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Word: freq index 21419
lǎolù old road
familiar way
beaten track
conventional behavior

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        lǎo, prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating the order of ...
        lǎoxiōng, elder brother (often used self-referentially)/(form of address between male frie...
        lǎoshī, [老師], teacher/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
        lǎobǎn/Lǎobǎn, [老闆], variant of 老闆|老板[lǎo bǎn], Robam (brand), boss/business proprietor/CL:個|个[gè]
        lǎopó, (coll.) wife
        lǎotiān, God/Heavens
        lǎoshi, [老實], honest/sincere/well-behaved/open and guileless/naive
        lǎoshǔ, rat/mouse/CL:隻|只[zhī]
        lǎogōng/lǎogong, (coll.) husband, (coll.) eunuch/see also 老公[lǎo gōng]
        ShèngdànLǎorén, [聖誕老人], Father Christmas/Santa Claus
        lǎopéngyou, old friend/(slang) period/menstruation
        lǎodà, old age/very/eldest child in a family/leader of a group/boss/captain of a boat/l...
        lǎotóu, [老頭], old fellow/old man/father/husband
        lǎorén, old man or woman/the elderly/one's aged parents or grandparents
        gǔlǎo, ancient/old/age-old
        lǎodiē, (dialect) father/old man/sir
        lǎodì, (affectionate form of address for a male who is not very much younger than onese...
        lǎotiānyé, [老天爺], God/Heavens
        Bǎilǎohuì, [百老匯], Broadway (New York City)
        lǎojiāhuo, [老傢伙], variant of 老家伙[lǎo jiā huo], (coll.) old fellow/old codger
        lǎoshi, always
        lǎohǔ, tiger/CL:隻|只[zhī]
        lǎoyuǎn, [老遠], very far away
        lǎoèr, second-eldest child in a family/(euphemism) penis
        lǎojiā, native place/place of origin/home state or region
        lǎotàitai, elderly lady (respectful)/esteemed mother/CL:位[wèi]
        lǎoyīng, [老鷹], (coll.) eagle/hawk/any similar bird of prey
        lǎotóuzi, [老頭子], (coll.) old man/(said of an aging husband) my old man
        lǎoshì, old-fashioned/old type/outdated
        lǎoyǒu, old friend/sb who passed the county level imperial exam (in Ming dynasty)
        Lǎozǐ/lǎozi, Laozi or Lao-tze (c. 500 BC), Chinese philosopher, the founder of Taoism/the sac...
        zhǎnglǎo, [長老], elder/term of respect for a Buddhist monk
        lǎotàipó, old woman (at times contemptuous)
        lǎobīng, veteran
        yuánlǎo, senior figure/elder/doyen
        yǎnglǎojīn, [養老金], pension
        lǎorénjiā, polite term for old woman or man
        yǎnglǎoyuàn, [養老院], nursing home
        lǎoniáng, my old mother/I, this old woman/my old lady (colloquial)/maternal grandmother/mi...
        shuāilǎo, to age/to deteriorate with age/old and weak
        lǎoniánrén, old people/the elderly
        lǎonián, elderly/old age/autumn of one's years
        lǎonǎinai, (coll.) father's father's mother/paternal great-grandmother/respectful form of a...
        lǎoye, [老爺], (respectful) lord/master/(coll.) maternal grandfather
        lǎodiàoyá, very old/obsolete/out of date
        lǎobǎixìng, ordinary people/the "person in the street"/CL:個|个[gè]
        fǎlǎo, pharaoh (loanword)
        lǎoliàn, [老練], seasoned/experienced
        lǎoshǒu, experienced person/an old hand at sth
        chángshēngbùlǎo, [長生不老], immortality
        lǎoyézi, [老爺子], my (you etc) old father/polite appellation for an elderly male
        lǎohuà, to age (of person or object)/becoming old
        yǎnglǎo, [養老], to provide for the elderly (family members)/to enjoy a life in retirement
        lǎobǎnniáng, [老闆娘], female proprietor/lady boss/boss's wife
        niánlǎo, aged
        lǎotóur, [老頭兒], see 老頭子|老头子[lǎo tóu zi]
        lǎoniánchīdāizhèng, [老年痴獃症], senile dementia/Alzheimer's disease
        lǎoyéye, [老爺爺], (coll.) father's father's father/paternal great-grandfather
        lǎodàgē, big brother
        lǎohǎorén, one who tries never to offend anybody
        lǎochǔnǚ, [老處女], unmarried old woman/spinster
        lǎopái, old, well-known brand/old style/old school/an old hand/experienced veteran
        lǎohǔjī, [老虎機], slot machine
        lǎoxiāng, [老鄉], fellow townsman/fellow villager/sb from the same hometown
        lǎoyītào, the same old stuff
        lǎolù, old road/familiar way/beaten track/conventional behavior
        lǎotài, old lady
西         lǎodōngxi, [老東西], (derog.) old fool/old bastard
        Lǎowō, [老撾], Laos
        lǎoyechē, [老爺車], classic car
        MǐLǎoshǔ, Mickey Mouse
        lǎobàn, (of an elderly couple) husband or wife
        lǎomáobìng, chronic illness/old weakness/chronic problem
        lǎozǎo, a long time ago
        lǎoshēngchángtán, [老生常談], an old observation (idiom)/a truism/banal comments
        lǎoběn, capital/assets/savings/nest egg/(fig.) reputation/laurels (to rest upon)/old edi...
        lǎohútu, [老糊塗], dotard
        mǔlǎohǔ, tigress/(fig.) fierce woman/vixen
        huílǎojiā, to go back to one's roots/to return to one's native place/by ext. to join one's ...
        nánnǚlǎoshào, men, women, young and old/all kinds of people/people of all ages
        shēnglǎobìngsǐ, lit. to be born, to grow old, to get sick and to die/fig. the fate of humankind ...
        lǎojiǎn, [老繭], callus (patch or hardened skin)/corns (on feet)/also 老趼
        lǎozǒng, [老總], boss/executive
        lǎohǔqián, [老虎鉗], vise/pincer pliers
        lǎojiàng, [老將], lit. old general/commander-in-chief 將帥|将帅, the equivalent of king in Chinese che...
        lǎomāzi, [老媽子], older female servant/amah
        dàlǎocū, uncouth fellow/rustic
        lǎogōnggong, old man/husband's father/father-in-law/court eunuch
        lǎochéng, mature/experienced/sophisticated
        lǎowài, (coll.) foreigner (esp. non Asian person)/layman/amateur
        lǎoyībèi, [老一輩], previous generation/older generation
        lǎobǎo, [老鴇], female brothel keeper
        lǎodao, experienced and careful
        cānglǎo, [蒼老], old/aged/(of calligraphy or painting) vigorous/forceful
        lǎozhě, old man/elderly man
        lǎoliǎn, [老臉], self-respect of old person/face/thick-skinned (i.e. impervious to criticism)/bra...
        lǎobó, uncle (polite form of address for older male)
        gūlǎo, solitary old man or woman/regular patron (at brothels)
        lǎoshào, the old and the young
        lǎohúli, old fox/fig. cunning person
        lǎodiàochóngtán, [老調重彈], to play the same old tune (idiom); unoriginal
        Lǎochéngqū/lǎochéngqū, [老城區], Laocheng district of Luoyang City 洛陽市|洛阳市[Luò yáng shì], Henan, old city distric...
        TángLǎoyā, [唐老鴨], Donald Duck
        lǎodāngyìzhuàng, [老當益壯], old but vigorous (idiom); hale and hearty despite the years
        tiānhuāngdìlǎo, until the end of time (idiom)
        fùlǎo, elders
        lǎomóushēnsuàn, [老謀深算], rigorous schemes and deep foresight (idiom); astute and circumspect
        xiǎolǎopó, concubine/mistress/(dialect) woman
        lǎojiānghú, a much-travelled person, well acquainted with the ways of the world
        lǎojiǔ, wine, esp. Shaoxing wine
        lǎotài, [老態], elderly, as in movement or bearing
        lǎohàn, [老漢], old man/I (an old man referring to himself)
        zhǐlǎohǔ, [紙老虎], paper tiger
        lǎozīgé, [老資格], veteran
        lǎohuājìng, [老花鏡], presbyopic glasses
        guòjiēlǎoshǔ, [過街老鼠], sb or sth detested by all/target of scorn/anathema/cf. 老鼠過街,人人喊打|老鼠过街,人人喊打[lǎo s...
        nánnǚlǎoyòu, men, women, young and old/everybody
        jìnglǎoyuàn, home of respect for aged/nursing home
        lǎohuā, presbyopia
        lǎomài, [老邁], aged/senile
        lǎozìhào, [老字號], shop, firm, or brand of merchandise with a long-established reputation
        lǎoyù, [老嫗], old woman (formal writing)
        lǎofū, I (spoken by an old man)
        lǎodàyé, [老大爺], uncle/grandpa/CL:位[wèi]
        lǎoqìhéngqiū, [老氣橫秋], old and decrepit/proud of one's age and experience (idiom)
        lǎohuánglì, [老皇曆], (lit.) past years' almanac/(fig.) ancient history/obsolete practice/old-fashione...
        jìnglǎo, respect for the aged
        bǎodāobùlǎo, [寶刀不老], lit. a good sword always remains sharp (idiom)/fig. (of one's skills etc) to be ...
        lǎozhàngren, (coll.) father-in-law (wife's father)
        qīlǎobāshí, in one's seventies (age)/very old (of people)
        lǎoxiǎo, the old and the young/the youngest member of the family
        lǎodàmā, [老大媽], "Madam" (affectionate term for an elderly woman)/CL:位[wèi]
        lǎolínghuà, [老齡化], aging (population)
        lǎobóbo, grandpa (polite form of address for old man)
        dìlǎotiānhuāng, see 天荒地老[tiān huāng dì lǎo]
        yuèlǎo, matchmaker/go-between/same as 月下老人[yuè xià lǎo rén]
        lǎoshibājiāo, [老實巴交], (coll.) docile/well-behaved/biddable
        lǎochéng, old town/old district of a city
        lǎoyāo, [老么], youngest
        lǎoshēng, venerable middle-aged or elderly man, usually wearing an artificial beard (in Ch...
        lǎofù, father/old man/venerable sir
        èrlǎo, mother and father/parents
        lǎobànr, [老伴兒], erhua variant of 老伴[lǎo bàn]
        zhōnglǎonián, middle and old age
        zhōnglǎoniánrén, middle-aged and elderly people
        lǎohǔdèng, tiger bench (torture method in which the victim sits with legs extended horizont...
        Lǎofóyé, [老佛爺], title of respect for the queen mother or the emperor's father/nickname for Empre...
        lǎozhàng, [老賬], lit. old account/old debt/fig. old scores to settle/old quarrels/old grudge
        lǎolíng, [老齡], old age/aging/aged/geriatric/the aged
        lǎocū, uneducated person/yokel/boor/roughneck
        lǎodàniáng, old lady/Madam (polite address)/CL:位[wèi]
        dàlǎopó, primary wife
        qiūlǎohǔ, hot spell during autumn/Indian summer
        jiālǎo, (old) a senior in one's household
        lǎohuāyǎn, presbyopia
        niánlǎotǐruò, [年老體弱], old and weak (idiom)
        lǎojìfúlì, [老驥伏櫪], lit. an old steed in the stable still aspires to gallop 1000 miles (idiom); fig....
        wèilǎoxiānshuāi, to age prematurely
        lǎolà, shrewd and ruthless/efficient and unscrupulous
        lǎolài, [老賴], (coll.) debt dodger
        chuánlǎodà, coxswain/steersman/boatswain (bo'sun)
        shàoniánlǎochéng, accomplished though young/lacking youthful vigor
        lǎomǎshítú, [老馬識途], an old horse knows the way (idiom); an experienced worker knows what to do/an ol...
        lǎoqiān, cheat/swindler (in gambling)

        Lù/lù, surname Lu, road/CL:條|条[tiáo]/journey/route/line (bus etc)/sort/kind
        lùshang, on the road/on a journey/road surface
        yīlù, the whole journey/all the way/going the same way/going in the same direction/of ...
        gōnglù, highway/road/CL:條|条[tiáo]
        zǒulù, to walk/to go on foot
        dàolù, road/path/way/CL:條|条[tiáo]
        mílù, to lose the way/lost/labyrinth/labyrinthus vestibularis (of the inner ear)
线         lùxiàn, [路線], itinerary/route/political line (e.g. right revisionist road)/CL:條|条[tiáo]
        lùguò, [路過], to pass by or through
线         xiànlù, [線路], line/circuit/wire/road/railway track/bus route
        lùbiān, [路邊], curb/roadside/wayside
        mǎlù, [馬路], street/road/CL:條|条[tiáo]
        chūlù, a way out (lit. and fig.)/opportunity for advancement/a way forward/outlet (for ...
        Lùyìsī, Louis or Lewis (name)
        shànglù, to start on a journey/to be on one's way
        lùzhàng, roadblock/barricade
        Lùyì, Louis or Lewis (name)
        tiělù, [鐵路], railroad/railway/CL:條|条[tiáo]
        gāosùgōnglù, expressway/highway/freeway
        lùkǒu, crossing/intersection (of roads)
        lùchéng, route/path traveled/distance traveled/course (of development)
        xiǎolù, minor road/lane/pathway/trail
        sīlù, train of thought/thinking/reason/reasoning
        gāosùlù, highway/expressway/same as 高速公路[gāo sù gōng lù]
        yīlùshùnfēng, [一路順風], to have a pleasant journey (idiom)
        Yēlùsālěng, Jerusalem
        shùnlù, [順路], by the way/while out doing sth else/conveniently
        dàilù, [帶路], to lead the way/to guide/to show the way/fig. to instruct
        hālìlùyà, [哈利路亞], hallelujah (loanword)
        dǎnglù, [擋路], blocking the way
        diànlù, [電路], electric circuit
        duǎnlù, short circuit
        zǒutóuwúlù, [走投無路], to be at an impasse (idiom)/in a tight spot/at the end of one's rope/desperate
        shízìlùkǒu, crossroads/intersection
        gǎnlù, [趕路], to hasten on with one's journey/to hurry on
        rànglù, [讓路], to make way (for sth)
        bànlù, halfway/midway/on the way
        lùrén, passer-by/stranger
退         tuìlù, a way out/a way to retreat/leeway
        sǐlùyītiáo, [死路一條], (idiom) dead end/road to ruin
        lùjìng, [路徑], path/route/method/ways and means
        Shènglùyìsī, [聖路易斯], St Louis, large city in eastern Missouri
        dàlù, avenue/CL:條|条[tiáo]
        bìlùdiànshì, [閉路電視], closed-circuit television
        kāilù, [開路], to open up a path/to make one's way through/to construct a road/(electricity) op...
        kǎlùlǐ, calorie (loanword)
        lùzi, method/way/approach
        shēnglù, a way to make a living/a way to survive/a way out of a predicament
        sǐlù, dead end/(fig.) the road to disaster
        Lùdé, Luther (name)/Martin Luther (1483-1546), reformation protestant minister
        lùtú, (lit. and fig.) road/path
        jìnlù, shortcut
        tàolù, sequence of movements in martial arts/routine/pattern/standard method
        ménlù, [門路], way of doing sth/the right social connection
        lùmiàn, pavement
        lùbiāo, [路標], road sign
        lùdēng, [路燈], street lamp/street light
        wǎnglù, [網路], network (computer, telecom)/Internet/Taiwanese term for 網絡|网络[wǎng luò]
        lùfèi, [路費], travel expenses/money for a voyage/toll
        wènlù, [問路], to ask for directions/to ask the way (to some place)
        Lùyìsīānnàzhōu, Louisiana, US state
        shānlù, mountain road
        huítóulù, [回頭路], the road back to where one came from
        huílù, to return/circuit (e.g. electric)/loop
        hòulù, [後路], escape route/retreat route/communication lines to the rear/alternative course of...
        lǎolù, old road/familiar way/beaten track/conventional behavior
线         lùxiàntú, [路線圖], route map/roadmap (also fig.)
        lǐnglù, [領路], to lead the way
        lùyóuqì, router (computing)
        zǒuxiàpōlù, to go downhill/to decline/to slump
        pūlù, [鋪路], to pave (with paving stones)/to lay a road/(fig.) to lay the groundwork (for sth...
        mòlù, end of the road/final road/fig. dead end/impasse
        yǐnlù, to guide/to show the way
        chàlù, fork in the road
        Sàipǔlùsī, Cyprus
        lùkuàng, [路況], road condition(s) (e.g. surface, traffic flow etc)
··         Mǎdīng·Lùdé·Jīn, [馬丁·路德·金], Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), American clergyman and civil rights activis...
        wénlù, [紋路], veined pattern/wrinkles/vein lines (in marble or fingerprint)/grain (in wood etc...
        xiūlù, to repair a road
        duìlù, [對路], suitable/to one's liking
        shuǐlù, waterway
        Wànbǎolù, [萬寶路], Marlboro (cigarette)
        xiāolù, [銷路], sale/market/state of the market/sales event
        lùpáng, roadside
        huólù/huólu, through road/way out/way to survive/means of subsistence, labor/physical work
西         Lùxīfǎ, Lucifer (Satan's name before his fall in Jewish and Christian mythology)
        tànlù, to find a path
        lánlù, [攔路], to block sb's path/to waylay
        tōnglù, thoroughfare/passage/pathway/channel
        qùlù, the way one is following/outlet
        lùlù, [陸路], land route/to go by surface transport
        fēnghuílùzhuǎn, [峰回路轉], the mountain road twists around each new peak (idiom)/(of a mountain road) twist...
        Lùdéwéixī, [路德維希], Ludwig (name)
        bǎiyóulù, tarred road/asphalt road
        lánlùhǔ, [攔路虎], stumbling block
        wānlù, [彎路], winding road/roundabout route/detour/(fig.) wrong way (of doing sth)
        guòlùrén, [過路人], a passer-by
        tǔlù, dirt road
        zhènglù, the right way
        cǐlùbùtōng, this road is blocked/fig. This method does not work./Doing this is no good.
        zǒuhuítóulù, [走回頭路], to turn back/to backtrack/(fig.) to revert to the former way of doing things
        cáilù, [財路], livelihood
        chēdàoshānqiánbìyǒulù, [車到山前必有路], lit. When we get to the mountain, there'll be a way through. (idiom)/fig. Everyt...
        xiélù, see 邪道[xié dào]
        xīnlù, scheme/artifice/tolerance/intention/motive/train of thought/brains/wit/ideas
        lùjī, (civil engineering) roadbed
        huánlù, [環路], ring road/closed circuit/loop
        láilù, [來路], incoming road/origin/past history
        jíchéngdiànlù, [集成電路], integrated circuit/IC
        láilùbùmíng, [來路不明], unidentified origin/no-one knows where it comes from/of dubious background
        xiálùxiāngféng, [狹路相逢], lit. to meet face to face on a narrow path (idiom)/fig. enemies or rivals meet f...
        LùyìWēidēng, Louis Vuitton (brand)
        lùxiàng, road direction/(fig.) direction/path
        zhōnglù, midway/mediocre (quality)/midfield (soccer)
        tónglù, to go the same way
        qílù, to diverge from the main road, also figuratively
·         Mǎdīng·Lùdé, [馬丁·路德], Martin Luther (1483-1546), key figure of the Protestant Reformation
        shàngpōlù, uphill road/slope up/fig. upward trend/progress
        kāilùxiānfēng, [開路先鋒], pioneer/trailbreaker
线         tiělùxiàn, [鐵路線], railway line
        xiàpōlù, downhill road/(fig.) downhill path
        fēnglù, road closure/to close a road
        lùrénjiēzhī, understood by everyone (idiom); well known/a household name
        qīngchēshúlù, [輕車熟路], lit. to drive a lightweight chariot on a familiar road (idiom)/fig. to do sth ro...
        tóushíwènlù, [投石問路], lit. to toss a stone to find out what's ahead (idiom)/fig. to test the waters
        Lùtòushè, Reuters News Agency
        shúlù, familiar road/beaten track
        lùguǐ, [路軌], track (railroad, streetcar etc)
        yālùjī, [壓路機], road roller
        tónglùrén, fellow traveler/comrade
        zǒuwānlù, [走彎路], to take an indirect route/to waste one's time by using an inappropriate method
        xínglù, to travel/transport
        liúhòulù, [留後路], to leave oneself a way out
        bànlùchūjiā, switch to a job one was not trained for
        bìyóuzhīlù, the road one must follow or take/the only way
        yàolù, important road/main thoroughfare/fig. key position
        lùshù, [路數], social connections/stratagem/method/approach/movement (martial arts)/(sb's) back...
        guǎnlù, piping (for water, oil, etc)/conduit
        àilù, defile/narrow passage
        dàlùhuò, [大路貨], staple goods
        Bǐlùzhī, Balochi (ethnic group of Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan)
        SīchóuzhīLù, [絲綢之路], the Silk Road
        Lùqiáo/lùqiáo, [路橋], Luqiao district of Taizhou city 台州市[Tāi zhōu shì], Zhejiang, road bridge
        yīlùfēngchén, [一路風塵], to live an exhausting journey
        Lùhǔ, Land Rover
        wàilù, see 外地[wài dì]
        ZǐLù, Zi Lu (542-480 BC), disciple of Confucius 孔夫子[Kǒng fū zǐ], also known as Ji Lu 季...

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