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HSK 5 word: freq index 22997
[開水] kāishuǐ boiled water
boiling water

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        kāishǐ, [開始], to begin/beginning/to start/initial/CL:個|个[gè]
        kāi, [開], to open/to start/to turn on/to boil/to write out (a prescription, check, invoice...
        líkāi, [離開], to depart/to leave
        kāixīn, [開心], to feel happy/to rejoice/to have a great time/to make fun of sb
        dǎkāi, [打開], to open/to show (a ticket)/to turn on/to switch on
        kāiqiāng, [開槍], to open fire/to shoot a gun
        fàngkāi, [放開], to let go/to release
        kāiwánxiào, [開玩笑], to play a joke/to make fun of/to joke
        kāichē, [開車], to drive a car
        zǒukāi, [走開], to leave/to walk away/to beat it/to move aside
        kāimén, [開門], to open a door (lit. and fig.)/to open for business
        fēnkāi, [分開], to separate/to part
        kāichú, [開除], to expel (a member of an organization)/to fire (an employee)
        kāikǒu, [開口], to open one's mouth/to start to talk
        gǔnkāi, [滾開], to boil (of liquid)/boiling hot/Get out!/Go away!/fuck off (rude)
        gōngkāi, [公開], public/to publish/to make public
        kāihuǒ, [開火], to open fire
        jiěkāi, [解開], to untie/to undo/to solve (a mystery)
        kāihuì, [開會], to hold a meeting/to attend a meeting
        kāitóu, [開頭], beginning/to start
        zhǎnkāi, [展開], to unfold/to carry out/to be in full swing/to launch
        kāifàng, [開放], to bloom/to open/to be open (to the public)/to open up (to the outside)/to be op...
        chǎngkāi, [敞開], to open wide/unrestrictedly
        bìkāi, [避開], to avoid/to evade/to keep away from
        kāichǎng, [開場], to begin/to open/to start/beginning of an event
        kāitōng/kāitong, [開通], to open up (windows for air, ideas for discussion, transportation routes etc), o...
        kāipāi, [開拍], to begin shooting (a movie, a scene of a movie etc)/to start the bidding (auctio...
        zhāngkāi, [張開], to open up/to spread/to extend
        kāifā, [開發], to exploit (a resource)/to open up (for development)/to develop
        kāigōng, [開工], to begin work (of a factory or engineering operation)/to start a construction jo...
        shǎnkāi, [閃開], to get out of the way
        duǒkāi, [躲開], to stay out of (hot water, trouble, awkward situation etc)/to avoid (sb)
        kāitíng, [開庭], to begin a (judicial) court session
        kāiqǐ, [開啟], to open/to start/(computing) to enable
        ràngkāi, [讓開], to get out of the way/to step aside
        kāizhàn, [開戰], to start a war/to make war/to battle against
        lākāi, [拉開], to pull open/to pull apart/to space out/to increase
        sōngkāi, [鬆開], to release/to let go/to loosen/to untie/to come loose
        kāidòng, [開動], to start/to set in motion/to move/to march/to dig in (eating)/to tuck in (eating...
        zhàokāi, [召開], to convene (a conference or meeting)/to convoke/to call together
        kāizhāng, [開張], to open a business/first transaction of a business day
        kāiguān, [開關], power switch/gas valve/to open the city (or frontier) gate/to open and close/to ...
        pāokāi, [拋開], to throw out/to get rid of
        jiēkāi, [揭開], to uncover/to open
        sànkāi, [散開], to separate/to disperse
        kāiwèi, [開胃], to whet the appetite/appetizing/to amuse oneself at sb's expense/to tease
        nuókāi, [挪開], to move (sth) aside/to step aside/to move over (when sitting on a bench)/to shif...
        kāizhī, [開支], expenditures/expenses/CL:筆|笔[bǐ], 項|项[xiàng]/to spend money/(coll.) to pay wages
        kāiduān, [開端], start/beginning
        kāiyè, [開業], to open a business/to open a practice/open (for business)
        kāichéngbùgōng, [開誠佈公]/[開誠布公], variant of 開誠布公|开诚布公[kāi chéng bù gōng], lit. deal sincerely and fairly (idiom);...
        tuīkāi, [推開], to push open (a gate etc)/to push away/to reject/to decline
        kāijià, [開價], to quote a price/seller's first offer
        chāikāi, [拆開], to dismantle/to disassemble/to open up (sth sealed)/to unpick
        líbukāi, [離不開], inseparable/inevitably linked to
        lièkāi, [裂開], to split open
        kāixiāo, [開銷], to pay (expenses)/expenses/(old) to dismiss (an employee)
        kāizhǎn, [開展], to launch/to develop/to unfold/(of an exhibition etc) to open
        kāixué, [開學], foundation of a University or College/school opening/the start of a new term
        kāichuàng, [開創], to initiate/to start/to found
        kāimùshì, [開幕式], opening ceremony
        kāifàn, [開飯], to serve a meal
        kāikuò, [開闊], wide/open (spaces)/to open up
        kāiménjiànshān, [開門見山], lit. to open the door and see the mountain; fig. to get right to the point (idio...
        kāijī, [開機], to start an engine/to boot up (a computer)/to press Ctrl-Alt-Delete/to begin sho...
        kāichǎngbái, [開場白], prologue of play/opening remarks/preamble (of speeches, articles etc)
        kāituō, [開脫], to exculpate/to absolve/to exonerate
        kāihuā, [開花], to bloom/to blossom/to flower/fig. to burst open/to feel happy or elated/new dev...
        kāimù, [開幕], to open (a conference)/to inaugurate
        Kāiluó, [開羅], Cairo, capital of Egypt
        shuǎikāi, [甩開], to shake off/to get rid of
        chuánkāi, [傳開], (of news) to spread/to get around
        kāilǎng, [開朗], spacious and well-lit/open and clear/(of character) optimistic/cheerful/carefree
        piēkāi, [撇開], to disregard/to leave aside
        kāipào, [開砲], to open fire
        kāichuán, [開船], to set sail
        kāibàn, [開辦], to open/to start (a business etc)/to set up
        kāicǎi, [開採], to extract (ore or other resource from a mine)/to exploit/to mine
        fānkāi, [翻開], to open up
        kāilù, [開路], to open up a path/to make one's way through/to construct a road/(electricity) op...
        bùkěkāijiāo, [不可開交], to be awfully (busy etc)
        gōngkāisài, [公開賽], (sports) open championship/open (as in "the US Open")
        kāifāshāng, [開發商], developer (of real estate, a commercial product etc)
        kāidāo, [開刀], (of a surgeon) to perform an operation/(of a patient) to have an operation/to de...
        KāimànQúndǎo, [開曼群島], Cayman Islands
        kāishè, [開設], to offer (goods or services)/to open (for business etc)
        yìxiǎngtiānkāi, [異想天開], to imagine the wildest thing/to indulge in fantasy
        shèngkāi, [盛開], blooming/in full flower
        xúnkāixīn, [尋開心], to make fun of/to seek diversion
        kāijú, [開局], opening (chess etc)/early stage of game, match, work, activity etc
        kāiqiào, [開竅], to get it straight/to start to understand things properly/enlightenment dawns
        kāiyǎn, [開演], (of a play, movie etc) to begin
        kāimíng, [開明], enlightened/open-minded/enlightenment
怀         kāihuái, [開懷], to one's heart's content/without restraint
        duànkāi, [斷開], to break/to sever/to turn off (electric switch)
        kāizǒu, [開走], to go (of car, train etc)/to drive off
        kāituò, [開拓], to break new ground (for agriculture)/to open up (a new seam)/to develop (border...
        kāituòzhě, [開拓者], pioneer
        kāipì, [開闢], to open up/to set up/to establish
        xiānkāi, [掀開], to lift open/to tear open
        kāisài, [開賽], to start a match/the kick-off
        kāiyǎn, [開眼], to open one's eyes/to widen one's horizons
        kāidǎo, [開導], to talk sb round/to straighten sth out/to enlighten
        xìnkǒukāihé, [信口開河], to speak without thinking (idiom)/to blurt sth out
        kāishuǐ, [開水], boiled water/boiling water
        kāiwài, [開外], over and above (some amount)/beyond (budget)
        Mǐkāilǎngjīluó, [米開朗基羅], Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), Renaissance painter and sculptor
        kāipíngqì, [開瓶器], bottle opener
        kāitiānchuāng, [開天窗], to leave a blank to mark censored area
        wǎngkāiyīmiàn, [網開一面], open the net on one side (idiom); let the caged bird fly/to give one's opponent ...
        bōkāi, [撥開], to push aside/to part/to brush away
        kāixiǎochāi, [開小差], to be absent-minded/to desert/to abscond from the army/absent without leave (AWO...
        chàkāi, [岔開], to diverge/to branch off the road/to change (the subject)
        kāihuà, [開化], to become civilized/to be open-minded/(of ice) to thaw
        kāihù, [開戶], to open an account (bank etc)
        kāishì, [開釋], to release (a prisoner)
        bāikāi, [掰開], to pull apart/to pry open with the hands
        kāizúmǎlì, [開足馬力], to accelerate at full power (idiom); at full speed/fig. to work as hard as possi...
        chúkāi, [除開], besides/except/to get rid of (sb)/(math.) to divide
        kāitiānpìdì, [開天闢地], to split heaven and earth apart (idiom); refers to the Pangu 盤古|盘古[Pán gǔ] creat...
        kāipiān, [開篇], start of literary work/opening song of ballad in Tanci style 彈詞|弹词[tán cí]
        kāifàngxìng, [開放性], openness
        kāiyèchē, [開夜車], to burn the midnight oil/to work late into the night
        pīkāi, [劈開], to cleave/to split open/to spread open (fingers, legs)
        kāikè, [開課], school begins/give a course/teach a subject
        kāifángjiān, [開房間], to take a hotel room/to rent a room
        kāiguó, [開國], to found a state/to open a closed country
        kāichūn, [開春], beginning of spring/the lunar New Year
        kāiēn, [開恩], to give a favor (used of Christian God)
        Kāifēng, [開封], Kaifeng prefecture-level city in Henan, old capital of Northern Song, former pro...
        kāihòumén, [開後門], to open the back door/fig. under the counter/to do a secret or dishonest deal/to...
        Kāipǔdūn, [開普敦], Cape Town (city in South Africa)
        diūkāi, [丟開], to cast or put aside/to forget for a while
        huòránkāilǎng, [豁然開朗], suddenly opens up to a wide panorama (idiom); to come to a wide clearing/fig. ev...
        Kāiěrwén, [開爾文], Lord Kelvin 1824-1907, British physicist (William Thomson)/Kelvin (temperature s...
        xiǎngkāi, [想開], to get over (a shock, bereavement etc)/to avoid dwelling on unpleasant things/to...
        kāiliè, [開裂], to split open/to dehisce (of fruit or cotton bolls, to split open)
        kāidāngkù, [開襠褲], open-crotch pants (for toddlers)
        kāiwā, [開挖], to dig out/to excavate/to scoop out
        kāifù, [開赴], (of troops) to depart for/to head for
        kāijiān, [開間], alcove/bay in a room/unit of length used for rooms, approx. 3.3 meters
        kāidào, [開道], to clear the way
        chīdekāi, [吃得開], to be popular/to be getting on well/much in demand
        kāisīmǐ, [開司米], cashmere (loanword)
        kāiménhóng, [開門紅], a good beginning
        bākāi, [扒開], to pry open or apart/to spread (sth) open with both hands
        zuǒyòukāigōng, [左右開弓], lit. to shoot from both sides (idiom)/fig. to display ambidexterity/to slap with...
        kāizáo, [開鑿], to cut (a canal, tunnel, well etc)
        kāikuàichē, [開快車], an express train sets off/fig. to work in haste/to rush
        gōngkāihuà, [公開化], to publicize/openness (of government, PRC equivalent of "glasnost")
        kāikěn, [開墾], to clear a wild area for cultivation/to put under the plow
        máosèdùnkāi, [茅塞頓開], murky darkness suddenly opens (idiom); a sudden flash of insight and all is clea...
        kāifāqū, [開發區], development zone
        xǐxiàoyánkāi, [喜笑顏開], grinning from ear to ear (idiom)/beaming with happiness
        dòngkāi, [洞開], to be wide open
        kāibá, [開拔], to set out (of troops)/departure/start date (of military expedition)
        kāiguō, [開鍋], (of a pot) to boil
        kāilùxiānfēng, [開路先鋒], pioneer/trailbreaker
        zhànkāi, [綻開], to burst forth
        kāijù, [開具], to draw up (a document)
        kāixiāng, [開箱], unboxing/to unbox
        kāikuàng, [開礦], to mine/to open a seam
        kāipán, [開盤], to commence trading (stock market)
        kāiqiāng, [開腔], to speak out/to start speaking
        kāihuāng, [開荒], to open up land (for agriculture)
        xiǎngdekāi, [想得開], to not take to heart/to be free of worried thoughts/to adopt a lighthearted pers...
        kāichuàngxìng, [開創性], innovative
        kāipíng, [開屏], (a peacock) spreads its tail
绿         kāilǜdēng, [開綠燈], to give the green light/to give the go-ahead
        cuòkāi, [錯開], to stagger (times)
        kāishān, [開山], to cut into a mountain (to open a mine)/to open a monastery
        kāishì, [開市], (of a store, stock market etc) to open for trading/to make the first transaction...
        gōngkāixìn, [公開信], open letter
        báikāishuǐ, [白開水], plain boiled water
        xiǎngbukāi, [想不開], cannot figure out/to be unable to take a lighter view/to take things too hard/to...
        Lánkāisītè, [蘭開斯特], Lancaster
        liāokai, [撩開], to push aside (clothing, curtain etc) to reveal something/to toss aside
        qíkāidéshèng, [旗開得勝], lit. to win a victory on raising the flag (idiom); fig. to start on sth and have...
        chībukāi, [吃不開], be unpopular/won't work
        Nánkāi, [南開], Nankai district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tiān jīn shì]
        kāijiǎng, [開講], to begin a lecture/to start on a story
        xiàozhúyánkāi, [笑逐顏開], smile spread across the face (idiom); beaming with pleasure/all smiles/joy writt...
        kāixiǎozào, [開小灶], to give preferential treatment/to give special attention
        tuōkāi, [脫開], to withdraw
        píkāiròuzhàn, [皮開肉綻], flesh lacerated from corporal punishment (idiom)
        duìkāi, [對開], running in opposite direction (buses, trains, ferries etc)
        kāipiào, [開票], to open ballot boxes/to count votes/to make out a voucher or invoice etc/to writ...
        bàngōngkāi, [半公開], semiovert/more or less open
        kāijīn, [開金], carated gold (alloy containing stated proportion of gold)
        Kāiyuǎn, [開遠], Kaiyuan county level city in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan
        jìwǎngkāilái, [繼往開來], to follow the past and herald the future (idiom); part of a historical transitio...
        tiěshùkāihuā, [鐵樹開花], lit. the iron tree blooms (idiom)/a highly improbable or extremely rare occurren...
        Kāipíng, [開平], Kaiping county level city in Jiangmen 江門|江门, Guangdong/Kaiping district of Tangs...
        kāituòxìng, [開拓性], pioneering/groundbreaking
        kāimùcí, [開幕詞], opening speech (at a conference)
        chóngkāi, [重開], to reopen
        kāifāng, [開方], to extract a square root
        kāiběn, [開本], book format, similar to in-4°, in-8° etc (a 16-kai format 16開|16开[shí liù kāi] i...
        kāilú, [開爐], to open a furnace/to start up a furnace
        kāitáng, [開堂], to open a law court/to set up a mourning hall
        kāijuàn, [開卷], to open a book/open-book (exam)
        biàndìkāihuā, [遍地開花], to blossom everywhere/to spring up all over the place/to flourish on a large sca...
        biékāishēngmiàn, [別開生面], to start sth new or original (idiom); to break a new path/to break fresh ground
        kāidàochē, [開倒車], to drive in reverse/fig. to take a backward step/retrogressive/trying to turn th...
        lèkāihuā, [樂開花], to burst with joy
        kāisuǒ, [開鎖], to unlock
        Kāiyáng, [開陽], zeta Ursae Majoris in the Big Dipper/Kaiyang county in Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Guì yáng], ...

        Shuǐ/shuǐ, surname Shui, water/river/liquid/beverage/additional charges or income/(of cloth...
        shuǐpíng, level (of achievement etc)/standard/horizontal
        xīnshuǐ, salary/wage
        shuǐguǒ, fruit/CL:個|个[gè]
        xiāngshuǐ, perfume/cologne
        qiánshuǐ, [潛水], to dive/to go under water/(in an online forum) to lurk
        shuǐguǎn, water pipe
        shuǐjīng, crystal
        shuǐshǒu, mariner/sailor/seaman
        xiàshuǐdào, sewer
        qìshuǐ, soda/pop
        rèshuǐ, [熱水], hot water
        shuǐní, cement/CL:袋[dài]
        shuǐmiàn, water surface
        shuǐzhǔn, [水準], level (of achievement etc)/standard/level (surveying)
        shuǐxià, under the water/submarine
        mòshuǐ, ink/CL:瓶[píng]
        Shuǐshàng/shuǐshàng, Shuishang township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jiā yì xiàn], west Taiwan, on water/...
        kǒushuǐ, saliva
        hóngshuǐ, deluge/flood
        shuǐchí, pond/pool/sink/washbasin
        lèishuǐ, [淚水], teardrop/tears
        jiāoshuǐ, [膠水], glue
        hǎishuǐ, seawater
        tuōshuǐ, [脫水], to dry out/to extract water/dehydration/dehydrated/desiccation
        nìshuǐ, to drown
        shuǐcáo, sink
        shuǐliú, river/stream
        níngméngshuǐ, [檸檬水], lemonade
        liúshuǐ, running water/(business) turnover
        xiàshuǐ/xiàshui, downstream/to go into the water/to put into water/to launch (a ship)/fig. to fal...
        shuǐniú, water buffalo
        yángshuǐ, amniotic fluid
        shuǐyuán, water source/water supply/headwaters of a river
        lòushuǐ, to leak (of water)
        Yǔshuǐ, Yushui or Rain Water, 2nd of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 19th February-5th Ma...
        jiǔshuǐ, beverage/a drink
        héshuǐ, river water
        qiánshuǐyuán, [潛水員], diver/frogman
        fángshuǐ, waterproof
        lěngshuǐ, cold water/unboiled water/fig. not yet ready (of plans)
        Yánshuǐ, [鹽水], Yanshui town in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tái nán xiàn], Taiwan
        wūshuǐ, sewage
        shuǐmǔ, jellyfish/medusa
        shuǐzhì, leech
        zìláishuǐ, [自來水], running water/tap water
        shuǐluòshíchū, as the water recedes, the rocks appear (idiom)/the truth comes to light
        shuǐlóngtóu, [水龍頭], faucet/tap
        shèngshuǐ, [聖水], holy water
        shuǐtǎ, [水獺], otter
        hànshuǐ, sweat/perspiration
        shuǐkù, [水庫], reservoir/CL:座[zuò]
        kuàngquánshuǐ, [礦泉水], mineral spring water/CL:瓶[píng],杯[bēi]
        shuǐhú, [水壺], kettle/canteen/watering can
        quánshuǐ, spring water/CL:股[gǔ]
        jiāoshuǐ, [澆水], to water (plants etc)
        Yàoshuǐ/yàoshuǐ, [藥水], Yaksu in North Korea, near the border with Liaoning and Jiling province, medicin...
        qiánshuǐtǐng, [潛水艇], submarine
        shuǐfèn, moisture content/(fig.) overstatement/padding
        shuǐbà, [水壩], dam/dike
        shuǐyù, waters/body of water
        shuǐxiāng, water tank/radiator (automobile)/cistern/lavabo
        shuǐdòu, chickenpox/Varicella zoster (med.)
        páishuǐ, to drain
        gōngshuǐ, to supply water
        shuǐzúguǎn, [水族館], aquarium (open to the public)
        shuǐqiú, water polo
        Qīngshuǐ/qīngshuǐ, Qingshui (place name)/Shimizu (Japanese surname and place name), fresh water/dri...
        fàngshuǐ, to turn on the water/to let water out/to throw a game (sports)
        tiàoshuǐ, to dive (into water)/(sports) diving/to commit suicide by jumping into water/(fi...
        Shuǐxīng, Mercury (planet)
        shuǐgōu, [水溝], gutter/sewer
        luòshuǐ, to fall into water/to sink/overboard/fig. to degenerate/to sink (into depravity)...
        fēngshuǐ, [風水], feng shui/geomancy
        páishuǐguǎn, drainpipe/waste pipe
        shuǐjīngqiú, crystal ball (in Western magic)
        shuǐtǒng, bucket
        shuǐshēnhuǒrè, [水深火熱], deep water and scorching fire/abyss of suffering (idiom)
        shuǐyín, [水銀], mercury/quicksilver
        shuǐbiān, [水邊], edge of the water/waterside/shore (of sea, lake or river)
        shuǐbīng, enlisted sailor in navy
        yǐnshuǐ, [飲水], drinking water
        shuǐpào, bubble/blister
        rúyúdéshuǐ, [如魚得水], like a fish back in water (idiom); glad to be back in one's proper surroundings
        shuǐliáo, [水療], hydrotherapy/aquatherapy
        cháoshuǐ, tide
        shuǐdǐ, underwater
        Dànshuǐ/dànshuǐ, Danshui or Tanshui town in New Taipei City 新北市[Xīn běi shì], Taiwan, potable wat...
        yǐnyòngshuǐ, [飲用水], drinking water/potable water
        quēshuǐ, water shortage/dehydration
        yóushuǐ, grease/profit/ill-gotten gains
        shuǐbèng, water pump
        shuǐkēng, puddle/water hole/sump
        suōshuǐ, [縮水], to shrink (in the wash)/fig. to shrink (of profits etc)
        shuǐyā, [水壓], water pressure
        shuǐqiāng, [水槍], water pistol (toy)/water gun/sprinkler/water cannon
        dìxiàshuǐ, groundwater
        páishuǐgōu, [排水溝], gutter
        kāishuǐ, [開水], boiled water/boiling water
        fèishuǐzhǒng, [肺水腫], pulmonary edema
        shuǐdàoqúchéng, lit. where water flows, a canal is formed (idiom)/fig. when conditions are right...
        Báishuǐ/báishuǐ, Baishui county in Weinan 渭南[Wèi nán], Shaanxi, plain water
        rèshuǐqì, [熱水器], water heater
        shuǐwèi, water level
        shuǐwēn, [水溫], water temperature
        pōlěngshuǐ, [潑冷水], lit. to pour cold water on/fig. to dampen one's enthusiasm
        Shuǐyuán, Suweon City, capital of Gyeonggi province 京畿道[Jīng jī dào], South Korea
        shuǐxìng, swimming ability/characteristics of a body of water (depth, currents etc)/aqueou...
        nǎishuǐ, mother's milk
        zhùshuǐ, to pour water into/to inject water into
        jīshuǐ, [積水], to collect water/to be covered with water/to pond/accumulated water/ponding
        shuǐshēn, depth (of waterway)/sounding
        shuǐxiānhuā, daffodil/narcissus/CL:棵[kē]
        shuǐzhì, [水質], water quality
        shuǐdiàn, [水電], hydroelectric power/plumbing and electricity
        huòshuǐ, [禍水], source of calamity (esp. of women)
线         liúshuǐxiàn, [流水線], assembly line/(computing) pipeline
        qǔshuǐ, water intake/to obtain water (from a well etc)
        shuǐzhǒng, [水腫], (med.) edema/dropsy
        shuǐyìn, watermark
        shuǐdī, drop
        shuǐhuā, splash/algal bloom/chickenpox (dialect)
        xùshuǐchí, water reservoir
        shuǐlù, waterway
        shuǐnéng, hydroelectric power
        gānshuǐ, slop/swill
        ānshuǐ, ammonia solution
        lùshuǐ, dew/fig. short-lasting/ephemeral
        shuǐdào, aqueduct/sewer
        shuǐtáng, pool
        liángshuǐ, [涼水], cool water/unboiled water
        cháshuǐ, tea prepared in large quantity using inexpensive tea leaves
        qiánshuǐyī, [潛水衣], diving suit
        shuǐlì, water conservancy/irrigation works
        kǔshuǐ, bitter water (e.g. mineral water containing sulfates)/suffering/digestive fluids...
        shuǐxiān, narcissus/daffodil/legendary aquatic immortal/refers to those buried at sea/pers...
        shuǐfèi, [水費], water bill
        qiǎnshuǐ, [淺水], shallow water
        shuǐjǐng, (water) well
        shuǐzāi, [水災], flood/flood damage
        shuǐléi, naval mine
        jiàngshuǐ, rain and snow/precipitation (meteorology)
        fèishuǐ, [廢水], waste water/drain water/effluent
        tuōnídàishuǐ, [拖泥帶水], lit. wading in mud and water/a slovenly job/sloppy
        shuǐguàn, container for holding and pouring water (or other liquid): jug, pitcher, clay ja...
        shùnshuǐtuīzhōu, [順水推舟], lit. to push the boat with the current/fig. to take advantage of the situation f...
        chōushuǐmǎtǒng, [抽水馬桶], flush toilet
        zhòngshuǐ, heavy water (chemistry)
        shuǐmìtáo, honey peach/juicy peach
        shuǐlóng, [水龍], hose/pipe/fire hose/(botany) water primrose (Jussiaea repens)
        shuǐlún, [水輪], waterwheel/millwheel
        shuǐshé, water snake
        bèishuǐyīzhàn, [背水一戰], lit. fight with one's back to the river (idiom); fig. to fight to win or die
        xíngyúnliúshuǐ, [行雲流水], lit. moving clouds and flowing water (idiom)/fig. very natural and flowing style...
        Shānshuǐ/shānshuǐ, Sansui, Japanese company, water from a mountain/mountains and rivers/scenery/lan...
        húnshuǐmōyú, [渾水摸魚], to fish in troubled water (idiom); to take advantage of a crisis for personal ga...
        shuǐhuà, to hydrate
        dàshuǐ, flood
        shuǐtǔbùfú, not acclimatized
        shānqióngshuǐjìn, [山窮水盡], mountain and river exhausted (idiom); at the end of the line/nowhere to go
        dīshuǐ, water drop/dripping water
        sǐshuǐ, stagnant water/backwater
        shuǐzhēngqì, [水蒸氣], vapor
        jǐshuǐ, [給水], to supply water/to provide feedwater
        jiāngshuǐ, river water
        shuǐlóngdài, [水龍帶], layflat industrial hose/fire hose
        jìngshuǐ, [淨水], clean water/purified water
        pēnshuǐchí, [噴水池], a fountain
        róuqíngsìshuǐ, tender and soft as water/deeply attached to sb
        shuǐshàngfēijī, [水上飛機], seaplane
        Shuǐxíngxiá, [水行俠], Aquaman, DC comic book superhero (Tw)
        shuǐxièbùtōng, [水洩不通], lit. not one drop can trickle through (idiom); fig. impenetrable (crowd, traffic...
        bēishuǐchēxīn, [杯水車薪], lit. a cup of water on a burning cart of firewood (idiom); fig. an utterly inade...
        shuǐzhá, [水閘], sluice/water gate/waterlocks/floodgate/lock/dam
        shuǐlì, hydraulic power
        Shuǐzú/shuǐzú, Shui ethnic group of Guangxi, collective term for aquatic animals
        xuèshuǐ, thin blood/watery blood
        fēnshuǐlǐng, [分水嶺], dividing range/drainage divide/(fig.) dividing line/watershed
        píngshuǐxiāngféng, strangers coming together by chance (idiom)
        báshānshèshuǐ, to travel over land and water (idiom)
        shuǐjiǎo, [水餃], boiled dumpling
        shuǐliàng, volume of water/quantity of flow
        shuǐjūn, [水軍], navy (archaic)/person employed to post messages on the Internet (abbr. for 網絡水軍|...
        shuǐgāng, water jar
        shuǐqú, canal
        shuǐzúxiāng, aquarium/fish tank
        fèishuǐ, boiling water
        rèshuǐpíng, [熱水瓶], thermos bottle/vacuum bottle/hot water dispenser (appliance)/CL:個|个[gè]
        shuǐshēng, aquatic (plant, animal)
        shuǐtán, puddle/pool
        shuǐwén, hydrology
        níshuǐ, muddy water/mud/masonry (craft)
        shuǐwāngwāng, watery/waterlogged (soil)/limpid/bright and intelligent (eyes)
        qiūshuǐ, limpid autumn waters (trad. description of girl's beautiful eyes)
        yóushuǐ, to swim
        chīshuǐ, drinking water/to obtain water (for daily needs)/to absorb water/draft (of ship)
        sǎshuǐchē, [灑水車], sprinkler truck
        chōushuǐjī, [抽水機], water pump
        shuǐjiě, hydrolysis (chemical reaction with water)
        Shuǐjīnggōng, [水晶宮], The Crystal Palace
        hóngshuǐměngshòu, [洪水猛獸], lit. severe floods and fierce beasts (idiom)/fig. great scourges/extremely dange...
        shuǐcǎo, water plants/habitat with water source and grass
        shuǐtǔ, water and soil/surface water/natural environment (extended meaning)/climate
        qīngtíngdiǎnshuǐ, [蜻蜓點水], lit. the dragonfly touches the water lightly/superficial contact (idiom)
        shuǐtǐ, [水體], body of water
        shuǐxì, drainage system
        shēngshuǐ, unboiled water
        shuǐbō, wave/(water) ripple
        shuǐqì, water vapor/steam/moisture
        zhēngliúshuǐ, [蒸餾水], distilled water
        níshuǐjiàng, mason
        tángshuǐ, syrup/sweetened water/tong sui (sweet soup)
        shènshuǐ, [滲水], water seepage
        shuǐnuǎngōng, plumber/heating engineer
        zǐshuǐjīng, amethyst
        báikāishuǐ, [白開水], plain boiled water
        shuǐwūrǎn, water pollution
        shuǐyùn, [水運], waterborne transport
        shuǐdiāo, mink (Mustela lutreola, M. vison)
        shuǐdào, rice/paddy/CL:株[zhū]
        shuǐláo, prison cell containing water, in which prisoners are forced to be partly immerse...
        shuǐyān, [水煙], shredded tobacco for water pipes
        shuǐlíng, [水靈], (of fruit etc) fresh/(of a person etc) full of life/healthy-looking/(of eyes) mo...
        xiǎnshānlùshuǐ, [顯山露水], to reveal one's talent (idiom)
        bīngshuǐ, iced water
        shuǐpíngmiàn, horizontal plane/level surface/water level
        shuǐyìchuán, hydrofoil
        dànshuǐyú, [淡水魚], freshwater fish
        jìnshuǐlóutái, [近水樓臺], lit. a pavilion near the water (idiom); fig. using one's proximity to the powerf...
        dànshuǐhú, freshwater lake
        shuǐpíngyí, [水平儀], level (device to determine horizontal)/spirit level/surveyor's level
        Líshuǐ, [麗水], Lishui prefecture-level city in Zhejiang/Yeosu city in South Jeolla province, Ko...
        shuāngyǎngshuǐ, [雙氧水], hydrogen peroxide (HÓ) solution
        shuǐzhǎngchuángāo, [水漲船高], the tide rises, the boat floats (idiom); fig. to change with the overall trend/t...
        shuǐdiànzhàn, [水電站], hydroelectric power plant
绿         lǜshuǐ, [綠水], green water/crystal-clear water
        shuǐyángsuān, [水楊酸], salicylic acid
        shuǐlìxué, [水力學], hydraulics
        Shàngshuǐ/shàngshuǐ, Sheung Shui (area in Hong Kong), upper reaches (of a river)/to go upstream/to ad...
        hóngyàoshuǐ, [紅藥水], mercurochrome (antiseptic solution)
        sǎshuǐjī, [灑水機], sprinkler
        xìshuǐchángliú, [細水長流], lit. thin streams flow forever/fig. economy will get you a long way/to work stea...
        shuǐlù, [水陸], water and land/by water and land (transport)/amphibian/delicacies from land and ...
        shuǐhuò, [水貨], smuggled goods/unauthorized goods
        shuǐxī, Hydra (freshwater polyp)
        shuǐlínglíng, [水靈靈], see 水靈|水灵[shuǐ líng]
        shuǐlìfādiàn, [水力發電], hydroelectricity
        Shuǐchéng, Shuicheng county in Liupanshui 六盤水|六盘水[Liù pán shuǐ], Guizhou
        cǎishuǐ, to tread water/to paddle or tramp in shallow water
        shuǐpào, [水皰], blister
        rèshuǐdài, [熱水袋], hot water bottle/hot-water bag
        tānglìshuǐ, [湯力水], tonic water
        Líshuǐshì, [麗水市], Lishui prefecture-level city in Zhejiang/Yeosu city in South Jeolla province, Ko...
        chēshuǐmǎlóng, [車水馬龍], endless stream of horse and carriages (idiom)/heavy traffic
        tánshuǐ, deep water
        shuǐchǎn, [水產], aquatic/produced in sea, rivers or lakes
        wànshuǐqiānshān, [萬水千山], ten thousand crags and torrents (idiom); the trials and tribulations of a long j...
        yǐnshuǐqì, [飲水器], water dispenser
        fùshuǐ, ascites/ascitic fluid/hydroperitoneum (medicine)
        húnshuǐmōyú, [混水摸魚], to fish in troubled water (idiom); to take advantage of a crisis for personal ga...
        xùshuǐ, water storage
        yǐnshuǐsīyuán, [飲水思源], lit. when you drink water, think of its source (idiom); gratitude for blessings ...
        shuǐcǎihuà, [水彩畫], watercolor/aquarelle
        gǔnshuǐ, [滾水], boiling water
        lǔshuǐ, [鹵水], brine/bittern/marinade
        shuǐguǒdāo, paring knife/fruit knife/CL:把[bǎ]
        páishuǐliàng, displacement
        shuǐmóshí, terrazzo
        Pōshuǐjié, [潑水節], Songkran (Thai New Year)
        nuǎnshuǐpíng, thermos flask or bottle
        shuǐgòu, limescale
        shuǐquān, the earth's ocean/the hydrosphere (geology)
        dìbiǎoshuǐ, surface water
        shuǐzhū, droplet/dewdrop
        lāoyóushuǐ, [撈油水], (coll.) to gain profit (usu. by underhand means)
        shuǐniúr, [水牛兒], (dialect) snail
        jìnshuǐlóutáixiāndéyuè, [近水樓臺先得月], the pavilion closest to the water enjoys moonlight first (idiom)/to benefit from...
        shuǐzhù, stream of water (as from a fountain or a faucet)/jet of water
        Shuǐlìbù, Ministry of Water Resources (PRC)
        yītánsǐshuǐ, a pool of stagnant water/stagnant or listless condition
        jiéshuǐ, [節水], to save water
        shuǐtiānyīsè, water and sky merge in one color (idiom)
        tuōshuǐjī, [脫水機], a device for extracting water (such as a centrifuge)
        yúshuǐ, [魚水], fish and water (metaphor for an intimate relationship or inseparability)
        yìngshuǐ, hard water
        shuǐyǔbìng, [水俁病], Minamata disease (mercury poisoning found in Southern Japan in 1956)
        jìnshuǐkǒu, [進水口], water inlet
穿         dīshuǐchuānshí, dripping water penetrates the stone (idiom); constant perseverance yields succes...
        qióngshānèshuǐ, [窮山惡水], lit. barren hills and wild rivers (idiom)/fig. inhospitable natural environment
        yīshānbàngshuǐ, mountains on one side and water on the other
        shuǐyāndài, [水煙袋], water bong/water pipe/hookah
        jíshuǐ, to draw water
        chānshuǐ, [摻水], to dilute/to water down/watered down
        jiàngshuǐliàng, precipitation (meteorology)/measured quantity of rain
        shuǐlóngjuǎn, [水龍卷], waterspout (meteorology)
        huālùshuǐ, perfumed toilet water/eau de cologne/floral water/hydrosol
        shuǐmòhuà, [水墨畫], ink and wash painting
        shuǐróngxìng, soluble (in water)/solubility
        wángshuǐ, Aqua regia
        shuǐqín, waterfowl
绿         shuǐlǜ, [水綠], light green
        shuǐlínlín, dripping wet
        shuǐhuàn, flooding/water disaster
        ChénShuǐbiǎn, [陳水扁], Chen Shui-Bian (1950-), Taiwanese DPP 民進黨|民进党 politician, president of the Repub...

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