插 ⇒
插 chā, [揷], to insert/stick in/pierce/to take part in/to interfere/to interpose, old variant...
插手 chāshǒu, to get involved in/to meddle/interference
插入 chārù, to insert/to stick/to thrust
插嘴 chāzuǐ, to interrupt (sb talking)/to butt in/to cut into a conversation
插头 chātóu, [插頭], plug
插曲 chāqǔ, music played during a movie, play etc/incidental music/music played in a theatri...
插管 安插 ānchā, to place in a certain position/to assign to a job/to plant/resettlement (old)
插座 chāzuò, socket/outlet
插图 chātú, [插圖], illustration
插队 chāduì, [插隊], to cut in line/to jump a queue/to live on a rural community (during the Cultural...
插花 chāhuā, flower arranging/ikebana
插销 chāxiāo, [插銷], bolt (for locking a window, cabinet etc)/(electrical) plug
插画 chāhuà, [插畫], illustration
插话 chāhuà, [插話], to interrupt (sb speaking)/interruption/digression
两肋插刀 liǎnglèichādāo, [兩肋插刀], lit. knifes piercing both sides (idiom)/fig. to attach a great importance to fri...
插页 插足 chāzú, to squeeze in/to step in/to take part/to step between (two persons in a relation...
穿插 chuānchā, to insert/to take turns, alternate/to interweave/to interlace/subplot/interlude/...
插科打诨 chākēdǎhùn, [插科打諢], to include impromptu comic material in opera performance (idiom); to jest/buffoo...
插秧 chāyāng, to transplant rice seedlings
插翅难飞 chāchìnánfēi, [插翅難飛], lit. even given wings, you couldn't fly (idiom); fig. impossible to escape
插口 chākǒu, socket (for an electric plug)/to interrupt (sb speaking)/to butt in
无心插柳柳成荫 花插 插孔 chākǒng, jack/socket
见缝插针 jiànfèngchāzhēn, [見縫插針], lit. to see a gap and stick in a needle (idiom); fig. to make use of every secon...
插班生 插班
难 ⇒
难 nán/nàn, [難], difficult (to...)/problem/difficulty/difficult/not good, disaster/distress/to sc...
难道 nándào, [難道], don't tell me .../could it be that...?
困难 kùnnan, [困難], difficult/challenging/straitened circumstances/difficult situation
难以置信 nányǐzhìxìn, [難以置信], hard to believe/incredible
难过 nánguò, [難過], to feel sad/to feel unwell/(of life) to be difficult
难以 nányǐ, [難以], hard to (predict, imagine etc)
艰难 jiānnán, [艱難], difficult/hard/challenging
灾难 zāinàn, [災難], disaster/catastrophe
难堪 nánkān, [難堪], hard to take/embarrassed
难受 nánshòu, [難受], to feel unwell/to suffer pain/to be difficult to bear
难怪 nánguài, [難怪], (it's) no wonder (that...)/(it's) not surprising (that)
难忘 nánwàng, [難忘], unforgettable
难度 nándù, [難度], trouble/problem
很难说 难关 nánguān, [難關], difficulty/crisis
为难 wéinán, [為難], to feel embarrassed or awkward/to make things difficult (for someone)/to find th...
难得 nándé, [難得], seldom/rare/hard to come by
难题 nántí, [難題], difficult problem
避难所 bìnànsuǒ, [避難所], refuge/asylum
难民 nànmín, [難民], refugee
苦难 kǔnàn, [苦難], suffering
难为情 nánwéiqíng, [難為情], embarrassed
遇难 yùnàn, [遇難], to perish/to be killed
难免 nánmiǎn, [難免], hard to avoid/difficult to escape from/will inevitably
避难 bìnàn, [避難], refuge/to take refuge/to seek asylum (political etc)
难闻 nánwén, [難聞], unpleasant smell/stink
难看 nánkàn, [難看], ugly/unsightly
难以忍受 nányǐrěnshòu, [難以忍受], hard to endure/unbearable
磨难 mónàn, [磨難], a torment/a trial/tribulation/a cross (to bear)/well-tried
难以启齿 nányǐqǐchǐ, [難以啟齒], to be too embarrassed to mention sth (idiom)/to find it hard to speak about sth
千载难逢 qiānzǎinánféng, [千載難逢], extremely rare (idiom)/once in a blue moon
难事 受难 shòunàn, [受難], to suffer a calamity/to suffer (e.g. under torture)/distress
进退两难 jìntuìliǎngnán, [進退兩難], no room to advance or to retreat (idiom); without any way out of a dilemma/trapp...
难民营 nànmínyíng, [難民營], refugee camp
难说 难吃 nánchī, [難吃], unpalatable
难以忘怀 责难 zénàn, [責難], to censure
难处 nánchu, [難處], trouble/difficulty/problem
危难 wēinàn, [危難], calamity
难保 nánbǎo, [難保], hard to say/can't guarantee/difficult to protect/difficult to preserve
难听 nántīng, [難聽], unpleasant to hear/coarse/vulgar/offensive/shameful
刁难 diāonàn, [刁難], to be hard on sb/to deliberately make things difficult
空难 kōngnàn, [空難], air crash/aviation accident or incident
难倒 nándǎo, [難倒], to baffle/to confound/to stump
一言难尽 yīyánnánjìn, [一言難盡], hard to explain in a few words (idiom); complicated and not easy to express succ...
左右为难 在所难免 zàisuǒnánmiǎn, [在所難免], to be unavoidable (idiom)
难产 nánchǎn, [難產], difficult birth/(fig.) difficult to achieve
难懂 nándǒng, [難懂], difficult to understand
难于 患难 huànnàn, [患難], trials and tribulations
大难临头 两难 liǎngnán, [兩難], dilemma/quandary/to face a difficult choice
困难重重 大难不死 dànànbùsǐ, [大難不死], to just escape from calamity
难道说 发难 fānàn, [發難], to rise in revolt/to raise difficult questions
难以言表 落难 luònàn, [落難], to meet with misfortune/to fall into dire straits
强人所难 qiǎngrénsuǒnán, [強人所難], to force someone to do something
难言之隐 nányánzhīyǐn, [難言之隱], a hidden trouble hard to mention (idiom)/sth too embarrassing to mention/an emba...
海难 hǎinàn, [海難], perils of the sea
寝食难安 qǐnshínánān, [寢食難安], lit. cannot rest or eat in peace (idiom)/fig. extremely worried and troubled
殉难 xùnnàn, [殉難], to sacrifice oneself in a just cause/a victim of a disaster
出难题 chūnántí, [出難題], to raise a tough question
骑虎难下 qíhǔnánxià, [騎虎難下], if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off (idiom); fig. impossible to stop halfw...
犯难 fànnán, [犯難], to feel embarrassed/to feel akward
难办 劫难 jiénàn, [劫難], calamity
难点 nándiǎn, [難點], difficulty
高难度 难当 疑难 yínán, [疑難], hard to understand/difficult to deal with/knotty/complicated
难上加难 nánshàngjiānán, [難上加難], extremely difficult/even more difficult
在劫难逃 寸步难行 cùnbùnánxíng, [寸步難行], unable to move a single step (idiom)/to be in an (extremely) difficult situation
排除万难 死难者 sǐnànzhě, [死難者], victim of an accident/casualty/martyr for one's country
患难与共 勉为其难 miǎnwéiqínán, [勉為其難], to tackle a difficult job (idiom)/to do sth reluctantly
逃难 táonàn, [逃難], to run away from trouble/to flee from calamity/to be a refugee
难觅 不难 迎难而上 难能可贵 nánnéngkěguì, [難能可貴], rare and precious/valuable/remarkable
高难 gāonán, [高難], extremely difficult/hard and dangerous/challenging
罹难 línàn, [罹難], to die in an accident or disaster/to be killed
艰难险阻 jiānnánxiǎnzǔ, [艱難險阻], untold dangers and difficulties (idiom)
知难而退 zhīnánértuì, [知難而退], to sound out the difficulties and retreat to avoid defeat (idiom); fig. to back ...
死难 sǐnàn, [死難], to die in an accident/to die for a just cause
非难 fēinàn, [非難], reproof/blame
难友 救难 jiùnán, [救難], to rescue/rescue (operation, workers)
万难 wànnán, [萬難], countless difficulties/extremely difficult/against all odds
多灾多难 duōzāiduōnàn, [多災多難], to be plagued with misfortunes/precarious
难舍难分 nánshěnánfēn, [難捨難分], loath to part (idiom); emotionally close and unwilling to separate
罄竹难书 qìngzhúnánshū, [罄竹難書], so many that the bamboo slats have been exhausted/innumerable crimes (idiom)/see...
排忧解难 páiyōujiěnàn, [排憂解難], to resolve a difficult situation and leave worries behind (idiom)
受难者 shòunànzhě, [受難者], sufferer/a victim of a calamity/a person in distress
难为 nánwei, [難為], to bother/to press sb, usu. to do sth/it's a tough job/sorry to bother you (poli...
遭难 zāonàn, [遭難], to run into misfortune
难找 盛情难却 难民署 插翅难飞 chāchìnánfēi, [插翅難飛], lit. even given wings, you couldn't fly (idiom); fig. impossible to escape
步履艰难 解难 国难 千难万险 难兄难弟 nánxiōngnándì/nànxiōngnàndì, [難兄難弟], lit. hard to differentiate between elder and younger brother (idiom)/fig. one is...
孤掌难鸣 gūzhǎngnánmíng, [孤掌難鳴], It's hard to clap with only one hand./It takes two to tango/It's difficult to ac...
救苦救难 国难当头 罹难者 难以为继 二难 疑难病 艰难曲折 难民潮 避难权 真难得 患难之交 huànnànzhījiāo, [患難之交], a friend in times of tribulations (idiom); a friend in need is a friend indeed
有口难言 急难 jínàn, [急難], misfortune/crisis/grave danger/critical situation/disaster/emergency/to be zealo...
知难而进 难解难分 nánjiěnánfēn, [難解難分], hard to untie, hard to separate (idiom); inextricably involved/locked in battle
有苦难言 救难船 难舍难离 nánshěnánlí, [難捨難離], loath to part (idiom); emotionally close and unwilling to separate
畏难 独木难支
飞 ⇒
飞机 fēijī, [飛機], airplane/CL:架[jià]
飞 fēi, [飛], to fly
飞行 fēixíng, [飛行], (of planes etc) to fly/flying/flight/aviation
飞船 fēichuán, [飛船], airship/spaceship
起飞 qǐfēi, [起飛], (of an aircraft) to take off
飞行员 fēixíngyuán, [飛行員], pilot/aviator
飞往 飞龙 fēilóng, [飛龍], wyvern (type of dragon)
飞翔 fēixiáng, [飛翔], to circle in the air/to soar
飞过 fēiguò, [飛過], to fly over/to fly past
飞来 直升飞机 zhíshēngfēijī, [直升飛機], see 直升機|直升机[zhí shēng jī]
飞车 飞越 fēiyuè, [飛越], to fly across/to fly over/to fly past/(literary) (of one's spirits) to soar
飞弹 fēidàn, [飛彈], missile
飞快 fēikuài, [飛快], very fast/at lightning speed/(coll.) razor-sharp
飞碟 fēidié, [飛碟], flying saucer/frisbee
飞跃 fēiyuè, [飛躍], to leap
远走高飞 yuǎnzǒugāofēi, [遠走高飛], to go far/to escape to faraway places
飞机场 fēijīchǎng, [飛機場], airport/(slang) flat chest/CL:處|处[chù]
飞艇 fēitǐng, [飛艇], airship
飞人 飞逝 fēishì, [飛逝], (of time) to pass quickly/to be fleeting
宇宙飞船 yǔzhòufēichuán, [宇宙飛船], spacecraft
阿飞 āfēi, [阿飛], hoodlum/hooligan/young rowdy
飞行器 飞舞 fēiwǔ, [飛舞], to flutter/to dance in the breeze
飞奔 fēibēn, [飛奔], to dash (run fast)/to rush/to dart
飞扬 fēiyáng, [飛揚], to rise/to fly upward
飞蛾 fēié, [飛蛾], moth
飞速 fēisù, [飛速], flying speed/rapid (growth)
飞机票 fēijīpiào, [飛機票], air ticket/CL:張|张[zhāng]
飞驰 fēichí, [飛馳], to speed/to rush
飞行物 飞侠 宋飞 满天飞 mǎntiānfēi, [滿天飛], to rush around everywhere/always active
灰飞烟灭 huīfēiyānmiè, [灰飛煙滅], lit. scattered ashes and dispersed smoke (idiom)/fig. to be annihilated/to vanis...
飞溅 fēijiàn, [飛濺], to splash/to spatter
飞鱼 Fēiyú/fēiyú, [飛魚], Exocet (missile), flying fish
飞鹰 fēiyīng, [飛鷹], eagle
航天飞机 hángtiānfēijī, [航天飛機], space shuttle
飞贼 fēizéi, [飛賊], cat burglar/burglar who gains entrance by scaling walls/intruding enemy airman/a...
不翼而飞 bùyìérfēi, [不翼而飛], to disappear without trace/to vanish all of a sudden/to spread fast/to spread li...
放飞 fàngfēi, [放飛], to allow to fly
飞吻 fēiwěn, [飛吻], to blow a kiss
飞天 fēitiān, [飛天], flying Apsara (Buddhist art)
新飞 飞鸟 fēiniǎo, [飛鳥], bird
飞利浦 Fēilìpǔ, [飛利浦], Philips (company)
克林飞 突飞猛进 tūfēiměngjìn, [突飛猛進], to advance by leaps and bounds
飞虫 fēichóng, [飛蟲], flying insect/winged insect
试飞 纷飞 fēnfēi, [紛飛], to swirl in the air (of thickly falling snowflakes, flower petals etc)/to flutte...
飞毛腿 腾飞 téngfēi, [騰飛], lit. to fly upwards swiftly/fig. rapid advance/rapidly developing (situation)
魂飞魄散 húnfēipòsàn, [魂飛魄散], lit. the soul flies away and scatters (idiom)/fig. to be frightened stiff/spooke...
飞机库 单飞 飞抵 水上飞机 shuǐshàngfēijī, [水上飛機], seaplane
神采飞扬 shéncǎifēiyáng, [神采飛揚], in high spirits (idiom); glowing with health and vigor
飞檐走壁 fēiyánzǒubì, [飛檐走壁], to leap onto roofs and vault over walls (usually associated with martial arts)
飞涨 fēizhǎng, [飛漲], soaring inflation/rocketing prices
高飞球 小飞侠 宋飞传 飞飞 飞轮 fēilún, [飛輪], flywheel/sprocket wheel
飞行服 小飞 黄飞鸿 HuángFēihóng, [黃飛鴻], Wong Fei Hung (1847-1924), famous martial artist and revolutionary
试飞员 shìfēiyuán, [試飛員], test pilot
钱飞 飞跑 fēipǎo, [飛跑], to run like the wind/to rush/to gallop
梅飞利 飞虎队 fēihǔduì, [飛虎隊], Flying Tigers, US airmen in China during World War Two/Hong Kong nickname for po...
平飞 飞行日 插翅难飞 chāchìnánfēi, [插翅難飛], lit. even given wings, you couldn't fly (idiom); fig. impossible to escape
一飞冲天 大雪纷飞 飞禽 fēiqín, [飛禽], birds
翻飞 刚飞 周飞 飞升 fēishēng, [飛升]/[飛昇], to levitate heavenwards (a Daoist success)/to take off/to soar (of prices), to l...
河飞 谢飞 成飞 高飞 Gāofēi/gāofēi, [高飛], Goofy (friend of Mickey Mouse), to soar
妮娜飞 飞流直下三千尺 齐格飞 飞眼 飞燕 飞地 fēidì, [飛地], administrative enclave/land of one country enclosed within another/a salient
飞弛 杜飞 鲁飞德 常飞 龙飞凤舞 lóngfēifèngwǔ, [龍飛鳳舞], flamboyant or bold cursive calligraphy (idiom)
飞花 飞乐斯 飞语 飞禽走兽 fēiqínzǒushòu, [飛禽走獸], birds and animals/the beasts of the field and the birds of the air
南飞 飞沙走石 张飞 ZhāngFēi, [張飛], Zhang Fei (168-221), general of Shu and blood-brother of Liu Bei in Romance of t...
直飞 zhífēi, [直飛], to fly directly/direct flight
向北飞 那飞 高飞远 艾迪飞 东飞 王子飞 向西飞 钟飞 比飞 老飞 正南飞 海尔飞 宋飞正 杜飞丝 飞进