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[斬首] zhǎnshǒu to behead

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Word Compounds

        zhǎn, [斬], to behead (as form of capital punishment)/to chop
        zhǎnshǒu, [斬首], to behead
        zhǎncǎochúgēn, [斬草除根], to cut weeds and eliminate the roots (idiom); to destroy root and branch/to elim...
        zhǎnduàn, [斬斷], to cut off/to chop sth in half
        guòguānzhǎnjiàng, [過關斬將], to surmount all difficulties (on the way to success) (idiom)/abbr. for 過五關斬六將|过五...
        pījīngzhǎnjí, [披荊斬棘], lit. to cut one's way through thistles and thorns (idiom)/fig. to overcome all o...
        zhǎndīngjiétiě, [斬釘截鐵], lit. to chop the nail and slice the iron (idiom)/fig. resolute and decisive/unhe...
        xiānzhǎnhòuzòu, [先斬後奏], first decapitate then present your trophy (idiom); act first, report later
        guòwǔguānzhǎnliùjiàng, [過五關斬六將], lit. to cross five passes and slay six generals (idiom)/fig. to surmount all dif...
        báizhǎnjī, [白斬雞], Cantonese poached chicken, known as "white cut chicken"

        shǒu, head/chief/first (occasion, thing etc)/classifier for poems, songs etc
        shǒuxiān, first (of all)/in the first place
        shǒuxí, chief (representative, correspondent etc)
        yuánshǒu, head of state
        shǒuxiàng, prime minister (of Japan or UK etc)
        zìshǒu, to give oneself up/to surrender (to the authorities)
        shǒuyào, the most important/of chief importance
        shǒudū, capital (city)/CL:個|个[gè]
        shǒulǐng, [首領], head/boss/chief
        shǒushì, [首飾], jewelry/head ornament
        bǐshǒu, dagger
        shǒufǔ, capital city of an autonomous region
        shǒunǎo, [首腦], head (of state)/summit (meeting)/leader
        zuìkuíhuòshǒu, [罪魁禍首], criminal ringleader, main offender (idiom); main culprit/fig. main cause of a di...
        shǒuzhǎng, [首長], senior official
        shǒuxuǎn, [首選], first choice/premium/to come first in the imperial examinations
        huíshǒu, to turn around/to look back/to recollect
        zhǎnshǒu, [斬首], to behead
        shǒufā, [首發], first issue/first public showing
        shǒuyìngshì, premiere of a movie
        shǒuyǎn, maiden stage role/first performance/first public showing
        shǒuyìng, to premiere (a movie or TV show)/premiere (of a movie)/first-run (movie)/to gree...
        bǎngshǒu, top of the list
        shīshou, [屍首], corpse/carcass/dead body
        jùshǒu, to gather/to meet
        ángshǒukuòbù, [昂首闊步], striding forward with head high (idiom); to walk with spirited and vigorous step...
        shǒují, [首級], severed head
        wéishǒu, [為首], head/be headed by
        fǔshǒuchēngchén, [俯首稱臣], to bow before (idiom)/to capitulate
        qiáoshǒu, [翹首], to raise one's head and look around (esp. at the state of the nation)
        shǒuchuàng, [首創], to create/original creation/to be the first to do sth
        shǒudāngqíchōng, [首當其衝], to bear the brunt
姿         sāoshǒunòngzī, to stroke one's hair coquettishly (idiom)
        shǒuqūyīzhǐ, to count as number one (idiom); second to none/outstanding
        fǔshǒu, to bend one's head
        ángshǒutǐngxiōng, head high, chest out (idiom); to keep up one's spirits/in fine mettle (of animal...
        shǒukěn, to give a nod of approval
        wèishǒuwèiwěi, afraid of the head, terrified of the tail (idiom); ever fearful and nervous/afra...
        shǒurèn, first person to be appointed to a post
        ángshǒu, head high/in high spirits/to raise one's head (e.g. of neighing horse)
        shǒucì, first/first time/for the first time
        shǒufù, richest individual/top millionaire
        shǒuwèi, first place
        qiáoshǒuyǐdài, [翹首以待], to hold one's breath (in anticipation) (idiom)/to anxiously await
        qúnlóngwúshǒu, [群龍無首], lit. a thunder of dragons without a head/fig. a group lacking a leader
        tòngxīnjíshǒu, bitter and hateful (idiom)/to grieve and lament (over sth)
        shàngshǒu, seat of honor/first place
        kòushǒu, to kowtow/also written 磕頭|磕头[kē tóu]
        huòshǒu, [禍首], chief offender/main culprit
        shǒulún, [首輪], first round (of a competition etc)
        shǒuwěi, head and tail
        fěishǒu, bandit
        ménshǒu, [門首], doorway/gate/entrance
        shǒujì, first season/first quarter
        shǒujiā, first (hotel of its type, store of its type etc)
        shǒuchàng, to initiate
        shǒulì, first case/first instance
        bùshǒu, radical of a Chinese character

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