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[謝絕] xièjué to refuse politely

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        xièxie, [謝謝], to thank/thanks/thank you
        gǎnxiè, [感謝], (express) thanks/gratitude/grateful/thankful/thanks
        Xiè/xiè, [謝], surname Xie, to thank/to apologize/to wither (of flowers, leaves etc)/to decline
        duōxiè, [多謝], many thanks/thanks a lot
        xiètiānxièdì, [謝天謝地], Thank heavens!/Thank goodness that's worked out so well!
        xièyì, [謝意], gratitude/thanks
        xièēn, [謝恩], to thank sb for favor (esp. emperor or superior official)
        dàixiè, [代謝], replacement/substitution/metabolism (biol.)
        dàoxiè, [道謝], to express thanks
        xièmù, [謝幕], to take a curtain call/(fig.) to come to an end
        xīnchéndàixiè, [新陳代謝], metabolism (biology)/the new replaces the old (idiom)
        zhìxiè, [致謝], expression of gratitude/to give thanks/a thank-you note/acknowledgement
        diāoxiè, [凋謝], to wither/to wilt/wizened
        dáxiè, [答謝], to express one's thanks
        xièlǐ, [謝禮], honorarium/gift as thanks
        xièzuì, [謝罪], to apologize for an offense/to offer one's apology for a fault
        chóuxiè, [酬謝], to thank with a gift
        xièjué, [謝絕], to refuse politely
        míngxiè, [鳴謝], to express gratitude (esp. in public)/vote of thanks
        XièHè, [謝赫], Xie He (479-502), portrait painter from Qi of Southern dynasties 南齊
        xièdǐng, [謝頂], to go bald
        Xièěrgài, [謝爾蓋], Sergei (name)
        Xièlā, [謝拉], Zerah (son of Judah)
        Xièlǐfū, [謝里夫], Sharif (name)/Nawaz Sharif (1949-), Pakistani politician
        chēngxiè, [稱謝], to express thanks
        xiètiě, [謝帖], letter of thanks
        xiètè, [謝特], shit! (loanword)

        juéduì, [絕對], absolute/unconditional
        jùjué, [拒絕], to refuse/to decline/to reject
        juébù, [絕不], in no way/not in the least/absolutely not
        jué, [絕]/[絶], to cut short/extinct/to disappear/to vanish/absolutely/by no means, variant of 絕...
        juéwàng, [絕望], to despair/to give up all hope/desperate/desperation
        juémiào, [絕妙], exquisite
        mièjué, [滅絕], to extinguish/to become extinct/to die out
        duànjué, [斷絕], to sever/to break off
        juédàduōshù, [絕大多數], absolute majority/overwhelming majority
        juédì, [絕地], danger spot/Jedi (in Star Wars)
        juéfēi, [絕非], absolutely not
        juémì, [絕密], top secret
        yǔshìgéjué, [與世隔絕], to be cut off from the rest of the world (idiom)
        juéjìng, [絕境], desperate straits
        tāotāobùjué, [滔滔不絕], unceasing torrent (idiom)/talking non-stop/gabbling forty to the dozen
        juédàbùfen, [絕大部分], overwhelming majority
        juézhèng, [絕症], incurable disease/terminal illness
        géjué, [隔絕], isolated (from the world)/disconnected
        huíjué, [回絕], to rebuff/to refuse/to turn down
        juézhǒng, [絕種], extinct (species)/extinction
        juéjì, [絕技], consummate skill/supreme feat/tour-de-force/stunt
        juézhāo, [絕招], unique skill/unexpected tricky move (as a last resort)/masterstroke/finishing bl...
        juéshí, [絕食], to go on a hunger strike
        juéhuó, [絕活], specialty/unique skill
        juéwújǐnyǒu, [絕無僅有], one and only (idiom); rarely seen/unique of its kind
        juéshì, [絕世], unique/exceptional
        zànbùjuékǒu, [讚不絕口]/[贊不絕口], to praise without cease (idiom); praise sb to high heaven, to praise without cea...
        gǎnjìnshājué, [趕盡殺絕], to kill to the last one (idiom)/to exterminate/to eradicate/ruthless
        juéyuán, [絕緣], to have no contact with/to be cut off from/(electricity) to insulate
        juéjì, [絕跡], to be eradicated/to vanish/extinct/to break off relations
        xièjué, [謝絕], to refuse politely
        juéjiāo, [絕交], to break off relations/to break with sb
        kōngqiánjuéhòu, [空前絕後], unprecedented and never to be duplicated/the first and the last/unmatched/unique
        cǎnjuérénhuán, [慘絕人寰], extremely tragic (idiom); with unprecedented brutality
        dùjué, [杜絕], to put an end to
        juéqíng, [絕情], heartless/without regard for others' feelings
        juébǎn, [絕版], out of print
        juéduìzhí, [絕對值], absolute value
        shēnwùtòngjué, [深惡痛絕], to detest bitterly (idiom)/implacable hatred/to abhor/anathema
        zhuójué, [卓絕], unsurpassed/extreme/extraordinary
        dànjìnliángjué, [彈盡糧絕], out of ammunition and no food left (idiom); in desperate straits
        juéchàng, [絕唱], most perfect song
        juébì, [絕壁], precipice
        juéyù, [絕育], to sterilize/to spay
        juépǐn, [絕品], peerless artwork/absolute gem
        juéchǔféngshēng, [絕處逢生], to come back from death's door (idiom); unexpected rescue from danger/fig. to re...
        mièjuérénxìng, [滅絕人性], to be devoid of all humanity/inhuman/bestial
        jìnjué, [禁絕], to totally prohibit/to put an end to
        luòyìbùjué, [絡繹不絕], continuously; in an endless stream (idiom)
        bùjuéyúěr, [不絕於耳], (of sound) to never stop/to fall incessantly on the ear/to linger on
        miánmiánbùjué, [綿綿不絕], continuous/endless
        pāiànjiàojué, [拍案叫絕], lit. slap the table and shout with praise (idiom); fig. wonderful!/amazing!/grea...
        juémìngshū, [絕命書], suicide note
        huāngmiùjuélún, [荒謬絕倫], absolutely ridiculous (idiom); preposterous/the height of folly
        qíjué, [奇絕], strange/rare/bizarre
        juéyuántǐ, [絕緣體], electrical insulation/heat insulation
        juémiè, [絕滅], to annihilate/to exterminate/extinction
        juébǐ, [絕筆], words written on one’s deathbed/an artist's final work/swansong
        chāojué, [超絕], surpassing/excelling/preeminent/unique
        gēnjué, [根絕], to eradicate
        juérán, [絕然], completely/absolutely
        juérè, [絕熱], to insulate thermally/(physics) adiabatic
        fēnghuájuédài, [風華絕代], magnificent style unmatched in his generation (idiom); peerless talent

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