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[滋補品] zībǔpǐn tonic

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Word Compounds

        zīwèi, taste/flavor/feeling
        àizībìng, AIDS (loanword)
        zī, to grow/to nourish/to increase/to cause/juice/taste/(dialect) to spout/to spurt
        àizī, AIDS (loanword)/see also 愛滋病|爱滋病[ài zī bìng]
        zīrùn, [滋潤], moist/humid/to moisten/to provide moisture/comfortably off
        àizībìng, [愛滋病], variant of 艾滋病[ài zī bìng]
        àizī, [愛滋], AIDS (loanword)/see also 愛滋病|爱滋病[ài zī bìng]
        àizībìngdú, human immune deficiency virus (HIV)/the AIDS virus
        zīshēng, to breed/to flourish/to cause/to provoke/to create
        zīyǎng, [滋養], to nourish
        zīshì, to cause trouble/to provoke a dispute
        zīzhǎng, [滋長], to grow (usually of abstract things)/to yield/to develop
        yǒuzīyǒuwèi, flavorsome/(fig.) delightful/full of interest
        zībǔ, [滋補], nourishing/nutritious
        zībǔpǐn, [滋補品], tonic/invigorant
        měizīzī, very happy/elated
        xǐzīzī, pleased/happy
        měinǎizī, mayonnaise (loanword) (Tw)

        bǔcháng, [補償], to compensate/to make up
        míbǔ, [彌補], to complement/to make up for a deficiency
        bǔ, [補], to repair/to patch/to mend/to make up for/to fill (a vacancy)/to supplement
        bǔchōng, [補充], to replenish/to supplement/to complement/additional/supplementary/CL:個|个[gè]
        bǔjǐ, [補給], supply/replenishment/to replenish
        bǔjiù, [補救], to remedy
        xiūbǔ, [修補], to mend
        tiánbǔ, [填補], to fill a gap/to fill in a blank (on a form)/to overcome a deficiency
        tìbǔ, [替補], to replace (a damaged component with a new one, an injured player with a substit...
        hòubǔ, [候補], to wait to fill a vacancy/reserve (candidate)/alternate/substitute
        bǔtiē, [補貼], to subsidize/subsidy/allowance/to supplement (one's salary etc)/benefit
        yúshìwúbǔ, [於事無補], unhelpful/useless
        bǔzhù, [補助], to subsidize/subsidy/allowance
        bǔxí, [補習], to take extra lessons in a cram school or with a private tutor
        bǔding, [補丁], patch (for mending clothes, tires etc)/(software) patch
        wángyángbǔláo, [亡羊補牢], lit. to mend the pen after sheep are lost (idiom)/fig. to act belatedly/better l...
        bǔxíbān, [補習班], cram class/cram school/evening classes
        hùbǔ, [互補], complementary/to complement each other
        bǔkǎo, [補考], to sit for a makeup exam/to resit an exam/makeup exam/resit
        bǔjǐpǐn, [補給品], supplies/stores
        bǔkè, [補課], to make up missed lesson/to reschedule a class
        bǔguò, [補過], to make up for an earlier mistake/to make amends
        féngbǔ, [縫補], to darn (clothing)/to sew and mend
        bǔyá, [補牙], to fill a tooth (cavity)/to have a tooth filled/a dental filling
        zībǔ, [滋補], nourishing/nutritious
        bǔpǐn, [補品], tonic
        bǔyào, [補藥], tonic
        dìbǔ, [遞補], to substitute/to complement in the proper order/to fill vacancies progressively
        bǔchángfèi, [補償費], compensation
        qǔchángbǔduǎn, [取長補短], lit. use others' strengths to make up for one's weak points (idiom from Mencius)...
        zhībǔ, [織補], darning/to darn
        bǔzú, [補足], to bring up to full strength/to make up a deficiency/to fill (a vacancy, gap etc...
        zībǔpǐn, [滋補品], tonic/invigorant
        bǔjǐzhàn, [補給站], depot/supply station/supply point/staging post
        bǔquē, [補缺], to fill a vacancy/to make up for a shortage/to supply a deficiency
        bǔpiào, [補票], to buy or upgrade a ticket after boarding a train, boat etc/to buy a ticket for ...
        bǔsè, [補色], complementary color
        tiānbu, [添補], to fill (up)/to replenish
        zēngbǔ, [增補], to augment/to supplement/to add
        bǔyǔ, [補語], complement (grammar)
        bǔfā, [補發], to supply again (sth lost)/to reissue/to pay retroactively

        dúpǐn, drugs/narcotics/poison
        zuòpǐn, work (of art)/opus/CL:部[bù],篇[piān]
        wùpǐn, articles/goods/materials
        chǎnpǐn, [產品], goods/merchandise/product/CL:個|个[gè]
        shípǐn, foodstuff/food/provisions/CL:種|种[zhǒng]
        pǐnpái, brand name/trademark
        pǐn, article/commodity/product/goods/kind/grade/rank/character/disposition/nature/tem...
        yàopǐn, [藥品], medicaments/medicine/drug
        yòngpǐn, articles for use/products/goods
        pǐnwèi, to sample/to taste/to appreciate/one's taste (i.e. in music, literature, fashion...
        jiǎngpǐn, [獎品], award/prize
        yìshùpǐn, [藝術品], art piece/work of art/CL:件[jiàn]
        huàzhuāngpǐn, [化妝品], cosmetic/makeup product
        shāngpǐn, commodity/goods/merchandise/CL:個|个[gè]
        jìniànpǐn, [紀念品], souvenir
        xiǎopǐn, short, simple literary or artistic creation/essay/skit
        zhànlìpǐn, [戰利品], spoils of war
        pǐncháng, [品嘗], to taste a small amount/to sample
        pǐnzhì, [品質], character/intrinsic quality (of a person)/quality (of a product or service, or a...
        pǐnwèi, rank/grade/quality/(aesthetic) taste
        yàngpǐn, [樣品], sample/specimen
        jípǐn, [極品], best quality/item of the highest quality/(slang) outrageous/annoying in the extr...
        pǐnzhǒng, [品種], breed/variety/CL:個|个[gè]
        tiánpǐn, dessert
        yànpǐn, [贗品], fake/counterfeit article
        zhìpǐn, [製品], products/goods
        zhuāngshìpǐn, [裝飾品], ornament
        jìpǐn, offering
        xīshēngpǐn, [犧牲品], sacrificial victim/sb who is expendable/item sold at a loss
        fùzhìpǐn, [複製品], replica/reproduction
        lǐpǐn, [禮品], gift/present
        cángpǐn, museum piece/collector's item/precious object
        fèipǐn, [廢品], production rejects/seconds/scrap/discarded material
        tìdàipǐn, substitute/alternative
        pǐntuō, [品脫], pint (approx. 0.47 liter) (loanword)
        rénpǐn, moral standing/moral quality/character/personality/appearance/looks (colloquial)...
        bìxūpǐn, necessity/essential (thing)
        huàxuépǐn, [化學品], chemicals
        shìpǐn, [飾品], ornament/item of jewelry/accessory
        pǐnjiǔ, to taste wine/to sip wine
        shēchǐpǐn, luxury good
        pǐnxíng, behavior/moral conduct
        zhǎnpǐn, exhibit/displayed item
        zèngpǐn, [贈品], gift/complimentary item/freebie/giveaway
        ātuōpǐn, atropine C7H3NǑ, alkaloid drug derived from deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna...
        gōngyìpǐn, [工藝品], handicraft article/handiwork/CL:個|个[gè]
仿         fǎngzhìpǐn, [仿製品], counterfeit object/fake
        pǐndé, moral character
        chéngpǐn, finished goods/a finished product
        yǐnpǐn, [飲品], beverage
        zhēnpǐn, valuable object/curio
        huòpǐn, [貨品], goods
        jīngpǐn, quality goods/premium product/fine work (of art)
        pǐntóulùnzú, [品頭論足], lit. to assess the head and discuss the feet (idiom); minute criticism of a woma...
        dǐyāpǐn, security (property held against a loan)/mortgaged property
        pǐngé, one's character/fret (on fingerboard of lute or guitar)
        rìyòngpǐn, articles for daily use/CL:件[jiàn],個|个[gè]
        jīngpǐndiàn, boutique
        cìpǐn, substandard products/defective/seconds
        nǎizhìpǐn, [奶製品], dairy product
        fùshǔpǐn, [附屬品], accessory/affiliated material/adjunct
        fùchǎnpǐn, [副產品], by-product
        bǔjǐpǐn, [補給品], supplies/stores
        tiáowèipǐn, [調味品], seasoning/flavoring
        gòngpǐn, [貢品], tribute
        nóngchǎnpǐn, [農產品], agricultural produce
        wēixiǎnpǐn, [危險品], hazardous materials
        pǐnxìng, nature/characteristic/moral character
        fǎngzhīpǐn, [紡織品], textile/fabrics
        rǔzhìpǐn, [乳製品], dairy products
        bànchéngpǐn, semi-manufactured goods/semifinished articles/semifinished products
        gòngpǐn, offering
        pǐnchá, to taste tea/to sip tea
        rǔpǐn, dairy product
        gōngyìngpǐn, [供應品], supplies
        zhèngpǐn, certified goods/quality product/normal product/A-class goods
        shàngpǐn, top-quality
        měishùpǐn, [美術品], an art object
        wěizàopǐn, [偽造品], counterfeit object/forgery/fake
        bǔpǐn, [補品], tonic
        yìnshuāpǐn, printed products
        juépǐn, [絕品], peerless artwork/absolute gem
        fùshípǐn, non-staple foods/(Tw) solids (food for infants other than breast milk and formul...
        pǐnhóng, [品紅], pink/light red
        yīpǐn, superb/first-rate/(of officials in imperial times) the highest rank
        pǐnpíng, [品評], to judge/to assess
        zhīpǐn, [織品], textile
        shìyòngpǐn, [試用品], prototype/trial product/test sample
        pǐnxuéjiānyōu, [品學兼優], excelling both in morals and studies (idiom); top marks for studies and for beha...
        zībǔpǐn, [滋補品], tonic/invigorant
        xiāofèipǐn, [消費品], consumer goods
        yìránwùpǐn, flammable articles
        píngtóupǐnzú, [評頭品足], to make idle remarks about a woman's appearance (idiom)
        yīpǐnhóng, [一品紅], poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima)
        yíngyǎngpǐn, [營養品], nourishment/nutrient
        bèipǐn, [備品], machine parts or tools kept in reserve/spare parts
        diāokèpǐn, sculpture
        zhēnzhīpǐn, [針織品], knitwear
        guǒpǐn, fruit
        jìnpǐn, contraband goods
        pǐnmù, item
        bóláipǐn, [舶來品], (old) imported goods/foreign goods
        nǎipǐn, dairy product
        shāngpǐnhuà, commodification
        shēngwùzhìpǐn, [生物製品], biological product
        pǐnmíng, to taste tea/to sip tea
        quántouchǎnpǐn, [拳頭產品], competitive product/superior goods/with real punch
        Pǐnchuān, Shinagawa River/Shinagawa district of Tokyo
        yóupǐn, [郵品], items issued by a postal service and collected by philatelists (stamps, postcard...
        pǐnxì, [品繫], strain (of a species)
        pǐnmào, behavior and appearance

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