HSK东西 Scripts Advanced Search Radicals [collapse definitions]
Word: freq index 31639
shōushòu to receive
to accept

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        shōudào, to receive
        shōu, to receive/to accept/to collect/to put away/to restrain/to stop/in care of (used...
        shōushi, to put in order/to tidy up/to pack/to repair/(coll.) to sort sb out/to fix sb
        shōují, to gather/to collect
        shōuhuí, to regain/to retake/to take back/to withdraw/to revoke
        shōuyǎng, [收養], to take in and care for (an elderly person, a dog etc)/to adopt (a child)/adopti...
        shōurù, to take in/income/revenue/CL:筆|笔[bǐ],個|个[gè]
        shōukàn, to watch (a TV program)
        shōuyīnjī, [收音機], radio/CL:臺|台[tái]
        shōucáng, to hoard/to collect/collection/to bookmark (Internet)
        shōuhuò, [收獲]/[收穫], variant of 收穫|收获[shōu huò], to harvest/to reap/to gain/crop/harvest/profit/gain/...
        jiēshōu, reception (of transmitted signal)/to receive/to accept/to admit/to take over (e....
        mòshōu, [沒收], to confiscate/to seize
        shōujù, [收據], receipt/CL:張|张[zhāng]
        xīshōu, to absorb/to assimilate/to ingest/to recruit
        shōushìlǜ, [收視率], ratings (of a TV show)
        huíshōu, to recycle/to reclaim/to retrieve/to recover/to recall (a defective product)
        shōufèi, [收費], to charge a fee
        shōumǎi, [收買], to purchase/to bribe
        shōugòu, [收購], to purchase (from various places)/to acquire (a company)
        shōuyì, earnings/profit
        shōuchǎng, [收場], the end/an ending/to wind down/to conclude
        shōuliú, to offer shelter/to have sb in one's care
        shōusuō, [收縮], to pull back/to shrink/to contract/(physiology) systole
        shōuróngsuǒ, temporary shelter/hospice/refuge (e.g. for animals)/detention center
        shōuyín, [收銀], to receive payment
        shōutīng, [收聽], to listen to (a radio broadcast)
        shōugōng, to stop work for the day (generally of laborers)/to knock off
        shōucángjiā, a collector (e.g. of artworks)
        shōuliǎn, [收斂], to dwindle/to vanish/to make vanish/to exercise restraint/to curb (one's mirth, ...
        shuìshōu, [稅收], taxation
        shōuqǔ, to receive/to collect
        bùkěshōushí, irremediable/unmanageable/out of hand/hopeless
        shōuyā, in custody/to keep sb in detention
        jiēshōuqì, receiver
        shōuwěi, to wind up/to bring to an end/to finish
        qiānshōu, [簽收], to sign for the acceptance of sth (e.g. a delivery etc)
        shōugē, to harvest/to reap/to gather in crops
        shōuróng, to provide a place to stay/to house/to accommodate/(of an institution etc) to ta...
        shōufā, [收發], to receive and send/to receive and transmit
        shōuyínjī, [收銀機], cash register/check out counter
        shōufèizhàn, [收費站], tollbooth
        shōuchéng, harvest
        fēngshōu, [豐收], bumper harvest
        shōujǐn, [收緊], to tighten up (restrictions etc)
        shōuzhī, cash flow/financial balance/income and expenditure
        shōufāshì, [收發室], mail room/radio room (i.e. reception and transmission)
        shōujiǎo, [收繳], to recover (illegally obtained property)/to seize/to capture/to force sb to hand...
        shōulù, [收錄], to include (in a collection)/to put together (stories, poems etc)/to record/to e...
        zhāoshōu, to hire/to recruit
        dīshōurù, low income
        jùshōu, to reject/to refuse to accept
        shōushuì, [收稅], to collect tax
        zhēngshōu, [徵收], to levy (a fine)/to impose (a tariff)
        shōuyīn, to receive a radio signal/to make an audio recording/(of an auditorium etc) to h...
        shōushòu, to receive/to accept
        zǒngshōurù, [總收入], gross income
        yànshōu, [驗收], to inspect and accept/acceptance
        niánshōurù, annual income
        mínglìshuāngshōu, [名利雙收], both fame and fortune (idiom)/both virtue and reward
        shōutiáo, [收條], receipt
        shōuxià, to accept/to receive
        shōufù, [收復], to recover (lost territory etc)/to recapture
        shōujiān, [收監], to imprison/to take into custody
        shōufú, to subdue/to force to capitulate/to reduce to submission/to soothe
        měibùshèngshōu, [美不勝收], nothing more beautiful can be imagined (idiom)
        shōulùjī, [收錄機], radio-tape recorder
        shōulǒng, [收攏], to draw to oneself/to gather up/to collect/to fold up (an umbrella, wings etc)/t...
        qiūshōu, fall harvest/to reap
        chuàngshōu, [創收], to generate revenue/extra income
        zuòshōuyúlì, [坐收漁利], benefit from others' dispute (idiom)
        qiànshōu, crop failure/poor harvest
        shōupán, [收盤], market close
        shōuxiào, to yield results
        jìngshōurù, [淨收入], net income/net profit
        jìnshōuyǎndǐ, [盡收眼底], to take in the whole scene at once/to have a panoramic view
        máoshōurù, gross income/gross profit
        cǎocǎoshōuchǎng, [草草收場], to rush to conclude a matter/to end up abruptly
        shōuyìlǜ, earnings rate/earnings yield (finance)
        dàishōu, to receive sth on another's behalf
        shōubīng, to retreat/to withdraw troops/to recall troops/fig. to finish work/to wind up/to...
        shōunà, [收納], to receive/to accept/to take in/to hold
        shōubiān, [收編], to incorporate into one's troops/to weave in
        jiēshōujī, [接收機], receiver/TV or radio receiver
        shōuqì, [收訖], received in full (goods, payment)
        shōulǎn, [收攬], to win the support of/to get over to one's side/to keep control of
        shōuxīn, to concentrate on the task/to curb one's evil instincts
        shōuluó, [收羅], to gather (people)/to collect (talent)/to come to an end

        shòu, to receive/to accept/to suffer/subjected to/to bear/to stand/pleasant/(passive m...
        jiēshòu, to accept/to receive
        xiǎngshòu, to enjoy/to live it up/pleasure/CL:種|种[zhǒng]
        shòudào, to receive (praise, an education, punishment etc)/to be ...ed (praised, educated...
        shòushāng, [受傷], to sustain injuries/wounded (in an accident etc)/harmed
        gǎnshòu, to sense/perception/to feel (through the senses)/to experience/a feeling/an impr...
        shòuhàizhě, casualty/victim/those injured and wounded
        shòuhàirén, victim
        rěnshòu, to bear/to endure
        shòubùliǎo, unbearable/unable to endure/can't stand
        chéngshòu, to bear/to support/to inherit
        nánshòu, [難受], to feel unwell/to suffer pain/to be difficult to bear
        hǎoshòu, feeling better/to be more at ease
        zāoshòu, to suffer/to sustain (loss, misfortune)
        jīngshòu, [經受], to undergo (hardship)/to endure/to withstand
        shòukǔ, to suffer hardship
        shòusǔn, [受損], to suffer damage
        shòuyì, to benefit from/profit
        bǎoshòu, [飽受], to endure/to suffer/to be subjected to
        shòuchǒngruòjīng, [受寵若驚], overwhelmed by favor from superior (humble expr.)
        bèishòu, [備受], to fully experience (good or bad)
        shòushěn, [受審], on trial (for a crime)/to stand trial
        shòudeliǎo, to put up with/to endure
        shòuzuì, to endure/to suffer/hardships/torments/a hard time/a nuisance
        shēnshòu, to receive in no small measure
        shòuhài, to suffer damage, injury etc/damaged/injured/killed/robbed
        shòujīng, [受驚], startled
        shòuyùn, to become pregnant/to conceive/impregnated/insemination
        nányǐrěnshòu, [難以忍受], hard to endure/unbearable
        shòuxùn, [受訓], to receive training
        miǎnshòu, to avoid suffering/to prevent (sth bad)/to protect against (damage)/immunity (fr...
        shòunàn, [受難], to suffer a calamity/to suffer (e.g. under torture)/distress
        shòupiàn, [受騙], to be cheated/to be taken in/to be hoodwinked
        shòulǐ, to accept to hear a case/to handle (a service)
        shòujīng, to receive sperm/fertilized/insemination
        dānjīngshòupà, [擔驚受怕], to feel apprehensive/to be alarmed
贿         shòuhuì, [受賄], to accept a bribe
        shòumìng, ordained or appointed to a post/to benefit from counsel
        gǎntóngshēnshòu, to feel as if it had happened to oneself/to sympathize/(polite expression of gra...
        shòujìn, [受盡], to suffer enough from/to suffer all kinds of/to have one's fill of
        shòucuò, thwarted/obstructed/setback
        shòutǐ, [受體], receptor (biochemistry)/acceptor (semiconductors)
        shòuzǔ, blocked/obstructed/detained
        shòuxǐ, to receive baptism/baptized
        nàishòu, to tolerate/endurance
        shòuyìfěiqiǎn, [受益匪淺], to benefit (from)
        méngshòu, to suffer/to sustain (loss)
        shòurǔ, insulted/humiliated/disgraced
        nìláishùnshòu, [逆來順受], to resign oneself to adversity (idiom); to grin and bear it/to submit meekly to ...
        gǎnshòuqì, sensory receptor
        shòulěi/shòulèi, to get dragged into/to get involved (on sb else's account), to be put to a lot o...
        shòujīngluǎn, fertilized ovum
        shòuxíng, beaten/tortured/executed
        shòuchǒng, [受寵], to receive favor (from superior)/favored/pampered
        shōushòu, to receive/to accept
        shòurè, [受熱], heated/sunstroke
        xiāoshòu, to bear/to enjoy (usually in negative combination, meaning unable to enjoy)
        shòuzāi, [受災], disaster-stricken/to be hit by a natural calamity
        shòutuō, [受託], to be entrusted/to be commissioned
        shòushìzhě, [受試者], subject (in an experiment)/participant (in a clinical trial etc)
        lǐngshòu, [領受], to accept/to receive
        shòupìn, hired (for employment)/invited (e.g. to lecture)/engaged (for a task)/(in olden ...
        shòuhuì, to benefit/favored
        shòuqìbāo, [受氣包], (fig.) punching bag
        shòuzhòng, [受眾], target audience/audience
        shòucháo, damp/affected by damp and cold
        chéngshòulì, tolerance/capability of adapting oneself
        shòuzhì, controlled (by sb)/to suffer under a yoke
        shòuyòng/shòuyong, to enjoy/to reap the benefits (of sth), comfortable/feeling well
        shòuqì, [受氣], to be mistreated/to be bullied
        shòunànzhě, [受難者], sufferer/a victim of a calamity/a person in distress
        shòuliáng, [受涼], to catch cold
        shòujiǒng, embarrassed/bothered/in an awkward position
访         shòufǎngzhě, [受訪者], participant in a survey/an interviewee/those questioned
        shòuquán, [受權], authorized/entrusted (with authority)
        shòujiè, to take oaths as a monk (Buddhism)/to take orders
        shòuxiáng, to accept surrender
        shòutāi, to become pregnant/to conceive/impregnated/insemination
        shòubìng, to fall ill

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