord/henchman
看家本领 上家 shàngjiā, preceding player (in a game)
鉴赏家 jiànshǎngjiā, [鑒賞家], connoisseur/appreciative person/fan
管家婆 guǎnjiāpó, housewife (jocularly)/female housekeeper of a higher rank (old)/busybody
道家 Dàojiā, Daoist School of the Warring States Period (475-221 BC), based on the teachings ...
家族式 丧家之犬 sàngjiāzhīquǎn, [喪家之犬], stray dog (idiom)
小家子气 xiǎojiāziqì, [小家子氣], petty/small-minded
当家的 各家 家史 酒家 jiǔjiā, restaurant/bartender/(old) wineshop/tavern
家信 jiāxìn, letter (to or from) home
家什 jiāshi, utensils/furniture
回家来 保家卫国 bǎojiāwèiguó, [保家衛國], guard home, defend the country (idiom); national defense
恋家 liànjiā, [戀家], home-loving/to feel a strong attachment to home life/to begrudge being away from...
家家户户 jiājiāhùhù, [家家戶戶], each and every family (idiom)/every household
家用电器 jiāyòngdiànqì, [家用電器], domestic electric appliance
投资家 tóuzījiā, [投資家], investor
亲如一家 qīnrúyījiā, [親如一家], family-like close relationship (idiom)
社会学家 家眷 jiājuàn, one's wife and children
千家万户 qiānjiāwànhù, [千家萬戶], every family (idiom)
独此一家 家鼠 家道 jiādào, family financial circumstances
家底 jiādǐ, family property/patrimony
革命家 gémìngjiā, a revolutionary
表演艺术家 下家 xiàjiā, player whose turn comes next (in a game)/next one/my humble home
好人家 当家作主 dāngjiāzuòzhǔ, [當家作主], to be in charge in one's own house (idiom)/to be the master of one's own affairs
合家欢 héjiāhuān, [合家歡], group photo of whole family
独立国家 园艺家 看家狗 家乡话 家私 jiāsī, family property/family wealth
家世 jiāshì, family background
制造家 行家里手 hángjiālǐshǒu, [行家裡手], connoisseur/expert
家常饭 国家机关 主人家 俺家 家徒四壁 jiātúsìbì, lit. with only four bare walls for a home (idiom)/fig. very poor/wretched
姑娘家 当家做主 家法 jiāfǎ, the rules and discipline that apply within a family/stick used for punishing chi...
安家落户 ānjiāluòhù, [安家落戶], to make one's home in a place/to settle
野心家 国家电网 航海家 hánghǎijiā, mariner/seafarer
如数家珍 rúshǔjiāzhēn, [如數家珍], lit. as if enumerating one's family valuables (idiom)/fig. to be very familiar w...
半路出家 bànlùchūjiā, switch to a job one was not trained for
神学家 shénxuéjiā, [神學家], theologian
家长里短 演唱家 家政学 jiāzhèngxué, [家政學], family and consumer science
万家灯火 wànjiādēnghuǒ, [萬家燈火], (of a city etc) ablaze with lights
道学家 家风 家贼 法学家 fǎxuéjiā, [法學家], jurist/member of the pre-Han legalist school
家宅 jiāzhái, home/residence/house
家兄 jiāxiōng, (polite) my elder brother
熊之家 政论家 家计 jiājì, [家計], family livelihood/a household's economic situation/family property
词作家 兵家 Bīngjiā/bīngjiā, the School of the Military, one of the Hundred Schools of Thought 諸子百家|诸子百家[zhū ...
拉家常 lājiācháng, to talk or chat about ordinary daily life
持家 chíjiā, to housekeep/housekeeping
理想家 书法家 shūfǎjiā, [書法家], calligrapher
农家女 万贯家财 wànguànjiācái, [萬貫家財], vast wealth
美术家 抄家 chāojiā, to search a house and confiscate possessions
家书 家祖新 生态学家 shēngtàixuéjiā, [生態學家], ecologist
川家康 珍一家 孩子家 国家标准 豪家 一家非 佛家 Fójiā, Buddhism/Buddhist
改革家 gǎigéjiā, reformer
维家 吉野家 Jíyějiā, Yoshinoya (Japanese fast food chain)
亲家母 一家家 家独书 国家所有 娘家人 戴伯家 杨苏家 家兔 家鸡 家老 jiālǎo, (old) a senior in one's household
家蝇 jiāyíng, [家蠅], house fly
那家新 范高家 家长制 jiāzhǎngzhì, [家長制], patriarchal system
那家子 家具城 首家 shǒujiā, first (hotel of its type, store of its type etc)
空谈家 儿童文学家 丘伯家 百家姓 Bǎijiāxìng, The Book of Family Names, anonymous Song dynasty reading primer listing 438 surn...
葛卢伯家 辛一家 胡安家里 家奴 jiānú, domestic slave/slave servant
家宣 家安 家华 百惠家 家乐福 Jiālèfú, [家樂福], Carrefour, French supermarket chain
平野家 苗家 Miáojiā, see 苗族[Miáo zú]
军事家 jūnshìjiā, [軍事家], military expert/general
谋略家 勤俭持家 qínjiǎnchíjiā, [勤儉持家], hardworking and thrifty in running one's household
斯家 庆家 设计家 家天威 小家电 女家 nǚjiā, bride's family (in marriage)
探家 tànjiā, to make a trip home
国家栋梁 家居服 教育学家 百姓家 柏克家 家徽 星野家 农家肥 一家棣 裔家庭 古家君 褐家鼠 康维家 各家各户 别家来 良家 liángjiā, good family/innocent people
戏剧家 xìjùjiā, [戲劇家], dramatist/playwright
家丁 jiādīng, (old) servant hired to keep guard, run errands etc
家常话 编辑家 biānjíjiā, [編輯家], editor/compiler
长 ⇒
长 cháng/zhǎng, [長], length/long/forever/always/constantly, chief/head/elder/to grow/to develop/to in...
长官 zhǎngguān, [長官], senior official/senior officer/commanding officer/CL:位[wèi]/sir (term of address...
长大 zhǎngdà, [長大], to grow up
队长 duìzhǎng, [隊長], captain/team leader/CL:個|个[gè]
船长 chuánzhǎng, [船長], captain (of a boat)/skipper
警长 擅长 shàncháng, [擅長], to be good at/to be expert in
市长 shìzhǎng, [市長], mayor
校长 xiàozhǎng, [校長], (college, university) president/headmaster/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng]
成长 chéngzhǎng, [成長], to mature/to grow/growth
局长 júzhǎng, [局長], bureau chief/CL:位[wèi],個|个[gè]
探长 tànzhǎng, [探長], (police) detective
家长 jiāzhǎng, [家長], head of a household/family head/patriarch/parent or guardian of a child
部长 bùzhǎng, [部長], head of a (government etc) department/section chief/section head/secretary/minis...
州长 zhōuzhǎng, [州長], governor (of a province or colony)/US state governor/premier (Australian states)
漫长 màncháng, [漫長], very long/endless
长期 chángqī, [長期], long term/long time/long range (of a forecast)
长久 chángjiǔ, [長久], (for a) long time
说来话长 shuōláihuàcháng, [說來話長], start explaining and it's a long story (idiom); complicated and not easy to expr...
生长 shēngzhǎng, [生長], to grow
长相 zhǎngxiàng, [長相], appearance/looks/profile/countenance
会长 huìzhǎng, [會長], president of a club, committee etc
增长 zēngzhǎng, [增長], to grow/to increase
院长 yuànzhǎng, [院長], the head of an institution whose name ends in 院[yuàn]/chair of a board/president...
机长 jīzhǎng, [機長], captain/chief pilot
延长 Yáncháng/yáncháng, [延長], Yanchang county in Yan'an 延安[Yán ān], Shaanxi, to prolong/to extend/to delay
专长 zhuāncháng, [專長], specialty/special knowledge or ability
酋长 qiúzhǎng, [酋長], headman (of primitive people)/tribal chief/used as translation for foreign leade...
长话短说 chánghuàduǎnshuō, [長話短說], to make a long story short (idiom)
长老 zhǎnglǎo, [長老], elder/term of respect for a Buddhist monk
舰长 jiànzhǎng, [艦長], commander/captain (of a warship)
年长 niánzhǎng, [年長], senior
长岛 Chángdǎo, [長島], Changdao county in Yantai 煙台|烟台[Yān tái], Shandong
社长 shèzhǎng, [社長], president or director (of association etc)
长发 chángfà, [長髮], long hair
长度 chángdù, [長度], length
班长 bānzhǎng, [班長], class monitor/squad leader/team leader/CL:個|个[gè]
镇长 zhènzhǎng, [鎮長], town headman/mayor (of small town or village)/bailiff
长大成人 特长 tècháng, [特長], personal strength/one's special ability or strong points
长途 chángtú, [長途], long distance
长袍 chángpáo, [長袍], chang pao (traditional Chinese men's robe)/gown/robe/CL:件[jiàn]
长长的 司法部长 议长 yìzhǎng, [議長], chairman (of a legislative assembly)/speaker
村长 cūnzhǎng, [村長], village chief/village head
长远 chángyuǎn, [長遠], long-term/long-range
长椅 chángyǐ, [長椅], bench
长成 zhǎngchéng, [長成], to grow up
检察长 首长 shǒuzhǎng, [首長], senior official
加长 jiācháng, [加長], to lengthen
国防部长 guófángbùzhǎng, [國防部長], Defense secretary/Defense Minister
长辈 zhǎngbèi, [長輩], one's elders/older generation
组长 zǔzhǎng, [組長], group leader
长城 Chángchéng, [長城], the Great Wall
拉长 lācháng, [拉長], to lengthen/to pull sth out longer
参谋长 cānmóuzhǎng, [參謀長], chief of staff
家长会 jiāzhǎnghuì, [家長會], parent-teacher conference/parents' association
兄长 xiōngzhǎng, [兄長], elder brother/term of respect for a man of about the same age
长夜 chángyè, [長夜], long dark night/fig. long period of misery and oppression
长生不老 chángshēngbùlǎo, [長生不老], immortality
长颈鹿 chángjǐnglù, [長頸鹿], giraffe/CL:隻|只[zhī]
长子 Zhǎngzǐ/zhǎngzǐ, [長子], Zhangzi county in Shanxi 山西[Shān xī], eldest son
长处 chángchù, [長處], good aspects/strong points
馆长 长寿 Chángshòu/chángshòu, [長壽], Changshou suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan, long...
长篇大论 长凳 chángdèng, [長凳], pew/bench/CL:張|张[zhāng]
长眠 chángmián, [長眠], eternal rest (i.e. death)
长滩 团长 tuánzhǎng, [團長], regimental command/head of a delegation
族长 zúzhǎng, [族長], clan elder
秘书长 mìshūzhǎng, [秘書長], secretary-general
署长 土生土长 tǔshēngtǔzhǎng, [土生土長], locally born and bred/indigenous/home-grown
董事长 dǒngshìzhǎng, [董事長], chairman of the board/chairman
冗长 rǒngcháng, [冗長], long and tedious/redundant/superfluous/supernumerary/verbose (of writing)
三长两短 sānchángliǎngduǎn, [三長兩短], unexpected misfortune/unexpected accident/sudden death
学长 xuézhǎng, [學長], senior or older male schoolmate
长矛 chángmáo, [長矛], pike/lance/CL:把[bǎ],柄[bǐng]
长假 chángjià, [長假], long vacation/refers to one week national holiday in PRC starting 1st May and 1s...
长途跋涉 chángtúbáshè, [長途跋涉], long and difficult trek
修长 xiūcháng, [修長], slender/lanky/tall and thin
科长 kēzhǎng, [科長], section chief/CL:個|个[gè]
长笛 chángdí, [長笛], (Western) concert flute
护士长 长线 chángxiàn, [長線], long term
长廊 chángláng, [長廊], promenade/long hallway/Long Corridor in the Summer Palace, Beijing 北京頤和園|北京颐和园[B...
长者 zhǎngzhě, [長者], senior/older person
长裤 chángkù, [長褲], trousers
长袖 chángxiù, [長袖], long sleeves/long-sleeved shirt
长长 所长 suǒcháng/suǒzhǎng, [所長], what one is good at, head of an institute etc
长袜 chángwà, [長襪], hose/stocking
长跑 chángpǎo, [長跑], long-distance running
长存 chángcún, [長存], to exist forever
天长地久 tiānchángdìjiǔ, [天長地久], enduring while the world lasts (idiom)/eternal
长命百岁 伍长 长进 zhǎngjìn, [長進], to make progress/progress
伸长 shēncháng, [伸長], to stretch/to extend
长裙 chángqún, [長裙], cheong sam (long skirt)
长途电话 chángtúdiànhuà, [長途電話], long-distance call
长传 助长 zhùzhǎng, [助長], to encourage/to foster/to foment
总长 zǒngcháng/zǒngzhǎng, [總長], total length, name used for cabinet ministers between 1912-1927, superseded by 部...
长一智 处长 chùzhǎng, [處長], department head/section chief
波长 bōcháng, [波長], wavelength
长篇 chángpiān, [長篇], lengthy (report or speech)
台长 意味深长 yìwèishēncháng, [意味深長], profound/significant/meaningful
长枪 chángqiāng, [長槍], pike/CL:支[zhī]
连长 liánzhǎng, [連長], company commander
中队长 长号 chánghào, [長號], trombone
室长 次长 cìzhǎng, [次長], deputy chief
车长 长舌妇 chángshéfù, [長舌婦], female gossip/busybody
长春 Chángchūn, [長春], Changchun subprovincial city and capital of Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast Chin...
尊长 zūnzhǎng, [尊長], one's superior/one's elders and betters
内政部长 nèizhèngbùzhǎng, [內政部長], Minister of the Interior
长期以来 chángqīyǐlái, [長期以來], ever since a long time ago
厅长 tīngzhǎng, [廳長], head of provincial PRC government department
长女 zhǎngnǚ, [長女], eldest daughter
长崎 Chángqí, [長崎], Nagasaki, Japan
课长 kèzhǎng, [課長], section chief (of an administrative unit)/head (of a department)
细长 xìcháng, [細長], slender
长途汽车 chángtúqìchē, [長途汽車], long-distance coach
长机 zhǎngjī, [長機], (military) lead aircraft
卫生部长 总参谋长 zǒngcānmóuzhǎng, [總參謀長], (military) Chief of Staff
扬长而去 yángchángérqù, [揚長而去], to swagger off/to walk off (or drive off etc) without a second thought for those...
轮机长 超长 从长计议 cóngchángjìyì, [從長計議], to take one's time making a decision (idiom)/to consider at length
大队长 区长 qūzhǎng, [區長], district chief
滋长 zīzhǎng, [滋長], to grow (usually of abstract things)/to yield/to develop
理事长 lǐshìzhǎng, [理事長], director general
百夫长 长短 chángduǎn, [長短], length/duration/accident/right and wrong/good and bad/long and short
促膝长谈 行长 hángzhǎng, [行長], bank president
好景不长 hǎojǐngbùcháng, [好景不長], a good thing doesn't last forever (idiom)
长距离 chángjùlí, [長距離], long distance
身长 shēncháng, [身長], height (of person)/length of clothing from shoulders to bottom (tailor or dressm...
长途车 chángtúchē, [長途車], long-distance bus/coach
司长 sīzhǎng, [司長], bureau chief
长河 财政部长 cáizhèngbùzhǎng, [財政部長], minister of finance
长臂猿 chángbìyuán, [長臂猿], gibbon/Hylobatidae (gibbon and lesser ape family)
长江 ChángJiāng, [長江], Yangtze River, or Chang Jiang
长住 长足 chángzú, [長足], remarkable (progress, improvement, expansion etc)
见长 jiàncháng, [見長], to be good at sth/one's forte
悠长 yōucháng, [悠長], long/drawn-out/prolonged/lingering
交通部长 长沙 Chángshā, [長沙], Changsha prefecture-level city and capital of Hunan province in south central Ch...
长盛不衰 站长 zhànzhǎng, [站長], station master
周长 zhōucháng, [周長]/[週長], perimeter/circumference, variant of 周長|周长[zhōu cháng]
长驱直入 chángqūzhírù, [長驅直入], to march straight in unchallenged (military) (idiom)/(fig.) to push deep into th...
审计长 shěnjìzhǎng, [審計長], auditor
委员长 wěiyuánzhǎng, [委員長], head of a committee
长年 chángnián, [長年], all the year round
庭长 tíngzhǎng, [庭長], presiding judge
全长 quáncháng, [全長], overall length/span
长青 排长 páizhǎng, [排長], platoon leader/sergeant
金实长 官长 生长激素 shēngzhǎngjīsù, [生長激素], growth hormone
教务长 jiàowùzhǎng, [教務長], provost
长条 chángtiáo, [長條], strip
长方形 chángfāngxíng, [長方形], rectangle
瘦长 shòucháng, [瘦長], slim
一技之长 yījìzhīcháng, [一技之長], proficiency in a particular field (idiom)/skill in a specialized area (idiom)
长剑 万里长城 WànlǐChángchéng, [萬里長城], the Great Wall
各有所长 省长 shěngzhǎng, [省長], governor of a province
宣传部长 长龙 chánglóng, [長龍], long queue/long line (of cars, people etc)
文实长 长镜头 县长 xiànzhǎng, [縣長], county's head commissioner
长谷川 Chánggǔchuān, [長谷川], Hasegawa (Japanese surname)
外交部长 wàijiāobùzhǎng, [外交部長], minister of foreign affairs
长此以往 长空 chángkōng, [長空], (literary) the vast sky/(finance) eventual downturn/poor prospects in the long t...
狭长 xiácháng, [狹長], long and narrow
疯长 分局长 长征 Chángzhēng/chángzhēng, [長征], Long March (retreat of the Red Army 1934-1935), expedition/long journey
审判长 shěnpànzhǎng, [審判長], presiding judge
长生 chángshēng, [長生], long life
长兄 zhǎngxiōng, [長兄], eldest brother
郡长 长谷 营长 yíngzhǎng, [營長], battalion commander
列车长 lièchēzhǎng, [列車長], conductor/train manager
年长者 辉长岩 huīchángyán, [輝長岩], gabbro (geology)
工长 师长 shīzhǎng, [師長], military division level commander/teacher
取长补短 qǔchángbǔduǎn, [取長補短], lit. use others' strengths to make up for one's weak points (idiom from Mencius)...
曹长 增长率 zēngzhǎnglǜ, [增長率], growth rate (esp. in economics)
深长 shēncháng, [深長], profound (meaning, implications etc)
长海 Chánghǎi, [長海], Changhai county in Dalian 大連|大连[Dà lián], Liaoning
长玖 长卷 长工 长年累月 chángniánlěiyuè, [長年累月], year in, year out (idiom)/(over) many years
扬长避短 yángchángbìduǎn, [揚長避短], to foster strengths and avoid weaknesses (idiom)/to play to one's strengths
此消彼长 园长 yuánzhǎng, [園長], person in charge of a place that ends in 園|园, such as a vineyard 葡萄園|葡萄园, zoo 動物...
长野 Chángyě, [長野], Nagano (name)/Nagano city and prefecture in central Japan
长期性 chángqīxìng, [長期性], long-term
地久天长 dìjiǔtiāncháng, [地久天長], enduring while the world lasts (idiom, from Laozi); eternal/for ever and ever (o...
事务长 长毛绒 长篇小说 chángpiānxiǎoshuō, [長篇小說], novel
长朗 长石 chángshí, [長石], stone beam/horizontal slab of stone/feldspar or felspar (geology)
长叹 chángtàn, [長嘆], long sigh/deep sigh
长啸 长话 长骨 细水长流 xìshuǐchángliú, [細水長流], lit. thin streams flow forever/fig. economy will get you a long way/to work stea...
特长生 天长日久 tiānchángrìjiǔ, [天長日久], after a long time (idiom)
家长里短 鞭长莫及 biānchángmòjí, [鞭長莫及], lit. the whip cannot reach (idiom); beyond one's influence/too far to be able to...
小长 长波 chángbō, [長波], longwave (radio)
野长 久长 jiǔcháng, [久長], a long time
长金发 外长 wàizhǎng, [外長], foreign minister/secretary of state/minister of foreign affairs
与世长辞 yǔshìchángcí, [與世長辭], to die/to depart from the world forever
灵长目 língzhǎngmù, [靈長目], primate order (including monkeys, hominids etc)
长三 chángsān, [長三], (old) high-class prostitute
中长期 中长跑 zhōngchángpǎo, [中長跑], middle distance race
长吁短叹 chángxūduǎntàn, [長吁短嘆], long moan and short gasp (idiom); continually moaning and groaning in pain
股长 gǔzhǎng, [股長], person in charge of a 股[gǔ] (section or department)/head/chief/director/(in a cl...
长拳 chángquán, [長拳], Changquan - Northern Shaolin (北少林) - Longfist - Martial Art
长桌 长法 长物 chángwù, [長物], (literary) things other than the bare necessities of life/item of some value/Tai...
长白 Chángbái, [長白], Changbai Korean autonomous county in Baishan 白山, Jilin
长幼有序 问长问短 长乐 Chánglè, [長樂], Changle county level city in Fuzhou 福州[Fú zhōu], Fujian/Princess Changle of West...
长克 长势 zhǎngshì, [長勢], how well a crop (or plant) is growing/growth
长安 Chángān, [長安], Chang'an (ancient name of Xi'an 西安[Xī ān]) capital of China during Tang Dynasty ...
李长玖 绵长 miáncháng, [綿長], long and continuous (coastline, sound etc)/extensive/prolonged
一无所长 yīwúsuǒcháng, [一無所長], not having any special skill/without any qualifications
长眠不醒 军长 长虫 chángchong, [長蟲], (coll.) snake
长衫 chángshān, [長衫], long gown/cheongsam/traditional Asian dress for men or (in Hong Kong) women's qi...
长达 chángdá, [長達], to extend as long as/to lengthen out to
文化部长 旅长 厂长 chǎngzhǎng, [廠長], factory director
小组长 说长道短 shuōchángdàoduǎn, [說長道短], lit. to discuss sb's merits and demerits (idiom); to gossip
浩气长存 好长 长文 封长信 妮可长 长雏菊 戴上长 崔郡长 长编 颀长 身无长物 shēnwúchángwù, [身無長物], to possess nothing except bare necessities/to live a poor or frugal life
增长量 毛熊长 长歌当哭 长十郎 长君 长孙 Zhǎngsūn/zhǎngsūn, [長孫], two-character surname Zhangsun, eldest grandson/the eldest son of one's eldest s...
钢铁长城 家长制 jiāzhǎngzhì, [家長制], patriarchal system
边长 biāncháng, [邊長], length (of a side, geom.)
寸有所长 保长 bǎocháng/bǎozhǎng, [保長], (math.) distance-preserving/isometric, head of a bao 保[bǎo] in the baojia 保甲[bǎo...
卫队长 庄繁长 长木路 万里长征 财长 cáizhǎng, [財長], treasurer/head of finances/minister of finance
体长 tǐcháng, [體長], body length
长政 长效 chángxiào, [長效], to be effective over an extended period
长清 Chángqīng, [長清], Changqing district of Jinan city 濟南市|济南市[Jǐ nán shì], Shandong
野长都 长牙 chángyá/zhǎngyá, [長牙], tusk, to grow teeth/to teethe
长田 萧长 长亲 长上 长嘴 长得 zhǎngde, [長得], to look (pretty, the same etc)
莉丽长 等长 生长期 裁判长 仰天长叹 郎长真 长衣 长街 长诗 chángshī, [長詩], long poem
长鸣 长治久安 chángzhìjiǔān, [長治久安], long-term peace and stability (of governments)
儿女情长 新闻部长 甘长舒 珍长得 科科长野村 事务部长 长佑 长得俊 鲁郡长
制 ⇒
控制 kòngzhì, control/to exercise control over/to contain
制造 zhìzào, [製造], to manufacture/to make
制作 zhìzuò, [製作], to make/to manufacture
制服 zhìfú, to subdue/to check/to bring under control/(in former times) what one is allowed ...
制 zhì, [製], system/to control/to regulate/variant of 製|制[zhì], to manufacture/to make
限制 xiànzhì, to restrict/to limit/to confine/restriction/limit/CL:個|个[gè]
复制 fùzhì, [複製], to duplicate/to make a copy of/to copy/to reproduce/to clone
制定 zhìdìng, to draw up/to formulate
制度 zhìdù, system (e.g. political, adminstrative etc)/institution/CL:個|个[gè]
制止 zhìzhǐ, to curb/to put a stop to/to stop/to check/to limit
强制 qiángzhì, [強制], to enforce/enforcement/forcibly/compulsory
抑制 yìzhì, to inhibit/to keep down/to suppress
控制室 kòngzhìshì, control room
自制 zìzhì, [自製], to maintain self-control/self-control, self-made/improvised/homemade/handmade
管制 guǎnzhì, to control/to restrict/(PRC law) non-custodial sentence with specified restricti...
克制 kèzhì, to restrain/to control/restraint/self-control
特制 tèzhì, special/unique
录制 lùzhì, [錄製], to record (video or audio)
制造商 zhìzàoshāng, [製造商], manufacturing company
抵制 dǐzhì, to resist/to boycott/to refuse (to cooperate)/to reject/resistance/refusal
制裁 zhìcái, to punish/punishment/sanctions (incl. economic)
控制权 kòngzhìquán, [控制權], control (as in "to win control")
制成 zhìchéng, [製成], to manufacture/to turn out (a product)
机制 jīzhì, [機制]/[機製], mechanism, machine processed/machine made/mechanism
制品 zhìpǐn, [製品], products/goods
制药 zhìyào, [制藥], to manufacture medicine
体制 tǐzhì, [體制], system/organization
制造者 zhìzàozhě, [製造者], maker
复制品 fùzhìpǐn, [複製品], replica/reproduction
制毒 研制 yánzhì, [研製], to manufacture/to develop
定制 dìngzhì, [定製], custom-made/made-to-order/to have something custom made
控制台 kòngzhìtái, [控制臺], control desk/console
绘制 huìzhì, [繪製], to draw/to draft
节制 jiézhì, [節制], to control/to restrict/to moderate/to temper/moderation/sobriety/to administer
控制器 控制力 牵制 qiānzhì, [牽制], to control/to curb/to restrict/to impede/to pin down (enemy troops)
监制 jiānzhì, [監製], to supervise the manufacture of/to supervise the shooting of films/executive pro...
木制 mùzhì, [木製], wooden
专制 zhuānzhì, [專制], autocracy/dictatorship
制剂 zhìjì, [製劑], (chemical or pharmaceutical) preparation
缝制 féngzhì, [縫製], to sew/to make (clothes, bedding)
奴隶制 núlìzhì, [奴隸制], slavery
先发制人 xiānfāzhìrén, [先發制人], to gain the initiative by striking first (idiom); to preempt/to anticipate/preem...
制订 zhìdìng, [制訂], to work out/to formulate
法制 fǎzhì/Fǎzhì, [法製], legal system and institutions, made in France
编制 biānzhì, [編制]/[編製], to establish (a unit or department)/staffing structure (excluding temporary and ...
仿制品 fǎngzhìpǐn, [仿製品], counterfeit object/fake
强制性 自制力 zìzhìlì, self-control
控制塔 调制 tiáozhì, [調制]/[調製], to modulate/modulation, to concoct by mixing ingredients/to prepare according to...
遏制 èzhì, to check/to contain/to hold back/to keep within limits/to constrain/to restrain
制约 zhìyuē, [制約], to restrict/condition
仿制 fǎngzhì, [仿製], to copy/to imitate/to make by imitating a model
制胜 规章制度 摄制 shèzhì, [攝製], to produce (a TV show etc)
制动 zhìdòng, [制動], to brake
制导 zhìdǎo, [制導], to control (the course of sth)/to guide (a missile)
二进制 èrjìnzhì, [二進制], binary system (math.)
奶制品 nǎizhìpǐn, [奶製品], dairy product
订制 dìngzhì, [訂製], custom-made/made-to-order/to have something custom made/also written 定製|定制
制冷 zhìlěng, refrigeration
摄制组 全日制 quánrìzhì, full-time (schooling, work etc)
制伏 zhìfú, to overpower/to overwhelm/to subdue/to check/to control
君主制 jūnzhǔzhì, monarchy
制造厂 zhìzàochǎng, [製造廠], manufacturing plant/factory
制革 制图 zhìtú, [制圖]/[製圖], cartographic/graphics, to map/to chart/to draft/mapmaking/charting
乳制品 rǔzhìpǐn, [乳製品], dairy products
控制者 控制区 制衡 zhìhéng, to check and balance (power)/checks and balances
制高点 制作者 zhìzuòzhě, [製作者], producer/maker/creator
控制线 出奇制胜 chūqízhìshèng, [出奇制勝], to win by a surprise move
炮制 páozhì, [炮製], to concoct/to invent/to fabricate/to produce/to process/processing and curing (C...
限制性 印制 yìnzhì, [印製], to print/to produce (a publication)
配制 pèizhì, [配製], to compound (medicines etc)/to prepare (by mixing ingredients)/to concoct
粗制滥造 cūzhìlànzào, [粗製濫造], to churn out large quantities without regard for quality (idiom); rough and slip...
制造业 zhìzàoyè, [制造業], manufacturing industry
调制解调器 tiáozhìjiětiáoqì, [調制解調器], modem
烹制 公制 gōngzhì, metric system
统制 tǒngzhì, [統制], to control
夏时制 xiàshízhì, [夏時制], daylight saving time
奴隶制度 núlìzhìdù, [奴隸制度], slavery
如法炮制 rúfǎpáozhì, [如法炮製], lit. to follow the recipe (idiom)/fig. to follow a set pattern
改制 gǎizhì, to reorganize/to restructure
腌制 yānzhì, [腌製], marinated/to make by pickling, salting or curing
管制区 肉制品 酿制 精制 jīngzhì, [精製], refined
十进制 shíjìnzhì, [十進制], decimal
制服呢 zhìfúní, tweed cloth (used for military uniforms etc)
受制 shòuzhì, controlled (by sb)/to suffer under a yoke
学制 xuézhì, [學制], educational system/length of schooling
挟制 xiézhì, [挾製], forced submission/to exploit advantage to force sb to do one's bidding
后发制人 烘制 hōngzhì, [烘製], to bake
制造家 纸制品 制表 zhìbiǎo, [製表], to tabulate/tabulation/scheduling/watchmaking
木制品 钳制 qiánzhì, [鉗制], to suppress/to muzzle/to gag
制度化 zhìdùhuà, systematization
豆制品 社会制度 灌制 控制论 kòngzhìlùn, [控制論], control theory (math.)/cybernetics
制冷剂 制衣厂 纸制 克敌制胜 工作制 制式 zhìshì, standardized/standard (service, method etc)/regulation (clothing etc)/formulaic/...
制动器 zhìdòngqì, [制動器], brake
淘汰制 因地制宜 yīndìzhìyí, (idiom) to use methods in line with local circumstances
控制阀 烧制 shāozhì, [燒製], to fire (in a kiln)
竹制 zhúzhì, [竹製], made of bamboo
制空权 巨制 调制器 制备 zhìbèi, [製備], to prepare/preparation (chemistry)
制版 zhìbǎn, [製版], to make a plate (printing)
一国两制 yīguóliǎngzhì, [一國兩制], one country, two systems (PRC proposal regarding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan)
君主专制 股份合作制 旧制 jiùzhì, [舊制], old system/weights and measures of former times
成建制 强制力 市制 shìzhì, Chinese units of measurement
制作厂 生物制品 shēngwùzhìpǐn, [生物製品], biological product
家长制 jiāzhǎngzhì, [家長制], patriarchal system
控制点 十六进制 shíliùjìnzhì, [十六進制], hexadecimal
控制棒 kòngzhìbàng, control rods
精制品 制动闸 扼制 èzhì, to control/to restrain
征兵制 炼制 liànzhì, [煉製], (chemistry) to refine
转制 宪制 xiànzhì, [憲制], system of constitutional government/(used as an attributive) constitutional
试制品 会员制 军制 受制于人 复制件 建制 jiànzhì, organizational structure
承包制 预制 yùzhì, [預製], prefabricated/precut/to prefabricate
私有制 sīyǒuzhì, private ownership of property
六年制 管制法 制药学 制假 zhìjiǎ, [製假], to counterfeit/to manufacture counterfeit goods