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[煙鬼] yānguǐ heavy smoker
chain smoker

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Word Compounds

        yān, [煙], cigarette or pipe tobacco/CL:根[gēn]/smoke/mist/vapour/CL:縷|缕[lǚ]/tobacco plant/(...
        chōuyān, [抽煙], to smoke (a cigarette, tobacco)
        xiāngyān, [香煙], cigarette/smoke from burning incense/CL:支[zhī],條|条[tiáo]
        xīyān, [吸煙], to smoke
        yānwù, [煙霧], smoke/mist/vapor/smog/fumes
        yāncǎo, [煙草], tobacco
        yānhuā, [煙花], fireworks/prostitute (esp. in Yuan theater)
        jièyān, [戒煙], to give up smoking
        màoyān, [冒煙], to discharge smoke/to fume with rage
        yāncōng, [煙囪], chimney
        yānhuǒ, [煙火], smoke and fire/fireworks
        yānhuīgāng, [煙灰缸], ashtray
        yāndǒu, [煙斗], (smoking) pipe
        yīliùyān, [一溜煙], like a wisp of smoke/(to disappear etc) in an instant
        yāntóu, [煙頭], cigarette butt/fag-end/CL:根[gēn]
        yānxiāoyúnsàn, [煙消雲散], to vanish like smoke in thin air/to disappear
        nóngyān, [濃煙], thick smoke
        yānqiāng, [煙槍], opium pipe
        huīfēiyānmiè, [灰飛煙滅], lit. scattered ashes and dispersed smoke (idiom)/fig. to be annihilated/to vanis...
        yānguǐ, [煙鬼], heavy smoker/chain smoker
        yānhuī, [煙灰], cigarette ash
        wūyānzhàngqì, [烏煙瘴氣], billowing smoke (idiom)/foul atmosphere/(fig.) murky atmosphere/in a turmoil
        guòyǎnyúnyān, [過眼雲煙], ephemeral (idiom)
        yānjiǔ, [煙酒], tobacco and alcohol
        yānyè, [煙葉], leaf tobacco
        yāndì, [煙蒂], cigarette butt
        jìnyān, [禁煙], to ban smoking/to quit smoking/to prohibit cooking/prohibition on opium (esp. in...
        huāngwúrényān, [荒無人煙], desolate and uninhabited (idiom)
        yānyǐn, [煙癮], the urge to smoke/tobacco addiction
        dàyān, [大煙], opium
        yānmù, [煙幕], smokescreen/fig. a diversion
        yānjuàn, [煙捲], cigarette/cigar
        yānchén, [煙塵], smoke and dust/air pollution
        xiāoyān, [硝煙], smoke (from guns)
        yānmín, [煙民], smokers
        juǎnyān, [卷煙], cigarette/cigar
        xuějiāyān, [雪茄煙], cigar
        rényān, [人煙], sign of human habitation
        yānmùdàn, [煙幕彈], smoke bomb
        yúnyān, [雲煙], mist/smoke/cloud
        yóuyān, [油煙], soot/lampblack
        shuǐyān, [水煙], shredded tobacco for water pipes
        wúyānméi, [無煙煤], anthracite
        guòyǎnyānyún, [過眼煙雲], ephemeral (idiom)
        bíyān, [鼻煙], snuff
        wúyān, [無煙], nonsmoking (e.g. environment)
        fēngyān, [烽煙], fire beacon (used as alarm signal over long distance)
        chuīyān, [炊煙], smoke from kitchen chimneys
        qīqiàoshēngyān, [七竅生煙], lit. spouting smoke through the seven orifices (idiom)/fig. to seethe with anger
        miǎowúrényān, [渺無人煙], remote and uninhabited (idiom); deserted/God-forsaken
        bíyānhé, [鼻煙盒], snuffbox
        xīyānshì, [吸煙室], smoking room
        yāntong, [煙筒], chimney/stovepipe/smokestack
        yāngāng, [煙缸], ashtray
        rényānxīshǎo, [人煙稀少], no sign of human habitation (idiom); desolate
        yānsuān, [煙酸], niacin (vitamin B)/3-Pyridinecarboxylic acid C6HNÓ/nicotinic acid
        yānyǔ, [煙雨], misty rain/drizzle
        yāndài, [煙袋], tobacco pipe
        kǎoyān, [烤煙], flue-cured tobacco/tobacco for flue-curing
        zhǐyān, [紙煙], cigarette
        shuǐyāndài, [水煙袋], water bong/water pipe/hookah

        guǐ, ghost/demon/terrible/damnable/clever/sly/crafty/(suffix for sb with a certain vi...
        jiànguǐ, [見鬼], curse it!/to hell with it!
        xīxuèguǐ, leech/bloodsucking vermin/vampire (translated European notion)/fig. cruel exploi...
        móguǐ, devil
        guǐhún, ghost
        dǎnxiǎoguǐ, [膽小鬼], coward
        xiǎoguǐ, little demon (term of endearment for a child)/mischievous child/imp
        jiǔguǐ, drunkard
        guǐhùn, to hang around/to fool around/to live aimlessly
        guǐhuà, [鬼話], lie/false words/nonsense/CL:篇[piān]
        guǐguǐsuìsuì, sneaky/secretive/furtive
        nàoguǐ, [鬧鬼], haunted
        zuìguǐ, drunkard
        sèguǐ, lecher/pervert
        gǎoguǐ, to make mischief/to play tricks
        guǐzi, devils/refers to 日本鬼子, wartime term insult for Japanese
        guǐliǎn, [鬼臉], wry face/to grimace/to pull a face/comic face/face mask/devil mask
        lǎnguǐ, [懶鬼], lazybones/idle bum
        èguǐ, [惡鬼], evil spirit/devil
        jīlíngguǐ, [機靈鬼], (jocularly) clever and quick-witted person
        guǐguài, hobgoblin/bogey/phantom
        sǐguǐ, devil/You devil! (as joke or insult)/the departed
        xiǎoqìguǐ, [小氣鬼], miser/penny-pincher
        guǐhuǒ, will-o'-the-wisp/jack-o'-lantern
        guǐménguān, [鬼門關], the gates of hell
        tìsǐguǐ, scapegoat/fall guy
        yānguǐ, [煙鬼], heavy smoker/chain smoker
        lìnsèguǐ, [吝嗇鬼], miser/penny-pincher
        dǎoguǐ, [搗鬼], to play tricks/to cause mischief
        shénchūguǐmò, [神出鬼沒], lit. to appear and disappear unpredictably like a spirit or a ghost (idiom)/fig....
        guǐmèi, demon/monster
        guǐbǎxì, [鬼把戲], sinister plot/dirty trick/cheap trick
        guǐmíxīnqiào, [鬼迷心竅], to be obsessed/to be possessed
        zuòguǐ, to play tricks/to cheat/to get up to mischief/to become a ghost/to give up the g...
        dǔguǐ, [賭鬼], gambling addict
        màoshiguǐ, reckless person/hothead
        yángguǐzi, foreign devil/term of abuse for Westerners
        yāomóguǐguài, demons and ghosts/ghouls and bogies
        guǐshén, supernatural beings
        guǐtāi, sinister design/ulterior motive
        zhuāngshénnòngguǐ, [裝神弄鬼], lit. dress up as God, play the devil (idiom); fig. to mystify/to deceive people/...
        guǐcáixìn, who would believe it!/what rubbish!
        guǐfǔshéngōng, supernaturally fine craft (idiom); the work of the Gods/uncanny workmanship/supe...
        lìguǐ, [厲鬼], malicious spirit/devil
        guǐmó, Devil (in Jewish and Christian mythology)
        guǐhuàfú, [鬼畫符], undecipherable handwriting/scribblings/(fig.) hypocritical talk
使         guǐshǐshénchāi, demons and gods at work (idiom); unexplained event crying out for a supernatural...
        niúguǐshéshén, evil monsters/(fig.) bad characters/(political) bad elements
        guǐyù, treacherous person/evil spirit

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