装 ⇒
装 zhuāng, [裝], adornment/to adorn/dress/clothing/costume (of an actor in a play)/to play a role...
假装 jiǎzhuāng, [假裝], to feign/to pretend
装置 zhuāngzhì, [裝置], to install/installation/equipment/system/unit/device
服装 fúzhuāng, [服裝], dress/clothing/costume/clothes/CL:身[shēn]
装备 zhuāngbèi, [裝備], equipment/to equip/to outfit
伪装 wěizhuāng, [偽裝], to pretend to be (asleep etc)/to disguise oneself as/pretense/disguise/(military...
时装 shízhuāng, [時裝], fashion/fashionable clothes
西装 xīzhuāng, [西裝], suit/Western-style clothes/CL:套[tào]
武装 wǔzhuāng, [武裝], arms/equipment/to arm/military/armed (forces)
装饰 zhuāngshì, [裝飾], to decorate/decoration/decorative/ornamental
装作 zhuāngzuò, [裝作], to pretend/to feign/to act a part
安装 ānzhuāng, [安裝], to install/to erect/to fix/to mount/installation
装满 zhuāngmǎn, [裝滿], to fill up
装修 zhuāngxiū, [裝修], to decorate/interior decoration/to fit up/to renovate
包装 bāozhuāng, [包裝], to pack/to package/to wrap/packaging
装扮 zhuāngbàn, [裝扮], to decorate/to adorn/to dress up/to disguise oneself
套装 tàozhuāng, [套裝], outfit or suit (of clothes)/set of coordinated items/kit
泳装 yǒngzhuāng, [泳裝], swimsuit
改装 gǎizhuāng, [改裝], to change one's costume/to repackage/to remodel/to refit/to modify/to convert
装傻 zhuāngshǎ, [裝傻], to act stupid/to pretend to be naive
集装箱 jízhuāngxiāng, [集裝箱], container (for shipping)
装甲 zhuāngjiǎ, [裝甲], vehicle armor
女装 nǚzhuāng, [女裝], women's clothes
化装 huàzhuāng, [化裝], (of actors) to make up/to disguise oneself
组装 zǔzhuāng, [組裝], to assemble and install
着装 zhuózhuāng, [著裝], to dress/dress/clothes/outfit
装有 zhuāngyǒu, [裝有], fitted with
装饰品 zhuāngshìpǐn, [裝飾品], ornament
装束 zhuāngshù, [裝束], attire/clothing
装载 zhuāngzài, [裝載], to load/to stow
瓶装 píngzhuāng, [瓶裝], bottled
军装 jūnzhuāng, [軍裝], military uniform
盛装 chéngzhuāng/shèngzhuāng, [盛裝], (of a receptacle etc) to contain, splendid clothes/rich attire/one's Sunday best
装甲车 zhuāngjiǎchē, [裝甲車], armored car/CL:輛|辆[liàng]
装潢 zhuānghuáng, [裝潢], to mount (a picture)/to dress/to adorn/decoration/packaging
装模作样 zhuāngmózuòyàng, [裝模作樣], to put on an act (idiom); to show affectation/to indulge in histrionics
装蒜 zhuāngsuàn, [裝蒜], to act stupid/to play dumb/to pretend to not know
装腔作势 zhuāngqiāngzuòshì, [裝腔作勢], posturing/pretentious/affected
装做 包装纸 bāozhuāngzhǐ, [包裝紙], wrapping paper
服装店 装配 zhuāngpèi, [裝配], to assemble/to fit together
男装 nánzhuāng, [男裝], men's clothes
整装待发 zhěngzhuāngdàifā, [整裝待發], to get ready (for a journey)/ready and waiting
装点 zhuāngdiǎn, [裝點], to decorate/to dress up/to deck
装卸 zhuāngxiè, [裝卸], to load or unload/to transfer/to assemble and disassemble
轻装 装车 装货 zhuānghuò, [裝貨], to load sth onto a ship etc
行装 xíngzhuāng, [行裝], clothes and other items packed for traveling/baggage/luggage
西装革履 xīzhuānggélǚ, [西裝革履], dressed in Western-style clothes/impeccably attired
装运 zhuāngyùn, [裝運], to ship/shipment
晚装 装订 zhuāngdìng, [裝訂], bookbinding/to bind (books etc)
装装 便装 biànzhuāng, [便裝], casual dress
装船 zhuāngchuán, [裝船], shipment
洋装 yángzhuāng, [洋裝], Western-style dress
上装 shàngzhuāng, [上裝], upper garment
包装袋 衣装 yīzhuāng, [衣裝], garment
袋装 原装 yuánzhuāng, [原裝], genuine/intact in original packaging (not locally assembled and packaged)
装疯卖傻 zhuāngfēngmàishǎ, [裝瘋賣傻], to play the fool (idiom)/to feign madness
武装力量 wǔzhuānglìliàng, [武裝力量], armed force
戏装 时装店 装填 佯装 yángzhuāng, [佯裝], to pretend/to pose as
包装盒 核装置 hézhuāngzhì, [核裝置], nuclear device
装箱 分装 fēnzhuāng, [分裝], to divide into portions/to package in smaller quantities/to separate into loads
装入 zhuāngrù, [裝入], to load
武装部队 wǔzhuāngbùduì, [武裝部隊], armed forces
装聋作哑 zhuānglóngzuòyǎ, [裝聾作啞], to play deaf-mute
职业装 装糊涂 奇装异服 qízhuāngyìfú, [奇裝異服], bizarre dress
裙装 装假 休闲装 装神弄鬼 zhuāngshénnòngguǐ, [裝神弄鬼], lit. dress up as God, play the devil (idiom); fig. to mystify/to deceive people/...
夏装 封装 fēngzhuāng, [封裝], to encapsulate/to enclose/to wrap/to seal inside
新装 冬装 下装 xiàzhuāng, [下裝], to take off costume and makeup/bottom garment (trousers etc)
乔装打扮 qiáozhuāngdǎbàn, [喬裝打扮], to dress up in disguise (idiom); to pretend for the purpose of deceit
不懂装懂 bùdǒngzhuāngdǒng, [不懂裝懂], to pretend to understand when you don't
精装 jīngzhuāng, [精裝], hardcover (book)/elaborately packaged/opposite: 簡裝|简装[jiǎn zhuāng]
包装箱 工装裤 gōngzhuāngkù, [工裝褲], overalls (clothing)/coveralls
装饰性 装订机 童装 tóngzhuāng, [童裝], children's clothing
短装 散装 sǎnzhuāng, [散裝], loose goods/goods sold open/draft (of beer, as opposed to bottled)
古装 gǔzhuāng, [古裝], ancient costume/period costume (in movies etc)
装璜 zhuānghuáng, [裝璜], variant of 裝潢|装潢[zhuāng huáng]
装裱 工装 涂装 túzhuāng, [塗裝], painted ornament/livery (on airline or company vehicle)
春装 装卸工 zhuāngxiègōng, [裝卸工], docker/longshoreman
装门面 zhuāngménmiàn, [裝門面], see 裝點門面|装点门面[zhuāng diǎn mén miàn]
外包装 组装车 卸装 xièzhuāng, [卸裝], (of an actor) to remove makeup and costume/(computing) to uninstall/to unmount
装帧 zhuāngzhēn, [裝幀], binding and layout (of a book etc)
学生装 装料 zhuāngliào, [裝料], to load/to charge/to feed (esp. a machine)
预装 yùzhuāng, [預裝], prefabricated/preinstalled/bundled (software)
线装 服装厂 精装书 银装素裹 扮装 bànzhuāng, [扮裝], to dress up and make up (like an actor)
毛装 装甲兵 治装 zhìzhuāng, [治裝], to prepare necessities (chiefly clothes) for a journey abroad
装配线 zhuāngpèixiàn, [裝配線], assembly line/production line
包装机 戎装 róngzhuāng, [戎裝], martial attire
装载机 中装 zhōngzhuāng, [中裝], Chinese dress
武装带 包装费 平装 píngzhuāng, [平裝], paperback/paper-cover
轻装简从 装配工 伪装网 技术装备 装饰音 装机 zhuāngjī, [裝機], to install/installation
银装 倒装 dàozhuāng, [倒裝], inversion (rhetoric device of inverting the word order for heightened effect)/an...
猎装 听装 古装戏 武装部 平装本 píngzhuāngběn, [平裝本], paperback (book)
化装师 沙滩装
神 ⇒
精神 jīngshén/jīngshen, spirit/mind/consciousness/thought/mental/psychological/essence/gist/CL:個|个[gè], ...
神 Shén/shén, God/abbr. for 神舟[Shén zhōu], deity/soul/spirit/unusual/mysterious/lively/express...
神父 shénfu, Christian priest or clergyman/(spiritual) father
神经 shénjīng, [神經], nerve/mental state/(coll.) unhinged/nutjob
神秘 shénmì, mysterious/mystery
神奇 shénqí, magical/mystical/miraculous
神像 shénxiàng, image of a God
眼神 yǎnshén, expression or emotion showing in one's eyes/meaningful glance/wink/eyesight (dia...
神圣 shénshèng, [神聖], divine/hallow/holy/sacred
精神病 jīngshénbìng, mental disorder/psychosis
女神 nǚshén, goddess/nymph
神经病 shénjīngbìng, [神經病], mental disorder/neuropathy/(derog.) mental case
死神 sǐshén, mythological figure (such as the Grim Reaper) in charge of taking the souls of t...
神话 shénhuà, [神話], legend/fairy tale/myth/mythology
精神病院 神经质 shénjīngzhì, [神經質], nervous/on edge/excitable/neurotic
神灵 shénlíng, [神靈], god/spirit/demon/occult or supernatural entities in general
神志 shénzhì, consciousness/state of mind/compos mentis
守护神 shǒuhùshén, [守護神], protector God/patron saint
神殿 shéndiàn, shrine
神明 shénmíng, deities/gods
神智 shénzhì, mind/wisdom/consciousness
神魂 shénhún, mind/state of mind (often abnormal)
留神 liúshén, to take care/to be careful
神仙 shénxiān, Daoist immortal/supernatural entity/(in modern fiction) fairy, elf, leprechaun e...
全神贯注 quánshénguànzhù, [全神貫注], to concentrate one's attention completely (idiom)/with rapt attention
神情 shénqíng, look/expression
神枪手 走神 zǒushén, absent-minded/one's mind is wandering
神庙 shénmiào, [神廟], temple (nonspecific)
神龙 神经科 shénjīngkē, [神經科], neurology
无神论 wúshénlùn, [無神論], atheism
提神 tíshén, to freshen up/to be cautious or vigilant/to watch out/stimulant to enhance menta...
神童 shéntóng, child prodigy
神力 shénlì, occult force/the power of a God or spirit
爱神 àishén, [愛神], god of love
神秘感 心神不宁 xīnshénbùníng, [心神不寧], to feel ill at ease
天神 tiānshén, god/deity
分神 fēnshén, to give attention to sth/please give (some of your valuable) attention to my tas...
女神像 神速 shénsù, lightning speed/amazingly rapid/incredible pace of development
战神 太阳神 tàiyángshén, [太陽神], Sun God/Apollo
神学 shénxué, [神學], theological/theology
费神 fèishén, [費神], to spend effort/to take trouble/May I trouble you to...? (as part of polite requ...
神经性 shénjīngxìng, [神經性], neural/mental/neurological
海神 hǎishén, Emperor of the Sea/Neptune
神学院 shénxuéyuàn, [神學院], seminary
神经错乱 神采奕奕 shéncǎiyìyì, in glowing spirits (idiom); bursting with life/radiating health and vigor
神经系统 shénjīngxìtǒng, [神經系統], nervous system
大力神 Dàlìshén, Heracles (Greek mythology)/Hercules (Roman mythology)
保护神 bǎohùshén, [保護神], patron saint/guardian angel
神出鬼没 shénchūguǐmò, [神出鬼沒], lit. to appear and disappear unpredictably like a spirit or a ghost (idiom)/fig....
神气 shénqì, [神氣], expression/manner/vigorous/impressive/lofty/pretentious
中枢神经 神户 Shénhù, [神戶], Kōbe, major Japanese port near Ōsaka
神经细胞 shénjīngxìbāo, [神經細胞], nerve cell/neuron
神清气爽 shénqīngqìshuǎng, [神清氣爽], (idiom) full of vitality/relaxed and alert
有神 神经元 shénjīngyuán, [神經元], neuron
精神焕发 jīngshénhuànfā, [精神煥發], in high spirits (idiom); glowing with health and vigor
神功 shéngōng, amazing powers/miraculous skill
心神 xīnshén, mind/state of mind/attention/(Chinese medicine) psychic constitution
神通广大 shéntōngguǎngdà, [神通廣大], to possess great magical power/to possess remarkable abilities
神灯 神态 shéntài, [神態], appearance/manner/bearing/deportment/look/expression/mien
心醉神迷 xīnzuìshénmí, ecstatic/enraptured
神色 shénsè, expression/look
传神 chuánshén, [傳神], vivid/lifelike
神经痛 shénjīngtòng, [神經痛], neuralgia (medicine)
出神入化 chūshénrùhuà, to reach perfection (idiom); a superb artistic achievement
神秘兮兮 神甫 shénfu, variant of 神父[shén fu]
神经中枢 瘟神 wēnshén, demon personifying pestilence
心神不定 失神 shīshén, absent-minded/to lose spirit/despondent
神鹰 凶神恶煞 xiōngshénèshà, [兇神惡煞], fiends (idiom); devils and monsters
门神 ménshén, [門神], door god
鬼神 guǐshén, supernatural beings
坐骨神经 zuògǔshénjīng, [坐骨神經], sciatic nerve
神威 神韵 shényùn, [神韻], charm or grace (in poetry or art)
聚精会神 jùjīnghuìshén, [聚精會神], to concentrate one's attention (idiom)
视神经 shìshénjīng, [視神經], optic nerve
入神 rùshén, to be enthralled/to be entranced
伤神 神经衰弱 shénjīngshuāiruò, [神經衰弱], (euphemism) mental illness/psychasthenia
养神 yǎngshén, [養神], to rest/to recuperate/to regain composure
定神 dìngshén, to compose oneself/to concentrate one's attention
神田 神勇 神化 shénhuà, to make divine/apotheosis
装神弄鬼 zhuāngshénnòngguǐ, [裝神弄鬼], lit. dress up as God, play the devil (idiom); fig. to mystify/to deceive people/...
出神 chūshén, spellbound/entranced/lost in thought
神宫儿 脑神经 nǎoshénjīng, [腦神經], cranial nerves
炯炯有神 jiǒngjiǒngyǒushén, eyes bright and full of expression
运动神经 神来之笔 心旷神怡 xīnkuàngshényí, [心曠神怡], lit. heart untroubled, spirit pleased (idiom); carefree and relaxed
神崎 财神 cáishén, [財神], god of wealth
神投手 神物 交感神经 jiāogǎnshénjīng, [交感神經], sympathetic nervous system
鬼斧神工 guǐfǔshéngōng, supernaturally fine craft (idiom); the work of the Gods/uncanny workmanship/supe...
神采飞扬 shéncǎifēiyáng, [神采飛揚], in high spirits (idiom); glowing with health and vigor
神气活现 shénqìhuóxiàn, [神氣活現], arrogant appearance/smug appearance/to act condescending/to put on airs
惊天地泣鬼神 神剑 令人神往 心领神会 xīnlǐngshénhuì, [心領神會], to understand tacitly (idiom)/to know intuitively/to understand thoroughly
精神性 jīngshénxìng, spirituality/mental/nervous/psychogenic
神权 shénquán, [神權], divine right (of kings)
神医 神通 shéntōng, remarkable ability/magical power
神龛 shénkān, [神龕], shrine/niche/household shrine
神道 Shéndào, Shinto (Japanese religion)
神人 shénrén, God/deity
面神经 神君 神往 shénwǎng, to be fascinated/to be rapt/to long for/to dream of
神佑 神崎二 精神损失费 凝神 níngshén, with rapt attention
黯然神伤 神汉 shénhàn, [神漢], sorcerer
神坛 拜神 精神抖擞 jīngshéndǒusǒu, [精神抖擻], spirit trembling with excitement (idiom); in high spirits/lively and full of ent...
心驰神往 xīnchíshénwǎng, [心馳神往], one's thoughts fly to a longed-for place or person/to long for/infatuated/fascin...
财神爷 cáishényé, [財神爺], god of wealth/very wealthy man
神曲 Shénqǔ/shénqū, The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri 但丁, medicated leaven (used in TCM to treat ...
神妙 shénmiào, marvelous/wondrous
神似 shénsì, similar in expression and spirit/to bear a remarkable resemblance to
神采 shéncǎi, expression/spirit/vigor
安神 ānshén, to calm (soothe) the nerves/to relieve uneasiness of body and mind
神怪 shénguài, spirits and devils (usually harmful)/demon
神女 Shénnǚ/shénnǚ, The Goddess, 1934 silent film about a Shanghai prostitute, directed by 吳永剛|吴永刚[W...
神交 shénjiāo, soul brothers/friends in spirit who have never met/to commune with
河神 héshén, river god
愣神 神学家 shénxuéjiā, [神學家], theologian
貌合神离 màohéshénlí, [貌合神離], the appearance of unity, but divided at heart (idiom); seeming harmony belies un...
神山 shénshān, sacred mountain
各显神通 听神经 神效 鬼使神差 guǐshǐshénchāi, demons and gods at work (idiom); unexplained event crying out for a supernatural...
神乎其神 神台 抖擞精神 dǒusǒujīngshén, [抖擻精神], to gather one's spirits/to pull oneself together
感觉神经 慌神 huāngshén, to get agitated/to panic
牛鬼蛇神 niúguǐshéshén, evil monsters/(fig.) bad characters/(political) bad elements
副神经 谷神星 Gǔshénxīng, [穀神星], Ceres, dwarf planet in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, discovered in...
一神教 yīshénjiào, monotheistic religion/monotheism
神泉流 神佛发 奉若神明 fèngruòshénmíng, to honor sb as a God (idiom); to revere/to worship/to deify/to make a holy cow o...
神经炎 风神 神恩 神兆 神府 末梢神经 mòshāoshénjīng, [末梢神經], peripheral nerve
神位 shénwèi, spirit tablet/ancestral tablet
神佑之 心神不安 xīnshénbùān, to feel ill at ease
神态自若 神子会 神经原 shénjīngyuán, [神經原], neuron/also written 神經元|神经元
神山清 月亮神 有神论 yǒushénlùn, [有神論], theism (the belief in the existence of God)
弄 ⇒
弄 lòng/nòng, [挵]/[衖], lane/alley, to do/to manage/to handle/to play with/to fool with/to mess with/to ...
玩弄 wánnòng, to play with/to toy with/to dally with/to engage in/to resort to
弄清 nòngqīng, to clarify/to fully understand
愚弄 yúnòng, to make a fool out of/to fool/to dupe
捉弄 zhuōnòng, to tease
糊弄 hùnong, to fool/to deceive/to go through the motions
摆弄 bǎinòng, [擺弄], to move back and forth/to fiddle with
戏弄 xìnòng, [戲弄], to play tricks on/to make fun of/to tease
嘲弄 cháonòng, to tease/to poke fun at/to make fun of
卖弄 màinong, [賣弄], to show off/to make a display of
里弄 lǐlòng, lanes and alleys/neighborhood/lane neighborhoods in parts of Shanghai, with modi...
作弄 zuònòng, to tease/to play tricks on
弄垮 耍弄 shuǎnòng, to play with/to engage in/to resort to/to dally with
拨弄 bōnòng, [撥弄], to move to and fro (with hand, foot, stick etc)/to fiddle with/to stir up
弄巧成拙 nòngqiǎochéngzhuō, to overreach oneself/to try to be clever and end up with egg on one's face
搔首弄姿 sāoshǒunòngzī, to stroke one's hair coquettishly (idiom)
搬弄是非 bānnòngshìfēi, to incite a quarrel (idiom); to sow discord between people/to tell tales/to make...
装神弄鬼 zhuāngshénnòngguǐ, [裝神弄鬼], lit. dress up as God, play the devil (idiom); fig. to mystify/to deceive people/...
故弄玄虚 gùnòngxuánxū, [故弄玄虛], deliberately mystifying/to make sth unnecessarily complicated
抚弄 弄虚作假 nòngxūzuòjiǎ, [弄虛作假], to practice fraud (idiom); by trickery
弄僵 nòngjiāng, to bring to deadlock/to result in a stalemate
逗弄 dòunòng, to tease/to provoke/to play with (a child, animal etc)
挤眉弄眼 jǐméinòngyǎn, [擠眉弄眼], to make eyes/to wink
舞文弄墨 弄堂 lòngtáng, (dialect) alley/lane
班门弄斧 Bānménnòngfǔ, [班門弄斧], to display one's slight skill before an expert (idiom)
弄潮儿 弄臣 nòngchén, emperor's favorite courtier
含饴弄孙 hányínòngsūn, [含飴弄孫], lit. to play with one's grandchildren while eating candy (idiom)/fig. to enjoy a...
舞弄 wǔnòng, to wave/to brandish
盘弄 pánnòng, [盤弄], to play around with/to fidget/to fondle
要弄成 唐弄来 布弄醒 调弄 tiáonòng, [調弄], to tease/to make fun of/to provoke/to stir up (trouble)
单弄来 雪貂弄来
鬼 ⇒
鬼 guǐ, ghost/demon/terrible/damnable/clever/sly/crafty/(suffix for sb with a certain vi...
见鬼 jiànguǐ, [見鬼], curse it!/to hell with it!
吸血鬼 xīxuèguǐ, leech/bloodsucking vermin/vampire (translated European notion)/fig. cruel exploi...
魔鬼 móguǐ, devil
鬼魂 guǐhún, ghost
胆小鬼 dǎnxiǎoguǐ, [膽小鬼], coward
小鬼 xiǎoguǐ, little demon (term of endearment for a child)/mischievous child/imp
酒鬼 jiǔguǐ, drunkard
鬼混 guǐhùn, to hang around/to fool around/to live aimlessly
鬼话 guǐhuà, [鬼話], lie/false words/nonsense/CL:篇[piān]
鬼鬼祟祟 guǐguǐsuìsuì, sneaky/secretive/furtive
闹鬼 nàoguǐ, [鬧鬼], haunted
醉鬼 zuìguǐ, drunkard
有鬼 色鬼 sèguǐ, lecher/pervert
搞鬼 gǎoguǐ, to make mischief/to play tricks
鬼子 guǐzi, devils/refers to 日本鬼子, wartime term insult for Japanese
鬼脸 guǐliǎn, [鬼臉], wry face/to grimace/to pull a face/comic face/face mask/devil mask
懒鬼 lǎnguǐ, [懶鬼], lazybones/idle bum
恶鬼 èguǐ, [惡鬼], evil spirit/devil
机灵鬼 jīlíngguǐ, [機靈鬼], (jocularly) clever and quick-witted person
鬼怪 guǐguài, hobgoblin/bogey/phantom
死鬼 sǐguǐ, devil/You devil! (as joke or insult)/the departed
淘气鬼 小气鬼 xiǎoqìguǐ, [小氣鬼], miser/penny-pincher
鬼火 guǐhuǒ, will-o'-the-wisp/jack-o'-lantern
鬼门关 guǐménguān, [鬼門關], the gates of hell
替死鬼 tìsǐguǐ, scapegoat/fall guy
烟鬼 yānguǐ, [煙鬼], heavy smoker/chain smoker
吝啬鬼 lìnsèguǐ, [吝嗇鬼], miser/penny-pincher
捣鬼 dǎoguǐ, [搗鬼], to play tricks/to cause mischief
神出鬼没 shénchūguǐmò, [神出鬼沒], lit. to appear and disappear unpredictably like a spirit or a ghost (idiom)/fig....
小鬼头 穷鬼 鬼主意 鬼影 鬼魅 guǐmèi, demon/monster
鬼把戏 guǐbǎxì, [鬼把戲], sinister plot/dirty trick/cheap trick
鬼祟 鬼迷心窍 guǐmíxīnqiào, [鬼迷心竅], to be obsessed/to be possessed
做鬼 zuòguǐ, to play tricks/to cheat/to get up to mischief/to become a ghost/to give up the g...
赌鬼 dǔguǐ, [賭鬼], gambling addict
冒失鬼 màoshiguǐ, reckless person/hothead
洋鬼子 yángguǐzi, foreign devil/term of abuse for Westerners
妖魔鬼怪 yāomóguǐguài, demons and ghosts/ghouls and bogies
鬼神 guǐshén, supernatural beings
鬼胎 guǐtāi, sinister design/ulterior motive
鬼点子 调皮鬼 装神弄鬼 zhuāngshénnòngguǐ, [裝神弄鬼], lit. dress up as God, play the devil (idiom); fig. to mystify/to deceive people/...
鬼才信 guǐcáixìn, who would believe it!/what rubbish!
鬼节 鬼斧神工 guǐfǔshéngōng, supernaturally fine craft (idiom); the work of the Gods/uncanny workmanship/supe...
扮鬼脸 惊天地泣鬼神 厉鬼 lìguǐ, [厲鬼], malicious spirit/devil
老鬼 鬼灵 鬼魔 guǐmó, Devil (in Jewish and Christian mythology)
鬼画符 guǐhuàfú, [鬼畫符], undecipherable handwriting/scribblings/(fig.) hypocritical talk
鬼御 鬼童 鬼镇 鬼使神差 guǐshǐshénchāi, demons and gods at work (idiom); unexplained event crying out for a supernatural...
鬼才会 孤鬼 牛鬼蛇神 niúguǐshéshén, evil monsters/(fig.) bad characters/(political) bad elements
鬼崇崇 鬼忠 鬼城 鬼才 鬼真 鬼蜮 guǐyù, treacherous person/evil spirit
鬼灵精 鬼灵兵 黑鬼之友 鬼语器 鬼东西 鬼鬼崇崇 鬼笑 鬼灵军 鬼伏身 作鬼