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qiánrèn predecessor
ex (spouse etc)

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Word Compounds

        qián, front/forward/ahead/first/top (followed by a number)/future/ago/before/BC (e.g. ...
        zhīqián, before/prior to/ago/previously/beforehand
        yǐqián, before/formerly/previous/ago
        miànqián, in front of/facing/(in the) presence (of)
        mùqián, at the present time/currently
        qiánmiàn, ahead/in front/preceding/above/also pr. [qián mian]
        qiánjìn, [前進], to go forward/to forge ahead/to advance/onward
        yǎnqián, before one's eyes/now/at present
        tíqián, to shift to an earlier date/to do sth ahead of time/in advance
        qiánwǎng, to leave for/to proceed towards/to go
        qiánqī, ex-wife/late wife
        qiántú, prospects/future outlook/journey
        xiàngqián, forward/onward
        cóngqián, [從前], previously/formerly/once upon a time
        qiánkē, criminal record/previous convictions
        qiánrèn, predecessor/ex-/former/ex (spouse etc)
        qiánfū, former husband
        Qiánmén/qiánmén, [前門], Qianmen subway station on Beijing Subway Line 2, front door/main entrance/honest...
        qiánlái, [前來], to come (formal)/before/previously
        qiánfāng, ahead/the front
        qiántí, premise/precondition/prerequisite
        xiānqián, before/previously
        qiántái, [前臺], stage/proscenium/foreground in politics etc (sometimes derog.)/front desk/recept...
线         qiánxiàn, [前線], front line/military front/workface/cutting edge
        hūnqián, premarital/prenuptial
        shēngqián, (of a deceased) during one's life/while living
        ménqián, [門前], in front of the door
        qiánsuǒwèiyǒu, unprecedented
        dāngqián, [當前], current/today's/modern/present/to be facing (us)
        qiánchéng, future (career etc) prospects
        bùjiǔqián, not long ago
        qiánxíng, (literary) to go forward
        qiánhòu, [前後], around/from beginning to end/all around/front and rear
        xiōngqián, (on the) chest/bosom
        qiánjǐng, foreground/vista/(future) prospects/perspective
        qiáné, [前額], forehead
        qiántiān, the day before yesterday
        shàngqián, to advance/to step forward
        qiányè, the eve/the night before
        qiánbèi, [前輩], senior/older generation/precursor
        gōngyuánqián, BCE (before the Common Era)/BC (before Christ)
        kōngqián, unprecedented
        shǐwúqiánlì, [史無前例], unprecedented in history
        gēnqián/gēnqian, the front (of)/(in) front/(in) sb's presence/just before (a date), (of children,...
        shìqián, in advance/before the event
        qiántou, [前頭], in front/at the head/ahead/above
        shǐqián, prehistory
        qiánwèi, [前衛], advanced guard/vanguard/avant-garde/forward (soccer position)
        qiánxián, former hatred/bygone enmity
        qiánfēng, [前鋒], vanguard/front line/a forward (sports)
        Táiqián/táiqián, Taiqian county in Puyang 濮陽|濮阳[Pú yáng], Henan, front of the stage
        yǒngwǎngzhíqián, to advance bravely
        qiánxī, eve/the day before
        qiánlièxiàn, prostate
        qiánbùjiǔ, not long ago/not long before
        qiántúwúliàng, [前途無量], to have boundless prospects
        qiánqī, preceding period/early stage
        qiánzhě, the former
        cǐqián, before this/before then/previously
        qiányuàn, front courtyard/front yard
        qiángōngjìnqì, [前功盡棄], to waste all one's previous efforts (idiom)/all that has been achieved goes down...
沿         qiányán, front-line/forward position/outpost/extending ahead/frontier (of science, techno...
        chǎnqián, [產前], prenatal/antenatal
        jìnzàiyǎnqián, right under one's nose/right in front of one's eyes/close at hand/imminent
        qiánsuǒwèijiàn, [前所未見], unprecedented/never seen before
        qiánshì, previous generations/previous incarnation (Buddhism)
        chāoqián, to be ahead of one's time/to surpass or outdo one's predecessors/to be ahead of ...
        qiánduàn, front part (of an object)/first part (of an event)/previous paragraph
        qiánzhào, omen/prior indication/first sign
        qiánshào, outpost/(fig.) front line
        tíngzhìbùqián, [停滯不前], stuck and not moving forward (idiom); stagnant/in a rut/at a standstill
        qiánbì, forearm
        rìqián, the other day/a few days ago
        qiántīng, [前廳], anteroom/vestibule/lobby (of a hotel etc)
        xuéqiánbān, [學前班], preschool
        qiánduān, front/front end/forward part of sth
        qiánzòu, prelude/presage
        qiánnián, the year before last
        qiánbian, [前邊], front/the front side/in front of
        qiánliè, the very front
        kōngqiánjuéhòu, [空前絕後], unprecedented and never to be duplicated/the first and the last/unmatched/unique
        mínglièqiánmáo, to rank among the best
        niánqián, before the end of the year/before the new year
        yīwǎngwúqián, [一往無前], to advance courageously (idiom)/to press forward
        qiánchēzhījiàn, [前車之鑒], to learn a lesson from the mistakes of one's predecessor (idiom)
        qiánlún, [前輪], front wheel
        qiánrén, predecessor/forebears/the person facing you
        guǒzúbùqián, to stand still without advancing (idiom); to hesitate and hold back
        qiánshēn, forerunner/predecessor/precursor/previous incarnation (Buddhism)/jacket front
        qiánjiǎo, [前腳], one moment ..., (the next ...)/leading foot (in walking)
        qiányán, preface/forward/introduction
        qiányīnhòuguǒ, [前因後果], cause and effects (idiom); entire process of development
        chēdàoshānqiánbìyǒulù, [車到山前必有路], lit. When we get to the mountain, there'll be a way through. (idiom)/fig. Everyt...
        qiánlì, precedent
        qiánzhānxìng, farsightedness/perspicacity/prescience/forward-looking
        huāqiányuèxià, see 月下花前[yuè xià huā qián]
        qiánshēng, previous life/previous incarnation
        tònggǎiqiánfēi, completely correcting one's former misdeeds (idiom); to repent past mistakes and...
        wèisuōbùqián, [畏縮不前], to shrink back in fear (idiom); too cowardly to advance
        qiántíng, front courtyard/vestibule
        dàqiántiān, three days ago
        jǐnxiùqiánchéng, [錦繡前程], bright future/bright prospects
        qiánpūhòujì, [前仆後繼], one falls, the next follows (idiom); stepping into the breach to replace fallen ...
        qiánsuǒwèiwén, [前所未聞], unheard-of/unprecedented
        qiánchén, [前塵], the past/impurity contracted previously (in the sentient world) (Buddhism)
        xuéqiánjiàoyù, [學前教育], preschool education/early childhood education
        sīqiánxiǎnghòu, [思前想後], to consider past cause and future effect (idiom); to think over the past and fut...
        ānqiánmǎhòu, [鞍前馬後], to follow everywhere/to always be there for sb at their beck and call
        qiánfùhòujì, [前赴後繼], to advance dauntlessly in wave upon wave (idiom)
        shèngkuàngkōngqián, [盛況空前], a magnificent and unprecedented event (idiom)
        qiánzhuì, [前綴], prefix (linguistics)
        qiánrì, day before yesterday
        qiánqū, [前驅], precursor/pioneer
        yīwǎngzhíqián, see 一往無前|一往无前[yī wǎng wú qián]
        chóuchúbùqián, [躊躇不前], to hesitate to move forward/to hesitate/to hold back
        dǎqiánzhàn, to set out in advance to make arrangements (board, lodging etc)/(military) to di...
        mǎshīqiántí, [馬失前蹄], lit. the horse loses its front hooves/fig. sudden failure through miscalculation...
        gèbènqiánchéng, each goes his own way (idiom); each person has his own life to lead
        zhānqiángùhòu, [瞻前顧後], to look forward and back/to consider prudently/overcautious
        qiánshàozhàn, [前哨戰], skirmish
        qiándǎo, [前導], to precede/to guide
        dàdídāngqián, [大敵當前], facing a powerful enemy (idiom); fig. confronting grave difficulties/Enemy at th...
        qiánzhān, forward-looking/prescient/foresight/forethought/outlook
        qiáncháo, the previous dynasty
        qiánzhī, forelimb/foreleg
        qiánshù, aforestated/stated above/the preceding statement
        wǔqián, morning/a.m.
        qiánbànyè, first half of the night (from nightfall to midnight)
        qiánhòuwén, [前後文], context/the surrounding words/same as 上下文
齿         qiánjiùchǐ, [前臼齒], premolar tooth (immediately behind canine teeth in some mammals)
        qiánzòuqǔ, prelude (music)
        qiánmáo, forward patrol (military) (old)/(fig.) the top ranks
        zhīqián, to support the front (military)
        mǎqiánzú, [馬前卒], lackey/errand boy/lit. runner before a carriage
        chéngqiánqǐhòu, [承前啟後], to follow the past and herald the future (idiom); part of a historical transitio...

        rènhé, any/whatever/whichever/whatsoever
        rènwu, [任務], mission/assignment/task/duty/role/CL:項|项[xiàng],個|个[gè]
        xìnrèn, to trust/to have confidence in
        zérèn, [責任], responsibility/blame/duty/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhǔrèn, director/head/CL:個|个[gè]
        Rén/rèn, surname Ren/Ren County 任縣|任县[Rén Xiàn] in Hebei, to assign/to appoint/to take up...
        qiánrèn, predecessor/ex-/former/ex (spouse etc)
        dānrèn, [擔任], to hold a governmental office or post/to assume office of/to take charge of/to s...
        shèngrèn, [勝任], qualified/competent (professionally)/to be up to a task
        rènmìng, to appoint/(job) appointment/CL:紙|纸[zhǐ]
        rènyì, any/arbitrary/at will/at random
        fàngrèn, to ignore/to let alone/to indulge
        zérèngǎn, [責任感], sense of responsibility
        rènxìng, willful/headstrong/unruly
        xiàrèn, next office holder/next to serve
        shàngrèn, to take office/previous (incumbent)/predecessor
        xīnrèn, newly-appointed/newly elected/new (in a political office)
        rènzhí, [任職], to hold an office or post
        rènyóu, to let (sb do sth)/to allow/regardless of
        xiànrèn, [現任], to occupy a post currently/current (president etc)/incumbent/(coll.) current boy...
        zérènxīn, [責任心], sense of responsibility
        rènqī, term of office/CL:屆|届[jiè]/tenure (entire period in office)
        liánrèn, [連任], to continue in (a political) office/to serve for another term of office
        zhòngrèn, heavy responsibility
        jìrèn, [繼任], to succeed sb in a job/successor
        jiùrèn, to take office/to assume a post
        wěirèn, to appoint
        xìzhǔrèn, chairman of department/dean/CL:位[wèi],個|个[gè]
        rènpíng, [任憑], no matter what/despite/to allow (sb to act arbitrarily)
        jiērèn, to take over (as minister, manager etc)
        bānzhǔrèn, teacher in charge of a class
        chūrèn, to take up a post/to start in a new job
        tīngzhīrènzhī, [聽之任之], to take a laissez-faire attitude
        rènjiào, to hold a teaching position
        fàngrènzìliú, to let sb do whatever they want/to indulge/to give free reins to/to let things s...
        rènrénzǎigē, to get trampled on (idiom)/to be taken advantage of
        diàorèn, [調任], to transfer/to move to another post
        liúrèn, to remain in office/to hold on to one's job
        Rèntiāntáng, Nintendo
        xièrèn, to leave office
        rènxuǎn, [任選], to choose arbitrarily/to take whichever one fancies
        shǒurèn, first person to be appointed to a post
        jiānrèn, to hold several jobs at once/concurrent post/working part-time
        rènyìqiú, free kick
        zǒumǎshàngrèn, [走馬上任], to ride to take up an official appointment (idiom); to take on a job with alacri...
        lírèn, [離任], to leave office/to leave one's post
        rènláorènyuàn, [任勞任怨], to work hard without complaint (idiom)
        pìnrèn, to appoint (to a position)/appointed
        chángrèn, permanent
        rènzhòngdàoyuǎn, [任重道遠], a heavy load and a long road/fig. to bear heavy responsibilities through a long ...
        tīngrèn, [聽任], to let (sth happen)/to allow (sb to do sth)/to submit to/to yield
        zérènrén, [責任人], responsible person/coordinator
        lìrèn, [歷任], (of one person) to hold the successive posts of/(of several persons) the success...
        rènkè, [任課], to give classes/to work as a teacher
        xīnguānshàngrènsānbǎhuǒ, (of a newly appointed official) to make bold changes on assuming office (idiom)
        fùrèn, to travel to take up a new post
        rènyòng, to appoint/to assign
        shēngrèn, to be promoted to
        rènrénwéiqīn, [任人唯親], to appoint people by favoritism (idiom); nepotism/corrupt appointment
        hòurèn, [後任], successor/(attributive) future
        shírèn, [時任], then (as in "the then chairman")
        rènqíng, to let oneself go/to do as much as one pleases
        wěirènshū, [委任書], letter of appointment
        zérènshìgù, [責任事故], accident occurring due to negligence
        rènqízìrán, to let things take their course (idiom)/to leave it to nature/laissez-faire
        rènrénwéixián, [任人唯賢], to appoint people according to their merits (idiom); appointment on the basis of...
        zìyóufàngrèn, laissez-faire

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