参 ⇒
参加 cānjiā, [參加], to participate/to take part/to join
参与 cānyù, [參與], to participate (in sth)
参议员 cānyìyuán, [參議員], senator
参观 cānguān, [參觀], to look around/to tour/to visit
参赛 cānsài, [參賽], to compete/to take part in a competition
参赛者 cānsàizhě, [參賽者], competitor/CL:名[míng]
参军 cānjūn, [參軍], to join the army
参 cān/shēn, [參]/[叅]/[葠]/[蓡], to take part in/to participate/to join/to attend/to counsel/unequal/varied/irreg...
参议院 cānyìyuàn, [參議院], senate/upper chamber (of legislative assembly)
参考 cānkǎo, [參考], consultation/reference/to consult/to refer
参选 cānxuǎn, [參選], to be a candidate in an election or other selection process/to run for office/to...
参战 cānzhàn, [參戰], to go to war/to engage in war
参谋长 cānmóuzhǎng, [參謀長], chief of staff
参演 参数 cānshù, [參數], parameter
参事 参见 cānjiàn, [參見], to refer to/see also/compare (cf.)/to pay respect to
参与者 cānyùzhě, [參與者], participant
参照 cānzhào, [參照], to consult a reference/to refer to (another document)
参谋 cānmóu, [參謀], staff officer/to give advice
人参 rénshēn, [人參], ginseng
参半 cānbàn, [參半], half/half and half/both ... and .../just as much ... as .../equally
刘参 总参谋长 zǒngcānmóuzhǎng, [總參謀長], (military) Chief of Staff
参拜 cānbài, [參拜], to formally call on/to worship (a God)/to pay homage to sb
海参崴 Hǎishēnwǎi, [海參崴], Vladivostok/Ming and Qing name for Vladivostok 符拉迪沃斯托克 and the province around i...
参政 cānzhèng, [參政], to be involved in politics/participation in politics
海参 hǎishēn, [海參], sea cucumber
参考书 cānkǎoshū, [參考書], reference book
喜忧参半 xǐyōucānbàn, [喜憂參半], to have mixed feelings (about sth)
参议会 参加者 cānjiāzhě, [參加者], participant
参观者 参展 cānzhǎn, [參展], to exhibit at or take part in a trade show etc
丹参 dānshēn, [丹參], Salvia miltiorrhiza
参众两院 参照物 参差 cēncī, [參差], uneven/jagged/snaggletooth/ragged/serrated
参看 cānkàn, [參看], see also/please refer to/compare (cf.)/to consult for reference
总参谋部 Zǒngcānmóubù, [總參謀部], (military) General Staff Headquarters
参阅 cānyuè, [參閱], to consult/to refer to/to read (instructions)
参差不齐 cēncībùqí, [參差不齊], (idiom) variable/uneven/irregular
参谋部 高丽参 Gāolíshēn, [高麗參], Koryo ginseng
参赛队 参赞 cānzàn, [參贊], diplomatic officer/attache
毁誉参半 参照系 cānzhàoxì, [參照系], frame of reference/coordinate frame (math.)
参与感 参天 cāntiān, [參天], reach high to the sky/tall/of great height
丹尼·参 参院 cānyuàn, [參院], abbr. for 參議院|参议院[cān yì yuàn], senate/upper chamber (of legislative assembly)
伊欧参 参考性 洋参 苦参 kǔshēn, [苦參], liquorice (Sophora flavescens), with roots used in TCM
参观票 参考系 cānkǎoxì, [參考系], frame of reference
参会 参建 参股 cāngǔ, [參股], equity participation (finance)
参议 cānyì, [參議], consultant/adviser
参访 参预 cānyù, [參預], variant of 參與|参与[cān yù]
差 ⇒
差不多 chàbuduō, almost/nearly/more or less/about the same/good enough/not bad
差 chā/chà/chāi, difference/discrepancy/to differ/error/to err/to make a mistake, to differ from/...
差点 chàdiǎn, [差點], almost/nearly
差劲 chàjìn, [差勁], bad/no good/below average/disappointing
差别 chābié, [差別], difference/distinction/disparity
出差 chūchāi, to go on an official or business trip
差错 chācuò, [差錯], mistake/slip-up/fault/error (in data transmission)/accident/mishap
差事 chàshì/chāishi, poor/not up to standard, errand/assignment/job/commission/CL:件[jiàn]/see also 差使...
差点儿 chàdiǎnr, [差點兒], erhua variant of 差點|差点[chà diǎn]
差距 chājù, disparity/gap
邮差 yóuchāi, [郵差], (old) postman
差异 chāyì, [差異], difference/discrepancy
时差 shíchā, [時差], time difference/time lag/jet lag
差遣 chāiqiǎn, to send (on errand)
相差 xiāngchà, to differ/discrepancy between
偏差 piānchā, bias/deviation
误差 wùchā, [誤差], difference/error/inaccuracy
差强人意 chāqiángrényì, [差強人意], (idiom) just passable/barely satisfactory
差一点儿 chàyīdiǎnr, [差一點兒], erhua variant of 差一點|差一点[chà yī diǎn]
信差 xìnchāi, messenger
差一点 chàyīdiǎn, [差一點], see 差點|差点[chà diǎn]
苦差 kǔchāi, hard task/difficult mission/arduous and unrewarding undertaking/drudgery/grind/c...
差使 chāishǐ/chāishi, to send/to assign/to appoint/servants of an official/official messenger, officia...
开小差 kāixiǎochāi, [開小差], to be absent-minded/to desert/to abscond from the army/absent without leave (AWO...
交差 jiāochāi, to report back after completion of one's mission
出公差 美差 měichāi, cushy job/pleasant task
差额 chāé, [差額], balance (financial)/discrepancy (in a sum or quota)/difference
差不离 chàbùlí, [差不離], not much different/similar/ordinary/nearly
时间差 落差 luòchā, drop in elevation/(fig.) gap (in wages, expectations etc)/disparity
当差 差役 chāiyì, forced labor of feudal tenant (corvée)/bailiff of feudal yamen
差价 chājià, [差價], difference in price
阴差阳错 yīnchāyángcuò, [陰差陽錯], (idiom) due to an unexpected turn of events
反差 fǎnchā, contrast/discrepancy
一念之差 yīniànzhīchā, momentary slip/false step/ill-considered action
听差 相差无几 公差 gōngchā/gōngchāi, tolerance (allowed error)/common difference (of an arithmetic series), official ...
参差 cēncī, [參差], uneven/jagged/snaggletooth/ragged/serrated
参差不齐 cēncībùqí, [參差不齊], (idiom) variable/uneven/irregular
隔三差五 gésānchàwǔ, every few days (idiom)
差值 脏乱差 zāngluànchà, [髒亂差], (coll.) squalid/squalor
官差 guānchāi, official business/government workmen/odd-job men
鬼使神差 guǐshǐshénchāi, demons and gods at work (idiom); unexplained event crying out for a supernatural...
差之毫厘 价差 千差万别 qiānchāwànbié, [千差萬別], manifold diversity
温差 wēnchā, [溫差], difference in temperature
最差 等差 děngchā, degree of disparity/equal difference
黛来差 差数 chāshù, [差數], difference (the result of subtraction)
差麦克白 差迈凯 利差 色差 相位差 xiàngwèichā, phase difference
抓差 钦差 qīnchāi, [欽差], imperial envoy
电势差 顺差 shùnchā, [順差], (trade or budget) surplus