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[對勁] duìjìn suitable
to one's liking
to get along together

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        duì, [對], right/correct/couple/pair/towards/at/for/to face/opposite/to treat (sb a certain...
        duìbuqǐ, [對不起], unworthy/to let down/I'm sorry/excuse me/pardon me/if you please/sorry? (please ...
        juéduì, [絕對], absolute/unconditional
        duìyú, [對於], regarding/as far as sth is concerned/with regards to
        pàiduì, [派對], party (loanword)
        miànduì, [面對], to confront/to face
        fǎnduì, [反對], to fight against/to oppose/to be opposed to/opposition
        duìfāng, [對方], counterpart/other person involved/opposite side/other side/receiving party
        duìfu, [對付], to handle/to deal with/to cope/to get by with
        duìdài, [對待], to treat/treatment
        bùduì, [不對], incorrect/wrong/amiss/abnormal/queer
        duìshǒu, [對手], opponent/rival/competitor/(well-matched) adversary/match
        duìxiàng, [對象], target/object/partner/boyfriend/girlfriend/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhēnduì, [針對], to target/to focus on/to be aimed at or against/in response to
        duìjìn, [對勁], suitable/to one's liking/to get along together
        duìhuà, [對話], dialogue/CL:個|个[gè]
        duìkàng, [對抗], to withstand/to resist/to stand off/antagonism/confrontation
        duìmiàn, [對面], (sitting) opposite/across (the street)/directly in front/to be face to face
        duìle, [對了], Correct!/Oh, that's right, ... (when one suddenly remembers sth one wanted to me...
        miànduìmiàn, [面對面], face to face
        xiāngduì, [相對], relatively/opposite/to resist/to oppose/relative/vis-a-vis/counterpart
        yīduì, [一對], couple/pair
        duìbǐ, [對比], to contrast/contrast/ratio/CL:個|个[gè]
        duìzhǔn, [對準], to aim at/to target/to point at/to be directed at/registration/alignment (mechan...
        duìtóu/duìtou, [對頭], correct/normal/to be on good terms with/on the right track/right, (longstanding)...
        duìjiǎngjī, [對講機], intercom/walkie-talkie
        pèiduì, [配對], to pair up/to match up/to form a pair (e.g. to marry)/to mate/matched pair
        héduì, [核對], to check/to verify/to audit/to examine
        duìwài, [對外], external/foreign/pertaining to external or foreign (affairs)
        yìngduì, [應對], response/to answer/to reply
        dáduì, [答對], (usually used in the negative) to answer or reply to sb's question
        díduì, [敵對], hostile/enemy (factions)/combative
        zuòduì, [作對], to set oneself against/to oppose/to make a pair
        duìcè, [對策], countermeasure for dealing with a situation
        duìzhì, [對峙], to stand opposite/to confront/confrontation
        duìyìng, [對應], to correspond/a correspondence/corresponding/homologous/matching with sth/counte...
        duìzhèn, [對陣], poised for battle/to square up for a fight
        duìchèn, [對稱], symmetry/symmetrical
        duìàn, [對岸], opposite bank (of a body of water)
        duìzhì, [對質], to confront (in court etc)/confrontation
        duìlì, [對立], to oppose/to set sth against/to be antagonistic to/antithetical/relative opposit...
        duìjìnr, [對勁兒], erhua variant of 對勁|对劲[duì jìn]
        zhēnfēngxiāngduì, [針鋒相對], to oppose each other with equal harshness (idiom); tit for tat/measure for measu...
        fǎnduìpiào, [反對票], dissenting vote
        duìshì, [對視], to look face to face
        duìzhào, [對照], to contrast/to compare/to place side by side for comparison (as parallel texts)/...
        duìdeqǐ, [對得起], not to let sb down/to treat sb fairly/be worthy of
        duìbái, [對白], dialogue (in a movie or a play)
        sǐduìtou, [死對頭], arch-enemy/sworn enemy
        duìlìmiàn, [對立面], opposite/antonym/the opposite side (in a conflict)
        duìgē, [對歌], answering phrase of duet/to sing antiphonal answer
        fǎnduìpài, [反對派], opposition faction
        duìchōng, [對沖], hedging (finance)
        duìbuzhù, [對不住], to let sb down/to be unfair/I'm sorry/pardon me (formal)
        duìlù, [對路], suitable/to one's liking
        duìkàngsài, [對抗賽], duel/match/competition between paired opponents (e.g. sporting)
        xiāngduìlùn, [相對論], theory of relativity
        duìjiē, [對接], to join up/to dock/a joint (between components)
        duìchàng, [對唱], in duet/answering phrase/antiphonal answer
        juéduìzhí, [絕對值], absolute value
        duìzhé, [對摺], to sell at a 50% discount/to fold in two
        duìbàn, [對半], half-and-half/50-50/to double
        zhēnduìxìng, [針對性], focus/direction/purpose/relevance
        duìdǎ, [對打], to spar/to fight/to duke it out
        duìshù, [對數], logarithm
        duìkǒu, [對口], (of two performers) to speak or sing alternately/to be fit for the purposes of a...
        cháduì, [查對], to scrutinize/to examine/to check
        duìzǐ, [對子], pair of antithetical phrases/antithetical couplet
        duìzhèngxiàyào, [對症下藥], lit. to prescribe the right medicine for an illness (idiom); fig. to study a pro...
        duìdiào, [對調], to swap places/to exchange roles
簿         duìbùgōngtáng, [對簿公堂], public courtroom accusation (idiom)/legal confrontation/to take sb to court/to s...
        duìkàngxìng, [對抗性], antagonistic
        fǎnduìdǎng, [反對黨], opposition (political) party
        wúyányǐduì, [無言以對], to be left speechless/unable to respond
        chàngduìtáixì, [唱對臺戲], to put on a rival show (idiom); to set oneself up against sb/to get into confron...
        kuìduì, [愧對], to be ashamed to face (sb)/to feel bad about having failed (sb)
        yuānjiāduìtóu, [冤家對頭], enemy (idiom); opponent/arch-enemy
        duìqí, [對齊], to align/(typography) to justify
        duìdá, [對答], to reply/to answer/response/reply
        duìliú, [對流], convection
        duìyì, [對弈], to play go, chess etc
        duìxiā, [對蝦], prawn/shrimp
        duìchènxìng, [對稱性], symmetry
        duìbǐdù, [對比度], contrast (balance of black and white in TV screen setup)/degree of contrast
        duìzhèng, [對證], confrontation
        duìjiǎo, [對角], opposite angle
线         duìjiǎoxiàn, [對角線], (geometry) a diagonal
        duìdí, [對敵], to confront/to face the enemy
        duìlěi, [對壘], to face off against one's adversary (military, sports etc)
        méndānghùduì, [門當戶對], the families are well-matched in terms of social status (idiom)/(of a prospectiv...
        duìzhuàngjī, [對撞機], a particle collider
        duìmén, [對門], the building or room opposite
        duìděng, [對等], equal status/equal treatment/parity (under the law)/equity/reciprocity
        duìǒu, [對偶], dual/duality/antithesis/coupled phrases (as rhetorical device)/spouse
        duìgōng, [對攻], to attack (one another)
        duìhào, [對號], tick/check mark (✓)/number for verification (serial number, seat number etc)/(fi...
        duìnèi, [對內], internal/national/domestic (policy)
        duìhuàkuàng, [對話框], dialog box (computing)
        duìliúcéng, [對流層], troposphere/lower atmosphere
        duìmà, [對罵], to hurl abuse/to trade insults/slanging match
        ménduì, [門對], couplet (hung on each side of the door frame)
        duìzhàng, [對仗], antithesis (two lines of poetry matching in sense and sound)/to fight/to wage wa...
        duìkāi, [對開], running in opposite direction (buses, trains, ferries etc)
        duìlián, [對聯], rhyming couplet/pair of lines of verse written vertically down the sides of a do...
        duìbǐsè, [對比色], color contrast
        duìběn, [對本], (a return) equal to the capital/100 percent profit
        duìzhàobiǎo, [對照表], comparison table

        duìjìn, [對勁], suitable/to one's liking/to get along together
        jìn/jìng, [勁], strength/energy/enthusiasm/spirit/mood/expression/interest/CL:把[bǎ]/Taiwan pr. [...
        chàjìn, [差勁], bad/no good/below average/disappointing
使         shǐjìn, [使勁], to exert all one's strength
        jìnr, [勁兒], erhua variant of 勁|劲[jìn]
        méijìn, [沒勁], to have no strength/to feel weak/exhausted/feeling listless/boring/of no interes...
        fèijìn, [費勁], to require effort/strenuous
        qiángjìng, [強勁], strong/powerful/robust
        gànjìn, [幹勁], enthusiasm for doing sth
        dàijìn, [帶勁], energetic/exciting/of interest
        duìjìnr, [對勁兒], erhua variant of 對勁|对劲[duì jìn]
        jiàojìn, [較勁], to match one's strength with/to compete/more competitive/to set oneself against ...
        láijìn, [來勁], (dialect) to be full of zeal/high-spirited/exhilarating/to stir sb up
        qǐjìn, [起勁], vigorously/energetically/enthusiastically
        chòngjìn, [衝勁], dynamism/drive
        yīgèjìn, [一個勁], continuously/persistently/incessantly
        jìntóu, [勁頭], enthusiasm/zeal/vigor/strength
        jìngdí, [勁敵], formidable opponent
        jìngwǔ, [勁舞], to dance energetically/vigorous modern style of dance
        rènjìn, [韌勁], tenacity
        jìnglǚ, [勁旅], strong contingent/elite squad
        cāngjìn, [蒼勁], bold/upright and strong/vigorous/forceful (brush strokes)/sureness of touch
        sǐjìnr, [死勁兒], erhua variant of 死勁|死劲[sǐ jìn]
        bùdéjìn, [不得勁], awkward/unhandy/be indisposed/not feel well

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