洗 ⇒
洗 xǐ, to wash/to bathe/to develop (photo)
洗手间 xǐshǒujiān, [洗手間], toilet/lavatory/washroom
洗澡 xǐzǎo, to bathe/to take a shower
清洗 qīngxǐ, to wash/to clean/to purge
洗手 xǐshǒu, to wash one's hands/to go to the toilet
洗洗 洗礼 xǐlǐ, [洗禮], baptism (lit. or fig.)
洗衣机 xǐyījī, [洗衣機], washer/washing machine/CL:臺|台[tái]
洗衣 xǐyī, laundry
洗耳恭听 xǐěrgōngtīng, [洗耳恭聽], to listen with respectful attention/(a polite request to sb to speak)/we are all...
洗钱 xǐqián, [洗錢], money laundering
干洗店 干洗 gānxǐ, [乾洗], to dry clean/dry cleaning
洗衣店 xǐyīdiàn, laundry (commercial establishment)
洗衣房 xǐyīfáng, laundry room
洗劫 xǐjié, to loot/to rob/to ransack/to pillage
冲洗 chōngxǐ, [沖洗], to rinse/to wash/to develop (photographic film)
洗碗机 xǐwǎnjī, [洗碗機], dishwasher
盥洗室 guànxǐshì, toilet/washroom/bathroom/lavatory/CL:間|间[jiān]
梳洗 shūxǐ, to make oneself presentable/to freshen up
洗刷 xǐshuā, wash/brush/scrub
擦洗 cāxǐ, to clean (with water or alcohol)/to wipe and wash/to swab/to scrub
血洗 xuèxǐ, blood purge/massacre
洗劫一空 xǐjiéyīkōng, to steal everything
洗浴 xǐyù, to bathe
换洗 受洗 shòuxǐ, to receive baptism/baptized
一贫如洗 yīpínrúxǐ, [一貧如洗], penniless
洗涤 xǐdí, [洗滌], to rinse/to wash/washing
洗衣粉 xǐyīfěn, laundry detergent/washing powder
洗胃 xǐwèi, to have one stomach's pumped/gastric lavage (medicine)
以泪洗面 yǐlèixǐmiàn, [以淚洗面], to bathe one's face in tears (idiom)
洗涤剂 xǐdíjì, [洗滌劑], cleaning agent/detergent
清洗剂 水洗 洗洁 搓洗 cuōxǐ, to rub clean (garments)/to scrub
洗发精 xǐfàjīng, [洗髮精], shampoo
浆洗 jiāngxǐ, [漿洗], to wash and starch
施洗 shīxǐ, baptize
刷洗 洗冤 xǐyuān, lit. to wash out a grievance/fig. to right a wrong/to redress an injustice
清洗液 洗印 盥洗 guànxǐ, to wash up/to freshen up
接风洗尘 洗肠 洗清 洗尘 钱洗白 洗涤器 xǐdíqì, [洗滌器], washing appliance
洗衣板 xǐyībǎn, washboard/(jocularly) flat chest
洗漱间 笔洗 洗雪 xǐxuě, to erase/to wipe out (a previous humiliation etc)
洗发膏 漂洗 piǎoxǐ, to rinse (clothes)
耳 ⇒
耳朵 ěrduo, ear/CL:隻|只[zhī],個|个[gè],對|对[duì]/handle (on a cup)
耳 ěr, ear/handle (archaeology)/and that is all (Classical Chinese)
耳环 ěrhuán, [耳環], earring/CL:隻|只[zhī],對|对[duì]
土耳其 Tǔěrqí, Turkey
耳机 ěrjī, [耳機], headphones/earphones/telephone receiver
耳光 ěrguāng, a slap on the face/CL:記|记[jì]
耳边 洗耳恭听 xǐěrgōngtīng, [洗耳恭聽], to listen with respectful attention/(a polite request to sb to speak)/we are all...
耳熟 ěrshú, to sound familiar/familiar-sounding
耳目 ěrmù, eyes and ears/sb's attention or notice/information/knowledge/spies
耳语 ěryǔ, [耳語], to whisper in sb's ear/a whisper
刺耳 cìěr, ear-piercing
耳闻 ěrwén, [耳聞], to hear of/to hear about
耳塞 ěrsāi, earplug/earphone
亲耳 qīněr, [親耳], with one's own ears
耳目一新 ěrmùyīxīn, a pleasant change/a breath of fresh air/refreshing
悦耳 yuèěr, [悅耳], sweet-sounding/beautiful (of sound)
日耳曼 Rìěrmàn, Germanic
掩人耳目 yǎnréněrmù, to fool people (idiom)/to pull the wool over people's eyes
波义耳 Bōyìěr, [波義耳], Boyle (name)/Robert Boyle (1627-91), British and Irish scientist and pioneer che...
土耳其人 Tǔěrqírén, a Turk/Turkish person
耳垂 ěrchuí, earlobe
耳边风 ěrbiānfēng, [耳邊風], lit. wind past your ear/fig. sth you don't pay much attention to/in one ear and ...
耳屎 ěrshǐ, earwax/cerumen
右耳 焦耳 jiāoěr, joule (loanword)
充耳不闻 chōngěrbùwén, [充耳不聞], to block one's ears and not listen (idiom); to turn a deaf ear
内耳 nèiěr, [內耳], inner ear
震耳欲聋 zhèněryùlóng, [震耳欲聾], ear-splitting (idiom); deafening
耳旁风 ěrpángfēng, [耳旁風], lit. wind past your ear/fig. sth you don't pay much attention to/in one ear and ...
耳聋 ěrlóng, [耳聾], deaf
顺耳 shùněr, [順耳], pleasing to the ear
耳鸣 ěrmíng, [耳鳴], tinnitus
耳背 ěrbèi, to be hearing impaired
交头接耳 jiāotóujiēěr, [交頭接耳], to whisper to one another's ear
耳根 耳熟能详 ěrshúnéngxiáng, [耳熟能詳], what's frequently heard can be repeated in detail (idiom)
耳膜 ěrmó, eardrum/tympanum (of the middle ear)/tympanic membrane
左耳 马耳他 Mǎěrtā, [馬耳他], Malta
顺风耳 shùnfēngěr, [順風耳], sb with preternaturally good hearing (in fiction)/fig. a well-informed person
掩耳盗铃 yǎněrdàolíng, [掩耳盜鈴], lit. to cover one's ears whilst stealing a bell/to deceive oneself/to bury one's...
耳濡目染 ěrrúmùrǎn, to be influenced
如雷贯耳 rúléiguàněr, [如雷貫耳], lit. like thunder piercing the ear/a well-known reputation (idiom)
耳鼻喉科 侧耳 cèěr, [側耳], to bend an ear (to)/to listen
不堪入耳 耳鼓 ěrgǔ, eardrum/tympanum (of the middle ear)/tympanic membrane
面红耳赤 miànhóngěrchì, [面紅耳赤], flushed with anger (or excitement)
逆耳 nìěr, unpleasant to hear/grates on the ear (of home truths)
耳际 耳听八方 阿耳 护耳 入耳 耳刮子 ěrguāzi, (coll.) a slap on one's face/a cuff
耳朵眼 中耳 zhōngěr, middle ear
不绝于耳 bùjuéyúěr, [不絕於耳], (of sound) to never stop/to fall incessantly on the ear/to linger on
耳听为虚 耳聪目明 ěrcōngmùmíng, [耳聰目明], sharp ears and keen eyes (idiom)/keen and alert/perceptive
吉耳伯 耳福 戈耳 谢耳 中耳炎 zhōngěryán, inflammation of middle ear/otitis media
耳轮 附耳 fùěr, to approach sb's ear (to whisper)
外耳道 wàiěrdào, external auditory meatus/auditory canal, between the outer ear 外耳 and tympanum 鼓...
惠耳 戴夫波义耳 拜耳 耳孔 耳垢 ěrgòu, ear dirt/common word for earwax 耵聹|耵聍
耳提面命 ěrtímiànmìng, to give sincere advice (idiom)/to exhort earnestly
木耳 mùěr, edible tree fungus/CL:朵[duǒ]
银耳 yíněr, [銀耳], white fungus (Tremella fuciformis)/silver tree-ear fungus
丹·波义耳 爱德华·贝耳·威尔逊 莫拜耳 耳闻目睹 ěrwénmùdǔ, [耳聞目睹], to witness personally
耳针 ěrzhēn, [耳針], auriculotherapy (ear acupuncture)
外耳 wàiěr, outer ear
贝耳 厄耳
恭 ⇒
恭喜 gōngxǐ, congratulations/greetings
恭维 gōngwei, [恭維], to praise/to speak highly of/compliment/praise
洗耳恭听 xǐěrgōngtīng, [洗耳恭聽], to listen with respectful attention/(a polite request to sb to speak)/we are all...
恭候 gōnghòu, to look forward to sth/to wait respectfully
恭 gōng, respectful
玩世不恭 wánshìbùgōng, to trifle without respect (idiom); to despise worldly conventions/frivolous
恭敬 gōngjìng, deferential/respectful
谦恭 qiāngōng, [謙恭], polite and modest
恭维话 恭子 毕恭毕敬 bìgōngbìjìng, [畢恭畢敬], reverent and respectful/extremely deferential
恭贺 gōnghè, [恭賀], to congratulate respectfully/to express good wishes
恭顺 gōngshùn, [恭順], deferential/respectful
恭恭敬敬 恭介 恭请 恭祝 gōngzhù, to congratulate respectfully/to wish good luck and success (esp. to a superior)/...
恭谦 恭喜发财 gōngxǐfācái, [恭喜發財], May you have a prosperous New Year! (New Year's greeting)
佐村恭介 佐村恭子 恭迎 恭明 恭禧 清水恭 弟恭 谷拉恭 川恭子
听 ⇒
听 yǐn/tīng/tìng, [聽], smile (archaic), to listen/to hear/to obey/a can (loanword from English "tin")/c...
听说 tīngshuō, [聽說], to hear (sth said)/one hears (that)/hearsay/listening and speaking
听到 tīngdào, [聽到], to hear
听见 tīngjiàn, [聽見], to hear
听听 听话 tīnghuà, [聽話], to do what one is told/obedient
好听 hǎotīng, [好聽], pleasant to hear
听证会 tīngzhènghuì, [聽證會], (legislative) hearing
倾听 qīngtīng, [傾聽], to listen attentively
窃听器 qiètīngqì, [竊聽器], tapping device/bug
打听 dǎting, [打聽], to ask about/to make some inquiries/to ask around
听众 tīngzhòng, [聽眾], audience/listeners
监听 jiāntīng, [監聽], to monitor/to listen in/to eavesdrop
听从 tīngcóng, [聽從], to listen and obey/to comply with/to heed/to hearken
偷听 tōutīng, [偷聽], to eavesdrop/to monitor (secretly)
聆听 língtīng, [聆聽], to listen (respectfully)
窃听 qiètīng, [竊聽], to eavesdrop/to wiretap
听取 tīngqǔ, [聽取], to hear (news)/to listen to
动听 dòngtīng, [動聽], pleasant to listen to
洗耳恭听 xǐěrgōngtīng, [洗耳恭聽], to listen with respectful attention/(a polite request to sb to speak)/we are all...
听证 听力 tīnglì, [聽力], hearing/listening ability
收听 shōutīng, [收聽], to listen to (a radio broadcast)
听命 tīngmìng, [聽命], to obey an order/to take orders/to accept a state of affairs
听觉 tīngjué, [聽覺], sense of hearing/auditory
旁听 pángtīng, [旁聽], to visit (a meeting, class, trial etc)
听信 tīngxìn, [聽信], to listen to information/to get the news/to believe what one hears
听候 tīnghòu, [聽候], to wait for (orders, a decision, a judgment)
监听器 难听 nántīng, [難聽], unpleasant to hear/coarse/vulgar/offensive/shameful
听天由命 tīngtiānyóumìng, [聽天由命], to submit to the will of heaven/to resign oneself to fate/to trust to luck
道听途说 dàotīngtúshuō, [道聽途說], gossip/hearsay/rumor
骇人听闻 hàiréntīngwén, [駭人聽聞], shocking/horrifying/atrocious/terrible
听筒 tīngtǒng, [聽筒], telephone receiver/headphone/earphone/earpiece/stethoscope
听之任之 tīngzhīrènzhī, [聽之任之], to take a laissez-faire attitude
助听器 zhùtīngqì, [助聽器], hearing aid
耸人听闻 sǒngréntīngwén, [聳人聽聞], to sensationalize (idiom); deliberate exaggeration to scare people
听讲 tīngjiǎng, [聽講], to attend a lecture/to listen to a talk
听课 tīngkè, [聽課], to attend a class/to go to a lecture
视听 危言耸听 wēiyánsǒngtīng, [危言聳聽], frightening words to scare people (idiom); alarmist talk/reds under the beds
探听 tàntīng, [探聽], to make inquiries/to try to find out/to pry
听诊器 tīngzhěnqì, [聽診器], stethoscope
旁听席 百听不厌 bǎitīngbùyàn, [百聽不厭], worth hearing a hundred times
听诊 混淆视听 hùnxiáoshìtīng, [混淆視聽], to obscure the facts (idiom); to mislead the public with prevarication and delib...
听写 tīngxiě, [聽寫], (of a pupil) to write down (in a dictation exercise)/dictation/(music) to transc...
听任 tīngrèn, [聽任], to let (sth happen)/to allow (sb to do sth)/to submit to/to yield
听凭 tīngpíng, [聽憑], to allow (sb to do as he pleases)
听差 中听 zhōngtīng, [中聽], pleasant to hear (i.e. agreeable news)/to one's liking/music to one's ears/Taiwa...
耳听八方 静听 听而不闻 tīngérbùwén, [聽而不聞], to hear but not react (idiom); to turn a deaf ear/to ignore deliberately
重听 zhòngtīng, [重聽], hard of hearing
听由 耳听为虚 听神经 旁听生 偏听偏信 piāntīngpiānxìn, [偏聽偏信], selective listening/to hear what one wants to hear
听装 听骨 tīnggǔ, [聽骨], ossicles (in the middle ear)/also written 聽小骨|听小骨