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Word: freq index 96836
[巴馬科] Bāmǎkē Bamako, capital of Mali

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Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        Bā/bā, Ba state during Zhou dynasty (in east of modern Sichuan)/abbr. for east Sichuan ...
        Bālí, Paris, capital of France
        zuǐba, mouth/CL:張|张[zhāng]/slap in the face/CL:個|个[gè]
        Gǔbā, Cuba
        Bāsī, Bath city in southwest England
西         Bāxī, Brazil
        bāshì, bus (loanword)/motor coach
        xiàba, chin/CL:個|个[gè]
        wěiba, tail/colloquial pr. [yǐ ba]
        Bājīsītǎn, Pakistan
        Bākù, [巴庫], Baku, capital of Azerbaijan
        Bālǐ, Bari (Puglia, Italy)
        xiāngbālǎo, [鄉巴佬], (derog.) villager/hick/bumpkin
        Āěrbāníyà, [阿爾巴尼亞], Albania
        Bātè, Barth or Barthes (name)/Roland Barthes (1915-1980), French critic and semioticia...
        Bāěrdìmó, [巴爾的摩], Baltimore (place name, surname etc)
        bāzhang, palm of the hand/classifier: slap
        Bāgédá, [巴格達], Baghdad, capital of Iraq
        Bānámǎ, [巴拿馬], Panama
        yǎba, [啞巴], mute/muted/a dumb person/to be dumb
        lúnbā, [倫巴], rumba (loanword)
        Bābǐlún, [巴比倫], Babylon
        Sībādá, [斯巴達], Sparta
        níbā, mud
        Xīngbākè, Starbucks, US coffee shop chain
        Bābālā, Barbara (name)
        dàbā, (coll.) large bus/coach/(abbr. for 大型巴士)
        Sāibāsīdìān, Sebastian (name)
        Bāhāmǎ, [巴哈馬], The Bahamas
        bābude, (coll.) to be eager for/to long for/to look forward to
        sāngbā, samba (dance) (loanword)
        jiēba, [結巴], to stutter
        Líbānèn, Lebanon
        Bālèsītǎn, Palestine
        Bāsàiluónà, [巴塞羅那], Barcelona
        línbā, lymph (loanword)/lymphatic
        Bāfálìyà, [巴伐利亞], Bavaria
        BāJīn, Ba Jin (1904-2005), novelist, author of the trilogy 家, 春, 秋
西         Bālúnxīyà, [巴倫西亞], Valencia, Spain
        Bālāguī, Paraguay
        Bāhè, Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), German composer
        bābā, (suffix) very/extremely
        bājie, [巴結], to fawn on/to curry favor with/to make up to
        Āěrbāníyàrén, [阿爾巴尼亞人], Albanian (person)
        Lābāsī, La Paz, administrative capital of Bolivia
        BālíDǎo, [巴厘島], Bali (island in Indonesia)
        Bākèsī, Bacchus, Greek god of wine
        zhòubābā, [皺巴巴], wrinkled/crumpled/unironed
        Sāngjǐbāěr, [桑給巴爾], Zanzibar
        línbājié, [淋巴結], lymphatic node/lymph gland
        bāluòkè, baroque (loanword)
        Gēěrbāqiáofū, [戈爾巴喬夫], Gorbachev/Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev (1931-), last president of the Soviet Un...
        gānbābā, [乾巴巴], dry/parched/dull/insipid
        Bābāduōsī, Barbados
        Àoěrbāní, [奧爾巴尼], Albany, New York
        hǎbāgǒu, pekingese (dog)/(fig.) sycophant/lackey
        Jīnbābùwéi, [津巴布韋], Zimbabwe
        jiējiēbāba, [結結巴巴], stammeringly
        Bādēng, Baden (region in Germany)
        Bāěrzhākè, [巴爾扎克], Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850), French novelist, author of series La comédie humai...
        línbāxìbāo, [淋巴細胞], lymphocyte
        BāěrgànBàndǎo, [巴爾幹半島], Balkan Peninsula
        Yàlābāmǎ, [亞拉巴馬], Alabama, US state
        Bālākè, Barack, Barak, Ballack (name)
        húliwěiba, lit. fox's tail (idiom); visible sign of evil intentions/to reveal one's evil na...
        guōbā, [鍋巴], guoba (scorched rice at the bottom of the pan)
        Bālín, Bahrain
        kěliánbābā, [可憐巴巴], pathetic/pitiful
        ĀlǐBābā/Ālǐbābā, Ali Baba, character from The Arabian Nights, Alibaba, PRC e-commerce company
        Yàlābāmǎzhōu, [亞拉巴馬州], Alabama, US state
        yánbā, [鹽巴], table salt
        Bālì, Pali, language of Theravad Pali canon/Barry (name)/Gareth Barry (1981-), English...
        Bāshìlā, Basra (city in Iraq)
        yǎnbābā, waiting anxiously/impatient
        BānámǎChéng, [巴拿馬城], Panama City
        Kāngbā, Khampa, subdivision of Tibetan ethnic group/former Tibetan province of Kham, now...
        Lābātè, Rabat, capital of Morocco
        KāěrbāqiānShānmài, [喀爾巴阡山脈], Carpathian Mountains, 1500-km mountain range in Central and Eastern Europe
        Bāsàilóngnà, [巴塞隆納], Barcelona (Tw)
        āmǐbā, amoeba (loanword)
        BājiěZǔzhī, [巴解組織], Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)/abbr. for 巴勒斯坦解放組織|巴勒斯坦解放组织[Bā lè sī tǎn...
        Bāhā, Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), German composer (Tw)
        Méngbādùn, [蒙巴頓], Mountbatten (name, Anglicization of German Battenberg)/Lord Louis Mountbatten, 1...
        Bāsāiěr, [巴塞爾], Basel, Switzerland
        bāzǔkǎ, bazooka (loanword)
        Bāěrgàn, [巴爾幹], Balkan
        zhǎba, to blink/to wink
        Ābālāqìyà, [阿巴拉契亞], Appalachian Mountains in North America
        BābùyàXīnJǐnèiyà, [巴布亞新幾內亞], Papua New Guinea
        bāwàng, to look forward to
        xiàlǐbārén, folk songs of the state of Chu 楚國|楚国[Chǔ guó]/popular art forms (cf. 陽春白雪|阳春白雪[y...
        bāluókè, [巴羅克], baroque (period in Western art history) (loanword)
        lǎoshibājiāo, [老實巴交], (coll.) docile/well-behaved/biddable
        bādòu, croton (Croton tiglium), evergreen bush of Euphorbiaceae family 大戟科[dà jǐ kē]/cr...
        línbāxiàn, lymph node/lymphatic gland
        Méngbāsà, [蒙巴薩], Mombasa (city in Kenya)
        Bābǎolì, [巴寶莉], Burberry (brand)
        Bābiétǎ, [巴別塔], Tower of Babel, in Genesis 11:-foll.
        ōubasāng, [歐巴桑], older female/woman of mature years (Japanese loanword)
        Wūlánbātuō, [烏蘭巴托], Ulaanbaatar or Ulan Bator, capital of Mongolia
        TèlìnídáhéDuōbāgē, [特立尼達和多巴哥], Trinidad and Tobago
        Bābèiduō, [巴貝多], Barbados, Caribbean island (Tw)
        Ōuluóbā, [歐羅巴], Europe
        Bāhāyī, Baha'i (religion)
        Bākèlái, [巴克萊], Barclay or Berkeley (name)
        Mǔbābānà, [姆巴巴納], Mbabane, capital of Swaziland
        Kǎěrbālā, [卡爾巴拉], Karbala (city in Iraq)
        Bāfǔluòfū, Pavlov (name)/Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849-1936), Russian experimental psychologi...
        BāshìHǎixiá, [巴士海峽], Bashi Channel in the northern part of the Luzon Strait, just south of Taiwan
        Bālèmò, Palermo, Italy
        xiǎobā, minibus
        YàdìsīYàbèibā, [亞的斯亞貝巴], Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia
        húlúbā, [葫蘆巴], fenugreek leaves/methi leaves
        qiàowěiba, [翹尾巴], to be cocky
        Mànnítuōbā, Manitoba, province of Canada
        jǐnbābā, [緊巴巴], tight fitting/hard up (i.e. lacking money)
        chīyǎbakuī, [吃啞巴虧], to be forced to suffer in silence/unable to speak of one's bitter suffering
        Xīnbāwēi, Zimbabwe (Tw)
        Jīlǐbāsī, Kiribati (formerly the Gilbert Islands)
        xiàbakē, [下巴頦], chin
西         Bāxīlìyà, [巴西利亞], Brasilia, capital of Brazil
        Bāmǎkē, [巴馬科], Bamako, capital of Mali
        Bādōng, [巴東], Badong county in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 恩施土家族苗族自治州[Ēn shī Tǔ...
        bāzhā, bazaar (loanword)
        Bāgélán, [巴格蘭], Baghlan province of north Afghanistan

        mǎshàng, [馬上], at once/right away/immediately/on horseback (i.e. by military force)
        Mǎ/mǎ, [馬], surname Ma/abbr. for Malaysia 馬來西亞|马来西亚[Mǎ lái xī yà], horse/CL:匹[pǐ]/horse or c...
        Luómǎ, [羅馬], Rome, capital of Italy
        Mǎkè, [馬克], Mark (name)
        Mǎdīng, [馬丁], Martin (name)
        mǎxìtuán, [馬戲團], circus
        mǎtǒng, [馬桶], chamber pot/wooden pan used as toilet/toilet bowl
        mǎchē, [馬車], cart/chariot/carriage/buggy
        mǎlù, [馬路], street/road/CL:條|条[tiáo]
        qímǎ, [騎馬], to ride a horse
        Tuōmǎsī, [托馬斯], Thomas (male name)
        sàimǎ, [賽馬], horse race/horse racing
        Mǎxiēěr, [馬歇爾], Marshall (name)/George Catlett Marshall (1880-1959), US general in WWII and Secr...
        lìmǎ, [立馬], at once/immediately/promptly/swiftly
        yěmǎ, [野馬], feral horse/free-roaming horse/wild horse
        mǎlāsōng, [馬拉松], marathon (loanword)
        mǎzǐ/mǎzi, [馬子], (slang) girl/chick/babe, bandit/brigand/gambling chip/see 馬桶|马桶
        Mǎsài, [馬賽], Marseille, city in south France/Basay, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan
        mǎlíngshǔ, [馬鈴薯], potato
        Mǎkèsī, [馬克思], Marx (name)
        mǎjiù, [馬廄], stable
        rénmǎ, [人馬], men and horses/troops/group of people/troop/staff/centaur
        Luómǎníyà, [羅馬尼亞], Romania
        Bānámǎ, [巴拿馬], Panama
        bānmǎ, [斑馬], zebra/CL:匹[pǐ]
        Bǎomǎ/bǎomǎ, [寶馬], BMW (car company), precious horse
        Mǎsàzhūsàizhōu, [馬薩諸塞州], Massachusetts, US state
        Hémǎ, [荷馬], Homer
        báimǎwángzǐ, [白馬王子], Prince Charming/knight in shining armor
        Mǎlǐ, [馬里], Mali
        mǎlì, [馬力], horsepower
        Mǎlì, [馬利], Mali (Tw)
        zhǒngmǎ, [種馬], stallion/stud horse
        Mǎdélǐ, [馬德裡]/[馬德里], variant of 馬德里|马德里[Mǎ dé lǐ], Madrid, Madrid, capital of Spain
        chūmǎ, [出馬], to set out (on a campaign)/to stand for election/to throw one's cap in the ring
        mǎpǐ, [馬匹], horse
        mùmǎ, [木馬], wooden horse/rocking horse/vaulting horse (gymnastics)/trojan horse (computing)
        zhūsīmǎjì, [蛛絲馬跡], lit. spider's thread and horse track/tiny hints (of a secret)/traces/clue
        Bāhāmǎ, [巴哈馬], The Bahamas
        Àomǎhā, [奧馬哈], Omaha
        pāimǎpì, [拍馬屁], to flatter/to fawn on/to butter sb up/toadying/boot-licking
        hémǎ, [河馬], hippopotamus
        Wēidìmǎlā, [危地馬拉], Guatemala/see also 瓜地馬拉|瓜地马拉[Guā dì mǎ lā]
        mǎjū, [馬駒], young horse (colt or filly)
        Mǎqídùn, [馬其頓], Macedonia
        Mǎwěi/mǎwěi, [馬尾], Mawei district of Fuzhou city 福州市[Fú zhōu shì], Fujian, ponytail (hairstyle)/hor...
        tiānmǎ, [天馬], celestial horse (mythology)/fine horse/Ferghana horse/(western mythology) Pegasu...
        dānqiāngpǐmǎ, [單槍匹馬], lit. single spear and horse (idiom); fig. single-handed/unaccompanied
        mǎdá, [馬達], motor (loanword)
        Mǎlǐlán, [馬里蘭], Maryland, US state
        mǎxì, [馬戲], circus
        Mǎlǐlánzhōu, [馬里蘭州], Maryland, US state
        mǎān, [馬鞍], saddle
        hēimǎ, [黑馬], dark horse/fig. unexpected winner
        Mǎlóng, [馬龍], Malong county in Qujing 曲靖[Qǔ jìng], Yunnan
        Yàmǎxùn, [亞馬遜], Amazon
西         Mǎláixīyà, [馬來西亞], Malaysia
        sàimǎchǎng, [賽馬場], race course/race ground/race track
        mǎshù, [馬術], equestrianism/horsemanship
        mǎjiǎ, [馬甲], corset/sockpuppet (Internet slang)/vest (dialect)
        xiàmǎ, [下馬], to dismount from a horse/(fig.) to abandon (a project)
        xiǎomǎ, [小馬], colt/pony
        Suǒmǎlǐ, [索馬裡]/[索馬里], variant of 索馬里|索马里[Suǒ mǎ lǐ]/Somalia, Somalia
        mǎhu, [馬虎], careless/sloppy/negligent/skimpy
        LuómǎDìguó, [羅馬帝國], Roman Empire (27 BC-476 AD)
        mǎfū, [馬伕], groom/stable lad/horsekeeper/pimp/procurer
        Mǎnílā, [馬尼拉], Manila, capital of Philippines
        Mǎlìyà, [馬利亞], Maria (name)/Mary, mother of Jesus Christ
        shàngmǎ, [上馬], to get on a horse/to mount
        mǎmahūhū, [馬馬虎虎], careless/casual/vague/not so bad/so-so/tolerable/fair
        qīngméizhúmǎ, [青梅竹馬], lit. green plums and hobby-horse (idiom)/fig. innocent children's games/childhoo...
        mǎbèi, [馬背], horseback
        mǎjiǎo, [馬腳], sth one wishes to conceal/the cat (as in "let the cat out of the bag")
        Dàmǎshìgé, [大馬士革], Damascus, capital of Syria
        Mǎlái, [馬來], Malaya/Malaysia
        jùnmǎ, [駿馬], fine horse/steed
        Àomǎěr, [奧馬爾], Omar (Arabic name)
        Ménggēmǎlì, [蒙哥馬利], Bernard Montgomery (Montie) (1887-1976), Second World War British field marshal/...
        hǎimǎ, [海馬], sea horse/hippocampus
        Fèimǎ, [費馬], variant of 費瑪|费玛[Fèi mǎ]
        Mǎdájiāsījiā, [馬達加斯加], Madagascar
        hàiqúnzhīmǎ, [害群之馬], lit. a horse that brings trouble to its herd (idiom)/fig. troublemaker/black she...
        dàmǎhǎyú, [大馬哈魚], chum salmon
··         Mǎdīng·Lùdé·Jīn, [馬丁·路德·金], Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), American clergyman and civil rights activis...
        mǎqiú, [馬球], polo
        mǎbùtíngtí, [馬不停蹄], unrelenting/without stopping to rest
        mǎhòupào, [馬後炮]/[馬後砲], lit. firing after the horse/fig. belated action/giving advice in hindsight, lit....
        zhànmǎ, [戰馬], warhorse
        Xǐmǎlāyǎshān, [喜馬拉雅山], Himalayas
        MǎLiè, [馬列], Marx and Lenin
        mǎduì, [馬隊], cavalry/caravan of horses carrying goods
        Mǎlǐào, [馬里奧], Mario (name)
        bīngmǎyǒng, [兵馬俑], figurines of warriors and horses buried with the dead/Terracotta Army (historic ...
        mǎtítiě, [馬蹄鐵], horseshoe
        kāizúmǎlì, [開足馬力], to accelerate at full power (idiom); at full speed/fig. to work as hard as possi...
        Mǎěrdàifū, [馬爾代夫], the Maldives
        xiàmǎwēi, [下馬威], display of severity immediately on taking office/(fig.) initial show of strength
·         Mǎkè·Tǔwēn, [馬克·吐溫], Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens 1835-1910), US writer, novelist and humoris...
        pǎomǎ, [跑馬], horse race/to ride a horse at a fast pace/wet dream
        Mǎlè, [馬勒], Mahler (name)/Gustav Mahler (1860-1911), Austrian composer
        mǎtí, [馬蹄], horse's hoof/horseshoe/Chinese water chestnut (Eleocharis dulcis or E. congesta)
        tiānmǎxíngkōng, [天馬行空], like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies (idiom)/(of writing, calligraphy...
        luòmǎ, [落馬], (lit.) to fall from a horse/(fig.) to suffer a setback/to come a cropper/to be s...
        Lìmǎ, [利馬], Lima, capital of Peru
        Dàmǎ, [大馬], Malaysia
        mǎzéi, [馬賊], horse thief/(old) group of horse-mounted bandits
线         gāmǎshèxiàn, [伽馬射線], gamma rays
        Ékèlāhémǎ, [俄克拉何馬], Oklahoma, US state
        Mǎkèsīzhǔyì, [馬克思主義], Marxism
        yīmǎdāngxiān, [一馬當先], to take the lead
        Yàlābāmǎ, [亞拉巴馬], Alabama, US state
        chōushuǐmǎtǒng, [抽水馬桶], flush toilet
        tiàomǎ, [跳馬], vault (gymnastics)
        Mǎluò, [馬洛], Marlow (name)
        Mǎshā, [馬莎], Marks and Spencers, UK retail chain/Martha (name)
        Àokèlāhémǎ, [奧克拉荷馬], Oklahoma, US state (Tw)
        MǎqiūBǐqiū, [馬丘比丘], Machu Picchu
        mǎsàikè, [馬賽克], mosaic (loanword)/pixelation
        gǔLuómǎ, [古羅馬], ancient Rome
        mǎdèng, [馬鐙], stirrup
        Qǐlìmǎzhāluóshān, [乞力馬扎羅山], Mt Kilimanjaro in Tanzania
        ānmǎ, [鞍馬], pommel horse (gymnastics)
        Mǎlā, [馬拉], Marat (name)/Jean-Paul Marat (1743-1793), Swiss scientist and physician
        zhāobīngmǎimǎ, [招兵買馬], to recruit soldiers and buy horses (idiom); to raise a large army/fig. to expand...
        lòumǎjiǎo, [露馬腳], to reveal the cloven foot (idiom); to unmask one's true nature/to give the game ...
        Yàlābāmǎzhōu, [亞拉巴馬州], Alabama, US state
        Mǎěrtā, [馬耳他], Malta
        mǎdīngní, [馬丁尼], martini (loanword)
        Mǎshān, [馬山], Mashan county in Nanning 南寧|南宁[Nán níng], Guangxi
        rényǎngmǎfān, [人仰馬翻], to suffer a crushing defeat (idiom)/in a pitiful state/in a complete mess/to rol...
        mǎdàochénggōng, [馬到成功], to win instant success (idiom)
        zǒumǎshàngrèn, [走馬上任], to ride to take up an official appointment (idiom); to take on a job with alacri...
        Xǐmǎlāyǎ, [喜馬拉雅], the Himalayas
        Mǎlán, [馬蘭], Malan military base and atomic test site in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefect...
        mǎqún, [馬群], herd of horses
        Mǎdélāsī, [馬德拉斯], Madras or Chennai 欽奈|钦奈[Qīn nài], capital of Tamil Nadu on East coast of India
·         Mǎdīng·Lùdé, [馬丁·路德], Martin Luther (1483-1546), key figure of the Protestant Reformation
        BānámǎChéng, [巴拿馬城], Panama City
        bīngmǎ, [兵馬], troops and horses/military forces
        xuányálèmǎ, [懸崖勒馬], lit. to rein in the horse at the edge of the precipice (idiom)/fig. to act in th...
        mǎhǎimáo, [馬海毛], mohair (loanword)
        huímǎqiāng, [回馬槍], sudden thrust (that catches the opponent off guard)
        Mǎsūdé, [馬蘇德], Massoud (name)/Ahmed Shah Massoud (1953-2001), Tajik Afghan engineer, military m...
        mǎtóu, [馬頭], horse's head/same as 碼頭|码头[mǎ tóu], pier
        mǎkē, [馬科], Equidae/horse family
        Mǎhè, [馬赫], Mach (name)/Ernst Mach (1838-1916), German physicist/Mach number (fluid mechanic...
        Shèngmǎlìnuò, [聖馬力諾], San Marino
        Mǎtài, [馬太], Matthew (name)
        mǎfēng, [馬蜂], hornet
        ānqiánmǎhòu, [鞍前馬後], to follow everywhere/to always be there for sb at their beck and call
        yuánbānrénmǎ, [原班人馬], original cast/former team
        Mǎěrsī, [馬爾斯], Mars (Roman God of War)
        Mǎlāwéi, [馬拉維], Malawi