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HSK 6 word: freq index 29781
móhé to break in
to wear in

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        zhémó, to torment/to torture
        mó/mò, to rub/to grind/to polish/to sharpen/to wear down/to die out/to waste time/to pe...
        zhuómó/zuómo, to carve and polish (jade)/to polish and refine a literary work, to ponder/to mu...
        móceng, to rub lightly/to move slowly/to dawdle/to dillydally/to pester/to nag
        xiāomó, to wear down/to sap/to whittle away/to while away/to idle away
        mósǔn, [磨損], wear and tear/abrasion
        mónàn, [磨難], a torment/a trial/tribulation/a cross (to bear)/well-tried
        mòfáng, mill
        móliàn, [磨練], to temper oneself/to steel oneself/self-discipline/endurance
        dǎmó, polish/grind
        móyá, to grind one's teeth (during sleep)/pointless arguing/(coll.) molar
        móhé, to break in/to wear in
        mómiè, [磨滅], to obliterate/to erase
        móchuáng, grinding machine/grinder
        yánmó, milling/to grind/to polish by grinding/to abrade/whetstone/pestle
        bùkěmómiè, [不可磨滅], indelible
        mólì, [磨礪], to sharpen on grindstone/to improve oneself by practice
        mócā, variant of 摩擦[mó cā]
        móliàn, [磨煉], see 磨練|磨练[mó liàn]
        hǎoshìduōmó, the road to happiness is strewn with setbacks (idiom)
        móguāng, to polish
        módāo, to hone (a knife)
        módāoshí, whetstone (for honing knives)
        módāohuòhuò, lit. to sharpen one's sword (idiom)/fig. to prepare to attack/to be getting read...
        nàimó, wear resistant
        shuǐmóshí, terrazzo
        móyánggōng, to idle on the job

        hézuò, to cooperate/to collaborate/to work together/cooperation/CL:個|个[gè]
        shìhé, [適合], to fit/to suit
        héshì, [合適], suitable/fitting/appropriate
        gě/hé, [閤], 100 ml/one-tenth of a peck/measure for dry grain equal to one-tenth of sheng 升 o...
        hétong, (business) contract/CL:個|个[gè]
        héfǎ, lawful/legitimate/legal
        fúhé, in keeping with/in accordance with/tallying with/in line with/to agree with/to a...
        zǔhé, [組合], to assemble/to combine/to compose/combination/association/set/compilation/(math....
        hélǐ, rational/reasonable/fair
        héhuǒrén, partner/associate
        qiǎohé, coincidence/coincidental/to coincide
        pèihé, matching/fitting in with/compatible with/to correspond/to fit/to conform to/rapp...
        liánhé, [聯合], to combine/to join/unite/alliance
        wěnhé, to be a good fit/to be identical with/to adjust oneself to/to fit in
        hùnhé, to mix/to blend/hybrid/composite
        jíhé, to gather/to assemble/set (math.)
        chǎnghé, [場合], situation/occasion/context/setting/location/venue
        jiéhé, [結合], to combine/to link/to integrate/binding/CL:次[cì]
        héyuē, [合約], treaty/contract
        hébìng, [合並]/[合併], variant of 合併|合并[hé bìng], to merge/to annex
        huíhé, one of a sequence of contests (or subdivisions of a contest) between the same tw...
        Liánhéguó, [聯合國], United Nations
        zōnghézhèng, [綜合症], syndrome
        huìhé, [會合], to meet/to rendezvous/to merge/to link up/meeting/confluence
        hégé, to meet the standard required/qualified/eligible (voter etc)
        zōnghé, [綜合], comprehensive/composite/synthesized/mixed/to sum up/to integrate/to synthesize
        fénghé, [縫合], to sew together/suture (in surgery)/to sew up (a wound)
        rónghé, a mixture/an amalgam/fusion/welding together/to be in harmony with (nature)/to h...
        héchéng, to compose/to constitute/compound/synthesis/mixture/synthetic
        héshēn, well-fitting (of clothes)
        fùhé, [復合]/[複合], (of people who were estranged) to be reconciled/(of a couple) to get back togeth...
        huàhéwù, chemical compound
        bǎihé, lily
        yùhé, [癒合], (of a wound) to heal
        héhuǒ, to act jointly/to form a partnership
        héchàngtuán, [合唱團], chorus/choir
        hézhòngguó, [合眾國], federated nation/the United States
        zōnghézhēng, [綜合徵], syndrome
        huìhé, [匯合], confluence/to converge/to join/to fuse/fusion
        liánhéhuì, [聯合會], federation
        còuhe, [湊合], to bring together/to make do in a bad situation/to just get by/to improvise/pass...
        héyǐng, to take a joint photo/group photo
        héjīn, alloy
        hédelái, [合得來], to get along well/compatible/also written 和得來|和得来[hé de lái]
        héchàng, chorus/to chorus
        hépāi, in time with (i.e. same rhythm)/to keep in step with/fig. to cooperate
        bùhé, to not conform to/to be unsuited to/to be out of keeping with/should not/ought o...
        héhū, to accord with/conforming to
        cuōhe, to play matchmaker/to act as a middleman
        yínghé, to cater to/to pander to
        héqínghélǐ, reasonable and fair (idiom)
        bùhéshíyí, [不合時宜], untimely/premature/inopportune/ill-timed/out of fashion/behind the times
        héqún, to fit in/to get on well with others/sociable/to form a mutually supportive grou...
        hébùlái, [合不來], unable to get along together/incompatible
        hùnhéwù, mixture/composite
        héfǎhuà, to legalize/to make legal/legalization
        zhěnghé, to conform/to integrate
        hémóu, [合謀], to conspire/to plot together
        héyǎn, to close one's eyes/to get to sleep
        wūhézhīzhòng, [烏合之眾], mob
        sānhéhuì, [三合會], triad, Chinese crime gang/triad society, anti-Manchu secret society in Qing-dyna...
        héyī, to unite
        hétǐ, [合體], to combine/combination/composite character (i.e. a synonym of 合體字|合体字[hé tǐ zì])...
        zhìtóngdàohé, like-minded (idiom)/fellow enthusiast/kindred spirit
        líhéqì, [離合器], clutch (mechanics)
        jùhé, to come together (to form sth)/to assemble together/(chemistry) to polymerize
        bìhé, [閉合], to close by coming together (like the lips of a wound, the doors of an elevator,...
        jiēhé, to connect/to join/to assemble
        tóngliúhéwū, to wallow in the mire with sb (idiom); to follow the bad example of others
        tōnglìhézuò, to join forces/to give full cooperation
        bǎihéhuā, lily/fig. pure and spotless person/virgin
        hélǐxìng, reason/rationality/rationale/reasonableness
        qìhé, agreement/to agree/to get on with/congenial/agreeing with/to ally oneself with s...
        héyòng, to share/to use in common/suitable/fit for purpose/useable
        héjì, [合計], to add up the total/to figure what sth amounts to/to consider
        héérwéiyī, [合而為一], to merge together (idiom); to unify disparate elements into one whole
        hésuàn, worthwhile/to be a good deal/to be a bargain/to reckon up/to calculate
        hézuòzhě, co-worker/collaborator/also collaborator with the enemy
        héfǎxìng, legitimacy
        hélì, to cooperate
        héshí, to put one's palms together (in prayer or greeting)
        hélǐhuà, to rationalize/to make compatible/to streamline/rationalization
        qíngtóuyìhé, to have an affinity with each other (idiom)/to find each other congenial
        héliú, to converge/to flow together/fig. to act alike/to evolve together
        móhé, to break in/to wear in
        róuhé, mix together/put together (usu. things that do not blend well together)
        jùhéwù, polymer
        dàhéchàng, cantata/chorus
        chónghé, to match up/to coincide
        qíxīnhélì, [齊心合力], to work as one (idiom); united in a concerted effort/working hard together
        hélǒng, [合攏], to fold/to close
        lǚhéjīn, [鋁合金], aluminum alloy
        héyì, to suit one's taste/suitable/congenial/by mutual agreement
        Lùhé/liùhé, Luhe district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏, the six directions (north, s...
        qièhé, to fit in with/to suit/appropriate
        yánsīhéfèng, [嚴絲合縫], to fit tightly (idiom)/to join seamlessly/to fit snugly
        héchéngxiānwéi, [合成纖維], synthetic fiber
        jíhélùn, [集合論], set theory (math.)
        héjiā, whole family/entire household
        bùmóuérhé, [不謀而合], to agree without prior consultation/to happen to hold the same view
        yīpāijíhé, lit. to be together from the first beat (idiom)/to hit it off/to click together/...
        ǒuhé, coupling (physics)/copula (statistics)/to be coupled (with sth)
        zōnghéxìng, [綜合性], synthesis
        guānghézuòyòng, photosynthesis
        hézòu, to perform music (as an ensemble)
        héyí, appropriate
        héyǎn, to act together/to put on a joint performance
        hézī, [合資], joint venture
        yǎohé, (of uneven surfaces) to fit together/(of gear wheels) to mesh/(dentistry) occlus...
        jiāohébǎn, [膠合板], plywood
        hézhù, to write jointly/to co-author
        hébùlǒngzuǐ, [合不攏嘴], unable to conceal one's happiness, amazement, shock etc/grinning from ear to ear...
        héchéngqì, synthesizer
        huàhé, chemical combination
        hézuòshè, cooperative/workers' or agricultural producers' cooperative etc
        zhéhé, to convert into/to amount to/to be equivalent to
        héjiāhuān, [合家歡], group photo of whole family
        Liánhéwángguó, [聯合王國], United Kingdom
        Lāhéěr, [拉合爾], Lahore (city in Pakistan)
        niánhéjì, [黏合劑], glue
        jīnhéhuān, [金合歡], acacia
        héyè, [合葉], hinge
        zhūliánbìhé, [珠聯璧合], string of pearl and jade (idiom); ideal combination/perfect pair
        hégǔ, joint stock/ply (e.g. 2-ply yarn)
        màohéshénlí, [貌合神離], the appearance of unity, but divided at heart (idiom); seeming harmony belies un...
        láoyìjiéhé, [勞逸結合], to strike a balance between work and rest (idiom)
        nièhé, [嚙合], (of opposing teeth, or gears) to mesh/to engage
        hébàn, [合辦], to cooperate/to do business together
        niánhé, to glue together
        niēhé, to act as a go between
        sānhéyī, three in one/triple
        míhé, [彌合], to cause a wound to close up and heal
        zǒnghé, [總合], to collect together/to add up/altogether
        huìhéchù, [會合處], joint
        sìhéyuàn, courtyard house with a fully enclosed courtyard (type of Chinese residence)
        héwéi, [合圍], to surround/to close in around (one's enemy, prey etc)
        hébì, to match harmoniously
        hézhào, to pose for a photo
        héyīn, backup vocal (music)/(phonetic) contraction
        huàhéjià, [化合價], valence (chemistry)
        hézàng, to bury husband and wife together/joint interment
        fùhécáiliào, [複合材料], composite material
        héchéngxiàngjiāo, [合成橡膠], synthetic rubber
        bēihuānlíhé, [悲歡離合], joys and sorrows/partings and reunions/the vicissitudes of life
        yuēhé, [約合], approximately/about (some numerical value)
        hùnhéyǒng, medley (swimming)
        hézuòfāng, (business) partner
        héchéngcí, [合成詞], compound word
        jiāohé, [膠合], to join with glue
        hétongfǎ, contract law

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