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Word: freq index 9048
[戰鬥機] zhàndòujī fighter (aircraft)

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        zhànzhēng, [戰爭], war/conflict/CL:場|场[cháng],次[cì]
        tiǎozhàn, [挑戰], to challenge/challenge
        zhàn, [戰], to fight/fight/war/battle
        zhàndòu, [戰鬥], to fight/to engage in combat/struggle/battle/CL:場|场[cháng],次[cì]
        zhànshì, [戰士], fighter/soldier/warrior/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhànchǎng, [戰場], battlefield/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhànshèng, [戰勝], to prevail over/to defeat/to surmount
        zuòzhàn, [作戰], combat/to fight
        zhànshù, [戰術], tactics
        dàzhàn, [大戰], war/to wage war
        zhànlüè, [戰略], strategy
        kāizhàn, [開戰], to start a war/to make war/to battle against
        zhànyì, [戰役], military campaign
        zhànlìpǐn, [戰利品], spoils of war
        zhànjī, [戰機], opportunity in a battle/fighter aircraft/war secret
        zhànyǒu, [戰友], comrade-in-arms/battle companion
        nèizhàn, [內戰], civil war
        Èrzhàn, [二戰], World War II
        zhàndòujī, [戰鬥機], fighter (aircraft)
        qiāngzhàn, [槍戰], gun battle/firefight
        shìjièdàzhàn, [世界大戰], world war
        zhànjiàn, [戰艦], battleship/warship
        Lěngzhàn/lěngzhàn/lěngzhan, [冷戰], (US-Soviet) Cold War, cold war/(fig.) strained relationship/to be barely on spea...
线         zhànxiàn, [戰線], battle line/battlefront/front
        jiāozhàn, [交戰], to fight/to wage war
        zhànfú, [戰俘], prisoner of war
        Yuèzhàn, [越戰], Vietnam War (1955-1975)
        zhànhòu, [戰後], after the war/postwar
        xuānzhàn, [宣戰], to declare war
        juézhàn, [決戰], decisive battle/to fight a decisive battle/to fight for supremacy in ...
        tíngzhàn, [停戰], armistice/cease fire
        zhànchē, [戰車], war chariot/tank
        cānzhàn, [參戰], to go to war/to engage in war
        xiūzhàn, [休戰], armistice
        zhàndì, [戰地], battlefield
        zhànhuǒ, [戰火], conflagration/the fire of war
        tiǎozhànzhě, [挑戰者], challenger
        fènzhàn, [奮戰], to fight bravely/(fig.) to struggle/to work hard
        zhànháo, [戰壕], trench/entrenchment
        zhànshí, [戰時], wartime
        zhànwúbùshèng, [戰無不勝], to triumph in every battle (idiom); invincible/to succeed in every undertaking
        shízhàn, [實戰], real combat/actual combat
        hùnzhàn, [混戰], chaotic warfare/confused fighting/melee/to join in such fighting
        zhànbài, [戰敗], to lose a war
        zhànjì, [戰績], military successes/(fig.) success/accomplishment
        zhànshì, [戰事], war/hostilities/fighting
        gūjūnfènzhàn, [孤軍奮戰], lit. lone army putting up a brave fight (idiom)/fig. (of a person or group of pe...
        yíngzhàn, [迎戰], to meet the enemy head-on
        zhànfàn, [戰犯], war criminal
        zhànqū, [戰區], war zone/combat zone/(military) theater of operations
        jīzhàn, [激戰], to fight fiercely/fierce battle
        zhànkuàng, [戰況], battlefield situation/battle progress
        bèizhàn, [備戰], prepared against war/to prepare for war/warmongering
        yězhàn, [野戰], battlefield operation/paintball
        zhēngzhàn, [征戰], campaign/expedition
        zhànbèi, [戰備], war preparation
        dǎnzhànxīnjīng, [膽戰心驚], to tremble with fear (idiom)/scared witless
        hàozhàn, [好戰], warlike
        xuèzhàn, [血戰], bloody battle
        zhànzhànjīngjīng, [戰戰兢兢], trembling with fear/with fear and trepidation
        zhànpáo, [戰袍], (old) combat robe/soldier's uniform/(sports) team jersey/team shirt
        zhēngduózhàn, [爭奪戰], struggle
        zhànmǎ, [戰馬], warhorse
        yìngzhàn, [應戰], to take up a challenge/to face an attack and meet it
        sǐzhàn, [死戰], fight to the death/desperate struggle
        zhànluàn, [戰亂], chaos of war
        zhàndòulì, [戰鬥力], fighting strength
        hǎizhàn, [海戰], naval battle
        zhànjú, [戰局], war situation
线         tǒngyīzhànxiàn, [統一戰線], united front
        chíjiǔzhàn, [持久戰], prolonged war/war of attrition
        kǔzhàn, [苦戰], bitter struggle/hard battle/arduous effort
        èzhàn, [惡戰], hard fighting/fierce battle
        xīnjīngdǎnzhàn, [心驚膽戰], lit. heart alarmed, trembling in fear (idiom); prostrate with fear/scared witles...
        yóujīzhàn, [遊擊戰], guerrilla warfare
        zhànlüèxìng, [戰略性], strategic
        bèishuǐyīzhàn, [背水一戰], lit. fight with one's back to the river (idiom); fig. to fight to win or die
        zhuǎnzhàn, [轉戰], to fight in one place after another
        zhàngōng, [戰功], outstanding military service
        shēnjīngbǎizhàn, [身經百戰], lit. veteran of a hundred battles (idiom)/fig. experienced/seasoned
        áozhàn, [鏖戰], bitter fighting/a violent battle
        zhànlüèjiā, [戰略家], a strategist
        shèngzhàn, [聖戰], Holy war/jihad
        zhànchuán, [戰船], warship
        shǎndiànzhàn, [閃電戰], blitzkrieg/blitz
        bǎizhànbǎishèng, [百戰百勝], to emerge victorious in every battle/to be ever-victorious
        Zhànguó, [戰國], the Warring States period (475-221 BC)
        ÈrcìDàzhàn, [二次大戰], World War Two
        ròubózhàn, [肉搏戰], hand-to-hand combat
        lùnzhàn, [論戰], to debate/to contend/polemics
        kōngzhàn, [空戰], air war/air warfare
        hánzhàn, [寒戰], shiver
        bǎizhànbùdài, [百戰不殆], to come unscathed through a hundred battles (idiom, from Sunzi's "The Art of War...
        JiěfàngZhànzhēng, [解放戰爭], War of Liberation (1945-49), after which the Communists 共產黨武裝|共产党武装 under Mao Ze...
        zhànshū, [戰書], written war challenge
        kàngzhàn, [抗戰], war of resistance, especially the war against Japan (1937-1945)
        shēngwùzhàn, [生物戰], germ warfare/biological warfare
        zhànqí, [戰旗], a war flag/an army banner
        shézhàn, [舌戰], verbal sparring/duel of words
        zhànlièjiàn, [戰列艦], battleship
        xìjūnzhàn, [細菌戰], biological warfare/germ warfare
        lìzhàn, [力戰], to fight with all one's might
        zhàndǒu, [戰抖], to shudder/to tremble
        zhànhuò, [戰禍], disaster of war
        qiánshàozhàn, [前哨戰], skirmish
        huàxuézhàn, [化學戰], chemical warfare
        zhànfǎ, [戰法], military strategy
        báirènzhàn, [白刃戰], hand-to-hand fighting
        línzhàn, [臨戰], just before the contest/on the eve of war
        lājùzhàn, [拉鋸戰], to-and-fro tussle/closely-fought contest
        xiāohàozhàn, [消耗戰], war of attrition
        CháoxiǎnZhànzhēng, [朝鮮戰爭], Korean War (1950-1953)
        shǎnjīzhàn, [閃擊戰], lightning war/Blitzkrieg
        LiánZhàn, [連戰], Lien Chan (1936-), Taiwanese politician, former vice-president and chairman of G...
        shāngzhàn, [商戰], trade war
        zhànjīngjīng, [戰兢兢], shaking with fear

        zhàndòu, [戰鬥], to fight/to engage in combat/struggle/battle/CL:場|场[cháng],次[cì]
        Dǒu/dǒu/dòu, [鬥]/[鬦]/[鬪]/[鬭], abbr. for the Big Dipper constellation 北斗星[Běi dǒu xīng], dry measure for grain ...
        dòuzhēng, [鬥爭], a struggle/fight/battle
        fèndòu, [奮鬥], to strive/to struggle
        dǎdòu, [打鬥], to fight
        juédòu, [決鬥], to duel/a duel/decisive struggle
        DǒuNiú/dòuniú, [鬥牛], Big Dipper and Altair (astronomy), bullfighting
        gédòu, [格鬥], to wrestle
        dòushì, [鬥士], warrior/activist
        bódòu, [搏鬥], to wrestle/to fight/to struggle
        zhēngdòu, [爭鬥], struggle/war
        zhàndòujī, [戰鬥機], fighter (aircraft)
        dǒupeng, cloak/mantle
        dòuōu, [鬥毆], to fight/to brawl/a scuffle/a punch-up
        dòuzhì, [鬥志], will to fight/fighting spirit
        yāndǒu, [煙斗], (smoking) pipe
        Běidǒu, Great Bear/Big Dipper/Peitou town in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhāng huà xiàn], Ta...
        hàodòu, [好鬥], to be warlike/to be belligerent
        dòujī, [鬥雞], cock fighting
        yùndǒu, clothes iron
        lòudǒu, funnel
        juédòu, [角鬥], to wrestle
        dòuzuǐ, [鬥嘴], to quarrel/to bicker/glib repartee
        zhàndòulì, [戰鬥力], fighting strength
        gōuxīndòujiǎo, [勾心鬥角], to fight and scheme against each other (idiom)/(in palace construction) elaborat...
        jīndǒu, tumble/somersault
        dòuqì, [鬥氣], to have a grudge against
        dǒudǎn, [斗膽], (courteous) to be so bold as to
        wōlidòu, [窩裡鬥], internal strife (family, group, etc)
        dòuzhìángyáng, [鬥志昂揚], having high fighting spirit
        èdòu, [惡鬥], hard fighting/fierce battle
        ōudòu, [毆鬥], to have a fist fight/fist fight/brawl
        xièdòu, [械鬥], armed confrontation/bust-up between gangs
        xīngdǒu, stars
        dòuzhì, [鬥智], battle of wits
        pīdòu, [批鬥], to drag sb before a public meeting to denounce, humiliate and physically abuse t...
        lóngzhēnghǔdòu, [龍爭虎鬥], lit. the dragon wars, the tiger battles (idiom); fierce battle between giants
        míngzhēngàndòu, [明爭暗鬥], to fight openly and maneuver covertly (idiom)
        jiānkǔfèndòu, [艱苦奮鬥], to struggle arduously
        dǒushì, very small room/tiny, cramped space
        chēdǒu, [車斗], open-topped container (mounted on a truck or cart) for carrying loads/dump box (...
        tàidǒu, leading scholar of his time/magnate
        Ādǒu, A-dou, nickname of Liu Chan 劉禪|刘禅 (207-271), son of Liu Bei, reigned as Shu Han ...
        jiējídòuzhēng, [階級鬥爭], class struggle
        QuánDòuhuàn, [全斗煥], Chun Doo Hwan (1931-), South Korean politician, president 1980-1988
        jīndǒu, variant of 筋斗[jīn dǒu]
        tuōdǒu, small open trailer
        dǒulì, conical bamboo hat
        áidòu, [挨鬥], to suffer censure/denounced

        jīhuì, [機會], opportunity/chance/occasion/CL:個|个[gè]
        fēijī, [飛機], airplane/CL:架[jià]
        shǒujī, [手機], cell phone/mobile phone/CL:部[bù],支[zhī]
        Jī/jī, [機], surname Ji, machine/engine/opportunity/intention/aircraft/pivot/crucial point/fl...
        jīqì, [機器], machine/CL:臺|台[tái],部[bù],個|个[gè]
        jīchǎng, [機場], airport/airfield/CL:家[jiā],處|处[chù]
        sījī, [司機], chauffeur/driver/CL:個|个[gè]
        jīqìrén, [機器人], mechanical person/robot/android
        jīgòu, [機構], mechanism/structure/organization/agency/institution/CL:所[suǒ]
        dòngjī, [動機], motor/locomotive/motive/motivation/intention
        shíjī, [時機], fortunate timing/occasion/opportunity
        zhíshēngjī, [直升機], helicopter/CL:架[jià]
        jīmì, [機密], secret/classified (information)
        wēijī, [危機], crisis/CL:個|个[gè]
        shèxiàngjī, [攝像機], video camera/CL:部[bù]
        xiàngjī, [相機], camera (abbr. for 照相機|照相机[zhào xiàng jī])/at the opportune moment/as the circums...
        jīpiào, [機票], air ticket/passenger ticket/CL:張|张[zhāng]
        shōuyīnjī, [收音機], radio/CL:臺|台[tái]
        jìsuànjī, [計算機], computer/(Tw) calculator/CL:臺|台[tái]
        jīxiè, [機械], machine/machinery/mechanical/(old) cunning/scheming
        bānjī, [扳機], (gun) trigger
        diànshìjī, [電視機], television set/CL:臺|台[tái]
        suíjī, [隨機], according to the situation/pragmatic/random
        shèyǐngjī, [攝影機], camera/movie camera
        dēngjī, [登機], to board a plane
        zhàoxiàngjī, [照相機], camera/CL:個|个[gè],架[jià],部[bù],台[tái],隻|只[zhī]
        jīguān, [機關], mechanism/gear/machine-operated/office/agency/organ/organization/establishment/i...
        fādòngjī, [發動機], engine/motor/CL:臺|台[tái]
        zhànjī, [戰機], opportunity in a battle/fighter aircraft/war secret
        jīzhǎng, [機長], captain/chief pilot
        fādiànjī, [發電機], electricity generator/dynamo
        ěrjī, [耳機], headphones/earphones/telephone receiver
        guānjī, [關機], to turn off (a machine or device)/to finish shooting a film
        dǎhuǒjī, [打火機], lighter/cigarette lighter
        zhíshēngfēijī, [直升飛機], see 直升機|直升机[zhí shēng jī]
        duìjiǎngjī, [對講機], intercom/walkie-talkie
        yǒujī, [有機], organic
        bānjī, [班機], airliner/(regular) flight/CL:趟[tàng],次[cì],班[bān]
        jīyù, [機遇], opportunity/favorable circumstance/stroke of luck
        zhuìjī, [墜機], airplane crash
        zhàndòujī, [戰鬥機], fighter (aircraft)
        jīling, [機靈], clever/quick-witted
        zhǔjī, [主機], main engine/(military) lead aircraft/(computing) host computer/main processor/se...
        xǐyījī, [洗衣機], washer/washing machine/CL:臺|台[tái]
        zhuǎnjī, [轉機], (to take) a turn for the better/to change planes
        lùyīnjī, [錄音機], (tape) recording machine/tape recorder/CL:臺|台[tái]
        yóuxìjī, [遊戲機], video game/game machine
        jīqiāng, [機槍], machine gun
        fěnsuìjī, [粉碎機], pulverizer/grinder
        jīdòng, [機動], locomotive/motorized/power-driven/adaptable/flexible (use, treatment, timing etc...
        jīzhì, [機制]/[機製], mechanism, machine processed/machine made/mechanism
        lùxiàngjī, [錄像機], video recorder/VCR
        jīzhì, [機智], quick-witted/resourceful
        qǐzhòngjī, [起重機], crane
        chènjī, [趁機], to seize an opportunity/to take advantage of situation
        fēijīchǎng, [飛機場], airport/(slang) flat chest/CL:處|处[chù]
        kāijī, [開機], to start an engine/to boot up (a computer)/to press Ctrl-Alt-Delete/to begin sho...
        jīchē, [機車], locomotive/train engine car/scooter (Tw)/(slang) (Tw) hard to get along with/a p...
        tuōlājī, [拖拉機], tractor/CL:臺|台[tái]
        jiéjī, [劫機], hijacking/air piracy
        tíkuǎnjī, [提款機], bank autoteller/ATM
        hōngzhàjī, [轟炸機], bomber (aircraft)
        díjī, [敵機], enemy plane
        tíngjī, [停機], (of a machine) to stop/to shut down/to park a plane/to finish shooting (a TV pro...
        shēngjī, [生機], opportunity to live/to reprieve from death/life force/vitality
        fùyìnjī, [複印機], photocopier
        xǐwǎnjī, [洗碗機], dishwasher
        jīyóu, [機油], engine oil
        jīnéng, [機能], function
        jīguānqiāng, [機關槍], also written 機槍|机枪/machine gun
        jīzǔ, [機組], flight crew (on a plane)/unit (apparatus)
        pēnqìjī, [噴氣機], jet plane
        dǎzìjī, [打字機], typewriter
        dǎyìnjī, [打印機], printer
        chàngjī, [唱機], gramophone
        jīcāng, [機艙], cabin of a plane
        jīlíngguǐ, [機靈鬼], (jocularly) clever and quick-witted person
        gēcǎojī, [割草機], lawn mower (machine)
        kèjī, [客機], passenger plane
        tuītǔjī, [推土機], bulldozer
        tíngjīpíng, [停機坪], aircraft parking ground/apron/tarmac (at airport)
        chuánzhēnjī, [傳真機], fax machine
        shōuyínjī, [收銀機], cash register/check out counter
        fēijīpiào, [飛機票], air ticket/CL:張|张[zhāng]
        liángjī, [良機], a good chance/a golden opportunity
        chuīfēngjī, [吹風機], hair dryer
        tóujī, [投機], to speculate (on financial markets)/opportunistic/congenial/agreeable
        jièjī, [借機], to seize the opportunity
        zuòjī, [座機], fixed phone/private plane
        shēngjiàngjī, [升降機], aerial work platform (e.g. cherry picker or scissor lift)/lift/elevator
        jīyì, [機翼], wing (of an aircraft)
        fēnjī, [分機], (telephone) extension/CL:臺|台[tái]
        dìngshūjī, [訂書機], stapler/stapling machine/bookbinding machine/CL:臺|台[tái]
        jiǎobànjī, [攪拌機], blender/food mixer
        sìjī, [伺機], to wait for an opportunity/to watch for one's chance
        jīxièshī, [機械師], mechanic/engineer/machinist/machine operator/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
        jīshēn, [機身], body of a vehicle or machine/fuselage of a plane
        jītǐ, [機體], organism (biology)/airframe (aeronautics)
        zǒngjī, [總機], central exchange/telephone exchange/switchboard
        lǎohǔjī, [老虎機], slot machine
        jībùkěshī, [機不可失], No time to lose! (idiom)
        suíjīyìngbiàn, [隨機應變], to change according to the situation (idiom); pragmatic
        dēngjīkǒu, [登機口], departure gate (aviation)
        jīxièhuà, [機械化], to mechanize
        chuánhūjī, [傳呼機], pager/beeper
        jīkù, [機庫], (aircraft) hangar
        xiānjī, [先機], key moment/decisive opportunity
        hángtiānfēijī, [航天飛機], space shuttle
        dēngjīpái, [登機牌], boarding pass
        fèijìnxīnjī, [費盡心機], to rack one's brains for schemes (idiom)/to beat one's brains out
        jīzi, [機子], machine/device
        zhēnchájī, [偵察機], surveillance aircraft/spy plane
        yǒujītǐ, [有機體], organism
        jīmǐn, [機敏], agility
        jījǐng, [機警], perceptive/astute/sharp/sharp-witted/vigilant/alert
        qìjī, [契機], opportunity/turning point/juncture
        wēijīsìfú, [危機四伏], danger lurks on every side (idiom)
        tiānjī, [天機], mystery known only to heaven (archaic)/inscrutable twist of fate/fig. top secret
        diànhuàjī, [電話機], telephone set
        yǒujīwù, [有機物], organic substance/organic matter
        huáxiángjī, [滑翔機], glider
        xuánjī, [玄機], profound theory (in Daoism and Buddhism)/mysterious principles
        bùhuàjī, [步話機], walkie-talkie
        bāojī, [包機], chartered plane/to charter a plane
        shēngjībóbó, [生機勃勃], full of vitality
        diànjī, [電機], electrical machinery
        jītóu, [機頭], the front (nose) of a plane etc
        féngrènjī, [縫紉機], sewing machine/CL:架[jià]
        jīfáng, [機房], machine room/engine room/computer room
        yǒujīkěchéng, [有機可乘], to have an opportunity that one can exploit (idiom)
        tóujīqǔqiǎo, [投機取巧], to seize every opportunity/to be full of tricks
        chéngjī, [乘機], to take the opportunity/to take a plane
        yāsuōjī, [壓縮機], compactor/compressor
        xīnjī, [心機], thinking/scheme
        jīyuán, [機緣], chance/opportunity/destiny
        dìngshūjī, [釘書機], stapler
        zhǎngjī, [長機], (military) lead aircraft
        jīhuìzhǔyì, [機會主義], opportunism/pragmatism
        língjīyīdòng, [靈機一動], a bright idea suddenly occurs (idiom); to hit upon an inspiration/to be struck b...
        zhàzhījī, [榨汁機], juicer/blender
        shājī, [殺機], desire to commit murder/great danger
        jīdòngchē, [機動車], motor vehicle
        diànchàngjī, [電唱機], gramophone/record player
        liánjī, [聯機], online/network/to connect online/to connect an electronic device to another devi...
        liúshēngjī, [留聲機], gramophone/phonograph
        tóujīzhě, [投機者], speculator
        yìnshuājī, [印刷機], printing press
        zhòngjīqiāng, [重機槍], heavy machine gun
        fāshèjī, [發射機], transmitter
        jījiàn, [機件], component (mechanics)
        jīngjìwēijī, [經濟危機], economic crisis
        gǔfēngjī, [鼓風機], bellows/ventilator/air blower
        zhījī, [織機], loom
        dàijī, [待機], to wait for an opportunity/(electronic devices) standby
        lúnjī, [輪機], turbine
        xúnhūjī, [尋呼機], pager/beeper
        shāngjī, [商機], business opportunity/commercial opportunity
        dāngjīlìduàn, [當機立斷], to make prompt decisions (idiom)
        huòjī, [貨機], cargo plane
        jīlǐ, [機理], mechanism
        yùnjī, [暈機], to become airsick
        zhībùjī, [織布機], loom
        wúrénjī, [無人機], drone/unmanned aerial vehicle
        jiāohuànjī, [交換機], switch (telecommunications)
        gōngjījī, [攻擊機], ground attack aircraft
        yǒujīhuàxué, [有機化學], organic chemistry
        shuǐshàngfēijī, [水上飛機], seaplane
        huàbùtóujī, [話不投機], the conversation is disagreeable (idiom)
        diàndòngjī, [電動機], electric motor
        jiǎncǎojī, [剪草機], lawnmower
        guǒzhījī, [果汁機], blender (device)/juicer
        jūnjī, [軍機], military aircraft/secret plan/Privy Council during the Qing dynasty
        fēngjī, [風機], fan/ventilator
        shōulùjī, [收錄機], radio-tape recorder
        suíjīxìng, [隨機性], randomness/stochasticity
        wājuéjī, [挖掘機], excavator
        jīdòngxìng, [機動性], flexibility
        líxīnjī, [離心機], centrifuge
        yàngjī, [樣機], prototype
        jiǎoròujī, [絞肉機], meat grinder
        wújī, [無機], inorganic (chemistry)
        nèiránjī, [內燃機], internal combustion engine
        zhēngqìjī, [蒸汽機], steam engine
        duìzhuàngjī, [對撞機], a particle collider
        nóngjī, [農機], agricultural machinery
        dǎzhuāngjī, [打樁機], pile driver (machinery)
        chōushuǐjī, [抽水機], water pump
        tòuxījī, [透析機], dialysis machine
        kuòyīnjī, [擴音機], amplifier/loudspeaker/hearing aid
        wújīwù, [無機物], inorganic compound
        shǎguāxiàngjī, [傻瓜相機], point-and-shoot camera/compact camera
        jīdiàn, [機電], machinery and power-generating equipment/electromechanical
        yànchāojī, [驗鈔機], a device used to check money and detect counterfeit bills
        DōngtiáoYīngjī, [東條英機], Tojo Hideki (1884-1948), Japanese military leader hanged as war criminal in 1948
        yālùjī, [壓路機], road roller
        huàndēngjī, [幻燈機], slide projector/overhead projector
        hòujīlóu, [候機樓], airport terminal
        yǐngdiéjī, [影碟機], DVD player
        cháiyóujī, [柴油機], diesel engine
        wēijī, [微機], micro (computer)
        sǎshuǐjī, [灑水機], sprinkler
        diànbàojī, [電報機], telegraph
        chǎntǔjī, [鏟土機], earth-moving machine/mechanical digger
        yǒujīlín, [有機磷], organic phosphate
        bǎjī, [靶機], target drone
        cídàijī, [磁帶機], tape drive
        qìlúnjī, [汽輪機], steam turbine
        mǔjī, [母機], machine tool/mother ship
        jīyí, [機宜], guidelines/what to do (under given circumstances)
        jīchuáng, [機床], machine tool/a lathe/CL:張|张[zhāng]
        jīwùduàn, [機務段], locomotive depot
        jiānjījī, [殲擊機], fighter plane
        zuāntànjī, [鑽探機], drilling machine
        luǒjī, [裸機], hardware-only device/computer without operating system or other software install...
        yùjǐngjī, [預警機], early warning aircraft system, e.g. US AWACS
        jiēshōujī, [接收機], receiver/TV or radio receiver
        wātǔjī, [挖土機], excavator/backhoe
        qīngjīqiāng, [輕機槍], light machine gun
        ránqìlúnjī, [燃氣輪機], gas turbine
        shēngjīàngrán, [生機盎然], full of life/exuberant
        zuòshīliángjī, [坐失良機], to sit and waste a good opportunity (idiom); to lose the chance
        jiàoliànjī, [教練機], trainer (aircraft)
        qìyóujī, [汽油機], gasoline engine
        tuōshuǐjī, [脫水機], a device for extracting water (such as a centrifuge)
        zhuāngjī, [裝機], to install/installation
        jījiǎ, [機甲], mecha (human-operated robots in Japanese manga)
        jīqìrénxué, [機器人學], robotics
        yǒujībōli, [有機玻璃], plexiglass
        chōufēngjī, [抽風機], exhaust fan
        dǎgǔjī, [打穀機], threshing machine
        cáizhǐjī, [裁紙機], trimmer/paper cutter
        shūjīzhǔjiào, [樞機主教], cardinal (of the Catholic Church)
        suíjīshù, [隨機數], random number

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