备 ⇒
准备 zhǔnbèi, [準備], preparation/to prepare/to intend/to be about to/reserve (fund)
设备 shèbèi, [設備], equipment/facilities/installations/CL:個|个[gè]
装备 zhuāngbèi, [裝備], equipment/to equip/to outfit
后备 hòubèi, [後備], reserve/backup
预备 yùbèi, [預備], to prepare/to make ready/preparation/preparatory
备 bèi, [俻]/[備], variant of 備|备[bèi], to prepare/get ready/to provide or equip
备用 bèiyòng, [備用], reserve/spare/alternate/backup
责备 zébèi, [責備], to blame/to criticize/condemnation/reproach
具备 jùbèi, [具備], to possess/to have/equipped with/able to fulfill (conditions or requirements)
备忘录 bèiwànglù, [備忘錄], memorandum/aide-memoire/memorandum book
戒备 jièbèi, [戒備], to take precautions/to guard against (emergency)
备份 bèifèn, [備份], backup
储备 chǔbèi, [儲備], reserves/to store up
筹备 chóubèi, [籌備], preparations/to get ready for sth
防备 fángbèi, [防備], to guard against
备受 bèishòu, [備受], to fully experience (good or bad)
配备 pèibèi, [配備], to allocate/to provide/to outfit with
必备 bìbèi, [必備], essential
预备役 万事俱备 备注 bèizhù, [備註], remark/note
备案 bèiàn, [備案], to put on record/to file
警备 jǐngbèi, [警備], guard/garrison
预备队 备战 bèizhàn, [備戰], prepared against war/to prepare for war/warmongering
战备 zhànbèi, [戰備], war preparation
军备 jūnbèi, [軍備], (military) arms/armaments
有备无患 yǒubèiwúhuàn, [有備無患], Preparedness averts peril./to be prepared, just in case (idiom)
齐备 qíbèi, [齊備], all ready/available/complete
完备 wánbèi, [完備], faultless/complete/perfect/to leave nothing to be desired
守备 shǒubèi, [守備], to garrison/to stand guard/on garrison duty
兼备 jiānbèi, [兼備], have both
备齐 备课 bèikè, [備課], (of a teacher) to prepare lessons
备考 bèikǎo, [備考], (an appendix, note etc) for reference
常备 后备军 hòubèijūn, [後備軍], rearguard
自备 zìbèi, [自備], to provide one's own.../own/self-provided/self-contained
备件 bèijiàn, [備件], spare parts
置备 关怀备至 guānhuáibèizhì, [關懷備至], the utmost care (idiom); to look after sb in every possible way
常备军 贮备 zhùbèi, [貯備], to store
备感 整备 zhěngbèi, [整備], preparedness/to bring sth to a state of readiness
乘其不备 备品 bèipǐn, [備品], machine parts or tools kept in reserve/spare parts
筹备会 备足 备至 bèizhì, [備至], to the utmost/in every possible way
备用金 备用品 制备 zhìbèi, [製備], to prepare/preparation (chemistry)
预备生 储备粮 chǔbèiliáng, [儲備糧], grain reserves
技术装备 软设备 备要 马备 武备 钱以备
用 ⇒
用 yòng, to use/to employ/to have to/to eat or drink/expense or outlay/usefulness/hence/t...
不用 bùyòng, need not
利用 lìyòng, to exploit/to make use of/to use/to take advantage of/to utilize
使用 shǐyòng, to use/to employ/to apply/to make use of
作用 zuòyòng, to act on/to affect/action/function/activity/impact/result/effect/purpose/intent...
信用卡 xìnyòngkǎ, credit card
管用 guǎnyòng, efficacious/useful
没用 méiyòng, [沒用], useless
费用 fèiyòng, [費用], cost/expenditure/expense/CL:筆|笔[bǐ],個|个[gè]
用来 yònglái, [用來], to be used for
用不着 yòngbuzháo, [用不著], not need/have no use for
有用 yǒuyòng, useful
服用 fúyòng, to take (medicine)
运用 yùnyòng, [運用], to use/to put to use
用于 yòngyú, use in/use on/use for
雇用 gùyòng, [僱用], to employ/to hire
用品 yòngpǐn, articles for use/products/goods
备用 bèiyòng, [備用], reserve/spare/alternate/backup
享用 xiǎngyòng, to enjoy (i.e. have the use or benefit of)
引用 yǐnyòng, to quote/to cite/to recommend/to appoint/(computing) reference
采用 cǎiyòng, [採用], to adopt/to employ/to use
用心 yòngxīn, motive/intention/to be diligent or attentive/careful
副作用 fùzuòyòng, side effect
用力 yònglì, to exert oneself physically
借用 jièyòng, to borrow sth for another use/to borrow an idea for one's own use
滥用 lànyòng, [濫用], to misuse/to abuse
占用 zhànyòng, [佔用], to occupy
专用 zhuānyòng, [專用], special/dedicated
用餐 yòngcān, to eat a meal
用户 yònghù, [用戶], user/consumer/subscriber/customer
动用 dòngyòng, [動用], to utilize/to put sth to use
适用 shìyòng, [適用], to be applicable
用处 yòngchu, [用處], usefulness/CL:個|个[gè]
用场 yòngchǎng, [用場], use/application/Taiwan pr. [yòng cháng]
信用 xìnyòng, to trust/credit (commerce)/trustworthiness/creditworthiness
军用 jūnyòng, [軍用], (for) military use/military application
用途 yòngtú, use/application
不用说 bùyòngshuō, [不用說], needless to say/it goes without saying
应用 yìngyòng, [應用], to put to use/to apply/practical/applied (science, linguistics etc)/application/...
感情用事 gǎnqíngyòngshì, to act impetuously (idiom); on an impulse
用尽 yòngjìn, [用盡], to exhaust/to use up completely
无用 wúyòng, [無用], useless/worthless
启用 qǐyòng, [啟用], to start using/(computing) to enable (a feature)
用作 yòngzuò, to use for the purpose of/to serve as
毫无用处 用具 yòngjù, appliance/utensil/gear/equipment
通用 tōngyòng, to use anywhere, anytime (card, ticket etc)/to be used by everyone (language, te...
实用 shíyòng, [實用], practical/functional/pragmatic/applied (science)
只用 用功 yònggōng, diligent/industrious (in one's studies)/to study hard/to make great effort
挪用 nuóyòng, to shift (funds)/to (legitimately) take funds set aside for one purpose in order...
用意 yòngyì, intention/purpose
常用 chángyòng, in common usage
盗用 dàoyòng, [盜用], to embezzle/to defraud/to use illegitimately/to misappropriate
食用 shíyòng, food product/to use as food/edible
用语 yòngyǔ, [用語], choice of words/wording/phraseology/term
公用电话 gōngyòngdiànhuà, [公用電話], public phone/CL:部[bù]
试用 shìyòng, [試用], to try sth out/to be on probation
聘用 pìnyòng, to employ/to hire
录用 lùyòng, [錄用], to hire (an employee)/to accept (a manuscript) for publication
中用 家用 jiāyòng, home-use/domestic/family expenses/housekeeping money
可用 租用 zūyòng, to lease/to hire/to rent (sth from sb)
零用钱 língyòngqián, [零用錢], pocket money/allowance/spending money
惯用 guànyòng, [慣用], to use habitually/habitual/customary
使用者 shǐyòngzhě, user
征用 zhēngyòng, to expropriate/to commandeer
民用 mínyòng, (for) civilian use
用量 yòngliàng, quantity used/usage/consumption/dose
改用 gǎiyòng, to change over to/to switch to/to use (sth different)
用以 yòngyǐ, in order to/so as to
共用 gòngyòng, commons/public use
饮用水 yǐnyòngshuǐ, [飲用水], drinking water/potable water
医用 无用功 饮用 yǐnyòng, [飲用], drink/drinking or drinkable (water)
守信用 shǒuxìnyòng, to keep one's word/trustworthy
公用 gōngyòng, public/for public use
试用期 shìyòngqī, [試用期], trial period/probationary period
调用 diàoyòng, [調用], to transfer (for a specific purpose)/to allocate/(computing) to invoke (a comman...
用武之地 yòngwǔzhīdì, ample scope for abilities/favorable position for the use of one's skills (idiom)
够用 药用 yàoyòng, [藥用], medicinal use/pharmaceutical
御用 yùyòng, for use by the emperor/imperial/(derog.) in the pay of the ruler
商用 警用 合用 héyòng, to share/to use in common/suitable/fit for purpose/useable
选用 xuǎnyòng, [選用], to choose for some purpose/to select and use
日用品 rìyòngpǐn, articles for daily use/CL:件[jiàn],個|个[gè]
用刑 用人 yòngrén, servant/to employ sb for a job/to manage people/to be in need of staff
用到 重用 zhòngyòng, to put in an important position
他用 tāyòng, other use/other purpose
用劲 别有用心 biéyǒuyòngxīn, [別有用心], to have an ulterior motive (idiom)
物尽其用 wùjìnqíyòng, [物盡其用], to use sth to the full/to make the best use of everything
耐用 nàiyòng, durable
用户名 yònghùmíng, [用戶名], username/user ID
急用 jíyòng, to need sth urgently/urgently required
顶用 dǐngyòng, [頂用], to be of use
反作用 fǎnzuòyòng, opposite reaction
甘四用 禁用 jīnyòng/jìnyòng, to withstand heavy use/durable, to prohibit the use of sth/to ban/(computing) to...
意气用事 yìqìyòngshì, [意氣用事], to let emotions affect one's decisions
使用权 shǐyòngquán, [使用權], usage rights
用费 实用主义 shíyòngzhǔyì, [實用主義], pragmatism
并用 用药 相互作用 xiānghùzuòyòng, to interact/interaction/interplay
用布 两用 liǎngyòng, [兩用], dual-use
功用 gōngyòng, function
专用车 沿用 yányòng, to continue to use (old methods)/to apply as before/according to usage
用车 用纸 日用 rìyòng, daily expenses/of everyday use
留用 liúyòng, to keep for use/to retain sth/to keep sb in his job
保险费用 误用 wùyòng, [誤用], to misuse
省吃俭用 shěngchījiǎnyòng, [省吃儉用], to live frugally/to economize on food and clothing/to scrimp and save
效用 xiàoyòng, usefulness/effectiveness/(economics) utility
学以致用 xuéyǐzhìyòng, [學以致用], to study sth to apply it/study for practical applications
起用 qǐyòng, to promote/to reinstate (in a position or job)
作用力 zuòyònglì, effort/active force/applied force
外用 wàiyòng, external
用膳 yòngshàn, to dine
用血 用水 光合作用 guānghézuòyòng, photosynthesis
农用 公用事业 善用 shànyòng, to be good at using (sth)/to put (sth) to good use
用法 yòngfǎ, usage
用地 套用 tàoyòng, to copy a set pattern mechanically/to crib
自用 反作用力 军用品 家用电器 jiāyòngdiànqì, [家用電器], domestic electric appliance
用不完 私用 无用武之地 信用证 xìnyòngzhèng, [信用證], letter of credit
受用 shòuyòng/shòuyong, to enjoy/to reap the benefits (of sth), comfortable/feeling well
施用 shīyòng, to implement/to use
使用量 shǐyòngliàng, volume of use/usage amount
曾用名 零用 língyòng, incidental expenses/sundries/pocket money
试用品 shìyòngpǐn, [試用品], prototype/trial product/test sample
公用电话亭 代用 有用之才 任用 rènyòng, to appoint/to assign
用电 用度 yòngdù, expense
英雄无用武之地 yīngxióngwúyòngwǔzhīdì, [英雄無用武之地], a hero with no chance of using his might/to have no opportunity to display one's...
用事 配用 pèiyòng, to provide/installed
专用道 信用社 xìnyòngshè, credit union
语用 刚愎自用 gāngbìzìyòng, [剛愎自用], obstinate and self-opinionated (idiom)
转用 zhuǎnyòng, [轉用], to adapt for use for another purpose
招用 使用率 良苦用心 liángkǔyòngxīn, to ponder earnestly/to give a lot of thought to sth
用兵 用工 用电量 代用品 日常用语 钱用光 天生我材必有用 军用机 应用科学 yìngyòngkēxué, [應用科學], applied science
备用金 备用品 食用油 用之不竭 用字 yòngzì, to use letters/to use words/diction
农用车 应召用 用非 用鏊 耗用 娜用 用琳 用料 yòngliào, ingredients/material
用报 用活 用润 用波 可用性 用圣 用典 别光用 利用率 杂用 习用 xíyòng, [習用], to use habitually/usual/conventional
汝用 常用来 于用法 戒急用忍 专用线 冒用 màoyòng, to falsely use (sb's identity etc)
军用车 食用菌 玉帝用 日用百货 连用 liányòng, [連用], to use (two words etc) together/to use (sth) continuously
复用 使用费 用兵一时 用武 曾用来 毒副作用