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[戰場] zhànchǎng battlefield

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Word Compounds

        zhànzhēng, [戰爭], war/conflict/CL:場|场[cháng],次[cì]
        tiǎozhàn, [挑戰], to challenge/challenge
        zhàn, [戰], to fight/fight/war/battle
        zhàndòu, [戰鬥], to fight/to engage in combat/struggle/battle/CL:場|场[cháng],次[cì]
        zhànshì, [戰士], fighter/soldier/warrior/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhànchǎng, [戰場], battlefield/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhànshèng, [戰勝], to prevail over/to defeat/to surmount
        zuòzhàn, [作戰], combat/to fight
        zhànshù, [戰術], tactics
        dàzhàn, [大戰], war/to wage war
        zhànlüè, [戰略], strategy
        kāizhàn, [開戰], to start a war/to make war/to battle against
        zhànyì, [戰役], military campaign
        zhànlìpǐn, [戰利品], spoils of war
        zhànjī, [戰機], opportunity in a battle/fighter aircraft/war secret
        zhànyǒu, [戰友], comrade-in-arms/battle companion
        nèizhàn, [內戰], civil war
        Èrzhàn, [二戰], World War II
        zhàndòujī, [戰鬥機], fighter (aircraft)
        qiāngzhàn, [槍戰], gun battle/firefight
        shìjièdàzhàn, [世界大戰], world war
        zhànjiàn, [戰艦], battleship/warship
        Lěngzhàn/lěngzhàn/lěngzhan, [冷戰], (US-Soviet) Cold War, cold war/(fig.) strained relationship/to be barely on spea...
线         zhànxiàn, [戰線], battle line/battlefront/front
        jiāozhàn, [交戰], to fight/to wage war
        zhànfú, [戰俘], prisoner of war
        Yuèzhàn, [越戰], Vietnam War (1955-1975)
        zhànhòu, [戰後], after the war/postwar
        xuānzhàn, [宣戰], to declare war
        juézhàn, [決戰], decisive battle/to fight a decisive battle/to fight for supremacy in ...
        tíngzhàn, [停戰], armistice/cease fire
        zhànchē, [戰車], war chariot/tank
        cānzhàn, [參戰], to go to war/to engage in war
        xiūzhàn, [休戰], armistice
        zhàndì, [戰地], battlefield
        zhànhuǒ, [戰火], conflagration/the fire of war
        tiǎozhànzhě, [挑戰者], challenger
        fènzhàn, [奮戰], to fight bravely/(fig.) to struggle/to work hard
        zhànháo, [戰壕], trench/entrenchment
        zhànshí, [戰時], wartime
        zhànwúbùshèng, [戰無不勝], to triumph in every battle (idiom); invincible/to succeed in every undertaking
        shízhàn, [實戰], real combat/actual combat
        hùnzhàn, [混戰], chaotic warfare/confused fighting/melee/to join in such fighting
        zhànbài, [戰敗], to lose a war
        zhànjì, [戰績], military successes/(fig.) success/accomplishment
        zhànshì, [戰事], war/hostilities/fighting
        gūjūnfènzhàn, [孤軍奮戰], lit. lone army putting up a brave fight (idiom)/fig. (of a person or group of pe...
        yíngzhàn, [迎戰], to meet the enemy head-on
        zhànfàn, [戰犯], war criminal
        zhànqū, [戰區], war zone/combat zone/(military) theater of operations
        jīzhàn, [激戰], to fight fiercely/fierce battle
        zhànkuàng, [戰況], battlefield situation/battle progress
        bèizhàn, [備戰], prepared against war/to prepare for war/warmongering
        yězhàn, [野戰], battlefield operation/paintball
        zhēngzhàn, [征戰], campaign/expedition
        zhànbèi, [戰備], war preparation
        dǎnzhànxīnjīng, [膽戰心驚], to tremble with fear (idiom)/scared witless
        hàozhàn, [好戰], warlike
        xuèzhàn, [血戰], bloody battle
        zhànzhànjīngjīng, [戰戰兢兢], trembling with fear/with fear and trepidation
        zhànpáo, [戰袍], (old) combat robe/soldier's uniform/(sports) team jersey/team shirt
        zhēngduózhàn, [爭奪戰], struggle
        zhànmǎ, [戰馬], warhorse
        yìngzhàn, [應戰], to take up a challenge/to face an attack and meet it
        sǐzhàn, [死戰], fight to the death/desperate struggle
        zhànluàn, [戰亂], chaos of war
        zhàndòulì, [戰鬥力], fighting strength
        hǎizhàn, [海戰], naval battle
        zhànjú, [戰局], war situation
线         tǒngyīzhànxiàn, [統一戰線], united front
        chíjiǔzhàn, [持久戰], prolonged war/war of attrition
        kǔzhàn, [苦戰], bitter struggle/hard battle/arduous effort
        èzhàn, [惡戰], hard fighting/fierce battle
        xīnjīngdǎnzhàn, [心驚膽戰], lit. heart alarmed, trembling in fear (idiom); prostrate with fear/scared witles...
        yóujīzhàn, [遊擊戰], guerrilla warfare
        zhànlüèxìng, [戰略性], strategic
        bèishuǐyīzhàn, [背水一戰], lit. fight with one's back to the river (idiom); fig. to fight to win or die
        zhuǎnzhàn, [轉戰], to fight in one place after another
        zhàngōng, [戰功], outstanding military service
        shēnjīngbǎizhàn, [身經百戰], lit. veteran of a hundred battles (idiom)/fig. experienced/seasoned
        áozhàn, [鏖戰], bitter fighting/a violent battle
        zhànlüèjiā, [戰略家], a strategist
        shèngzhàn, [聖戰], Holy war/jihad
        zhànchuán, [戰船], warship
        shǎndiànzhàn, [閃電戰], blitzkrieg/blitz
        bǎizhànbǎishèng, [百戰百勝], to emerge victorious in every battle/to be ever-victorious
        Zhànguó, [戰國], the Warring States period (475-221 BC)
        ÈrcìDàzhàn, [二次大戰], World War Two
        ròubózhàn, [肉搏戰], hand-to-hand combat
        lùnzhàn, [論戰], to debate/to contend/polemics
        kōngzhàn, [空戰], air war/air warfare
        hánzhàn, [寒戰], shiver
        bǎizhànbùdài, [百戰不殆], to come unscathed through a hundred battles (idiom, from Sunzi's "The Art of War...
        JiěfàngZhànzhēng, [解放戰爭], War of Liberation (1945-49), after which the Communists 共產黨武裝|共产党武装 under Mao Ze...
        zhànshū, [戰書], written war challenge
        kàngzhàn, [抗戰], war of resistance, especially the war against Japan (1937-1945)
        shēngwùzhàn, [生物戰], germ warfare/biological warfare
        zhànqí, [戰旗], a war flag/an army banner
        shézhàn, [舌戰], verbal sparring/duel of words
        zhànlièjiàn, [戰列艦], battleship
        xìjūnzhàn, [細菌戰], biological warfare/germ warfare
        lìzhàn, [力戰], to fight with all one's might
        zhàndǒu, [戰抖], to shudder/to tremble
        zhànhuò, [戰禍], disaster of war
        qiánshàozhàn, [前哨戰], skirmish
        huàxuézhàn, [化學戰], chemical warfare
        zhànfǎ, [戰法], military strategy
        báirènzhàn, [白刃戰], hand-to-hand fighting
        línzhàn, [臨戰], just before the contest/on the eve of war
        lājùzhàn, [拉鋸戰], to-and-fro tussle/closely-fought contest
        xiāohàozhàn, [消耗戰], war of attrition
        CháoxiǎnZhànzhēng, [朝鮮戰爭], Korean War (1950-1953)
        shǎnjīzhàn, [閃擊戰], lightning war/Blitzkrieg
        LiánZhàn, [連戰], Lien Chan (1936-), Taiwanese politician, former vice-president and chairman of G...
        shāngzhàn, [商戰], trade war
        zhànjīngjīng, [戰兢兢], shaking with fear

        cháng/chǎng, [場]/[塲], threshing floor/classifier for events and happenings: spell, episode, bout, larg...
        xiànchǎng, [現場], the scene (of a crime, accident etc)/(on) the spot/(at) the site
        jīchǎng, [機場], airport/airfield/CL:家[jiā],處|处[chù]
        zàichǎng, [在場], to be present/to be on the scene
        shìchǎng, [市場], marketplace/market (also in abstract)
        nóngchǎng, [農場], farm
        tíngchēchǎng, [停車場], parking lot/car park
广         guǎngchǎng, [廣場], public square/plaza
        shàngchǎng, [上場], on stage/to go on stage/to take the field
        chǎngjǐng, [場景], scene/scenario/setting
        chǎnghé, [場合], situation/occasion/context/setting/location/venue
        chūchǎng, [出場], (of a performer) to come onto the stage to perform/(of an athlete) to enter the ...
        dǔchǎng, [賭場], casino
        zhànchǎng, [戰場], battlefield/CL:個|个[gè]
        lìchǎng, [立場], position/standpoint/CL:個|个[gè]
        shāngchǎng, [商場], shopping mall/shopping center/department store/emporium/CL:家[jiā]/the business w...
        chǎngmiàn, [場面], scene/spectacle/occasion/situation
        qiúchǎng, [球場], stadium/sports ground/court/pitch/field/golf course/CL:個|个[gè],處|处[chù]
        kāichǎng, [開場], to begin/to open/to start/beginning of an event
        dēngchǎng, [登場], to go on stage/fig. to appear on the scene/used in advertising to mean new produ...
        xiàchǎng/xiàchang, [下場], to leave (the stage, an exam room, the playing field etc)/to take part in some a...
        jùchǎng, [劇場], theater/CL:個|个[gè]
        chǎngsuǒ, [場所], location/place
        chǎngdì, [場地], space/site/place/sports pitch
        dāngchǎng, [當場], at the scene/on the spot
        mùchǎng, [牧場], pasture/grazing land/ranch
        dàochǎng, [到場], to show up/present (at the scene)
        yòngchǎng, [用場], use/application/Taiwan pr. [yòng cháng]
        quánchǎng, [全場], everyone present/the whole audience/across-the-board/unanimously/whole duration ...
        shōuchǎng, [收場], the end/an ending/to wind down/to conclude
        sàichǎng, [賽場], racetrack/field (for athletics competition)
        cāochǎng, [操場], playground/sports field/drill ground/CL:個|个[gè]
        jìnchǎng, [進場], to enter the venue/to enter the arena/(aviation) to approach the airfield/(inves...
        tǐyùchǎng, [體育場], stadium/CL:個|个[gè],座[zuò]
        zhōngchǎng, [中場], middle period of a tripartite provincial exam (in former times)/midfield/mid-cou...
        rùchǎng, [入場], to enter the venue for a meeting/to enter into an examination/to enter a stadium...
        rùchǎngquàn, [入場券], admission ticket
        huìchǎng, [會場], meeting place/place where people gather/CL:個|个[gè]
        cíchǎng, [磁場], magnetic field
        yùndòngchǎng, [運動場], sports field/playground/exercise yard
        fēijīchǎng, [飛機場], airport/(slang) flat chest/CL:處|处[chù]
        kāichǎngbái, [開場白], prologue of play/opening remarks/preamble (of speeches, articles etc)
        gāoěrfūqiúchǎng, [高爾夫球場], golf course
        yóulèchǎng, [遊樂場], playground
        jìngjìchǎng, [競技場], arena
        chǎngzi, [場子], (coll.) gathering place/public venue
        liūbīngchǎng, [溜冰場], ice rink/skating rink
        túzǎichǎng, [屠宰場], slaughterhouse/abattoir
        pěngchǎng, [捧場], to cheer on (originally esp. as paid stooge)/to root for sb/to sing sb's praises...
        zhǔchǎng, [主場], home ground (sports)/home field/main venue/main stadium
退         tuìchǎng, [退場], to leave a place where some event is taking place/(of an actor) to exit/(sports)...
        zúqiúchǎng, [足球場], football field/soccer field
        sàimǎchǎng, [賽馬場], race course/race ground/race track
        lánqiúchǎng, [籃球場], basketball court
        diàncíchǎng, [電磁場], electromagnetic fields
        shāchǎng, [沙場], sandpit/battleground/battlefield
        qièchǎng, [怯場], to have stage fright
        huǒchǎng, [火場], the scene of a fire
        wǎngqiúchǎng, [網球場], tennis court
        tiàozǎoshìchǎng, [跳蚤市場], flea market
        Mínglìchǎng, [名利場], Vanity Fair (novel and magazine title)
        cǎishíchǎng, [採石場], stone pit/quarry
        liànxíchǎng, [練習場], driving range (golf)/practice court/practice ground
        cǎochǎng, [草場], pastureland
        yǎngjīchǎng, [養雞場], chicken farm
        qíngchǎng, [情場], affairs of the heart/mutual relationship
        zhōngchǎng, [終場], end (of a performance or sports match)/last round of testing in the imperial exa...
        wàicháng/wàichǎng, [外場], outside world/society, outer area (of a place that has an inner area)/dining are...
        yīchángkōng, [一場空], all one's hopes and efforts come to nothing/futile
        kèchǎng, [客場], away-game arena/away-game venue
        bīngchǎng, [冰場], skating or ice rink/ice stadium/ice arena
        bǎchǎng, [靶場], shooting range/range
        wǔchǎng, [舞場], dance hall
        chāojíshìchǎng, [超級市場], supermarket
        yùchǎng, [浴場], bathing spot
        zhuānchǎng, [專場], special performance
        guòchǎng, [過場], interlude/to cross the stage/to do sth as a mere formality/to go through the mot...
        zhònglìchǎng, [重力場], gravitational field
        xíngchǎng, [刑場], execution ground/gallows/scaffold
        shìchǎngjià, [市場價], market price
        dànóngchǎng, [大農場], ranch
        zǒuguòchǎng, [走過場], to go through the motions
        lěngchǎng, [冷場], stage wait/(fig.) awkward silence
        rùchǎngfèi, [入場費], admission fee
        yuánchǎng, [圓場], to mediate/to broker a compromise
        páichang, [排場], ostentation/a show of extravagance/grand style/red tape
        càishìchǎng, [菜市場], food market
        diànchǎng, [電場], electric field
        nóngmàoshìchǎng, [農貿市場], farmer's market
        yúchǎng, [漁場], fishing ground
        yèchǎng, [夜場], evening show (at theater etc)
        sànchǎng, [散場], (of a theater) to empty/(of a show) to end
        zìyóushìchǎng, [自由市場], free market
        Wéichǎng/wéichǎng, [圍場], Weichang Manchu and Mongol autonomous county in Chengde 承德[Chéng dé], Hebei, enc...
        shìyànchǎng, [試驗場], experimental station
        dǎcháng, [打場], to thresh grain (on the floor)
        rìchǎng, [日場], daytime show/matinee
        chǎngcì, [場次], the number of showings of a movie, play etc/screening/performance
        dǎyuánchǎng, [打圓場], to help to resolve a dispute/to smooth things over
        shìchǎngjīngjì, [市場經濟], market economy
        dàochǎng, [道場], Taoist or Buddhist rite/abbr. for 菩提道場|菩提道场[Pú tí dào chǎng]
        bīngqiúchǎng, [冰球場], ice hockey rink
        chǎngguǎn, [場館], sporting venue/arena
        fěnmòdēngchǎng, [粉墨登場], to make up and go on stage (idiom); to embark on a career (esp. in politics or c...
        mùchǎng, [墓場], graveyard
        wǎnchǎng, [晚場], evening show (at theater etc)
        Hóngchǎng, [紅場], Red Square (in Moscow)
        kǎochǎng, [考場], exam room
        fāshèchǎng, [發射場], launchpad/launching site
        shìchǎngzhànyǒulǜ, [市場佔有率], market share
        huǒzàngchǎng, [火葬場], crematorium
        sàichēchǎng, [賽車場], motor racetrack/cycle racetrack
        yǐnlìchǎng, [引力場], gravitational field
        línchǎng, [臨場], to be at the scene (sitting for an exam, performing, competing, giving direction...
        tǐyùchǎngguǎn, [體育場館], gymnasium
        fūhuàchǎng, [孵化場], incubator/hatchery (for poultry etc)
        bāochǎng, [包場], to reserve all the seats (or a large block of seats) at a theater, restaurant et...
        xiànchǎnghuì, [現場會], on-the-spot meeting
        cǎocǎoshōuchǎng, [草草收場], to rush to conclude a matter/to end up abruptly
        chǎngqū, [場區], (sports) section of a court or playing field/(computer chip manufacture) field a...
        guānchǎng, [官場], officialdom/bureaucracy
        jiāngchǎng, [疆場], battlefield
        càichǎng, [菜場], food market
        shìchǎnghuà, [市場化], marketization
        dìcíchǎng, [地磁場], the earth's magnetic field
        túchǎng, [屠場], slaughterhouse/abattoir
绿         lǜyīnchǎng, [綠茵場], football field
        liàngzǐchǎnglùn, [量子場論], quantum field theory
        fǎchǎng, [法場], execution ground
        línchǎng, [林場], forestry station/forest management area

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