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[拉科魯尼亞] LāKēlǔníyà La Coruña or A Coruña (city in Galicia, Spain)

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        lā, to pull/to play (a bowed instrument)/to drag/to draw/to chat
        Yīlākè, Iraq
        Shālā, Sara or Sarah (name)
        LāsīWéijiāsī, [拉斯維加斯], Las Vegas, Nevada
        shālā, salad (loanword)
        Kǎlā/kǎlā, Kara, city in northern Togo 多哥[Duō gē]/Cara, Karla etc (name), karaoke
        Lālā/lālā, Lala, Philippines, lesbian (Internet slang)/Labrador retriever
        lādīng, Latin/(in former times) to press-gang/to kidnap and force people into service
        Ālābó, Arabian/Arabic/Arab
        Ālā/ālā, Allah (Arabic name of God), (Wu dialect) my/our/I/we/me/us
        Dálāsī, [達拉斯], Dallas
        lākāi, [拉開], to pull open/to pull apart/to space out/to increase
        lālǐ, lari (currency of Georgia) (loanword)
        kèlā, carat (mass) (loanword)
        Bùlāgé, Prague, capital of Czech Republic
        Kèlākè, Clark or Clarke (name)
        Ālāsījiā, Alaska, US state
        mǎlāsōng, [馬拉松], marathon (loanword)
        lāliàn, [拉鏈], zipper
        Bābālā, Barbara or Barbra (name)
        Sāngdélā, Sandra (name)
        Lādīngyǔ, [拉丁語], Latin (language)
        lālāduì, [拉拉隊], cheerleading squad/also written 啦啦隊|啦啦队
        Bèilā, [貝拉], Beira, Mozambique
        sèlā, salad (loanword)
        lǐlā, lira (monetary unit) (loanword)
        Xīlālǐ, Hillary (name)/Hillary Rodham Clinton (1947-), US Democratic politician
        Kēluólāduō, [科羅拉多], Colorado
        luólā, [羅拉], roller (loanword)
        Lādīngwén, Latin (language)
        Wěinèiruìlā, [委內瑞拉], Venezuela
        Fǎlālì, Ferrari
        Jiélādé, [傑拉德], Gerrard (name)
        Kǎidílākè, [凱迪拉克], Cadillac
        Bābālā, Barbara (name)
        Lāěrfū, [拉爾夫], Ralph (name)
        Nèibùlāsījiā, [內布拉斯加], Nebraska, US state
        LādīngMěizhōu, Latin America
        tuōlājī, [拖拉機], tractor/CL:臺|台[tái]
        Màndélā, Nelson Mandela (1918-2013), South African ANC politician, president of South Afr...
        Dàogélāsī, Douglas (name)
        Lādīngwǔ, Latin dance
        lāmiàn, [拉麵], pulled noodles/ramen
        lācháng, [拉長], to lengthen/to pull sth out longer
        Wēidìmǎlā, [危地馬拉], Guatemala/see also 瓜地馬拉|瓜地马拉[Guā dì mǎ lā]
        Ōulā, [歐拉], Leonhard Euler (1707-1783), Swiss mathematician
        LāMěi, Latin America/abbr. for 拉丁美洲
        bālā, guava (loanword from Taiwanese)
        Kēluólāduōzhōu, [科羅拉多州], Colorado
        lādùzi, (coll.) to have diarrhea
        ShātèĀlābó, Saudi Arabia
        Pānduōlā, Pandora
        lālǒng, [拉攏], to rope in/fig. to involve sb/to entice
        lāche, to drag/to pull/to raise a child (through difficulties)/to help/to support/to dr...
        Ālābóyǔ, [阿拉伯語], Arabic (language)
        Sūgélādǐ, [蘇格拉底], Socrates (469-399 BC), Greek philosopher/José Sócrates (1957-), prime minister o...
        Yàbólāhǎn, [亞伯拉罕], Abraham (name)/Abraham, father of Judaism and Islam in the Bible and Quran/same ...
        lādǎo, to pull down/(coll.) to let it go/to drop it
        Wéilā, [維拉], Vala (Middle-earth)
        Níjiālāguā, Nicaragua
        Bólātú, [柏拉圖], Plato (c. 427-c. 347 BC), Greek philosopher
        Kǎsāngdélā, Cassandra (given name)/Cassandra (character in Greek mythology)
        Āngēlā, Angola
        Gélāsīgē, Glasgow, Scotland
        Mǎnílā, [馬尼拉], Manila, capital of Philippines
        Xiānggélǐlā, Shangri-La (mythical location)/Shangri-La town and county in Dêqên or Diqing Tib...
        yìlāguàn, pull-top can/easy-open can (with ring-pull)
        Nánsīlāfū, Yugoslavia, 1943-1992
        Pǔlātí, Pilates (physical fitness system)
        Tèlāwéifū, [特拉維夫], Tel Aviv/Tel Aviv-Jaffa
        Bālāguī, Paraguay
        Lāfěiěr, [拉斐爾], Raphael
        Gēsīlā, Godzilla
        Kǎshāndélā, Cassandra (given name)/Cassandra (character in Greek mythology)
        Lāsà, [拉薩], Lhasa, capital city of Tibet autonomous region 西藏自治區|西藏自治区
        Sàlārèwō, [薩拉熱窩], Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina
        Sīlāfū, Slavic
        lāsuǒ, [拉鎖], zipper
        Ōuruòlā, [歐若拉], Aurora, Roman goddess of dawn
        Kǎlāqí, Karachi (Pakistan)
        Lābāsī, La Paz, administrative capital of Bolivia
        Jiālājiāsī, Caracas, capital of Venezuela
        Gējílā, Godzilla (Tw)
        tuōtuōlālā, to procrastinate
        Lāsēn, (name) Larson, Larsen, Larsson or Lassen etc
        Sāhālā, Sahara
        Fúlājīmǐěr, [弗拉基米爾], Vladimir
        Tèlāhuázhōu, [特拉華州], Delaware, US state
        Mèngjiālā, Bengal/Bangladesh
        tuōlā, to drag along/to haul/(fig.) to procrastinate/shilly-shallying/sluggish/(computi...
        Pǔlādá, [普拉達], Prada (brand)
        Xǐmǎlāyǎshān, [喜馬拉雅山], Himalayas
        Hóngdūlāsī, Honduras
        shǒulāshǒu, to join hands/hand in hand
        lāpíng, to bring to the same level/to even up/to flare out/to flatten out
        Lābùlāduō, Labrador, Canada/Labrador (a breed of dog)
        Pǔlā, Pula (city in Croatia)
        Sàkèlāméntuō, [薩克拉門托], Sacramento
        Ānlā, Allah (Arabic name of God)
·         Běn·Lādēng, Osama bin Laden (1957-2011), leader of Al Qaeda
西         Xīlā, Syrah (grape type)
        Mǐlā, Mira (red giant star, Omicron Ceti)
        Sàilālìáng, Sierra Leone
        Jílāní, Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani (1952-), Pakistan People's Party politician, prime minis...
        Bǐlāduō, Pilate (Pontius Pilate in the Biblical passion story)
        Bìdágēlāsī, [畢達哥拉斯], Pythagoras
        Tèlāhuá, [特拉華], Delaware, US state
        lādé, rad (unit of absorbed dose of ionizing radiation) (loanword)
        Ālāsījiāzhōu, Alaska, US state
        dāla, to droop/to dangle
        Dégǔlā, Dracula, novel by Bram Stoker/Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia (1431-1476), nicknam...
        āyàtúlā, [阿亞圖拉], ayatollah (religious leader in Shia Islam)
        Ékèlāhémǎ, [俄克拉何馬], Oklahoma, US state
        lālì, pulling force/(fig.) allure/(materials testing) tensile strength/(loanword) rall...
        Ālāsī, Arras, town in northern France
        Lāmòsī, (Philippine President Fidel) Ramos
        Lādēng, (Osama) bin Laden (1957-2011), leader of Al Qaeda
        Yàlābāmǎ, [亞拉巴馬], Alabama, US state
        Bālākè, Barack, Barak, Ballack (name)
        lālìsài, [拉力賽], rally (car race) (loanword)
        LāKēlǔníyà, [拉科魯尼亞], La Coruña or A Coruña (city in Galicia, Spain)
        Àokèlāhémǎ, [奧克拉荷馬], Oklahoma, US state (Tw)
        BěnLādēng, (Osama) bin Laden (1957-2011), leader of Al Qaeda
        ShātèĀlābórén, a Saudi/Saudi Arabian person
        lāxī, (coll.) to have diarrhea/to shrink back/to cower
        lākè, to solicit (guests, clients, passengers etc)/to importune
        lāfū, to force into service/press-gang
        Mǎshālādì, [瑪莎拉蒂], Maserati
        Sītèlāsībǎo, Strasbourg
        Tèsīlā, Tesla (unit)/Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), Serbian inventor and engineer
        Mǎlā, [馬拉], Marat (name)/Jean-Paul Marat (1743-1793), Swiss scientist and physician
        Ālābówén, Arabic (language & writing)
        Ālābórén, Arab/Arabian/Arabian people
        Yàlābāmǎzhōu, [亞拉巴馬州], Alabama, US state
        lālāchěchě, to tug at/to pull at sb aggressively/to take sb's hand or arm in a too familiar ...
        Lāfěitè, Lafayette
        Bāshìlā, Basra (city in Iraq)
        Fēicíjiélādé, [菲茨傑拉德], Fitzgerald (name)
        gǔlāgé, gulag
        lābǐ, rabbi (loanword)
        lǐwéiāilā, [里維埃拉], riviera (loanword)
        Xǐmǎlāyǎ, [喜馬拉雅], the Himalayas
        Kèlìàopèitèlā, [克莉奧佩特拉], Cleopatra (c. 70-30 BC), queen of Egypt
        fǎlā, farad, SI unit of electrical capacitance (loanword)
        Mǎdélāsī, [馬德拉斯], Madras or Chennai 欽奈|钦奈[Qīn nài], capital of Tamil Nadu on East coast of India
        Lāhèmànnínuòfū, [拉赫曼尼諾夫], Rachmaninoff or Rachmaninov (name)/Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943), Russian comp...
        tuōlāsī, trust (commerce) (loanword)
·         Xīlālǐ·Kèlíndùn, [希拉里·克林頓], Hillary Rodham Clinton (1947-), US Democratic politician
        Kǎměilā, Gamera (Japanese ガメラ Gamera), Japanese movie monster
        lāshǒu/lāshou, to hold hands/to shake hands, a handle/to pull on a handle
        fèilā, [費拉], fellah (loanword)
        Lābātè, Rabat, capital of Morocco
        Tǎlāwǎ, Tarawa, capital of Kiribati
        Jílādé, Gillard (name)
        Lāpǔlāsī, Pierre Simon Laplace (1749-1827), French mathematician
        Kèlākēfū, Krakow
        Lāmǔsīfēiěrdé, [拉姆斯菲爾德], Donald Rumsfeld (1932-), former US Secretary of Defense
        Wūlāguī, [烏拉圭], Uruguay
        Sàlāmànkǎ, [薩拉曼卡], Salamanca, Spain
        Ātèlāsī, Atlas (Titan in Greek mythology)/Atlas mountains of north Africa
        Mótuōluólā, [摩托羅拉], Motorola
        tílāmǐsū, [提拉米蘇], tiramisu (loanword)
        Bùlādísīlāfā, [布拉迪斯拉發], Bratislava
        Ātílā, Attila (406-453), Hun emperor, known as the scourge of God
        Fǎlādì, Faraday (name)/Michael Faraday (1791-1867), British experimental physicist promi...
        Mǎlāwéi, [馬拉維], Malawi
        Wēidìmǎlārén, [危地馬拉人], Guatemalan (person)
        YòufālādǐHé, [幼發拉底河], Euphrates River
        Lātuōwéiyà, [拉脫維亞], Latvia
        Gélā, Gera (city in Germany)
        Mèngjiālāguó, [孟加拉國], Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan)
        Bólāmǔsī, Brahms (name)/Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), German romantic composer
        Wūlāěr, [烏拉爾], the Ural mountains in Russia, dividing Europe from Asia
        Hèlāsī, [賀拉斯], Horace, full Latin name Quintus Horatius Flaccus (65-8 BC), Roman poet
        Kǎnpàlā, Kampala, capital of Uganda
        Lāsīpàěrmǎsī, [拉斯帕爾馬斯], Las Palmas, Spain
        Ālāmùtú, [阿拉木圖], Almaty, previous capital of Kazakhstan
·         Yuēhàn·Lābèi, [約翰·拉貝], John Rabe (1882-1950), German who helped protect Chinese during the Nanking mass...
        Mǎlājiā, [馬拉加], Málaga, Spain/Malaga city in Iranian East Azerbaijan
        Ékèlāhémǎzhōu, [俄克拉何馬州], Oklahoma, US state
        Xǐmǎlāyǎshānmài, [喜馬拉雅山脈], Himalayas
        Lāgèsī, Lagos (Nigerian city)
        lājù, [拉鋸], a two-man saw/fig. to-and-fro between two sides
        Lāhéěr, [拉合爾], Lahore (city in Pakistan)
        Xībōkèlādǐ, Hippocrates (c. 460 BC - c. 370 BC), Greek physician, father of Western medicine
        Guādálāhālā, [瓜達拉哈拉], Guadalajara
        Ābālāqìyà, [阿巴拉契亞], Appalachian Mountains in North America
        Āwéilā, [阿維拉], Avila, Spain
        Mèngjiālāwān, [孟加拉灣], Bay of Bengal
        Gélāhànmǔ, [格拉漢姆], Graham or Graeme (name)
        Ābǔdùlā, Abdullah (name)
        NíjiālāPùbù, Niagara Falls (Tw)
        Mùshālāfū, Pervez Musharraf (1943-), Pakistani general and politician, president 2001-2008
        Bùlādéfúdé, Bradford, city in West Yorkshire, England
        shēnglāyìngzhuài, to drag sb along against his will/to draw a forced analogy
        JiālāpàgēsīQúndǎo, [加拉帕戈斯群島], Galapagos Islands
        lāgān, tension bar
        Kānpéilā, Canberra, capital of Australia
        Ālādīng, Aladdin, character in one of the tales in the The Book of One Thousand and One N...
        Xīlākè, [希拉剋], Jacques René Chirac (1932-), president of France 1995-2007
        Xièlā, [謝拉], Zerah (son of Judah)
        Lādīngzìmǔ, Latin alphabet
        ĀlābóBàndǎo, [阿拉伯半島], Arabian Peninsula
        Ānkǎlā, Ankara, capital of Turkey
        sèlāyóu, salad oil
        bùlājí, woman's dress (loanword from Russian)/gown
        Hālāléi, Harare, capital of Zimbabwe
        Sītèlātèfú, Stratford (place name)/Stratford-upon-Avon, UK city in Warwickshire and birthpla...
        Kǎlājìjī, Radovan Karadžić (1945-), former Bosnian Serb leader and war criminal
·         Bùlādé·Bǐtè, William Bradley "Brad" Pitt (1963-), US actor and film producer
        Lāwénkèláo, [拉文克勞], Ravenclaw (Harry Potter)
        Āmǔhālā, Amhara (province, language and ethnic group of Ethiopia)/Amharic/Ethiopian
        Kālālābāng, Kerala (state in India)
        lājiācháng, to talk or chat about ordinary daily life
        Lājiǎsītǎnbāng, [拉賈斯坦邦], Rajasthan (state in India)
        Ālāfǎtè, Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini (1929-2004), Pales...
        Kǎlābùlǐyà, [卡拉布里亞], Calabria, southernmost Italian province
        lājùzhàn, [拉鋸戰], to-and-fro tussle/closely-fought contest
        ĀlābóHǎi, Arabian Sea
        QièGéwǎlā, Ernesto Che Guevara (1928-1967), Cuban Revolution leader
        Bōměilāníyà, [波美拉尼亞], Pomerania, a historical region on the south shore of the Baltic Sea
        Kǎnàwéilāěrjiǎo, [卡納維拉爾角], Cape Canaveral, Florida, home of Kennedy space center 肯尼迪航天中心[Kěn ní dí Háng tiā...
        Mòlāláisī, [莫拉萊斯], Morales
        ākǎbèilā, [阿卡貝拉], a cappella (loanword)