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bǐbǐjiēshì can be found everywhere

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        Bǐ/bī/bǐ/bì, Belgium/Belgian/abbr. for 比利時|比利时[Bǐ lì shí], euphemistic variant of 屄[bī], (par...
        bǐsài, [比賽], competition (sports etc)/match/CL:場|场[chǎng],次[cì]/to compete
        bǐjiào, [比較], to compare/to contrast/comparatively/relatively/quite/comparison
        bǐrú, for example/for instance/such as
        Bǐěr, [比爾], Bill (name)
        Bǐlì, Pelé (1940-), Edson Arantes Do Nascimento, Brazilian football star
        wúbǐ, [無比], incomparable/matchless
        xiāngbǐ, to compare
        bǐtè, bit (binary digit) (loanword)
        Gēlúnbǐyà, [哥倫比亞], Colombia/Columbia (District of, or University etc)
        hǎobǐ, to be just like/can be compared to
        Shāshìbǐyà, [莎士比亞], Shakespeare (name)/William Shakespeare (1564-1616), poet and playwright
        bǐfang, analogy/instance/for instance
        bǐyù, to compare/to liken to/metaphor/analogy/figure of speech/figuratively
        Bǐsà/bǐsà, [比薩], Pisa, town in Toscana, Italy, pizza (loanword)
        duìbǐ, [對比], to contrast/contrast/ratio/CL:個|个[gè]
        bǐfēn, score
        bǐjīní, bikini (loanword)
        bǐlì, proportion/scale
        Bǐlìshí, [比利時], Belgium
        bǐbùshàng, can't compare with
        wúyǔlúnbǐ, [無與倫比], incomparable
        Jiālèbǐ, Caribbean
        bōbǐ, burpee (loanword)
西西         Mìxīxībǐ, Mississippi
        Bābǐlún, [巴比倫], Babylon
        bǐsàbǐng, [比薩餅], pizza (loanword)/CL:張|张[zhāng]
        lúbǐ, [盧比], rupee (Indian currency) (loanword)
        Āisàiébǐyà, [埃塞俄比亞], Ethiopia
        bǐwǔ, martial arts competition/tournament/to compete in a contest
        bǐqǐ, compared with
        Bǐshào, [比紹], Bissau, capital of Guinea-Bissau
        Bābǐ, Barbie
        bǐzuò, to liken to/to compare to
        kěbǐ, comparable
        bǐlǜ, ratio/rate/percentage
        Lìbǐyà, [利比亞], Libya
        bǐshì, [比試], to have a competition/to measure with one's hand or arm/to make a gesture of mea...
        Bǐsuǒ/bǐsuǒ, Bissau, capital of Guinea-Bissau (Tw), peso (currency in Latin America) (loanwor...
        bǐhua, [比劃], to gesture/to gesticulate/to practice the moves of a martial art by imitating th...
        bǐmùyú, [比目魚], flatfish/flounder
        xiāngbǐzhīxià, by comparison
        Shǐnǔbǐ, Snoopy (comic strip pet dog)
        Bǐěrbó, [比爾博], Bilbo Baggins, hero of Tolkien's The Hobbit 霍比特人
        lèibǐ, [類比], analogy/(Tw) (electronics) analog
        bǎifēnbǐ, percentage
        Dùbǐ, Dolby (audio technology)
西西         Mìxīxībǐzhōu, Mississippi, US state
        jīnfēixībǐ, things are very different now (idiom)/times have changed
        Ābǐ, Abby or Abi (name, sometimes short for Abigail)
        Lìbǐlǐyà, [利比里亞], Liberia
        Zànbǐyà, [贊比亞], Zambia
        Mòsāngbǐkè, Mozambique
        Gàicíbǐ, [蓋茨比], Gatsby
        Bǐlètuólìyà, [比勒陀利亞], Pretoria, capital of South Africa
        Bǐyà, [比亞], Bia, daughter of Pallas and Styx in Greek mythology, personification of violence
        bùbǐ, unlike
        MǎqiūBǐqiū, [馬丘比丘], Machu Picchu
        bǐzhào, according to/in the light of/contrast
        bǐnǐ, [比擬], to compare/to draw a parallel/to match/analogy/metaphor/comparison
        bǐzhòng, proportion/specific gravity
        Kēbǐ, Kobe Bryant/abbr. for 科比·布萊恩特|科比·布莱恩特[Kē bǐ · Bù lái ēn tè]
        bǐbǐjiēshì, can be found everywhere
        Nàmǐbǐyà, [納米比亞], Namibia
        lābǐ, rabbi (loanword)
        duìbǐdù, [對比度], contrast (balance of black and white in TV screen setup)/degree of contrast
·         Wēilián·Shāshìbǐyà, [威廉·莎士比亞], William Shakespeare (1564-1616), poet and playwright
        Nǔbǐyà, [努比亞], Nubia
·         Bǐěr·Gàicí, [比爾·蓋茨], Bill Gates (1955-), co-founder of Microsoft
        Ābǐràng, [阿比讓], Abidjan (city in Ivory Coast)
        pānbǐ, to make invidious comparisons/to compete with/to emulate
        bǐzhí, specific value/ratio
        bǐlín, [比鄰], neighbor/next-door neighbor/near/next to
        bǐjiàowénxué, [比較文學], comparative literature
        jiāngxīnbǐxīn, [將心比心], to put oneself in sb else's shoes (idiom)
        BǐfólìShān, Beverly Hills
        píngbǐ, [評比], to evaluate (by comparison)
        Shǐnúbǐ, Snoopy (comic strip pet dog)
        Yībǐlìyà, [伊比利亞], Iberia/the Iberian peninsula
        Láibǐxī, [萊比錫], Leipzig, city in the state of Saxony, Germany
        gēbǐ, kopeck (unit of money, one hundredth of ruble) (loanword)
西         Ābǐxīníyà, [阿比西尼亞], Abyssinia, historical name of Ethiopia
        bǐlìchǐ, scale/architect's scale/engineer's scale
        zhèngbǐ, direct ratio/directly proportional
        Nàiluòbǐ, Nairobi, capital of Kenya (Tw)
        Gāngbǐyà, [岡比亞], Gambia
        Ābùzhābǐ, Abu Dhabi, capital of United Arab Emirates (UAE)
        bǐrè, [比熱], specific heat
        duìbǐsè, [對比色], color contrast
        fǎnbǐ, inversely proportional/inverse ratio
        děngbǐjíshù, [等比級數], geometric series (such as 1+2+4+8+...)
·         Kēbǐ·Bùláiēntè, [科比·布萊恩特], Kobe Bryant (1978-2020), Los Angeles Lakers NBA star
        bǐhua, [比畫], variant of 比劃|比划[bǐ hua]
        tóngbǐ, over the same period/year-on-year
        bǐliang, to measure roughly (with the hand, a stick, string etc)
        páibǐ, parallelism (grammar)

        jiē, all/each and every/in all cases
        Jiēdàhuānxǐ/jiēdàhuānxǐ, [皆大歡喜], As You Like It, comedy by Shakespeare, to everyone's delight and satisfaction
        rénrénjiēzhī, known to everyone
        jìnrénjiēzhī, [盡人皆知], known by everyone (idiom); well known/a household name
        bǐbǐjiēshì, can be found everywhere
        mǎnpánjiēshū, [滿盤皆輸], see 一著不慎,滿盤皆輸|一着不慎,满盘皆输[yī zhāo bù shèn , mǎn pán jiē shū]
        lùrénjiēzhī, understood by everyone (idiom); well known/a household name
        tíxiàojiēfēi, lit. not to know whether to laugh or cry (idiom)/between laughter and tears
        yǒukǒujiēbēi, every voice gives praise (idiom); with an extensive public reputation
        fǔshíjiēshì, lit. so numerous that one could just bend down and pick them up (idiom)/fig. ext...
        fàngzhīsìhǎiérjiēzhǔn, [放之四海而皆準], appropriate to any place and any time (idiom); universally applicable/a panacea,...
        fùrújiēzhī, [婦孺皆知], understood by everyone (idiom); well known/a household name

        shì, [昰], is/are/am/yes/to be, variant of 是[shì]/(used in given names)
        dànshì, but/however
        shìde, yes, that's right/variant of 似的[shì de]
        jiùshì, (emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated)/precisely/exactly/even/i...
        zhǐshì, merely/simply/only/but
        háishi, [還是], or/still/nevertheless/had better
        kěshì, but/however/(used for emphasis) indeed
        zhēnshi, indeed/truly/(coll.) (used to express disapproval, annoyance etc about sth)
        zǒngshì, [總是], always
        shìfǒu, whether (or not)/if/is or isn't
        suànshì, considered to be/at last
        yàoshi, (coll.) if
        zhèngshì, (emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated)/precisely/exactly/even/i...
        érshì, rather
        yúshì, [於是], thereupon/as a result/consequently/thus/hence
        huòshì, or/either one or the other
        yějiùshìshuō, [也就是說], in other words/that is to say/so/thus
        shìbùshì, is or isn't/yes or no/whether or not
        lǎoshi, always
        búshi/bùshì, fault/blame, no/is not/not
        dàoshi, contrary to what one might expect/actually/contrariwise/why don't you
        shìfēi, right and wrong/quarrel
        zìyǐwéishì, [自以為是], to believe oneself infallible (idiom)/to be opinionated
        yīwúshìchù, [一無是處], not one good point/everything about it is wrong
        jiùshìshuō, [就是說], in other words/that is
        fánshì, each and every/every/all/any
便         biànshì, (emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated)/precisely/exactly/even/i...
        nǎishì, equivalent to either 是[shì] or 就是[jiù shì]
        yǒudeshì, have plenty of/there's no lack of
        yàobushì, if it were not for/but for
        ruòshì, if
        rěshìshēngfēi, to stir up trouble
        guāngshì, solely/just
        shìyǐ, therefore/thus/so
        wéilìshìtú, [唯利是圖], to seek nothing but profit (idiom); personal profit before everything/self-seeki...
        yìngshì, just/simply/stubbornly/really
        shíshìqiúshì, [實事求是], to seek truth from facts (idiom)/to be practical and realistic
        wùshìrénfēi, things have remained the same, but people have changed
        sìshìérfēi, apparently right but actually wrong; specious (idiom)
        tóutóushìdào, [頭頭是道], clear and logical
        jìshì, is both ...(and...)/since/as/being the case that
        míngbiànshìfēi, to distinguish right and wrong (idiom)
        bānnòngshìfēi, to incite a quarrel (idiom); to sow discord between people/to tell tales/to make...
        péibúshi, [賠不是], to apologize
        bǐbǐjiēshì, can be found everywhere
        wéilìshìtú, [惟利是圖], variant of 唯利是圖|唯利是图[wéi lì shì tú]
        zìxíngqíshì, to act as one thinks fit/to have one's own way
        diāndǎoshìfēi, [顛倒是非], to invert right and wrong
        yúshìhū, [於是乎], therefore
        shìfēiqūzhí, lit. right and wrong, crooked and straight (idiom); fig. merits and demerits/pro...
        nàshi, (coll.) of course/naturally/indeed
        qiúshì, to seek the truth
        mòzhōngyīshì, unable to reach a decision (idiom); cannot agree on the right choice/no unanimou...
        gèxíngqíshì, each one does what he thinks is right (idiom)/each goes his own way
        hùnxiáoshìfēi, to confuse right and wrong (idiom)
        fǔshíjiēshì, lit. so numerous that one could just bend down and pick them up (idiom)/fig. ext...
        yǒudàoshì, as they say, .../as the saying goes, ...
        mòbùshì, probably/perhaps/could it be that...?

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