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HSK 5 word: freq index 11072
[調皮] tiáopí naughty

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Word Compounds

        diàochá, [調查], investigation/inquiry/to investigate/to survey/survey/(opinion) poll/CL:項|项[xiàn...
        diào/tiáo, [調], to transfer/to move (troops or cadres)/to investigate/to enquire into/accent/vie...
        tiáozhěng, [調整], to adjust/adjustment/revision/CL:個|个[gè]
        tiáoqíng, [調情], to flirt
        dīdiào, [低調], low pitch/quiet (voice)/subdued/low-key/low-profile
        qiángdiào, [強調], to emphasize (a statement)/to stress
        kōngtiáo, [空調], air conditioning/air conditioner (including units that have a heating mode)/CL:臺...
        xiétiáo, [協調], to coordinate/to harmonize/to fit together/to match (colors etc)/harmonious/conc...
        diàotóu/diàotou, [調頭], variant of 掉頭|掉头[diào tóu], tone (of voice)/tune
        tiáowèi, [調味], seasoning/condiment/flavoring/dressing/essences
        tiáojié, [調節], to adjust/to regulate/to harmonize/to reconcile (accountancy etc)
        diàodòng, [調動], to transfer/to maneuver (troops etc)/movement of personnel/to mobilize/to bring ...
        tiáopí, [調皮], naughty/mischievous/unruly
        shīdiào/shītiáo, [失調], out of tune (music), imbalance/to become dysfunctional/to lack proper care (afte...
        yīndiào, [音調], pitch of voice (high or low)/pitch (of a musical note)/tone
        tiáoliào, [調料], condiment/seasoning/flavoring
        diàozi, [調子], tune/melody/tuning/cadence/intonation/(speech) tone
        tiáoxì, [調戲], to take liberties with a woman/to dally/to assail a woman with obscenities
        dāndiào, [單調], monotonous
        diàodù, [調度], to dispatch (vehicles, staff etc)/to schedule/to manage/dispatcher/scheduler
        qiāngdiào, [腔調], accent
        tiáojiě, [調解], to mediate/to bring parties to an agreement
        chéncílàndiào, [陳詞濫調], cliché/commonplace/truism/stereotype
        tiáojiào, [調教], to instruct/to teach/to train/to raise (livestock)
        yǔdiào, [語調], intonation/CL:個|个[gè]
        qíngdiào, [情調], sentiment/tone and mood/taste
        gédiào, [格調], style (of art or literature)/form/one's work style/moral character
        pēngtiáo, [烹調], to cook/cooking
        diàohuàn, [調換], to exchange/to change places/to swap
        xiǎodiào, [小調], xiaodiao, a Chinese folk song genre/minor key (in music)
        qǔdiào, [曲調], tune/melody
        diàopèi/tiáopèi, [調配], to allocate/to deploy, to blend (colors, herbs)/to mix
        bùdiào, [步調], gait/marching order/step/pace
        chàngfǎndiào, [唱反調], to express a different view/to take a different position
        tiáopín, [調頻], frequency modulation/FM
        zǒudiào, [走調], out of tune/off-key
        dàdiào, [大調], major key (in music)
        tiáoshì, [調試], to debug/to adjust components during testing/debugging
        shēngdiào, [聲調], tone/note/a tone (on a Chinese syllable)/CL:個|个[gè]
        diàoqiǎn, [調遣], to dispatch/to assign/a dispatch
        diàoyán, [調研], to investigate and research/research/investigation
        tiáohé, [調和], harmonious/to mediate/to reconcile/to compromise/mediation/to mix/to blend/blend...
        tiáotíng, [調停], to reconcile/to mediate/to bring warring parties to agreement/to arbitrate
        tiáozhì, [調制]/[調製], to modulate/modulation, to concoct by mixing ingredients/to prepare according to...
        diàozhuǎn, [調轉], to reassign sb to a different job/to turn around/to change direction/to make a U...
        tiáokǎn, [調侃], to ridicule/to tease/to mock/idle talk/chitchat
        sèdiào, [色調], hue/tone
        diàoyòng, [調用], to transfer (for a specific purpose)/to allocate/(computing) to invoke (a comman...
        jīdiào, [基調], main key (of a musical composition)/keynote (speech)
        gāodiào, [高調], high-sounding speech/bombast/high-profile
        tiáojiéqì, [調節器], regulator
        lùndiào, [論調], argument/view (sometimes derogatory)
        tiáogēng, [調羹], spoon
        tiáowèipǐn, [調味品], seasoning/flavoring
        tiáosè, [調色], to blend colors/to mix colors
        xiétiáoyuán, [協調員], coordinator
        tiáojì, [調劑], to adjust/to balance/to make up a medical prescription
        diàorèn, [調任], to transfer/to move to another post
        diàojí, [調集], to summon/to muster/to assemble
        shàngtiáo, [上調], to raise (prices)/to adjust upwards
        diàopài, [調派], to send on assignment/to deploy (troops)
        jièdiào, [借調], to temporarily transfer (personnel)
        lǎodiàochóngtán, [老調重彈], to play the same old tune (idiom); unoriginal
        duìdiào, [對調], to swap places/to exchange roles
        biàndiào, [變調], tone sandhi/modified tone/(music) to change key/modulation
        tiáozhìjiětiáoqì, [調制解調器], modem
        diàochábiǎo, [調查表], questionnaire/inventory list/CL:張|张[zhāng],份[fèn]
        chōudiào, [抽調], to transfer (personnel or material)
        zhuǎndiào, [轉調], (music) to change key/modulation/(of an employee) to be transferred to another p...
        yǒngtàndiào, [詠嘆調], aria
        tiáokòng, [調控], to regulate/to control
        tiáolǐ, [調理], to nurse one's health/to recuperate/to take care of/to look after/to discipline/...
        tiáoxiào, [調笑], to tease/to poke fun at
        jiàngdiào, [降調], falling intonation (linguistics)/to lower the key of a tune/to demote
        shēngdiào, [昇調], rising tone (phonetics, e.g. on a question in English)
        zhēngdiào, [徵調], to conscript/to second (personnel)/to requisition (supplies etc)
        xiàdiào/xiàtiáo, [下調], to demote/to pass down to a lower unit, to adjust downwards/to lower (prices, wa...
        diàobō/tiáobō, [調撥], to send (products)/to allocate/to commit (funds)/to channel (goods), to sow disc...
        tiáoyǎng, [調養], to take care of (sb's health)/to nurse
        dìngdiào, [定調], to set the tone
        diàoyuè, [調閱], to access (a document)/to consult
        wēitiáo, [微調], fine tuning/trimming
        tiáojiāo, [調焦], to focus
        diàoqǔ, [調取], to obtain (information from an archive etc)
        qǐngdiào, [請調], to request a transfer
        diàorù, [調入], to bring in/to call in/to transfer (a person, data)/(computing) to call/to load ...
        jiětiáo, [解調], demodulation/to demodulate
        diàobīngqiǎnjiàng, [調兵遣將], to move an army and send a general (idiom); to deploy an army/to send a team on ...
        tiáofú, [調幅], amplitude modulation (AM)/size of an adjustment
        tiáosù, [調速], to adjust the speed
        chànggāodiào, [唱高調], to sing the high part/to speak fine sounding but empty words (idiom)
        tiáosèbǎn, [調色板], palette
        tiáoyún, [調勻], to blend (cooking)/to mix evenly
        fēngtiáoyǔshùn, [風調雨順], favorable weather (idiom); good weather for crops
        bǐdiào, [筆調], (of writing) tone/style
        diàochátuán, [調查團], investigating team
        bùdiàoyīzhì, [步調一致], to be united in action
        tiáoxié, [調諧], harmonious/to adjust/to tune (e.g. wireless receiver)/to bring into harmony
        diàomén/tiáomén, [調門], melody/pitch or key (music)/tone/style/point of view, valve
        diàoshì, [調式], (musical) mode
        tiáonòng, [調弄], to tease/to make fun of/to provoke/to stir up (trouble)
        shídiào, [時調], regional folk song popular during a certain period of time

        Pí/pí, surname Pi, leather/skin/fur/CL:張|张[zhāng]/pico- (one trillionth)/naughty
        pífū, [皮膚], skin/CL:層|层[céng],塊|块[kuài]
        pídài, [皮帶], strap/leather belt/CL:條|条[tiáo],根[gēn]
        yǎnpí, eyelid
        píbāo, handbag/briefcase
        xīpíshì, hippie (loanword)
        jīpígēda, [雞皮疙瘩], goose pimples/goose bumps
        pígé, leather/CL:張|张[zhāng]
        tiáopí, [調皮], naughty/mischievous/unruly
        tóupí, [頭皮], scalp
        píjiā, [皮夾], wallet/Taiwan pr. [pí jiá]
        píxié, leather shoes
        pízhěn, a rash
        dùpí, belly
        xiàngpí, rubber/an eraser/CL:塊|块[kuài]
        bāopí, wrapping/wrapper/foreskin
        máopí, fur/pelt
        pímáo, fur/fur clothing/skin and hair/superficial/superficial knowledge
        biǎopí, epidermis/cuticle
        wánpí, [頑皮], naughty
        Píāiěr, [皮埃爾], Pierre (name)
        liǎnpí, [臉皮], face/cheek
        píròu, skin and flesh/superficial/physical (suffering)/bodily
        píxiāng, leather suitcase
        zhēnpí, dermis (layer within the skin containing sense of touch)
        jīmáosuànpí, [雞毛蒜皮], lit. chicken feathers and garlic skins (idiom)/fig. trivial (matter)
        pízhì, [皮質], cortex/cerebral cortex
        yángpí, sheepskin
        niúpí, cowhide/leather/fig. flexible and tough/boasting/big talk
        Sīpíěrbógé, [斯皮爾伯格], Steven Spielberg (1946-), US film director
        dìpí, lot/section of land/ground
        cǎopí, turf/sward/sod
        tiěpí, [鐵皮], galvanized iron sheet (for building construction)
        diāopí, mink fur
        pícéng, [皮層], cortex
        qiàopihuà, [俏皮話], witticism/wisecrack/sarcastic remark/double entendre
        shuǎzuǐpízi, to talk glibly/to talk big/to be all talk
        qiàopi, smart/charming/attractive/witty/facetious/ironic
        chuīniúpí, to boast/to talk big
        píkǎ, pickup (truck) (loanword)
        shùpí, [樹皮], tree bark
        Píěrsēn, [皮爾森], Pearson (family name as well as various places)
        hòuliǎnpí, [厚臉皮], brazen/shameless/impudent/cheek/thick-skinned
        pítǐng, kayak
        pízi, skin/fur
        Píěr, [皮爾], Pierre, capital of South Dakota
        pífūkē, [皮膚科], dermatology
        pífūbìng, [皮膚病], dermatosis
        píqiú, ball (made of rubber, leather etc)
        yángpízhǐ, [羊皮紙], parchment
        pífūái, [皮膚癌], skin cancer
        wàipí, outer skin/carapace
        pínáng, leather bag
        guìpí, Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamonum cassia)/cassia bark
        xiàngpíjīn, rubber band
        píbiān, lash
        làipí, [賴皮], shameless/(slang) rascal
        yǎpíshì, yuppie (loanword)/young urban professional, 1980s slang
        zuǐpízi, lit. lips/fig. glib talk
        yìngzhetóupí, [硬著頭皮], to brace oneself to do sth/to put a bold face on it/to summon up courage/to forc...
        tóupíxiè, [頭皮屑], dandruff
        chénpí, [陳皮], orange peel/tangerine peel/dried orange peel used in Chinese medicine
        píhuátǐng, [皮劃艇], canoe/kayak
        píjiang, cobbler
        píjīn, rubber band
        chòupínáng, this mortal flesh
        Tuōpíkǎ, Topeka, capital of Kansas
        Pínuòqiētè, [皮諾切特], General Augusto Pinochet (1915-2006), Chilean dictator
        tuōpí, [脫皮], to molt/to peel/fig. seriously hurt
        xīpíxiàoliǎn, [嬉皮笑臉], all smiles/smiling mischievously or ingratiatingly
        píyán, dermatitis
        niúpíxuǎn, [牛皮癬], psoriasis
        miànpí, [麵皮], cheek/face/leather covering (for handbags etc), dumpling skin/piecrust
        tuìpí, [蛻皮], skin cast off during molting/exuvium/to pupate/to molt/to slough/to cast off an ...
        chěpí, to wrangle/wrangling
        fēngpí, outer skin/envelope/cover/(legal) seal
        pídàn, thousand-year old eggs/preserved eggs
        jǐpí, suede/chamois leather
        xiàngpícā, eraser/rubber/CL:塊|块[kuài]
        píbāogōngsī, lit. briefcase company/dummy corporation/shell company/fly-by-night company
        shuāngyǎnpí, [雙眼皮], double eyelid
        zhípí, to graft skin/skin grafting
        chēpí, [車皮], wagon/freight car
        xiàngpígāo, sticking plaster/adhesive bandage
        báipíshū, [白皮書], white paper (e.g. containing proposals for new legislation)/white book
        pífá, leather float/inflatable raft
        píjù, leather products/CL:件[jiàn]
        shòupí, [獸皮], animal skin/hide
        niúpízhǐ, [牛皮紙], kraft paper
仿         fǎngpí, imitation leather
        fūpí, [麩皮], bran (esp. of wheat)
        dòufupí, tofu skin (made by drying the skin that forms on the surface of soymilk during c...
        Píkèsī, Pixar Animation Studios
        píkāiròuzhàn, [皮開肉綻], flesh lacerated from corporal punishment (idiom)
        guǒpí, (fruit) peel
        pízhīxiàn, epidermal sebaceous glands/skin oil gland
        ròupí, pork skin
        huàpí, [畫皮], painted skin (which transforms a monster into a beauty)
        píhuò, [皮貨], furs
        pímiàn, outer skin/surface/leather cover (of a book)/drum skin/leather upper (of a shoe)
        dānyǎnpí, [單眼皮], single eyelid
西         xīpí, one of the two chief types of music in Chinese opera/see also 二黃|二黄[èr huáng]
        liǎnpíbáo, [臉皮薄], thin-skinned/sensitive
        Píshān, Pishan County in Hotan Prefecture 和田地區|和田地区[Hé tián Dì qū], Xinjiang
        shūpí, [書皮], book cover/book jacket
        niúpícài, chard (Beta vulgaris), a foliage beet
        pídài, leather bag/leather pouch (for liquid)
        píchǐ, tape measure
        píyǐngxì, [皮影戲], shadow play
        Píkèlín, Pickering (name)
        Āpíyà, [阿皮亞], Apia, capital of the Independent State of Samoa

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