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Word: freq index 21119
[觀察力] guānchálì power of observation

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        guānzhòng, [觀眾], spectators/audience/visitors (to an exhibition etc)
        guānchá, [觀察], to observe/to watch/to survey/to examine/observation/view/perspective/CL:個|个[gè]
        guāndiǎn, [觀點], point of view/viewpoint/standpoint/CL:個|个[gè]
        guānkàn, [觀看], to watch/to view
        cānguān, [參觀], to look around/to tour/to visit
        lèguān, [樂觀], optimistic/hopeful
        guānniàn, [觀念], notion/thought/concept/sense/views/ideology/general impressions
        xiùshǒupángguān, [袖手旁觀], to watch with folded arms (idiom); to look on without lifting a finger
        Guàn/guān/guàn, [觀], surname Guan, to look at/to watch/to observe/to behold/to advise/concept/point o...
        kèguān, [客觀], objective/impartial
        zhuàngguān, [壯觀], spectacular/magnificent sight
        guānguāng, [觀光], to tour/sightseeing/tourism
        bēiguān, [悲觀], pessimistic
        guānshǎng, [觀賞], to look at sth with pleasure/to watch (sth marvelous)/ornamental
        jiàzhíguān, [價值觀], system of values
        zhǔguān, [主觀], subjective
        pángguānzhě, [旁觀者], observer/spectator
        kěguān, [可觀], considerable/impressive/significant
        pángguān, [旁觀], spectator/non-participant
        gǎiguān, [改觀], change of appearance/to revise one's point of view
        jǐngguān, [景觀], landscape
        guānmó, [觀摩], to observe and emulate/to study (esp. following sb's example)
        guāncè, [觀測], to observe/to survey/observation (scientific etc)
        guānwàng, [觀望], to wait and see/to watch from the sidelines/to look around/to survey
        tànwéiguānzhǐ, [嘆為觀止], (idiom) to gasp in amazement/to acclaim as the peak of perfection
        wàiguān, [外觀], exterior appearance/to view sth from the outside/exterior condition
        guāncháyuán, [觀察員], observer
        guānchálì, [觀察力], power of observation/perception
        qíguān, [奇觀], spectacle/impressive sight
        lèguānzhǔyì, [樂觀主義], optimism
        wéiguān, [圍觀], to stand in a circle and watch
        guānguāngkè, [觀光客], tourist
        zòngguān, [縱觀], to survey comprehensively/an overall survey
        shìjièguān, [世界觀], worldview/world outlook/Weltanschauung
        měiguān, [美觀], pleasing to the eye/beautiful/artistic
        lěngyǎnpángguān, [冷眼旁觀], the cool eye of a bystander/a detached point of view
        guānchájiā, [觀察家], observer/The Observer (UK newspaper)
        zhíguān, [直觀], direct observation/directly perceived through the senses/intuitive/audiovisual
        kèguānxìng, [客觀性], objectivity
        Guānyīn, [觀音], Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion or Goddess of Mercy (Sanskrit Avalokiteśv...
        Guānshìyīn, [觀世音], Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion or Goddess of Mercy (Sanskrit Avalokiteśv...
        shěnměiguān, [審美觀], esthetic conception/esthetic point of view/standard
        pángguānzhěqīng, [旁觀者清], The person on the spot is baffled, the onlooker sees clear (idiom). The spectato...
        hóngguān, [宏觀], macro-/macroscopic/holistic
        wēiguān, [微觀], micro-/subatomic
        guāngǎn, [觀感], one's impressions/observations
        guānlǎn, [觀覽], to view/to look at/to look sth over
        yǎguān, [雅觀], elegant and tasteful
        guānlǐ, [觀禮], to attend a ritual
        géànguānhuǒ, [隔岸觀火], to watch the fires burning across the river/to delay entering the fray until all...
        fǎnguān, [反觀], by contrast/but as for this.../viewed from another angle/subjectively/introspect...
        guānhòugǎn, [觀後感], impression or feeling after visiting or watching (movies, museums etc)
        dáguān, [達觀], to take things philosophically
        zuòjǐngguāntiān, [坐井觀天], lit. to view the sky from the bottom of a well (idiom); ignorant and narrow-mind...
        zǒumǎguānhuā, [走馬觀花], lit. flower viewing from horseback (idiom); a fleeting glance in passing/fig. su...
        guāncháshào, [觀察哨], sentry post
        Dàguānyuán, [大觀園], Prospect Garden/Grand View Garden, a garden in Dream of the Red Chamber
        GuānlánHú, [觀瀾湖], Mission Hills Group (Chinese hospitality, sports and leisure company)
        wēiguānshìjiè, [微觀世界], microcosm/the microscopic world
        Dàguān, [大觀], Daguan district of Anqing city 安慶市|安庆市[Ān qìng shì], Anhui
        miànmiànguān, [面面觀], (used in titles) comprehensive survey
        zōngguān, [綜觀], to take a broad view of sth
        guāncèyuán, [觀測員], observer/spotter
        guānzhān, [觀瞻], appearance/view/abiding impression

        jǐngchá, police/police officer/CL:個|个[gè]
        jiǎncháguān, [檢察官], public prosecutor/public procurator (judicial officer whose job may involve both...
        guānchá, [觀察], to observe/to watch/to survey/to examine/observation/view/perspective/CL:個|个[gè]
        jǐngchájú, police station/police department/police headquarters
        chájué, [察覺], to sense/to perceive/to become aware of/to detect
        dūchá, to supervise/to superintend/inspector/censorship
        zhēnchá, [偵察], to investigate a crime/to scout/to reconnoiter/reconnaissance/detection/a scout
        jiǎncháyuàn, [檢察院], prosecutor's office/procuratorate
        kǎochá, to inspect/to observe and study/on-the-spot investigation
        Chá/chá, [詧], short name for Chahar Province 察哈爾|察哈尔[Chá hā ěr], to examine/to inquire/to obse...
        juéchá, [覺察], to sense/to perceive/to come to realize/to be aware
        chákàn, to watch/to look carefully at
        dòngchálì, insight
        jiānchá, [監察], to supervise/to control
        shìchá, [視察], to inspect/an investigation
        zhēnchábīng, [偵察兵], a scout/spy
        guāncháyuán, [觀察員], observer
        guānchálì, [觀察力], power of observation/perception
        jiǎnchá, [檢察], to inspect/(law) to prosecute/to investigate
        kānchá, to reconnoiter/to explore/to survey
        zhēnchájī, [偵察機], surveillance aircraft/spy plane
        dòngchá, to see clearly
        guānchájiā, [觀察家], observer/The Observer (UK newspaper)
        jǐngcháshǔ, police station
        jiūchá, [糾察], to maintain order/steward (policing a meeting)
        zhēncháyuán, [偵察員], detective/investigator/scout/spy
        tànchá, to investigate/to observe/to scout/to seek out and examine/to explore
        kǎocháduì, [考察隊], investigation team/scientific expedition
        guāncháshào, [觀察哨], sentry post
        míngcháqiūháo, lit. seeing clearly the downy feathers of autumn (idiom, from Mencius)/fig. perc...
        shěnchá, [審察], to investigate/to examine closely
        Jiānchábù, [監察部], Ministry of Supervision (MOS)
        shīchá, to fail in observing or supervising/to miss/to let sth slip through
        kǎochátuán, [考察團], inspection team
        tǐchá, [體察], to experience/to observe
        rénmínjǐngchá, civil police/PRC police

        nǔlì, great effort/to strive/to try hard
        nénglì, capability/ability/CL:個|个[gè]
        lìliang, power/force/strength
        yālì, [壓力], pressure
        Lì/lì, surname Li, power/force/strength/ability/strenuously
        jìnlì, [盡力], to strive one's hardest/to spare no effort
        qiǎokèlì, chocolate (loanword)/CL:塊|块[kuài]
        bàolì, violence/force/violent
        quánlì, [權力], power/authority
        zhùyìlì, attention
        mèilì, charm/fascination/glamor/charisma
        quánlì, with all one's strength/full strength/all-out (effort)/fully (support)
        jīnglì, energy
        huólì, energy/vitality/vigor/vital force
        dònglì, [動力], motive power/force/(fig.) motivation/impetus
        shílì, [實力], strength
        wúnéngwéilì, [無能為力], impotent (idiom)/powerless/helpless
        lìqi, [力氣], strength/CL:把[bǎ]
        qiánlì, [潛力], potential/capacity
        mólì, magic/magic power
        diànlì, [電力], electrical power/electricity
        yǒulì, powerful/forceful/vigorous
        xīyǐnlì, attractive force (such as gravitation)/sex appeal/attractiveness
        tǐlì, [體力], physical strength/physical power
        lìkè, to prevail with difficulty
        shìli, [勢力], power/(ability to) influence
        huǒlì, fire/firepower
        yònglì, to exert oneself physically
        quánlìyǐfù, to do at all costs/to make an all-out effort
        wúlì, [無力], powerless/lacking strength
        jiéjìnquánlì, [竭盡全力], to spare no effort (idiom); to do one's utmost
        xiàolì, effectiveness/positive effect/to serve (in some capacity)
        xiǎngxiànglì, imagination
        wēilì, might/formidable power
        yǐngxiǎnglì, [影響力], influence/impact
        shuōfúlì, [說服力], persuasiveness
        zhìlì, intelligence/intellect
        jìnlìérwéi, [盡力而為], to try one's utmost/to strive
        zhònglì, gravity
        shìlì, [視力], vision/eyesight
        màilì, [賣力], to work hard/to do one's very best/to throw oneself into the task at hand
        qiánglì, [強力], powerful
        pànduànlì, [判斷力], ability to judge/judgment
        zhìlì, to work for/to devote one's efforts to
        rénlì, manpower/labor power
        wǔlì, military force
        jīngpílìjìn, [精疲力盡], spirit weary, strength exhausted (idiom); spent/drained/washed out
        chuàngzàolì, [創造力], ingenuity/creativity
        dàlì, energetically/vigorously
        yǐnlì, gravitation (force)/attraction
        fènlì, [奮力], to do everything one can/to spare no effort/to strive
        jìyìlì, [記憶力], faculty of memory/ability to remember
        tīnglì, [聽力], hearing/listening ability
        qiángyǒulì, [強有力], strong/forceful
        jīnpílìjìn, [筋疲力盡], body weary, strength exhausted (idiom); extremely tired/spent
        Gélì, Gree (brand)
        fèilì, [費力], to expend a great deal of effort
        mǎlì, [馬力], horsepower
        jǐnglì, police force/police officers
        jílì, [極力], to make a supreme effort/at all costs
        jìngzhēnglì, [競爭力], competitive strength/competitiveness
        qíxīnxiélì, [齊心協力], to work with a common purpose (idiom); to make concerted efforts/to pull togethe...
        jīnglìchōngpèi, vigorous/energetic
        lìdù, strength/vigor/efforts/(music) dynamics
        délì, able/capable/competent/efficient
        jīngpílìjié, spirit weary, strength exhausted (idiom); spent/drained/washed out
        jiélì, to do one's utmost
        dòngchálì, insight
        láolì, [勞力], labor/able-bodied worker/laborer/work force
        yǎnlì, eyesight/strength of vision/the ability to make discerning judgments
        bīnglì, military strength/armed forces/troops
        lìsuǒnéngjí, as far as one's capabilities extend (idiom); to the best of one's ability/within...
        jìnxīnjìnlì, [盡心盡力], making an all-out effort (idiom); to try one's heart out/to do one's utmost
        nàilì, endurance
        zhǔlì, main force/main strength of an army
        shēngmìnglì, vitality
        gǎnrǎnlì, inspiration/infectious (enthusiasm)
        xiǎngxiànglì, conception/imagination
        tóngxīnxiélì, [同心協力], to work with a common purpose (idiom); to make concerted efforts/to pull togethe...
        yìlì, perseverance/willpower
        kǔlì, bitter work/hard toil/(loanword) coolie, unskilled Chinese laborer in colonial t...
        fǎlì, magic power
        shénlì, occult force/the power of a God or spirit
        chōngjīlì, [衝擊力], force of impact or thrust
        zhānglì, [張力], tension
        shāshānglì, [殺傷力], destructive power/harmfulness
        zǔlì, resistance/drag
        chīlì, to entail strenuous effort/to toil at a task/strenuous/laborious/strain
        jiēlì, relay
        lìshì, strong man/sumo wrestler
        dàlìshì, strong man/Hercules
        tánlì, [彈力], elasticity/elastic force/spring/rebound/bounce
        fēnglì, [風力], wind force/wind power
        zìlìgēngshēng, regeneration through one's own effort (idiom)/self-reliance
        bùyíyúlì, [不遺餘力], to spare no pains or effort (idiom); to do one's utmost
        cílì, magnetic force/magnetic
        rèlì, [熱力], heat
        nǎolì, [腦力], mental capacity
        guānchálì, [觀察力], power of observation/perception
        láodònglì, [勞動力], labor force/manpower
        fēibàolì, nonviolent
        háobùfèilì, [毫不費力], effortless/not expending the slightest effort
        biǎoxiànlì, [表現力], expressive power
        zìzhìlì, self-control
        dònglìxué, [動力學], dynamics (math.)/kinetics
        shìjūnlìdí, [勢均力敵], evenly matched (idiom)
        Dàlìshén, Heracles (Greek mythology)/Hercules (Roman mythology)
        zìshíqílì, lit. to eat off one's own strength (idiom)/fig. to stand on one's own feet/to ea...
        lìqiú, to make every effort to/striving to do one's best
        xīnlì, mental and physical efforts
        lìbùcóngxīn, [力不從心], less capable than desirable (idiom); not as strong as one would wish/the spirit ...
        gōnglì, merit/efficacy/competence/skill/power
        pòlì, courage/daring/boldness/resolution/drive
        cáilì, [財力], financial resources/financial ability
        wùlì, physical resources (as opposed to labor resources)
        tōnglìhézuò, to join forces/to give full cooperation
        dǐkànglì, resistance/immunity
        níngjùlì, cohesion/cohesiveness/cohesive
        dúlì, [獨力], all by oneself/without exterior help
        lìwǎnkuánglán, [力挽狂瀾], to pull strongly against a crazy tide (idiom); fig. to try hard to save a desper...
        lìzhēng, [力爭], to work hard for/to do all one can/to contend strongly
        zhàndòulì, [戰鬥力], fighting strength
        chūlì, to exert oneself
        xīnlìshuāijié, heart failure
        miǎnyìlì, immunity
        xīlì, attraction (in gravitation or electrostatics)/attractive force
        hélì, to cooperate
        wàilì, external force/pressure from outside
        niánqīnglìzhuàng, [年輕力壯], young and vigorous (idiom)
        jiēlìsài, [接力賽], relay race/CL:場|场[chǎng]
        liàngzǐlìxué, [量子力學], quantum mechanics
        kāizúmǎlì, [開足馬力], to accelerate at full power (idiom); at full speed/fig. to work as hard as possi...
        zhònglìchǎng, [重力場], gravitational field
        lìtú, [力圖], to try hard to/to strive to
        rěnnàilì, patience/fortitude
        wǔzhuānglìliàng, [武裝力量], armed force
        qīnhélì, [親和力], (personal) warmth/approachability/accessibility/(in a product) user friendliness...
        shēnqiánglìzhuàng, [身強力壯], strong and vigorous/sturdy/robust
        shēngsīlìjié, [聲嘶力竭], to shout oneself hoarse (idiom)
        fúlì, buoyancy
        qìlì, [氣力], strength/energy/vigor/talent
        rénlìchē, [人力車], rickshaw
        xīnlìjiāocuì, to be both mentally and physically exhausted (idiom)
        lālì, pulling force/(fig.) allure/(materials testing) tensile strength/(loanword) rall...
        jùlǐlìzhēng, [據理力爭], to contend on strong grounds/to argue strongly for what is right
        bùlì, not to do one's best/not to exert oneself
        jūnlì, [軍力], military power
        qíxīnhélì, [齊心合力], to work as one (idiom); united in a concerted effort/working hard together
        yuēshùlì, [約束力], (of a contract) binding (law)
        lālìsài, [拉力賽], rally (car race) (loanword)
        tuīdònglì, [推動力], driving force
        hòuzuòlì, [後坐力], recoil (of a gun)/backlash/reactive force
        chōnglì, [衝力], impulse
        dìlì, soil fertility/land capability
        lǐjiělì, ability to grasp ideas/understanding
        lìxué, [力學], mechanics/to study hard
        Qǐlìmǎzhāluóshān, [乞力馬扎羅山], Mt Kilimanjaro in Tanzania
        xiélì, [協力], to unite in common effort
        zhūgǔlì, chocolate (loanword)/CL:塊|块[kuài]
        tuīlì, driving force/impetus/thrust (of a boat or aeroplane engine)/repelling force
        yuándònglì, [原動力], motive force/prime mover/first cause/agent
        hàozhàolì, [號召力], to have the power to rally supporters
        gōngjīlì, [攻擊力], potential for attack/firepower
        shēngchǎnlì, [生產力], production capability/productive force/productivity
        rèlìxué, [熱力學], thermodynamics
        fálì, lacking in strength/weak/feeble
        shuǐlì, hydraulic power
        yúlì, [餘力], energy left over (to do sth else)
        zuòyònglì, effort/active force/applied force
        bàozhàlì, explosive force/strength of an explosion
        shēntǐlìxíng, [身體力行], to practice what one preaches (idiom)
        Shìlìjià, Snickers (candy bar)
        qūdònglì, [驅動力], driving force
        yìnglì, [應力], stress (physics)
        líxīnlì, [離心力], centrifugal force
        shěnglì, to save labor/to save effort
        zhuólì, [著力], to put effort into sth/to try really hard
        yǒuqìwúlì, [有氣無力], weakly and without strength (idiom); dispirited
        wànyǒuyǐnlì, [萬有引力], gravity
        gōngxìnlì, public trust/credibility
        Shèngmǎlìnuò, [聖馬力諾], San Marino
        lìzuò, to put effort into (work, farming, writing etc)/a masterpiece
        jìnxīnjiélì, [盡心竭力], to spare no effort (idiom); to do one's utmost
        chéngshòulì, tolerance/capability of adapting oneself
        jiēlìbàng, relay baton/(fig.) responsibilities (passed over to one's successor)
        bùkěkànglì, unpredictable eventuality/unpreventable/unavoidable/impossible to overcome/nothi...
        xiàngxīnlì, centripetal force/(fig.) cohering force/cohesion/team spirit
        tōnglì, to cooperate/concerted effort
        zhùlì, a helping hand/help/assistance
        guólì, [國力], a nation's power
        xīnyǒuyúérlìbùzú, [心有餘而力不足], the will is there, but not the strength (idiom)/the spirit is willing but the fl...
        qiānyǐnlì, [牽引力], motive force/traction
        yālìjì, [壓力計], pressure gauge/manometer/piezometer
        niǔlì, torque/turning force/torsion
        Xǐlì, Heineken (Dutch brewing company)/see also 海尼根[Hǎi ní gēn]
        huítiānwúlì, [回天無力], unable to turn around a hopeless situation (idiom)/to fail to save the situation
        yǐnlìchǎng, [引力場], gravitational field
        zìbùliànglì, to overestimate one's capabilities (idiom)
        dǐnglìxiāngzhù, We are most grateful for your valuable assistance.
        hédònglì, [核動力], nuclear power
        bǐlì, [筆力], vigor of strokes in calligraphy or drawing/vigor of style in literary compositio...
        mócālì, friction
        juélì, wrestling/a trial of strength
        lìbǎo, to seek to protect/to ensure/to maintain/to guard
        liànglìérxíng, to assess one's capabilities and act accordingly (idiom); to act within one's co...
        lìzhàn, [力戰], to fight with all one's might
        gǎnzhàolì, appeal/attraction/charisma
        shuǐlìxué, [水力學], hydraulics
        wěilì, [偉力], mighty force
        shēngchǎnnénglì, [生產能力], manufacturing ability/production capacity
        shuǐlìfādiàn, [水力發電], hydroelectricity
        wòlì, (strength of one's) grip
        tānglìshuǐ, [湯力水], tonic water
        lìdào, strength/power/efficacy
        mùlì, eyesight (i.e. quality of vision)
        nǎolìláodòng, [腦力勞動], mental labor/intellectual work
        chéngzàilì, [承載力], carrying capacity
        gòumǎilì, [購買力], purchasing power
        miánlì, [綿力], one's limited power (humble expr.)
        xuélì, [學力], scholastic attainments
        shìlìbiǎo, [視力表], eye chart (used by optician)
        yālìguō, [壓力鍋], pressure cooker
        chìlì, repulsion (in electrostatics)/repulsive force
        biǎomiànzhānglì, [表面張力], surface tension
        lìcù, to urge/to press (for action)
        lìzhǔ, advocate strongly
        lìcuò, to win as a result of tenacious effort/to fight off tough competition
        jìnglìxué, [靜力學], statics
        lìjǔ, torque
        lìsuǒbùjí, beyond one's power (to do sth)
        lìtǐng, to support/to back
        liútǐlìxué, [流體力學], fluid mechanics/hydrodynamics
        liànglì, to estimate one's strength
        miǎnlì, to strive/to make an effort/to exert oneself
        huílìqiú, jai alai/cesta punta (sports)/ball used in this sport
        fēilì, fillet (loanword)
        niánfùlìqiáng, [年富力強], young and vigorous (idiom)

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