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qǐxiān at first
in the beginning

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        qǐlai/qilai, [起來], to stand up/to get up/also pr. [qǐ lái], (after a verb) indicating the beginning...
        yīqǐ, in the same place/together/with/altogether (in total)
        duìbuqǐ, [對不起], unworthy/to let down/I'm sorry/excuse me/pardon me/if you please/sorry? (please ...
        qǐ, to rise/to raise/to get up/to set out/to start/to appear/to launch/to initiate (...
        xiǎngqǐ, to recall/to think of/to call to mind
        qǐsù, [起訴], to sue/to bring a lawsuit against/to prosecute
        yǐnqǐ, to give rise to/to lead to/to cause/to arouse
        liǎobuqǐ, amazing/terrific/extraordinary
        qǐmǎ, [起碼], at the minimum/at the very least
        qǐchuáng, to get out of bed/to get up
        kànqǐlai, [看起來], seemingly/apparently/looks as if/appear to be/gives the impression that/seems on...
        qǐfēi, [起飛], (of an aircraft) to take off
        tíqǐ, to mention/to speak of/to lift/to pick up/to arouse/to raise (a topic, a heavy w...
        qǐlì, to stand/Stand up!
        tiǎoqǐ, to provoke/to stir up/to incite
        shēngqǐ, to raise/to hoist/to rise
        qǐchū, originally/at first/at the outset
        jǔqǐ, [舉起], to heave/to lift/to raise up/to uphold
        fāqǐ, [發起], to originate/to initiate/to launch (an attack, an initiative etc)/to start/to pr...
        qǐhuǒ, to catch fire/to cook/to get angry
        qǐjiàn, [起見], motive/purpose/(sth) being the motive or purpose
        qǐdiǎn, [起點], starting point
        qǐshì, to vow/to swear an oath
        zǎoqǐ, to get up early
        qǐcǎo, to make a draft/to draw up (plans)
        qǐyuán, origin/to originate/to come from
        qǐfú, to move up and down/to undulate/ups and downs
        jīqǐ, to arouse/to evoke/to cause/to stir up
        qǐsǐhuíshēng, to rise from the dead (idiom); fig. an unexpected recovery
        qǐjūshì, living room/sitting room
        xiānqǐ, to lift/to raise in height/to begin/upsurge/to set off (a campaign)
        qǐbù, to set out/to set in motion/the start (of some activity)
        qǐshēn, to get up/to leave/to set forth
        qǐzhòngjī, [起重機], crane
        bùqǐyǎn, unremarkable/nothing out of the ordinary
        shùqǐ, [豎起], to erect (a tent etc)/to prick up (one's ears)/to raise (one's eyebrows)/to stic...
        qǐyì, [起義], uprising/insurrection/revolt
        qiáobùqǐ, to look down upon/to hold in contempt
        juéqǐ, to rise abruptly (to a towering position)/to tower over/to spring up/to emerge s...
        qǐxiān, at first/in the beginning
        huànqǐ, [喚起], to waken (to action)/to rouse (the masses)/to evoke (attention, recollection etc...
        bǐqǐ, compared with
        qǐyīn, cause/a factor (leading to an effect)
        xīngqǐ, [興起], to rise/to spring up/to burgeon/to be aroused/to come into vogue
        qǐzi, baking soda (used to leaven bread)/screwdriver/bottle opener
        mǎibuqǐ, [買不起], cannot afford/can't afford buying
        dōngshānzàiqǐ, [東山再起], lit. to return to office after living as a hermit on Mount Dongshan (idiom); fig...
        báishǒuqǐjiā, to build up from nothing/to start from scratch
        qǐmíng, to name/to christen/to take a name
        sìqǐ, to spring up everywhere/from all around
        qǐpǎo, to start running/the start of a race
        kànbuqǐ, to look down upon/to despise
        piānpiānqǐwǔ, (to start) dancing lightly and gracefully
        ránqǐ, to ignite/to light/fig. to spark off (hopes, controversy, flames of revolution)
        qǐbào, to explode/to set off an explosion/to detonate
        qǐsùshū, [起訴書], indictment (law)/statement of charges (law)
        duìdeqǐ, [對得起], not to let sb down/to treat sb fairly/be worthy of
        jīngbuqǐ, [經不起], can't stand it/to be unable to bear/to be unable to resist
        qǐjìn, [起勁], vigorously/energetically/enthusiastically
        fènqǐ, [奮起], to rise vigorously/a spirited start
        qǐháng, (of a ship) to set sail/(of an aeroplane) to take off/also written 啟航|启航[qǐ háng...
        qǐjià, [起價], initial price (e.g. for the first kilometer)/prices starting from
        qǐsè, a turn for the better/to pick up/to improve
        shuōqǐ, [說起], to mention/to bring up (a subject)/with regard to/as for
        qǐjiā, to start out by/to grow an enterprise beginning with/to begin one's career by
线         qǐpǎoxiàn, [起跑線], the starting line (of a race)/scratch line (in a relay race)
        hòuqǐzhīxiù, [後起之秀], an up-and-coming youngster/new talent/a brilliant younger generation
        tūqǐ, to appear suddenly/projection/bit sticking out
        fāqǐrén, [發起人], proposer/initiator/founding member
        qǐluò, to rise and fall/takeoff and landing/ups and downs
        qǐchéng, to set out/to leave
        qǐhòng, [起鬨], to heckle/rowdy jeering/to create a disturbance
        yǎngwòqǐzuò, [仰臥起坐], sit-up (physical exercise)
        qǐdòng, [起動], to start up (a motor)/to launch (a computer application)
        qǐluòjià, undercarriage
        juǎnqǐ, [捲起], variant of 捲起|卷起[juǎn qǐ], to roll up/to curl up/(of dust etc) to swirl up
        qǐmáo, [起錨], to weigh anchor
        jīngdeqǐ, [經得起], to be able to withstand/to be able to endure
        qǐpào, to bubble/to foam/to blister/to sprout boils (on one's body)/sparkling (wine etc...
        qǐshǐ, to originate
        píngqǐpíngzuò, to be on an equal footing
        yángqǐ, [揚起], to raise one's head/to perk up
        bóqǐ, erection/to have an erection
        tūqǐ, convex/protruding/to protrude/to bulge/to buckle upwards
        lóngqǐ, to swell/to bulge
        qǐjiàng, (of aircraft) to take off and land
        gāocháodiéqǐ, each new high point replaced by another/(of a movie etc) one climax after anothe...
        jīnbuqǐ, to be unable to stand
        qǐjū, everyday life/regular pattern of life
        sùránqǐjìng, [肅然起敬], to feel deep veneration for sb (idiom)
        dàqǐdàluò, (of market prices etc) to rapidly fluctuate (idiom)/volatile/significant ups and...
        lìngqǐlúzào, [另起爐灶], lit. to set up a separate kitchen (idiom); to start from scratch/back to square ...
        qǐyòng, to promote/to reinstate (in a position or job)
        qǐchuángháo, [起床號], reveille
        rěbuqǐ, can't afford to offend/dare not provoke/difficult to deal with/insufferable
        qǐzhòng, to lift (sth heavy) using a crane or other mechanical means
        fànqǐ, to appear/to emerge/to surface
        fènqǐzhízhuī, [奮起直追], to catch up vigorously/to set off in hot pursuit
        cǐqǐbǐfú, up here, down there (idiom); to rise and fall in succession/no sooner one subsid...
        hòuyuànqǐhuǒ, [後院起火], a fire in one's backyard/conflict close to home
        yīyuèérqǐ, [一躍而起], to jump up suddenly/to bound up/to rise up in one bound
        kàndeqǐ, to show respect for/to think highly of
        Qǐyà, [起亞], Kia (Motors)
        qǐtóu, [起頭], to start/at first/beginning
        qǐzǎotānhēi, [起早貪黑], to be industrious, rising early and going to bed late
        yuánqǐ, [緣起], origin
        yībìngbùqǐ, to fall gravely ill, never to recover (idiom)
        diéqǐ, continuously arising/to arise repeatedly
        qǐjìng, to feel respect
        yǒngqǐ, [湧起], to well up/to boil out/to bubble forth/to spurt
        nóngmínqǐyì, [農民起義], peasant revolt
        qǐzǎomōhēi, see 起早貪黑|起早贪黑[qǐ zǎo tān hēi]
        pāiànérqǐ, lit. to slap the table and stand up (idiom); fig. at the end of one's tether/una...
稿         qǐgǎo, to make a draft/to draft (a document)
        fēngqǐyúnyǒng, [風起雲湧], to surge like a gathering storm (idiom)/to grow by leaps and bounds
        qǐyùn, [起運], variant of 啟運|启运[qǐ yùn]

        Xiānsheng/xiānsheng, Mister (Mr.), teacher/husband/doctor (dialect)/CL:位[wèi]
        xiān, early/prior/former/in advance/first
        shǒuxiān, first (of all)/in the first place
        lǐngxiān, [領先], to lead/to be in front
        shìxiān, in advance/before the event/beforehand/prior
        xiānjìn, [先進], advanced (technology)/to advance
        xiānzhī, prophet
        yōuxiān, [優先], to have priority/to take precedence
        zǔxiān, ancestor/forebears
        xiānqián, before/previously
        yuánxiān, originally/original/former
        zuìxiān, (the) very first
        yùxiān, [預先], beforehand/in advance
        xiānlì, antecedent/precedent
        qiǎngxiān, [搶先], to rush (to do sth urgent)/to try to be the first/to forestall
        zǎoxiān, previously/before
        qǐxiān, at first/in the beginning
        xiānfēng, [先鋒], vanguard/pioneer/avant-garde
        xiānqū, [先驅], pioneer
        xiānxíng, to precede others/in advance
        xiānhòu, [先後], early or late/priority/in succession/one after another
        xiānlìng, shilling (loanword)
        yáoyáolǐngxiān, [遙遙領先], a long way in front/to lead by a wide margin
        xiānbèi, [先輩], elders/former generations
        hǎohǎoxiānsheng, Mr Goody-goody/yes-man (sb who agrees with anything)
        xiānfāzhìrén, [先發制人], to gain the initiative by striking first (idiom); to preempt/to anticipate/preem...
        xiāntiānxìng, congenital/intrinsic/innateness
        xiānxiàshǒuwéiqiáng, [先下手為強], strike first and gain the upper hand (idiom, martial arts term); Making the firs...
        shuàixiān, to take the lead/to show initiative
        xiāntiān, inborn/innate/natural
        jiézúxiāndēng, the quick-footed climb up first (idiom)/the early bird catches the worm/first co...
        xiānjī, [先機], key moment/decisive opportunity
        xiānrén, ancestors/previous generations/my late father
        xiānrùwéizhǔ, [先入為主], lit. first impression is strongest
        xiāntóu, [先頭], in advance/ahead/before/previously
        xiānzhào, omen
        xiānqūzhě, [先驅者], pioneer
        xiānzǔ, deceased grandfather/ancestry
        yǒuyuēzàixiān, [有約在先], to have a prior engagement
        zhēngxiānkǒnghòu, [爭先恐後], striving to be first and fearing to be last (idiom); outdoing one another
        yīmǎdāngxiān, [一馬當先], to take the lead
        xiānjiànzhīmíng, [先見之明], foresight
        zàixiān, to come first/previous/prior/beforehand/first/formerly
        xiānfù, deceased father/my late father
        xiānfēngduì, [先鋒隊], vanguard
        xiānhé, priority/sth advocated first/refers to ancient tradition: Worship the river firs...
        xiānqiǎnduì, [先遣隊], advance party/advance troops
        xiānyàn, [先驗], a priori (philosophy)
        xiānjuétiáojiàn, [先決條件], precondition/prerequisite
        xiāndǔwéikuài, [先睹為快], joy of first experience (idiom)/the pleasure of reading sth for the first time
        xiānzhīxiānjué, [先知先覺], foresight/having foresight/person of foresight
        kāilùxiānfēng, [開路先鋒], pioneer/trailbreaker
        xiānfēngpài, [先鋒派], avant-garde
        xiānzhǎnhòuzòu, [先斬後奏], first decapitate then present your trophy (idiom); act first, report later
        xiānqī, in advance/beforehand/premature/front-end
        shēnxiānshìzú, to fight at the head of one's troops/(fig.) to take the lead
        xiānshēngduórén, [先聲奪人], to gain the upper hand by a show of strength
        xiānlǐhòubīng, [先禮後兵], peaceful measures before using force (idiom); diplomacy before violence/jaw-jaw ...
        xiāntiānbùzú, congenital deficiency/inherent weakness
        zhēngxiān, [爭先], to compete to be first/to contest first place
        xiānxíngzhě, forerunner
        zhànxiān, [佔先], to take precedence
        xiāndǎo, [先導], guide/forerunner/pioneer
        xiānliè, martyr
        jìnshuǐlóutáixiāndéyuè, [近水樓臺先得月], the pavilion closest to the water enjoys moonlight first (idiom)/to benefit from...
        xiānjué, [先決], prerequisite/precondition
        gǎnwéirénxiān, [敢為人先], to dare to be first/to pioneer (idiom)
        wèilǎoxiānshuāi, to age prematurely

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