脱 ⇒
脱 tuō, [脫], to shed/to take off/to escape/to get away from
摆脱 bǎituō, [擺脫], to break away from/to cast off (old ideas etc)/to get rid of/to break away (from...
逃脱 táotuō, [逃脫], to run away/to escape
脱离 tuōlí, [脫離], to separate oneself from/to break away from/diastasis (medicine)/abscission/abju...
脱衣舞 tuōyīwǔ, [脫衣舞], striptease
解脱 jiětuō, [解脫], to untie/to free/to absolve of/to get free of/to extirpate oneself/(Buddhism) to...
脱身 tuōshēn, [脫身], to get away/to escape (from obligations)/to free oneself/to disengage
脱光 tuōguāng, [脫光], to strip naked/to strip nude/(coll.) to find oneself a partner
脱水 tuōshuǐ, [脫水], to dry out/to extract water/dehydration/dehydrated/desiccation
脱颖而出 tuōyǐngérchū, [脫穎而出], to reveal one's talent (idiom)/to rise above others/to distinguish oneself
挣脱 zhèngtuō, [掙脫], to throw off/to struggle free of/Taiwan pr. [zhēng tuō]
开脱 kāituō, [開脫], to exculpate/to absolve/to exonerate
脱落 tuōluò, [脫落], to drop off/to come off/to lose (hair etc)/to omit (a character when writing)
品脱 pǐntuō, [品脫], pint (approx. 0.47 liter) (loanword)
脱脂 tuōzhī, [脫脂], to remove fat/to skim (milk)
脱逃 tuōtáo, [脫逃], to run away/to escape
脱臼 tuōjiù, [脫臼], dislocation (of a joint)
脱口而出 tuōkǒuérchū, [脫口而出], to blurt out/to let slip (an indiscreet remark)
脱胎换骨 tuōtāihuàngǔ, [脫胎換骨], to shed one's mortal body and exchange one's bones (idiom); born again Daoist/to...
脱毛 tuōmáo, [脫毛], to lose hair or feathers/to molt/depilation/to shave
脱手 tuōshǒu, [脫手], (not of regular commerce) to sell or dispose of (goods etc)/to get rid of/to unl...
脱险 tuōxiǎn, [脫險], to escape (danger)/to rescue/to come out alive
脱节 tuōjié, [脫節], to come apart
夸脱 脱帽 脱发 tuōfà, [脫髮], baldness/to lose hair or feathers/to molt/depilation
超脱 chāotuō, [超脫], to stand aloof/to be detached from/to transcend worldliness/untrammeled/unconven...
脱困 超凡脱俗 脱轨 tuōguǐ, [脫軌], to leave the rails/to derail/to jump the track
脱出 tuōchū, [脫出], to break away/to extricate/to escape/to leave the confines of
推脱 tuītuō, [推脫], to evade/to shirk
脱皮 tuōpí, [脫皮], to molt/to peel/fig. seriously hurt
虚脱 xūtuō, [虛脫], to collapse (from dehydration or loss of blood)/heat exhaustion
脱位 脱氧 tuōyǎng, [脫氧], deoxidation
活脱脱 huótuōtuō, [活脫脫], remarkably alike
脱销 tuōxiāo, [脫銷], to sell out/to run out (of supplies)/deficient/lack of supplies
金蝉脱壳 jīnchántuōqiào, [金蟬脫殼], lit. the cicada sheds its carapace (idiom); fig. to vanish leaving an empty shel...
拉脱维亚 Lātuōwéiyà, [拉脫維亞], Latvia
洒脱 sǎtuō, [灑脫], free and at ease/natural/unconstrained
虎口脱险 脱俗 tuōsú, [脫俗], free from vulgarity/refined/outstanding
脱钩 tuōgōu, [脫鉤], to cut ties/to disconnect/out of touch
脱开 tuōkāi, [脫開], to withdraw
脱肛 tuōgāng, [脫肛], rectal prolapse
脱靶 tuōbǎ, [脫靶], to miss/to shoot and miss the target/off the mark
拉脱维亚人 脱敏 tuōmǐn, [脫敏], to desensitize/to remove an allergic susceptibility
脱胎 tuōtāi, [脫胎], to be born/(fig.) to develop out of sth else (of ideas, stories, political syste...
脱色 tuōsè, [脫色], to lose color/to turn pale/to bleach/to fade
脱水机 tuōshuǐjī, [脫水機], a device for extracting water (such as a centrifuge)
脱脂棉 tuōzhīmián, [脫脂棉], absorbent cotton
脱稿 tuōgǎo, [脫稿], to complete a draft/to put out a manuscript
身 ⇒
身上 shēnshang, on the body/at hand/among
身体 shēntǐ, [身體], the body/one's health/CL:具[jù],個|个[gè]/in person
身 shēn, body/life/oneself/personally/one's morality and conduct/the main part of a struc...
身边 shēnbiān, [身邊], at one's side/on hand
身份 shēnfèn, identity/status/capacity/dignity/position/rank
单身 dānshēn, [單身], unmarried/single
全身 quánshēn, whole body/em (typography)
身材 shēncái, stature/build (height and weight)/figure
本身 běnshēn, itself/in itself/per se
身后 shēnhòu, [身後], posthumous/one's social background/behind the body
转身 zhuǎnshēn, [轉身], (of a person) to turn round/to face about/(of a widow) to remarry (archaic)
身份证 shēnfènzhèng, [身份證], identity card/ID
健身 jiànshēn, to exercise/to keep fit/to work out/physical exercise
浑身 húnshēn, [渾身], all over/from head to foot
终身 zhōngshēn, [終身], lifelong/all one's life/marriage
自身 zìshēn, itself/oneself/one's own
脱身 tuōshēn, [脫身], to get away/to escape (from obligations)/to free oneself/to disengage
身子 shēnzi, body/pregnancy/health
随身 suíshēn, [隨身], to (carry) on one's person/to (take) with one
健身房 jiànshēnfáng, gym/gymnasium
身高 shēngāo, (a person's) height
身旁 藏身 cángshēn, to hide/to go into hiding/to take refuge
现身 xiànshēn, [現身], to show oneself/to appear/(of a deity) to appear in the flesh
身亡 shēnwáng, to die
热身 rèshēn, [熱身], to warm up (sports)/(fig.) to prepare/to get in condition
人身 rénshēn, person/personal/human body
合身 héshēn, well-fitting (of clothes)
出身 chūshēn, to be born of/to come from/family background/class origin
身手 shēnshǒu, skill/talent/agility
动身 dòngshēn, [動身], to go on a journey/to leave
上身 shàngshēn, upper part of the body
全身心 quánshēnxīn, wholeheartedly/(to devote oneself) heart and soul
紧身 jǐnshēn, [緊身], skintight
替身 tìshēn, stand-in/substitute/body double/stuntman/scapegoat/fall guy/to stand in for sb e...
紧身衣 化身 huàshēn, incarnation/reincarnation/embodiment (of abstract idea)/personification
单身汉 dānshēnhàn, [單身漢], bachelor/unmarried man
亲身 qīnshēn, [親身], personal/oneself
献身 xiànshēn, [獻身], to commit one's energy to/to devote oneself to/to sacrifice one's life for/(coll...
孤身一人 身处 shēnchǔ, [身處], in (some place)/to be in (adversity, a difficult situation, danger, turmoil etc)...
置身 zhìshēn, to place oneself/to stay
身心 shēnxīn, body and mind/mental and physical
半身 身为 shēnwéi, [身為], in the capacity of/as
身无分文 shēnwúfēnwén, [身無分文], penniless (idiom)
翻身 fānshēn, to turn over (when lying)/(fig.) to free oneself/to emancipate oneself/to bring ...
缠身 chánshēn, [纏身], (of an illness, debt etc) to plague sb/to preoccupy sb/difficult to get rid of
护身符 hùshēnfú, [護身符], amulet/protective talisman/charm
满身 mǎnshēn, [滿身], covered all over
隐身 yǐnshēn, [隱身], to hide oneself/invisible (person or online status)
起身 qǐshēn, to get up/to leave/to set forth
挺身而出 tǐngshēnérchū, to step forward bravely
贴身 tiēshēn, [貼身], worn next to the skin/close-fitting/personal (servant etc)
身影 shēnyǐng, silhouette/figure
抽身 chōushēn, to get away from/to withdraw/to free oneself
独身 dúshēn, [獨身], unmarried/single
一身 yīshēn, whole body/from head to toe/single person/a suit of clothes
身分 shēnfèn, variant of 身份/identity/status/capacity/dignity/position/rank
身价 shēnjià, [身價], social status/price of a slave/price of a person (a sportsman etc)/worth/value (...
投身 tóushēn, to throw oneself into sth
置身事外 zhìshēnshìwài, not to get involved/to stay out of it
下身 xiàshēn, lower part of the body/genitalia/trousers
身着 shēnzhuó, [身著], to wear
身躯 shēnqū, [身軀], body
身家 搜身 sōushēn, to do a body search/to frisk
身世 shēnshì, one's life experience/one's lot/one's past history
葬身 zàngshēn, to bury a corpse/to be buried/(fig.) to die (at sea, in a fire etc)
感同身受 gǎntóngshēnshòu, to feel as if it had happened to oneself/to sympathize/(polite expression of gra...
身不由己 shēnbùyóujǐ, without the freedom to act independently (idiom); involuntary/not of one's own v...
身孕 shēnyùn, pregnancy/pregnant
机身 jīshēn, [機身], body of a vehicle or machine/fuselage of a plane
栖身 qīshēn, [棲身], to stay at/to live in (temporarily)
卖身 màishēn, [賣身], to prostitute oneself/to sell oneself into slavery
车身 chēshēn, [車身], body of automobile
粉身碎骨 fěnshēnsuìgǔ, lit. torn body and crushed bones (idiom)/fig. to die horribly/to sacrifice one's...
肉身 ròushēn, corporeal body
身形 shēnxíng, figure (esp. a woman's)
分身 fēnshēn, to spare time for a separate task/doppelgänger/sockpuppet (Internet slang)
半身像 bànshēnxiàng, half-length photo or portrait/bust
挺身 tǐngshēn, to straighten one's back
身段 shēnduàn, a woman's physique/figure/posture on stage
身下 船身 chuánshēn, hull/body of a ship
俯身 fǔshēn, to lean over/to bend over/to stoop/to bow
设身处地 shèshēnchǔdì, [設身處地], to put oneself in sb else's shoes
健身操 跻身 jīshēn, [躋身], to rise (in society)
孤身 gūshēn, alone/lonely
杀身之祸 身临其境 shēnlínqíjìng, [身臨其境], (idiom) to experience it for oneself/to actually *be* there (as opposed to readi...
只身 zhīshēn, [隻身], alone/by oneself
防身 fángshēn, self-protection/to defend oneself
容身 róngshēn, to find a place where one can fit in/to make one's home/to seek shelter
身败名裂 shēnbàimíngliè, [身敗名裂], to lose one's standing/to have one's reputation swept away/a complete defeat and...
摇身一变 yáoshēnyībiàn, [搖身一變], to change shape in a single shake/fig. to take on a new lease of life
大显身手 dàxiǎnshēnshǒu, [大顯身手], (idiom) fully displaying one's capabilities
爽身粉 shuǎngshēnfěn, baby powder/talcum powder
身穿 shēnchuān, to wear (a garment)
尸身 安身 ānshēn, to make one's home/to take shelter
切身 qièshēn, direct/concerning oneself/personal
身患 纵身 zòngshēn, [縱身], to leap/to spring/to throw oneself
侧身 cèshēn, [側身], (to stand or move) sideways
以身作则 yǐshēnzuòzé, [以身作則], to set an example (idiom); to serve as a model
身强力壮 shēnqiánglìzhuàng, [身強力壯], strong and vigorous/sturdy/robust
失身 shīshēn, to lose one's virginity/to lose one's chastity
护身 身陷囹圄 shēnxiànlíngyǔ, thrown into prison/behind bars
腰身 真身 zhēnshēn, the real body (of Buddha or a God)/true effigy
现身说法 xiànshēnshuōfǎ, [現身說法], to talk from one's personal experience/to use oneself as an example
奋不顾身 fènbùgùshēn, [奮不顧身], to dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety (idiom); undaunted by dang...
引火烧身 yǐnhuǒshāoshēn, [引火燒身], to invite trouble
身长 shēncháng, [身長], height (of person)/length of clothing from shoulders to bottom (tailor or dressm...
前身 qiánshēn, forerunner/predecessor/precursor/previous incarnation (Buddhism)/jacket front
身姿 身板 shēnbǎn, body/physique/physical condition
热身赛 rèshēnsài, [熱身賽], exhibition game
周身 zhōushēn, whole body
人身自由 以身试法 yǐshēnshìfǎ, [以身試法], to challenge the law (idiom)/to knowingly violate the law
洁身自好 jiéshēnzìhào, [潔身自好], clean-living and honest (idiom); to avoid immorality/to shun evil influence/to m...
只身一人 半身不遂 bànshēnbùsuì, paralysis of one side of the body/hemiplegia
正身 身心健康 身经百战 shēnjīngbǎizhàn, [身經百戰], lit. veteran of a hundred battles (idiom)/fig. experienced/seasoned
终身伴侣 健身器 身受 修身 xiūshēn, to cultivate one's moral character/(fashion) slim-fit/body-hugging
容身之地 一显身手 身居 身体力行 shēntǐlìxíng, [身體力行], to practice what one preaches (idiom)
全身性 舍身 shěshēn, [捨身], to give one's life
分身术 身披 独善其身 明哲保身 míngzhébǎoshēn, a wise man looks after his own hide (idiom)/to put one's own safety before matte...
赎身 强身健体 回身 狮身人面像 shīshēnrénmiànxiàng, [獅身人面像], sphinx
强身 qiángshēn, [強身], to strengthen one's body/to keep fit/to build up one's health (through exercise,...
枪身 卖身契 修身养性 丧身 功成身退 身心交瘁 shēnxīnjiāocuì, worn out in body and soul (idiom)
身先士卒 shēnxiānshìzú, to fight at the head of one's troops/(fig.) to take the lead
言传身教 yánchuánshēnjiào, [言傳身教], to teach by words and example (idiom)
身条 身量 shēnliang, height (of a person)/stature/fig. reputation/standing
安身立命 ānshēnlìmìng, settle down and get on with one's pursuit
一试身手 翻身仗 心身 守身 shǒushēn, to keep oneself pure/to preserve one's integrity/to remain chaste
身外之物 shēnwàizhīwù, mere worldly possessions
身强体壮 躬身 gōngshēn, to bow
树身 shùshēn, [樹身], tree trunk
处身 终身大事 zhōngshēndàshì, [終身大事], major turning point of lifelong import (esp. marriage)
气绝身亡 赤身 chìshēn, naked
以身殉职 身残志坚 科班出身 桥身 瘦身 shòushēn, to lose weight (intentionally)/to slim down/(Tw) to downsize (a business)
身无长物 shēnwúchángwù, [身無長物], to possess nothing except bare necessities/to live a poor or frugal life
后身 立身 lìshēn, to stand up/to conduct oneself
身手不凡 舍身取义 切身利益 文身 wénshēn, to tattoo
剑身 jiànshēn, [劍身], sword blade
紧身服 包身工 bāoshēngōng, indentured laborer
鬼伏身 健身球 安身之地 身处牢笼 一身正气 隐身术