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Word: freq index 14494
[戰地] zhàndì battlefield

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        zhànzhēng, [戰爭], war/conflict/CL:場|场[cháng],次[cì]
        tiǎozhàn, [挑戰], to challenge/challenge
        zhàn, [戰], to fight/fight/war/battle
        zhàndòu, [戰鬥], to fight/to engage in combat/struggle/battle/CL:場|场[cháng],次[cì]
        zhànshì, [戰士], fighter/soldier/warrior/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhànchǎng, [戰場], battlefield/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhànshèng, [戰勝], to prevail over/to defeat/to surmount
        zuòzhàn, [作戰], combat/to fight
        zhànshù, [戰術], tactics
        dàzhàn, [大戰], war/to wage war
        zhànlüè, [戰略], strategy
        kāizhàn, [開戰], to start a war/to make war/to battle against
        zhànyì, [戰役], military campaign
        zhànlìpǐn, [戰利品], spoils of war
        zhànjī, [戰機], opportunity in a battle/fighter aircraft/war secret
        zhànyǒu, [戰友], comrade-in-arms/battle companion
        nèizhàn, [內戰], civil war
        Èrzhàn, [二戰], World War II
        zhàndòujī, [戰鬥機], fighter (aircraft)
        qiāngzhàn, [槍戰], gun battle/firefight
        shìjièdàzhàn, [世界大戰], world war
        zhànjiàn, [戰艦], battleship/warship
        Lěngzhàn/lěngzhàn/lěngzhan, [冷戰], (US-Soviet) Cold War, cold war/(fig.) strained relationship/to be barely on spea...
线         zhànxiàn, [戰線], battle line/battlefront/front
        jiāozhàn, [交戰], to fight/to wage war
        zhànfú, [戰俘], prisoner of war
        Yuèzhàn, [越戰], Vietnam War (1955-1975)
        zhànhòu, [戰後], after the war/postwar
        xuānzhàn, [宣戰], to declare war
        juézhàn, [決戰], decisive battle/to fight a decisive battle/to fight for supremacy in ...
        tíngzhàn, [停戰], armistice/cease fire
        zhànchē, [戰車], war chariot/tank
        cānzhàn, [參戰], to go to war/to engage in war
        xiūzhàn, [休戰], armistice
        zhàndì, [戰地], battlefield
        zhànhuǒ, [戰火], conflagration/the fire of war
        tiǎozhànzhě, [挑戰者], challenger
        fènzhàn, [奮戰], to fight bravely/(fig.) to struggle/to work hard
        zhànháo, [戰壕], trench/entrenchment
        zhànshí, [戰時], wartime
        zhànwúbùshèng, [戰無不勝], to triumph in every battle (idiom); invincible/to succeed in every undertaking
        shízhàn, [實戰], real combat/actual combat
        hùnzhàn, [混戰], chaotic warfare/confused fighting/melee/to join in such fighting
        zhànbài, [戰敗], to lose a war
        zhànjì, [戰績], military successes/(fig.) success/accomplishment
        zhànshì, [戰事], war/hostilities/fighting
        gūjūnfènzhàn, [孤軍奮戰], lit. lone army putting up a brave fight (idiom)/fig. (of a person or group of pe...
        yíngzhàn, [迎戰], to meet the enemy head-on
        zhànfàn, [戰犯], war criminal
        zhànqū, [戰區], war zone/combat zone/(military) theater of operations
        jīzhàn, [激戰], to fight fiercely/fierce battle
        zhànkuàng, [戰況], battlefield situation/battle progress
        bèizhàn, [備戰], prepared against war/to prepare for war/warmongering
        yězhàn, [野戰], battlefield operation/paintball
        zhēngzhàn, [征戰], campaign/expedition
        zhànbèi, [戰備], war preparation
        dǎnzhànxīnjīng, [膽戰心驚], to tremble with fear (idiom)/scared witless
        hàozhàn, [好戰], warlike
        xuèzhàn, [血戰], bloody battle
        zhànzhànjīngjīng, [戰戰兢兢], trembling with fear/with fear and trepidation
        zhànpáo, [戰袍], (old) combat robe/soldier's uniform/(sports) team jersey/team shirt
        zhēngduózhàn, [爭奪戰], struggle
        zhànmǎ, [戰馬], warhorse
        yìngzhàn, [應戰], to take up a challenge/to face an attack and meet it
        sǐzhàn, [死戰], fight to the death/desperate struggle
        zhànluàn, [戰亂], chaos of war
        zhàndòulì, [戰鬥力], fighting strength
        hǎizhàn, [海戰], naval battle
        zhànjú, [戰局], war situation
线         tǒngyīzhànxiàn, [統一戰線], united front
        chíjiǔzhàn, [持久戰], prolonged war/war of attrition
        kǔzhàn, [苦戰], bitter struggle/hard battle/arduous effort
        èzhàn, [惡戰], hard fighting/fierce battle
        xīnjīngdǎnzhàn, [心驚膽戰], lit. heart alarmed, trembling in fear (idiom); prostrate with fear/scared witles...
        yóujīzhàn, [遊擊戰], guerrilla warfare
        zhànlüèxìng, [戰略性], strategic
        bèishuǐyīzhàn, [背水一戰], lit. fight with one's back to the river (idiom); fig. to fight to win or die
        zhuǎnzhàn, [轉戰], to fight in one place after another
        zhàngōng, [戰功], outstanding military service
        shēnjīngbǎizhàn, [身經百戰], lit. veteran of a hundred battles (idiom)/fig. experienced/seasoned
        áozhàn, [鏖戰], bitter fighting/a violent battle
        zhànlüèjiā, [戰略家], a strategist
        shèngzhàn, [聖戰], Holy war/jihad
        zhànchuán, [戰船], warship
        shǎndiànzhàn, [閃電戰], blitzkrieg/blitz
        bǎizhànbǎishèng, [百戰百勝], to emerge victorious in every battle/to be ever-victorious
        Zhànguó, [戰國], the Warring States period (475-221 BC)
        ÈrcìDàzhàn, [二次大戰], World War Two
        ròubózhàn, [肉搏戰], hand-to-hand combat
        lùnzhàn, [論戰], to debate/to contend/polemics
        kōngzhàn, [空戰], air war/air warfare
        hánzhàn, [寒戰], shiver
        bǎizhànbùdài, [百戰不殆], to come unscathed through a hundred battles (idiom, from Sunzi's "The Art of War...
        JiěfàngZhànzhēng, [解放戰爭], War of Liberation (1945-49), after which the Communists 共產黨武裝|共产党武装 under Mao Ze...
        zhànshū, [戰書], written war challenge
        kàngzhàn, [抗戰], war of resistance, especially the war against Japan (1937-1945)
        shēngwùzhàn, [生物戰], germ warfare/biological warfare
        zhànqí, [戰旗], a war flag/an army banner
        shézhàn, [舌戰], verbal sparring/duel of words
        zhànlièjiàn, [戰列艦], battleship
        xìjūnzhàn, [細菌戰], biological warfare/germ warfare
        lìzhàn, [力戰], to fight with all one's might
        zhàndǒu, [戰抖], to shudder/to tremble
        zhànhuò, [戰禍], disaster of war
        qiánshàozhàn, [前哨戰], skirmish
        huàxuézhàn, [化學戰], chemical warfare
        zhànfǎ, [戰法], military strategy
        báirènzhàn, [白刃戰], hand-to-hand fighting
        línzhàn, [臨戰], just before the contest/on the eve of war
        lājùzhàn, [拉鋸戰], to-and-fro tussle/closely-fought contest
        xiāohàozhàn, [消耗戰], war of attrition
        CháoxiǎnZhànzhēng, [朝鮮戰爭], Korean War (1950-1953)
        shǎnjīzhàn, [閃擊戰], lightning war/Blitzkrieg
        LiánZhàn, [連戰], Lien Chan (1936-), Taiwanese politician, former vice-president and chairman of G...
        shāngzhàn, [商戰], trade war
        zhànjīngjīng, [戰兢兢], shaking with fear

        dìfāng/dìfang, region/regional (away from the central administration)/local, area/place/space/r...
        de/dì, -ly/structural particle: used before a verb or adjective, linking it to precedin...
        dìqiú, the earth/CL:個|个[gè]
        dìzhǐ, address/CL:個|个[gè]
        dìyù, [地獄], hell/infernal/underworld
        dìdiǎn, [地點], place/site/location/venue/CL:個|个[gè]
        dìqū, [地區], local/regional/district (not necessarily formal administrative unit)/region/area...
        dìshang, on the ground/on the floor
        dìtú, [地圖], map/CL:張|张[zhāng],本[běn]
        jīdì, base (of operations)/industrial or military base/al-Qaeda
        tǔdì/tǔdi, land/soil/territory/CL:片[piàn],塊|块[kuài], local god/genius loci
        dāngdì, [當地], local
        xiètiānxièdì, [謝天謝地], Thank heavens!/Thank goodness that's worked out so well!
        dìbǎn, floor
        dìxià, underground/subterranean/covert
        dìxiàshì, basement/cellar
        yíngdì, [營地], camp
        běndì, local/this locality
        dìpán, [地盤], domain/territory under one's control/foundation of a building/base of operations...
        dìtiě, [地鐵], subway/metro
        dìtǎn, carpet/rug
        dìmiàn, floor/ground/surface
        dìzhèn, earthquake
        dìwèi, position/status/place/CL:個|个[gè]
        gèdì, in all parts of (a country)/various regions
        dìbù, stage/degree (to which a situation has evolved)/situation/leeway
        yuándì, (in) the original place/the place where one currently is/place of origin/local (...
        mùdì, cemetery/graveyard
        fángdìchǎn, [房地產], real estate
        Shèngdìyàgē, [聖地亞哥], Santiago, capital of Chile/San Diego, California
        mùdìdì, destination (location)
        chǎngdì, [場地], space/site/place/sports pitch
        yúdì, [餘地], margin/leeway
        dàdì, earth/mother earth
        dìdào/dìdao, tunnel/causeway, authentic/genuine/proper
        cǐdì, here/this place
        diēdì, daddy (loanword)
        dìdài, [地帶], zone/CL:個|个[gè]
        jìngdì, circumstances
        dìchǎn, [地產], estate
        lǐngdì, [領地], territory/domain/estate/(old) fief
        gōngdì, construction site
        shèngdì, [聖地], holy land (of a religion)/sacred place/shrine/holy city (such as Jerusalem, Mecc...
        cǎodì, lawn/meadow/sod/turf/CL:片[piàn]
        sǎodì, [掃地], to sweep the floor/to reach rock bottom/to be at an all-time low
        dìléi, landmine/CL:顆|颗[kē]/(fig.) sore point/weak spot
        tèdì, specially/for a special purpose
        báilándì, [白蘭地], brandy (loanword)
        dìlǐ, geography
        kōngdì/kòngdì, air-to-surface (missile), vacant land/open space
        lùdì, [陸地], dry land (as opposed to the sea)
        zhímíndì, colony
        luòdì, to fall to the ground/to be set on the ground/to reach to the ground/to be born/...
        juédì, [絕地], danger spot/Jedi (in Star Wars)
        tiāndì, heaven and earth/world/scope/field of activity
        dìláo, prison/dungeon
        dìjiào, cellar/basement
        yīxízhīdì, (acknowledged) place/a role to play/niche
        dìtiězhàn, [地鐵站], subway station
        suǒzàidì, location/site
        Àodìlì, [奧地利], Austria
        dìxíng, topography/terrain/landform
        shèngdì, [勝地], well-known scenic spot
        gāodì, highland/upland
        xīndì, character
        shídì, [實地], on-site
        wàidì, parts of the country other than where one is
        zhèndì, [陣地], position/front
        jūnshìjīdì, [軍事基地], military base
        Hǎidì, Haiti, the western third of Caribbean island Hispaniola
        chūréntóudì, [出人頭地], to stand out among one's peers (idiom)/to excel
        àndìli, [暗地裡], secretly/inwardly/on the sly
        suíshísuídì, [隨時隨地], anytime and anywhere
        tiándì, field/farmland/cropland/plight/extent
线         dìpíngxiàn, [地平線], horizon
        zhàndì, [戰地], battlefield
        Wēidìmǎlā, [危地馬拉], Guatemala/see also 瓜地馬拉|瓜地马拉[Guā dì mǎ lā]
        DìzhōngHǎi, Mediterranean Sea
        zhǎozédì, [沼澤地], marsh/swamp/everglade
        dìyù, area/district/region
        Kèluódìyà, [克羅地亞], Croatia
        dìzhǔ, landlord/landowner/host
        dìbiǎo, the surface (of the earth)
        shāndì, mountainous region/hilly area/hilly country
        dìxīn, the earth's core/geocentric
        dìmíng, place name/toponym
        yībàitúdì, [一敗塗地], failed and wiped over the floor (idiom); to fail utterly/a crushing defeat/beate...
        tiānfāndìfù, sky and the earth turning upside down (idiom); fig. complete confusion/everythin...
        dìjī, foundations (of a building)/base
        yíwéipíngdì, [夷為平地], to level/to raze to the ground
        huāngdì, wasteland/uncultivated land
        mǒudì, somewhere/some place
        dìzhì, [地質], geology
        fāntiānfùdì, sky and the earth turning upside down (idiom); fig. complete confusion/everythin...
        bèidìli, [背地裡], behind sb's back
        píngdì, to level the land/level ground/plain
        fāyuándì, [發源地], place of origin/birthplace/source
        wúdìzìróng, [無地自容], ashamed and unable to show one's face
        chūshēngdì, birthplace
        dìduàn, section/district
        dìpí, lot/section of land/ground
        tiānzàodìshè, [天造地設], lit. made by Heaven and arranged by Earth(idiom)/ideal/perfect/(of a match) made...
        dìqiào, [地殼], the Earth's crust
        dìzhìxuéjiā, [地質學家], geologist
        jiǎotàshídì, [腳踏實地], to have one's feet firmly planted on the ground (idiom); realistic without fligh...
        pūtiāngàidì, [鋪天蓋地], lit. hiding the sky and covering the earth (idiom); fig. earth-shattering/omnipr...
        wàidìrén, stranger/outsider
        biàndì, everywhere/all over
        tiānchángdìjiǔ, [天長地久], enduring while the world lasts (idiom)/eternal
        suídì, [隨地], according to the location/everywhere/any place/from any location/from wherever y...
        shèshēnchǔdì, [設身處地], to put oneself in sb else's shoes
        qīxīdì, [棲息地], habitat
        dìxiàshuǐ, groundwater
        jiàndì, [見地], opinion/view/insight
        dìhé, core of the earth (geology)
        shādì, sandy beach or river bank/sand dune/sandy land
        jiùdì, locally/on the spot
        jídì, [極地], polar region
        zhìdì, [質地], texture/background (texture)/grain/quality/character/disposition
湿         shīdì, [濕地], wetland
        yòngwǔzhīdì, ample scope for abilities/favorable position for the use of one's skills (idiom)
        yìdì, [異地], different place/abroad
        jīngtiāndòngdì, [驚天動地], world-shaking (idiom)
        rénjiāndìyù, [人間地獄], hell on earth (idiom); suffering the torments of Buddhist hell while still alive...
        dìbǎo, bunker (underground fortification)
        zhùdì, [駐地], station/encampment
        jūzhùdì, current address/place of residence
        měngde, suddenly
        yědì, wilderness
        dìdòng, tunnel/cave/burrow/dugout
        dìchǔ, [地處], to be located at/to be situated in
        dìtóu, [地頭], place/locality/edge of a field/lower margin of a page
        dìqì, deed (for land)/CL:張|张[zhāng],份[fèn]
        dìshì, [地勢], terrain/topography relief
        dìqiúyí, [地球儀], globe
        bùmáozhīdì, barren land/desert
        jùjūdì, inhabited land/habitat
        xiàdì, to go down to the fields/to get up from bed/to leave one's sickbed/to be born
        bīngtiānxuědì, a world of ice and snow
绿         lǜdì, [綠地], green area (e.g. urban park or garden)
        dìpǐ, bully/local ruffian
        zhùdì, living area/residential area
        dìfāngguān, local official
        dìmàn, (geology) (the earth's) mantle
        zhòngdì, [種地], to farm/to work the land
        kāitiānpìdì, [開天闢地], to split heaven and earth apart (idiom); refers to the Pangu 盤古|盘古[Pán gǔ] creat...
        wǔtǐtóudì, [五體投地], to prostrate oneself in admiration (idiom); to adulate sb
宿         sùyíngdì, [宿營地], camp/campsite
        Nèidì/nèidì, [內地], mainland China (PRC excluding Hong Kong and Macau, but including islands such as...
        dìgǔnqiú, [地滾球], ten-pin bowling/bowling ball/(baseball etc) ground ball
        dìzhìxué, [地質學], geology
        zhàndì, to take up space/to occupy (space)
        dìlǐxué, [地理學], geography
        dìcéng, [地層], stratum (geology)
        dìrè, [地熱], geothermal
        chǎndì, [產地], source (of a product)/place of origin/manufacturing location
        péndì, (geography) basin/depression
        fùdì, hinterland/interior/outback
        Gāndì, (Mahatma) Gandhi
        gēngdì, arable land/to plow land
        tiānjīngdìyì, [天經地義], lit. heaven's law and earth's principle (idiom); fig. right and proper/right and...
        dìbiāo, [地標], landmark
        féndì, [墳地], graveyard/cemetery
        dǐngtiānlìdì, [頂天立地], lit. able to support both heaven and earth/of indomitable spirit (idiom)
        jìndì, forbidden area/restricted area/(fig.) sth considered off-limits
        gēnjùdì, [根據地], base of operations
        dìxíngtú, [地形圖], topographic map
        dìzū, land rent/land tax
        dìdìdàodào, thoroughgoing/authentic/100%/to the core
        dìlì, soil fertility/land capability
        dìzhuān, [地磚], floor tile
        huātiānjiǔdì, to spend one's time in drinking and pleasure (idiom); to indulge in sensual plea...
        shǔdì, [屬地], dependency/possession/annexed territory
        tiānhuāngdìlǎo, until the end of time (idiom)
        jiēdì, earth (electric connection)/to earth
        hūntiānhēidì, lit. dark sky and black earth (idiom)/fig. pitch dark/to black out/disorderly/tr...
        tiānluódìwǎng, [天羅地網], inescapable net (idiom)/trap/dragnet
        gùdìchóngyóu, [故地重遊], to revisit old haunts (idiom); down memory lane
        dìguā, sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas)/yam (family Dioscoreaceae)
        yuánchǎndì, [原產地], original source/place of origin/provenance
        tiānhándìdòng, [天寒地凍], cold weather, frozen ground (idiom); bitterly cold
        yuándì, [園地], garden area
        jiùdìchóngyóu, [舊地重遊], to revisit old haunts (idiom); down memory lane
        dìtóushé, [地頭蛇], local bully/tyrant/regional mafia boss
        dìtān, [地攤], street stall with goods laid out on the ground
        zhòngdì, important place/strategic location
        dìqūxìng, [地區性], regional/local
        zhuāngjiadì, [莊稼地], crop land/arable land
        zhěngdì, to prepare the soil (agriculture)
        dìqín, ground service (airport)
        dìlì, favorable location/in the right place/productivity of land
        líndì, woodland
        Wēidìmǎlārén, [危地馬拉人], Guatemalan (person)
        dàodì, authentic/original
        càidì, vegetable field
        jiùdì, [舊地], once familiar places/former haunts
        dǎdìpù, [打地鋪], to make one's bed on the floor
        fúdì, happy land/paradise
        dìzhènbō, seismic wave
        jísàndì, distribution center
        dìzhènyí, [地震儀], seismometer
        dìzhènxué, [地震學], seismology/science of earthquakes
        luòdìdēng, [落地燈], floor lamp
        dìkuài, [地塊], tectonic plate
        dìdòngshānyáo, [地動山搖], the earth quaked, the mountains shook (idiom); a tremendous battle
        tántiānshuōdì, [談天說地], to talk endlessly/talking of anything under the sun
        shīdì, to lose land/dispossessed
        luòdìchuāng, French window/CL:扇[shàn]
        huāntiānxǐdì, [歡天喜地], delighted/with great joy/in high spirits
        dìjiǔtiāncháng, [地久天長], enduring while the world lasts (idiom, from Laozi); eternal/for ever and ever (o...
线         dìxiàn, [地線], earth (wire)/ground
        jiùdìqǔcái, to draw on local resources/using materials at hand
        yīngxióngwúyòngwǔzhīdì, [英雄無用武之地], a hero with no chance of using his might/to have no opportunity to display one's...
        wādì, [窪地], depression/low-lying ground
        fāxiángdì, [發祥地], the birthplace (of sth good)/the cradle (e.g. of art)
        dìlǎotiānhuāng, see 天荒地老[tiān huāng dì lǎo]
        yánjiǎndì, [鹽鹼地], saline soil/(fig.) infertile woman
        zhìzhīsǐdìérhòushēng, [置之死地而後生], place sb on a field of death and he will fight to live (idiom based on Sunzi's "...
        dìyuán, [地緣], geographic situation/geo-(politics etc)
        dìhuáng, [地黃], Chinese foxglove (Rehmannia glutinosa), its rhizome used in TCM
        zhìdìyǒushēng, [擲地有聲], lit. if thrown on the floor, it will make a sound (idiom)/fig. (of one's words) ...
        dìmào, relief/landform (geology)
        yīndìzhìyí, (idiom) to use methods in line with local circumstances
        Màidìnà, [麥地那], Medina, Saudi Arabia
        tōngxìndìzhǐ, mail address
        fēngdì, feudal fiefdom/land held as a vassal in feudal society/enfeoffment
        tǔdìgǎigé, land reform
        liúyǒuyúdì, [留有餘地], to leave some leeway/to allow for the unpredictable
        dìbiǎoshuǐ, surface water
        dìcíchǎng, [地磁場], the earth's magnetic field
        lídì, to plow
        zìliúdì, private plot allocated to an individual on a collective farm
        gùdì, once familiar places/former haunts
        dìjí, [地級], (administrative) prefecture-level
        huàdìwéiláo, [畫地為牢], lit. to be confined within a circle drawn on the ground (idiom)/fig. to confine ...
        Dìlānà, Tirana, capital of Albania
        bàitiāndì, to worship heaven and earth/ritual kneeling by bride and groom in a old-fashione...
        fēidì, [飛地], administrative enclave/land of one country enclosed within another/a salient
        shūde, swiftly/suddenly
        dìtújí, [地圖集], collection of maps/atlas
        hūde, suddenly
        tiānnándìběi, distant places/all over the country/(to talk) about this and that
        gǔdì, valley
        biàndìkāihuā, [遍地開花], to blossom everywhere/to spring up all over the place/to flourish on a large sca...
沿         yánhǎidìqū, [沿海地區], coastland/coastal areas
        zhēngdì, to requisition land
        bódì, barren land/poor soil
        mùdì, pasture/grazing land

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