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[翹首以待] qiáoshǒuyǐdài to hold one's breath (in anticipation) (idiom)
to anxiously await

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        qiáo/qiào, [翹], outstanding/to raise, to stick up/to rise on one end/to tilt
        qiáoshǒu, [翹首], to raise one's head and look around (esp. at the state of the nation)
        qiáoshǒuyǐdài, [翹首以待], to hold one's breath (in anticipation) (idiom)/to anxiously await
        liánqiáo, [連翹], Forsythia
        qiàobǎn, [翹板], a see-saw
        qiàowěiba, [翹尾巴], to be cocky

        shǒu, head/chief/first (occasion, thing etc)/classifier for poems, songs etc
        shǒuxiān, first (of all)/in the first place
        shǒuxí, chief (representative, correspondent etc)
        yuánshǒu, head of state
        shǒuxiàng, prime minister (of Japan or UK etc)
        zìshǒu, to give oneself up/to surrender (to the authorities)
        shǒuyào, the most important/of chief importance
        shǒudū, capital (city)/CL:個|个[gè]
        shǒulǐng, [首領], head/boss/chief
        shǒushì, [首飾], jewelry/head ornament
        bǐshǒu, dagger
        shǒufǔ, capital city of an autonomous region
        shǒunǎo, [首腦], head (of state)/summit (meeting)/leader
        zuìkuíhuòshǒu, [罪魁禍首], criminal ringleader, main offender (idiom); main culprit/fig. main cause of a di...
        shǒuzhǎng, [首長], senior official
        shǒuxuǎn, [首選], first choice/premium/to come first in the imperial examinations
        huíshǒu, to turn around/to look back/to recollect
        zhǎnshǒu, [斬首], to behead
        shǒufā, [首發], first issue/first public showing
        shǒuyìngshì, premiere of a movie
        shǒuyǎn, maiden stage role/first performance/first public showing
        shǒuyìng, to premiere (a movie or TV show)/premiere (of a movie)/first-run (movie)/to gree...
        bǎngshǒu, top of the list
        shīshou, [屍首], corpse/carcass/dead body
        jùshǒu, to gather/to meet
        ángshǒukuòbù, [昂首闊步], striding forward with head high (idiom); to walk with spirited and vigorous step...
        shǒují, [首級], severed head
        wéishǒu, [為首], head/be headed by
        fǔshǒuchēngchén, [俯首稱臣], to bow before (idiom)/to capitulate
        qiáoshǒu, [翹首], to raise one's head and look around (esp. at the state of the nation)
        shǒuchuàng, [首創], to create/original creation/to be the first to do sth
        shǒudāngqíchōng, [首當其衝], to bear the brunt
姿         sāoshǒunòngzī, to stroke one's hair coquettishly (idiom)
        shǒuqūyīzhǐ, to count as number one (idiom); second to none/outstanding
        fǔshǒu, to bend one's head
        ángshǒutǐngxiōng, head high, chest out (idiom); to keep up one's spirits/in fine mettle (of animal...
        shǒukěn, to give a nod of approval
        wèishǒuwèiwěi, afraid of the head, terrified of the tail (idiom); ever fearful and nervous/afra...
        shǒurèn, first person to be appointed to a post
        ángshǒu, head high/in high spirits/to raise one's head (e.g. of neighing horse)
        shǒucì, first/first time/for the first time
        shǒufù, richest individual/top millionaire
        shǒuwèi, first place
        qiáoshǒuyǐdài, [翹首以待], to hold one's breath (in anticipation) (idiom)/to anxiously await
        qúnlóngwúshǒu, [群龍無首], lit. a thunder of dragons without a head/fig. a group lacking a leader
        tòngxīnjíshǒu, bitter and hateful (idiom)/to grieve and lament (over sth)
        shàngshǒu, seat of honor/first place
        kòushǒu, to kowtow/also written 磕頭|磕头[kē tóu]
        huòshǒu, [禍首], chief offender/main culprit
        shǒulún, [首輪], first round (of a competition etc)
        shǒuwěi, head and tail
        fěishǒu, bandit
        ménshǒu, [門首], doorway/gate/entrance
        shǒujì, first season/first quarter
        shǒujiā, first (hotel of its type, store of its type etc)
        shǒuchàng, to initiate
        shǒulì, first case/first instance
        bùshǒu, radical of a Chinese character

        kěyǐ, can/may/possible/able to/not bad/pretty good
        suǒyǐ, therefore/as a result/so/the reason why
        yǐwéi, [以為], to think (i.e. to take it to be true that ...) (Usually there is an implication ...
        yǐ/Yǐ, [㕥]/[㠯], old variant of 以[yǐ], old variant of 以[yǐ], abbr. for Israel 以色列[Yǐ sè liè], to ...
        yǐqián, before/formerly/previous/ago
        yǐhòu, [以後], after/later/afterwards/following/later on/in the future
        yǐjí, as well as/too/and
        nányǐzhìxìn, [難以置信], hard to believe/incredible
        yǐlái, [以來], since (a previous event)
        nányǐ, [難以], hard to (predict, imagine etc)
        yǐwài, apart from/other than/except for/external/outside of/on the other side of/beyond
        yǐxià, that level or lower/that amount or less/the following
        zhīsuǒyǐ, the reason why
        zúyǐ, sufficient to.../so much so that/so that
        yǐshàng, that level or higher/that amount or more/the above-mentioned/(used to indicate t...
        yǒushǐyǐlái, [有史以來], since the beginning of history
        yǐfángwànyī, [以防萬一], to guard against the unexpected (idiom); just in case/prepared for any eventuali...
        Yǐsèliè, Israel
便         yǐbiàn, so that/so as to/in order to
        yǐwǎng, in the past/formerly
        quánlìyǐfù, to do at all costs/to make an all-out effort
        yǐzhìyú, [以至於], down to/up to/to the extent that...
        zìyǐwéishì, [自以為是], to believe oneself infallible (idiom)/to be opinionated
        déyǐ, able to/so that sb can/enabling/in order to/finally in a position to/with sth in...
        yǐmiǎn, in order to avoid/so as not to
        mèngmèiyǐqiú, [夢寐以求], to yearn for sth even in one's dreams (idiom)/to long for sth day and night
        yǐcǐ, with this/thereby/thus/because of this
        yǐnèi, [以內], within/less than
        shìmùyǐdài, lit. to wipe one's eyes and wait (idiom); to wait and see
        shéngzhīyǐfǎ, [繩之以法], to punish according to the law/to bring to justice
        jiāyǐ, in addition/moreover/(used before a disyllabic verb to indicate that the action ...
        yǐyáhuányá, [以牙還牙], a tooth for a tooth (retaliation)
        nányǐrěnshòu, [難以忍受], hard to endure/unbearable
        yǐzhì, to such an extent as to/down to/up to
        zhìyǐ, to express/to present/to extend/to tender (greetings, thanks etc)
        shùyǐqiānjì, [數以千計], thousands (of sth)
齿         nányǐqǐchǐ, [難以啟齒], to be too embarrassed to mention sth (idiom)/to find it hard to speak about sth
        zuòyǐdàibì, [坐以待斃], to sit and wait for death (idiom); resigned to one's fate
        yǒushēngyǐlái, [有生以來], since birth/for one's whole life
        yǐfáng, (so as) to avoid/to prevent/(just) in case
        rúyuànyǐcháng, [如願以償], to have one's wish fulfilled
        yǔyǐ, to give/to impose/to apply
        xíyǐwéicháng, [習以為常], accustomed to/used to
西         yǐxī, to the west of (suffix)
        yèyǐjìrì, [夜以繼日], night and day (idiom); continuous strenuous effort
        yòngyǐ, in order to/so as to
        yǐnán, to the south of (suffix)
        héyǐ, (literary) why/how
        yǐzhì, down to/up to/to such an extent as to .../also written 以至於|以至于[yǐ zhì yú]
        yǐběi, to the north of (suffix)
        shùyǐbǎijì, [數以百計], hundreds of
        làiyǐ, [賴以], to rely on/to depend on
        diàoyǐqīngxīn, [掉以輕心], treat sth lightly/to lower one's guard
        chúyǐ, (math.) divided by
        yǐnyǐwéiróng, [引以為榮], to regard it as an honor (idiom)
        shìyǐ, therefore/thus/so
        yǐdōng, [以東], to the east of (suffix)
        shùyǐwànjì, [數以萬計], tens of thousands/numerous
        yǐshēnzuòzé, [以身作則], to set an example (idiom); to serve as a model
        chángqīyǐlái, [長期以來], ever since a long time ago
        yǐlèixǐmiàn, [以淚洗面], to bathe one's face in tears (idiom)
        bùyǐwéirán, [不以為然], not to accept as correct (idiom); to object/to disapprove/to take exception to
        wànghūsuǒyǐ, to get carried away/to forget oneself
        yǐdúgōngdú, to cure ills with poison (TCM)/to fight evil with evil/set a thief to catch a th...
        chīzhīyǐbí, to snort disdainfully/to scoff at/to turn up one's nose
        yǐshēnshìfǎ, [以身試法], to challenge the law (idiom)/to knowingly violate the law
        zìgǔyǐlái, [自古以來], since ancient times
        wúyǐfùjiā, [無以復加], in the extreme (idiom)/incapable of further increase
        wúyányǐduì, [無言以對], to be left speechless/unable to respond
        chízhīyǐhéng, [持之以恆], to pursue unremittingly (idiom); to persevere
        xiāngrúyǐmò, to moisten with spittle (idiom); sharing meager resources/mutual help in humble ...
        xuéyǐzhìyòng, [學以致用], to study sth to apply it/study for practical applications
        suǒyǐrán, the reason why
        qiáoshǒuyǐdài, [翹首以待], to hold one's breath (in anticipation) (idiom)/to anxiously await
        yǐqī, in order to/hoping to/attempting to/waiting for
        bàoyǐ, [報以], to give in return
        yǐjǐngxiàoyóu, in order to warn against following bad examples (idiom)/as a warning to others
        Yǐsèlièrén, Israelite/Israeli
亿         shùyǐyìjì, [數以億計], countless/innumerable
        gěiyǐ, [給以], to give/to grant
        yǐpiāngàiquán, (lit.) to take a part for the whole/to generalize
        yǐcǐlèituī, [以此類推], and so on/in a similar fashion
        yǐjūn, [以軍], Israeli soldiers
        yǐróukègāng, [以柔克剛], to use softness to conquer strength (idiom)
        yǐéchuáné, [以訛傳訛], to spread falsehoods/to increasingly distort the truth/to pile errors on top of ...
        yǐcì, in the proper order/the following
        mínyǐshíwéitiān, [民以食為天], Food is the God of the people. (idiom); People view food as the primary need./Fo...
        Yǐfúsuǒ, Ephesus, city of ancient Greece
        shòurényǐbǐng, to hand someone the swordhilt (idiom)/to give someone a hold on oneself
        fǔyǐ, [輔以], supplemented by/accompanied by/with
        yǐquánmóusī, [以權謀私], to use one's position for personal gain (idiom)
        yǐshǐwéijiàn, [以史為鑒], to learn from history (idiom)
        yǐyìdàiláo, [以逸待勞], to wait at one's ease for the exhausted enemy/to nurture one's strength and bide...
        liáoyǐzìwèi, to find some consolation (idiom)/to find relief in
        kuānyǐdàirén, [寬以待人], to be lenient with others (idiom)

        dāi/dài, to stay, to wait/to treat/to deal with/to need/going to (do sth)/about to/intend...
        děngdài, to wait/to wait for
        qīdài, to look forward to/to await/expectation
        duìdài, [對待], to treat/treatment
        nüèdài, to mistreat/to maltreat/to abuse/mistreatment/maltreatment
        dāihuìr, [待會兒], in a moment/later/also pr. [dāi huǐ r] or [dāi hui r]
        dàimìng, to be on call/to be on standby
        pòbùjídài, impatient (idiom); in a hurry/itching to get on with it
        kàndài, to look upon/to regard
        zhāodài, to receive (guests)/to entertain/reception
        dàiyù, treatment/pay/salary/status/rank
        jiēdài, to receive (a visitor)/to admit (allow sb to enter)
        jiāodài, variant of 交代[jiāo dài]
        zhāodàihuì, [招待會], reception/CL:個|个[gè],次[cì]
        kuǎndài, to entertain/to be hospitable to
        shìmùyǐdài, lit. to wipe one's eyes and wait (idiom); to wait and see
        jiēdàiyuán, [接待員], receptionist
        yǒudài, not yet (done)/pending
        zuòyǐdàibì, [坐以待斃], to sit and wait for death (idiom); resigned to one's fate
        dàixù, [待續], to be continued
        yōudài, [優待], preferential treatment/to give preferential treatment
        shàndài, to treat well
        zhěngzhuāngdàifā, [整裝待發], to get ready (for a journey)/ready and waiting
        dàidìng, to await a decision/to be pending
        dàirén, to treat people (politely, harshly etc)
        shǒuzhūdàitù, lit. to guard a tree-stump, waiting for rabbits (idiom)/to wait idly for opportu...
        xiāngdài, to treat
        kuīdài, [虧待], to treat sb unfairly
        zhāodàiyuán, [招待員], usher/greeter
        jíbùkědài, impatient/eager to/anxious to
        dāndài, [擔待], to pardon/please excuse (me)/to take responsibility
        zhǐrìkědài, imminent/just around the corner (idiom)
        dàijī, [待機], to wait for an opportunity/(electronic devices) standby
        jiēdàishì, reception room
        shíbùwǒdài, [時不我待], time and tide wait for no man (idiom)
        dàiyè, [待業], to await job assignment (term used only in mainland China)
        dàirénjiēwù, the way one treats people
        qiáoshǒuyǐdài, [翹首以待], to hold one's breath (in anticipation) (idiom)/to anxiously await
        dàijiàérgū, [待價而沽], to sell only for a good price (idiom)/to wait for a good offer
        zhāodàisuǒ, guest house/small hotel
        liúdài, to leave sth for later/to postpone (work, a decision etc)
        dàichǎn, [待產], (of an expectant mother) to be in labor
        jídài, see 急待[jí dài]
        yōudàiquàn, [優待券], discount coupon/complimentary ticket
        bǎifèidàixīng, [百廢待興], many things waiting to be done (idiom)/a thousand things to do
        áoáodàibǔ, cry piteously for food
        kuāndài, [寬待], to treat leniently/liberal treatment
        hòudài, generous treatment
        yǐyìdàiláo, [以逸待勞], to wait at one's ease for the exhausted enemy/to nurture one's strength and bide...
        kuānyǐdàirén, [寬以待人], to be lenient with others (idiom)

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